Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Courageous chin. Physiognomy: we read the character by the shape of the chin

The pit on the chin is a fairly common feature of the facial structure in representatives of the Caucasian race. It arises, according to physiologists, due to the underdevelopment of the tissues that attach the skin to the bone. Indentations occur in places where muscle fibers are attached to the deep superficial layers of the skin - on the chin and cheeks. This feature is inherited. Sometimes a depression in the skin looks like a "prick", and then it is called a fossa. Sometimes there is a groove on the chin, and then they talk about a cleft chin.

What can the fossa on the chin tell about, and why did our ancestors treat people marked with this feature with some wariness?

What does physiognomy say?

Physiognomy - this is the name of the doctrine according to which the type of personality of a person, his spiritual qualities and even the state of health are associated with the features of his face - today they are considered pseudoscience.

However, for centuries, such a connection was considered an undeniable scientific truth. A number of serious scientists paid tribute to physiognomy. Among them are the Swiss anthropologist and writer Lavater (1741-1801), the Italian physician Montegazza (1831-1910) and the Italian psychiatrist Lambroso (1835-1909).

Lavater considered the dimple in his chin to be a sign of good nature. Montegazza, without disputing this statement, noted that the dimple, increasing attractiveness, indicates that this person has a body more beautiful than the soul. As for Lambroso, he, who described in his writings the features of the appearance of "typical criminals", paid attention to chins Special attention. In his opinion, a protruding quadrangular, split chin betrays a born killer. The chin is more accurate, with a hole in the middle, typical of a swindler, whose appearance is generally quite good-natured and endearing.

These statements can be treated as you like, but they are based on beliefs that have existed for centuries.

It has long been believed that people with a dimpled chin are "kissed by God." These natures are bright, extraordinary and artistic. And at the same time, they have a number of traits that make them quite dangerous individuals.

Men with such dimples are different strong-willed character, courage and recklessness, bordering on adventurism. They tend to act thoughtlessly and lack patience. In addition, men with a dimpled chin tend to be very attractive to women and have an immoderate sexual appetite.

Women with such a feature of the face, according to physiognomists, are impulsive, selfish and incapable of compromise. At the same time, they are very attractive for men, the dimples give their appearance a certain “zest”.

Thus, the owner of a cleft chin - whether a woman or a man - is just a walking element.

What does folk tradition say?

A special attitude to the dimple on the chin was not only in Europe, but also here in Russia.

Men with a pit in the chin were generally not favored. They were credited with inconstancy, unbridled temperament and stubbornness. In addition, in Russia, good fellows, marked with pits on their chins, were also very fond of girls. Evidence of this can be found in folk beliefs described by Russian ethnographers I. Sakharov and A. Tereshchenko.

In a Ukrainian folk song, a handsome man who won the heart of a girl is described in this way: “... A vishivanka shirt, that tall, stringy one with a hole in his beard.”

There is a saying these days: "A pit on the chin - idiots love it."

However, the general disapproving attitude of a Russian person to a fossa on a man's chin is also caused by the fact that any feature of this part of the face is obvious only if the man is Brit. A smooth chin is decent only for a completely green boy, but not for an adult. The ornament of a man's face is a beard. A shaved chin, and even marked with a hole, was considered a sign of debauchery and depravity.

Besides, there is something subtly alien about the cleft chin. The Slavic type of appearance corresponds to a face with rounded, soft forms. A firmly defined cleft chin is usually a sign of the "Nordic" type, characteristic of the Germans, for example. But the Germans and all sorts of foreign people in Russia were not favored.

Women with a dimpled chin in Russia were treated somewhat softer. Popular rumor attributed to them love and kindness.

A dimple on a girl's chin was also considered a sign that her firstborn would be a boy.

But at the same time, men were afraid of the stormy temperament of the owners of such a feature, because folk saying said that "The pit on the chin is the mark of a whore" (a stronger expression was used in the original).

Strong-willed chin

It is customary to call a strong-willed chin, as it were, bent upwards (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy.

Rice. 3.14. Strong-willed chin

The heavier the chin looks and the more it protrudes forward, the more strong-willed nature appears before us. It is difficult to negotiate with such a person, therefore, in dealing with him, one should use strength, determination and fearlessness.

From the book We read faces. Physiognomy the author Schwartz Theodore

Chin The shape of a person's chin speaks of his strength, independence and temperament. There is a direct dependence of the character on the chin: the coarser and more significant the chin on the face, the more dynamic, stubborn and tough the character of the

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Long and sharp chin A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often attributed to cunning fairy-tale characters. Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chinAnd not by chance. Such people stand out among others, on the one hand, with a penetrating mind, on the other, with cunning and

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Poorly defined chin A poorly defined, almost imperceptible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called limp. And not in vain. According to physiognomic characteristics, he indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can be expressed

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Bifurcated chin Bifurcated chin (Fig. 3.15) characterizes people who are fickle and amorous. Rice. 3.15. Split chinDespite their passionate nature, such people very often seek solitude and peace. In their views and beliefs, they are a little

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If you dream of a forehead or chin ... To dream of a high, beautiful forehead promises respect and a good reputation that will be achieved thanks to your prudence and desire for justice. A low forehead warns of danger, that you need to collect

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Chin and jaw A mole on a man's chin indicates his domineering and despotic character. Such people are accustomed to setting specific goals for themselves and just as concretely achieving them. Why they do not neglect any means. Sometimes people with a mole on

Owners sharp chin subconsciously resist when they are told that something needs to be done. They automatically fight back if they feel even the slightest pressure. The more they are forced to do something, the more they balk and refuse to budge. Working with people who have this trait will make you feel like you're banging your head against a wall. These are extremely stubborn. However, they can be easily convinced by reasonable and logical arguments - the explanation in this case works much better than pressure.

Stubborn people seem to withstand emotional pressure better than others. However, in reality, they just hide their . Ultimately, this affects health - rebels often develop stomach ulcers, shingles or allergic rashes.

If you are acute, and you have this character trait, then, instead of automatically refusing everyone and everything, it is better to tell the interlocutor: “Let me return to this later” or “I will consider your offer.” This will help to avoid a large number frustration and help keep the conversation going. Ask yourself what gives you your stubbornness, especially unreasonable and groundless. What is it like when you resist? Are you intelligent about whether your resistance is based on principles or feelings? If you find yourself under pressure, think of ways to help you take your mind off the pressure. For example, you can take a walk along the river, listen to music, or do something that will help you relax.

The chin is located in the lower part of the face and is one of the main components that determine its shape. In turn, the shape of the chin depends on the lateral angle of the lower jaw and is determined by the degree of development of the base of the "chin triangle" - the elevation in the anterior part of the chin zone (Fig. 43).Rice. 43 The width of the chin triangle: a- narrow chin,b- wide chinIf the angle of the lower jaw is more than 125 degrees and the "chin triangle" is sharp - Bottom part faces refers to narrow options (triangular or oval). If the angle of the lower jaw is closer to a straight line (less than 125 degrees), then the chin belongs to the wide options (rectangular or round shape), (Fig. 44).Rice. 44 Chin shape optionsFrom lower lip the chin is separated by the chin-labial furrow. This is a short and clear depression, clearly visible in males.From the chin region located on the neck, under the lower jaw, between its base and the hyoid bone, the chin is separated by the chin groove. It passes under the edge of the lower jaw and transmits its transverse furrow. This configuration is clearly visible in thin people and is almost always noticeable in older people, as well as with a slight tilt of the head. In older people, a fold forms, sometimes double, this is the so-called “double chin.” The chin is separated from the cheeks by a thin fold (chin-cheek groove), from the side it is slightly convex. At a young age, it may be absent, but over time it becomes noticeable, especially in older people. In women and young people, the chin has a regular, convex, slightly rounded shape. In men, the chin is more often massive, wide, flat and protruding.

On the convexity of the anterior surface of the chin, there is often a dimple or a vertical furrow. Their presence is associated with the direct adhesion of the skin to the bone structure (Fig. 45c, d).
Rice. 45 Varieties of chinsOn a racial basis, chins have their own characteristics. Among the peoples of Australia, the chin is wide, square, the jaw protrudes slightly. Polynesians have a massive lower jaw and an upturned chin. In representatives of the Negroid race, the chin, unlike the lips, protrudes slightly, and in the Mongoloids, it is practically absent. The population of the American continent is characterized by a protruding, well-defined chin. For the peoples of the Mediterranean - also a protruding chin and a high lower jaw, like the inhabitants of England, Iceland, Denmark and northern Germany. The peoples of the Iranian group have a low lower jaw, the inhabitants of Scandinavia have a pointed chin, a wide and low jaw. A low and narrow jaw, with an upturned and high chin, is characteristic of the population of the Adriatic. small chin typical of Indians and northeastern regions of Africa.

The chin is important for facial expression and, according to physiognomists, fleshy, full, wide, upturned and protruding forward is considered auspicious. According to the Chinese, such a chin is a "gift of the gods", and testifies to the increased sexuality and unbending will of its owner. Rectangular chin speaks of stubbornness, and pointed - of inner kindness. A short, narrow and sloping chin is considered unfavorable. Favorable for women is a full, rounded, protruding somewhat forward, and preferably a split chin.

A tender, fleshy and rounded chin is a sign of sensuality and weakness, while small, unpointed chins are characteristic of timid people. A flattened chin accompanies a cold and dry nature, with refined feelings. The sloping backward chin suggests prudence, prudence and caution (Fig. 45f). A strongly protruding chin, as a rule, is inherent in resolute, strong-willed and stubborn people, with inflated conceit (Fig. 45e).A wide chin is a sign of pride, arrogance, and sometimes rudeness and cruelty (Fig. 45a); a sharp one symbolizes wit and some cunning of a person (Fig. 45b).

A flat, sheer chin, according to physiognomists, betrays a cold-blooded phlegmatic person (Fig. 45g), a fleshy double chin (Fig. 45h) indicates a balanced, sensual lover of life, not indifferent to food.

A rounded chin with a dimple is evidence of kindness and adornment of Russian beauties from museums and art galleries (Fig. 45c).Judgment and composure are revealed in a person with a deep vertical fold of the chin (Fig. 45d), such people tend to think over each act a few steps ahead, they are reasonable, but prone to solitude.

The shape and type of the face is complemented by its lateral parts - the cheeks. They are in proportional dependence with other parts of the face and determine its general configuration and constitutional type. So, for melancholics, sunken, lean cheeks are typical, and round-faced phlegmatic people are characterized by rounded ones. Smooth, beautifully contoured cheeks testify to the sensuality, tenderness and generosity of a person. Parallel folds on a young face when smiling are considered a sign of frivolity, but dimples on the cheeks, such as those of the people's artist Vera Vasilyeva, characterize sociability, kindness, and a slight irony of their owner's character.

If in the art of face reading the forehead is the sky, then the chin is the earth. Look closely at the chin if you want to know what a person's life will be like in old age. It is he who hides the secrets of time.

A Chinese proverb says: a beautifully rounded, smooth chin speaks of a prosperous old age. From the chin, you can learn about working capacity, endurance and vitality, that is, about the method and manner of action with which a person copes with the requirements of life until death itself.

The chin gives us general information about how things stand with physical and mental strength, whether there will be enough energy reserve until old age, and, finally, whether it will be possible to maintain the joy of life. They say about the ideal chin if it describes an even arc, without being either angular or round. In addition, the chin should not dominate the face, all parts of the face should be in harmony.

round chin

A person with a round chin is distinguished by a pronounced sense of family and an even friendly temperament. He exerts on others positive influence. In controversial cases, he is great as a peacemaker. These people willingly take responsibility for the work performed and have high moral principles. By no means can they be called ambitious.

round chin

They seem to lack purposeful career planning. However, their career starts early enough. Sociability brings them almost always success at work. Women with a round chin are considered emphatically emotional and willingly work for their family. In China they say: women with round chins fertile. Erotically, they are easy to satisfy: acrobatic exercises are not for them. Most of all they are concerned about the happiness of children and prosperity in the house, family happiness often becomes the center of their lives. The prospect of being surrounded by a dozen grandchildren in old age is the dream of a woman with a round chin.

A pointy chin

People with sharp chins have high intelligence, but they are overly sensitive and prone to mood swings. They are said to be fond of gossip and have a penchant for treachery.

The worst thing that can happen to such a person is loneliness. This fickle character requires constant movement and an audience to satisfy his great need for communication. Often these people also have the ability to perceive the supersensible. Relying on this gift, they can sometimes benefit for themselves.

A pointy chin

Professionally, they are not only excellent workers, but also have the ability to make decisions quickly. If women with sharp chins reach heights in social activities, then men with this type of chin are distinguished by outstanding technical abilities. Women and men with this chin shape sometimes have difficulty in personal life they cannot cope with own feelings. This leads to misunderstandings, for example, someone with sharp chin due to his gullibility, he sees more in flirting than it really is. Women with a sharp chin often have excellent vocal abilities, which is especially admired by men. However, these ladies are gullible and enthusiastic, they are ready to rush headlong into marriage, the stability of which is in great doubt.

wide chin

This strong chin indicates the correct, honest man who has great self-confidence and finds satisfaction in his work. Everything he starts is brought to an end. It seems that a wide chin has inexhaustible reserves of energy. The business and social successes of these people are a matter of course.

Their sense of justice brings them much sympathy. Not without envious people here. Negative Traits: pronounced stubbornness and a tendency to aggression. True, these traits of character appear, as experience shows, only in rare cases.

wide chin

Such people defend their honor very resolutely, in this case the jokes stop instantly. The palette of their feelings is diverse - from a pronounced protective instinct to a deep love for their own children and the ability to sympathize with others, but in relation to a partner they often cannot show their feelings, perhaps for fear of losing control over themselves.

If ever a man with a wide chin is deceived by his mistress, then he will be consistent to the end and will never forgive such an insult.

Angled chin

Looking at a person with an angular chin, one can immediately say that this is a fighter, energetic and active, sometimes even prone to bitterness and rudeness. Such a character does not tolerate defeat. Such a person never forgets disrespect and insults, because he can be incredibly vindictive. People with this chin shape are unlikely to rush headlong into professional or personal life, but will usually act according to a carefully designed plan. But, it is known that life does not always go according to plan, and sometimes surprises. Despite their vitality, a person with an angular chin does not feel the joy of being. His penchant for exaggerated discipline makes him a dry pedant. For full communication, he lacks flexibility.

Angled chin

If the energy and fighting spirit of such a person are directed in the wrong direction, then he can easily fall into criminal environment. This form of chin is often found in criminal cases in the economy and even rapists.

People with an angular chin like to live in a big way. If, against expectation, they ever find themselves in cramped financial circumstances, they will never confess their misfortune, but rather write a bad check. A love affair due to a series of misunderstandings can easily turn into chaos for them. They were not born to love and be loved. Because of their rude manners, a possible partner would rather run away than go to bed. Women of this type usually dominate the partnership, and not by own will, just the main role is imposed on them by fate. But experience proves that such a situation can suit them.

Protruding chin

This predominantly male form the chin indicates great self-confidence, sometimes excessive self-confidence and aggressiveness. Having strong will, the owner of such a chin can direct negative traits character in a favorable direction. Success very early accompanies such a person. He is considered a born entrepreneur or manager. Often these people have a special sense of language that helps them reach leadership positions in the service.

In their restless nature lies a danger to both their business and their personal lives. They may suddenly quit Good work and do something completely different, such as choosing a profession related to art. It is worth noting that they often have a pronounced creative talent and know how to make friends.

Protruding chin

They hardly need to worry about their physical health. Them physical strength and a strong physique, as a rule, cause envy. Women with a protruding chin are considered very purposeful in achieving a career and are endowed with conspicuous beautiful breasts. They have a reliable instinct to find the right man who can satisfy their various needs.

Women involved in science usually experience financial difficulties. But if they have enough money, they scatter it right and left, although some of them are as poor as church mice.

long chin

A long chin indicates a very emotional, often mentally unstable person. Due to their inherent instability of character, they are sometimes prone to gambling. When excited, they are capable of uncontrolled risk.

Surprisingly, people seem to long chin always have money, and it is not clear whether they got it legally. But their wealth can be used by others. Positive features organizational talent and the ability to make friends. Professionally, they do not strive to reach leadership positions, as they are completely devoid of vanity. But thanks to their bright abilities, they often occupy a high position.

long chin

Happiness, which does not always accompany them in the game, they find in abundance in love. Women and men with this chin shape can show a lot of tenderness towards their partner. Usually they enjoy a lot of attention of the opposite sex. Their bright love life able to compensate for some of the difficulties in their lives.

Receding chin

People with a sloping chin, according to XiangMing, do not have great ambition, so promotion is not the main thing in life for them. However, they are very popular because of their peacefulness. Their interests are mainly focused on creating for themselves the most peaceful life possible.

Receding chin

The period between 35 and 50 years old can be very hectic, and there may be blows of fate. They must reckon with a dramatic turn in their lives. The problems that have arisen can be solved by these people only when they learn to overcome their passivity, indifference and vigorously fight for happiness.

cleft chin

People with a cleft chin are captivating with their passion for adventure, and it seems that they are constantly waiting for a new challenge of fate. Cheerful in disposition and balanced, they have an image good comrades. This assessment is fully consistent with reality.

Ambition and panache are alien to these people, although they like to be in the spotlight. They undoubtedly enjoy the sympathy of others, so they rarely appear alone. Such people enter into numerous relationships, and each time they fall deeply and seriously in love. They know how to enjoy love and sex with their beloved (beloved). But don't expect loyalty from them. The constant search for perfect happiness makes them tireless. They seem to be full of boundless life force, which helps them to maintain spiritual youth until old age.

cleft chin

30 years, 60, 65 and 75 years are the most eventful years in the life of these individuals. success in professional activity(both men and women) contributes to their attractive appearance. But they must show their readiness to achieve something themselves. If there is a dimple in the middle of the bifurcated chin, then this person, according to interpreters, has a more serious character. In love, he will be lucky to find a permanent and reliable partner. However, on his part, accidental betrayals are not excluded, but this will not lead to a quick break in relations.

Double chin

Regarding the double chin, XiangMing says: late happiness, after 60 years - double happiness. A double chin is a predominantly female form of the chin. It is not difficult to assume that these people know how to enjoy life, especially food. They can withstand extremely heavy loads and skillfully conduct dialogue in discussions. Obviously, their cheerful nature is appreciated, as their company is always welcome. Surprisingly, people with a double chin sometimes have a passionate temperament.

Double chin

Men with this chin shape often have a penchant for unusual professions, but in any case they show a special talent for earning money. big money. However, the accumulation of wealth does not satisfy these people. They can be unusually generous and easily part with money.

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