Biographies Characteristics Analysis

UFO who are they? Who are the aliens - the secrets of UFOs

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

Really UFO are extraterrestrial ships and aliens have been monitoring our civilization since ancient times? Where do UFOs come from? These questions interest many people on our planet.

However, the answers to them are so different and contradictory that it is very difficult to understand where the truth is hidden. Maybe the whole point is that the UFO phenomenon is too multifaceted for clear answers?

Since June 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold famously observed flying saucers in the skies over the Cascade Mountains in Washington state, various publications on the topic of UFOs have been on the pages of newspapers and magazines. Today, the number of skeptics who deny the reality of UFOs has decreased sharply.

And this is not surprising, because flying saucers were observed not only by untrustworthy housewives, they were seen by civilian and military pilots, sailors, submariners, astronauts, and even the American president was among the eyewitnesses. In addition, over the past decades, many UFO videos have been made, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt.

True, many scientists do not believe that UFOs have any connection with aliens from outer space. One of the arguments is huge distances to the nearest stars, overcoming which, even at the speed of light, will take an unrealistically long time.

At the same time, pundits do not take into account the fact that in the 19th century, a trip from Moscow to the Far East in just seven hours would also have been perceived as science fiction. Perhaps now we simply do not know about other ways to overcome huge distances.

In my opinion, the fact of the lack of results in a long search for signals from brothers in mind is not a serious argument. Maybe these “brothers” are simply smarter than us and do not “voice” to the whole Universe about their existence; you never know what guests might respond to this call.

It seems to me that it is time to abandon the idea that only humane, highly developed civilizations can go into deep space and bring us goodness and prosperity. In this regard, it is not worth sending signals with information about our civilization into deep space.

Let's return to the UFO. At the moment, the question is not about the reality of UFOs, but about their nature. In 2000, a British Ministry of Defense report described UFOs as follows: “A significant body of evidence supports the thesis that (UFO) events are almost certainly caused by physical, electrical and magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere.

They appear in the presence of certain weather conditions and electrical charge and are observed very infrequently, which allows observers to talk about their uniqueness.”

But several years ago, German scientists puzzled ufologists with the statement that in reality there are simply no UFOs. It's just lightning charges shaped like a ball. They can soar in the sky, move chaotically, instantly changing their trajectory, and even hover motionless.

If a military aircraft tries to catch up with such an energy ball, it naturally experiences problems with its instruments, and when approaching close, they completely fail.

It turns out that there are no “starships” in the skies of the Earth?

Don't rush to conclusions. The conclusions of German scientists, for example, cannot explain the emergence of UFOs from the depths of the seas and oceans, observations of UFOs of a strict geometric shape with side lights and even portholes, contacts with humanoids, and mass abductions by aliens. It remains to admit that in addition to thunderstorm charges, something extraterrestrial also appears in our sky.


So, UFO observations are explained mainly by human technical activities (rocket launches, observations of satellites and aircraft, etc.) and various atmospheric phenomena. But some observations cannot be explained by natural causes. It can be assumed that they just refer to alien ships. Where do they come from?

There is no doubt that The main base of UFOs is the Moon. Once, astronomers managed to record a whole string of UFOs heading from the Earth to its satellite. UFOs accompanied all American ships during their flight to the Moon, and on the satellite itself, the first person to set foot on its surface, Neil Armstrong, immediately saw alien spaceships, which he very emotionally reported to Earth.

Extraterrestrial spacecraft were observed not only by American astronauts, but even by amateur astronomers. For example, Fred Stekling and his son observed three cigar-shaped objects in the Archimedes Crater, each about 20 km long and 5 km wide... The “cigars” remained in the crater for several hours and then disappeared. In the 90s, a Japanese amateur astronomer recorded video of a huge UFO maneuvering over the surface of the Moon.

Where did the aliens come from on the Moon? It is possible that they arrived from another star system and established a permanent base on our satellite. Or maybe, thousands of years ago, they arrived in our solar system on the Moon itself, because there is a hypothesis that it is a huge spaceship.

By the way, it’s worth recalling once again about another hypothetical UFO space base - the Earth’s twin planet Gloria. According to the hypothesis of astrophysicist Kirill Pavlovich Butusov, it is located in the Earth’s orbit, hidden from us by the Sun.

Since the conditions there are almost identical to those on Earth, many assume the presence of intelligent life on Gloria. Due to the fact that Gloria is in a very unstable position, any global cataclysm on Earth could become a disaster for her. That is why the inhabitants of this planet are constantly watching us carefully.


Those who do not want to believe in the extraterrestrial origin of flying saucers have put forward another hypothesis, according to which UFOs are time machines and come to us from the future. From the perspective of this hypothesis, UFO sightings in various historical eras are easily explained - our distant descendants visit the past for research purposes, and perhaps as tourists...

It becomes clear that there is no desire for contacts and non-interference in earthly affairs, because any change in the past entails unpredictable changes in the future.

In addition to hypotheses about alien spaceships and time travelers, there is also an assumption that UFOs come to us from parallel worlds. We cannot exclude the versatility of the phenomenon; perhaps we are seeing extraterrestrial ships, time machines, and visitors from parallel worlds as UFOs.

Andrey Sidorenko

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been repeatedly observed by eyewitnesses in different areas of the planet and in the skies above it. Ufologists who study this phenomenon disagree about its nature and origin. Some believe that these are alien ships from deep space, others take them for devices of guests from parallel worlds. Still others are confident that the mysterious saucers and balls in the sky are the consequences of secret military developments hidden by the government from the population. But all ufologists have no doubt whether UFOs really exist. But is this really so? Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and consider some.

First you need to figure out what a UFO looks like . Photographs hastily taken by eyewitnesses showed blurry outlines of "plates", "triangles" and other objects of strange shapes that moved purposefully across the sky. At night, a UFO looks like a different number of luminous balls that move rapidly or smoothly among the clouds. These are always unclear silhouettes in the sky. Visions of this kind of objects are called contacts of the first type in ufology. The next stage involves a closer encounter with the unknown: paralysis, sensations of heat or cold, radio interference. Contacts of the third type involve collisions with living beings, that is, aliens or inhabitants of parallel worlds. A fourth type of contact is also known, when a person is abducted by mysterious aliens.

Evidence of UFOs

Eyewitness accounts are the most unreliable justification for belief in mysterious alien ships visiting Earth. People can be overly impressionable and mistake for UFOs something that in fact is not one: from plastic bags to balloons for studying the atmosphere. However, scientists still cannot explain some phenomena. Here are some examples of what witnesses say.

  1. Vasily Puchkov’s family was driving home along the highway from Moscow. It was a hot summer. It was getting dark. Suddenly the car stalled and Vasily got out of the car to see what was the matter. No problems were detected, but a strange, drawn-out squeak was heard. The Puchkovs’ daughter drew attention to the suspicious glowing ball in the sky . It was not possible to discern any details other than the steel color of the object. He hovered in the air for about ten seconds and then quickly flew away.
  2. In 1990, passengers on the Kuibyshev-Surgut flight witnessed a mysterious phenomenon. A “solid beam” separated from the luminous ball and probed the plane. Doubts about whether UFOs really exist , the passengers had none left.

Articles in newspapers and magazines, television and ufological YouTube channels are replete with photographs and videos taken by witnesses of the appearance of UFOs. The nature of some objects is not determined. Among those that were identified were photographs of lightning, models of flying saucers, games with the scale and perspective of objects, and techniques of a graphic editor.

Alien artifacts that ended up on Earth or created with the help of their technology. Such evidence of the existence of UFOs seems to be the most reliable.

3. Pensioner Bob White from Missouri (USA) once put it up for sale fragment of an alien ship . The man discovered the fragment twenty years earlier, after observing a mysterious object.

4. The giant SETI telescope, created by NASA to search for extraterrestrial intelligence, detected strange signals .

5. The Betz family from Australia, while inspecting the fire, discovered strange silver ball . The object reacted to the music and moved on its own. Perhaps the aliens started a fire with its help?

6. Of interest to ufologists painting "Madonna with Saint Giovannino" , written in the 15th century. Far from the Virgin Mary there is a man looking at an object in the sky, similar to what a UFO looks like according to the stories of modern eyewitnesses.

7.Nazca paintings in Peru , which are schematic images of enormous size, which can only be seen from a bird's eye view. Did the ancient Peruvians leave messages for aliens?

Is there really a UFO?

The question of the existence of unidentified flying objects belonging to the world worries many people. The possibility of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence or parallel worlds is intriguing and frightening at the same time. Does UFO really exist? This problem remains open. Ufologists can only systematize the information received from eyewitnesses, study artifacts and photographs for falsification. And if aliens really visit Earth, then they will remind humanity of their existence more than once. And with the modern level of technology, not a single flying saucer can hide from the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Conspiracy theorists and quite serious men have been trying for decades to find out what a UFO is and what consequences contact with another civilization may have for humanity. So far, everything remains somewhere at the level of fantasy and we analyze the proposed scenarios only in cinemas. But perhaps someday the situation will change dramatically.

What is the probability of meeting aliens?

The universe is infinite. And this frightens all those who, in principle, can imagine the size to which infinity tends.

What else is known about the universe:

  • The age of the space around us is measured in billions of years, and with each new revision the figure only increases;
  • The distance between star systems is too great;
  • The emergence of life does not obey any mathematical laws.

Just think about it:

  1. 2,000 light years away, life began on two different planets;
  2. Besides two thousand light years, these phenomena were separated by 50 million calendar years;
  3. By the time the younger civilization entered space, not even dust remained from the buildings of the “old men”;
  4. Each life form considered itself absolutely unique, the only one endowed with intelligence.

There can be thousands and millions of such examples throughout time. Civilizations could flare and fade like shooting stars on the merciless horizon of eternity. The probability that two simultaneously “flare up” almost nearby and will be able to find each other is negligible.

In this video, Valery Pyatkin will talk about the nature of the occurrence of UFOs, about cases of objects appearing to earthlings:

What is a UFO really?

The concept has only three letters and each of them can be deciphered:

  • N - unidentified;
  • L - flying;
  • O - object.

Theoretically, any object that rises into the air and is not identified by anyone can be called a UFO. Even a piece of ice falling from a transport plane and sparkling during its short flight to the surface can be mistaken for a “flying saucer” that has crashed.

In fact, most often instead of “little green men” we see:

  1. Weather balloons;
  2. Tests of the military and their secret developments;
  3. Amateur experiments in rocket science;
  4. Optical illusions;
  5. Abnormal weather events;
  6. Banal trash or Chinese lanterns.

So far no one has been able to detect the spacecraft. Maybe because any engineer developing a spaceship would provide it with protection and camouflage systems.

Especially when it comes to visiting “barbarian” planets. Why scare the natives when you can sneak in and go unnoticed?

What to do if you see a UFO?

If you see strange lights in the sky:

  • Record what happened on video, there will be something to tell;
  • Watch and wait until the UFO disappears from the sky;
  • Make sure the object is not heading towards your home or community;
  • Publish materials on thematic forums and blogs dedicated to ufology;
  • Try to contact civil aviation and find out whether there were transport aircraft in this place at the specified time;
  • Check aircraft availability using special websites where you can track international airline routes.

If you want to add another funny story to your collection, you can stop at the first point. Finding out the truth can only be disappointing; in the end you will not get a video of a UFO, but a recording of the flight of an airplane, a meteorite or a Chinese lantern.

The following can help you clarify the source of the incomprehensible glow:

  1. Ufologists;
  2. Meteorologists;
  3. Dispatchers and civil aviation employees;
  4. Special effects specialists.

The main thing is not to worry, nothing bad is happening. Man has long conquered the sky and there are thousands of man-made objects in it at the same time. It's not surprising that you noticed one of them. Or maybe something else, the truth is somewhere nearby.

What do we know about flying objects?

If we talk specifically about “flying saucers,” all our knowledge is very meager:

  • Humanity has never had contact with aliens, in any case, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary;
  • Many ancient peoples have myths that, in their description, are very similar to communication with aliens;
  • Not a single skeleton of a creature that came to us from distant stars has been discovered on the entire planet;
  • Humanoids have never been caught on television cameras;
  • There are several high-profile “incidents” allegedly related to aliens visiting our planet.

This topic is often played out in science fiction films and books, but so far there has been no real contact. All vague evidence dates back to the pre-Christian era; how much of it is true and how much is the imagination of distant pagan ancestors is difficult to say.

By the way, for most religions the appearance of visitors from deep space would be the beginning of the end.

We gleaned all the existing knowledge only from our own imagination. We don’t know what the aliens and their technology might look like. The universe, apparently, can surprise you with its diversity, so you can expect anything.

UFOs - aliens from outer space?

UFO - unknown flying object. Any object lifted into the air that observers were unable to identify.

The technical definition is not so mystical and does not smack of fantasy, most often it is:

  1. Chinese lanterns;
  2. Meteorites;
  3. Aircraft;
  4. Weather balloons;
  5. Test objects;
  6. Natural phenomena;
  7. Optical illusions.

Determining what exactly was in the air of such and such a month, such and such a date is extremely difficult. In most cases, this becomes an impossible task and ufologists have to be satisfied with an explanation that does not have any evidence base. Yes, it could have been a meteorite. Or there could be aliens from Nibiru. That something else is unprovable.

Romanticizing guests from distant galaxies can lead to serious problems. In the history of mankind there are examples of contacts between more developed civilizations and less fortunate relatives. At best, it all ended in plunder and destruction of culture. But it also came to the point of genocide, so it is better to meet “brothers in mind” fully armed.

We can only hope that another civilization has reached a level where there is simply no place for aggression. But such a rosy prospect is difficult to imagine.

Most people do not know what a UFO is and by this concept they only mean “flying saucers.” But the truth is much simpler, even a balloon with a flashlight attached can be called an unidentified flying object and arouse interest on specialized forums for many months.

Video: what does a UFO look like?

In this video, ufologist Gennady Stulnev will show several objects in the sky classified as UFOs:

According to the results of general surveys, more than half of the population believes in the existence of unidentified flying objects, and 5% of respondents consider themselves eyewitnesses of events that are interpreted as the appearance of a UFO. And such witnesses do not dry out.

Without a doubt, it can be considered a proven fact that in most cases, phenomena of completely explainable origin are mistaken for UFOs. As a rule, these are rare natural phenomena that are incomprehensible to the observer. Particularly bright stars or planets, meteors, ball lightning and glowing swamp gas can be misleading.

In other cases, airplane landing lights, airships and balloons, or testing of new aircraft may be considered an alien visit. This second part of the list also includes conscious hoaxes on the topic of contacts with aliens, that is, like those described above, these phenomena are generated by man. Check out the 10 Most Incredible UFO Theories.

However, there are a relatively small number of observations that do not fit into the principle of explaining everything with understandable reasons, or they shocked the public consciousness so much in their time that they even became part of UFO folklore. That being said, here is our top 10 list of the most widely publicized, best documented, most unexplained, or just downright weird UFO sightings. If you like all things unexplained, check out 10 Unexplained Paranormal Activity That Changed History.

Few people know that sightings of unidentified lights in the sky have been recorded for over a hundred years. Then, at the end of the nineteenth century, in a certain area over the course of several months, a whole series of observations of something completely inexplicable was noted.

It all started with the appearance in November 1896 of a mysterious luminous object that slowly moved over the city of Sacramento, California, which was observed by hundreds of people. Apparently, the object moved easily against the wind, at a speed of about 50 km per hour.

A week later it was seen again, this time over San Francisco; by the end of the year, reports of sightings of the object in different places numbered in the hundreds and came from all over the Pacific coast. This led to real hysteria in the then media. After a two-month absence in the winter of 1896-97. A strange object - some witnesses say it was suspended from a dark, cigar-shaped craft - has reappeared over the Midwest.

There, it was reported to have been seen everywhere from Nebraska to Michigan and from Minnesota to Texas, until it suddenly and finally stopped in April 1897. Among today's scientific skeptics, it is common to interpret the events described as an example of journalistic mass hysteria. However, the simply incredible number of observations - according to some estimates, several thousand of them - suggest that what was happening was not just someone's invention, which the press laughed at to its heart's content.

There was even an intriguing suggestion that somewhat upset supporters of the extraterrestrial origin of the strange object - it could be an early copy of an aircraft that took off before the Wright brothers' airplane. There is evidence that attempts to develop such technology were attempted earlier than is commonly believed.

In any case, the great airship of 1897 - or whatever it really was - remains as mysterious a mystery today as it was back then.

In 1952, all of Washington, D.C. went into a tizzy when ground crews at Washington National Airport ( now the international airport. Reagan) spotted many targets on radar, observing them on the screens as clearly as the glow of rings of light around an object that appeared on the horizon. What was happening provoked the Air Force command into obviously doomed attempts to launch fighters to get closer to the objects.

All this happened on two consecutive weekends between July 13 and July 29, 1952, even received the attention of the President, and a reaction followed almost immediately.

Deciding that a quick attack was the best defense, the government urgently organized an emergency commission of eminent scientists ( which went down in history as the Robertson Commission), who over the course of two days analyzed the most outstanding cases of UFO sightings collected as part of the so-called project “ Blue Book" It was an impressive US Air Force document that recorded UFO sightings for 18 years ( and stopped filling it out much later than the events described, in 1969, when it had more than 12,000 recorded observations).

Scientists quickly rendered a verdict - the air force and the project " Blue Book“It’s worth spending less time on analyzing and studying reports about unidentified flying objects, and more time on their public exposure.

Perhaps one of the most famous cases of UFO sightings is the many testimonies of Arizona residents (including, by the way, the state governor). All these people watched as chains of luminous objects, along with a huge triangular flying saucer, hung silently in the local sky for a good three hours on the evening of March 13, 1997.

Some of the objects were later considered to be infrared distracting decoys dropped from passing military aircraft during training flights in the southwest of the city, but a satisfactory explanation for the large triangle in the skies was never found (with skeptics tried to attribute the celestial figure to a flight of fighters).

Whatever the objects were, they never reappeared, leaving the population of Phoenix and the rest of the world scratching their heads, and creating a sensation that is hotly debated to this day.

On December 9, 1965, a large, blazing fireball was observed by thousands of people in the United States, at least 6 states, and in the Canadian province of Ontario. The balloon flew across the night sky, eventually disappearing from view somewhere near the town of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. By that time it was described as a particularly large fireball ( or an unusually bright meteor). Residents were alarmed when army units quickly converged on the area and began to pull out a bell-shaped structure from the forest. This gave rise to rumors that the government was back to its old tricks.

Later they claimed that it was a crashed Soviet satellite, however, ufologists are still engaged in heated discussions on this issue. However, it is worth noting that the satellite version still explains the presence of a heavily armed army and the atmosphere of secrecy, which, however, would be quite logical in the event of a saucer arriving from Venus. In general, the debate continues.

The first fatal case involving a UFO was recorded on January 7, 1948 in the skies over Kentucky. Air National Guard pilot Capt. Thomas Mantell crashed his P-51 fighter while attempting to pursue an unusual object - " aircraft in the form of a silver disk" Everything happened at high altitude, in the absence of oxygen. The pilot suddenly lost consciousness when he tried to approach an unidentified object. The consequences were tragic.

Later, investigators suggested that Captain Mantell could have mistaken an experimental weather balloon for a UFO, which from below could be perceived as a disk and, in addition, had just such a shiny and silvery coating. In this case, Mantell became a victim of his own zeal, ignoring the Air Force's instructions not to exceed a safe flight altitude. His story clearly demonstrates that human arrogance can be more dangerous than aliens.

The incident somewhat changed public perceptions of UFOs, forcing part of society to come to the conclusion about the potential danger of alien visitors, who were previously considered harmless little green men.

First ( and definitely not the last) A noted UFO abduction is considered to be the story of Barney and Betty Hill, which occurred on September 19, 1961. These people suddenly noticed what they themselves considered to be a UFO while driving along an empty road near Groveton, New Hampshire.

Although they could not clearly remember what happened after ( a few hours simply disappeared from their memory), a few weeks later, both simultaneously began to complain of frightening dreams in which they were subjected to some kind of terrible and bizarre medical tests from “ gray aliens" They injected the unfortunate people with unknown drugs and subjected them to other unpleasant procedures before releasing them.

The nightmares became so severe that they eventually required special help. Dr. Benjamin Simon of Boston put Betty and Barney under hypnosis and interviewed them. The specialist eventually came to the conclusion that people could be strongly impressed by a television program about humanoid aliens, which they saw a few weeks before their “ contact", the event itself was innocently invented. True, he also admitted that not all the circumstances of what happened could be explained.

And today there is still debate about whether this couple became a victim of their own sick imagination ( according to evidence, she was distinguished by a certain eccentricity), or there was a real abduction. Be that as it may, this story was able to lay the groundwork for subsequent, more spectacular abduction cases in the 1970s.

November 16, 1986, an unidentified flying object, as described by eyewitnesses " three times larger than an aircraft carrier", flew parallel to a Japanese Airlines civilian aircraft (Flight 1628) for 50 minutes over northeastern Alaska, accompanied by other objects; all of them were even detected intermittently by military and civilian radar.

The length of time the object was visible is impressive, the amount of credible evidence ( crew and all passengers) and the fact of additional observation on radar, which makes this event one of the most impressive stories associated with UFOs, and which still has no clear explanation.

Most notably, this was one of the few times the crew of a civilian airliner was willing to discuss the event publicly, which makes the encounter over Alaska even more remarkable.

Until 1976, there was widespread concern about the amazing ability of unidentified flying objects to evade radar detection ( although not always). It led skeptics to believe that the appearance of objects was more a consequence of human imagination than of the real interest of extraterrestrial civilizations in our planet.

Everything changed when, in the pre-dawn hours of September 19, 1976, Iranian fighter jets ( Iran was not an enemy of NATO at that time) were set off in pursuit of a UFO that was making sharp zigzags in the sky over Tehran, after the object was detected by several location stations at once. Particularly impressive was the fact that the object did not allow the aircraft to approach, in some unknown way causing problems in the electronics, and completely disabled the weapons system of one of the aircraft when it prepared to open fire.

The case is considered one of the most significant recorded contacts with aliens, not only because of the quality of the evidence provided ( the extraterrestrial ship may have even been detected by a military satellite). Mainly due to the direct impact the object had on the instruments and radars of several different aircraft involved in the pursuit. Skeptics' claims that the pilots were simply trying to chase the planet Jupiter, which was especially bright at that hour, were met with friendly laughter from the public.

An incident remarkably similar to the one in Tehran in 1976 also took place in the skies of Belgium. NATO fighter jets took off again in the evening on March 30, 1990, chasing a group of dark triangular objects detected over the countryside. Particularly impressive were the amazing speed and maneuverability of the ships observed. The objects made such turns that would have killed the pilot if he had been human.

Almost like in Tehran, the ship was not only seen by many observers on the ground and in the air, but was also recorded by ground-based locating services and fighter radars, and there are even photographs of the objects, making this the most reliably documented sighting in the history of sightings.

Now about the story that served as a real start for a new era in the UFO theme. Seattle pilot and businessman K. Arnold observed several " moving in waves"forms flying over the Mount Rainier area one evening in May 1947, at speeds many times faster than the best aircraft of the day.

After landing, the pilot managed to attract the attention of journalists, and in his description of what he saw, he noticed that the nature of the movement of objects in the air reminded him of saucers jumping on the surface of a pond, launched by a skillful hand. This is how the wonderful name was born - flying saucers ( in Russia, established as flying saucers), which gave rise to a new chapter in the world of celestial phenomena.

Today's skeptics continue to argue with the assessment that Arnold gave the speed of objects and the distance to them or argue that he was only chasing light reflections from the glass of the cockpit of his own plane, the only irrefutable fact is that no matter what Arnold observed that day, his curious encounter with an unidentified object in the skies over the Pacific coast of the United States had a greater impact on American and world culture than he could have imagined.

No other incident has been able to instill into the public consciousness the image of crashed saucers with little green men as much as this one. That's what happened in July 1947 in Roswell, about 50 miles north of the New Mexico city.

A simple farmer named Matt Brazell discovered near his farm that an entire field was covered with fragments of small metal plates and wooden slats. Familiar with stories about " flying discs” according to the newspapers (just two months before, articles about the pilot Arnold had excited the area), Matt immediately realized what was happening and immediately notified the local military authorities. They did not argue with his opinion, which is unusual, and they urgently announced the crash of the flying disc. A few hours later, the military retracted the statement, claiming that all this time they had mistaken a crashed weather balloon for the wreckage of an alien ship.

It would seem that the story is over and it’s time for it to be added to the general basket of tales about aliens. But at the end of the seventies, US Air Force intelligence officer Jez Marcel was sent to pick up some materials that he needed to take away in the trunk of his car. Something gave him the idea that these materials were of extraterrestrial origin, and so a conspiracy theory of gigantic proportions was born, which is still alive today.

Roswell " crash“Eventually became so firmly ingrained in popular culture that even when the Air Force in 1995 removed the case from its list of temporarily classified cases and admitted that it itself had produced an imitation of a flying saucer crash in order to divert attention from the true goals of the secret project.” Mogul" (which were high-altitude balloons capable of detecting the launch of Soviet missiles in the upper atmosphere), most ufologists did not believe this.

Since then, the story of the event has grown from the initial description of a single pile of debris to stories of many flying saucers full of dead aliens. It has been suggested that the technologies revealed to humanity in the cosmic debris of this and a half-dozen other similar crashes since then are behind much of the major technological advances of the last fifty years.

Formerly a sleepy town, Roswell has become a mecca for " shifted on plates"and is now being intensively built up, so who knows, maybe it is destined to last longer than the Roman Empire.

The universe is huge, and we can be sure that we are not alone in it. There is little doubt that alien life is lurking out there somewhere. It is even possible that the little gray men have already visited us. Just like David Duchovny in the 90s, many of us want to believe. However, blind faith can lead us down, let's say, not very scientific paths. And while you might think those strange lights above your house you saw last night were a UFO, it might actually be much simpler.

1. Apollo 16, UFO, and part of the lunar module

The six-second video footage brought back by Apollo 16 seemed to be real proof that UFOs had visited the Moon. The recording was made using a portable video camera, filming was carried out directly from hand, so the camera was constantly shaking. The footage shows a terrifying flying saucer hovering over the lunar module, almost like something out of a Hollywood movie. Today, various communities involved in the study of the UFO phenomenon unanimously insist that this recording can be considered evidence of the existence of aliens, but NASA debunked this myth many years ago.

When experts analyzed the footage of the astronauts, they realized that what looked like a UFO in the recording was an ordinary metal part sticking out from the lunar module. When the recording was viewed at normal speed, this part of the module was hidden in shadow. However, in still frames it was visible very well. What at first looked like a UFO turned out to be just an external searchlight of the lunar module. And the only aliens on the Moon at that moment were people.

2. UFOs, Taliban, and computer graphics

At the beginning of 2014, a video appeared on YouTube, filmed in one of the regions of Afghanistan by US Marines. The video showed a triangular-shaped object floating through the air and shooting at the Taliban camp with a strange weapon, causing huge destruction. These images made many people around the world nervous. The Daily Mail even conducted a serious scientific analysis of this video, arguing that the triangular object may indeed be of extraterrestrial origin. And The Huffington Post couldn’t decide for a long time whether it was a UFO or just some kind of new military drone.

You probably already guessed the correct answer to this question yourself. It was not a UFO, nor was it a military drone. It was a CGI created by some YouTube user. At some point, he discovered a very real video on the Internet, which recorded the destruction of a very real ammunition factory in the Middle East. I discovered and decided that there weren’t enough aliens in this video, and quickly corrected this misunderstanding.

3. Lovecraft's Ancient Astronaut Theory

You've probably heard the theory that aliens visiting Earth in the distant past may well have been mistaken by people for gods. This theory was very popular. In 1968, Erich von Däniken published his book entitled “Chariots of the Gods”, using the above theory in it. He captured and excited the imagination of readers because he was a superb storyteller.

And what do you think? According to a 2004 report published in Skeptic magazine, all major components of Däniken's book were created by H.P. Lovecraft.

Back in 1921, Lovecraft wrote his most famous story: The Call of Cthulhu. It describes a nightmarish monster that is waiting to come to Earth, and which everyone worships as a new god. This story was popular not only among readers, but also among writers, who often inserted images invented by Lovecraft into their books. Most writers use a creature very similar to Cthulhu as alien gods. Lovecraft's brainchild was very popular in France, where he was used as the main character in the book "The Morning of the Magicians." Däniken used this book as a “source of inspiration” and based his bestseller on it.

4. Kentucky Goblins

The Kentucky incident is perhaps the saddest example of paranormal misconceptions. One night in 1955, a farmhouse in the wilds of Kentucky was besieged by evil goblins. The creatures were about one meter tall, they had giant heads, pointed ears, and scary, burning eyes. The goblins surrounded the house, and the farmers who lived there, in horror, began to shoot at them with everything they could get their hands on. In the end, the owners of the farm decided to get out of there, firmly believing that they had witnessed a real alien invasion.

In 2006, an article was published in the Skeptical Inquirer, the authors of which tried to clarify the situation. The article noted that the farmers were most likely drunk at the time of the event, and that at least one of them was familiar with local stories about goblins that supposedly live in the area. Goblins in such stories are usually described as creatures with pointed ears, large heads, and eyes that can glow in the dark. This is what a creature known to science as a giant horned owl can look like in the dark.

5. UFO and broken windmill

In 2009, the British tabloid The Sun published an incredible story that attracted the attention of the whole world. After a night of seeing strange lights in the sky, residents of Lincolnshire woke up to find a 90-metre wind turbine smashed to pieces. Moreover, he looked as if some flying object had crashed into him at great speed. For several days, the UFO topic was on the front pages of Lincolnshire newspapers, but then a simpler explanation was found for what happened with the windmill.

The Guardian published an article saying the lights in the sky were just fireworks. And the company that produces wind generators conducted its own analysis and found out that the wind turbine collapsed due to a single bolt, which, due to the high speed of the wind turbine, simply unscrewed and flew out. But a headline like “A bolt flew out of a windmill” is not nearly as attractive to tabloid newspapers as the headline “A UFO knocks down windmills.”

6. “Mysterious Lights”, in which there was nothing mysterious

Since the very first space flights, NASA has had a firm rule: give astronauts video cameras. Over the decades, thousands of hours of amazing footage have been accumulated, and some of the footage appears to show UFOs. There is a video known as "NASA's Mysterious Lights" that shows strange flashes appearing around a variety of NASA vehicles in low Earth orbit. And as if trying to add surrealism to this situation, the astronauts always talked about these lights as if there was nothing strange about them. For many, this behavior became additional evidence that the US government has long been in direct contact with aliens, so that aliens have ceased to be something unusual for astronauts. At least one such theory exists. There is a known case when ufologists got very excited and mistook reflections from a military satellite, which caught and reflected sunlight at a very strange angle, for the lights of a UFO. Other lights were simply ice crystals accumulated in orbit. And sometimes they were just distant stars.

7. Gray aliens from an old TV show

Thanks to television series such as The X-Files, the most famous type of aliens have become “little gray men.” The first mentions of these creatures appear back in 1964. They were mentioned by someone named Barney Hill, who was supposed to have been kidnapped by them. While under hypnosis, Hill said that he met a group of “gray men” during his travels in 1961, that is, this happened long before gray aliens became part of pop culture. Since then, ufologists believe that Hill's abduction is the first true evidence of a human encounter with aliens.

Although he was kidnapped in 1961, Hill was unable to give a good account of his captors until he was hypnotized on February 22, 1964. Thirty years later, a Skeptical Inquirer writer noted that Hill started talking about the gray men 12 days after an episode of The Outer Limits called "The Shield of Bellero" aired on television. The details of this episode largely coincided with what Hill said. What’s even more interesting is that Hill, under hypnosis, said that the aliens communicated with him using their eyes, which almost exactly coincides with one of the dialogues in The Shield of Bellero. Instead of encountering aliens, it seems that Hill's subconscious was confidently replaying elements of a television series he had been watching for several weeks before being hypnotized.

8. "Battle of Nuremberg"

In 1561, the residents of Nuremberg woke up and witnessed a very unusual sight. Strange balls and rods the color of blood appeared in the sky above the city, which seemed to be fighting, shooting at each other. This strange event was recorded by Hans Glaser in an infamous engraving. Surely it could be evidence of an alien visit, right?

No not like this. An engraving made on wood is far from a photograph. Instead of impartially conveying events as they happened, the engravings tend to be filled with many elements with religious overtones or references to the supernatural.

In another of his engravings, dedicated to the above event, Glaser depicted medieval knights meeting in the sky. And this event was also depicted in engravings in the form of many luminous crosses, in the form of angry gods, or in the form of celestial bodies with grinning faces. If you forget about the engravings and focus on their description, then this whole “battle” will resemble one strange light effect that occurs due to ice crystals reflecting sunlight in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Glaser simply added a little more action to this natural phenomenon, apparently hoping to sell a few more of his prints in this way.

9. World War II, Foo Fighters and Ball Lightning

During the dark days of World War II, pilots flying over Europe to bombing sites reported seeing many strange glowing orbs in the sky. They dubbed them “Foo-Fighters,” and it was initially assumed that they were some kind of new type of weapon developed by the Nazis. Even today, this story is considered one of the largest cases of mass UFO sightings.

On the other hand, the explanation for this phenomenon may turn out to be quite earthly. Lightning, as you know, can take various forms, including the form of a small luminous ball. There are records showing that such balls can move through the sky at speeds of up to 400 km/h, and that they can perform the most unexpected maneuvers at enormous altitudes. This matches almost perfectly what pilots described during World War II.

10. “Washington Invasion” and drops of moisture

In 1952, Washington, D.C. became the only American city in history to be captured by an alien fleet. On July 19, city air traffic controllers noticed a cluster of strange flashes on their radar screens. They contacted aircraft located near this phenomenon and asked the pilots if they saw anything unusual. One of the pilots replied that he saw six bright lights crossing the sky. However, this was just the beginning.

When the strange flashes returned a week later, interceptors were scrambled into the sky. Their pilots reported glowing lights that were quickly flying away from them. This meeting made it into all the newspapers. After all, what could be reflected on the screens of real radars, and easily evade real interceptors, except real UFOs?

What about temperature inversions? A layer of cold air surrounded on all sides by layers of warm air can do very strange things. It can also be reflected on radar screens. Temperature inversions can also create a variety of optical illusions, especially if the cold air trapped in a “heat trap” contains droplets of moisture that can reflect the light of ground lights directly in front of unsuspecting pilots. And by the way, the weather conditions in Washington on those summer days were simply ideal for temperature inversions to occur.

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