Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Is radiation dangerous for humans? Radiation: types, sources, effects of radiation on humans

Electromagnetic radiation has become a planetary disaster for humanity. Radiation sources are found at every step, the maximum permissible dose is difficult to determine, it is different for each person. Electromagnetic chaos is raging both in production and in everyday life.

Each person has his own biofield, which is connected with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Each human organ operates at a certain frequency. If any organ is exposed to a radiation source operating at a similar or multiple frequency, then it can either increase or “extinguish” the frequency that is considered acceptable for this organ. Strong and prolonged exposure to radiation on the organs of the human body leads to serious diseases.

Electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the entire human body, but the most severely affected are: the central nervous system, endocrine system, immunity, brain, and genitals. These radiations are especially dangerous for children, youth, and pregnant women. Negative effects can accumulate if exposure lasts for a long time, so the painful consequences do not appear immediately, but seem to be pushed into the future. But then they reveal themselves in all their glory. Such consequences can be hormonal disorders, blood cancer, brain tumors and various painful changes in the central nervous system. Electromagnetic waves are also dangerous for people with disorders of the cardiovascular, nervous or hormonal systems, for elderly and weakened people. And all city dwellers during the winter and spring months can be classified as weakened people.

Life on Earth began under conditions of relatively weak electromagnetic radiation. Their sources were the Earth's magnetic field, cosmic and solar radiation. Today, the intensity of electromagnetic fields on our planet has increased by several orders of magnitude. The main pollutants: overhead power lines, radio communications, radar, television, radio navigation, industrial enterprises (moreover, certain production activities use low frequencies that are especially harmful to humans - up to 100 Hz). For example, within a radius of 1 km from the Ostankino TV tower there is such a powerful magnetic field that this place is harmful for living.

An ordinary power line (PTL) has an extremely harmful effect on human health within a radius of 20-30 meters, and a high-voltage line - within a radius of 50 meters. They should be located 200-300 meters from the populated area. Ordinary trolleybuses and trams (on average) “magnetize” space by 150 times the officially permissible norm. Only when a metro train departs does the electromagnetic field exceed the normal background hundreds of times. There are many similar examples from modern life.

Studies on the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body have shown that people living or working near sources of strong radiation (radar installations, transformer substations, power lines, television stations) feel worse and are more likely to develop cancer.

There are also many enemies in our homes, of which we are not even aware. First of all, this is a TV and a computer. Children and teenagers sometimes get strange headaches from constantly sitting in front of the TV or computer. There are no apparent reasons for this, the origin of the pain is unclear. There are other signs: dizziness, decreased memory and concentration, weakness, increased fatigue. Then there is a persistent decline in a person’s defenses. Computer games cause a surge in neuropsychic disorders, eye diseases, and skeletal system diseases.

As for TV, everyone knows that it is better to watch it from a distance of no closer than 1.5 - 2 meters. Someone might argue that the electromagnetic radiation of a modern TV or display ends at a distance of 20-40 cm from the screen. Where does this harm to human health come from? The thing is that the electromagnetic field generates disturbances in torsion fields, which destroy the human biofield. For them, any type of physical matter is completely transparent, and no screens can save them. In addition, the impact of torsion disturbances can GRADUALLY ACCUMULATE. In addition, all these effects remain imperceptible to humans. We do not see or feel these fields, but their intangible influence distorts both the subtle field components of the surrounding space and the field shells of our body. A negative torsion field destroys a person’s biofield and vitality, which in turn negatively affects his health. The consequences of this phenomenon: chronic fatigue syndrome, “electronic disease”, cardiovascular diseases, infertility.

Other household appliances, such as lamps, are not at all harmless. It is better not to buy chandeliers in the form of a hemisphere facing down and hanging from the ceiling. This shape creates directional radiation. You can be in a room with such a lamp, but you cannot sit under it. The same applies to small hemispherical lamps - sconces: under no circumstances should they be mounted above the head near the bed. It is better to buy hemispherical lamps facing upward - the radiation should be directed towards the ceiling, not towards the floor.

It is dangerous to keep a trellis mirror in the bedroom. And if there is one, make sure that all the mirrors are in the same plane. Otherwise, a zone of strong radiation is created. In general, it is better to buy mirrors that are attached to the wall - it is harmless.

Architectural forms can also create negative zones in a house. A round room is best, but since this is rare now, we will focus on just one detail. Corners are the most dangerous places - accumulators of negative energy. Therefore, we advise you not to push the sofa there and do not lie down with your head in the corner. You should also not sit near the corner of the table. This is not a superstition at all; the angle in this case acts as a dropping antenna and creates a directed flow of radiation. In this sense, round or oval tables and chairs are much better. General advice: rearrange the furniture in the apartment once a year to avoid the accumulation (stagnation) of negative energy.

Various electromagnetic therapeutic devices, in addition to their therapeutic effect, have contraindications and limitations. First of all, in terms of the time of interaction with them. Since they provide electromagnetic burden, other human systems and organs may suffer during the “therapeutic session,” primarily the cardiovascular, immune, central nervous systems and others. Therefore, constantly using or carrying active electromagnetic devices (generators, electronic tablets, etc.) is dangerous to human health. For example: the household “Chizhevsky Chandelier” of an open type, in addition to the positive effect - ionization, air disinfection, also has side effects - this is an electromagnetic and radiation burden on the human body. Radiation is ionizing radiation. The Chizhevsky Chandelier is designed to ionize the air, but not people. Therefore, it cannot be turned on when there are people in the room. Simple safety and precautionary measures are to leave the room while the air is purified while the chandelier is on and working. Many professional medical services related to the use of electromagnetic and electronic devices are always limited to a short treatment session. In this case, the doctors themselves, who service these devices throughout the working day, suffer more often and more.

The use of ANY electrical devices leads to electromagnetic burden on the human body. Therefore, when using various household devices, you need to take simple precautions. When operating ANY electrical device, electric fields and radiation arise that are dangerous to human health. For example, the use of electric kettles, and even those with an open spiral inside, has an extremely negative effect on the quality of water, and therefore on human health. But our industry has tried this: this is technology for the lazy - fast, convenient, beautiful and very harmful!

The negative consequences of “technological progress” directly affect people. People's susceptibility to various diseases increases, biological security and vital activity decrease, new diseases appear, and the most dangerous diseases develop, including cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and oncological ones. Ultimately, there is a loss of human vitality, a deterioration in work activity, a reduction in life expectancy, and children’s illnesses. The importance of the problem is evidenced by the corresponding resolution of the Security Council of the Russian Federation “On the danger of electromagnetic pollution.” The most active emitters of electromagnetic fields are well known - these are computers and office equipment, radiotelephones (including mobile or cellular), microwave ovens, televisions and video recorders. The list goes on and on. Even modern reinforced concrete walls “sound.” One must be wary of harmful radiation even from a large number of banknotes, which for a long time store the accumulated harmful energy of negative psycho-emotional states of a person (both the manufacturer, intermediate users, and the owner), enhancing the already off-scale harmful effect of other deviations.

The security situation, especially in big cities, is now extremely difficult. Therefore, wash your apartment with clean water more often, ventilate it, clean it with candle fire and prayer, use electrical appliances less and do not leave them plugged in. If you have small children (or grandchildren), then it is better to change your city apartment to a separate house - brick or wooden; It’s better to exchange a big city for a small town; and best of all - an urban lifestyle to a rural one.

For an apartment: if possible, reduce the number of electrical appliances in your home, especially in the kitchen. It is advisable to place the refrigerator and microwave further than 2 meters from the dining table. Move the TV away from the sofa and armchairs. The bed should be no closer than 3 meters from sources of continuous radiation, including the power cable. The walls protect fairly well from external influences; as additional protection, you can glaze the windows with metallized glass covered with a screening film.

For activities: If you work in an office, your computer monitor needs a special protective filter. Place flowers near your computer that absorb negative radiation (for example, cacti).

For a summer residence: it is best if the nearest high-voltage power line is located at a distance of more than 300 meters from your site. A regular line can be lowered by 20-30 meters. If you are unlucky with this, it is better to plant ornamental crops on the site that require the least care and are not used for food.

What to do with a mobile phone? First of all, choose a phone with the lowest radiation power. Long intimate conversations, even if you don’t mind the money, are better transferred to a regular phone. Mobile calls must last less than 3 minutes. And talk as little as possible, only when necessary. It is better for children under 7-8 years old not to use a cell phone at all.

Radiation is ionizing radiation that causes irreparable harm to everything around us. People, animals and plants suffer. The biggest danger is that it is not visible to the human eye, so it is important to know about its main properties and effects in order to protect yourself.

Radiation accompanies people throughout their lives. It is found in the environment and also within each of us. The greatest impact comes from external sources. Many people have heard about the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the consequences of which are still encountered in our lives. People were not ready for such a meeting. This once again confirms that there are events in the world beyond the control of humanity.

Types of radiation

Not all chemicals are stable. In nature, there are certain elements whose nuclei are transformed, breaking up into separate particles with the release of a huge amount of energy. This property is called radioactivity. As a result of research, scientists have discovered several types of radiation:

  1. Alpha radiation is a stream of heavy radioactive particles in the form of helium nuclei that can cause the greatest harm to others. Fortunately, they have low penetrating ability. In airspace they extend only a couple of centimeters. In fabric their range is a fraction of a millimeter. Thus, external radiation does not pose a danger. You can protect yourself by using thick clothing or a sheet of paper. But internal radiation is an impressive threat.
  2. Beta radiation is a stream of light particles moving a couple of meters in the air. These are electrons and positrons that penetrate two centimeters into the tissue. It is harmful if it comes into contact with human skin. However, it poses a greater danger when exposed from the inside, but less than alpha. To protect against the influence of these particles, special containers, protective screens, and a certain distance are used.
  3. Gamma and X-ray radiation are electromagnetic radiations that penetrate the body through and through. Protective measures against such exposure include the creation of lead screens and the construction of concrete structures. The most dangerous of irradiations for external damage, since it affects the entire body.
  4. Neutron radiation consists of a stream of neutrons, which have a higher penetrating power than gamma. It is formed as a result of nuclear reactions occurring in reactors and special research facilities. Appears during nuclear explosions and is found in waste fuel from nuclear reactors. Armor against such impact is created from lead, iron, and concrete.

All radioactivity on Earth can be divided into two main types: natural and artificial. The first includes radiation from space, soil, and gases. Artificial one appeared thanks to man using nuclear power plants, various equipment in medicine, and nuclear enterprises.

Natural sources

Naturally occurring radioactivity has always been present on the planet. Radiation is present in everything that surrounds humanity: animals, plants, soil, air, water. This low level of radiation is believed to have no harmful effects. Although, some scientists have a different opinion. Since people have no ability to influence this hazard, circumstances that increase the permissible values ​​should be avoided.

Varieties of natural sources

  1. Cosmic radiation and solar radiation are powerful sources capable of eliminating all life on Earth. Fortunately, the planet is protected from this impact by the atmosphere. However, people have tried to correct this situation by developing activities that lead to the formation of ozone holes. Avoid being exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.
  2. Radiation from the earth's crust is dangerous near deposits of various minerals. By burning coal or using phosphorus fertilizers, radionuclides actively seep inside a person with the air they inhale and the food they eat.
  3. Radon is a radioactive chemical element found in building materials. It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. This element actively accumulates in soils and comes out along with mining. It enters apartments along with household gas, as well as tap water. Fortunately, its concentration can be easily reduced by constantly ventilating the premises.

Artificial sources

This species appeared thanks to people. Its effect increases and spreads with their help. During the outbreak of a nuclear war, the strength and power of weapons is not as terrible as the consequences of radioactive radiation after explosions. Even if you are not caught by a blast wave or physical factors, radiation will finish you off.

Artificial sources include:

  • Nuclear weapon;
  • Medical equipment;
  • Waste from enterprises;
  • Certain gemstones;
  • Some antique items taken from dangerous areas. Including from Chernobyl.

Norm of radioactive radiation

Scientists have been able to establish that radiation has different effects on individual organs and the entire body as a whole. In order to assess the damage resulting from chronic exposure, the concept of equivalent dose was introduced. It is calculated by the formula and is equal to the product of the dose received, absorbed by the body and averaged over a specific organ or the entire human body, by a weight multiplier.

The unit of measurement for equivalent dose is the ratio of Joule to kilograms, which is called the sievert (Sv). Using it, a scale was created that allows us to understand the specific danger of radiation for humanity:

  • 100 Sv. Instant death. The victim has a few hours, a couple of days at most.
  • From 10 to 50 Sv. Anyone who receives injuries of this nature will die in a few weeks from severe internal bleeding.
  • 4-5 Sv. When this amount is ingested, the body copes in 50% of cases. Otherwise, the sad consequences lead to death a couple of months later due to bone marrow damage and circulatory disorders.
  • 1 Sv. When absorbing such a dose, radiation sickness is inevitable.
  • 0.75 Sv. Changes in the circulatory system for a short period of time.
  • 0.5 Sv. This amount is enough for the patient to develop cancer. There are no other symptoms.
  • 0.3 Sv. This value is inherent in the apparatus for performing x-rays of the stomach.
  • 0.2 Sv. Permissible level for working with radioactive materials.
  • 0.1 Sv. With this amount, uranium is mined.
  • 0.05 Sv. This value is the radiation exposure rate for medical devices.
  • 0.0005 Sv. Permissible amount of radiation level near nuclear power plants. This is also the value of the annual exposure of the population, which is equal to the norm.

A safe dose of radiation for humans includes values ​​up to 0.0003-0.0005 Sv per hour. The maximum permissible exposure is 0.01 Sv per hour, if such exposure is short-lived.

The effect of radiation on humans

Radioactivity has a huge impact on the population. Not only the people who come face to face with the danger are exposed to harmful effects, but also the next generation. Such circumstances are caused by the effect of radiation at the genetic level. There are two types of influence:

  • Somatic. Diseases occur in a victim who has received a dose of radiation. Leads to the appearance of radiation sickness, leukemia, tumors of various organs, and local radiation injuries.
  • Genetic. Associated with a defect in the genetic apparatus. It appears in subsequent generations. Children, grandchildren and more distant descendants suffer. Gene mutations and chromosomal changes occur

In addition to the negative impact, there is also a favorable moment. Thanks to the study of radiation, scientists were able to create a medical examination based on it that allows them to save lives.

Mutation after radiation

Consequences of radiation

When receiving chronic radiation, restoration measures take place in the body. This leads to the fact that the victim acquires a smaller load than he would receive with a single penetration of the same amount of radiation. Radionuclides are distributed unevenly inside a person. Most often affected: the respiratory system, digestive organs, liver, thyroid gland.

The enemy does not sleep even 4-10 years after irradiation. Blood cancer can develop inside a person. It poses a particular danger to adolescents under 15 years of age. It has been observed that the mortality rate of people working with x-ray equipment is increased due to leukemia.

The most common result of radiation exposure is radiation sickness, which occurs both with a single dose and over a long period of time. If there is a large amount of radionuclides it leads to death. Breast and thyroid cancer are common.

A huge number of organs suffer. The victim's vision and mental state are impaired. Lung cancer is common in uranium miners. External radiation causes terrible burns of the skin and mucous membranes.


After exposure to radionuclides, two types of mutations can occur: dominant and recessive. The first occurs immediately after irradiation. The second type is discovered after a long period of time not in the victim, but in his subsequent generation. Disorders caused by the mutation lead to deviations in the development of internal organs in the fetus, external deformities and mental changes.

Unfortunately, mutations are poorly studied, since they usually do not appear immediately. After time, it is difficult to understand what exactly had the dominant influence on its occurrence.

Creation date: 2015/04/25

The rapid development of the nuclear industry, new types of weapons, missiles with nuclear warheads on alert, accidents and radioactive radiation - this is the reality of today.

According to ancient legend, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and brought it to people. Those who erected this sculpture, of course, did not think that the famous hero would remain in the city in splendid isolation. According to the authors' plans, it was supposed to symbolize the triumph of the human mind, which “harnessed,” as they say, the atom. Today, alas, the symbol tells a different story. Looking at the photograph of an empty Pripyat with a lonely sculpture, you can’t help but think: the irony of fate is that the wise Prometheus witnessed how a peaceful, seemingly “homey” atom, which warmed and gave light, got out of control. Indeed, we somewhat overestimated the omnipotence of man, indeed, somewhat early we considered ourselves the kings of nature, indeed, having believed in scientific and technological progress and the power of reason, we forgot that there are such simple things in the world as order, the qualifications of engineers and technicians , responsibility of scientists for their decisions, accuracy in the execution of reasonable orders. When all this is missing, there is no guarantee of the safety of our “power” over nature. Then, in peacetime, Prometheus's flame becomes uncontrollable. Then nature takes revenge cruelly and fearfully. And therefore Chernobyl and Pripyat Prometheus are also an eternal reproach to human doubt.

Naturally, many different conversations and rumors arise around this issue, which are sometimes completely groundless, that is, myths arise. “A myth is a living idea. A myth begins to live because millions begin to believe in it” (Losev, “Dialectics of Myth”).

Indeed, in our time it is very difficult to separate reality from myths. And the problem of mastering the atom and using it for the good, and sometimes against humanity, is not entirely clear to ordinary people.

Therefore, it is quite understandable why ionizing radiation has become the subject of rumors, legends and myths.

Reading the literature about ionizing radiation, one gets the impression that it is not that dangerous, and in fact many people have been harmed after receiving even a small dose of radiation. Why is this happening? CONTRADITIONS arise between literary data and reality. And that’s when myths are created around ionizing radiation. Extraordinary stories are told, events that sometimes never happened are eloquently described.

First of all, it is necessary to establish: why and how do myths penetrate science? This problem worries many.

Science is the human activity of producing knowledge. Science is a social phenomenon and its development is determined not only by the internal logic of scientists, but also by the fact that it is aimed at the needs of society and can be used both for the benefit of civilization and for its evil.

How did myths and legends penetrate science? There are a huge number of them. For example, every cosmic constellation is shrouded in the most extraordinary, beautiful and poetic legends and myths. The history of the creation of such myths goes back to ancient times, because our distant ancestors were very dependent on natural phenomena. Attempts to explain and overcome this dependence gave rise to myths.

Thus, myth is one of the forms of reflection of reality characteristic of man, and from the point of view of philosophy, it is a special form of thinking, distinguished by certain characteristic features. The myth merges completely contradictory elements. Therefore, the mythological form of thinking is fundamentally different from the dialectical one.

This problem needs to be solved as quickly as possible, because misconceptions in people’s minds sometimes give such sad results. People begin to fantasize, come up with various “fables” and this, unfortunately, can lead to radiophobia.

Radiation was invented by nuclear scientists

Many people believe that radiation was invented by nuclear scientists, and its very first victims were residents of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Is it so? It turns out that people back in the 16th century received radiation doses from radioactive radiation! The first of them were miners from the Austrian city of Joachimsthal, who died at a young age from the terrible “altitude sickness”. In those distant times, they did not know that lead ores contained large concentrations of uranium. It was only in 1879 that it became known that “mountain sickness” was lung cancer. Soon, radioactivity was discovered as a phenomenon. This is why the ICRP was created in 1928.

In the 20s of the last century, radiologists worked with the first X-ray machines, and they all died. Until now, no one can determine the true cause of their death. And we are still undergoing X-ray examinations, which means we also receive a very small dose of radioactive radiation. In addition to the above facts, there is cosmic radiation, and people are also irradiated from the soil. It is known that there are rocks in the earth containing uranium and radium. Even in the human body there are radionuclides, often in large quantities.

Conclusion: therefore, humanity lived, lives, and will live in a radioactive world. Radiation will always exist, since it is an integral part of nature, and “nodding” at nuclear scientists that they allegedly invented radiation is not at all worth it! The most dangerous type of radiation comes from the radionuclide strontium - 90

What is the most dangerous type of radiation? Let's understand this confusing and complex issue. There is an opinion that the most dangerous radionuclide is strontium. Indeed, the peculiar fame of strontium-90 is associated with its half-life. What is half-life? The fact is that radionuclides differ from stable isotopes in that their nuclei are unstable and changeable. They decay over time - this is their half-life. With this decay, radionuclides turn into other isotopes, and most importantly, during their half-life, radionuclides emit the most ionizing radiation. Not all radionuclides have the same half-lives. There are radionuclides that decay very slowly, over tens, hundreds, thousands of years. They are classified as long-lived radionuclides (iodine-129, strontium-90, cesium-137, uranium-238, plutonium-239, potassium-400), there are also short-lived radionuclides (iodine-131), which decay in seconds, hours, days, months. But in any case, radioactive decay occurs according to the same law.

But there is still a persistent myth among the population that strontium-90 is the most dangerous of radionuclides. Why? The thing is that the half-life of strontium-90 is 29 years, that is, its effect can be traced by a person directly during his life. While, for example, plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24.1x10 cubic years. Its action is very difficult to trace.

Conclusion: based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion, no matter what properties and half-lives the radionuclides have, the effect produced on living organisms will be the same, but the degree of danger to humans will depend on the radiation dose received.

“Illness from radiation threatens everyone”

Is it true that most of our diseases are caused by radiation? Are we all at risk from radiation sickness? Let's look into this issue.

After the Chernobyl accident, people began to associate some of their illnesses with radiation. Indeed, there were serious reasons for such thoughts. Most of the liquidators of this accident are actually very sick people, their number is approximately 70%, and 30% did not get sick, which means... Liquidators get sick with a variety of diseases. And even we, who live far from Pripyat, were also affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, albeit to a lesser extent. Does this mean that our diseases are caused by radiation? This point of view is common for ignorant people, not specialists. There is also an opposite point of view, which is held by scientists and specialists. They believe that the liquidators received only 0.3 ZV. Another example about the workers of the famous Mayak Production Association. In the post-war years, plutonium for nuclear charges was produced at a secret plant. Thousands of workers and engineers received a dose of 1.8 – 2.7 pollutants. But a high rise in diseases among Mayakovsk residents was not recorded. So the reason is not radiation? What then? One of the versions is radiophobia, as well as a general deterioration of the environmental situation. Is radiation sickness a threat to us? Radiation sickness is a serious, often fatal disease. But it does not threaten many. Why? Radiation sickness occurs with very high doses of radiation. Radiation doses are usually divided into 3 groups: large, medium, small. Large doses are usually received during serious accidents that get out of control (the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Mayak PA, the story of Bikini Island, nuclear weapons tests). A person can receive a large dose of radiation not only during an accident, but also during the treatment of cancer. In this case, irradiation occurs using special devices. Radiation from these machines kills cancer cells.

After the Chernobyl accident, many were afraid of the “ghost” of radiation, the “ghost” of radiation sickness and did not follow doctors’ orders. Today, it is impossible to irradiate a person with dangerous (large) doses, and even more so it is impossible to hide radiation sickness. But fears of cancer are justified, since, unfortunately, no one is immune from them.

And all diseases, including cancer, arise due to the action of free radicals. This theory was put forward by the American scientist D. Harmer. During the breakdown of substances, so-called “fragments of molecules and atoms” are formed - free radicals (for example O, H, OH). These are the ones that can cause many serious diseases. And when receiving a dose of radiation, the number of free radicals increases and, consequently, the risk of cancer increases. If we add to this chemical pollution of the environment (the water that a person drinks, food) and radiophobia, which is a great stress for the body, then the number of free radicals gets out of control, and that’s when their frantic attack on the body begins. These three factors (radiation, psychological and emotional stress, chemical pollution) led to an increase in the level of morbidity among liquidators.

This leads to the conclusion: you should not be afraid of radiation (it is better to never receive it), but of stress, chemical pollution and, of course, you need to know the truth, and not read the “yellow” press. And if a person was able to cope with these factors, then he will overcome the disease from radiation.

Having received any dose of radiation, a person will certainly die, and the radiation will be inherited by children

Not all those exposed die, and not even the majority, but a small part of them. After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, American researchers and scientists monitored the irradiated residents of these cities. As a result, one feature was noticed that affected their health. People began to get sick and die more often from leukemia, and then from other forms of cancer. Thus, if the dose was not too large, we are not talking about any fatal threat and instant death from “cancer”. Smoking, for example, is much more dangerous. But radioactive radiation can lead to other undesirable effects on human health. For example, an irradiated man faces impotence, and a woman faces infertility. This is true, but only when we are talking about high-dose irradiation.

Irradiated parents give birth to mutant children, is this true? This is wrong. How many excess cases of handicapped children have been recorded among hibakushi (victims of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)? No one! It’s the same with the accident at Mayak and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. And again, the phenomenon of radiophobia worked: a huge number of abortions were carried out through the fault of journalists, since a very large number of people believed them.

Are all liquidators doomed to death or serious illness? Of course, if we talk about those liquidators who were the first to eliminate the consequences of the explosion (fire crews, soldiers, etc.), then they will receive a very large dose. Cases of leukemia were found in many liquidators, but according to the results of medical studies, out of 55 cases of disease, only 12 were attributed to exposure to radiation, because medicine in most cases is not able to establish an objective diagnosis when it came to low doses of radiation (less than 0.138 pollutants). The bulk of the liquidators still experienced enormous psychological pressure from the media. This is a serious disease that can be caused by frequent and prolonged stress. The world-famous Professor Bole conducted a study, the results of which led him to the conclusion that constant expectation of trouble leads to trouble, any situation can be corrected with a serious approach to it and timely treatment. Conclusion: this means that by receiving a dose of radiation, overcoming stress and applying the necessary treatment, you can avoid the disease, this is also stated in the previous myth. And oncological diseases are not inherited, just as ionizing radiation is not inherited. Modern medicine can give an exact answer to this question, and cases in which irradiated women gave birth to children with “cancer” have not yet been registered.

People receive the most radiation in “closed cities”, when working at nuclear power plants and even during medical research

There is an opinion among people that a person can receive radiation during treatment with radon, in any home, when working at a nuclear power plant, and even just while in a “closed” city.

Many people, including workers at nuclear power plants and factories that produce nuclear energy, believe that they are receiving a gigantic dose of radiation. There is some truth in this: people who directly work with atoms (main production workshops) are of course irradiated. Other workers receive a lower dose of radiation than, for example, patients during an X-ray examination.

There are several types of radiation: natural, medical, man-made.

Humans have been exposed to natural radiation since ancient times:

  • natural background radiation;
  • exposure to building materials;
  • irradiation from mineral fertilizers.

Medical exposure – primarily from X-ray diagnostic procedures. They include not only fluorography, but also various types of x-ray diagnostics, radiation therapy for cancer, and even radon baths. For each case, patients are provided with complete information about the planned and actual dose they receive during examination and treatment. In order to cause harm to your health, you need to get x-rayed at least 100 times in a row, which has not happened and cannot happen in medical practice.

Man-made exposure – includes several different types of exposure, such as:

  • operation of nuclear power plants;
  • the presence of a nuclear weapons complex and radioactive waste disposal sites;
  • functioning of nuclear fuel cycle enterprises and emergency situations at these facilities.

If these enterprises operate without emergency situations, then a tiny amount of radionuclides enters the environment.

Closed cities - naturally, in such cities residents receive certain doses of radiation. In recent years, the incidence of cancer among the population of these cities has increased, but this indicator generally remains below the average for the Russian Federation. What are the reasons for this:

  • deterioration of the socio-ecological situation on Earth;
  • a sharp increase in the number of motor vehicles (there are a lot of them in closed cities, such cities are not adapted to mass motorization), that is, the proportion of chemical elements in the air has increased;
  • in closed cities there are different levels of income per capita between workers at nuclear industry enterprises and all other residents (people lived better in these cities, but now living conditions have worsened and therefore such stress worsens the situation).

Conclusion: people began to get sick more often, but not from radiation exposure, but from the deterioration of the socio-political situation in the country and in the world, as well as from environmental pollution.

Thus, in our age of global environmental degradation, the age of stress and chemicals, people get sick and die more often and do not live to old age, although they have never been in closed cities and have not received ionizing radiation.

Radioactive radiation (or ionizing radiation) is energy that is released by atoms in the form of particles or waves of an electromagnetic nature. Humans are exposed to such exposure through both natural and anthropogenic sources.

The beneficial properties of radiation have made it possible to successfully use it in industry, medicine, scientific experiments and research, agriculture and other fields. However, with the spread of the use of this phenomenon, a threat to human health has arisen. A small dose of radioactive radiation can increase the risk of acquiring serious diseases.

The difference between radiation and radioactivity

Radiation, in a broad sense, means radiation, that is, the spread of energy in the form of waves or particles. Radioactive radiation is divided into three types:

  • alpha radiation – flux of helium-4 nuclei;
  • beta radiation – flow of electrons;
  • Gamma radiation is a stream of high-energy photons.

The characteristics of radioactive radiation are based on their energy, transmission properties and the type of emitted particles.

Alpha radiation, which is a stream of corpuscles with a positive charge, can be delayed by thick air or clothing. This species practically does not penetrate the skin, but when it enters the body, for example, through cuts, it is very dangerous and has a detrimental effect on internal organs.

Beta radiation has more energy - electrons move at high speeds and are small in size. Therefore, this type of radiation penetrates through thin clothing and skin deep into the tissue. Beta radiation can be shielded using an aluminum sheet a few millimeters thick or a thick wooden board.

Gamma radiation is high-energy radiation of an electromagnetic nature that has a strong penetrating ability. To protect against it, you need to use a thick layer of concrete or a plate of heavy metals such as platinum and lead.

The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered in 1896. The discovery was made by the French physicist Becquerel. Radioactivity is the ability of objects, compounds, elements to emit ionizing radiation, that is, radiation. The reason for the phenomenon is the instability of the atomic nucleus, which releases energy during decay. There are three types of radioactivity:

  • natural – typical for heavy elements whose serial number is greater than 82;
  • artificial – initiated specifically with the help of nuclear reactions;
  • induced - characteristic of objects that themselves become a source of radiation if they are heavily irradiated.

Elements that are radioactive are called radionuclides. Each of them is characterized by:

  • half-life;
  • type of radiation emitted;
  • radiation energy;
  • and other properties.

Sources of radiation

The human body is regularly exposed to radioactive radiation. Approximately 80% of the amount received each year comes from cosmic rays. Air, water and soil contain 60 radioactive elements that are sources of natural radiation. The main natural source of radiation is considered to be the inert gas radon, released from the earth and rocks. Radionuclides also enter the human body through food. Some of the ionizing radiation to which people are exposed comes from man-made sources, ranging from nuclear electricity generators and nuclear reactors to radiation used for medical treatment and diagnostics. Today, common artificial sources of radiation are:

  • medical equipment (the main anthropogenic source of radiation);
  • radiochemical industry (extraction, enrichment of nuclear fuel, processing of nuclear waste and its recovery);
  • radionuclides used in agriculture and light industry;
  • accidents at radiochemical plants, nuclear explosions, radiation releases
  • Construction Materials.

Based on the method of penetration into the body, radiation exposure is divided into two types: internal and external. The latter is typical for radionuclides dispersed in the air (aerosol, dust). They get on your skin or clothing. In this case, radiation sources can be removed by washing them away. External radiation causes burns to the mucous membranes and skin. In the internal type, the radionuclide enters the bloodstream, for example by injection into a vein or through a wound, and is removed by excretion or therapy. Such radiation provokes malignant tumors.

The radioactive background significantly depends on the geographical location - in some regions the level of radiation can exceed the average by hundreds of times.

The effect of radiation on human health

Radioactive radiation, due to its ionizing effect, leads to the formation of free radicals in the human body - chemically active aggressive molecules that cause cell damage and death.

Cells of the gastrointestinal tract, reproductive and hematopoietic systems are especially sensitive to them. Radioactive radiation disrupts their work and causes nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction, and fever. By affecting the tissues of the eye, it can lead to radiation cataracts. The consequences of ionizing radiation also include damage such as vascular sclerosis, deterioration of immunity, and damage to the genetic apparatus.

The system of transmission of hereditary data has a fine organization. Free radicals and their derivatives can disrupt the structure of DNA, the carrier of genetic information. This leads to mutations that affect the health of subsequent generations.

The nature of the effects of radioactive radiation on the body is determined by a number of factors:

  • type of radiation;
  • radiation intensity;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

The effects of radioactive radiation may not appear immediately. Sometimes its consequences become noticeable after a significant period of time. Moreover, a large single dose of radiation is more dangerous than long-term exposure to small doses.

The amount of radiation absorbed is characterized by a value called Sievert (Sv).

  • Normal background radiation does not exceed 0.2 mSv/h, which corresponds to 20 microroentgens per hour. When X-raying a tooth, a person receives 0.1 mSv.
  • The lethal single dose is 6-7 Sv.

Application of ionizing radiation

Radioactive radiation is widely used in technology, medicine, science, military and nuclear industries and other areas of human activity. The phenomenon underlies devices such as smoke detectors, power generators, icing alarms, and air ionizers.

In medicine, radioactive radiation is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer. Ionizing radiation has made it possible to create radiopharmaceuticals. With their help, diagnostic examinations are carried out. Instruments for analyzing the composition of compounds and sterilization are built on the basis of ionizing radiation.

The discovery of radioactive radiation was, without exaggeration, revolutionary - the use of this phenomenon brought humanity to a new level of development. However, this also caused a threat to the environment and human health. In this regard, maintaining radiation safety is an important task of our time.

Radiation acute or chronic poisoning, the cause of which is the action of ionizing electromagnetic radiation, is called radioactive exposure. Under its influence, free radicals and radionuclides are formed in the human body, which change biological and metabolic processes. As a result of radiation exposure, the integrity of protein and nucleic acid structures is destroyed, the DNA sequence changes, mutations and malignant neoplasms appear, and the annual number of cancer diseases increases by 9%.

Sources of radioactive radiation

The spread of radiation is not limited to modern nuclear power plants, nuclear power facilities and power lines. Radiation is found in all natural resources without exception. Even the human body already contains the radioactive elements potassium and rubidium. Where else does natural radiation occur:

  1. secondary cosmic radiation. In the form of rays, it is part of the background radiation in the atmosphere and reaches the Earth's surface;
  2. solar radiation. Directed flow of electrons, protons and nuclei in interplanetary space. Appear after strong solar flares;
  3. radon. Colorless inert radioactive gas;
  4. natural isotopes. Uranium, radium, lead, thorium;
  5. internal irradiation. The most commonly found radionuclides in food are strontium, cesium, radium, plutonium and tritium.

People's activities are constantly aimed at searching for sources of powerful energy, durable and reliable materials, methods for accurate early diagnosis and intensive effective treatment of serious diseases. The result of long-term scientific research and human impact on the environment is artificial radiation:

  1. nuclear power;
  2. medicine;
  3. nuclear tests;
  4. Construction Materials;
  5. radiation from household appliances.

The widespread use of radioactive substances and chemical reactions has led to a new problem of radiation exposure, which annually causes cancer, leukemia, hereditary and genetic mutations, decreased life expectancy and a source of environmental disasters.

Doses of dangerous radiation exposure

To prevent the occurrence of consequences that result from radiation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the background radiation and its level at work, in residential premises, in food and water. In order to assess the degree of possible damage to living organisms and the impact of radiation exposure on people, the following quantities are used:

  • exposure dose. Exposure to ionizing gamma and x-ray radiation in the air. It has the designation kl/kg (pendant divided by kilogram);
  • absorbed dose. The degree of influence of radiation on the physical and chemical properties of a substance. The value is expressed in a unit of measurement - gray (Gy). In this case, 1 C/kg = 3876 R;
  • equivalent, biological dose. The penetrating effect on living organisms is measured in sieverts (Sv). 1 Sv = 100 rem = 100 R, 1 rem = 0.01 Sv;
  • effective dose. The level of radiation damage, taking into account radiosensitivity, is determined using sievert (Sv) or rem (rem);
  • group dose. Collective, total unit in Sv, rem.

Using these conditional indicators, you can easily determine the level and degree of danger to human health and life, select the appropriate treatment for radiation exposure and restore the functions of the body affected by radiation.

Signs of radiation exposure

The damaging ability of invisible ionizing radiation is associated with the impact on humans of alpha, beta and gamma particles, x-rays and protons. Due to the latent, intermediate stage of radiation exposure, it is not always possible to determine in time the moment of onset of radiation sickness. Symptoms of radioactive poisoning appear gradually:

  1. radiation injury. The effect of radiation is short-term, the radiation dose does not exceed 1 Gy;
  2. typical bone marrow form. Irradiation rate - 1-6 Gy. Death from radiation occurs in 50% of people. In the first minutes, malaise, low blood pressure, and vomiting are observed. Replaced by visible improvement after 3 days. Lasts up to 1 month. After 3-4 weeks the condition worsens sharply;
  3. gastrointestinal stage. The degree of irradiation reaches 10-20 Gy. Complications in the form of sepsis, enteritis;
  4. vascular phase. Poor circulation, changes in blood flow speed and vascular structure. Blood pressure surges. The dose of radiation received is 20-80 Gy;
  5. cerebral form. Severe radiation poisoning at a dose of more than 80 Gy causes cerebral edema and death. The patient dies from 1 to 3 days from the moment of infection.

The most common forms of radioactive poisoning are bone marrow and gastrointestinal damage, the consequences of which are severe changes in the body. Characteristic symptoms also appear after exposure to radiation:

  • body temperature from 37 °C to 38 °C, in severe form the indicators are higher;
  • arterial hypotension. The source of low blood pressure is a violation of vascular tone and heart function;
  • radiation dermatitis or hyperemia. Skin lesions. Expressed by redness and allergic rash;
  • diarrhea. Frequent loose or watery stools;
  • baldness. Hair loss is a characteristic symptom of radiation exposure;
  • anemia. Lack of hemoglobin in the blood is associated with a decrease in red blood cells, oxygen cellular starvation;
  • hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver. Destruction of the gland structure and changes in the functions of the biliary system;
  • stomatitis. The reaction of the immune system to the appearance of foreign bodies in the body in the form of damage to the oral mucosa;
  • cataract. Partial or complete loss of vision is associated with clouding of the lens;
  • leukemia. Malignant disease of the hematopoietic system, blood cancer;
  • agranulocytosis. Decreased leukocyte levels.

Exhaustion of the body also affects the central nervous system. Most patients experience asthenia or pathological fatigue syndrome after radiation injury. Accompanied by sleep disturbances, confusion, emotional instability and neuroses.

Chronic radiation sickness: degrees and symptoms

The course of the disease is long. Diagnosis is also complicated by the mild nature of slowly emerging pathologies. In some cases, the development of changes and disorders in the body manifests itself from 1 to 3 years. Chronic radiation injuries cannot be characterized by one symptom. Symptoms of intense radiation exposure form a number of complications depending on the degree of exposure:

  • light. The functioning of the gallbladder and biliary tract is disrupted, women's menstrual cycle is disrupted, men suffer from sexual impotence. Emotional changes and disturbances are observed. Associated symptoms include lack of appetite and gastritis. Treatable with timely consultation with specialists;
  • average. People exposed to radiation poisoning suffer from vegetative-vascular diseases, which are expressed by persistent low blood pressure and periodic bleeding from the nose and gums, and are susceptible to asthenic syndrome. The average degree is accompanied by tachycardia, dermatitis, hair loss and brittle nails. The number of platelets and leukocytes decreases, problems with blood clotting begin, and the bone marrow is damaged;
  • heavy. Progressive changes in the human body, such as intoxication, infection, sepsis, tooth and hair loss, necrosis and multiple hemorrhages result in death.

A long process of irradiation at a daily dose of up to 0.5 Gy, with a total quantitative indicator of more than 1 Gy, provokes chronic radiation injury. Leads to death from severe radioactive poisoning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, dystrophy and organ dysfunction.

Radioactive effects on humans

To protect yourself and your loved ones from severe complications and negative consequences of radiation exposure, it is necessary to avoid exposure to high amounts of ionizing radiation. To this end, it is better to remember where radiation is most often found in everyday life and how great its impact on the body is in one year in mSv:

  1. air - 2;
  2. food consumed - 0.02;
  3. water - 0.1;
  4. natural sources (cosmic and solar rays, natural isotopes) - 0.27 - 0.39;
  5. inert gas radon - 2;
  6. residential premises - 0.3;
  7. watching TV - 0.005;
  8. consumer goods - 0.1;
  9. radiography - 0.39;
  10. computed tomography - from 1 to 11;
  11. fluorography - 0.03 - 0.25;
  12. air travel - 0.2;
  13. smoking - 13.

The permissible safe dose of radiation that will not cause radioactive poisoning is 0.03 mSv for one year. If a single dose of ionizing radiation exceeds 0.2 mSv, the level of radiation becomes dangerous for humans and can cause cancer, genetic mutations of subsequent generations, disruption of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems, and provoke disorders of the stomach and intestines.