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Outline of a lesson on teaching literacy (middle group) on the topic: outline of a lesson on teaching literacy in the middle group “sounds, and letters m, m. Summary of GCD on teaching children literacy in the middle group.docx - Summary of GCD on teaching children literacy in average

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 121"

GCD for literacy education"World of Sounds" A journey through the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”

Target: introduce the sound G, and teach children to correctly pronounce the sound [G] in various forms of speech activity.


  1. Educational:

Introduce the sound “G”;

Automate correct pronunciation [G],

  1. Educators:

Cultivate cognitive interest through the use of games


Foster a love for Russian folk tales

  1. Educational:

Develop phonemic awareness.

Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Preliminary work:

Telling the fairy tale "Geese-swans", conversation on the content, examination

illustrations, dramatization of excerpts from fairy tales.

GCD move

The teacher enters the group in a Russian folk sundress, with a scarf on his shoulders.

Hello children, look at my unusual costume, do you like it?

(children's answers). Guys, will you allow me to be a storyteller today? (children's answer)

I have told you many fairy tales, do you like my fairy tales?

Do you know that in every fairy tale there are riddles!

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high

They look far away.

Children: Geese and swans

Educator: - Guys, let's remember this fairy tale. What does it say? (children's answers). Would you like to help Alyonushka find and save his brother Ivanushka? (children's answers). Then let's hit the road! We need to say the magic words, but before that, let's stretch our tongues and do some exercises.

Phonetic exercise.

Wolves howl in the forest

Leaves rustle shhhh

Snakes crawl and whistle ssss

Mosquitoes fly and squeak

Educator: Well done guys, now we are ready to say the magic words

Hold hands tightly

Get into the circle quickly

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Let's start the story!

Here we are in a fairy tale.

Educator: Guys, we need to get on the road quickly, we'll go quickly, quickly,

We'll come straight to the stove!


Educator: Guys, look how delicious the pies are in the oven. With different fillings. With which? Let's choose fillings that have the [G] sound. (mushrooms, blueberries, cottage cheese).

Together: Stove-stove, please tell me where the geese-swans flew?

Game "Say the Word"

  1. Dried out in the hot sun

And it bursts out of the pods...(peas).

  1. I am in any bad weather

I respect water very much.

I keep away from dirt -

Clean gray...(GOOSE)

  1. All the migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Jump across the arable land all day long,

And the bird's name is (ROOK)

Stove: Well done, the swan geese flew through the spring forest to the apple tree.

Educator: Thanks stove. Guys, let's get going

Physical exercise. "Spring"

Hands raised and waved -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down:

The wings are folded back! (arms pulled back)

Apple tree.

Educator: Hello apple tree, tell me where did the geese and swans fly?

Apple tree. Listen to the rustling of my branches, name the first sound in

in the words that you hear, then I will say.

Game "Name the sound"

Mushroom, goose, caterpillar, hero, gnome, cat, cabbage, maple, pencil, mug.

Yablonka . The geese flew to the east, where the river flows.

Educator: Thank you apple tree. Let's move on. Guys, where should we go? (where the river flows).

Educator: So we came to the milk river-jelly banks.

River, river - river,

Haven't you seen where

the swan geese were flying,

landed where and sat down?

River: I’m not a simple river, it’s magical, I can show you a lot, and a lot

tell me, sit down on my bank and rest a little.

Game "Chain"


Educator: Look, here is a hut on chicken legs. Oh, who lives there? (children - Baba Yaga). Let's politely ask Grandma - Hedgehog, please give Ivanushka.

  1. Sleeps in summer, burns in winter,

The mouth opens

What they give, he swallows.


  1. Round, rosy

I'm growing on a branch

Adults love me

And little children


  1. Blue sister, fast water

Along the friends, the shores, it strives into the ocean.


  1. On the edge, on the path

The house is worth

On chicken legs


Baba Yaga: Okay, all the riddles have been solved. And the last question:

Is it possible to leave little brothers and sisters alone? (children - no!)

And why? (children's answers)

Why take Ivanushka?

Ivanushka: Thank you guys for saving me from Baba Yaga. Tell me, eh

Who did you meet in a fairy tale, who helped you?

Well done boys and girls for your help Alyonushka handed over the basket

with apples.

Educator: Wait Ivanushka, the guys and I want to give you and Alyonushka a gift. Mushrooms. Application "Mushrooms"

Summary of NNOD on teaching literacy in the senior group, topic “Tricks of the Bookmaker”


To consolidate children's knowledge of the vowel sounds A, O, U, Y, E and the letters denoting these sounds.
Practice selecting words with vowel sounds in different positions.
Continue to teach children to identify the first and last sound in a word.
Reinforce the concepts of “sound” and “letter”.
Practice determining the number of syllables in a word.
To improve children’s ability to answer questions accurately in meaning and to construct sentences correctly.
Practice developing a smooth air stream.
Develop logical thinking, memory and fine motor skills of children.
Foster an interest in learning to read and write.


Vowel letter silhouettes; magnetic board; manual "House"; subject pictures, the name of which has 1,2,3 syllables; cards for the development of air flow; toys; handouts: colored pebbles, buttons, sticks.

GCD move:

Children enter the hall where pictures of letters are hung.

Speech therapist:

Look how many letters there are and they are all made by your own hands. And I know riddles about these letters and I suggest you guess them, find the right letter and hang it on a magnetic board.

Riddles about letters

Hoop, ball and wheel
You will be reminded of the letter...

There is a hollow in the old tree
Well, just like a letter...

If I make sponges
A very thin tube
I'll make a sound later
Then you will hear the sound...

Edik gave it to Ellochka
Popsicle in a plate
And Elina and Allochka
Popsicle on sticks.
This is a popsicle for you
The letter personally gives...

I don't know what the secret is
There is no word for this letter.
Only the letters are important
We will remember the letter...

Here are two columns diagonally,
And between them there is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is a letter...

Speech therapist:

You have guessed all the riddles and chosen the letters correctly. Tell me what sounds these letters (vowels) represent. Why are these sounds called vowels? (Pronounced without obstacle, drawn out, sung). Let's sing the vowels:

Boys are loud
Girls - quiet;
Drawing - abruptly;
From quiet to loud and vice versa.

Game "Silent Sounds"

The adult (or child) shows the articulation of the vowel sound, and the children pronounce this sound loudly.

The Bookmaker appears and removes all the letters from the magnetic board.

Speech therapist:

Well done! What sounds are we making? (pronounce and hear). What do we see and write? (Letters). Let's look at the letters again. Where did all the letters go? A! I think I guessed it. These are the pranks of Bukvoezhka, who hid behind the easel.


What, can't find the letters? And it’s me, Bookvoezhka ate them. But the letters may appear again if you can complete all my tasks.

Speech therapist:

Well, guys, let's try to complete the tasks of the Letter Book and return the letters? Well, then let's get to work!

Task 1: selecting words with sound A


Guess the riddle:

Once upon a time there was an animal in the forest,
He was afraid of the wolf and the fox.
The skin was gray.
And in the name there is the sound A.

What kind of animal is this? (Hare). Children pronounce the word, emphasizing the sound A - za-a-ayats.

The hare has a garden.
What is he growing?
You name vegetables
Don’t forget about the sound A!

Children select words whose names contain the sound A.

Speech therapist:

Guests came to the hare
And they gave me toys.
And in the names there was a rumor,
The toys had the sound A.

Let's give the Bunny toys with the sound A in the name.

Boys will give toys that boys play with, and girls will give toys that girls like to play with. Children pick up and give toys to the bunny.

Speech therapist:

Toys, what sound did we select? (Children's answers) Can we see the sound A? (no), what can we see? (letter A) We completed the first task. Bukvoezhka, return the letter A to us.

Task 2: changing nouns by case


Do you know how to play the game “One-many”? (Yes).

Speech therapist:

Our children love to play this game, and we invite you to play with us. Playing with a ball: the speech therapist throws the ball to the child and pronounces the word in the singular, the child returns the ball to the speech therapist and pronounces the same word in the plural.

Ball - balls
Table – tables, etc.


Tell me, guys, what sound was at the end of your answers (sound Y). Can you see this sound? (no), And what can you see (letter). Well done, you coped with this task too. Get your letter Y back.

Task 3: breathing exercises

Bookmaker: I have prepared the next test for you, “Enchanted Pictures.” If you manage to disenchant them, I will return another letter to you.

Children sit in a circle, in front of each is a picture covered with colored paper cut into strips.

Speech therapist:

Guys, I know how to disenchant the pictures. Bring the picture to your lips. Place your tongue on your lower lip and blow on it without puffing out your cheeks, so that the picture opens.

Playing with colored stones. After completing the breathing exercise, one child names his picture, then passes the stone to another with the question: “I have a duck, what about you?” Do this until everyone names their picture.


What sound is heard at the beginning of each of these words? (Sound U). Can we see the sound U? (no), what can we see? (Letter U). You have completed the third task. I return the letter U to you.

Task 4: dynamic pause “Show - take your time, and make sure you don’t make a mistake”


Name the parts of the face whose name contains the sound O. (Nose, mouth, forehead). Now I’ll see how attentive you are. I suggest you play the game “Show me - take your time, and make sure you don’t make a mistake.”

The adult invites the children to show their mouth, nose, forehead with the index finger of their right hand. Then he changes the order of the words several times, complicating the game by showing them incorrectly.

Speech therapist:

What vowel sound is hidden in the middle of words: mouth, forehead, nose? (sound O). Can we see the sound O? (no), what can we see? (letter O). We completed the fourth task. Come on, Bukvoezhka, give us back the letter.

Task 5: determining the number of syllables in words


On the way to you, I ran past a construction site. The builders built a house, it has many floors, how can you call it what kind of house it is (multi-story). But there are no residents in this house yet, it stands empty, and when I shouted loudly, I heard in response... (echo).

Speech therapist:

Let's, guys, populate this house so that it won't be empty and sad. We will place residents with 1 syllable in their names on the first floor, residents with 2 syllables in their names on the second floor, residents with 3 syllables in their names on the third, and 4 syllables on the fourth.

Children select pictures and place them in the windows at home.


Here you go. The whole house was occupied. Now you can scream or don’t scream, but you won’t hear the echo.

Speech therapist:

Don't be upset, Bookvoezhka. The echo can be heard in the mountains.


What is the first sound in the word ECHO? (E). Will you see this sound in the mountains? (No).

Speech therapist:

We won't be able to see the sound, but what will we see, guys? (letter). You, Bukvoezhka, don’t be cunning, but rather give us back the letter E.

The letterbook returns the last letter.

Speech therapist:

Guys, look carefully at the letters. Don’t you think that Bukvoezhka’s letters are somehow different, sick? Let's show Bukvoezhka what the letters should be and lay them out from sticks, pebbles and cereals. And you, Bukvoezhka, look who is more agile among us: girls or boys.

Children are divided into two teams: boys and girls, and lay out letters from the proposed material.


What great fellows, both girls and boys, with deft fingers they laid out all the letters correctly. And what sounds are indicated by these letters (vowels). You did an excellent job with my tasks, and I want to give you a gift so that you can continue to train your memory and fingers and write beautifully all the letters that you have already become acquainted with and which you have yet to become acquainted with.

Lesson in the middle group on literacy

Topic: “The little bear woke up”


1.Develop the articulatory apparatus.

2.Develop phonemic hearing.

3. Distinguish between vowels and consonants by ear; indicate sounds with red and blue chips.

4. Distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “word”

5.Learn to highlight intonation and name the first sound in words.

6. Activate the names of wild animals and their cubs in children’s speech.

Equipment: kitten and bear toys, red and blue chips, 2 red and blue baskets, toys, pictures with articulation gymnastics.

Progress of the lesson:

Timoshka the cat (a regular character in classes) comes to the children and says hello.

Timoshka: Hello guys! I already miss all the kids! But today I am not alone, one of my friends came with me. He really wanted to meet you, but he couldn’t wake up! Well, let him sleep a little, and at this time we will wake up our Tongue and his assistants.

Educator: guys. Let's remember who helps our Tongue pronounce all the sounds and words?

Children's answers: teeth, lips, cheeks, palate, neck.

Q: Well done! Now let’s do our gymnastics for Tongue. And you, Timoshka, don’t be lazy, do it with us. And our funny animals will help us with this.

Articulation gymnastics “Funny Animals” is carried out (exercises “hippopotamus”, “baby elephant”, “delicious honey”, “squirrel”, etc.). – see the book by N. Nishcheva.

T.: For some reason, my friend doesn’t wake up. Let's play Repeat, it's so fun!

V.: Of course we’ll play. Come on, repeat after me!

A game is played to pronounce phrases:

MA-Ma-Ma - I can do everything myself!

MO-Mo-Mo – they bought me a popsicle!

MU-MU-MU - will we give milk to anyone?

V.: Timosha, maybe you can still tell me who is sleeping under your blanket and still snoring?

T.: And you guess my riddle:

He sleeps in a den in winter
under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes -

Wakes up from sleep.

Children: it's a bear!

V.: Correct. It is indeed difficult for a bear to wake up after a long winter hibernation. I suggest playing the game “Clap if you hear a sound!”

And the bear will wake up from our claps!

The game “Clap if you hear a sound!” is played. - the teacher names words and sounds, children clap only if they hear a sound.

The little bear (toy) “wakes up”: Oh. Who is it that keeps me from sleeping? A. Yes, this is Timoshka and my friends! I'm so glad to see you! Oh, other forest animals also wanted to come with me, how will they find their way to you now?

V.: Guys, who else can come to us from the forest?

Children: Fox with... cubs, she-wolf with..., hedgehog with... etc.

V.: Now we’ll show you what the bear’s friends are doing in the forest.

Dynamic pause "Forest animals"

Tell me guys

How animals live in the forest.

Like a little fox washes itself,

Like a baby squirrel waking up

Like a wolf cub ran,

Like a little hare galloped.

Like a hedgehog and a hedgehog

Collecting blackberries.

Only the bear cub is sleeping. In no hurry to wake up.

V.: You, Mishutka, don’t be upset! The guys will now help build a path into the forest. Your forest friends will definitely get to us next time along it.

The game “Sound Path” is played - the teacher names vowel or consonant sounds, and the children lay out a “path” from blue (consonants) and red (vowels) chips on the board.

T.: Now they definitely won’t get lost, and you, bear, will find your way back. And we will send gifts to your friends in the forest. But I also need to leave the toys, what should I do?

V.: And we’ll do everything honestly: here’s a blue basket for you, Timoshka, and we’ll give Mishutka a red one. If the name of the toy begins with a “singing” sound, then the toy goes into the red basket, and if the first sound in the word “stumbles, meets an obstacle,” then into the blue basket.

The game “Put the toys in the basket” is played.

M.: How great! Everything was shared fairly! I’ll now run into the forest along the path and take the gifts. I haven't seen the animals all winter. And next time we will all come to you together! Thank you very much!


  1. Learn to isolate the sound U from a series of vowels, to isolate the initial stressed sound against the background of a word, to hear words with the sound U.
  2. Develop auditory attention, phonemic and visual perception, general and fine motor skills, thinking.
  3. Exercise in the ability to change the pitch and strength of the voice, in the use of antonyms quietly-loudly, big-small; finish the sentence with meaning.
  4. To develop the ability to form the plural of nouns and nouns with a diminutive suffix.
  5. Increase interest in pre-literacy activities.

Equipment: individual mirrors, simple pencils, an image of the girl Uli, a large and small airplane, object pictures: iron, fishing rod, snail, duck, ducklings, ears; "tracks" of the aircraft.

Plan - outline. Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist invites the children to sit down in a given sequence: Veronica, Katya, Sophia, Lisa, Camilla, Maxim.

II. Articulation exercises.

The speech therapist shows a picture of a girl: “This is Ulya, Ulyana.” (The name is repeated first by everyone in chorus, then by individual children.)
What is the first sound in this name? (U). What exercise do our lips resemble when we pronounce U? (“Tube”). Performing exercises in front of a mirror: “Tube”, “Smile”, “The house opens”, “Curious tongue”.

III. Articulation of the sound U.

Say the sound U again and look at each other, in what position are your lips? Teeth?
The lips are like a tube, the teeth do not close, they are closed with the lips. Is the voice sleeping or singing? (singing means the sound is ringing). What can you do with the sound U? (stretch, sing). Children pronounce the sound “U” in chorus and one at a time.

IV. Isolating the sound U by articulation “Guess what sound”

The speech therapist silently pronounces vowel sounds: a-o-u-i-a-u-a-i-o-u... Having identified the sound, the children pronounce it out loud, and when U, they also clap their hands (catch the sound).

V. Physical education “Loud-quiet”

There are two pictures on the board depicting a large and a small airplane. -Are the planes the same or different? What is the affectionate name for a small plane? (airplane). The plane is flying, its engine is humming: U-U-U. How does a big plane sound? (loud). Small? (quiet). We alternately “fly” and hum like small and large airplanes. Show with your voice how the plane takes off (increasing the voice with the sound U), how the plane lands? (weakening of voice power).

VI. Isolating the sound U from a word.

The speech therapist pronounces words with initial stressed vowel sounds, the children determine the first sound in the word, call it; Having heard U at the beginning of the word, they spread their arms to the sides - the wings of an airplane.

Lexical material: duck, autumn, fishing rod, aster, ears, needles, stork, street, cloud, dinner, windows, August, morning, Ira.

VII. Didactic game "One - Many".

The teacher explains the conditions of the game: “I will talk about one subject, and you will talk about many.”
Vocabulary material: snail—snails, iron—irons, duck—ducks, fishing rod—fishing rods, smile—smiles, street—streets, beetle—beetles,

VIII. Didactic game “Finish the sentence” (based on object pictures).

Give each child an object picture: iron, fishing rod, snail, duck, duckling, ears. The speech therapist begins the sentence, and the child whose picture matches the meaning finishes it. The child picks up his picture and repeats the sentence in full.
- Mom irons things... (with an iron).
- For fishing you need... (a fishing rod).
- He wears a house... (snail).
- The boy has a pain... (ear).
- Swimming on the pond... (duck)
- Mother duck calls her...(ducklings)

IX. Fine motor skills exercise “Traces of an airplane.”

Take pencils and draw paths from the plane along the dots and sing the song: U-U-U.
What sound did you study in class? Let's say goodbye to him: stretch our arms forward and say Ooooh.

Larisa Zvereva
Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the middle group “Sounds”

prepared by Zvereva L. WITH

Target: Bring children to the concept that our speech consists of words, be able to name and select words that indicate the names of objects on the proposed topic, reinforce the concept with children sound. Be able to find and name the ones you need sounds in words, develop phonemic sound in children, learn to answer questions with common sentences. Practice solving ethical problems, be able to identify good and bad actions. Cultivate honesty and politeness.

Equipment: toys: hare, fox, doll, bear, ball. Three subject Pictures: soap, bear, mouse

GCD move:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

Educator: Children, come to us guests came to the group. They will remain in our class if we name them correctly.

(Shows toys)

Children: This is a hare, a fox, a doll, a bear, a ball.

Educator: Let's call these guests something else. For example, I want to call a hare a hare. And you?

Diana: And I would call him a bunny - a coward.

Sasha: A hare can be called a slanting hare or a boasting hare, as in a fairy tale.

Christina: You can also call it a bunny

Educator: You named our guest very well hare: and a bunny, and a hare-tail, and a little bunny - a coward, and a sideways, and a bunny. What would you call a fox?

Dima: The fox is red, beautiful, cunning.

Educator: How much Dima said about the fox. Who else will come up with something?

Sonya: I think that a fox can be called a vixen and a fox - Patrikeevna

Christina: Dima said that the fox is cunning, she deceives everyone, I would also call her a cheat and a liar.

Educator: It’s very interesting that you named the fox, very correctly. What would you say about this doll?

Valya: This doll is very small, so I would call it a doll

Karina: If I played with her, I would call her my daughter Lenochka.

Educator: how kindly you spoke about our guest- doll: doll, daughter Lenochka. What can you say about the ball?

Alyosha: the ball is a ball, it is rubber, it jumps, skips, plays with children.

Educator: And since he jumps, plays, plays around with children, what can he be called?

Pavlik: I would call him a bouncy and funny guy.

Diana: And I would come up with the name mischievous.

Educator: What wonderful, interesting, unusual words you came up with, how different they all are, these words. Our speech consists of such different words. What we say is our speech. Speech consists of different words. Words can describe everything we see. And it can be called differently. As we called it now. Two more belated guests came to us. Name them.

Children: These are bears.

Educator: What are they? The same?

Andrey: No, they don't the same: one big one. And the other one is small.

Educator: What would you name the little bear?

Diana: I would call it a little target or a little bear.

Sasha: And I would call it a bear cub.

Karina: And I would be a little bear.

Educator: These are good, kind words. What can you call a big bear?

Valya: He's a bear-bear.

Pavlik: I would call him General Toptygin or Mikhail Potapych

Diana: And I would call it bear meat.

Educator: How many different names have we come up with for our guests - the bears? But one of these bears is big and you called him respectfully, what?

(Children repeat)

And the second bear is small and you look at it completely differently called: affectionately and tenderly. Repeat how?

(Children repeat)

Physical education break: I invite children to jump around the room like bunnies, walk like bears, and growl. How they growl, run around like sister foxes. Imagine that they are holding the doll Lenochka in their hands. Rock her, sing her a lullaby.

Educator: Children, we just said that our speech consists of words. What are words made of?

Diana: I think. What words are made of sounds.

Educator: How wonderfully said Diana: I think... You think correctly, Diana. After all, all words really consist of sounds. A the sound is that what we hear and say.

Name any sounds.

Children: A, O, U, R., etc.

Educator: That's right, that's sounds. There are a lot of them, they make up the words that we pronounce. And our speech consists of words. But there are guys sounds, which we hear, but cannot pronounce in our speech. They are called non-speech. Have you guessed which ones? the sounds I speak? No?

Then listen.

(I invite the children to listen to water pouring, a door creaking, a piano playing, a stick knocking on a table, etc.).

Can you listen to these sounds, repeat them? That's right, you can't do that. They cannot be reproduced, they can only be heard. That's why they are called non-speech sounds. And now, children, we are again

we'll talk about sounds, which we hear and which can be pronounced. I'll show you three pictures.

(I show pictures with soap, a bear, and a mouse.)

Name what is drawn on them. Now listen carefully to my exercise: call me sound, which appears in all these words. That's right, he lives in all these words M sound, this sound all three words begin.

Sound M lives in these words at the beginning. Now think of words that start with M sound.

Children: Mom, bear, milk, Masha, peace, carrots, ball, etc.

Educator: Well done boys. You did a very good job with my assignment. Now I'll ask you something else. Tell me, what magic words do you know?

Roma: I know two magic ones words: Thank you and you're welcome.

Educator: Yes, these are really magic words. How often do you say them?

Kate: I often say them, but sometimes I forget to say them and my grandmother or mother reminds me of this.

Educator: Yes, unfortunately, sometimes you forget to say those really magical words. But I think this happens very rarely. How do you pronounce these words: shout. Do you speak rudely, with anger, or in a different way?

Marina: These words must be spoken quietly, in a gentle voice.

Educator: That's right, Marina. You should never shout or get angry while talking to a person. be rude... And even more so when you say the magic words. After all, they are not called magical for nothing, because they have magical powers - after them, a person definitely wants to do only pleasant things. Let me remind you of this.

(Reading a short excerpt from Oseeva’s story "Magic word".)

So how should you pronounce the magic word?

Nastya: You must say these words in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to.

Educator: That's right Nastya! This is exactly how you need to say the magic words. And only then will they have power. And now I want to check how you remember what we talked about today. Now we will solve problems with you, but not on addition, but on respect. Christina, take the ball and play with us

(Christina throws the ball up and doesn’t have time to catch it)

Who can guess what needs to be done now?

(Roma jumps up from his chair, runs up to the ball and gives it to Christina.)

Guys, Roma did a great job. He helped Christina pick up the ball and said this: "Please take the ball". And he said with a smile. Looking straight into your eyes. Were you pleased, Christina, how did they treat you?

Christina: Very nice, so I told him thank you.

Educator: Well done, Roma! Now, children, imagine that we are all riding on a bus. Nastya. Imagine that you are a mother, you have a heavy bag in your hands. (I give her the package) and child (I suggest taking a doll). We're all on the bus. Stop. A woman enters (Nastya) with a bag and a child in her arms. How do we proceed next?

(Children run up to "woman", offer to take the bag from your hands and give up a seat, while saying the magic word).

Educator: You did the very right thing, showed respect for the woman. Well done!

Now let's leave this room and go to another.

(Children get up and go through the door into another room).

Guys, haven't you noticed?: For some reason, Roma and Sasha stopped when you walked through the door. Can't you guess why?

Anya: First they let all the girls go ahead, and then they went themselves

Educator: They acted like real men. Have other boys forgotten that girls should always be let ahead? Let's try again.

(The children go again to another room, but the boys now wait for all the girls to pass first, and then they go in themselves)

Educator: Now it’s better. The boys did not forget to give way to the girls, they were Gentlemen. But still one mistake. Children. You admitted it. But which one?

(The children thought)

Have you forgotten that there is another older person here? It's me.

Is it right. What was the last thing I passed?

Children: No. Wrong!

Educator: Let's make sure it's absolutely correct.

(The situation is repeated. But now the children let the teacher go ahead, speaking when this: "Please pass", then the girls pass by and only then the boys come in.

Educator: Now you have acted as well-mannered people act. Thank you. I'm pleased that in group We only have such good children. Well done!

And now, children, let's think and say what new we learned in today's lesson, what we remembered.

(Summarizes the lesson.)