Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Why do children study in the second shift? Studying during the second shift: is it good or bad? The optimal routine for a schoolchild

In his message to the Federal Assembly, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin gave instructions until 2025 to transfer education in schools for all students from grades 1 to 11 to the first shift. The opposite situation is happening locally, I am a mother of many children, now my two youngest sons are studying at school No. 14 in the village of Pyatigorsky, Stavropol Territory. We have a very good school, new, 2008.

The school has 38 classrooms, 2 computer classes, a gym, a large dining room, and an assembly hall. My two eldest sons also studied at this school; they studied in the first shift. With the arrival of the new director, primary school children began to study in the second shift at the school. For several years now, lessons for 3rd graders have been held in the second shift, but this year the director forcibly, personally, decided to transfer students of 2nd and 3rd grades to the second shift, these are eight sets of classes.

For the 2018/2019 academic year, the school will have 629 students (according to the director), which is 34 classroom sets. From a conversation with the director, I learned that the school has 2 more classes than before; on this basis, 8 classes will be taught in the second shift (there is no official document justifying this decision). Parents were not given the opportunity to express their opinion regarding the transfer of our children to the second shift, we were presented with a fait accompli, the school management does not take into account the parents’ opinion. Due to the transfer of our children to the second shift, parents, and most importantly the children themselves, are constantly in a state of continuous stress, studying in the second shift at school.

Psychologists say that the daily biorhythm of a person’s mental activity is structured in such a way that its first peak occurs at 8-12 o’clock in the morning, and the decline occurs in the middle of the day at 12-16 o’clock. SanPiN 2. 4. 2.

2821-10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions" in Chapter X. Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process, paragraph 10. 7. We read: "The lesson schedule is drawn up taking into account the daily and weekly mental performance of students and the scale of difficulty of learning items (Appendix 3 of these sanitary rules).”

In Appendix 3 we read: “Hygienic recommendations for the lesson schedule. Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmic optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls within the interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of material is observed at the lowest psychophysiological costs for the body. Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage of education, the main subjects should be taught in 2-3 lessons, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages of education - in 2, 3, 4 lessons.”

In this regard, we, parents, have a question: why are our children, aged 7 to 10 years old, despite all the recommendations of specialists, being forced to study in the second shift? Why is it that where the educational system fails, it is the most defenseless - children - who end up at the extreme? So, it turns out that a child studying in the second shift works mentally during the most unproductive hours of the day. It’s scary to imagine what consequences such overload and disruption of the internal biological “clock” will lead to on the physical and mental health of children.

How will such leaps in the training regime and in the daily routine in general affect the health and performance of our children? It is also a very big problem for working parents to ensure control over the preparation of homework by a child studying in the second shift. While parents are at work, it is not clear who will be responsible for ensuring that children studying in the second shift comply with the daily routine (the first half). Not all parents are ready to fearlessly accept the fact that a child studying in the second shift will get to school and return home on his own.

Children studying in the second shift are deprived of the opportunities that children studying in the first shift have. Coming home from school, students studying in the first shift, as a rule, after school, had time to go for a walk with their peers, go to hobby groups and sports clubs, and relax. In this situation, it is very worrying that teaching children in the second shift contradicts the implementation of Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Namely: Article 31.

1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. 2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to full participation in cultural and creative life and shall promote the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural and creative activities, leisure and recreation.

Difficulties with the implementation of the above-mentioned rights of the child arise due to the fact that there are very few sections and circles that carry out their activities in the first half of the day. As a result, a student studying in the second shift is deprived of the right to choose and does not have the opportunity to develop creatively in those directions for which he has inclinations and abilities. I would also like to note the fact that the education of primary school children in our school is especially outrageous, since on the school grounds there is a two-story building intended for teaching children. However, for 10 years now it has been idle, the windows are broken, self-destruction will soon begin, this is due to the fact that the regional leadership has not yet allocated funds to complete this long-term construction and improve the conditions for the education of our children.

This is how the president’s instructions are carried out in a particular school. We ask you to understand the situation in our school with the second shift, help the school management create a lesson schedule so that all children study in the first shift. Conduct an audit of the allocation of funds to complete the construction of an educational building on the school grounds, as well as monitor the use of funds allocated by the regional leadership for the completion of this construction. With respect, parents of students of school No. 14 in the village of Pyatigorsky, Stavropol Territory.

Many parents are faced with the need to teach their child at school during the second shift. This is not always the decision of the parents themselves and the desire of the children, more often it is a necessity on the part of educational institutions. We will tell you in this article how to properly structure the daily routine of a child studying in the second shift, so that he does not get too tired and has time to study well.

Studying in the second shift

Parents of schoolchildren studying in the second shift have a negative attitude towards the new daily routine, since, according to them, it causes a lot of inconvenience. Parents also complain that their children are tired, and they have to forget about clubs altogether during this period. Experts, meanwhile, note that even during the second shift, a child can study successfully, have time to rest and help around the house. All you need to do for this is to properly organize the child’s daily routine.

Daily routine for a second-shift student

Among the priorities when drawing up a schedule for a child studying in the second shift, the following can be noted:

  • healthy eating;
  • proper rest and sleep;
  • studying at school and at home;
  • being in the fresh air.

The best way to start a schoolchild's morning is with exercise. It will give you the opportunity to wake up and cheer up. Your child should wake up at 7:00.

After charging there are hygiene procedures, room cleaning and breakfast.

At around 8:00 the student should start doing homework. It should be borne in mind that it takes about 1.5-2 hours for elementary school children to prepare lessons, while high school students spend about 3 hours on homework.

From 10:00 to 11:00 children have free time, which they can spend on household chores or hobbies, and also use it for walks in the fresh air.

The child should have lunch at the same time every day - around 12:30. After lunch, the child goes to school.

What time the second shift starts is determined by the school schedule, usually 1:30 p.m. Classes at school, depending on the schedule, last until 19:00, after which the child goes home.

For an hour, students of the second shift have the opportunity to take a walk; in elementary schools this time is a little longer. At 20:00 the child must have dinner. For the next two hours, he indulges in his hobbies, prepares clothes and shoes for the next day, and performs hygiene procedures. At 22:00 the child goes to bed.

Hello! We will go to second grade, it turned out that this year we will be the only ones studying in the second shift. Is this legal? I read that according to the current SANPIN, our school with in-depth study of individual subjects cannot study in the second shift. Tell me where to complain about this and whether our complaint will be satisfied.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 approved SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions.”

These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) are aimed at protecting the health of students when carrying out activities for their training and education in general educational organizations.

According to clause 10.4. SanPiN in institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.

In this case, you can write a complaint to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor for failure to comply with the above requirements.

With SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for conditions and

organization of training in general education institutions" can be found here:

Indeed, according to clause 10.1

10.4. Classes should begin no earlier than 8 o'clock. Conducting zero lessons is not allowed.

In institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.

In institutions operating in two shifts,

training of 1st, 5th, final 9th ​​and 11th grades and classes

compensatory training should be organized during the first shift.

Training in 3 shifts in general education organizations is not allowed.

According to Art. 93 of the Law “On Education”, control and supervisory functions in the field of education are vested in local governments, in particular in the Nizhny Novgorod region:

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We ask you to cancel second shift training in Russian schools

The parent community turns to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, with a request to pay special attention to the problem of teaching children during the second shift in Russian schools. The fact is that parents, and most importantly the children themselves, are constantly in a state of continuous stress, studying in the second shift at school or are in permanent anticipation of the prospect of studying in the second shift. In the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” in provision 10.4. we find: In institutions operating in two shifts, training of 1st, 5th, final 9th ​​and 11th grades and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift. In reality it looks like this. First-graders study in the first shift, adapt, their routine is established, the first half of the day is established as the most productive part of the day in terms of learning. Further, in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th years of study, the school administration, at its discretion, can transfer the student to study from the first to the second shift. In the fifth grade, the child will again be forced to adapt to a different mode of activity and learning. And so on. Psychologists say that the daily biorhythm of a person’s mental activity is structured in such a way that its first peak occurs at 8-12 o’clock in the morning, and the decline occurs in the middle of the day at 12-16 o’clock. It is striking that in the same SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education institutions” in Chapter X. Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process, paragraph 10.7. we read: 10.7. The lesson schedule is drawn up taking into account the daily and weekly mental performance of students and the scale of difficulty of academic subjects (Appendix 3 of these sanitary rules). In Appendix 3 we read: Hygienic recommendations for lesson schedules Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmic optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls within an interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of material is observed at the lowest psychophysiological costs for the body. Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage of education, the main subjects should be taught in 2-3 lessons, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages of education - in 2, 3, 4 lessons. In this regard, we, parents, have a question: why are our children, despite all the recommendations of specialists, forced to study in the second shift? For what reason do officials, instead of regularly monitoring the situation in schools regarding a sufficient number of schools, classrooms, teachers and much more, and eliminating the causes of classes studying in the second shift, force schoolchildren to adapt and study in the second shift? Why is it that where the educational system fails, the most defenseless - children - turn out to be the last ones? So, it turns out that a child studying in the second shift works mentally during the most unproductive hours of the day. It’s scary to imagine what consequences such overload and disruption of the internal biological “clock” will lead to on the physical and mental health of schoolchildren. How will such leaps in the training regime and in the daily routine in general affect the health and performance of our children? Will in the future, upon entering adulthood, a person who systematically trained in the second shift be able to work effectively in the first half of the day? It is also a very big problem for working parents to ensure control over the preparation of homework by a child studying in the second shift. While parents are at work, it is not clear who will be responsible for ensuring that children studying in the second shift comply with the daily routine (its first half). Not all parents are ready to fearlessly accept the fact that a child studying in the second shift will get to school independently and return home from school in the dark (this is especially true in the winter). After all, the second shift ends at 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, and in some schools at 20.00. While children studying in the first shift have already been at home for several hours and, as a rule, have had time to go for a walk with their peers, go to hobby groups and sports clubs, and relax. Parents of schoolchildren studying in the second shift are very concerned about the implementation of Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. These are: Article 31 1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. 2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to full participation in cultural and creative life and shall promote the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural and creative activities, leisure and recreation. Difficulties with the implementation of the above-mentioned rights of the child arise due to the fact that there are very few sections and circles operating in the morning, and in some settlements sections and circles operating in the morning do not exist at all. As a result, a schoolchild studying in the second shift is deprived of the right to choose and does not have the opportunity to develop creatively in those directions for which he has inclinations and abilities. It is especially worth noting that the real challenge for families with two or more schoolchildren is teaching children in different shifts. The presence of second-shift training in Russian schools only testifies to the insufficient work of the relevant officials in overcoming such an exceptional measure as second-shift training. We, children and parents, hope that in the 21st century our government has all the necessary mechanisms to create conditions under which Russian schoolchildren will study only in the first shift. Vladimir Vladimirovich! We ask you to pay attention to the problem of teaching schoolchildren in the second shift and cancel this form of training.

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Addressed to President of Russia V.V. Putin

A new message

3rd grade second shift. Is this legal?

I read that there is a presidential decree stating that primary school children cannot study in the second shift.

During the second shift they are not allowed to give lessons to grades 1 and 4. The rest is all completely legal.

If this continues, we will soon rejoice in the absence of a third shift ((((

According to SanPiN Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in general education institutions, students in grades 1, 5 and graduation (that is, grades 9 and 11) should study only in the first shift. The first shift is also prescribed for students of so-called compensatory education classes, as well as students of educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects. What shifts other classes should study in is not specified in the regulations.

It’s not for nothing that there is an after-school program for primary grades. Not everyone has grandparents and... to leave the child with them.

I am not sure. that there have been no other letters since 1999. And don’t forget - you are already studying according to the new Federal State Educational Standards, there are probably already additional recommendations regarding the second shift.

It’s just that the 2nd shift is very inconvenient (((

You have a choice - to go to another school if the shift does not suit you, as a last resort.

A friend’s child in the 6th grade was transferred to the second shift - that’s where the horror lies. And me myself. I remember. In the 8th grade I found myself in the 2nd shift because there was not enough chemistry room for all the classes in one shift.

I think if mothers were more active, they would win back 1 shift. Moreover, many have no one to leave their children with.

According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, after school in 1st grade until 15.00 is neither this nor that. And those who work in first class until 17 and do not have bedrooms are also violating.

You will not find legal loopholes, because the letter from the Ministry of Education is not a regulatory act, it can only be used as a recommendation.

Another thing is that not all children are organized enough to get ready for school on time. But this can also be learned. In general, I don’t see any terrible horror, although yes, it’s inconvenient.

Currently, SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” is in force.

In accordance with clause 10.4, training sessions should begin no earlier than 8 o’clock. Conducting zero lessons is not allowed.

In institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.

In institutions operating in two shifts, training of 1st, 5th, final 9th ​​and 11th grades and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift.

Studying in 3 shifts in general education institutions is not allowed.

ZZY: Have I answered the question contained in the title of the topic?

I don’t see anything wrong here.

remember, how did we study?

Last year, my schedule and workload were confirmed by the beginning of October).

Second shift at school is it legal 2017

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Change! We are waiting for changes! About the five-day school program in 2017-2018

In Russia, a five-day school week in the period 2017–2018 can become a full-fledged replacement for the weekly six-day schedule of the educational process. Quite possible. At the same time, the management of the educational institution will have the right to decide independently whether to introduce such a system into its program, planned in advance for the whole year, or not. Well, now let's talk about everything in order.

Five-day week in Russian schools in the period 2017–2018

To begin with, let us note: you need to study under any circumstances. And if you have to do this 6 days a week, then you should accept this course of life as given. At the same time, you should not lose sight of the real options that involve going to school 5 days a week legally. I think everyone agrees with this. Let's move directly to the topic of our note.

The advantages of a six-day week: are there any at all?

Firstly, there has been talk for a long time that the six-day period will completely give way to the five-day period. Naturally, there are people who are in favor of its (five-day) implementation - mainly schoolchildren (this is understandable: few people want to go to study on their day off, especially when the weather is good outside). There are also those who oppose changing long-established traditions. Actually, the second group is mainly represented by heads of educational institutions. It is not entirely clear for what reason, but they want students to come to school almost every day, sit down at their desks and spend all their free time at them. In a circle of like-minded people. It seems that they (the school leaders) were never students themselves - as if they were immediately born leaders.

Anyway. On the one hand, a six-day period is good. If only because the 5+1 system allows you to gain more knowledge within one week. "Is it true?" Moreover, this approach, if, of course, the leadership of the educational institution is not against it, gives a chance to either go on vacation earlier or have more rest in the winter. "Really?" But still, in practice this is a rare phenomenon, if it can be detected in reality at all. "Well…"

Basically, the 5+1 system allows teachers to easily allocate much more time to review new topics from the planned program with students. For example, thanks to this, schoolchildren can study a new section of mathematics in a little more depth, the same limits, logarithms, understand the difference between a leg, a bisector and a vertex, etc. Well, and also: improve their language (both their native and foreign), get in shape, etc.

Positive aspects of a five-day school week

In general, as you can see, this approach to the educational process has its advantages. But still, the 5 days a week that schoolchildren spend going to school (waking up early in the morning) and sitting there at their desks for several hours (sometimes returning home late in the evening) bear no less fruit. Here the question is different: whoever wants to, studies, therefore, receives the necessary knowledge at the school desk; whoever doesn’t want to, doesn’t study, in the sense, as it should be, which means he either gets D’s or C’s, or, worse, skips altogether classes.

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. If you study, you will gain the support of the necessary knowledge that will help you in the future. In fact, this makes it easier to succeed in life. Why wipe your pants while looking at the faces of unfriendly teachers? By the way, they are perceived as such by those who look down on their studies. So let’s leave them, let them decide for themselves what is good for them and what is bad.

A bill that was rejected

Let us note that not long ago the State Duma tried to consider a bill drawn up by A Just Russia, according to which a mandatory five-day school week would soon be introduced in all schools operating in the Russian Federation. Needless to say, the deputies, in order not to cause indignation on the part of certain categories of people, decided to reject such innovations. They thought it would be better this way.

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Ask yourself: is it better to study 5 days a week, but honestly, or to devote yourself entirely to studying 6 days out of 7, but only for the sake of appearances? It seems there is no third option. It's probably better to choose the first option. But we must strive for this. In the meantime, you need to be patient a little and try to learn to enjoy studying. In any case, there will be no harm from this. The main thing is to skillfully distribute time between solving homework and rest. Then everything should be in order: both the student’s nerves and the teacher’s nerves.

Also, the five-day week, if it were introduced, could take away lessons from Saturday and transfer them to every day of the week. This is, of course, a burden for a student, but not that much. Considering that students are already overloaded, according to parents. And yet: thanks to such an approach as a five-day school week, he (the student) would have two whole days off. Just like his parents.

Freedom. Independence. Choice

Today everything remains as it was before. The management of the educational institution reserves the right to choose independently how many days a week to study for schoolchildren whose parents sent them to gain knowledge in this place. As they say, a note.

5 or 6 school days a week? How many to choose for good? On the one hand, the student also has a choice: to prefer the educational institution that established the five-day period. On the other hand, the six-day period is somewhere nearby. Is it good or bad? With your permission, we will remain neutral. You just have to decide for yourself what to give preference to.


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What time does the second shift at school start?

There are people who simply cannot wake up early in the morning. They agree to sit until late at night, but only so as not to get up, neither light nor dawn. Such people are called “night owls”, and modern society is definitely not created for them. However, even for such people there is a little joy in this world - the second shift at school. So, its main aspects should be considered.

Does this happen?

For some parents, hearing about a second shift at school is new. Usually they arch their eyebrows in surprise and say that this cannot be. But is it?

Indeed, in Soviet times almost no one had heard of the second shift. Students went to school in the morning, and after classes they attended hobby groups or simply went home. But times are changing, working conditions are changing and, to be honest, the demographics of the regions are changing.

Basically, a second shift is introduced in schools in two cases:

  • Too many students. According to current legislation, the municipality must provide education to everyone who lives in a certain territory. And if the number of students exceeds the number of places, a second shift is specially created.
  • Too few teachers. This problem affects small and remote settlements. Often this is where the acute shortage of teachers can be seen. Therefore, there are situations when a school hires a part-time teacher who is already working in another educational institution. So that he can combine, second shift classes are specially created. This, of course, happens extremely rarely, but it still happens.

As we can see, studying in the afternoon is a necessary measure, but is the second shift at school legal?

According to the law

Considering the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education institutions, it can be noted that the second shift at school is completely legal. According to the act, only students of 1st, 5th and final grades, that is, 9th and 11th grades, are required to attend school in the first half of the day. The rest of the schoolchildren can study in the second shift.

So, if the child is not a student of the above classes and studies in the second shift, then this is completely legal and there is no need to panic. But, despite the presence of first and second shifts at school, classes should not begin earlier than 8 o’clock in the morning. Zero lessons are also unacceptable.

In addition, it is important to know that if a general education institution is a specialized lyceum, gymnasium or school with in-depth study of anything, then a second shift is not provided here. In such educational institutions, the workload on students is higher and the number of subjects studied is greater. If you introduce a second shift in such institutions, the load on students will be too great; moreover, second shift students will not be able to assimilate the necessary material and complete homework as efficiently as possible.

But in all other educational institutions, the first and second shifts at school are normal. The main thing is that there is no third shift, as this is contrary to all written and unwritten laws.

Disadvantages of second shift training

So, the second shift at school is legal. However, is he good at studying in the afternoon or bad? Here, as in every situation, there are pros and cons. If we talk about the disadvantages, we can say that studying in the afternoon somewhat disadvantages students, although a lot depends on the schedule of the second shift at school, but more on that later.

The first disadvantage of training that a second-shift student faces is the divided day. It seems that you have enough time both before and after classes, but in fact you don’t have time to do anything. This problem arises from the inability to adapt to the new regime, as well as from improper distribution of one’s time. If we think logically, we can see that some second-shift schoolchildren lead quite full lives: they have time to go to clubs, do homework and hang out with friends. A properly designed schedule and daily routine will help solve this problem.

Another problem is that the material is absorbed better in the first half of the day, when the body is rested and thoughts are fresh. This well-known fact is difficult to refute, although it can be quite successfully argued with.

The third problem is the busy afternoon. If a child studies the second shift at school, then he will have to forget about long evening walks, meetings with friends and other extracurricular activities. When you come home at 7-8 pm, you have time to do little: have a quick dinner, review your homework, completing the most difficult part, and watch TV or surf the Internet for another hour or two. However, you shouldn’t completely give up your usual things; it’s better to reduce your entertainment time or combine walks and meetings with friends.

Positive sides

There are also positive aspects to be found in schools with a second shift. The first and most important thing is no alarm clock ringing too early. This is especially good news for the so-called night owls, whose biological clocks are not set to get up early. Although, let’s be honest, waking up when you’ve had enough sleep, and not to the sound of an alarm clock, is a dream for everyone: both night owls and early risers.

There is enough time before classes to finish your homework, attend some clubs, and slowly get ready.

The second shift is not such a bad thing, the main thing is to properly prepare the child for the changes, draw up a competent schedule and learn to manage time rationally. Then only positive memories will remain from studying at school during the second shift.

Time frame

Parents often wonder what time the second shift at school starts. It's difficult to answer definitively. Here, a lot depends on how long the students of the first shift come and how long the breaks last. An important role is played by the fact: after what grade the students of the second shift occupy the office. For example, first-graders have 3 or 4 lessons, so the second shift can arrive as early as 12 o’clock and occupy the office.

The parent community turns to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, with a request to pay special attention to the problem of teaching children during the second shift in Russian schools. The fact is that parents, and most importantly the children themselves, are constantly in a state of continuous stress, studying in the second shift at school or are in permanent anticipation of the prospect of studying in the second shift. In the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” in provision 10.4 we find: In institutions working in two shifts, training of 1st, 5th, graduating 9th and 11th grades and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift. In reality, it looks like this: First-graders are trained in the first shift, adapt, their routine is established, the first half of the day is fixed as the most productive part of the day in terms of learning.Further, in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th years of study, the school administration, at its discretion, can transfer the student to study from the first to the second shift. In the fifth grade, the child will again be forced to adjust to a different mode of activity, learning, etc. Psychologists say that the daily biorhythm of a person’s mental activity is structured in such a way that its first peak occurs at 8-12 am, and the decline in the middle of the day is 12 -16 hours. It is striking that in the same SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education institutions” in Chapter X. Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process, paragraph 10.7. we read: 10.7. The lesson schedule is drawn up taking into account the daily and weekly mental performance of students and the scale of difficulty of academic subjects (Appendix 3 of these sanitary rules). In Appendix 3 we read: Hygienic recommendations for lesson schedules Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmic optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls within an interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of material is observed at the lowest psychophysiological costs for the body. Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage of education, the main subjects should be taught in 2-3 lessons, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages of education - in 2, 3, 4 lessons. In this regard, we, parents, have a question: why are our children, despite all the recommendations of specialists, forced to study in the second shift? For what reason do officials, instead of regularly monitoring the situation in schools regarding a sufficient number of schools, classrooms, teachers and much more, and eliminating the causes of classes studying in the second shift, force schoolchildren to adapt and study in the second shift? Why is it that where the educational system fails, the most defenseless - children - turn out to be the last ones? So, it turns out that a child studying in the second shift works mentally during the most unproductive hours of the day. It’s scary to imagine what consequences such overload and disruption of the internal biological “clock” will lead to on the physical and mental health of schoolchildren. How will such leaps in the training regime and in the daily routine in general affect the health and performance of our children? Will in the future, upon entering adulthood, a person who systematically trained in the second shift be able to work effectively in the first half of the day? It is also a very big problem for working parents to ensure control over the preparation of homework by a child studying in the second shift. While parents are at work, it is not clear who will be responsible for ensuring that children studying in the second shift comply with the daily routine (its first half). Not all parents are ready to fearlessly accept the fact that a child studying in the second shift will get to school independently and return home from school in the dark (this is especially true in the winter). After all, the second shift ends at 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, and in some schools at 20.00. While children studying in the first shift have already been at home for several hours and, as a rule, have had time to go for a walk with their peers, go to hobby groups and sports clubs, and relax. Parents of schoolchildren studying in the second shift are very concerned about the implementation of Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. These are: Article 31 1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. 2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to full participation in cultural and creative life and shall promote the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural and creative activities, leisure and recreation. Difficulties with the implementation of the above-mentioned rights of the child arise due to the fact that there are very few sections and circles operating in the morning, and in some settlements sections and circles operating in the morning do not exist at all. As a result, a schoolchild studying in the second shift is deprived of the right to choose and does not have the opportunity to develop creatively in those directions for which he has inclinations and abilities. It is especially worth noting that the real challenge for families with two or more schoolchildren is teaching children in different shifts. The presence of second-shift training in Russian schools only testifies to the insufficient work of the relevant officials in overcoming such an exceptional measure as second-shift training. We, children and parents, hope that in the 21st century our government has all the necessary mechanisms to create conditions under which Russian schoolchildren will study only in the first shift. Vladimir Vladimirovich! We ask you to pay attention to the problem of teaching schoolchildren in the second shift and cancel this form of training.

Addressed to President of Russia V.V. Putin

The authorities are thinking about canceling the second shift in schools


The authorities of the Novosibirsk region are exploring ways to switch schools to work in one shift.

On December 9, Governor Vladimir Gorodetsky noted that previously the abolition of the second shift in schools was a wish, but now Russian President Vladimir Putin has set such a task. “If a comprehensive school operates in one shift, well, of course, it would be more correct. But the second shift will be more devoted to the school with all the classes, laboratories, gyms, for extracurricular work. Great!" - the governor emphasized.

Now regional authorities are considering different ways to accomplish the task. “Gave me a task. We will examine what we need, how many schools, whether to expand, extensions or new construction. These are the global tasks,” explained Vladimir Gorodetsky.

He noted that the program for schools to switch to one shift will be supported by the federal authorities. According to his assessment, the program will be much more complex and will require more funding than the development of a network of kindergartens.

The governor also explained that by the end of the year the authorities will approve a plan for the implementation of other tasks voiced by the president in his address to the Federal Assembly on December 4. “This is an impulse,” he emphasized.


We ask you to cancel second shift training in Russian schools

Dudareva I.V.:

To the President of Russia V.V. Putin

The parent community turns to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, with a request to pay special attention to the problem of teaching children during the second shift in Russian schools.

The fact is that parents, and most importantly the children themselves, are constantly in a state of continuous stress, studying in the second shift at school, or are in permanent anticipation of the prospect of studying in the second shift.

In the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” in provision 10.4. we find:

“In institutions operating in two shifts, training of 1st, 5th, final 9th ​​and 11th grades and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift.”

In reality it looks like this. First-graders study in the first shift, adapt, their routine is established, the first half of the day is established as the most productive part of the day in terms of learning. Further, in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th years of study, the school administration, at its discretion, can transfer the student to study from the first to the second shift. In the fifth grade, the child will again be forced to adapt to a different mode of activity and learning. And so on.

Psychologists say that the daily biorhythm of a person’s mental activity is structured in such a way that its first peak occurs at 8-12 o’clock in the morning, and the decline occurs in the middle of the day at 12-16 o’clock. It is striking that in the same SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education institutions” in Chapter X. Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process, paragraph 10.7. we read: “The lesson schedule is drawn up taking into account the daily and weekly mental performance of students and the scale of difficulty of academic subjects (Appendix 3 of these sanitary rules).” In Appendix 3 we read: “Hygienic recommendations for the lesson schedule. Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmic optimum of mental performance in school-age children occurs in the interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency in assimilation of the material is noted with the least psychophysiological expenditure on the body. Therefore, in "In the lesson schedule for students of the 1st level of education, the main subjects should be taught in 2-3 lessons, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd levels of education - in 2, 3, 4 lessons."

In this regard, we, parents, have a question: why are our children, despite all the recommendations of specialists, forced to study in the second shift? For what reason do officials, instead of regularly monitoring the situation in schools regarding a sufficient number of schools, classrooms, teachers and much more, and eliminating the causes of classes studying in the second shift, force schoolchildren to adapt and study in the second shift? Why is it that where the educational system fails, it is the most defenseless - children - who end up at the extreme?

So, it turns out that a child studying in the second shift works mentally during the most unproductive hours of the day. It’s scary to imagine what consequences such overload and disruption of the internal biological “clock” will lead to on the physical and mental health of schoolchildren. How will such leaps in the training regime and in the daily routine in general affect the health and performance of our children? Will in the future, upon entering adulthood, a person who systematically studied in the second shift, work effectively in the first half of the day?

It is also a very big problem for working parents to ensure control over the preparation of homework by a child studying in the second shift. While parents are at work, it is not clear who will be responsible for ensuring that children studying in the second shift comply with the daily routine (the first half). Not all parents are ready to fearlessly accept the fact that a child studying in the second shift will get to school independently and return home from school in the dark (this is especially true in the winter). After all, the second shift ends at 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, and in some schools at 20.00. While children studying in the first shift have already been at home for several hours and, as a rule, have had time to go for a walk with their peers, go to hobby groups and sports clubs, and relax.

Parents of schoolchildren studying in the second shift are very concerned about the implementation of Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Namely: Article 31. 1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age, and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. 2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to full participation in cultural and creative life and shall promote the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural and creative activities, leisure and recreation.

Difficulties with the implementation of the above-mentioned rights of the child arise due to the fact that there are very few sections and circles operating in the morning, and in some settlements sections and circles operating in the morning do not exist at all. As a result, a schoolchild studying in the second shift is deprived of the right to choose and does not have the opportunity to develop creatively in those directions for which he has inclinations and abilities.

It is especially worth noting that the real challenge for families with two or more schoolchildren is teaching children in different shifts. The presence of second-shift training in Russian schools only testifies to the insufficient work of the relevant officials in overcoming such an exceptional measure as second-shift training. We, children and parents, hope that in the 21st century our government has all the necessary mechanisms to create conditions under which Russian schoolchildren will study only in the first shift.

Vladimir Vladimirovich! We ask you to pay attention to the problem of teaching schoolchildren in the second shift and cancel this form of training.

Many are familiar with the theory of biorhythms: owls, larks, pigeons, etc., that is, dependence on the daily rhythm of human activity.

Let us only note that children are most strongly attached to the circadian rhythm, to the rising and setting of a natural light source. Since the Sun “rises” much later in winter, the start of the first shift should not be earlier than sunrise in the given area + 1 hour, approximately (according to the formula, this hour includes the time the body naturally wakes up plus the time required to travel to school) .

So, on December 18, for the NSO, the first shift starts at 10.00 am. ( Sunrise: 08:49).

Time to finish school, i.e. second shift, no later than 16.00 ( Sunset: 16:00)

Day length: 07 hours 11 minutes.

date Sun Twilight
Civil (dawn) Navigational Astronomical
Sunrise Sunset Zenith Daylight hours Start End Start End Start End
09.12.2014 08:41:26 16:01:49 12:21:38 07:20:21 07:56:36 16:46:39 07:09:26 17:33:49 06:25:16 18:17:59
10.12.2014 08:42:40 16:01:28 12:22:04 07:18:47 07:57:42 16:46:25 07:10:28 17:33:39 06:26:16 18:17:52
11.12.2014 08:43:50 16:01:11 12:22:30 07:17:20 07:58:46 16:46:15 07:11:28 17:33:33 06:27:13 18:17:48
12.12.2014 08:44:57 16:00:58 12:22:57 07:16:01 07:59:47 16:46:08 07:12:25 17:33:30 06:28:08 18:17:47
13.12.2014 08:46:00 16:00:49 12:23:25 07:14:48 08:00:46 16:46:04 07:13:20 17:33:30 06:29:00 18:17:49
14.12.2014 08:47:01 16:00:44 12:23:52 07:13:42 08:01:41 16:46:04 07:14:12 17:33:33 06:29:50 18:17:54
15.12.2014 08:47:57 16:00:43 12:24:20 07:12:44 08:02:33 16:46:07 07:15:01 17:33:39 06:30:38 18:18:02
16.12.2014 08:48:50 16:00:46 12:24:48 07:11:54 08:03:23 16:46:14 07:15:48 17:33:48 06:31:24 18:18:13

"Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the learning conditions of schoolchildren in various types of modern educational institutions"
(approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 1996 N 49)

2.9.8. Classes in schools should begin no earlier than 8 o'clock, without holding zero lessons.
In general educational institutions with in-depth curriculum content, training is carried out only in the first shift.
In general education institutions operating in several shifts, students in elementary school, fifth, graduation and compensatory education classes must study in the first shift."

View full version: SOS! Studying during the 2nd shift / primary school - has anyone encountered this?


17.05.2010, 12:08

School No. 80 of the Petrograd district. This wonderful message was given to us on May 13 at the school meeting - all second graders will study in the second shift. I can’t imagine how 8-year-old children, having gone crazy during the first half of the day at the after-school program, will then study. And what about extra classes - after 6 pm (if we can still come to an agreement)? When are the lessons???
The question is basically this: has anyone encountered such a surprise? How did you survive? And has anyone tried to contact, for example, the Education Committee, etc., and are there any precedents for a positive solution to this issue (i.e., when this very 2nd shift was avoided as a result)?
Time is running out, everyone will now go on vacation, no one will be gathered, nothing will be done... So I’m at a loss: to raise the question or not, and if to raise it, which way to go.
In general, “I’m stunned, dear editors”... :(


17.05.2010, 12:32

At one time I studied for three years in the second shift. At first it was not usual. and then I even liked it. But our mother did not work. Homework was done in the morning. So even better. But we haven’t been at school since the morning. We were already getting ready for classes.
I don't think it's that terrible.


17.05.2010, 12:32

I can only sympathize. I myself studied in the second shift in grades 2,3,4. It was tough, I’ll tell you. Especially in winter, after skating in the morning, I literally crawled to school. Accordingly, all the clubs were also on the side.
In fact, it seemed to me that now this seems to be prohibited according to SanPin. Maybe now the knowledgeable people will catch up.


17.05.2010, 12:37

But aren’t second shifts prohibited in St. Petersburg?


17.05.2010, 12:44

This year my 2nd grade daughter also studied in the 2nd shift. She really liked that she could sleep longer, she is my night owl. All mugs and extras. classes were in the morning, then at 12-30 at school and until 16-30 then homework was done after school, there was no other way, because there were clubs in the morning, etc. As far as I know, according to SanPin, only first-graders are not allowed to study in the 2nd shift. Of course, the after-school program does not fit into such a schedule. Another minus is that the child really doesn’t have enough time to do her own business, because on the first shift she gets up at 07:00, and on the third shift, then at 09:00, and sometimes these two hours are not enough.


17.05.2010, 12:44

So I'm wondering if this is allowed? At school, the administrator says that according to the standards, it is the 2nd grades who CAN study in the second shift... but where these standards can be viewed is unclear. The only hope is that knowledgeable people will catch up, because we are clearly not the first to encounter this.... :)


17.05.2010, 12:49

All mugs and extras. classes were in the morning, then at 12-30 at school and until 16-30 then homework was done after school, QUOTE]\

I actually have little idea about mugs in the morning hours - I just haven’t heard of them.


17.05.2010, 12:52

Why? The music room, for example, works two shifts. Many sports sections start at 18:00 or 19:00, our lessons end at 16:45, we are quite on time. There is also an after-school program in the morning, if the mother works, then the child is at school from 8-00 to 17-00, what difference does it make whether lessons come first or after-school hours?


17.05.2010, 12:57

We have a music class in the morning, she works two shifts, we also have English, there are also two groups, morning and evening, although we still went to the evening one, my daughter just had time to get to English from school, it’s from 17-15, and lessons ends at 16-30, well, tennis in the morning, there are also groups there at different times. I don’t know about the other mugs.


17.05.2010, 12:58

Excuse my curiosity, but why 2nd shift? There are not enough classrooms, so the after-school program also needs an office, and one where everyone can sit.


17.05.2010, 13:08

Yes, the problem seems to be with the cabinets. Apparently, they will combine all 2nd grades into one extended group...

and then the class can be made floating, i.e. Which office is free that day - we sit there. Well, probably the calculation is that many either have the opportunity to bring their child to school in the middle of the day (who do not work or have grandparents), or do not want the child to sit at school full time (i.e. from 9 to 16, as you and I know, not every adult can stand it, let alone second-graders...), and come up with something like nannies for 2-3-4 children and so on..

Has no one really tried to raise this issue at the level of the city administration, this can’t happen, all the mothers are so active!!!...

Sweet Raspberry Mom

17.05.2010, 13:25


17.05.2010, 13:56

I found it here on the Internet:

Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the learning conditions of schoolchildren in various types of modern educational institutions"
(approved by Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 1996 N 49)

2.9.8. Classes in schools should begin no earlier than 8 o'clock, without holding zero lessons.
In general educational institutions with in-depth curriculum content, training is carried out only in the first shift.
In general education institutions operating in several shifts, students in elementary school, fifth, graduation and compensatory education classes must study in the first shift.

those. This turns out to be a violation on two counts: firstly, it is a school with in-depth study of the English language, and secondly, it is an elementary school.


17.05.2010, 14:02

A colleague has a daughter studying in the second grade during the 2nd shift.. at first the colleague was not bothered by this, she wanted to transfer the child, but the child did not agree.. then we got involved... there is an after-school program in the morning.. I know that the girl also goes in for swimming and in addition English..
I also studied in the second grade - there was nothing terrible..
but, to be honest, I don’t quite understand how a second-grader’s second shift can be combined with work (my colleague’s grandmother is in the next building)


17.05.2010, 20:51

You and I are in the same school - although my son is moving on to 3 - our classes are being transferred from school 75 where they studied for 2 years (75 is closed for renovation) - in 75 we renovated excellent classes - now they are transferring we don’t know yet to what premises and apparently in this regard, 2nd grade will be in the second shift. A friend has a son in your parallel - she is also in shock! Doesn't know where to run!!!


17.05.2010, 21:06

I also studied in the 2nd grade on the second shift... and we didn’t survive...
I think since you and after you there was a surge in the birth rate, it will only get worse. At our school, for example, we have a separate junior building and there is physically no room for more than 3 classes in parallel, so hang in there and try to manage this schedule somehow. And there are all kinds of clubs in the morning and at DTU.


17.05.2010, 21:50

I studied second shift for 2 years. Disgusting. I am an owl. As a result: I wake up by 11, go to school by 13, there until 17, go home for lunch, then you don’t know whether to do homework while you want, or go for a walk for a couple of hours while the weather is normal. In general, neither the mind nor the heart.

Did you somehow wake up before 11 on your first shift? ;)
The problem of the 2nd shift is especially acute for larks, kmk. In the morning, performance is higher, but by lunchtime it declines. And it is precisely at this time that we need to learn new material at school...
Overall I don't see a big problem. The number of hours spent in school remains unchanged. You just need to try to organize your day so that you have enough time for everything.


17.05.2010, 22:03

Maybe some changes have been made since 1996?... Does anyone know?
Yeah. He knows. These norms are outdated, now there are changes. Second shift is prohibited.


17.05.2010, 23:43

According to rumors, someone from the parallel classes has already got their bearings, it seems they even hired a lawyer... I don’t know how it will end, but I really hope that in our school there will be parents who have the opportunity to press the necessary pedals so that four unfortunate rooms can be found for poor second-graders , at least on the basis of another school. After all, this can certainly be done at the level of RONO or the education committee. Otherwise, I will forever stop believing in our law - sanitary regulations are prohibited, but schools are doing it, and the regulatory authorities are silent and do not help solve the problem, and our people, as always, are silent... :(


17.05.2010, 23:44


17.05.2010, 23:50

There may be morning clubs, but what about those parents who work? They cannot take their children to clubs in the morning, and they themselves cannot go there yet. It turns out that for these children there is only one way out - to go to school at 9 for an after-school program and there is a big problem with yesterday's classes and lessons... that's for sure - neither the mind nor the heart.


18.05.2010, 11:35

I studied in the second grade in the second shift for 1 month, in May. The teacher was put on hold, and a new one was given only in September. So we were taught by a teacher from a parallel class, and in the morning we were taught by our own. It must have been really hard for her. We had a lot of fun, because in the morning we could go for a walk, fortunately it was a warm spring outside :) For some reason I also had time for music class in the evening, it’s sacred :) So it’s quite possible that for the children it won’t be such a nightmare . Although it is extremely inconvenient for parents! Cheer up and fight!


18.05.2010, 12:33

Yes, I found the current sanitary norms from 2008, and it is also clearly stated there that elementary schools cannot study during the second shift. under no circumstances.

Give me a link, please, otherwise I only found SanPiN, which came into force on September 1, 2003, replacing that issued in 1996. It is written there:

2.9.8. Classes should begin no earlier than 8 o'clock, without holding zero lessons.

In general educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.

In general education institutions operating in several shifts, training for 1st, 5th, graduation and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift.


18.05.2010, 13:51

I'm with you!!
I just have one son going to second grade, and he has a second shift, and my eldest son is going to third grade in 80 (from building 75).
I was so happy: support: that they would study in the same building!! It turns out I was happy too early...
for me this is a quiet horror: my second-grader is a morning person, which means that by the time classes start at 11 or 12 o’clock he will have already been on his feet for 5-6 hours, not actively doing anything productive!
I won’t even talk seriously about homework that can be done in the morning:009:.
Classes in the morning are possible if there is time for them, and when they start at 2 o'clock.
and what can you do in time:008: to be at school at 11?? nothing simple! but it turns out that you bring one to school, come back for the next one, pick up the first one in 2 hours, give it home, come back for the second one... and even the third son will be born in September.:010: and after giving birth I’ll be in 2 months go out of work.
The children's after-school schedule is already busy. This means that leaving school at 4 pm on a packed ration, and also running the theater, training... I don’t think that mine will eat school soup... which means I’m always on snacks.
and it’s dark all the time:010:...and at night you have to sit down for your homework...:015:
and where will they find so many offices at school for the boss (from 9 am to 11 am)??? I know that many parents will send their children to school during this time.


18.05.2010, 15:31

God, what darkness:001:! I myself studied in two shifts at the institute (one year after another), even for me it was, to put it mildly, inconvenient - the whole day is divided, you don’t know when to do homework and when to rest, and here the children are still small, but who knows , maybe for them it’s not as scary as for adults.


18.05.2010, 15:48

That's what I'm talking about!!
I understand that in college a person already consciously organizes his day, he has incentives and motivation...
What could be the motivation for a second-grader in a lesson at 15-00?!
rhetorical question...


18.05.2010, 15:58

What could be the motivation for a second-grader in a lesson at 15-00?!
rhetorical question...

Scheduled motivation? Interesting thought:013:


18.05.2010, 16:14

:016: Maybe the same as at 9-00?
Scheduled motivation? Interesting thought:013:

I doubt something...

many mothers say “hurray! We’ll sleep longer!”


18.05.2010, 16:21

interesting: Are you ready to work regularly at 10 pm and 3 am at the same intensity as in the morning?:046:
I doubt something...
It’s just that when everything is turned upside down in time, the child needs to be somehow additionally captivated, forced, motivated...
By this time, the child has already been on his feet for so many hours that it’s ridiculous to even talk about concentrating on such a routine as schoolwork.
although it is possible that everything is different for you.
many mothers say “hurray! We’ll sleep longer!”

I studied at the beginning in the second shift, and I really regretted that it was later canceled for us.


18.05.2010, 16:30

I myself studied second shift in 2nd grade. I still remember this nonsense. Why and who needs this? I slept for a long time. I didn’t have time to do my homework. Broke the whole regime. Then it was too early to wake up. Getting up early is still a problem. NIGHTMARE!!!


18.05.2010, 16:52

Is your second grader asleep at three o'clock in the afternoon? Then, of course, it’s a little difficult.
Do you do your homework without concentrating? Or haven’t you been asked the first one yet?
And I don't think that a child has been "on his feet too long to be incapable of any mental activity."
I studied at the beginning in the second shift, and I really regretted that it was later canceled for us.

welcome to the club!
The unanimous opinion of doctors that the peak of memorization and understanding of information occurs from 10 to 12 am in children is an empty phrase for you!


18.05.2010, 17:31

Sorry, I doubt it!!

Of course, the 2nd shift is not very convenient, but making a tragedy out of it?..:001:
I repeat once again, nothing changes for working mothers, the child will remain the same as he was at school from 8-00 to 16-30. It's probably easier for those who don't work. Those who have a “free schedule” need to shift this schedule a little. For example, a year ago I appeared in the office from 9-00 to 12-00, this year - from 13-00 to 16-00. There are music and sports clubs in the morning.
My children’s schedule (school, music, swimming pool, kudo, drawing) is, in principle, difficult to put together so that everyone is happy, regardless of the shift. But this is my personal grief...


18.05.2010, 17:46

And just put yourself in the place of a mother whose child studies in the second shift!!
Let's say they announce to you___Study will start in the second shift next year!!!
And you will be happy??? And you will be able to build your schedule so that all the circles-sections + lessons come together??
Sorry, I doubt it!!

yeah!! especially if another child is on the first shift!!
besides, “he who gets up early, God gives him!”
and it’s so difficult to put together a puzzle from all the after-school activities!
children go to super-teachers who dictate their own time!
Or should I now ask the whole group in the pool to move by an hour so that we can also have time?! nonsense! Fortune

18.05.2010, 18:10

my second grader gets up around seven in the morning and falls asleep at 9 in the evening!
your clumsy sarcasm deceived you: at three o’clock your son has a music class, and after that there is training or theater.
sometimes we do homework at 7 pm, I see that he is already very tired.
And I still have time to do my homework after 9.
That’s what I’m saying, someone gets a kick out of going to bed late and getting up late.
welcome to the club!
Some people think that SAN Pin norms that children should study in the morning are considered nonsense; for many, studying is not in the first place.
The unanimous opinion of doctors that the peak of memorization and understanding of information occurs from 10 to 12 am in children is an empty phrase for you!

when our generation was at school, the pace of life and the workload after school were completely different, although if you had a good time during the second shift... we still won’t understand each other.

p.s. the norms of the Russian language, where to emphasize a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, the word “you” must be written with a capital letter, I know.;)

Snarkiness? Yes, not in either eye :) (I wonder if there is causticism that tells the truth? Well, you already told me that there is deceiving:065:)
But I’m really wondering: does your child study music at three o’clock without concentrating? And without motivation? :) - you wrote that in the second grade this is generally something unthinkable. :073:
Sanpin has already been quoted - it clearly states the ban on the second shift in the 1st and final grades. There is no obligation to teach other classes in the morning.
As for the unanimity of doctors, there is no need to invent anything. You need to study when it is convenient for the child. Biological clocks vary from person to person. And doctors know this too. :)
My child studied well during the day (while attending school) during the first year of home schooling. While studying at a music school and attending sports section:004:. So, there is no need to set only your son as an example for everyone. Other children may do it differently. And they can do it very well.

Choice: talk to the school administration, with RONO, there is an option to go to another school this year (but we have very good teachers!!), you can go to family education for a year.
I went to school, where children study in the morning. I had a choice - any school, I made a choice, and now my family (and not only mine) must adapt...
In a word, I'm still thinking...


18.05.2010, 21:20

I think I got carried away about 2008. this change was dated 2008, and the sanpin is actually from 2002.

but today on the Rospotrebnadzor website I found a draft of a new sanitary regulation, which will come into force on August 1, 2010. there is also a clause that says:

10.4. Classes should begin no earlier than 8 o'clock. Conducting zero lessons is not allowed.
In institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceums and gymnasiums, training is carried out only in the first shift.
In institutions operating in two shifts, training of 1st, 5th, final 10-11th grades and compensatory education classes should be organized in the first shift.
Studying in 3 shifts in general education institutions is not allowed.

Those. again - in a school with in-depth study of the English language, the 2nd shift is not allowed, so it turns out...

anyone interested - here is a link to the document
there we introduce the type of document - sanitary rules, keywords - Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for learning conditions in educational institutions. And the very draft resolution on their entry into force will appear.


18.05.2010, 21:30

Yes, I started the topic. and according to my impressions, about 70% of the parents were not delighted with the family meeting in our class, it’s just that the majority of the people are inert, and prefer to wait for the weather by the sea.
As for the reasons for the topic, I just wanted to figure out whether such a decision was legal in relation to the 2nd grade of an English school, and asked for help from those who have encountered such a situation and know the current norms. in addition, I wanted to hear “were there any cases of miraculous healing,” i.e. Did the parents of any other schools, together with the school administration, or with RONO, or with the Education Committee, or with VIM, finally manage to solve the problem by, for example, the unexpected appearance of a friendly hand on the part of other schools, ready to shelter 25 second-graders from a neighboring school for a year... well, I’m such a dreamer, what can you get from me.
if there is no other solution and will not be, then well..... let's go on the second shift. We don’t want to change the school - we have an excellent teacher, an excellent children’s team, etc. People will make some noise and make some noise and end up eating everything. so maybe everything will work out :)))


19.05.2010, 16:16

Yes, this building is promised. The building itself is very good, a school with wide corridors and spacious classrooms.
so the children should have a good time there!!
what about us?? we will adjust!!