Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Submarine u 1200. German submarines of the II-D series

After the end of the First World War, Germany was in complete ruin. Surrender on all fronts, of course, also affected the navy. Surface and submarine vessels were interned by the allied countries of the anti-German coalition. Most of these maritime assets were located in the ports and coastal areas of the Royal Navy of Great Britain north of the Scottish mainland.

From Scotland to Hastings

During the transportation of one of these vessels (submarine U-118) there was an unprecedented storm, and the tug cables broke. Thus, the submarine, headed for scrapping, was thrown like a blue whale onto the coast of the United Kingdom, right on Hastings Beach.

For understanding, U-118 was one of the 9 largest submarines of that time. The machine is 81 meters long and weighs 1200 tons. Deck gun 150-mm, 14 torpedoes and 42 mines - the arsenal of a dangerous vessel. True, this danger was theoretical, because in practice, U-118 accounted for only 2 ships sunk.

New attraction

After long attempts to push the submarine back into the water, the administration of the city of Hastings decided to make a real attraction out of an unexpected guest, charging a fee for inspection and study of the once combatant in the European arena. In two weeks, the city's treasury was replenished by 300 pounds (now this amount would be equal to 13,200 pounds). And everything seems to be in order, and U-118 could continue to sunbathe on the beaches of Hastings, but a mysterious tragedy happened.

Two Coast Guard officers who were regularly giving tours for dignitaries suddenly fell ill and died. William Hurd and William Moore were the only official tour guides for VIPs, so there was no question of chance. As a result of the investigation, no definite decision was made. According to one version, the employees contracted an infection that arose due to rotting food leftovers on board the submarine. According to another, a leak of a poisonous gas like chlorine from the submarine's on-board instruments was suspected.

As a result, in December 1919, U-118 was safely cut up and sent for scrap, depriving the city of Hastings of its short-lived worldwide fame.

Submarine U-118

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Niagara Falls | Divers from the U.S coast guard took part this morning, in a delicate wreck recovery operation to bring to the surface a Nazi submarine discovered two weeks ago at the bottom of Lake Ontario.

Nazi submarine lifted from the bottom of a lake in Canada
A Nazi submarine was found off the Great Lakes of Canada, which disappeared in 1943. They want to restore it in two years.
The remains of a mysterious World War II submarine were recently salvaged by the US Coast Guard after the vessel was accidentally discovered by scuba divers earlier this year, reports.
The representatives of the Coast Guard were joined by archaeologists from the University of Niagara. It took about 30 hours to lift the submarine from the bottom of the Great Lakes near Niagara Falls.
The submarine was identified by scientists as UX-791, an experimental German submarine based on the U-1200 model. It was assumed that she took part in the battle in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the Second World War. In 1943, the ship was declared missing and, as historians had previously believed, was sunk off the Canadian coast.
In February 1943, a report to US Naval Headquarters stated that a Nazi submarine attacked and destroyed three freighters and two fishing boats, and damaged USS Sable (IX-81), the famous aircraft carrier of World War II. It was believed that the ship was sunk in the Great Lakes by anti-submarine grenades fired from a Canadian frigate.
"We've known for a long time that the Nazis sent some of their submarines into the St. Lawrence River, but this is the first evidence that they actually reached the Great Lakes," said Professor Mark Carpenter, professor at Niagara University.
According to him, the discovery of the Nazi submarine "may explain the mysterious disappearances of ships that took place in the Great Lakes region in 1943." The version of Nazi involvement in this was denied, and the testimony of witnesses who spoke about Nazi submarines was written off as a "collective hallucination caused by fear."
09/01/2017, Andrey Vasiliev.

Tech is very interesting.
Nazi. UX-791. Type U-1200. Sunk in Lake Ontario by anti-submarine grenades in 1943... there is a lot to think about.
Let's start with the fact that in this case it would be better to say "sunken" and not "flooded". We agree that there is a difference. Great is the mighty Russian language.
The list of German submarines UX-791 does not appear. U-791 is not listed either (U-779 is immediately followed by U-792). You can, of course, imagine that the UX-791 is really experimental and was not included in the general list of due to its experimental nature. But interesting... turns out it's "based on the U-1200". Question: What kind of model is this? U-1200 was the usual "seven-tse", i.e. type VIC. Scribblers are such scribblers.
Now let's look at Lake Ontario. The training aircraft carrier "Sable" really operated there, 51 thousand training takeoffs and landings. Frigate? There were, of course, frigates. The question is different. The question is how the German boat could get through there. The width of the St. Lawrence River at its narrowest point (on both sides of Cornwall Island is only 200 meters. One cable, Karl! We are completely silent about the depth. How could it seep there unnoticed, bypassing Quebec and Montreal, far from the most sparsely populated places, even if in a positional position (we are not even talking about the underwater position) ... but you also had to return back somehow ... 620 km along the river in only one direction ... along the rapids ... Who is with dad Dönitz at the headquarters (BdU) could plan such a crazy operation and for what the hell? This is at a time when in the Atlantic every boat counts, and then the "experimental" one was sent to the devil somewhere in the very point ... Yes, after of that campaign (in case of return), each member of the crew had to immediately hang the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords around his neck.
"Not far from Niagara Falls" - also the pearl is still the same. As well as "a submarine was found off the Great Lakes of Canada." Guys, did you go to school at all? Not? Well, yes, I understand ... And who let you write notes there? "Battle in the Gulf of St. Lawrence", "the famous aircraft carrier USS Sable", "anti-submarine grenades" ... Egyptian horror.
As for the photo, there is generally some strange something on it, for some reason it looks more like the Soviet nuclear submarine of project 627 "Kit" than any German boat:

Well, see for yourself in the video. This is a German boat from the Second World War ??? Miraculous miracles. The rest of the photos match.
In general, it is clear that neither dick is clear. Some kind of nonsense, as it seems to me personally at the moment.

UPD. Well, that's what we figured out together. Exhaustive answer. That is, the World Daily New Report from the hell did they start a stupid article, and our journalists again got pissed off, thoughtlessly reprinted ...

I am completing a series of stories about our raid on the military museums of the north-west of Germany.
One of the very worthy exhibits is the submarine "U 10" with tactical number S 189. I was very surprised that this submarine was in service, in fact, in our time - from 1967 to 1993, because in size it downright miniature (submerged displacement - only 455 tons), and most importantly - it lacks watertight bulkheads. An interesting technical solution, in short. However, given that this type of submarine is also a single-hull, this fact is no longer very surprising. Nevertheless, Project 205 submarines served for 20-30 years without any incidents and were safely scrapped (with the exception of 3 submarines, of which museum ships were made in Germany - U 9, U 10 and U 11).

Although no, there was one incident!

During the construction of the first 5 submarines of this project (U 4 - U 8), an unsuitable type of steel (AM 10) was used, which did not have corrosion resistance, which was recognized only from the experience of operating the submarine of the previous project - 201 (U 1 - U 3). As a result, attempts were made to correct the problem without making new cases - by applying special anti-corrosion coatings based on zinc, tin, etc. This did not help much, and the first 5 submarines served less than the next 6 submarines, the hulls of which were already made from the "correct" steel grades (St 52, AM 53, PN 18 S2 or Amanox 182 M 9 - it is noticeable that the experiments continued, but already without large "bummers"). The PN 18 S2 grade was recognized as the winner of the "steelworkers' competition", which began to be used in all subsequent projects of German submarines (up to project 212 A).

But back to U 10!

2. U 10 in eternal parking at the Naval Museum in Wilhelmshaven:

3. We enter the object through a special ladder in the bow of the submarine (exit through a similar ladder closer to the stern):

4. We immediately get into the torpedo compartment. There are no waterproof compartments in this submarine, which, as I have already indicated above, surprised me a lot:

5. All 8 torpedo tubes of this submarine are located in the bow. There is no place to store and reload spare torpedoes, so there were only 16 DM 3 torpedoes in the ammunition load of this submarine:

6. Instead of torpedoes, torpedo tubes could be "loaded" with three sea mines of type R I or R II:

7. Crew berths and part-time canteen:


9. Cabin:

10. Scheme showing the main structural elements of the submarine of this project. :

In total, the submarine is divided into 5 sections, numbered from the stern (which is also rather strange):

1. section with an electric motor (one electric motor with a power of 1500 hp, rated rotation speed of 270 rpm),
2. diesel section (2 diesel generators with a capacity of 600 hp each, without mechanical connection with the shaft),
3. central post with access to the wheelhouse,
4. residential section (total team size - 22 people) and
5. torpedo compartment (as I said - 8 torpedoes without a reserve of torpedoes).

11. Having walked a couple of meters, we are already in the central post. Hatch to the wheelhouse and to the navigation bridge:

12. Control panel for torpedo weapons. A switch for selecting a torpedo tube is visible:

13. Workplace acoustics:

14. Sonar:

15. Equipment for degaussing submarines:

16. Periscope:

17. Navigator's workplace. In the center is an automatic course plotter:

18. Radio direction finder:

19. On the left - the controls for the side vertical rudders, on the right - the gyrocompass:

20. Depth control:

21. Another type of steering jobs:

22. Sailors forgot to pick up their vests:

23. Control panels for the electric motor and diesel generators are located in the fourth - diesel - section:



26. And here are two diesel engines with generators. Diesels from Mercedes-Benz, 12-cylinder. Air Force generators:

27. Now closer. Diesel engine:

28. Generator:

29. You can get to the drive motor only by crawling or on all fours under the very ceiling, there is almost no space there. View of the last - fifth - section of this miniature submarine. An electric motor is located under the floor:

30. In the fourth section, the most important element of any warship was seen:

31. Last look at the equipment of the diesel section. Diesel condition control post:

32. As I already hinted, it is almost impossible for a decent tourist in good condition to get to the electric motor, so we go to the exit:

33. View of the cabin (ordinary people are not allowed there):

34. Let's continue the inspection of the U 10 submarine from the outside. Let's start with propellers and stern rudders. Their design is very interesting:

35. It can be seen that the vertically located rudders are placed on a (apparently) fixed stabilizer:

36. How is the depth control of the boat? And here's how - in the bow of the hull, on the left and right, there are depth rudders. I must say that I have not seen such a scheme yet. Left retractable handlebar:

37. Right retractable steering wheel. Pay attention - it is bent down, i.e. at the same time, the left and right steering wheels cannot be released - a strong torque will arise:

38. Screw close-up:

39. Some retractable sensors on the nose (most likely acoustic):

40. More sensors, this time on the side of the body, in the nose:

41. Incomprehensible hole in the keel:

42. The nose of a submarine. Very similar to an old iron:

43. Naval bikers in search of souvenirs - view from a submarine:

On this I, perhaps, will complete my story. Thank you for your attention:)

Tactical and technical characteristics

Type "Chang Bogo"
Displacement: surface 1100 t; underwater 1285 tons
Dimensions: length 56 m (183 ft 9 in) beam 6.2 m (20 ft 4 in); draft 5.5 m (18 ft)
Power point: diesel-electric, four MTU 12V 396SE diesel engines with a capacity of 2840 kilowatts (3810 hp), rotating four alternators, and an electric motor with a capacity of 3425 kilowatts (4595 hp) one shaft
Speed ​​and cruising range: surface / under the RDP course 11 knots, underwater course 22 knots; 13,900 km (8,635 miles) surfaced at 8 knots.
Immersion depth: 250 m (820 ft).
Torpedo tubes: eight bow 533-mm (21-inch) for 14 SUT Mod 2 wire-guided torpedoes with active-passive homing or 28 min.
Electronic weapons: PJ1C navigation, CSU 83 passive fire detection and control system, ISUS 83 torpedo fire control system, Argo REM equipment.
Crew: 33 people.

The South Korean Navy, faced with a large-scale North Korean threat, associated mainly with the activities of diesel submarines and small enemy surface ships, until the 1980s. concentrated their efforts on the construction of the fleet through the acquisition of former American surface ships and general development towards the development of improved ships of the new construction. This process began to bear fruit in the late 1980s, when a number of modern ships were ordered. Among them were the first submarines in the Korean Navy - the West German subtype 1200 type 209 with a diving depth of 250 m (820 ft), which received the national type designation "Chang Bogo".

The first order, placed at the end of 1987, concerned three boats, the first of which was to be built in the German city of Kiel by the Hovalds-Werke company, and the remaining two in the South Korean city of Okpo by the Dayo company from components supplied by Germany. They were followed by six more boats, the construction of which was envisaged at the shipyards of South Korea, ordered three units in October 1989 and January 1994. This type of submarine includes Chang Bogo, Lee Chun, Choi Museon, "Park Wi", "Lee Jongmu", "Jeong Un", "Lee Sunsin", "Na Daeyong" and "Lee Eokgi". The boats were laid down between 1989 and 1997, launched between 1992 and 2000. and finally handed over to the customer from 1993 to 2001.

Turkish equivalent.
The South Korean boats are generally the same as the six Turkish Atylai-class submarines, hence they are armed with the same detection and engagement capabilities. When firing torpedoes from eight bow tubes, the free exit method of the torpedo is used (reducing the noise level). Ammunition includes 14 System Technic Nord (STN) SUT Mod 2 torpedoes, which are wire-guided and equipped with an active-passive homing system, carry a 260-kilogram (573-pound) warhead with conventional explosives for a maximum range of 28 km (17, 4 miles) at 23 knots, or a shorter range of 12 km (7.6 miles) at 35 knots. Boats instead of torpedoes can also be armed with 28 mines, which are set through torpedo tubes.
The first boats in the series are due to be upgraded early in the 21st century, and although details are not yet known, it is believed the upgrade will include lengthening the hull to the 62 m (203 ft 5 in) Type 1400 boat standard, increasing surface and submerged displacement to 1455 and 1585 tons, respectively, arming boats to combat surface ships with UGM-84 Harpoon missiles launched from torpedo tubes, and, possibly, equipping them with an additional sonar with a towed antenna to increase the ability to detect enemy submarines in a submerged position.


1454 tons Underwater displacement 1586 tons Overall length
(according to CVL) 61.2 meters Hull width max. 6.25 meters Average draft
(according to CVL) 5.5 meters Power point 1 propeller motor 4000 hp, 1 propeller shaft Armament Torpedo-
mine armament 8 bow torpedoes of caliber 533 mm, stock of 14 torpedoes; or up to 24 min Missile weapons It is possible to install anti-ship missiles "Sub Harpoon" Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Type 209 submarines- a type of German-built submarine, built for export since 1971. It is in service with the fleets of 14 countries.

Project history

Proposed by the design bureau Ingenieur Kontor Lubeck the project, based on the previous type 206, received the designation German. Type 209. According to the requirements of customers, changes began to be made to it, mainly in terms of the size and options for torpedo armament.


Submarine type 209 (section)

The boat has a single hull design. Robust 32 mm thick hull made of high-strength low-magnetic steel HY 80 with a yield strength of 80 psi (56.2 kg / mm²) provides a working depth of 200 m, an estimated 500 m. The robust hull is cylindrical in the middle and conical at the ends. Divided by watertight bulkheads into 3 compartments: I - torpedo, residential and central post, II - auxiliary mechanisms and post of energy and survivability (PEZH), III - diesel generators and propulsion motor (PM). The light hull is flattened from the sides in the bow and spindle-shaped in the stern. The superstructure is made smooth with the hull plating, brought to 98 frames (approximately 80% of the length of the boat).

All TA and ammunition are located in the I compartment (there is no torpedo loading hatch). There are also crew cabins and a central post (CPU). The solid cabin above the CPU consists of cylindrical (lower) and conical (upper) sections. It does not have combat posts, it is intended only for entering / exiting the CPU. Retractable devices are located outside the solid cabin. In the bow, in the area of ​​15-19 sp., there is a bow entrance hatch. In the hold of the compartment there are drives of the bow horizontal rudders (NHR), the bow group of the storage battery (AB), ballast and fuel tanks. For series 1400, 1500, the compartment is divided by a light bulkhead into a torpedo / residential and central post.

In compartment II, the smallest in size, there is a main switchboard (MSB), high-pressure air dispensers (HP), diesel air duct and auxiliary mechanisms, as well as some auxiliary tanks.

Compartment III contains 4 diesel generators and a power plant. In the stern - rudder drives, main thrust bearing and propeller shaft. At the forward bulkhead of the compartment there is an aft access hatch. In the hold there is a stern group AB, ballast and fuel tanks. In series 1400, 1500, the compartment is divided by a light bulkhead into diesel and electric.

Power plant

The power plant is single-shaft, diesel-electric, with full electric propulsion.

  • Diesel generators MTU 12V 396 SB83 4 × 1250 hp With. / 4 × 900 kW - for charging storage batteries (AB) in RDP mode or on the surface.
  • Rechargeable batteries are silver-zinc, high capacity, divided into two groups of 240 cells, in compartments I and III.
  • Rowing electric motor powered by battery or from a diesel generator through the main switchboard.

To reduce noise, all mechanisms are installed on damping supports and foundations isolated from the body.


Type 209 boats are built in 5 series, slightly different in size and performance characteristics. Series are designated by surface displacement. For example, boats of the second series are designated "type 209/1200". Built by year: 8 1100 series, 26 1200 series, 8 1300 series, 15 1400 series and 4 1500 series. Orders for 3 more boats canceled.

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Underwater displacement 1207 t 1285 t 1390 t 1586 t 1810 t
Dimensions 54.1 × 6.2 × 5.9 m 55.9 × 6.3 × 5.5 m 59.5 × 6.2 × 5.5 m 61.2 × 6.25 × 5.5 m 64.4 × 6.5 × 6.2 m
Robust case diameter 6.8 m
Power point 4 diesel generators consisting of 4 diesel engines MTU 12V 396 SB83 - 4x1250 hp and 4 generators - 4x900 kW

1 propeller motor 4000 hp, 1 propeller shaft

3730 kW (5000 hp) 4550 kW (6100 hp)
4 batteries with 120 cells 4 batteries with 132 cells
Speed ​​(surface) 11 knots 11.5 knots
Speed ​​(underwater) 21.5 knots 22 knots 22.5 knots
Travel range (surface) 11,000 miles (20,000 km) at 10 knots = (18.52 km/h)
Range (snorkel) 8,000 miles (15,000 km) at 10 knots = (18.52 km/h)
Range (underwater) 400 miles (700 km) at 4 knots (~=7 km/h)
Autonomy of navigation 50 days
Immersion depth 200 m - working, 280 m - limit (according to other sources, 300 m - working, 500 m - limit)

8 bow torpedo tubes caliber 533 mm:

  • 14 torpedoes
  • possible installation of anti-ship missiles "Sub Harpoon"
  • installation of sea mines is possible
Crew 31 33 30 36


A country Local Subtype Name Entry into service Note
Salta 1100 ARA Salta(S-31) 1974 underwent modernization in 1988-1995 and 2004-2005
ARA San Luis (S-32) 1974 not finished with repairs; decommissioned in 1997
1400 Tupi(S-30) 1989
Tamoio(S-31) 1994
Timbira(S-32) 1996
Tapajo(S-33) 1999
Tikuna 1400 (mod.) Tikuna(S-34) 2005 Tikuna(S-34) - modification of type 209/1400. The second similar boat type 209/1400, Tapuia(S-35) cancelled. All type 209 boats are planned to be equipped with a new BIUS capable of using Mk.48 torpedoes
Thomson 1300 SS Simpson(SS-21) 1984 planned for modernization at the shipyard ASMAR, Chile. After the Talcahuano tsunami, status is unknown
SS Thompson(SS-20) 1984 underwent repair and modernization at the beginning of 2009, including the combination of CICS SUBTICS and torpedoes Black Shark
Pijao 1200 Pijao(S-28) 1975 Both boats were planned for modernization in 2009-2011 at the state shipyard COTECMAR, with technical assistance HDW
Tayrona (S-29) 1975
Shyri 1300 Shyri(S101) 1977 in extensive shipyard refurbishment ASMAR, Chile; received minor damage from the tsunami in Talcuano. Status unknown. Upgraded in 2008-201? years.
Huancavilca(S102) 1977 Modernized in 2011-2014.
Type-209/1400 class 1400 861(S41) 2016 First boat out of 4 ordered
Glavkos 1100 Glavkos(S-110) 1971 type Glavkos was refurbished under the Neptune I program in 1993-2000
Nireus(S-111) 1972
Triton(S-112) 1972
Proteus(S-113) 1972
Poseidon 1200 Poseidon(S-116) 1979 Neptune II modernization program for boats of the type Poseidon cancelled. Okeanos(S118) completed Neptune II upgrade before cancellation
Amfitrity(S-117) 1979
Okeanos(S118) 1979
Pontos(S-119) 1979
Shishumar(type 209) 1500 Shishumar(S44) 1986 After several revisions, the option to build two more units in India was not used. Equipped with a built-in rescue camera. Passed a medium repair in 1999-2005
Shankush(S45) 1986
Shalki(S46) 1992
Shankul(S47) 1994
Cakra 1300 KRI Cakra (401) 1981 Has been repaired to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, South Korea, in 2004−2006.
KRI Naggala (402) 1981 Repair contract issued Daewoo in 2009. Estimated completion date - June 2011
South Korea Chang Bogo 1200 Chang Bogo(SS-061) 1993
Lee Chun(SS-062) 1994
Choi Museon(SS-063) 1996
park wi(SS-065) 1996
Lee Jongmu(SS-066) 1996
Jeong Un(SS-067) 1998
Lee Sunsin(SS-068) 2000
Na Daeyong(SS-069) 2000
Lee Eokgi(SS-071) 2001
1100 Islay(SS-35) 1975 Both boats 209/1100 (type Islay) were upgraded on site in 2008
Arica(SS-36) 1975
Angamos 1200 Angamos(SS-31), former Casma 1980 The repair of boats 209/1200 (type Angamos)
Antofagasta(SS-32) 1980
Pisagua(SS-33), former Blume 1982
Chipana(SS-34), ex Pisagua 1983
South Africa Heroine 1400 (mod.) Manthatisi(S101) 2005 Entered service in 2006 - 2008. Replaced boats of the "Daphné" type
Charlotte Maxeke(S102) 2007
Queen Modjadji(S103) 2008
1200 Atilay(S-347) 1976 Medium repair with the installation of an air-independent engine canceled. A limited upgrade is planned.
Saldiray(S-348) 1977
Batiray(S-349) 1978
Yildiray(S-350) 1981
Doganay(S-351) 1984
Dolunay(S-352) 1989
T1.1400 Preveze(S-353) 1994 Starting from 2015 part will be replaced by type 214 boats.
Sakarya(S-354) 1995
March 18(S-355) 1998
Anafartalar(S-356) 1999
Gur T2.1400 Gur(S-357) 2003
Canakkale(S-358) 2005
Burakreis(S-359) 2006
Birinci Inonu(S-360) 2007