Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Spelling of suffixes and personal endings. Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes

What personal ending should be written for this or that part of speech? This question arises quite often among schoolchildren, but only if the last syllable of a word is in an unstressed position. After all, it is in such situations that it is very difficult to hear the letter that should be written at the end. This is especially true for verbs.

General information

This or that personal ending of verbs depends entirely on what conjugation the word belongs to. Knowing how to correctly identify it, you will never ask yourself a similar question again.

Personal standing in shock position

With stressed endings (personal) of verbs everything is always clear. After all, a letter standing in this position is heard as clearly as possible and is a test letter. Here are some examples: watch, seethe, create etc. As you can see, all the endings of these words are stressed, that is, they are written exactly the same way as they are heard (pronounced).

Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs

If the endings of verbs are in an unstressed position, then determining the correct spelling of a particular letter becomes problematic. That is why it is necessary to refer to the corresponding rule. It says that all verbs in the Russian language belong either to the first conjugation or to the second.

Conjugation first

All verbs in the infinitive form ending in -ot, -at, -et, -yat, -ity and -ut belong to the 1st conjugation: melt, dig, get wet etc. The personal ending of these words in an unstressed position has the letter “e”.

Here's an example: melting, melting, getting wet, getting wet, getting wet, getting wet, melting etc. However, in the 3rd person plural. number verbs of the 1st conjugation have the following endings: -ut or -yut. For example, dig, get wet, melt etc.

Second conjugation

All verbs that are in the infinitive and ending in -it should be classified as the 2nd conjugation: nag, be proud, pray etc. The personal endings of these words in an unstressed position have the letter “and”.

Here's an example: sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing, proud, proud, begging, begging, begging etc. However, in the 2nd conjugation they have the following endings: -at or -yat. For example: sawing, proud, begging etc.

Exceptions to the rules

Now you know which vowels should be written in the personal endings of verbs if they are in an unstressed position. To do this, you only need to determine the conjugation by putting this part of speech in an indefinite form. However, this rule has its exceptions. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Shave, lay. that these words have -it at the end, they should still be classified as the 1st conjugation, since this is an exception. Accordingly, their personal endings will have the vowel letter “e” (-yut, -ut). Here's an example: spread, spread, spread, spread etc.
  • To endure, to offend, to see, to depend, to watch, to turn, to hate, to breathe, to hear, to drive, to hold. Despite the fact that these words have -et and -at at the end, they still belong to the second conjugation, since this is an exception. Accordingly, their personal endings will have the vowel letter “and” (-yat, -at). Here's an example: offend, see, dependent, look, twirl, hate, breathe, drive, hold etc.

Exception words should be memorized and remembered, since many schoolchildren make mistakes in them.

Differently conjugated words

Knowing the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs, you can quickly and easily compose a literate text. However, it should be noted that in the school curriculum of the Russian Language discipline, special attention is paid not only to conjugations and exception words, but also to lexical units that are differently conjugated. These include the following: want, run. Why are they called that? The fact is that in different persons these words can have both the ending of the first conjugation and the second:

  • he runs, he wants;
  • you run, you want;
  • I run, I want;
  • they run, they want;
  • you run, you want;
  • we run, we want.

Let's sum it up

To determine one or another spelling of personal endings of verbs, it is recommended to follow the scheme described below:

  1. Determine in what position the ending of the verb is (stressed or unstressed). If it is in shock, then it should not be checked. If in unstressed, it is necessary to continue the analysis.
  2. Put the verb into the infinitive (or the so-called indefinite form), and then check its ending. If the word ends in -it, then it is conjugated. Therefore, it is necessary to write the letter “and” at the end (in the third person plural - -at or -yat). Otherwise, it is necessary to continue the discussion.
  3. It is required to check whether this verb is included in the list of exception words in -аt or -еть. If included, then it also belongs to the second conjugation, that is, the ending should be written “and”. If not included, then the first conjugation. At the end you should write “e” (in the 3rd person plural we write -yut or -ut).

Spelling verb endings

1. Depending on the personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: verbs of I and II conjugations.

The II conjugation includes:

· verbs in -it (except verbs shave, lay, rest, which belong to the I conjugation),

· 7 verbs for -there are (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),

· 4 verbs per -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear).

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

2. There are several mixed verbs , not related to either of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give .


1 person I read, I take

2nd person read, take

3rd person reads, takes


1 person read, take

2nd person read, take

3rd person read, take




we want

want to


I'm running

you're running


let's run


are running

we eat


are eating

I'll create

you will create

will create

let's create let's create will create

give it

will give

we'll give

give it

they will give

3. If the verb has a prefix un- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to the II conjugation, and if intransitive, then according to the I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of verbs weaken (someone)) And become weak (oneself)).

4. In verbs of the first conjugation, the ending is written in the form of the future tense - you know , and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending -ite (You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

b (soft sign) in verb forms.

1. b (soft sign) is written:

· V infinitive (write, bake, want, wash ),

· V 2nd person singular endings choose, wash, do, wash ),

· V imperative mood (fix it, hide ), BUT lie down, lie down,

· V return particle , which comes after the vowel ( bent, turned around, I'll be back );

2. b (soft sign) is not written:

· V 3rd person singular form present or simple future tense ( washed, done ).

Spelling verb suffixes

1. In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes: -A- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark); -e- (to see, to offend); -And- (nursing, nagging).

Remember: 1) a suffix is ​​never written after the vowel letters of the root in the infinitive -e- . In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -And- (stand, water, milk). In unstressed position the suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt, tea, smell, and the suffix -And- - in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;

2) after soft consonants (except h ) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e- - in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, freeze;

3) in suffixes of past tense verb forms the same vowel is retained as in the infinitive. For example: get welle th - get welle l, laI t-laI l, glueAnd t-kleAnd l.

2. Suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -ova- (-eva-).

In verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) (always unstressed), meaning imperfective (sometimes also multiple actions), written before the letters s or i , For example: roll up, smear, see; overwhelm, talk over, jump up, hear, twist, beg, insist .

Verbs with suffix -yva- (- willow - ) should be distinguished in writing from verbs with the suffix - ova - (- Eve- ). Verbs of these two types form the present tense differently: verbs in -ovate (-eat ) have the form of the 1st person on -yy (-yuyu ) (Without -ov-, -ev - ), For example: I talk - to talk, I manage - to manage, I envy - to envy, I confess - to confess, I preach - to preach, I scourge - to scourge, I grieve - to grieve; verbs have the same - to come (-ive ) the 1st person form ends in -I'm (-Ivayu) (with saving -ыв -, -ive- ), For example: inspecting - inspecting, deploying - deploying, reconnaissance - reconnaissance, visiting - visiting .

3. Vowels before -va - . In imperfective verbs with a suffix -va- , having the form of the 1st person on -va-yu , unstressed vowels before V are checked according to the general rule, for example: overcome(overcome), outdated(outdated), wash down(write down), singing(sing), sow (seed), idea (get started), harden (freeze), outpost (catch).

However, in the following verbs - va-t b(in 1st person -va-yu) is written with a special suffix -Eve- with a letter e in place of an untested unstressed vowel: overshadow, prolong, corrupt(eclipse, prolong, corrupt), get stuck, get stuck(get stuck, get stuck); overwhelm, exhort, intend, doubt .

4. -e(t), -i(t). The verbs differ -eat And -it b. Verbs to -eat (in 1st person -by her ) – intransitive I conjugations – have the meaning ‘to become something, acquire a characteristic’, for example: become weak, become weak‘become powerless, lose strength’, to numb, to harden‘become harsh’. Verbs to - it (in 1st person And absent) – transitive II conjugations – have the meaning ‘to make something, to endow with a characteristic’, for example: weaken, weaken‘to make someone powerless, to deprive someone of strength’, anesthetize, neutralize, numb, weaken. Compare the same stressed suffixes in verbs like ( By)white And ( By)whiteness, (O)weakness , (once)have fun.

5. -ene(t), – eni(t). The acquisition of some attribute, the transition to another state is also expressed in intransitive verbs of the first conjugation in -nope , in which there is an unstressed vowel before n transmitted by letter e : freeze, ossify, stiffen, become numb, traverse, turf, become bloody, glazed over, frenzied, dumbfounded, numb. Correlative transitive verbs of II conjugation in -eni-t, denoting endowment with a characteristic, are also written with the letter e : freeze, numb, ossify, bloody, frenzied, numb and so on.

Writing verbs in - go crazy And -enit does not agree with the spelling of the corresponding relative adjectives, in which (if any) is written in the suffix before n letter I : ice, bone, blood, grass, wood and so on.

Exception: in verbs scarlet And purple(option: crimson thread) the letter is written I , as in adjective scarlet.

Unstressed personal endings of verbs.

Conjugations Verbs Personal endings
heteroconjugated a) everything is on, except: shaving, laying. b) 4 on -at: drive, hold, breathe, hear.

c) 7 on -et: look, see, hate, offend, endure, turn, depend All the rest except differently conjugated (on -ot, -yt, -at, -yat, -et, -ut. Want To Run Is Let To Dream

-u(-yu), -ish, -im, -it, -ite, -at, -yat.

1. You drive, you drive, you drive, you drive, you drive. You look, look, look, look, look.-u, yu -eat, -eat, -e, -e, -ut, Lay, lay, lay, lay, lay. Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want.

Distinguish. Participle suffixes-u, yu -eat, -eat, -e, -e, -ut, Lay, lay, lay, lay, lay. Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. In active present participles formed from verbs 1 conjugation

, suffixes are written - ush-yush 2. In active present participles formed from verbs You look, look, look, look, look. 2 conjugations ash-box

(but fastidious) Participle suffixes)

3. In passive participles of the present tense, a suffix is ​​written


(from verbs

And them(from verbs Task A-16

Spelling suffixes

Spelling of noun suffixes.

If in nouns the root ends in d, t, s, h, g,--

-then it is written - chick

d-t-chik – sensor, defector, scribe, sample, crawler, in the words of M.R.: breadwinner, handsome

-ic-, in the words of the woman: nurse, beauty.

In the neuter gender - if the stress falls on the ending - EC: letter, gun; if it falls on the base, then IC: armchair, butter.

Enk-. (en/k-) – in words formed from noun. na –na, -nya, which are in r.p. plural end in -en: cherry-cherry, pine-pine.

In/k - in words formed from nouns ending in – in-a: crack, pea.

Spelling adverb suffixes.

Oh, if the prefixes are in, -on, behind-: left, right, dark

And, if the prefixes are from, to, with, is: long ago, to the full, to the left, sideways.

Remember: from a young age, from a young age, drunk, drunk, blind, blind.

U, if adverbs have prefixes like: for a long time, in vain, simply, slowly.

Remember: ahead of schedule, exclusively, jointly from. Adj.: early, exclusive, joint.

Spelling verb suffixes.

1) For verbs and gerunds before –l, -v, -vsh the same vowel is written as peret – t: saw – sawed, sawed, sawed.

2) The suffixes - ova, - eva are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense, if in the 1st person, singular. of the present and future simple tense, the verb ends in - yu, - yuyu:

Painting (present time) – painted (past time).

If in the indicated form of the verb it ends in -Ivayu, -Ivayu, then in n.f. and in the past vr. I write –yva – willow-: close – close, closed.

Remember: stressed verbs -vat, -vayu, va- have the same vowel before the suffix as in the indefinite form without this suffix: pour - fill, pour.

About other suffixes.

1 .When analyzing a word by its composition, you should determine the part of speech to which the word belongs.

In addition, you need to take into account the alternations v//vl, b//bl, p//pl, f//fl: love-love, catch-catch, endure-endure, graph-graph.

Formative suffixes serve to form the grammatical forms of a given word.

Formative suffixes include:

Suffixes of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs starting with -о, -е: -ee, -ey, -e, -she, -zhe, -eysh, -aysh: strong - strong - strong; expensive - expensive - expensive; thin - thin - thinner; deep - deep - deeper; obedient - obedient-eysh-y - obedient-eysh-y; high - you-soch-aysh-y - high-aysh-e.

Past tense suffixes of indicative and subjunctive verbs -l- and zero: dela-l - dela-l; carried0 - -carried0 would.

Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb -t, -ti (-sti, -st, -ch): lying-l-a - lying down; pass-l-a - pass-ti.

Suffixes of active participles of the present and past tense -ush-, -yush, -ash-, -yash-, -vsh-, -sh-: carrying, playing, screaming, whistling, reading, growing.

Suffixes of the passive participles of the present and past tense -em-, -im-, -om-, -nn-, -enn-, -t-: organize, love, know, see, reveal, erase.

Suffixes of imperfect and perfect participles -a-, -ya-, -uchi-, -yuchi-, -v-, -vshi-, -shi-: hear-a, let-ya, be-learn, game-yuchi, lose-in, inflate-lice-st, locked-up.

The imperative suffixes of the verb are: – and – and zero.

Suffixes of the perfect/imperfect form of the verb: -yva-, -iva-, -eva-, -va-, -a-.

The postfix has a passive meaning: the problem is solved by the student.

Plural suffix of nouns –j-: Friends.

Suffixes can be null.

Zero is a suffix that is not expressed in sounds and letters (in writing), but conveys a certain grammatical meaning. Null suffixes include:

Zero suffix of the past tense of a masculine singular indicative verb; carried-l-a - carried, dried up-l-a - dried up.

Zero suffix of conditional masculine singular verbs: got wet - would get wet; wiped - would - wiped.

Zero suffix of the imperative mood of the verb: take it out, sit down.

Nouns, short adjectives and participles, as well as past tense verbs of the conditional mood can have a zero ending: if I was upset, I would write, and for singular imperative verbs: study, look, write(some linguists refer to suffixes).

Unchangeable words do not and cannot have endings: adverbs, functional parts of speech, n.f. verbs, gerunds, simple comparative forms (stronger, higher), interjections, indeclinable nouns, pronouns and adjectives ( khaki, burgundy).


Adjectives (basic) Participles Participles
-in - duck -an - sandy -yan - crimson -onn - traditional -enn - natural -n - lemon -enk - blue -onk - small -ist - hazy -ov - fathers -ev - raincoat -k - German -sk – urban -eysh – brightest -aysh – deepest Which one? Whose? -ushch - running -yushch - singing -ashch - screaming -yashch - invigorating -om - driven -em - solved -im - visible -t - split -nn - heard -enn - cooked -vsh - running -sh - carrying -en – decided -sya - striving -I - looking -a - breathing -in - seeing -lice - seeing -ish - bringing -uch - being -yuchi - playing
Forms of the verb Which? Doing what?

In spelling verbs, the main difficulties are associated with the correct choice of suffix and ending.

TSYA and TTSYA in verbs

It is necessary to distinguish the indefinite form of verbs (infinitive) from the form of the 3rd l.

Unit hours present and future vr. To avoid mistakes in writing these forms, you should ask a question. The infinitive answers the questions what to do? what to do? (in these forms b is written), forms of the 3rd l. answer the questions what does it do? what are they doing? what will he do? what will they do? (b is not written in these forms). Compare: He (what is he doing?) is swimming. You need to (what to do?) exercise regularly.

Ex. 110. Make up phrases with verbs.

Meet - meet, free - free, reflect - reflect, return - return, have fun - have fun, sit down - sit down, clean - clean, worry - worry, quarrel - quarrel, wake up - wake up, get acquainted - get acquainted.

Ex. 111. Write down, insert the missing letters.

I had to hurry. After two kilometers the length suddenly became narrower. Clay shale began to appear. The width of the length either narrows... up to a hundred meters, then expands by more than a kilometer. The branches of the river form a labyrinth in which it is very easy to get lost if you do not stick to the main channel. Along a ridge overgrown with forest, you must walk carefully, you must often stop and look around, otherwise you can easily lose your way. (V. Arsenyev)

Verb suffixes

In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes: -a- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark); -e- (to see, to offend); -and- (nursing, nagging). Remember: 1) the suffix -e- is never written after the vowel letters of the root in the infinitive. In this position, only the suffix -я- or -и- (stand, water, milk) can be stressed. In an unstressed position, the suffix -i- is written in the verbs to win, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt, tea, smell, and the suffix -i- - in the verbs to build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue; 2) after soft consonants (except h) in an unstressed position, the suffix -I- is written in the verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e- in the verbs see, offend, depend, hate, freeze; 3) in suffixes of past tense verb forms the same vowel is retained as in the infinitive. Wed: recover - recovered, bark - barked, glue - glued.

Ex. 112. Fill in the missing letters in infinitive forms.

Clean...t, talk...t, spoil...t, wash...t, hate...t, mean, argue...t, desolate...t, mad. ..t, t...t, right...t, believe...t, cough...t, cry...t, ride...t, roll...t, notice... t, hope, depend..., offend.

Ex. 113. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Indicate the test words (verb in the infinitive form).

Lele...l, hoped...l, heard...l, looked...l, saw...l, offended...l, means...l, tha...l, finished. ..l, hanged...l, cured...l, hated...l, dispute...l, cl...l, str...l, sat...l.


Verbs ending in stressed -vat (-vayu) have the same vowel before the suffix -va- as in the indefinite form without this suffix: overcome - overcome, overcome; score - score, score.

Ex. 114. Fill in the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes and explain their spelling.

Authorize a meeting, participate in a picket, find out a secret, exert influence, order a subordinate, untwist a rope, explore a coal deposit , report...on the results, profess...Islam, preach...good, serve dumplings, army, try out new weapons, use... achievements of technology. Remember: transitive verbs with prefixes obez- (obes-) have the suffix -i- (to weaken someone) in the infinitive and in the past tense, and intransitive verbs have the suffix -e- (to weaken oneself).

Ex. 115. Make up phrases with the verbs below. Explain why there is a difference in their spelling.

To become weak - to become weak, to become icy - to be iced, to weaken - to weaken, to become depleted - to become deprived of money, to bleed - to bleed, to become sterile - to sterile, to become depleted - to deplete.

Personal verb endings

Stressed personal endings for verbs of I and II conjugations are written as they are heard. Wed: you are walking, walking, walking, walking, walking - I conjugation; silent, silent, silent, silent, silent - II conjugation. Particular difficulties arise when writing unstressed personal endings of verbs of the first or second conjugation. The endings of the present and future forms of verbs depend on the conjugation.

Ex. 116. Rewrite. Highlight the endings and determine the conjugation of the verbs.

The bast doesn’t knit, you can’t go far, you can’t lure it with a roll, as soon as the ground suffers, your hands don’t reach, you can’t get up to speed, it hurts your ear, all the bumps fall on poor Makar, you can’t bear your own burden, the truth stings your eyes, it doesn’t care for your soul, it’s on the tip of your tongue , spreads like a carpet, won't hurt a mosquito, you'll lick your fingers, a mosquito won't hurt your nose, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ex. 117. Determine the conjugation of verbs, form the form of the 2nd l. units tsp and 3 l. pl. h.

To sow, to become familiar, to winnow, to drive, to spread, to hate, to hear, to prick, to melt, to depend, to hope.

Ex. 118. Write out the verbs and insert the missing letters.

(He) will find a job, (he) will complete the answer, breathe easily, sow the field, cover it with wallpaper, wipe it dry, peg. ..there are banners, the people are fighting, the snow is...t, everything depends on the circumstances, wandering through the alleys, he hates lies, what is said cannot be said... Hey, you can do anything, the sun is warm, the window is frosty, you can hear all the rustling sounds, you want to win.

Ex. 119. Copy down the proverbs. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.

1) If you chase two hares, you won't catch either one. 2) You will know a lot - you will soon grow old. 3) True, the eyes are sharp...t. 4) The horse breaks out - you will catch up, you cannot turn back the words spoken. 5) If you don’t stretch out your hands, you won’t be able to get them from the shelf. 6) The rain will wet...t, but the sun will dry...t. 7) Lay down softly, but sleep hard. 8) Man, he knows how to do everything: he plows...t, he and so...t.

Ex. 120. Fill in the missing letters. Explain the spelling of personal endings of verbs.

1) At the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks. (M. Lermontov) 2) A mournful wind drives a flock of clouds to the edge of heaven, a broken spruce groans, muffledly whispers...the dark forest. (N. Nekrasov) 3) The watchman slowly struck the clock: strike...t once and wait until the sound melts...t in the blue air. 4) The gloomy mountains look menacingly from under the clouds. (A. Maikov) 5) In the dark gray sky, stars are blinking here and there; a damp breeze occasionally comes in a light wave; you can hear the restrained, unclear whisper of the night. (I. Turgenev)

When writing suffixes and personal endings of participles, mistakes are often made. To avoid them, it is necessary to take into account the conjugation of the verb. The article provides rules for writing unstressed personal endings and participle suffixes with examples.

In russian language participles is a special form of a verb that has the grammatical features of verbs and adjectives. When spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes, the conjugation of the verb is of particular importance.

Verb conjugations Personal verb endings -u(-yu), -ish, -im, -it, -ite, -at, -yat. Examples
1 conjugation -eat/-eat/-eat/-eat -ush-/-yush-

-eat-/-om-(passive participles NV)

you decide, decide, decide, decide, decide;

decisive, resolvable

2 conjugation -ish/-it/-im/-ite/-yat -ash-/-box-(actual participles NV);

-them-(passive participles NV)

store, store, store, store, store;

storing, stored

Spelling suffixes -enn-/-enn- in passive past participles depends on the stem of the infinitive of the verb:

  • -nn- -at/-yat (read – read, tear – torn);
  • enn- forms participles from verbs -And- (find – found, save – saved).

How to determine which vowels are written in unstressed position?

To avoid mistakes when spelling unstressed personal endings and participle suffixes, it is enough to determine the conjugation of the verb by placing it in the third person singular. If the ending is unstressed, the conjugation of the verb is determined, as a rule, by its initial form.

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