Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The purpose of the soul is to read Michael Newton. Dr. N: What are you and Rick doing next, Sam? They can incarnate as people who, through their communication with us, bring strong positive or negative energy into our lives

Michael Newton Soul Purpose Life between lives

Corporate souls

This category of souls includes members secondary group, belonging to different primary groups located in the same spiritual zone. As I mentioned in Chapter 5 in the commentary on Figure 1, the groups surrounding our own and forming with us one secondary group may include a total of up to 1000 souls or more. Many of these groups work in classrooms in our neighborhoods. In other groups there are certain souls with whom we work together and whom we have come to know over many lifetimes together, while other souls only appear briefly in our lives. Quite often our parents come from one of these neighboring groups.

In terms of companionship in the Soul World, as well as contact during physical incarnations, souls of one primary group may have little or nothing in common with many souls from other groups. In more in a broad sense, all souls of the secondary group are corporate in one aspect or another, but they are not counted kindred spirits. Although they cannot be called companion souls in the grand scheme of things, they do form a large body of people from whom our leaders can recruit to fill various roles in our lives. Such a corporate soul, or companion soul, may have special qualities that are just right for us to learn a certain karmic lesson. They can incarnate as people who, through their communication with us, bring strong positive or negative energy into our lives. As for the favorable or unfavorable aspects of these roles, all decisions are previously agreed upon between all participants and their Teachers.

The role can be very fleeting. The reader may recall the bus stop incident that occurred with Subject 39. The help provided to the woman in that Case was most likely a spontaneous act of compassion, and it seems to me that this woman was not that kind of role-playing soul for the Subject. I will give an example of a brief positive encounter with another Subject who definitely met such a corporate soul companion.

“I was wandering alone on the beach, completely desperate after being fired from my job. A man appeared and we started talking. I didn’t know him and never met him again in my life. But that day he came up to me without any warning, and we started talking. I poured out my problems to this stranger. He calmed me down and helped me see my work situation in a completely different light. About an hour later we parted. Now I understand that he was an acquaintance of mine from another group in the World of Souls. It was no coincidence that we met that day. It was sent to me."

However, the most significant contacts we make are with our fellow souls. While I was thinking about this book, people asked me to give a detailed case study of a love story between primary soulmates. Being a romantic myself, I couldn't resist this request.


When Maureen called me, there was something in her voice that indicated an urgent need for an urgent meeting. Back then I didn’t yet have a long list of people who had made appointments a year in advance. Maureen lived near my office in California and asked if she could come visit me with a friend of hers who was on his way from New York for their first meeting. I asked her about this friend whom she had never met, and she told me the following story.

Three months earlier, a group of twenty-five people interested in life after death had set up a kind of “chat room” on a website, called a “chat room” in computer jargon. People with common interests conduct conversations in this way directly on the Internet. All this was explained to me in detail, because I am not good with computers. Morin said that she and a man named Dale found that they were very much on the same page in discussions about soulmates and felt strangely connected to each other. She added that there was something uncanny about the way Dale literally reproduced her thoughts. They decided to set up their own “private chat room” for further computer conversations.

Maureen and Dale discovered that they were born in the same year fifty years ago, just months apart, near San Francisco. They told each other that they had each had a bad marriage and a shared feeling of inexplicable sadness because they could not find something that would open their hearts. Their conversations revolved mainly around the topic of life after life, and Dale mentioned that he had read my book. Soon they decided to meet in California and come to me for a joint, combined regression session.

We scheduled a session for the very next day after their first meeting. When they arrived to me, they seemed out of this world, and I noticed that they were already in a state of trance and did not need me. As soon as they met, they immediately recognized each other. Maureen said: “The way we smiled at each other, the look in our eyes, the sound of our laughter, the vibrations that connected us when we shook hands - it all created a state of euphoria that was so strong that we immediately forgot about everything else. light."

I will present this case on Maureen's behalf as I initially made contact with her. During the interview, I learned that throughout her life she had sometimes experienced the feeling of “deja vu” (the feeling when we think we have seen or heard it before) when she heard music from the 20s of the twentieth century or saw Charleston dancers in loose clothes of that time. Maureen also told me that since childhood she had been plagued by recurring nightmares about unexpected death.

I have a rule to introduce Subjects into the Soul World after the death scene in their past life so that they do not miss natural experience the miracle of entry into the World of Souls. There are many advantages to this technique in regressive hypnosis, including the ability to find out whether imprints of the destroyed physical body of a past life have been transferred into the patient’s current body. If the Subject is immediately introduced directly into the World of Souls, say, from the womb of their mother, then he may be disoriented. This is similar to taking someone to the back of a house and asking them to describe the front. Such an accelerated procedure for entering the World of Souls can also lead to them “bypassing” a number of points of “orienting adjustment”. These points can be vital if a previous life was tragically cut short. By going through the death scenes, the patient is actually better protected from painful physical memories.

As I began to guide Maureen through the most significant scenes of her past life, she turned to the events leading up to her death. This is often a signal that something disturbing is ahead, and the hypnotherapist must be prepared to deal with a death scene, which can be terrifying. What follows is an abridged version of Maureen's story.

Dr. N: Are you a man or a woman?

S: A girl, actually.

Dr. N: What is your name?

S: Samantha. In short - Sam.

Dr. N: Where are you located and what are you doing?

S: I'm in my bedroom at my dressing table getting ready for the evening.

Dr. N: What kind of evening is this?

S: (pause and then a little laugh) It's... arranged for me, today is my eighteenth birthday and my parents have organized a retreat.

Dr. N: Happy birthday then, Sam. What date is today?

Dr. N: Since you are at your dressing table, I would like you to look in the mirror and describe to me what you see.

S: My hair is blonde and it's pulled up tonight. I'm wearing a white silk dress. This is my first truly grown-up evening dress. I'm going to put on my new white high-heeled shoes.

Dr. N: You seem to look great.

S: (smiling slyly) I wish Rick thought the same.

Dr. N: Who is Rick?

S: (now embarrassed and blushing) Rick... this is my boyfriend... I have a date with him tonight. I have to finish the preparations, he will come soon.

Dr. N: Look, Sam, I'm sure you can talk to me while you continue to get yourself organized - I don't want to keep you. Tell me, are you serious about Rick?

S: (blushes again) Yes... But I don't want to show it. I'm playing a girl whose affection is not easy to win. I know that he wants to be with me.

Dr. N: Looks like this is an important evening. I'm guessing he'll honk his horn soon, inviting you into his car?

S: (irritated) Not at all! Well, maybe he would like to, but he would ring the doorbell, as expected, and the maid would let him in and ask him to wait downstairs.

Dr. N: So, the evening will be away from home?

S: Not very far - in a fancy mansion in the lower part of San Francisco.

Dr. N: Okay, Sam, now move forward in time to the evening itself. Tell me what's going on there.

S: (enthusiastically) So cool! Rick certainly looks great. My parents and their friends tell me how I grew up. Music, dancing... a lot of my friends, they congratulate me... and (subject's face darkens for a moment) there is a lot of alcohol that my parents don't know about.

Dr. N: Does this bother you?

S: (dispels the dark feelings by quickly running a hand through her hair and returns to the party) Ah... there's always a drink at these events - it helps us relax. I drink too... Rick and some of his friends are sipping alcohol.

Dr. N: Now move on to the next one. important event this evening and tell me what's going on.

S: (Subject's face softens and she speaks stammeringly) Rick and I are dancing... he's pressed so close to me... we're... burning... he whispers in my ear that we need to escape the party, to spend some time alone.

Dr. N: And how did you feel, Samantha?

S: Delight... but something seemed to hold me back... I overcame it... I am willful. I guess I'm afraid of my parents' possible disapproval... although I think there's more to it than that. I push away these thoughts for the sake of an exciting feeling.

Dr. N: Stay with those emotions. What happens next?

S: We went out the back door so no one would see us and headed to Rick's car. This is a lovely, new red two-seater. The night is amazing, and the top (of the car) is down.

S: We get into the car. Rick pulls the pins out of my hair so it flutters freely. We kiss. Rick wants to show off... we rush down the long driveway and out onto the street.

Dr. N: Can you describe this road and what direction you are going?

S: (increasingly nervous) We're heading south along the ocean on Pacific Coast Road, outside of San Francisco.

Dr. N: How do you like the ride, Sam?

S: (Subject perks up, momentarily forgetting his premonitions) I feel so energized! The night is warm and the wind blows strands of hair across my face. Rick hugs me with one arm. He squeezes me and says that I am the most beautiful girl in the world. We both know we're in love with each other.

Dr. N: (I notice that the subject's hands begin to shake and her body tenses; I take her hand because I suspect what is about to happen) Now, Samantha, I want you to understand that all the time, every step while you talk, I will be with you and can quickly move you through anything that may happen. You know this, don't you?

S: (weakly) Yes...

Dr. N: Go to a point in your trip with Rick when things start to change and describe how things happen.

S: (Subject now begins to tremble all over) Rick has had too much to drink and the road is getting more and more twisted. The turns are steeper, and Rick holds the steering wheel with only one hand. We're driving through a hilly area... close to the ocean... there's a cliff... (Now screaming) RICK, BRAKE!

Dr. N: Slowed down?


Dr. N: Now, quickly, Sam—go ahead.

S: (sobbing) We miss the next turn - the car is in the air - we fall into the ocean... I'm dying... the water... so cold... I can't breathe... Oh, Rick... Rick.. .

We pause for a moment and I begin a rapid desensitization of this traumatic memory, while at the same time removing Samantha's soul from her physical body. I remind her that she has experienced physical death many times before and everything will be okay. Samantha explains that she doesn't want to leave because she has just started living. She doesn't want to leave Rick, but some force pulling her away from the ocean is "too strong."

When I began my research into soul travel, I believed that when two people like Samantha and Rick die together, they enter the Soul World together as well. But I found that this was not the case, with one exception. Little children who are killed along with those who love them rise with this man. I will discuss this further in Chapter 9. Even primary soul mates who die at the same time usually go their separate ways, along their own vibrational line. I thought this loss of friendship between soul mates a little sad, until it became clear to me that at the right time and in the right place they are met by their Guides and friends in the World of Souls. Each soul ascends at its own speed and along its own route, which includes stops for orientation and re-energization, even if they return to the same group of souls. This is what happened to Rick and Samantha.

Dr. N: Do you see Rick?

S: No, I'm trying to resist the force that is trying to turn me away from the ocean. I want to see the ocean... I want to help Rick.

Dr. N: Does this force eventually turn you around? in the right direction, away from the Pacific Ocean?

S: (Subject is now calm and resigned, but sad) Yes, I am now high above the Earth.

Dr. N: (This is a common question I ask patients) Do you want to say goodbye to your parents before you move on?

S: Oh... no... not now... I'll say goodbye later... now I want to go.

Dr. N: I understand. Tell me, what do you see next, Samantha?

S: The tunnel eye... opening and closing... coordinating its movements with my movements. I get through it and feel much easier. It's so bright now. Someone in clothes comes out to meet me.

In Dale's session we learned that he was Rick and his memories matched Maureen's. If Samantha lived a few seconds after the crash and rose from the ocean, Rick's soul left his body while the car was still in the air. As I was telling this story to an audience in Dallas, one woman loudly grumbled, “That’s what these men are like!” I told her that when the mind knows there is no chance of escape from the imminent destruction of the body, the soul can leave the body moments before actual death. Thus, the soul and its energies are less affected.

After my sessions with Dale and Maureen, I met with these kindred spirits to take stock of what we had learned. Maureen explained that whenever she drives down Highway 1 south of San Francisco, she feels an inexplicable nervousness and fear along a certain stretch of road along the coast. Now she knows why. I hoped that my reprogramming of her death scene in 1923 would also free her from recurring nightmares of sudden death. A month later, Maureen wrote to me and confirmed that these nightmares were finally over.

Another surprising evidence of synchronicity in this Case was Dale's statement that he moved away from his hometown because he felt uncomfortable driving in the San Francisco area. You might be thinking; that the time we spend in the Soul World between lives should eradicate all residual effects of our past life experiences. In most cases this is true, but as I said, some people do carry the physical and emotional imprints of the old body from one life to the next. This is especially true if the imprint relates to a karmic lesson in the new life.

Why were these primary soul mates separated in the current life for fifty years? To understand this we must consider the dynamics of their soul group. Dale and Maureen belong to the Level 1 soul group. To one degree or another, all twelve souls in this group are active fighters and always take risks. Their Guide regularly refers them to neighboring groups so that they can see how other groups function in larger world and harmony. Dale and Maureen told me that these visits were interesting, but they found these peaceful souls “a little boring.” Of course, there are souls in their group who are less restless, but Rick/Dale is not one of them. In his current life, he was a paratrooper who went through the Vietnam War. “I didn’t expect to go back,” he said, “and that would be normal.” Because he likes to live on the edge of danger, he left the service after the war, since being a soldier in peacetime was too stupid.

After the 1923 crash, Rick was met by the group's senior guide and had to spend more time interviewing and orientation than Samantha. When he returned to the group, he was very upset. In a tender reunion scene, Rick told his girlfriend how sorry he was for ending her young life. It was not clear from the session how much they both knew about the possibility of an accident. They had been lovers in numerous past lives, many of which were promiscuous. Although Dale and Maureen incarnated at the same time in this life and in the same place where they lived in the 20s, they were not destined to meet young. The same sensory experience and emotional energy of this geographical place were simply part of the conditions for their later meeting in this life.

These paired souls, taking new life, knew that conditions would not allow them to meet for a long time. Dale especially needed to feel the frustration of years of searching for “his” woman. Today he is not a carefree, irresponsible person. Samantha/Maureen also had to gain a maturity that she didn't have in her relationship with Rick in the 20s. Neither Dale nor Maureen viewed life as an easy gift at this stage of their union. They both went through the heartache of living without each other. My work with this couple ended with their common statement. Maureen said, “We completed our healing by gaining respect for the sanctity of life and understanding the importance of forgiveness. Now that we both know what loss is, we're going to cherish the time we have left to spend together."

Before leaving the topic of soulmates, I should add that many soulmates have a preliminary meeting just before their next incarnation. The essence of this dress rehearsal with your guides is a final review of the most important issues of the life ahead. This preparatory session may also include a moment where the two soul mates go away together, sending each other visual images of what they will look like in their new human bodies and in what circumstances they will meet.

There is a whole chapter in the book “Journeys of the Soul” in which I give various examples of this kind of preparation for incarnation. Paired souls do not always end up together immediately before birth. Also, depending on their karma, sometimes one soul knows more than the other about their future meeting and what that person will look like. Here is a short story from one of the soul mates about the features of the upcoming meeting with her future wife.

“I was allowed to see my wife in the screen room for viewing future lives. She was an attractive aerobics instructor and I got to meet her at the gym. I carefully studied her bodily features because I didn’t want to ruin everything like in my previous life. The scent of her body mixed with sweat... her gestures... her smile... and most of all her eyes were imprinted in my mind. The moment I saw her in this life was like two magnets attracting each other.”

One of the realizations that came to me and turned out to be very important in my life is: this is a feeling of the great orderliness of the Universe, that nothing happens by chance.

— Speaking about the purpose of being on Earth, in one of the cases in the book “The Purpose of the Soul” the idea is explored that perhaps the purpose of our coming to Earth is to unite all people of all races and nationalities.

— This is the principle of unity, which is certainly an important principle. We are sent to Earth, in a very difficult school to learn this lesson. Regardless of our race, color, creed, or part of the world we come from, we are all one in some sense.

Until we learn to live with each other, be tolerant of each other, be kind and help each other; until we realize that we all have the same concerns in life; Until we start doing what we can to make the world a better place, we will not truly learn this lesson.

We will come back again and again until we get the hang of it.

- I like how you kind of open it up from time to time. You say it doesn't stay open for long. What have you learned about the Higher Source from all your experiences with clients?

— When I give lectures, listeners often ask: “ Well, when will we talk about God? When do your clients see God?”.

Potentially, what they see is a “great presence” as they describe it from a state in the life between lives, which they see mainly when standing before their Council - wise entities a step or two above the guides.

These entities evaluate the life they have lived and where they think it would be best for them to incarnate next.

In the new book " Soul Purpose"I'm talking about Presence. I didn't do this in the first book, since it was more of a review.

"The Journey of the Soul" is a long narrative about a journey that begins with the moment of death and ends with the moment of rebirth. It is divided into very simple, easy to read chapters.

And at the same time, it touches on many topics that I cover in detail in the new book. One of these themes is exactly what we just talked about: Presence.

My subjects say it is as close to God as it gets; in addition, they perceive the Presence as a collective. I find this very interesting.

I ask them: “ What's in it for you? What do you think about when you talk about this Supreme Presence?" When they are at meetings of their Councils, they perceive one powerful source of energy, which, as it were, explains everything that happens to them.

They feel it rather than see it. This is a powerful source of energy. It's a feeling. They get the feeling that this is a collective, that this is a group, and not one entity.

So perhaps it would be more accurate to view this as being a step or two above the members of their councils, and who knows how far up the ladder one must climb to reach the Supreme Source.

Of course, I don't have an answer to this question. This is all I know because I work with people who are still incarnate and they only know what they say.

- IN " The purpose of the soul“I especially liked the part where it tells about the origin of individual souls; that there is something practically out of which all these little entities emerge.

“I think it’s worth noting here that I had to wait quite a long time for clients who would be advanced enough to talk about this.

My average client usually gives me a lot of information about the world of souls, but only truly advanced people can talk about some things, such as those we touched on a little earlier.

Everyone sees the Presence, but in regard to origins and sources it is best to deal with very advanced people who are nearing the end of their incarnations and are preparing to become teachers themselves.

So it took working with thousands of clients over many years, then piecing together the stories of those who spoke about the element of Source, and realizing the consistency of their stories, which seems incredible to me.

— All the cases you study are perceived as not contradicting each other.

“That’s the reason I wrote both books.” The first book burst into the movement “kicking and screaming” when I had not even done past life regressions.

Then I made the great discovery that when we die, we don't end up in some vague limbo between lives. This information made a strong impression on me.

I am in awe of the fact that someone with my background was given the honor of receiving such information.

One of the directions in which I am starting to work is towards the end current year and next year - this is all over the country.

I'm soon 70, and I want to leave a legacy; I want to make sure that the methodology and techniques I use remain on record; I want to train young hypnotherapists who will take the baton and reach places much further than where I have been.

I plan to do this in the next century, and I look forward to starting to train regression specialists in all the things that I do.

There is so much that can be done for clients with this therapy! I don't want to take away from past life regression specialists because it's good for people to know where they've been and where they might be going.

And yet, if they don't get into the space between lives where all these experiences are analyzed, where they get really great therapy, they are missing out on the real one.

Some may dismiss this as a gray area of ​​uncertainty, when the greatest riches in terms of understanding who we truly are come from our memories, from examining ourselves between lives - with our Council members, guides and close souls.

As a therapist I can say that best results in these areas arise then, when people see who they really are, regardless of the bodies in which they are located. I think that, from a therapeutic point of view, this is very, very important.

— You are a convinced supporter of the concept that the memory of the soul is accessible at the level of human thoughts.

We can build our lives according to our own understanding. Let's take one of the most illustrative examples: card player.

You were dealt cards—whether poker or bridge—at birth, and with those cards you can play them in a few different ways, depending on your talents and who you hooked up with. These are all points that are true of card games as well.

How do you use your cards? Each way of playing has its own consequences. If you didn't have the freedom to play as you see fit, there would be no point in the game. We learn from trial and error.

you raised a lot important topic choice and free will, which are an inseparable part of our lives.

— When analyzing the cases, it was also emphasized that one should not be afraid to make changes in one’s life. I think this just complements our conversation about having a choice.

— It is extremely important not to be inert regarding what is happening in life, to always be open to change. A very valid point.

“When we are on the other side and thinking about what we want to do, we often choose a different path than we have already taken.

- Absolutely right. It is also true that when we get there, we look back and review what we did in this body. In many cases, such revision is accompanied by role-playing games with companion souls.

We replay the entire play we lived on Earth, with many of those souls who played supporting roles (our spouses, siblings, parents, etc.) participating, and examine our actions.

Sometimes we play the roles of various other people with whom we have been associated in order to explore how we could act best. This is all very flexible and is purely for learning purposes.

— Every time I read one of your books, I think about the potential value of such a revision of life at any stage of our lives, i.e. long before the revision of life after the completion of incarnation.

Just for myself, I mentally review my life and the choices I made.

“My wife is one of those people who says: “ I never look back" I think in a certain sense this is a healthy approach: why sit in the past? But I am a historian, I adore the past and sit in it all the time.

I think about when I was young, about what I did in certain circumstances, e.g. I look at this all the time. I always look at what I'm doing now compared to what I've done in the past. This is a great way for me to track my own development.

— I have a question for you related to dreams.

IN " The purpose of the soul"You are talking about how some souls who have left their earthly bodies are able to join and actually place themselves in the dreams of loved ones who are grieving their passing.

I would be curious to know your opinion on whether it is possible that people who have lucid dreams while alive are the very souls who are able to work with dreams at an advanced level in the life between lives?

- WITH scientific point This is difficult to correlate visually, but it is likely that those who have lucid dreaming abilities in this life may be able to easily connect their vibrations with the vibrations of others.

There are souls who are very skilled in working with human dreams. They can create dreams or connect to an existing dream. This is how departed souls establish a connection with those they love.

Some souls seem to be more skilled in this regard than others.

There are different ways that souls work with embodied entities. You, for example, may be the kind of soul that prefers to work through sensation or touch.

In the book I mentioned the case of a wife who returned to convey a message to her husband through a rose bush in their garden. In this case it was a soul that chose to work through the beauty and scent of roses rather than through dreams.

Souls can use different methods. I explain how. Children are very receptive and can reach the troubled minds of adults. Often a young person is chosen as a channel of communication with a family member.

— Your idea of ​​angels cannot be called popular.

— I'm not a religious person, so I don't think about angels in a religious sense. For me, the expression “guardian angel”, which I laughed at when I was much younger, before I started doing all this, is an appropriate expression when talking about our guides.

Our guides are, in a sense, our guardian angels. They are our teachers.

We talked about superconscious memories and the conscious mind. When a soul passes into the soul world after death and sees guides coming towards it, it may perceive a huge halo of light around them, especially in the head and shoulder area.

Many people pay attention to the top part of their energy. You can recall the images of angels in religious canons, with a halo and wings. Perhaps this is a metaphor for what we actually see when we get to the other side.

“All I can say is that when I have a client who crosses over and returns to the soul world, and we discuss his involvement in some wrongdoing, I ask him the question of forgiveness. It is most difficult for such souls to forgive themselves.

Forgiveness permeates the entire world of souls, it comes not only from our guides, but also from the members of the Council. This does not mean that such souls are ignored. Of course, there are long and serious conversations with them about their behavior. But this is not a question of punishment.

If the behavior was extreme, then it is a matter of reviewing the karmic lesson of such a person and learning a lesson from the mistakes made.

Many times I have heard clients say something similar to what one of my clients said two days ago: “I really was a terrible person in the 15th century. I lived in China and was the high priestess of one of the emperors.

I could do almost anything I wanted; I was extremely excited by power. I had great opportunities to help people, but I was corrupt.

It took me 500 years - and I have not yet gotten back to that point - to atone for this on the level of physical incarnations. Until that moment everything was going very well for me.

Since that life in the 15th century my energy has become clouded, but now it is becoming clearer again. It may take me a few hundred more years to completely fix everything.”

Speaking of forgiveness, forgiving ourselves can be the most difficult task. When I ask a client to appear before the Board, I ask, “What is the first thing you tell these people?”

And the client says that he feels “a great sense of regret that he did not live his life as he could have lived.”

— Somewhere in a new book I saw a comment that life on Earth will eventually cease, that this is a temporary experience.

“Of course, I know about worlds that eventually turn into “ new star" Nothing lasts forever in the physical world. Our planet has lived about half of its allotted life.

We may have another five billion years, but during the last stretch this world will not have living conditions for the bodies in which we now live.

You can fly around the Universe, look at young, middle and old worlds and ask: “ I wonder if the souls have already moved?" According to my clients, this is exactly the case.

Among my clients were those who were on worlds that turned into a “nova”. They say that they were when they went there, and when these worlds became uninhabitable, they were forced to leave them. But the question arises: where to go?

I wouldn't want you to get the impression that almost every client has gone through this experience. As a rule, my clients incarnated only on Earth. But from time to time I still come across clients with the experience we just talked about.

They were in a world that had become uninhabitable, which is another reason why they end up on Earth. They are what I call hybrid souls.

The earth is not eternal. The time will come when we will be forced to move to some other place, yes.

— Based on the results of your research into life between lives, do you think there are any ways to live it better?

— I meditate a lot. We touched a little on the topic of solitude in the world of souls. I think there is great benefit in disconnecting from our bodies to the point where we can turn inward.

I think that time spent thinking deeply about who we are and why we are here and how we treat the people around us is very valuable. How can we become better at what we do? Am I helping others enough?

Meditation, prayer or getting our minds outside our bodies accompanied by long walks in the mountains or on the beach is the key.

We can spend our whole lives occupied with distractions—toys, cars, and yes, we are here to have fun—but we will never truly know who we are. I think it's very important aspect life.

— There are people who will look at your first book, at your second book, and say: “Why do we need all this information? Do we need to know all this?

- This is a fair question. Let me just say that I have absolute conviction of this. There are clients for whom hypnosis does not work, or those who, while in a state of hypnosis, cannot get into their past lives.

There are those who find themselves in past lives, but cannot pass into the world of souls. Why are these obstacles put up? Why are there people who go to the soul world but only see half of what the average client sees? Why is their amnesia so strong?

I think the key to understanding all of this is that there are obviously times in our lives when self-knowledge is extremely important for a person, and our guides don’t want us to come to the exam with ready-made answers on cheat sheets that we can peek at while the examiner isn’t looking!

The bigger question is why are people like me able to do what we do? Could someone have written the book I just wrote a hundred years ago? These are interesting questions.

Yes, I use hypnosis, I have developed techniques, but if these techniques were known a hundred years ago, would some intermediary be able to do the same?

It seems to me that over the last 25 years, all of us, in one capacity or another, have been bringing spirituality to the masses, as evidenced by two factors:

  • First: never before in the entire history of mankind have there been so many people on Earth. Our planet is overpopulated. We are like rats in a maze in some of the world's cities. This creates a certain craziness.
  • The second factor: drug-infested cultures around the world. We are not going to get rid of drugs. They are a way of escaping reality. Drugs, like alcohol, will remain with us, but they have further trapped souls inside bodies.

Given all this, in my opinion, the barriers of amnesia have weakened slightly over the past 25 years. This is what I hear from my clients. They are allowed to know certain things to maintain their sanity.

Books like mine serve to let people know that there is better life, and you don't have to be a religious person to believe in it.

Newton Michael Soul Purpose (Life Between Lives)

Michael Newton

Michael Newton.

Soul Purpose

Life between lives

Per. from English K. R. Hayrapetyan


Chapter 1. World of Souls.

Chapter 2. Death, grief and tranquility.

Refusal and acceptance.

Therapeutic soul techniques.

Ways to establish contact between souls and living people.

Somatic touch.

Using objects (personification through objects).

Dream recognition.

Conveying a message through children.

Contact through familiar surroundings.

Strangers as messengers.

Angels and other celestial beings.

Case 10.

Case 11.

Emotional restoration of souls and people remaining on Earth.

Case 12.

Reconnecting with those we love.

Case 13.

Chapter 3. Earthly spirits.

Astral planes.

Spirits of nature.


Abandoned souls.

Case 14.

Spiritual duality.

Case 15.

Souls in solitude.

Case 16.

Discarnate souls who visit Earth.

Case 17.

Demons or Devas.

Case 18.

Chapter 4. Restoring spiritual energy.

Soul energy.

Standard treatment for souls at the entrance to the World of Souls.

Urgent treatment at the entrance to the postmortem World of Souls.

Case 19.

Restorative areas for less damaged souls.

Renewing seriously damaged souls.

Case 20.

Case 21.

Souls in isolation.

Case 22.

Energy healing on Earth.

Healers of the human body.

Case 23.

Healers of the surrounding energy environment.

Case 24.

Separation and reunification of the soul.

Three stations.

Case 25.

Chapter 5. Soulmate group systems.

Origin of the soul.

Case 26.

Spiritual constructs.

Community hubs.

Case 27.


Case 28.

Library of Books of Life.

Case 29.

Case 30.

Colors of soul energy.

The combination of colors in groups of souls.

Case 31.

Case 32.

Colors of group visitors.

Color aura of man and soul.

Case 33.

Spiritual meditation using color.

Forms of color energy.

Case 34.

Sounds and spiritual names.

Soul training groups.

Case 35.

Case 36.

Chapter 6. Council of Elders.

Human fears: awaiting Judgment and punishment.

Conditions for the development of the soul in the World of Souls.

Case 37.

Appearance and the structure of the Council.

Case 38.

Case 39.

Signs and symbols.

Case 40.

Case 41.

Case 42.

Case 43.


Case 44.

Chain of Divine Influence.

Processing information received at meetings of the Council of Elders.

Case 45.

Chapter 7. Dynamics of the Soul Community.

Soul mates.

Primary soul mates (soul mates).

Soulmates and companions.

Corporate souls.

Case 46.

The relationship between spiritual and earthly families.

Reconnecting with the souls who hurt us.

Case 47.

Interaction between groups of souls.

Case 48.

Recreation and entertainment in the World of Souls.

During breaks between classes.

Quiet solitude as relaxation and entertainment.

Visiting Earth for relaxation and entertainment (between incarnations).

Case 49.

Reconstruction of earthly settlements.

Animal souls.

Case 50.

Space of Transformation.

Case 51.

Dancing, music and games.

Case 52.

Case 53.

Four main types of souls.

Chapter 8. Advanced souls.

End of the course.

Case 54.

Promotion to Intermediate Levels.


Children's Teachers.

Case 55.

Masters of Ethics.

Case 56.

Masters of Harmony.

Case 57.

Masters of Design.

Case 58.

Case 59.


Case 60.

Case 61.

Chapter 9. Circle of fate.

Observation room of future lives.

Case 62.

Masters of Time.

Case 63.

Free will.

Case 64.

Case 65.

Souls of the young.

Loss of a child.

A new partnership between soul and body.

Case 66.

Case 67.

Chapter 10. Our spiritual path.

Each of us, somewhere deep in our hearts, asks ourselves questions - who am I, why was I born, why was I given this life, where will I go after death and what do I need to do in this life?

Each of us, somewhere deep in our souls, feels that we were born for something very important. But, alas, not all of us manage to live life in such a way as to understand and fulfill our goals in this life. true purpose.

Without knowing what will actually happen to us after death, it is impossible to understand the true purpose of life.

The book "The Purpose of the Soul" by the famous hypnotherapist Michael Newton is a continuation of the sensational exploration of life after death, published in the worldwide best-selling book "Journeys of the Soul".

Like the previous book, “Journeys of the Soul,” it is based not on theoretical speculations and legends of antiquity, but on real, scientific, practical experience.

This book will help each of us find our place in this life with maximum benefit for the soul, to understand its true purpose not only in a short period of time called life, but in endless eternity.


Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? I tried to answer this eternal question in his first book, Journeys of the Soul, published in 1994 by Llewellyn. Many people have told me that this book helped them discover their inner selves, because they had never read a book like this before. detailed description life in the world of spirit. In addition, the information contained in it confirmed and strengthened their deep inner knowledge of the existence of their soul after physical death and the purpose of their return to Earth.

As soon as the book hit the shelves and later as it was translated into other languages, I began to receive letters from readers from all over the world asking me if there would be a sequel to the book. For a long time I gave a negative answer. It was not easy to process the materials of my many years of research and ultimately present them in the form of a voluminous book about our immortal life. And I thought that by writing Journeys of the Soul I had already done a great job.

In the introduction to Journeys of the Soul, I wrote that I was a traditional hypnotherapist from the beginning and was skeptical about the use of hypnosis for metaphysical regressions. In 1947, when I was fifteen years old, I hypnotized my first subject, and I was definitely a devotee. old school, and not “new age” at all. Therefore, when, while working with a patient, I inadvertently opened the gate to the world of the spirit, I was stunned. It seemed to me that most past life regression specialists believed that our life between lives was simply a period of vague uncertainty, serving only as a bridge from one life to the next. I soon realized that I must myself develop ways to awaken the Subject's memories of his existence in the mysterious world of the spirit. After many years of methodical research, I was finally able to build a working model of this world, its structure and patterns, and it became clear to me that the process of hypnotherapy regression could bring enormous benefits to my patients. I also found that it did not matter whether the patients were atheists, deeply religious people, or held any other philosophical beliefs. When they are correctly immersed in a superconscious hypnotic state, their reports do not contradict each other, it is for this reason that I became what I call a spiritual regressionist, that is, a hypnotherapist specializing in life after death.

To provide a wide range of readers with basic information about this, I wrote the book “Journeys of the Soul”, in which I tried to clearly and consistently describe the course of events after physical death: who meets us, where we go, and what we do as souls in the World of Souls before that. how to choose a body for a new birth. This form of presentation was conceived as a visual journey through time using real stories from practical sessions with my patients who described to me in detail their experiences in the intervals between past lives. Thus, "Journeys of the Soul" became not so much another book about past lives and reincarnation, but a new breakthrough in metaphysical studies of spiritual areas that had not previously been explored through hypnosis.

During the eighties, as I developed a working model of life between lives, I stopped practicing all other forms of hypnotherapy. Having accumulated a large number of cases, I felt a great desire to penetrate even deeper into the secrets of the World of Souls. These studies strengthened my confidence in the reliability of my earlier discoveries. For many years of such special studies of the World of Souls, I worked practically in solitude and only with those of my patients who were informed about the nature of my work and knew...

Each of us, somewhere deep in our hearts, asks ourselves questions: “Who am I, why was I born, why was I given this life, what do I need to do in it, where will I go after death?”

Each of us feels deep in our souls that we were born for something very important. But, alas, not all of us manage to live our lives in such a way as to understand and fulfill our true purpose in this life.

The book "The Purpose of the Soul" by the famous hypnotherapist Michael Newton is a continuation of the sensational exploration of life after death, published in the worldwide best-selling book "Journeys of the Soul".
The book “The Purpose of the Soul,” like the previous book, is based not on theoretical speculations and legends of antiquity, but on real, scientific, practical experience.

This book will help each of us find our place in this life and use it with maximum benefit for the soul, to understand our true purpose not only in a short period of time called life, but in endless eternity.

Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? I tried to answer this eternal question in my first book, Journeys of the Soul, published in 1994 by Llewellyn. Many people have told me that this book helped them discover their inner selves because they had never read a book that described life in the spirit world in such detail before. In addition, the information contained in it confirmed and strengthened their deep inner knowledge of the existence of their soul after physical death and the purpose of their return to Earth.

As soon as the book hit the shelves and later as it was translated into other languages, I began to receive letters from readers from all over the world asking me if there would be a sequel to the book. For a long time I gave a negative answer. It was not easy to process the materials of my many years of research and ultimately present them in the form of a voluminous book about our immortal life. And I thought that by writing Journeys of the Soul I had already done a great job

In the introduction to Journeys of the Soul, I wrote that I was a traditional hypnotherapist from the beginning and was skeptical about the use of hypnosis for metaphysical regressions. In 1947, when I was fifteen years old, I hypnotized my first subject, and I was definitely old school and not New Age. Therefore, when, while working with a patient, I inadvertently opened the gate to the world of the spirit, I was stunned. It seemed to me that most past life regression specialists believed that our life between lives was simply a period of vague uncertainty, serving only as a bridge from one life to the next. I soon realized that I must myself develop ways to awaken the Subject's memories of his existence in the mysterious world of the spirit. After many years of methodical research, I was finally able to build a working model of this world, its structure and patterns, and it became clear to me that the process of hypnotherapy regression could bring enormous benefits to my patients. I also found that it did not matter whether the patients were atheists, deeply religious people, or held any other philosophical beliefs. When they are correctly immersed in a superconscious hypnotic state, their reports do not contradict each other, which is why I became what I call a spiritual regressionist, that is, a hypnotherapist specializing in life after death.

At the moment of death, our soul leaves the physical body. If the soul is old enough and has the experience of many past incarnations, it immediately realizes that it has been liberated and goes “home”. These advanced souls do not need anyone to meet them. However most the souls I have worked with are met outside of the astral plane of Earth by their Guides. A young soul or the soul of a deceased child may feel a little disoriented - until someone meets it on a level close to the earth. There are souls who decide to remain for some time at the place of their physical death. But the majority wants to leave this place immediately. Time has no meaning in the World of Souls. Souls that have left the body, but want to calm down loved ones who are in grief or have some other reason to stay for some time near the place of their death, do not feel the passage of time. It becomes simple hereby time for the soul - as opposed to linear time.

As souls move away from the Earth, they notice an increasingly intensifying glow of light around them. Some see grayish darkness for a short time and describe it as passing through a tunnel or some kind of gate. This depends on the speed of leaving the body and the movement of the soul, which in turn is related to its experience. The feeling of the attractive force emanating from our guides can be soft or strong - depending on the maturity of the soul and its ability to quickly change. In the first moments after leaving the body, all souls find themselves in a zone of “thin clouds,” which soon dissipates, and souls can see around them over long distances. It is at this moment that the ordinary soul notices a form of subtle energy, a spiritual being, approaching it. This being may be her loving spiritual friend, or there may be two of them, but most often it is our Guide. If we are greeted by a spouse or friend who has predeceased us, our Guide is nearby so that the soul can make this transition. In all the years of my research, I have not come across a single subject (patient) who would have been met by such religious beings as Jesus or Buddha. Yet the spirit of love of the Great Teachers of the Earth emanates from each personal Guide who is assigned to us.

By the time souls return to the place they call home, the earthly aspect of their being has changed. They can no longer be called human in the sense in which we usually imagine a human being with specific emotions, character and physical characteristics. For example, they do not grieve their recent physical death in the same way that their loved ones do. It is our soul that makes us human on Earth, but outside of our physical body we are no longer Homosapiens. The soul is so majestic that it defies description. I tend to define the soul as an intelligent, radiant form of energy. Immediately after death, the soul suddenly feels a change because it is no longer burdened by the temporary body with a brain and central nervous system that owns it. Some people get used to the new state faster, while others get used to it more slowly.

Refusal and acceptance

Losing a loved one is one of life's hardest experiences. It is well known that in the process of overcoming grief due to loss, a person goes through an initial shock, then he refuses to accept the terrible fact, experiences feelings of anger, becomes depressed and subsequently somehow resigns himself. Each of these stages emotional experiences can have varying degrees of intensity and last for months or even years. Losing someone with whom we have a deep connection can lead us to such despair that we feel as if we are in a bottomless pit from which it is impossible to escape because death seems to be the end of everything.

In the West, the belief that everything ends with death is an obstacle to healing. We have a dynamic culture in which the possibility of loss of personal nature seems unthinkable. A death in a loving family is akin to when a successfully staged play is disrupted due to the loss of one of the main performers. The partners in the play are experiencing difficulties and have to make changes to the script. Attempts to somehow fill the resulting void somehow affect the performance of the remaining actors. There is a dichotomy here - a contradictory situation, because, being in the World of Souls and preparing for the next life, the souls laugh, rehearsing their role in the future big performance on Earth. They know that all roles are temporary.

In our society, it is not customary to prepare for death during life, because it is something that we cannot change. The fear of death begins to haunt us only when we grow old. It is always present, lurking somewhere in the dark shadows, regardless of our ideas about what awaits us after death. While discussing life after death in my seminars, I was surprised to find that many people who adhere to traditional religious views, are most afraid of death.

In most cases, fear comes from ignorance. Until we go through the experience clinical death or past life regression and we don’t remember how we experienced death in a past life, death will remain a mystery to us. When we have to face death personally or as an observer, it can cause pain, sadness and fear. Healthy people don’t want to talk about it, as do those who are seriously ill. Thus, our society treats death as something terrible.

In the twentieth century there were significant changes in people's views on life after death. At the beginning of the century, most traditionally believed that they only live once. In the sixties and seventies, 40 percent of the US population believed in reincarnation. Thanks to these changes, people who took the path spiritual development, have become somewhat easier to relate to death, discarding the idea that with death comes darkness and oblivion.

When my subjects during our sessions describe their ascent into the postmortem spirit world as “passing through nebulous layers of translucent light,” I am reminded of the astral planes we have read about in various Eastern texts. I must confess that me I am not at all attracted by the idea of ​​a rigid multi-stage hierarchy of qualities of the known seven planes of existence, ascending from the lowest to the highest, which came from the spiritual philosophy of the East. The thing is volume, that my patients see no signs of all these plans. In general, it is a human weakness to categorize concepts in order to somehow systematize them. In my descriptions of the postmortem World of Souls, I do the same thing - like anyone else. Perhaps it is even better that we simply accept those ideas or principles in which we see some spiritual meaning, and reject all other ideas, regardless of their antiquity or anyone's authoritative opinion about their truth.

The reason I object to the rigid scheme of special planes of existence, arranged in ascending order from Earth to God, is that these states present unnecessary obstacles. All my research with Subjects brought into a higher state of consciousness indicates that after death we go straight from one astral plane surrounding the Earth through the gates of the post-mortem World of Souls. And it does not matter whether my subject is a young soul or a highly advanced old soul - they all tell me that immediately after death their soul passes through a dense atmosphere of light around the astral plane of Earth. This light has darkish or gray areas, but not black opaque areas. Many people describe the tunnel effect. All souls, having detached themselves from the Earth, then quickly move into the sphere of bright light of the spiritual world. And this is the only ethereal space around which there are no zones or boundaries.

In the World of Souls itself, all the so-called spaces or places available to reincarnating souls are commensurate and comparable. For example, the tradition of the Akashic Records, widespread in the East, does not seem to my Subjects to exist on some fourth causal plane separately from others functional zones. My Subjects call these records Books of Life, which are kept in symbolic Libraries located in the vicinity of other spiritual places.

I recognize that there is a vast realm beyond the spiritual experience of reincarnating souls and therefore beyond the scope of my research. Perhaps the whole idea of ​​cosmic plans is basically an attempt to comprehend the stages of unearthly consciousness in comparison with the movement of a limited earthly consciousness. Historically, human thought has been significantly dominated by the tradition of distinguishing special spheres, including the “underworld” - a world invented for “unworthy” souls. We'll talk more about this in Chapter 6.

When my subjects talk about interdimensional movements, I think it can be interpreted as the soul passing through different planes. The word "planes" is not used as often as the words "levels", "edges", "boundaries", "sections", except when patients mention the Earth. People in hypnosis report that within the astral plane surrounding the Earth, alternate or co-existing realities are part of our physical world. It is likely that within these realities some people of our physical reality can see immaterial beings. I have been told of many interdimensional realms that are used by souls for learning and recreation.

Soul energy

We cannot give the soul any physical, material definition, since this would somehow limit something that seems to have no limits. I understand the soul as intelligent light energy. This energy appears to function as vibrational waves similar to electromagnetic force, but not limited to charged particles of matter. The energy of the soul is not some kind of uniform, unchanging substance. Just as each person has unique fingerprints, each soul has unique characteristics associated with its formation, structure and vibration. It is possible to determine the level of development of the soul by color shades, but this does not allow us to establish what the soul is like as a living being.

For many years I have studied how the soul interacts with the human mind in various incarnations and what it then does in the afterlife Soul World, and I have learned something about its desire for perfection. But this also does not reveal to me what the soul is. To fully understand soul energy, we must know all aspects of its creation and the consciousness of its source. This is the perfection that I cannot fully comprehend, despite all my efforts in studying the mystery of life after death.

All I can do is explore the actions of this perfect, intelligent energetic substance, how it reacts to people and events, and what it strives for in the physical and mental environment. If the soul begins its existence and is formed by pure thought, then this thought supports it as an immortal being.kind of soul allows it to influence physical environment and bring more harmony and balance into life. Souls are an expression of beauty, imagination and creativity. The ancient Egyptians said that in order to understand the soul, a person must listen to his heart. I think they were right.

Standard treatment for souls at the entrance to the World of Souls

When we make the transition after physical death, the guides who meet us resort to special methods and techniques, which, according to my research, can be divided into two categories.

1. Envelopment. The returning souls are completely engulfed by the huge spinning mass of the powerful energy of their Guides. When the soul and the Guide meet, the soul feels how, together with the Guide, it falls inside a certain bubble. This is the most common method, which my Subjects describe as pure ecstasy.

2. Focusing effect. This additional procedure, carried out during the initial contact, occurs somewhat differently. When the Guide approaches, energy is directed to certain points along the edges of the soul's etheric body from different directions at the Guide's discretion. They may take us by the hand or hold us at the side by the shoulders. Healing begins from a special point in the etheric body like a light stroking, after which more deep penetration energy.

The use of one or another method depends on the decision of the Guide, as well as on the state of the energy of our soul at this moment. In both cases, there is an immediate penetration of powerful, invigorating energy. This is the initial phase of our journey to our final destination in the World of Souls. More advanced souls, especially if they are intact, usually do not need assistance from loving energy.

“…….When I leave this body, I will receive a new body. This - simple truths. But with the progress of this materialistic civilization, we have become so stupid that we are unable to understand this...” (Srila Prabhupada).

VIDEO: 8 minutes.


Each of us, in one way or another, has to think about what really happens to a person after death.

M. Newton's book “Journeys of the Soul” is a sensation.

Immediately after its publication, it became a worldwide bestseller.

Thanks to this book, reliable, detailed information became available to a wide range of people for the first time. scientific information about what happens to a person after death. What is described in it finally removes the veil of secrecy from the most mysterious process that awaits each of us.

Everything, it turns out, is not as bad as various religious teachings have represented to us for many millennia.

This book helps us look at death more optimistically - not as a terrible punishment, but as an opportunity for a wonderful transition into another life full of freedom and spiritual experiences. From this book you will learn how the amazing process of soul reincarnation occurs: who will meet us after physical death, where we will go next, who our Guides and guardian angels are, what they do and what we do after death, as well as what is the structure and hierarchy exist in that world unknown to us. You will also learn why and how we choose our body, the country in which we live, profession, friends and even “enemies”.

And all this is not someone’s inventions and conjectures, not legends and myths of various religions, but the results of scientifically based research conducted by one of the best hypnotherapists of our time, Dr. Michael Newton.

This book is structured in the form of dialogues with patients whom Dr. M. Newton own methods regressive hypnosis introduced them into a hyper-conscious state, during which they remembered what happened to them between physical incarnations. Their surprising and often unexpected answers became a revelation even for the author of the book. This book is certainly relevant, important and interesting for all people living on Earth. The information presented in this book has never been published before.


Michael Newton PhD is a Chartered Hypnotherapist. highest category in California, and is also a member of the American Counseling Association. He dedicated his private hypnotherapeutic practice to correcting various types of behavioral abnormalities, as well as helping people discover their higher spiritual selves.

Michael Newton practiced regression hypnosis. The essence of regressive hypnosis is as follows. Patients who have chronic pain (or other abnormalities and diseases) in certain organs turn to a hypnologist. Experts, having previously examined this patient, come to the conclusion that this type The pathology discovered in him is most likely psychosomatic in nature. That is, acquired as a result of the patient’s previous injury.

A hypnologist puts a patient into a hypnotic trance. In this state, the patient's consciousness is turned off. And the hypnologist has the opportunity to freely receive data (information) about the traumatic factor that occurred from the past. After the patient remembers a traumatic moment (incident) from the past in which he received an injury (examples will be presented below), and subsequently understands the cause of the pain (deviation), the problem associated with the injury - without a trace passes.


During a hypnotic session, a hypnologist (Michael Newton or others) “brings” the patient’s attention to the moment a traumatic factor occurs to them. BUT (!!!) in many cases, the patient talks about an incident that happened to him when he is in - another body, and at another time (several hundred and even thousands of years ago)!

After a detailed recollection of a traumatic incident that occurred in the past, the cause of the pain (deviation) is ALSO ELIMINATED. As in those cases if the injury was received by the patient - in this, real life!

Michael Newton became interested in this phenomenon. But he went further.

M. Newton, in a state of hypnotic processing, received information from the patient about his further memories after the death of his physical body, in one of his past lives of the patient. All these memories are perfect different people(hundreds of people) had amazing common features! This is exactly what Michael Newton talked about (with examples of hypnotic sessions) in his book “The Journey of the Soul,” which immediately became a bestseller. And continues to be one of the most read books - until now!

One of the main factors that arouses genuine interest in the book “The Journey of the Soul” is that A PERSON WHO IS IN A HYPNOTIC TRANCE DOES NOT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO INVENT OR IMAGINE ANYTHING! Because while being put into a hypnotic state, a person’s CONSCIOUSNESS turns OFF and DOESN’T WORK!

The fact of the transmigration of souls into new physical bodies has been known since ancient times. In Asia, this knowledge has been preserved most of all. But the Bible also described that people of the time of Jesus Christ still had knowledge of the reincarnation of the soul. Here is an example of their Bible:

New Testament, Gospel of John, Chapter 9:

1. “And as he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:1-3).

A natural question arises: when could he have sinned before he was born blind? The answer is clear: only in your past life.

Another episode: 3. Jesus Christ says: (Matthew ch. 11 v. 14) “And if you want to accept, he is Elijah, who must come.”
4. The disciples ask Him: “How come the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Jesus answered them: “It is true that Elijah must come first and arrange everything, but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but did to him as they wanted.” Then the disciples realized that He was talking to them about John the Baptist. (Matthew 17:10-13).

It is interesting that Emperor Constantine appointed the organization “Correction”, which changed all the Gospels. As a result, all texts on Aramaic declared heretical and destroyed! The only manuscripts that remain are those written in Greek, the earliest of which dates back to 331 - that's six years after the Council of Nicaea! That is, a huge amount of evidence and conclusions for three hundred years after the death of Jesus were destroyed. They removed information about the life of Jesus from the age of 12 to 30, although the Tibetan gospel remains, telling about the journey of the young Jesus to Nepal, India, Persia, and the dolmens of Vedic Rus' (more details: Apocrypha "TIBETAN GOSPEL" ). The secret archives of the Vatican contain a lot of evidence forbidden to the general public, including the gospels that have survived to this day: from Nicodemus, from Andrew, from Peter, from Bartholomew, from Mark, from Barnabas. They were so feared that they were forbidden to even mention them.

Thus, knowledge about the transmigration of the soul has been known since ancient times. And this once again confirms that the described memories of Michael Newton’s patients are not just fiction, but only CONFIRMATION OF THAT TRUTH THAT SHOULD BE KNOWN - TO EVERY REASONABLE PERSON!

The examples given from the stories of people whom Michael Newton interviewed in a state of hypnosis, and which are presented in his book “The Journey of the Soul,” coincide with many sacred scriptures, which talks about - “mechanism” and principles of moving the human soul from one physical body (after death) to another. (A more detailed process of soul reincarnation is described in the book “BHAGAVAD-GITA” with commentaries).


  1. The memories of a patient in a hypnotic trance due to the “switching off” of consciousness, in their essence, cannot be fiction and a figment of the imagination (due to the “switching off” of consciousness during hypnosis).
  2. The similarity of the memories of most patients in the main points of their memories is proven by the fact that these memories are not a product of the imagination of each of them.

The book "BHAGAVAD GITA" gives a complete description of how the soul of a deceased person is reborn in another - a new body. What principles are fundamental, which DETERMINE THE CONDITIONS OF THE FUTURE BIRTH OF A HUMAN IN A NEW PHYSICAL OR TRANSCENDENT BODY. You can read about all this, and more, in the book, which is recognized as the essence of all Vedic wisdom: with comments, on our website. (Link opens in a new window")

To help you better understand what the book is about, below are some short excerpts from Michael Newton’s book “The Journey of the Soul.” And also, reviews from specialists and ordinary readers.


Our website also presents online Michael Newton’s second book, “The Purpose of the Soul,” Life Between Lives. To read it, follow the link:

The most interesting episodes from the book.

How healing occurs through regressive hypnosis (in “Past Lives”). Example (EPISODES FROM MICHAEL NEWTON’S BOOK “JOURNEY OF THE SOUL”).

Subject 26 is a tall, slender, well-proportioned woman who enjoys exercising despite lifelong chronic leg pain. From a preliminary interview, I learned that she had pain in her mid-thighs and had seen many doctors, but they could not find any abnormality in her legs. It is clear that the woman was exhausted and wanted to achieve relief by any means.

Having learned that the doctors had concluded that her problem might be psychosomatic in nature, I assumed that the causes of this woman's pain lay in her past life.

I asked her to address the life that might be associated with her leg pain.

Almost instantly, this woman was transported back to her previous life and turned out to be a six-year-old girl named Ashley living in New England in 1871. While Ashley was riding in an overloaded carriage, she suddenly opened the door and fell out. She hit the cobblestone street, and one of the rear wheels of the carriage ran over her legs in the very place above her knees, crushing her bones. While describing this fall, my subject re-experienced severe pain in her legs.

Despite the best efforts of local doctors and long periods of wearing splints, the bones in Ashley's legs never truly healed. She was never able to regain her ability to stand or walk, and poor circulation led to re-inflammation of her legs, affecting the rest of her life. short life. Ashley died in 1912, having spent a number of productive years as a writer and teacher of troubled children.

At the moment when my patient was reliving the scene where she received a leg injury, I took desensitizing measures. At the conclusion of our session, I completely deprogrammed her past life memory associated with leg pain. This woman later told me that she was no longer in pain and could enjoy playing tennis.


Dr. M. Newton: Are souls responsible for offenses committed in the human body that caused harm and evil to others and people? ?

S: Yes, especially those who have been unjust and cruel to people in their lives - I know one such soul. Dr. N: What do you know about this soul? What happened when she returned to the spirit world after living like that? S: He... hurt the girl... horribly... and did not rejoin our group. He had to undergo extensive processing because he had committed heinous acts while in the body. Dr. N: What was the punishment? S: Punishment... is a misnomer... more like regeneration, renewal. It must be recognized that this depends on your teacher. The Masters are more strict with those souls who engage in acts of cruelty. Dr. N: What does "more strict" mean to you in the spirit world? S: Well, my friend didn't come back to us... to his friends... after that sad incident. life where he hurt a girl. Dr. N: After death, did he return to the spirit world through the same gate as other souls? S: Yes, but he didn't meet anyone... he went straight to the place where he was alone with his teacher. Dr. N: And then what happened to him? S: After some time... not very long... he returned to Earth again as a woman... to where people were cruel... physically rough... this there was a conscious choice... my friend needed to get over it... Dr. N: Do you think this soul blamed the human mind of his past physical body for abusing the girl? S: No, he accepted what he did... on his own account... he blamed himself for his inability to overcome human shortcomings and weaknesses. He wanted to be an abused woman in his next life, to gain understanding... to appreciate the damage he did to that girl. Dr. N: If this friend of yours had never understood the lesson and continued to hang out with people who commit evil acts could destroy him as a soul in the spiritual world? S: (long pause) Energy cannot be completely destroyed... but it can be processed... negativity that cannot be dealt with... in many lives... can be corrected.

Return to CONTENTS.

Principles of incarnation of the soul in a new physical body:

(M. Newton): “Our attention is directed to the people living in these places. I must say, I was somewhat confused by this process until I realized that, in making a choice, the soul is strongly influenced by cultural conditions and events that took place in its past lives, as well as the participants in these events." Although events, nation, Culture and geographical location often come first when choosing a future life, they are not the only or most important factors in choosing for the soul. In addition to the above considerations, the soul incarnates in a particular body, calculating in advance what it can learn using the mind of a given human being.…………………………….“…as my Subjects report, they tend to return in their new incarnations to places familiar to them. And again geographical scope when choosing, life expands when the time comes for the mass migration of peoples colonizing new lands - especially in the last four hundred years. In the overpopulated world of our time, most souls choose to live in places where they have been before. Does this trend indicate that souls want to return to those countries where they previously lived because of their attachment to a particular nation? No, souls are not inclined to base their choices on ethnic and nationalistic preferences. All these are products of human separatism, which is taught in childhood. In addition to the considerations of convenience that guide souls in choosing a country with a familiar culture (which has nothing to do with national prejudices), there is also the factor of the attraction of many souls to places of a certain type - deserts, mountains or the sea. Souls may also prefer rural or urban life. Are souls attracted to the same geographic area because they want to have a new life with the family they had in their previous life? According to Native American tradition, souls choose the same lineage (family bloodline). In my practice, I have rarely encountered souls repeating their choice of being born in the same genetic lineage, because this would become an obstacle in their further development and limit their capabilities. From time to time I have heard of souls returning to the family of their relatives by birth. past life - due to some unusual karmic circumstances. For example, if a brother and sister have a strong attachment to each other and one of them dies suddenly while still young, the soul of the deceased may want to return as the child of that surviving sibling in order to restore the broken life connection and complete an important task. More often in my practice, there are cases when the souls of small children who die soon after their birth return to the same parents as their next child. These plans are made in advance by souls involved in tragic family events, and they are associated with a complex interweaving of karmic problems. I recently had a Case where my patient died in his past life, barely born. I asked him: “What was the purpose of your life, which ended when you were only a few days old?” He replied, “It was a lesson for my parents, not for me, and so I came to them as a filler, or charge.” When a soul is given a short life to help someone else understand something, rather than to solve their problems, then since it is such a short period of time, some call this life a "filler life." In this case, the parents of this child in one of their past lives together treated him harshly and finally brought him to death. Although in last life In my patient's case, these parents were already a loving young couple who needed to experience the grief of losing the child they so desperately wanted. The experience of anguish over this terrible loss gave the souls of these parents a deeper understanding of the consequences of the brutal severance of blood ties.”……………………….“Living in a damaged body does not necessarily mean a karmic debt that we are forced to work off for that in their past life they were responsible for someone else’s suffering. As the following case will show, a crippled body can be the result of a conscious choice, which allows one to learn a qualitatively new lesson through difficult experience.”………………….


Dr. N: But wouldn't it be helpful to know about the mistakes of your past life in order to avoid the same pitfalls in this life?

S: If people knew everything about their past, many would pay too much attention to it instead of trying new approaches to the same problem. A new life must... be taken seriously.

Dr. N: Are there other reasons?

S: (pause) If we have no memories of the past, then, as our guides say, we are less concerned with... trying... to avenge the past... to get even for the wrongs that were once done to us.

About incarnation on other planets:

Dr. N: Early in your existence, Nansem, were you given the ability to choose bodies on planets other than the human ones on Earth?

S: Oh... new souls... Guides help make choices. I was attracted to human beings.

Dr. N: Did you have other options?

S: (long pause) Yes... but right now I don't quite understand it. They usually launch you once or twice into some simple world - where there is not much to do. Then I was offered a job on this harsh planet.

Dr. N: Is the earth considered harsh?

S: Yes. In some worlds you have to overcome physical inconveniences, even suffering. Others involve mental challenges. On Earth there is both. We get fame and recognition for doing good work in such harsh worlds (smiles). Those who incarnate or travel little call us adventurers.


Dr. N: Before we look at it, I want to ask, is it the same physical world as the Earth?

S: No, a little different. It's bigger and a little colder. There's less water there - fewer oceans, but they are similar to earthly ones.

S: Yes.

Dr. N: If we called this physical world Earth II because it appears geographically similar to the Earth we know, could we place it close to Earth in the sky?

S: No.

Dr. N: Where is Earth II in relation to Earth I?

S: (pause) I can't tell you.

Dr. N: Is Earth II within the Milky Way?

S: (long pause) No, I think it's further.

Dr. N: Can I see the galaxy in which Earth II is located through a telescope?

S: I... think so.

Dr. N: Would you say that the galaxy that includes this physical world is spiral shaped like our galaxy, or is it elliptical? How would it look in a telescope from a great distance?

S: ...Like a big, stretched... chain... (Subject becomes anxious) I can't tell you more.

Note: As an amateur astronomer using a huge reflecting telescope designed to observe distant celestial objects, I am always extremely inquisitive when we get to astrological moments during a session. Patients' responses to these types of questions usually do not quite meet my expectations. I am never entirely sure whether this is due to information blocking by the Guides, or the Subject's lack of a physical frame of reference relating the Earth to the rest of the Universe.

Dr. N: (I ask a leading question) I assume that you are going to Earth II to incarnate there with some intelligent being?

S: (loudly) No! That's exactly what we don't want to do there.

Dr. N: When are you going to Earth II?

S: Between lives on this Earth.

Dr. N: Why are you going there?

S: We go there to create and simply enjoy ourselves as free souls.

Dr. N: And you're not worried about the people of Earth II?

S: (enthusiastically) There are no people... such peace... we wander through forests, deserts and over oceans without any obligations.

Dr. N: What is the highest form of life on Earth II?

S: (evasive) Oh... small animals... not very intelligent.

Dr. N: Do animals have souls?

S: Yes, all living things have a soul - but they have rather simple elements of mental energy.

Dr. N: Has your soul and the souls of your friends evolved with lower forms physical life on Earth I after your creation?

S: We don't know for sure, but no one thinks so.

Dr. N: Why?

S: Because intelligent energy is organized, distributed according to... the principle of ascending superiority of life forms. Plants, insects, reptiles are all part of the soul family.

S: No. The energy of the Creator unites the categories of all living objects in the process of existence.

Dr. N: Are you participating in this element of creation?

S: (shuddering) Oh no!

Dr. N: Well, who is being selected to visit Earth II?

S: Those of us who are connected to the Earth come here. This is a place of rest, it's like a vacation - compared to Earth.

Dr. N: Why?

S: There is no fighting, arguing or striving for superiority. There is a clean, untouched atmosphere here, and all life is... calm. This place encourages us to return to Earth and make it more peaceful too.

Dr. N: Well, I do see how this “Garden of Eden” allows you to relax and be carefree, but you also said that you come here to create.

S: Yes, that's true.

Dr. N: So it is not an accident that souls from Earth come to a world that is geographically so similar to Earth?

S: Right.

Dr. N: Do other non-Earth souls go to physical worlds that resemble the planets on which they incarnate?

S: Yes... younger worlds with simpler organisms... to learn how to create without having any intelligent life around.

Dr. N: Go ahead.

S: We can experiment with creation and see the process of development here. Like being in a laboratory where you can form physical objects from your own energy.


Return to CONTENTS.

Holy souls, those who might not incarnate on Earth, but do incarnate:

Dr. N: Is there anyone left?

S: What do you mean?

Dr. N: Advanced souls who keep returning to Earth even though they could have remained in the spirit world?

S: Oh, you mean the Sages?

Dr. N: Yes, the Sages - tell me about them (this is a new term for me, but when speaking with advanced souls, I often pretend to know more than I do in order to extract more information).

S: (admiringly) There are three Earth watchers, you know... on Earth to monitor what's happening on the spot.

Dr. N: As highly advanced souls who continue to incarnate?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: Don't the sages get tired because they have to be on Earth all the time?

S: It is their choice to be here and help people directly because they have dedicated themselves to the Earth.

Dr. N: Where are these Sages?

S: (thoughtfully) They live simple lives. I first learned about some of them thousands of years ago. It's hard to see them today... they don't really like cities.

Dr. N: Are there many of them?

S: No, they live in small communities or in open areas... in deserts and mountains... in simple dwellings. They also wander around...

Dr. N: How can you recognize them?

S: (sighs) Most people can't. They were known as the heralds of truth in ancient times on Earth.

Dr. N: I know this sounds pragmatic, but could these old, highly evolved souls be of more help to humanity if they took on the role of world leaders and leaders rather than remaining as hermits?

S: Who said they were hermits? They prefer to be with ordinary people, on whom they, being influential individuals, have a strong direct impact.

Dr. N: How does a person feel when he suddenly meets a Sage on Earth?

S: Ah... you feel the presence of something special. Their power of understanding and the advice they give you is so wise. They really live simply. Material things mean nothing to them.

Dr. N: Are you interested in this type of ministry, Thies?

S: Um... no, they are saints. I'm waiting for the time to come when I can no longer incarnate.


Site admin retreat.

The books of O. G. Torsunov “The Laws of a Happy Life” have been published on our website. Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov studied Vedic culture, medicine and spiritual practices for many years. The benefits of his lectures and books are recognized by tens of thousands (without exaggeration) of his readers and listeners. In the book “The Laws of a Happy Life,” Torsunov presents us with the opportunity to understand, on the basis of ancient Vedic knowledge about the transmigration of the soul, and the laws of karma (fate), how and what a person needs to do in order to become happy in this life. WE RECOMMEND:


About other incarnations on other planets:

Tis began to talk about how she was a small flying creature in some unusual environment of a dying world, where it was difficult even to breathe. The sun of this planet was clearly entering the “new star” stage. While telling the story, Tis's speech became confused and her breathing became rapid.

Thies said that in this world she lived in a humid jungle, and the night sky there was so thick with stars that it was impossible to see the dark spaces between them. This led me to believe that the world she described was near the center of a galaxy, perhaps our own. She also said that she lived there for a short time, being a very young soul.


I recently worked with two subjects who were best friends and came to me at the same time. Not only were they soulmates in many past lives on Earth, but they were also friends in some beautiful water world, being intelligent fish-like creatures. Both recalled enjoying underwater play and coming to the surface to take a “quick look” at their surroundings. Neither had much to say about this planet or what happened to their race of sea creatures. They may have been part of a failed experiment on Earth long before terrestrial sushi mammals became the most promising species on Earth for incarnating souls. I suspect it was not Earth because several other subjects also spoke of life in an aquatic environment, which they said was unearthly. One of these subjects said: “My water world was very warm and clear because we had three suns overhead. The complete absence of darkness under water was convenient and made it easier for us to build our homes.”

My patient insisted, and was given life in a world that he described as follows: “A pastel world with a race of small, plump creatures. They are not stupid, but gloomy, with tiny, chalk-white faces on which you will never see a smile. Without human laughter and physical flexibility, I was out of order and very little advanced in my development.”


When I asked her to give an example of the latter, she said, “In Ernes's world, we are like balls of cotton candy, floating on waves of gas where nothing is solid or dense. Rotating around each other gives an orgasmic sensation.” Another subject, describing his passage through a lighter tunnel, said: “Sometimes between human incarnations I go with other souls to the world of fire of Jest. In this volcanic atmosphere, we can experience the physical and emotional excitement of becoming intelligent flame molecules. Now I know why I love being in temperatures above 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) on Earth."


Return to CONTENTS.

The meaning of life, God is the Source?

Dr. N: Yew, we are coming to the end of our session and I want you to turn your mind once again to the Creator Source. (Pause) Will you do this for me?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: You said that the ultimate goal of the soul is to achieve union with the supreme Source of creative energy, do you remember?

S: ...The act of joining, yes.

Dr. N: Tell me, does Source live in some special central space in the spirit world?

S: The source is the spiritual world.

Dr. N: Then why do souls talk about reaching some deep essence, the core of spiritual life?

S: When we are still young as souls, we feel that force is all around us, and at the same time we feel that... we are on the edge (on the surface) of this force. As we grow older we become more aware of its concentration, but it is the same feeling.

Dr. N: Even though you called it (the concentrated force) the place of the Elders?

S: Yes, they are part of the concentrated power of the Source that sustains us as souls.

Dr. N: Considering this force as a whole as one Source of energy, can you describe the Creator in more familiar, human words?

S: The absolute, selfless being that we all strive to become.

Dr. N: If Source represents the entire spiritual world, how is this mental place different from the physical Universes with stars, planets and living beings?

S: Universes—spaces where people live and die—are created for the benefit of the Source. The place of souls... is the Source.

Dr. N: We seem to live in a universe that is expanding and may contract again and eventually die. Since we live in a time-bound space, how can the spiritual world itself be timeless?

S: Because here we live in a non-spatial environment in which there is no time... except in certain areas.

Dr. N: Please explain what these zones are.

S: They are... connecting doors... places through which we enter the physical Universe, measured by the passage of time.

Dr. N: How can a time gate exist outside of space?

S: These entrances exist as thresholds between realities.

Dr. N: Well, if the spirit world is non-spatial, what kind of reality is it?

S: This is a state of constant reality - the opposite of the variable realities of the spatial worlds, which are material and changeable.

Dr. N: Do the past, present, and future have any meaning to souls living in the spirit world?

S: Only as a means of understanding the sequence of existence of physical forms. Living there (in the spiritual world)... those of us who do not cross the threshold into the Universe of matter and time remain in... immutability.

Note: The souls' use of time thresholds will be discussed in the next chapter on life choices.

Dr. N: You are talking about Universes in the plural. Are you referring to other physical Universes besides the one that includes the Earth?

S: (vaguely) There are...different realities that are convenient for the Source.

Dr. N: Are you saying that souls can enter different spaces of different physical realities through spiritual gates?

S: (nods) Yes, they can and do.

Dr. N: Thys, I want to end this session by talking a little more about Source. You have been living as a soul for a long time, so how do you see your interaction with the holistic unity of creation that you told me about earlier?

S: (long silence) Through the feeling of your movement. At the beginning, the energy of our soul moves from the Source outward. Then, in the process of our life, there is a movement inward... towards connection and unification...

Dr. N: This process, in your words, appears as if a living organism were expanding and contracting.

S:...There is an explosive release...followed by a return...Yes, the Source is pulsating.

Dr. N: And you are moving towards the center of this energetic Source?

S: Actually, there is no center. The source is all around us, as if we were... inside a beating heart.

Dr. N: But you said that you moved back to the starting point as your soul advanced in knowledge?

S: Yes, when I was thrown out, I was a “child.” Now that my “youth” is running out, I’m going backwards...

Dr. N: Perhaps you could describe this Source of energy in color to explain the movement of the soul and the scope of creation.

S: (sighs) It's as if the souls were part of a huge electrical explosion creating... a halo effect (glow). In this...circular halo there is a dark purple light that expands...lightening to white at the edges. Our consciousness begins at the edges of the sparkling light, and as we evolve...we are consumed by darker and darker light.

Dr. N: I have a hard time picturing the creator God as a cold, dark light.

S: That's because I'm not close enough to the merger to explain it well. The dark light itself is... a covering behind which we feel an intense warmth... an all-knowing presence that exists everywhere for us, and... it is alive!

Dr. N: How did you feel when you first became aware of your existence as a soul at the edge of this halo?

S: To be (exist)... is like the first flower of spring opening, and the flower is you. And as it opens up more, you begin to become aware of other flowers in the delightful field, and there... limitless joy.

Dr. N: If this exploding multi-colored Energy Source collapses in on itself, will all the flowers eventually die?

S: Nothing is destroyed... The source is infinite. As souls we never die - we know this to one degree or another. As we unite, our increasing wisdom makes the Source stronger.

Dr. N: Perhaps that is why Source is interested in carrying out this process?

S: Yes, to give us life so that we could reach a state of perfection.

Dr. N: What is the need for further creation of a mind that is less than perfect if an absolutely perfect Source already exists?

S: So that he helps the Creator create. Thus, by transforming ourselves and rising to the highest levels of realization, we contribute to the construction of the blocks of life.

Dr. N: Were souls forced to leave the Source and end up in places like Earth because of some original sin or fall in the spirit world?

S: That's nonsense. We have come to...grow, to the beautiful diversity of creation.

Dr. N: Thys, I want you to listen carefully. If the Source needs to become stronger or wiser by dividing its Divine energy and creating carriers of lesser intelligence, which He hopes will increase, does this not mean that His own perfection is not complete?

S: (pause) The Source creates for fulfillment, for the realization of Itself.

Dr. N: That's my question. How can that which is absolute become more absolute if it has everything?

S: (hesitates) What we perceive as our Source... is all we can know at all, and we believe that the Creator wants to express Himself through us through... birth.

Dr. N: And you think that Source actually becomes stronger because of our existence as souls?

S: (long silence) I see that the perfection of the Creator... is maintained and enriched... by His sharing with us the possibility of perfection, and this is an absolute extension of Himself.

Dr. N: So Source begins by consciously creating imperfect souls and imperfect life forms for those souls and observing what happens for His own expansion?

S: Yes, and we have to believe in that decision and trust the process of returning to the source of life. You need to go hungry to appreciate food, experience cold to understand the benefits of warmth, and be a child to see the value of parents. Transformation gives us purpose and meaning.

Dr. N: Do you want to be a soul parent?

S:...Participating in the creation of ourselves dream.

Dr. N: If our souls had no experience of physical life, could we even know what you are telling me?

S: We would know it (as a fact), but we wouldn't know it (as a matter of fact). It is as if your spiritual energy is being asked to play scales on the piano when there is only one note available.

Dr. N: And are you convinced that if Source had not created souls that are being nurtured and developed, His sublime energy would have diminished due to lack of expression?

S: (sighs) Perhaps that is His purpose (and the point of everything).


Newton Michael
Soul Journeys (Life Between Lives)

Look at everything through the eyes of an immortal soul

Why are you here on Earth? Where will you go after death? What will happen to you when you get there? Many books have written about past lives, but until this exciting book appeared, there was little information about the continued existence of our souls in the period leading up to our rebirth.

When Dr. Michael Newton, a certified hypnotherapist, began using regression techniques to take his patients back in time to awaken their memories of previous lives, he unexpectedly made a discovery of enormous importance: the spiritual world can be "looked at" through the minds of subjects who are immersed in hypnotic state of superconsciousness; and in this altered state of consciousness, patients are able to talk about what their soul did between lives on Earth.

What you are about to read in this book will shake the foundations of your ideas about death. Over the years, the author has immersed hundreds of people in deep memories of the spiritual world. The twenty-nine cases cited here include reports from people of varying religious persuasions, the spiritually undecided, and those in between—and all show remarkable consistency in answering questions about the spiritual world.

Dr. Michael Newton discovered that the healing process of finding one's place in the spirit world was far more meaningful to his subjects than describing their past lives on Earth. The book "Journeys of the Soul" is the result of ten years of research by the author, which will help you understand what lies at the core of your life choice, and how and why your soul and the souls of those you love live forever.

This wonderful, breathtaking book reveals some of the mysteries of life in the spiritual world.

NAPRA Trade Journal

The book “Journeys of the Soul” is the first truly new metaphysical information to appear in our literature in many years. It is important to read it for anyone who wants to know what awaits him “on the other side of life.”

Dick Sutphen

Responses to the book “Journeys of the Soul”

This book seems to me to be a very clear and correct reflection of the inner potency of every human being from the point of view of the author of a person who, undoubtedly, was deeply imbued with what he writes about and put it into practice. I am absolutely confident that every reader will find something significant and extremely useful for themselves in this book, and I definitely recommend it to anyone interested in self-healing and spiritual development.

Robert Campagnola (Hari)

Journeys of the Soul is a masterpiece that, unlike many other books on the subject, will live long in the memory. Congratulations!

Frank, Boston, Massachusetts

Your book helped me realize my inner Self and revealed to me the meaning and purpose of life. She is spiritual without any religious dogma. How can I thank you?

Wiki, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Once I bought Journeys of the Soul, I carry it with me wherever I go because I can't put it down.

Viola, Toronto, Canada

I am convinced that your spiritually rich book has no analogues among the literature about the Spiritual World, its laws and processes,

Joti, Istanbul, Türkiye

I must tell you that “Journeys of the Soul” is the most serious and interesting of all the books that I know about the period of life between incarnations. No water book contains such details. Its strength lies in your critical manner of questioning your patients.

Zelko, Tübingen, Germany

Journeys of the Soul is a classic and should be in every library. I wonder if you suspect the hearts she touched?

J.K., Dublin, Ireland

About the author.

Michael Newton, Ph.D., is a Certified Certified Hypnotherapist in California and a Fellow of the American Counseling Association. He dedicated his private hypnotherapy practice to correcting various types of abnormal behavior, as well as helping people discover their higher spiritual selves. While developing his own age regression technique, Dr. M. Newton discovered that patients could be placed in intermediate periods between their past lives , thus confirming and demonstrating on practical examples the real, meaningful existence of an immortal soul between physical incarnations on Earth.

Dr. Michael Newton and his wife currently live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in northern California. If you would like to write to him, please send your letters to the following address:

Dr. Michael Newton c/o Llewellyn
Worldwide P.O. Box 64383. Dept.
K485-5, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383,

Please include a self-addressed envelope and a coupon for international postal reply.

Peggy, beloved wife and
spiritual friend.
I express my gratitude to my
wife for her colossal contribution, and
also thanks to Hope Maper,
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Learn about the hidden world, where souls are
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The road is long. In that eternal
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4. Interview with Michael Newton

Dr. Newton reached The EDGE by phone from his home in California.

— In the book you act as a messenger, a relay of information received from clients. How did this information affect your vision of reality?

I began working over 40 years ago as a traditional psychotherapist, without being a religious or spiritual person. In essence, I was an atheist. But all these years of working with people who explained to me what was happening on the other side allowed me to gain a sense of true spirituality.

I studied philosophy quite deeply and thought about the religions of the world, and at the same time I did not have a clear belief system. I didn't like organized religions with their very rigid doctrines about certain things, so I studied Buddhism and other eastern religions looking for a spiritual approach that I could adopt. I have found that our behavior in life and how we should behave towards others have very important messages. But I couldn't find a connection with God. Why are we here? Frankly speaking, I did not believe in life after death. It seemed to me that when life ends, everything ends.

You could say that my clients gave me a great gift. They helped me find the spirituality that I feel today. Although I am not a religious person, I hope that I have become spiritual.

I think I have realized that, whether we are religious in the traditional sense or not at all, our immortal essence goes beyond the human. In a sense, it goes beyond the human body. Our mind manifests positive energy that defines who we are and transcends time and space. For me this is evidence of a higher spiritual power. One of the realizations that came to me and turned out to be very important in my life is the feeling of the great orderliness of the Universe, that nothing happens by chance.

— Speaking about the purpose of being on Earth, in one of the cases in the book “The Purpose of the Soul” the idea is explored that perhaps the purpose of our coming to Earth is to unite all people of all races and nationalities.

This principle of unity is certainly an important principle. We were sent to Earth, to a very difficult school, to learn this lesson. Regardless of our race, color, creed, or part of the world we come from, we are all one in some way. Until we learn to live with each other, be tolerant of each other, be kind and help each other; until we realize that we all have the same concerns in life; Until we start doing what we can to make the world a better place, we will not truly learn this lesson. We will come back again and again until we get the hang of it.

The principle of unity is important, and it is no coincidence that here on Earth we find ourselves in this extremely diverse cultural environment, where, of course, we are faced with questions.

— I like how from time to time you seem to open the door to the Higher Source. You say it doesn't stay open for long. What have you learned about the Higher Source from all your experiences with clients?

When I give lectures, listeners often ask: “Well, when are we going to talk about God? When do your clients see God?” Potentially, what they see is a “great presence,” as they describe it, from a state in the life between lives, which they see mainly when standing before their Council - wise entities a step or two above the guides who evaluate the life lived their life, and where, in their opinion, it will be best for them to incarnate next time.

In the new book, Soul Purpose, I talk about Presence. I didn't do this in the first book, Journey of the Soul, as it was more of a review book. "The Journey of the Soul" is a long narrative about a journey that begins with the moment of death and ends with the moment of rebirth. It is divided into very simple, easy to read chapters. And at the same time, it touches on many topics that I cover in detail in the new book.

One of these themes is exactly what we just talked about: Presence. My subjects say it is as close to God as it gets; in addition, they perceive the Presence as a collective. I find this very interesting. I ask them: “What is this for you? What do you think about when you talk about this Supreme Presence?” When they are at meetings of their Councils, they perceive one powerful source of energy, which, as it were, explains everything that happens to them.

They feel it rather than see it. This is a powerful source of energy. It's a feeling. They get the feeling that this is a collective, that this is a group, and not one entity. So perhaps it would be more accurate to view this as being a step or two above the members of their councils, and who knows how far up the ladder one must climb to reach the Supreme Source.

Of course, I don't have an answer to this question. This is all I know, because I work with people who are still embodied - and they only know what they say.

— In “The Destination of the Soul” I especially liked the place where it tells about the origin of individual souls; that there is this almost sun-like yellow Presence from which all these little entities emerge.

I think it's worth noting here that I had to wait quite a long time for clients who were advanced enough to talk about this. My average client usually gives me a lot of information about the world of souls, but only truly advanced people can talk about some things, such as those we touched on a little earlier.

Everyone sees the Presence, but in regard to origins and sources it is best to deal with very advanced people who are nearing the end of their incarnations and are preparing to become teachers themselves. So it took working with thousands of clients over many years, then piecing together the stories of those who spoke about the element of Source, and realizing the consistency of their stories, which seems incredible to me.

— All the cases you study are perceived as not contradicting each other.

This is the reason I wrote both books. The first book came kicking and screaming into the New Age movement before I had even done past life regression. Then I made the great discovery that when we die, we don't end up in some vague limbo between lives. This information made a strong impression on me.

I am in awe of the fact that someone with my background was given the honor of receiving such information. One of the things I'm starting to work on towards the end of this year and into next year is training people through various hypnotherapy communities around the country.

I'm soon 70, and I want to leave a legacy; I want to make sure that the methodology and techniques I use remain on record; I want to train young hypnotherapists who will take the baton and reach places much further than where I have been. I plan to do this in the next century, and I look forward to starting to train regression specialists in all the things that I do.

There is so much that can be done for clients with this therapy! I don't want to take away from past life regression specialists because it's good for people to know where they've been and where they might be going. And yet, if they don't get into the space between lives where all these experiences are analyzed, where they get really great therapy, they miss the real opportunity for healing.

Some may dismiss this as a "gray area of ​​uncertainty", when the greatest riches in terms of understanding who we really are come from our memories, from examining ourselves between lives - with our council members, guides and close souls. As a therapist, I can say that the best results in these areas occur when people see who they really are, regardless of the bodies they are in. I think that, from a therapeutic point of view, this is very, very important.

— You are a convinced supporter of the concept that the memory of the soul is accessible at the level of human thoughts.

Memory of the soul - interesting phenomenon. I divide it into three categories:

  • Conscious memory that retrieves what it needs from the subconscious mind. We see this in our myths and folklore; we see it in the form of flashes that come to us from time to time in our everyday life. It just is, and we don't know how we know it. We can't prove it scientifically, we just feel it very strongly. This kind of memory manifests itself through our conscious ego and is capable of perfectly adapting to the physical world in which we live.
  • Moreover, we have an immortal memory that comes through the subconscious mind. It is also strongly influenced by the body - our memories from past lives and those things that arise in our mind even without hypnosis. We are meditating or driving along an empty highway, watching the white line running ahead of us, when suddenly we find ourselves in some kind of superficial alpha state, and something arises in our head that tells us something about ourselves.
  • The third category is what I call Divine Memory. It seems to me that it is a derivative of our higher, superconscious mind. This is our soul, which represents conscience, intuition and imagination, expressed through the subconscious and conscious mind.

There is an interesting concept associated with Divine Memory: that some part of our soul's memory remains there during our incarnation. Do you think this is related to Divine Memory?

I think yes. It is very interesting. Some clients are able to see this and they admit it. Shirley MacLaine calls it the silver cord, the connection to our soul's higher self.

What seems interesting to me is that people who admit that part of them remains in a very, very spiritual place cannot always explain the reason for such feelings. This happens because, regardless of the life they live, a part of them remains there.

Another interesting point: when people say: “Okay, but how do our guides and guardian angels get through to us when they want to tell us something?” There are different ways. In my new book I talk about how souls return and comfort those they left behind on earth. The ways they touch the minds of people left on Earth are very similar to the ways our guides use.

Sometimes the guide goes to an urn or a vessel, or to the place where we leave some of our energy before incarnating in the body. Our guides surround this place with their energy beyond the astral plane of the Earth, but it still reaches the entity whose imprint is in this highly specific vibrational energy. This energy is theirs and only theirs. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it?

—You say that we have a choice both here and in the world of souls. Why are you focusing on this?

The choices we make are extremely important because our structure does not imply a lack of personal will to change. I think this aspect is important for understanding karma.

Free will is a very important aspect of our manifestation in various bodies. We talk about choice, and the topic of free will immediately arises. If we didn't have the right to make mistakes, we wouldn't learn anything. If we did not have free will, we would not be responsible for our actions.

Sometimes people have a tendency to say, “No matter what I do, nothing will change.” They are prone to fatalism and believe that everything is predetermined. This is a profound misconception, and I believe it is harmful. Of course, we can experience fatalism towards events that happened to us in life and were extremely painful. But on the other hand, we can say, “Well, this is what I need to go through; they won’t go away, it’s just part of human life.”

This is a very healthy intellectual approach. What we need to understand is that one of the aspects of our lesson is to be in a particular body at a particular time in a particular place, going through what that body is going through, and dealing with it, and being responsible for your actions. This is one of the reasons amnesia is used: to avoid the repetition trap own mistakes from past lives.

We can build our lives according to our own understanding. Let's take one of the most obvious examples: a card player. You were dealt cards—whether poker or bridge—at birth, and with those cards you can play them in a few different ways, depending on your talents and who you hooked up with. These are all points that are true of card games as well. How do you use your cards? Each way of playing has its own consequences. If you didn't have the freedom to play as you see fit, there would be no point in the game. We learn from trial and error.

You raised a very important topic of choice and free will, which are an inseparable part of our lives.

— When analyzing the cases, it was also emphasized that one should not be afraid to make changes in one’s life. I think this just complements our conversation about having a choice.

It is extremely important not to be rigid about what is happening in life, to always be open to change. A very valid point.

“When we are on the other side and thinking about what we want to do, we often choose a different path than we have already taken.

Absolutely right. It is also true that when we get there, we look back and review what we did in this body. In many cases, such revision is accompanied by role-playing games with companion souls. We replay the entire play we lived on Earth, with many of those souls who played supporting roles (our spouses, siblings, parents, etc.) participating, and examine our actions. Sometimes we play the roles of various other people with whom we have been associated in order to explore how we could act best. This is all very flexible and is purely for learning purposes.

— Every time I read one of your books, I think about the potential value of such a revision of life at any stage of our lives, i.e. long before the revision of life after the completion of incarnation. Just for myself, I mentally review my life and the choices I made.

My wife is one of those people who says, “I never look back.” I think in a certain sense this is a healthy approach: why sit in the past? But I am a historian, I adore the past and sit in it all the time. I think about when I was young, about what I did in certain circumstances, e.g. I look at this all the time. I always look at what I'm doing now compared to what I've done in the past. This is a great way for me to track my own development.

— I have a question for you related to dreams. In Soul Purpose you talk about how some souls who have left their earthly bodies are able to join and actually place themselves in the dreams of loved ones who are grieving their passing. I would be curious to know your opinion on whether it is possible that people who have lucid dreams while alive are the very souls who are able to work with dreams at an advanced level in the life between lives?

It is difficult to correlate this scientifically, but it is likely that those who have lucid dreaming abilities in this life may be able to easily connect their vibrations with the vibrations of others. There are souls who are very skilled in working with human dreams. They can create dreams or connect to an existing dream. This is how departed souls establish a connection with those they love. Some souls seem to be more skilled in this regard than others.

There are different ways that souls work with embodied entities. You, for example, may be the kind of soul that prefers to work through sensation or touch. In the book I mentioned the case of a wife who returned to convey a message to her husband through a rose bush in their garden. In this case it was a soul that chose to work through the beauty and scent of roses rather than through dreams.

Souls can use different methods. I explain how some work through children. Children are very receptive and can reach the troubled minds of adults. Often a young person is chosen as a channel of communication with a family member.

— Your idea of ​​angels cannot be called popular.

I'm not a religious person, so I don't think of angels in a religious sense. For me, the expression "guardian angel" - which I laughed at when I was much younger, before I started doing all this - is an appropriate expression when talking about our guides. Our guides are, in a sense, our guardian angels. They are our teachers.

We talked about superconscious memories and the conscious mind. When a soul passes into the soul world after death and sees guides coming towards it, it may perceive a huge halo of light around them, especially in the head and shoulder area. Many people pay attention to the top part of their energy. You can recall the images of angels in religious canons, with a halo and wings. Perhaps this is a metaphor for what we actually see when we get to the other side.

I think angels are a very nice part of our culture. They are the embodiment of benevolent souls who come here to help us. Angels, understood in a religious sense, have never incarnated. They are messengers of God. It seems to me that angels are guides who have incarnated many, many times. Essentially, they are messengers from higher sources.

—Your work on the study of life between lives has led you to certain conclusions regarding evil.

One approach to the concept of evil is to believe, and especially in relation to terrible serial killers, that they were born this way, that some satanic force took possession of the mind of such a creature even before he got into his body. I think that in this way we preserve humanity as it is, and it relieves itself of all responsibility for what is happening. We are talking about the Hitlers of this world. People ask me this, citing Hitler as an example, because he is certainly the embodiment of 20th century evil.

I would like to point out that if anyone wants to look into early years life of this person - and I am not offering excuses for Hitler - then he (she) learns that he grew up in Austria with an extremely cruel father who beat him regularly. This man has grown into a very, very disturbed individual. He was a sensitive artist in that environment. I think that rather people are not born evil, but become so under the influence of the society in which they live. The practice of evil satisfies the needs of disturbed individuals.

Research on serial killers shows that the thrill of inflicting pain on others, unaccompanied by feelings of remorse, fills the emptiness they feel within themselves. Evil is a source of power and strength for psychopathic individuals and inadequate people. Hatred erases the reality of a hated life. So, in other words, if there is no meaning in your life, why not take it away from someone else.

When they ask me: “Well, it turns out you don’t believe in hell,” they tell the truth. I do not believe. There is no such concept in my mind. If hell exists, then it is on Earth. When people move into the world of souls, then, regardless of the lifestyle they led, they find themselves in a divine place. And what happens to them in this place is individual for each soul, depending on what it did on Earth.

“Their state of mind may create a period of solitude.

Not only that, they can be taken to places where their energy can be remodeled and reformed. I was once asked: “Do you think that a man like Hitler will come to earth again?” I don't think so. I don't think that soul will be sent to Earth again. Such souls will go to some other physical or mental world. They simply would not be able to adapt and plunge into life after such evil. But these are my personal feelings.

In the new book I also talk about the hybrid soul. Hybrid souls incarnated in other worlds before coming to Earth, for one reason or another. The earth is radically different from the places they came from. They may be from very gentle worlds, but here they are thrown into a world where they have to learn many different types of energies. They have a hard time, and some of them decide never to return here after one or two incarnations.

This brings us back to the conversation about free will. And in the world of souls we are given free will. I've had clients say, "I have a close friend who refuses to come back to Earth because he can't handle a human, physical body, so he and others like him are going to other places." I can understand that.

You can also say that there are souls who have such hard lives, that they can ask to wait 1000 years until the next incarnation to conduct quiet reflections and the like. Anything can happen, depending on the characteristics of the soul with which I am dealing.

— Speaking about hybrid souls coming from other dimensions, not from Earth, do you have any information about whether some souls are created only for those environments, and whether there are souls that will never get to Earth?

Yes, sure. Eat. But in that case, I cannot have any contact with them unless they incarnate on Earth, or unless they are part of a group of souls to which they return after traveling to other worlds. As a rule, all people from one or another soul group are directed to the same place. They represent a certain type of soul and teach a certain kind of lessons. So, in principle, this is quite possible, but I personally have not had such a client yet.

— From your case studies, it appears that there are groups of souls that have distinct tasks, such as protecting others, transformation and healing, planetary healers. Do you think every group has souls? general tasks, distinguishing it from others?

One of the questions I ask a client is, “If I were a stranger walking into your soul group, what would be the most accurate general attribute I could use to describe your people?” They tell me: “Oh, we are seasoned fighters, or we are analysts, calm and reflective.” Many souls may attend an intermediate zone of separate training where they learn a specialty, such as work in some creative field, or focus on healing, or something else.

Keep in mind that in every group of souls there are different tempers. The band members are not cut from the same mold. As a rule, in a group there is one very brave, seasoned fighter who strives to survive in any circumstances. There is a joker who loves fun and pranks, there is a very thoughtful and calculating participant, and there can be more than one of each type. There are serious souls, there are risk-takers, and there are innocent souls who are very patient and do not like to take risks. Everyone helps each other with their strengths.

— Returning to the question of evil: has your work demonstrated that everything we do on this planet is forgiven in the “after life”?

All I can say is that when I have a client who crosses over and returns to the soul world, and we discuss his involvement in some wrongdoing, I ask him the question of forgiveness. It is most difficult for such souls to forgive themselves.

Forgiveness permeates the entire world of souls, it comes not only from our guides, but also from the members of the Council. This does not mean that such souls are ignored. Of course, there are long and serious conversations with them about their behavior. But this is not a question of punishment. If the behavior was extreme, then it is a matter of reviewing the karmic lesson of such a person and learning a lesson from the mistakes made.

Many times I have heard clients say something similar to what a client of mine said two days ago: “I really was a terrible person in the 15th century. I lived in China and was the high priestess of one of the emperors. I could do almost anything I wanted; I was extremely excited by power. I had great opportunities to help people, but I was corrupt.

It took me 500 years - and I have not yet gotten back to that point - to atone for this on the level of physical incarnations. Until that moment everything was going very well for me. Since that life in the 15th century my energy has become clouded, but now it is becoming clearer again. It may take me a few hundred more years to completely fix everything.”

Speaking of forgiveness, forgiving ourselves can be the most difficult task. When I ask a client to appear before the Board, I ask, “What is the first thing you tell these people?” And the client says that he feels “a great sense of regret that he did not live his life as he could have lived.”

— Somewhere in a new book I saw a comment that life on Earth will eventually cease, that this is a temporary experience.

Of course, I know about worlds that eventually turn into a “nova”. Nothing lasts forever in the physical world. Our planet has lived about half of its allotted life. We may have another five billion years, but during the last stretch this world will not have living conditions for the bodies in which we now live.

You can fly around the Universe, look at young, middle and old worlds, and ask: “I wonder if souls have already moved?” According to my clients, this is exactly the case. Among my clients were those who were on worlds that turned into a “nova”. They say that they were young souls when they went there, and when these worlds became uninhabitable, they were forced to leave them. But the question arises: where to go?

I wouldn't want you to get the impression that almost every client has gone through this experience. As a rule, my clients incarnated only on Earth. But from time to time I still come across clients with the experience we just talked about. They were on a world that had become uninhabitable, which is another reason why they end up on Earth. They are what I call hybrid souls.

The earth is not eternal. The time will come when we will be forced to move to some other place, yes.

— Based on the results of your research into life between lives, do you think there are any keys to understanding life and how best to live it?

I meditate a lot. We touched a little on the topic of solitude in the world of souls. I think there is great benefit in disconnecting from our bodies to the point where we can turn inward. I think that time spent thinking deeply about who we are and why we are here and how we treat the people around us is very valuable. How can we become better at what we do? Am I helping others enough?

Meditation, prayer or getting our minds outside our bodies accompanied by long walks in the mountains or on the beach is the key. We can spend our whole lives occupied with distractions—toys, cars, and yes, we are here to have fun—but we will never truly know who we are. I think this is a very important aspect of life.

— There are people who will look at your first book, at your second book, and say: “Why do we need all this information? Do we need to know all this?”

This is a fair question. Let me just say that I have absolute conviction of this. There are clients for whom hypnosis does not work, or those who, while in a state of hypnosis, cannot get into their past lives. There are those who find themselves in past lives, but cannot pass into the world of souls. Why are these obstacles put up? Why are there people who go to the soul world but only see half of what the average client sees? Why is their amnesia so strong?

I think the key to understanding all of this lies in the fact that there are obviously times in our lives when self-knowledge is extremely important for a person, and our guides do not want us to come to the exam with ready-made answers on cheat sheets in which we can peek while the examiner isn't looking!

The bigger question is why are people like me able to do what we do? Could someone have written the book I just wrote a hundred years ago? These are interesting questions. Yes, I use hypnosis, I have developed techniques, but if these techniques were known a hundred years ago, would some intermediary be able to do the same?

It seems to me that over the last 25 years, all of us, in one capacity or another, have been bringing spirituality to the masses, as evidenced by two factors:

  • first: never before in the entire history of mankind have there been so many people on Earth. Our planet is overpopulated. We are like rats in a maze in some of the world's cities. This creates a certain craziness.
  • second factor: drug-infested cultures around the world. We are not going to get rid of drugs. They are a way of escaping reality. Drugs, like alcohol, will remain with us, but they have further trapped souls inside bodies.

Given all this, in my opinion, the barriers of amnesia have weakened slightly over the past 25 years. This is what I hear from my clients. They are allowed to know certain things to maintain their sanity. Books like mine serve to let people know that there is a better life, and you don't have to be a religious person to believe in it.

Knowing that there is order and a purpose for being here makes life a little more bearable.

End of interview.

The similarities in the memories of patients in a hypnotic trance largely coincide with the ancient scriptures, which describe the principles of transmigration of the soul and their incarnation in new physical bodies of the fetus (“BHAGAVAD-GITA” with commentaries).

The book "BHAGAVAD GITA" gives a complete description of how the soul of a deceased person is reborn in another - a new body. What principles are fundamental, which DETERMINE THE CONDITIONS OF THE FUTURE BIRTH OF A HUMAN IN A NEW PHYSICAL OR TRANSCENDENT BODY. You can read about all this, and more, in the book, which is recognized as the essence of all Vedic wisdom: with comments on our website. (Link opens in a new window")

Our website also presents online Michael Newton’s second book, “The Purpose of the Soul,” Life Between Lives. To read it, follow the link:


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