Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Presentation for a geography lesson (grade 5) on the topic: Presentation "Orientation in the area." Why was there a need to introduce a new federal state standard?

FULL NAME. Berdnikova Irina Petrovna
Place of work: MO Abinsk district, MAOU secondary school No. 4, Abinsk
Job title: geography teacher
Item: geography Class: 5
Lesson topic: §6 “Compass. Terrain orientation" (lesson 6 in the section "Earth and its images")
Basic tutorial: EAT. Domogatskikh, E.L. Vvedensky, A.A. Pleshakov, M. “Russian Word”, 2012. Geography. Introduction to Geography.
Target: to form an understanding of terrain orientation and teach how to use a compass.
Lesson Objectives:

  • create conditions for the formation of ideas about methods of orientation on the ground: according to local characteristics and azimuth;
  • to develop skills in determining the sides of the horizon and directions on the plan and map.


  • create conditions for the development of spatial concepts, logical thinking, and communication abilities;
  • continue to work on the development of intellectual skills: highlighting the main thing, analysis, ability to draw conclusions; the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • continue work on the development of oral monologue speech;
  • create conditions for the development of creative abilities.


  • promote interest in the subject, mutual understanding and cohesion in joint activities;
  • contribute to the development in students of the ability to listen to comrades and argue their point of view;

Planned results:

Personal: Understanding the significance of orientation for human daily life and practice

Metasubject: The ability to work with measuring instruments, the ability to organize one’s activities, determine its goals and objectives, the ability to conduct independent searches, the ability to interact with people and work in a team. Express judgments, supporting them with facts.

Subject: define the concept of orientation, explain what the sides of the horizon are and what they are, the ability to determine them, draw conclusions about the purpose of the compass, formulate an algorithm for working with it.

Universal learning activities:

Personal: the need to study the surrounding world, awareness of the integrity of the world.

Regulatory: Independently discover and formulate an educational problem, determine the goal of educational activity, put forward versions of a solution to the problem, realize the end result, choose from those proposed and independently search for means of achieving the goal, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself, improve in dialogue with the teacher independently developed evaluation criteria.
Cognitive: independently identify and formulate the cognitive purpose of the lesson, define the concepts of “orientation”, build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships; analyze and select information; analyze, compare and summarize facts. Identify reasons, read all levels of textual information, convert information from one type to another, be able to identify possible sources of necessary information, search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability.

Communicative: defending your point of view, give arguments, confirming them with facts, be able to look at the situation from a different position and negotiate with people from other positions, understanding the position of another, distinguish in his speech: opinion (point of view), evidence (arguments), facts.

Lesson type: formation of skills and abilities
Student work form: group
Technical equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation, student instructions: rules for working with a compass, an algorithm for determining the sides of the horizon, individually and on a slide (individual - on each desk and in electronic form), task cards for practical work;

Structure and course of the lesson.

Lesson stage name

Teacher activities

Student activity


Updating knowledge

Welcomes students, checks readiness of the student for the lesson. Welcome teachers, check readiness for the lesson (K).
Lines up stimulating dialogue connecting the previous lesson and the new topic.
Analyze the facts presented:
1) How a person navigates an unfamiliar area.
2) You cannot return to your home or car in an unfamiliar place with only a compass.
– What question do you have?
Why, if you get lost in the forest and have only a compass, you can’t find the exact direction to your house or your car parked by the road?
– What hypotheses will you have? (We need maps or plans, according to the stars or the sun . )
– Formulate the topic of the lesson.
They express assumptions to the questions posed (P). Reveal existing knowledge(P).

Creating a problem situation

Creates for students a problematic situation. “Associative series.”

Imagine that you went into the forest and got lost. (showing a fragment - photograph of a forest) Your associations...

How do you feel when you find yourself in this situation? Is there a way out of this situation? Is it just important to be able to navigate this situation? What do you need to know in order to navigate?

Enter into dialogue (K), identify contradiction, realize what knowledge is missing (P).

Goal setting

Creates readiness for the upcoming activity. What will we learn about in class today? Realize goal of the upcoming activity (R, P, K)


Provides a sufficient amount of material that encourages you to make suggestions about ways to study this I object. I offer you a lesson plan on the board, get acquainted with it and discuss it in pairs, select the teaching aids necessary for the lesson and express your opinion. Working in pairs, are discussing plan, choose means necessary to obtain new knowledge and make a decision (K, P, R)

Learning new material

Encourages students to a theoretical explanation of facts, contradictions between them. Stimulates the active participation of all children in search activities. Includes in the content of the material being studied, the subjective experience of students, the creation of situations in which the student is the subject of the activity

A) Read text “Orientation”,

– What methods of orienteering do you know? Complete the "Orientation" chart. fill out the diagram and draw up a plan of action for navigation.


_____________ _______________ ______________ _____________

______________ _______________

What do you need to know and be able to do for this?

What do you know about the sides of the horizon? (main – 4, intermediate – 4.

– Work in groups.

Sides of the horizon.

Task: Determine what is the difference between the concepts horizon, horizon line, horizon sides. How and where is direction shown on a map or plan? Complete the task according to the text on p.

B) Compass.

  • Assignment: How does a compass work? What does it mean to orient, i.e. install a compass or how does a compass work?

Have you read the memo “Rules for working with a compass”? Determine the sides of the horizon using a compass.

Let's test your knowledge of the sides of the horizon and your ability to navigate on a plane. The teacher dictates according to the directions (2 cells to the east, 2 to the southeast, 2 to the northeast, etc.)

Self-test (slide show)

Do practical work with a compass.

Checks the result obtained and the correct understanding of the material, organizes discussion, fails to the conclusion.

Working with textbook text, analyze received information (P)

Present options for orientation types, express hypotheses about the structure of the compass (K, P)

Viewing(P), compare image in textbook (P) accept participation in dialogue with the teacher (K)

Exchange with the information received (K), they remember the new concept (P).

Students break up into groups (K).

Analyze text and perform received task (P), demonstrate your results. (TO)

Voice over work results, formulate output (P, K)


Application of new knowledge

Lets you down students to the problem: why is the ability to navigate and work with a compass necessary? - Are there territories on Earth where it is impossible to accurately determine the sides of the horizon using a compass?

— Why did it become necessary to introduce intermediate sides of the horizon?

Organizes work provides assistance in the formulation of short answers.

On one's own think over and discuss questions, formulate short answer. (P, R.)

Demonstrate the result of your work. (L).



1.Checks mastering new material orally (presentation) Offers remember the topic and objectives of the lesson, compare it with the work plan written on the board, and evaluate the extent of your personal progress towards the goal and the success of the class as a whole. Using the knowledge acquired during the work in the lesson, complete test tasks. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships (P). Formulate answer using acquired knowledge (P)


Lets you down lesson results.

“Federal State Educational Standards Textbooks” - Federal component of the state standard of general education (2004). Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (2010). Educational system "School 2100". The differences relate primarily to the basic curricula. Biology. Textbooks for Federal State Educational Standards.

“Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” - 300+837= 1237 e-books. Special conditions for designing independent work of students when transferring to credit units. Wide involvement of representatives of Russian and foreign companies and government organizations in the educational process. Social and professional accreditation is a new approach to assessing the quality of education.

“Work according to the Federal State Educational Standard” - “Extracurricular activities as an innovative component of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation.” Theoretical basis. Skills: universal educational methods of action. Object of assessment. “Activity-based teaching method. Structure of testing work. Personal, meta-subject (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), subject.

“Federal State Educational Standard of the New Generation” - 634050, Tomsk, Belentsa St., 11 51-80-62, 51-36-12 Thank you for your attention! Deputy Director for UMR E.A. Terentyev. Planning and organization of work on the transition to the new generation Federal State Educational Standards (main results). Main results of the work. Short period of time for the development of basic professional educational programs; Lack of methodological recommendations for assessing students’ general and professional competencies; Lack of a unified system for the development and evaluation of PM; The complexity of the process of including employers in the development of basic professional educational programs.

“Lesson on Federal State Educational Standards” - Federal State Educational Standards. V. Primary consolidation. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. M.E. Larina Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management, primary school teacher. Modern type lesson. The educational situation is built taking into account: 5. Lesson control, assessment and correction of knowledge. Federal State Educational Standards requirements." 3. Lesson on the integrated application of knowledge.

“Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards” - “Pedagogization”. The implementation of the project will allow overcoming the difficulties of the implementation period of the Federal State Educational Standard. Selection of teaching materials. New technologies. Social contract. Presence of a design problem. Federal. Principles of constructing the Federal State Educational Standard. Municipal. The school's work on implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. Teacher's work. New teaching tools and technologies.

Geography lesson in 5th grade

Topic: "Orientation"

Geography teacher, Tatyana Viktorovna Wulf

Personal: Mastery of the system of geographical knowledge and skills, skills of their application in various life situations.

Meta-subject: The ability to determine the goals and objectives of one’s activities, choose the means to achieve the goal and apply them in practice.

Subject: Mastery of basic practical skills in using devices and tools.

Lesson type: Lesson on learning new knowledge.

Lesson format: research work, group work.

Equipment: for the teacher: Barinova I.I., Pleshakov A.A., Sonin N.I. Geography. Beginner course. 5th grade: textbook for general education. Institutions. - M.: Bustard, 2012.; compass, cards with the sides of the horizon, multimedia presentation, projector, screen, water, saucers, birch bark, needles; for the student: textbook, workbook, ruler, pencil.

During the classes:

Organizing time

Students' readiness for the lesson.

Problem task sentences are written on the board in advance.

1.A compass helps you navigate.

2. You cannot return to your home or car in an unfamiliar place with only a compass.

Read the sentences written on the board in unison. What question do you have?

Children's answers:

Why do you need a compass?

How does a compass help you navigate?

How to get back to the car in an unfamiliar place?

Why, if you get lost in the forest and have only a compass, can you not find the exact direction to your house or abandoned car?

Today in class we will try to answer your questions.

Updating knowledge distribute cards with the sides of the horizon in advance.

Remember where the sides of the horizon are located (north, south, west, east)? Indicate on the card the location of the sides of the horizon. Remember how north, south, west and east are called differently? (the main sides of the horizon)

What other sides of the horizon are there besides north, south, west and east? (northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest). Right.

What is another name for these sides of the horizon? (intermediate sides of the horizon)

Learning new knowledge

How do we know that there are such sides of the horizon?

What device will help us determine the sides of the horizon? Of course a compass. It is believed that the compass was invented in Ancient China. Currently, it faithfully serves travelers, sailors and the military. Why do you think? Compass is a device for determining the sides of the horizon. The compass has a simple structure. In the box, on the tip of the needle, there is a freely rotating magnetic needle - the most important part of the device. One end of it points to the north, and the other to the south. This is due to the magnetic properties of our planet. A special lever can fix the arrow in the desired position. The end of the arrow pointing north is blue, and the end pointing south is red. distribute a compass to each student in advance.

You have compasses on your desks, now we will try to determine where is north, where is south, etc.

When using a compass, you must adhere to certain rules, otherwise it will show you the wrong direction:

1. You need to install the compass on a flat, horizontal surface.

2. Release the clamp and let the arrow calm down.

3. Carefully turn the compass, aligning the blue end of the arrow with the letter “C”.

4. Use the scale to determine the desired direction.

How can you navigate if you find yourself in the forest?

Let's stand up and show the sides of the horizon. Where does our sun rise? That's right, in the east. Stand with your outstretched right arm pointing east.

Now standing in this position, which side of the horizon are we facing? That's right, we are facing north.

Which side of the horizon does the left hand point to us? (west)

Which side of the horizon are we standing with our backs to? That's right, our backs are to the south.

We remembered that using a compass you can find out the sides of the horizon. They also say that you can navigate with the help of a compass. What is orientation? Let's turn to the textbook, p. 79. We remember that our definitions are highlighted in blue.

The ability to determine one’s location relative to the sides of the horizon and individual objects is called orientation.

How else can you navigate if you don’t have a compass?

How are the sides of the horizon determined by the sun?

At first, people determined the sides of the horizon by sunrise. Moreover, the word “east” itself is a modified word for “sunrise”. In Latin, “east” is “oriens”, apparently, this is where the word “orient” comes from. Even among primitive peoples, the East enjoyed special attention and worship: the sun appeared from the east - the source of light and heat on Earth. They prayed to the east, which is why the altars of churches face east. When navigating the area, this must be taken into account, since many of these ancient monuments still remain on earth.

Over time, people noticed that it is not entirely correct to navigate by sunrise, since this data is correct only twice a year: on the days of the spring and autumn equinox (March 21 and September 23).

These days - day is equal to night - all over the globe the sun rises exactly in the east. During the rest of the year, the “places” of sunrise and sunset are not exactly in the east and west, and therefore only at noon, from the shadows of vertical objects, can one accurately determine the direction to the north and south, and from this the direction east - west. For our geographical latitudes, at 7 o'clock in the morning the sun is in the east, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon - in the south and at 19 o'clock - in the west.

But how to find the sides of the horizon by the sun at any time of the day? To do this, there is a way to determine the sides of the horizon by the sun and the clock. The watch is placed on the palm so that the hour hand is directed towards the sun.

The angle formed on the watch dial between the hour hand and the number 1 is divided in half. The line that divides this angle will be the north-south direction (Fig. 47). Moreover, the south is in the direction where the sun was in the middle of the day.

The position of the moon in the sky is very precisely determined both at any given moment and relative to the sun.

This means that you can also accurately determine the sides of the horizon using the moon.

On a moonlit night, during the full moon, the moon is at 19 o'clock in the east, at 1 o'clock in the morning - in the south and at 7 o'clock in the morning - in the west (Fig. 48). During the first quarter (a quarter of the moon's surface) it is in the south at 19 o'clock, and in the west at 1 o'clock in the morning. Having remembered this, you can already determine from the moon the direction north - south, and from it the azimuth to any local object. During the last quarter, the moon is in the east at 1 a.m. and in the south at 7 a.m. How can you tell the first quarter from the last? It turns out it's very simple. The first quarter moon has “horns” directed to the left side and a finger placed on them shows the letter “P” and the word “grows” (Fig. 48). In the last quarter, the “horns” point to the right and form the letter “C” and the word “aging.” This is how you can distinguish the first quarter of the moon from the last.

Figure 47.

Figure 48.

There is another way to determine the sides of the horizon by the moon and the clock. In this method, you need to divide the radius of the moon's disk by eye into 6 equal parts and estimate how many such parts are contained in the diameter of the visible crescent of the moon (Fig. 49). If the moon is waxing (“growing”), then the resulting number must be subtracted from the hour of observation. And, conversely, if the moon is damaged (“aging”), the indicated number must be added to the hour of observation. The resulting sum or difference will indicate the hour when the sun will be in the direction where the moon is observed (during the day). Consequently, having determined this hour and taking the moon for the sun, you can easily determine the north-south direction from the clock and the moon, as described above. Remembering, of course, that it is not the hour hand that should be pointed at the moon, but the division of the clock dial that was calculated using the above method.

Figure 49.

Example. We observe the position and size of the moon (Fig. 49) at 5:34 am. The visible part of the lunar disk in diameter contains, according to an eye estimate, ten-sixths of its radius. The moon is “aging”, therefore, it is necessary to add its size to the hour of observation:

5 hours 34 minutes+10 hours==15 hours 34 minutes, that is, it will be 3 hours 34 minutes.

Let's set this number on the watch dial to the moon, then a straight line bisecting the angle between the indicated number and number 1 on the dial will show us the north-south direction. On a full moon, when the entire disk of the moon is visible, that is, when the moon and the sun are in the same direction, you should point the hour hand directly at the moon and determine the north-south direction as if it were the sun.

But what to do when the moon is not visible? You must be able to navigate by the stars. Looking around the night sky with many stars on it, we can always detect seven bright stars, forming, as it were, a huge bucket, called the constellation Ursa Major. Their clear location in the sky, high brightness, high position above the horizon, good visibility in winter and summer made them the most noticeable in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere. And so, thousands of years ago, using these stars, like a compass, the Phoenicians and Greeks guided their ships across the seas and oceans. And in our time, the brightly flickering lights of the Big Dipper are guiding lights during night swimming, flying, and land movements at night. If you connect the two extreme stars of the Ursa Major bucket and mentally continue this line to five of the same distances, it will reach the North Star (Fig. 50), which always points north. It is the last star in the “tail” of the constellation Ursa Minor. It also consists of seven stars, but less bright, and also has the shape of a ladle, but much smaller in size. The accuracy of determining the direction of the true meridian using this method is 1-2°.

Figure 50.

Determining the sides of the horizon by various local features is less reliable than by celestial bodies. Therefore, they must be used carefully, checking the results in different ways. There are a lot of these methods of orientation. They can be subdivided depending on the types of terrain: for forest, steppe, mountains, populated areas, deserts. In addition, there are ways to navigate in winter, following the wind, using living landmarks, etc.

On your desk there is a needle, birch bark and a dish of water. How can you use these objects to determine the sides of the horizon?

Technological map of the lesson: Orientation (1 hour)

Geography teacher "Gymnasium No. 22 of Belgorod" Vlasova G.A.

5th grade

Subject geography

Planned results




Know the definitions of the concepts “orientation” and “azimuth”

Plan educational activities when studying a topic;

Use adequate language to express your thoughts, motives and needs.

Reveal the essential features of the concept of “rumb”

Define concepts

Name and explain methods of orientation,

Proficient in oral (written) speech

Name algorithms for working with compass and gnomon;

Construct a monologue statement

Be able to determine azimuth using a compass on the ground and according to the plan;

Be able to explain the content of actions performed

Be able to navigate the terrain along the horizon

Be able to argue your point of view

Expand the role of aerial photographs in creating site plans

Form goal-setting actions

(including transformation of a practical task into a cognitive one)

Be able to plan ways to achieve a goal

Independently evaluate the correct execution of the action and make the necessary adjustments

Manage your time independently

Create and transform diagrams to solve problems

Carry out cognitive reflection regarding actions to solve educational and cognitive problems

Independently set new learning tasks and goals

Carry out self-regulation in educational and cognitive activities

Diagnostic tools:

Notebook. “My simulator” (tasks 1-4, from 16; 20, 21, from 20-21;

Task No. 7 on p. 32;

Program resources:

§8 of the textbook

Table "Plan and map"

Table “Ability to navigate the terrain”

Student compasses

Teacher activities

Student activities




Actions taken

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Stage “Checking observation diaries”

    1.Checks the keeping of weather observation diaries.

Provide information about the weather over the past days.

Ability to properly organize weather observation.

Interact with the teacher and classmates while reporting information about the weather.

Stage “Checking homework”

1. Repeats

rules work with control and measuring materials in geography.

    Organizes work on test and measurement materials in geography (tests) (3 min.).

    Geographical dictation

Of 7 tasks 3 min

Tests decide. 5 tasks

Ability to fill out answers correctly.

Interact with the teacher and classmates while repeating the rules of working with CMMs.

The teachers are listening.

Monitor the correctness of students’ answers

Be able to listen to the teacher.

Stage “Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson”

1. Works with rubrics before the paragraph - the teacher asks questions.

Let's start with the most pleasant part. Now I will read you an excerpt from one of the very famous Russian folk tales.

If you go to the left, you will lose your horse. If you go to the right, you will lose yourself; if you go straight, you will be rich.

Did you recognize the fairy tale? And you and I can navigate the city in the same way - right, left, straight...

Remember does a person navigate an unfamiliar area?

2. What local signs allow a person to navigate the area?

You will learn

1. What is orientation.

2. what are the sides of the horizon and what are they?

3.Why do you need a compass and how to work with it.

3. Summarizes the work on the rubrics.

4. Try to name the topic of the lesson yourself.

The teacher, if necessary, clarifies:“Orientation on the terrain. Azimuth".

This is the topic of our lesson. Let's open our notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

Objective of today's lesson

Learn to determine the sides of the horizon and directions on a plan and map.

Answer the teacher's questions. Making assumptions

about the topic of the lesson

Isolate essential information from answers to questions.

Interact with the teacher during a survey carried out in frontal mode.

Listen to your interlocutor. Construct answers that are understandable to the interlocutor.

Monitor the correctness of students' answers.

Be able to listen in accordance with the target setting. Accept and maintain the learning goal and task. Supplement and clarify opinions expressed on the merits of the assignment received.

Stage “Work on learning new material”




Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

1.Organizes work on studying a new topic.

What do you think (problematic question)

Is it possible to navigate without a compass?


2.Organizes work to highlight the main idea of ​​the topic :

formation of ideas about terrain orientation, skills in using measuring instruments.

2. Suggests: let's remember and write in a notebook:

orientation, main sides of the horizon, intermediate sides of the horizon, rhumb, cardinal points, compass

3. Organization of practical work –

on developing skills to use a compass:

Learn the rules for using a compass;

Working with a compass in pairs;

Solving tasks to determine the sides of the horizon in the classroom;

Designation on the compiled office plan

objects located on the sides of the horizon

Students listening

with the aim of:

Their understanding of the content of the main idea of ​​the new topic of ideas about terrain orientation

Students pronounce new terms out loud and write them down in a notebook: orientation, main sides of the horizon, intermediate sides of the horizon, rhumb, cardinal points, compass

Students get acquainted with the algorithm for working with a compass

Solve problems to determine the sides of the horizon in the classroom.

The results of the work are presented in the form of a table.

Objects are drawn on the office plan according to the sides of the horizon.

Analyze the content of new material, highlighting the main idea: about terrain orientation

Consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form to master the algorithm based on the ability to use it


Consciously carry out the work of filling out the table.

Consciously carry out the work of drawing objects on the office plan

The whole class listens to the teacher's explanation.

All students are ready to answer questions.

They participate in studying and mastering the algorithm and help the teacher.

The ability to follow the teacher’s explanation and understand the content of new material by ear.

Ability to fill out a table based on observations

Listen to students' answers. Be able to formulate your own opinion and position. Be able to use speech to regulate your actions.

Know how to work with a table.

Be able to work with an office plan.

Students identify new terms as they explain.

During the work, students monitor the correctness and completeness of recording new terms.

Records are corrected and clarified as necessary.

While filling out the table, students self-monitor their understanding of the content of the table.

Self-control of actions.

Students choose the best works.

Make notes in a notebook of new terms: orientation, main sides of the horizon, intermediate sides of the horizon, rhumb, cardinal points, compass.

Understand and maintain the learning goal and objective. Detect inaccuracies in answers.

Carry out mutual control.

Accept the teacher's assessment adequately.

Understand and maintain the learning goal and objective. Exercise self-control.

Evaluate the work.

Stage “Work on consolidating new material”

1. Sets a goal to test knowledge of new material (questions p. 32)

What is orientation?

What are the main sides of the horizon called?

What is the name of the device for determining the sides of the horizon?

Are there areas on Earth where it is impossible to accurately determine directions using a compass?

Why did it become necessary to introduce intermediate sides of the horizon?

Answer the teacher's questions.

They make a general conclusion while answering questions.

The text is analyzed, highlighting essential and non-essential semantic features.

The class makes efforts to solve the learning problem.

Coordinate efforts to solve the learning problem. Consider other opinions.

Carry out mutual control of the process of completing the task.

Accept and save the learning task. Detect inaccuracies in answers.

Teacher activities

Determining directions on the plan and map (working with a terrain plan)

Show directions on the site plan.

How is it usually shown?

In which direction from the ferry on the Sot River is the dam on the Luch River?

Determine how the direction of the Sot River changes.

Problem - C or C-B?

Each side of the horizon has not only its own name, but also a numerical value-- azimuth . What is azimuth?

Open the textbooks and read the definition of azimuth.

So what is AZIMUT?

The basis for working with this concept is ANGLE, i.e., to determine the azimuth, you need to determine the angle.

Now let’s designate them in your first drawing.

90 o, 180 o, 270 o, 360 o

How should you navigate the terrain?

And at night?

By the stars.


Teacher activities

Let's now play and practice determining the sides of the horizon.

You are pilots. Flights depart from Rostov airport: Belgorod - Sochi, Belgorod - Moscow, Belgorod - London, Belgorod - Rio de Janeiro,

What course should pilots keep to avoid going off course?

Students write down the object and the direction of the flight direction

Write down homework assignments.

Stage "Reflection". Answer the question: did you like the lesson or not? Emoticons corresponding to the answer are inserted on the interactive board.

“Grading” stage: the teacher gives grades and comments on them.

As a fan of adventure literature about pirates, it was even very interesting for me to answer this question. Most of the novels on this topic, especially about treasure hunts, were supplied by the authors with fictitious maps, where they were required to draw a “wind rose” to determine the cardinal directions. However, there could be up to 16 arrows in this rose.

Intermediate sides of the horizon

The easiest way to consider this question is using the example of a “wind rose”, i.e. diagram, which is used to determine the sides of the horizon North-South-West-East and represents a vertical cross with an angle of 90 degrees. The intermediate sides (for example, northeast) are rays that divide the main diagram exactly in half, and thus the difference in angle degrees becomes equal to 45. The “compass rose” itself exists in the following variations:

  • Eight-beam - used in the basics of geography, and each of its rays includes not only the cardinal direction (south and west), but also the intermediate course (southwest) between them.
  • 16-ray - in addition to the sides of the horizon, as on a compass card, additional directions are also indicated, which divide the angle into an even smaller number of degrees and sets this value to 27.5. This rose is used in maritime navigation and shows such directions as “west-northwest”, which corresponds to the concept of “west-northwest”.
  • 360-beam - generated automatically using electronic equipment and accurately indicates the direction for each degree of the side.

The introduction of intermediate and additional sides made it possible to more accurately determine the direction of the wind or the direction of the path and, accordingly, set the coordinates.

Application of a “compass rose” with intermediate sides

The construction of a “wind rose” is necessary for arranging the runways of air hubs, during the construction of residential areas in relation to industrial zones (calculation of the probability of air masses carrying harmful emissions from the chimneys of enterprises), and highways.

They are also used in geophysics and construction climatology.