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Presentation method of persuasion. Methods of persuasion

Persuasion PERSUASION is a method of influencing people's consciousness, directed towards their own critical perception. Persuasion
PERSUASION is a method of influencing people's consciousness, addressed to their
own critical perception.

Argumentation is a way of persuading someone through logical arguments, a method of proving using arguments. What is he aiming for?

How to win him over to your side?
general and
cognitive psychology

1. Operate in simple, clear and precise concepts. 2. Conduct arguments correctly in relation to your partner

Argumentation tactics
1. Operate in simple, clear and precise concepts.
2. Conduct arguments correctly in relation to your partner.
3. Take into account the personal characteristics of the interlocutor.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department

Argumentation tactics

4. Present evidence and considerations with maximum clarity
(the old truth is known: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times)
5. Don’t forget that “excessive” persuasiveness causes resistance from
side of the interlocutor.
6. Use special methods of argumentation.

cognitive psychology

Methods of argumentation

Fundamental Method
Represents a direct address to the interlocutor whom we introduce
facts and information that are the basis of our evidentiary
argumentation. An important role here is played by digital parameters, which
are a wonderful backdrop.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, Associate Professor of the Department of General
cognitive psychology

The contradiction method is based on identifying contradictions in the interlocutor’s arguments. It is essentially defensive.

Method of contradiction
Based on identifying contradictions in the interlocutor’s arguments.
It is essentially defensive.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Cognitive

The “yes...but” method: allows you to consider other aspects of the decision. We can calmly agree with the interlocutor, and then the so-called

The “yes...but” method:
allows us to consider other aspects of the decision. We can calmly
agree with the interlocutor, and then the so-called “BUT” occurs.
An indispensable condition for success is excellent knowledge of
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
general and cognitive psychology

The method of positive answers (“the three yes method”) is a method of constructing a conversation in such a way when the partner answers your first questions “yes,

Positive response method
(“three yes method”)
- this is a method of constructing a conversation in such a way when the partner at your first
answers questions “yes, I agree,” and then continues to agree
more complex issues.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
general and cognitive psychology

Dismemberment method
This method involves dividing the partner’s arguments into: a) true, b)
doubtful, c) erroneous with subsequent proof of your point
vision and inconsistency of the partner’s common position.
In this case, it is advisable not to touch upon strong arguments, but to focus on
weaknesses and try to refute them.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
general and cognitive psychology

The method of slowing down the pace is to deliberately talk through the weaknesses in the interlocutor’s position. It makes your partner more attentive

Slow down method
consists of deliberately highlighting weaknesses in
interlocutor's position. This makes the partner more
listen carefully to your evidence.
Nuria Koishvaevna, associate professor of the department
general and cognitive psychology

Reversal method Gradually leading the interlocutor to opposite conclusions by step-by-step tracing the solution to the problem together

Refacing method
Gradually leading the interlocutor to opposite conclusions
by following the solution to the problem step by step with him.
The course of the partner’s decision is outlined and proven in slow steps
partner has his own point of view.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
general and cognitive psychology

Two-way argumentation method This method works when the interlocutor presents both the strengths and weaknesses of his argument.

Two-way argumentation method
This method works when the interlocutor imagines how
strengths and weaknesses in its argumentation and
in the partner's arguments.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology

The “boomerang” method makes it possible to use the “weapon” of the interlocutor against him. This method has no proof value, but

"Boomerang" method
Gives you the opportunity to use your interlocutor’s “weapons” against him
himself. This method does not have the force of proof, but it does
exceptional effect if used with a fair amount
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology

Rules for an effective argument The argument must be revealed, explained in such a way that each of the recipients understands what is being put into it.

Rules for an Effective Argument
The argument must be revealed, explained in such a way that each of
recipients understood the meaning put into it. This kind of “chewing” we will
call it support. In addition, it is necessary to have a bright,
a clear example.
Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology

Rational and emotional argumentation

Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology

Chaotic and Consistent Argumentation

Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology


Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology

What methods of argumentation did you see?

Nuria Koishvaevna Zinalieva, associate professor of the department
General and cognitive psychology

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There are 31 presentations in total

This training is about how we create our lives and how we can make it the way we want. On it we will understand how beliefs are structured, find out which of them are useful and harmful, as well as how to build in useful ones and remove harmful ones. Plus we will explore the hierarchy of values, visit essential states and practice editing our own “I-concept”.

Criteria- these are internal standards on which we rely when assessing or making decisions.
- The phone must be beautiful and powerful.
- I would like a three-piece suit no more than ten thousand rubles.
- A good book means interesting.
- A tall man - over one meter eighty.

Beliefs- our generalizations about life and ourselves. In particular, they describe how we should interact with values.
- People are born for happiness.
- Money is freedom.
- A man must provide for his family.
- I'm not worthy of love.
- I am capable of solving my problems myself.

Slidecast: About beliefs

Belief Structure

Beliefs can be divided into two groups:

  • “rules of life” - how it works;
  • “categorization” - what is what.

"Rules of life"

These are beliefs about “rules of interaction with values.”
- To succeed you need to work hard. [to obtain the value "success" you need to "work hard"]
- Money is a sign of a successful business. [having “money” is a criterion for “successful business”]
- Cancer leads to death. [“cancer” leads to the achievement of the anti-value “death”]
- Freedom is the opportunity to be who you want. [definition of the value “freedom”]

These beliefs describe what is what, what belongs to what category. That is, for which “things” which rules are fulfilled (or not fulfilled).
- Petrov is a successful businessman.[“Petrov” is included in the category of “successful businessmen”]
- Mercedes makes good cars.[Mercedes cars are included in the “good cars” category]
- I don't deserve happiness.["I" is not included in the category of "worthy of happiness"]
- Health is important.["health" is included in the "important" category]

Video: Belief Structure

How to Identify Beliefs

Repetitive behavior
Reason for rating
Powerful emotions
Message about the rules
Presuppositions in speech

Useful and harmful beliefs

Useful Beliefs help us live and expand opportunities.
Harmful Beliefs on the contrary, they interfere with our lives and limit us in an unecological way.
Respectively, We will create and embed useful beliefs, and we will replace harmful ones.

Slidecast: Technique for changing beliefs

Hierarchy of values

Values ​​form a hierarchy. And in this hierarchy there is

  • terminal values- values ​​that are important in themselves;
  • instrumental values- those that serve to achieve more important values.

Essential states

At the very top of the hierarchy are the so-called “essential states” - these are the most important values. The purpose of goals, the meaning of meanings. Usually there are no more than five. When people describe them, they talk about "complete freedom", "merger with the world", "world harmony" or "total calm".
Wherein It’s quite easy to learn how to enter these states and hold them for the required time. And use it as a resource in everyday life.

Audio: Goals and Essential States

What are essential states, how are they related to goals. Demonstration of the “Goals and Essential States” technique.


"I-concept"- this is our map of ourselves.
- I am a humanitarian.
- I'm lazy.
- I am a winner.
This map can be realized, remade or replaced. Which can change your life a lot - of course, if you want it.