Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Presentation on the topic "verb conjugation". Verb conjugation Features of verb conjugation in Russian

Language warm-up 1. Parse the sentence and fill in the missing punctuation marks. -The Terek is rushing along in waves, as if the wild shore is bubbling around huge rocks. bubbling around huge rocks. - The night... the shadow and the damp bank are cold... the night is pulling its golden net. the night pulls its golden net. What determines the choice of vowel at the end of a verb?

Repetition What is a verb? What is a verb? What morphological categories are unique to the verb? What morphological categories are unique to the verb? What is transitivity - intransitivity, reflexivity - non-reflexivity of a verb? What is transitivity - intransitivity, reflexivity - non-reflexivity of a verb?

Attention The following verbs belong to the II conjugation: -na –it (except shave and lay – I conjugation) -na –at (drive, breathe, hold, hear) -na – eat (look, endure, twirl, depend, see, hate, depend, see, hate, offend) offend) All other verbs belong to All other verbs belong to the I conjugation! to the I conjugation!

Linguistic information Let's talk to you about native Russian verbs. 1. Twin verbs - dress and put on - “cover with clothes” and “provide with clothes” - Ch. + noun with a face designation. - “to fasten something to something” and “to cover wholly or partly with clothing” - Ch. + noun with the designation of an inanimate object. - Dress and undress and put on and take off. - Dressed fur coat; And he put on his clothes; He's putting on stockings.

Linguistic reference 2. Two verbs to obuyat. - “to embrace, embrace, take possession” about + uyati (u + yati) in the meaning of “take, grab” about + uyati (u + yati) in the meaning “to take, grab” Example: I was overcome with such melancholy, such sadness that, It seems like I would give everything in the world. - “embraced, embraced” Example: I am guilty; Overcome with pride, I deceived God and kings. - “to deprive of reason, to make insane” - “to deprive of reason, to make insane” Prefix O + suffix –ati from adj. Bui "stupid, crazy" Example: Arrogant! Who inspired you? Who captured your wondrous mind?

Consolidation -Task 1 Conjugate verbs, highlight the ending, determine the conjugation. Ask, tell, rub, shave. -Task 2 Rewrite, putting the verbs in the desired form of the present tense, highlight the ending. 1.Pine tree tops (wave) in a welcoming manner. 2. The purple curtain slightly (sway) from the wind. 3. (Pour) ripe nuts into my hazel box. 4. The sea does not foam, the waves do not (splash). 5. Frost lightly (pinch) the cheeks.

Lesson summary So, what topic have we studied today? What are declension and conjugation? Which verbs belong to the I and II conjugations? Today in class we conducted a linguistic analysis of native Russian verbs and gave historical information. We consolidated the acquired knowledge in practice.

Slide 2

Verb conjugation

Verbs I and II conjugations Changing the verb by persons and numbers (personal forms of lagol)

Slide 3

What terms will be our helpers today? What are the verb questions?

1. Infinitive I and II conjugation. What to do? What to do? 2. Personal forms of the verb; Present tense, future simple tense; person, number. What does it do? What are they doing? What will he do? What will they do?

Slide 4

Slide 5

Verbs II conjugation

All verbs NA-it shave, lay, belong to the II conjugation EXCEPT

Slide 6

Once upon a time, guys, During the Second Conjugation, there was a spy.

Slide 8

Here they are, hurry to SEE: Do not DEPEND on the contact, HATE all “clients”, HURT them more painfully. To endure difficulties, to twirl the lasso above yourself, to watch your enemy through the crack under the door. DRIVE a car along the highway and HOLD a dagger in your teeth, so that you can HEAR the voice behind the wall, and not breathe at all.

Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

Verbs I conjugation

The I conjugation includes shave, lay, build and all other verbs

Slide 12

Why do you need to know the verb conjugation?

In order to correctly write the personal forms of the verb - the forms of the present and future simple tenses, they are the ones that change according to the person.

Slide 13

Pronoun clues

Singular 1st person I 2nd person YOU 3rd person HE, ON, IT Plural 1st person WE 2nd person YOU 3rd person THEY

Slide 14

Formation of personal verb forms

Personal forms are formed by attaching the present to the base. vr. special endings that indicate not only the person (I, II, III), but also the number of the verb. Therefore, verbs have six personal endings

Slide 15

Personal endings of verbs I and II conjugations

Endings of the first conjugation: -у (у), -еж (-еь), -ет (-ет), I- Е -ем (-ем), -еte (-еte), - ut(-yut) Example: read create Endings of the second conjugation: -у(-ь) -ish, -it, II -I -im, -ite, -at(-yat) Example: love to hate

Slide 16

What if the ending is unstressed?

1. I ask a question about the verb (what does it do? what will it do?). 2. Having established the aspectual correspondence, I find the infinitive (what does it do? - what to do? what will it do? - what to do? 3. I look at what the infinitive ends with - ? t. 4. I remember whether the verb is an exception 5. I determine the conjugation, choose vowel – I sp. →E II sp. →I

Slide 17

Copy the text, find verbs in the personal form, graphically indicate the personal endings of the verbs

The snow is already melting, streams are flowing, and spring is blowing through the window. The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be dressed in spring!

Slide 18

Let's check! The snow is already melting, streams are flowing, and spring is blowing through the window. The nightingales will soon whistle, And the forest will be dressed in spring!

Slide 19

OH, she, what does it do? What will he do?

cut_t -______________________________ hear..t -________________________________ warm..sya-________________________________ jump..t -________________________________

Slide 20

OH, she, what does it do? kolysh..t -______________________________ re..t -________________________________ settle..t-________________________________ settle..t -________________________________

Primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution Belomechetskaya secondary school No. 7

Dementieva N.V.

Lesson “Types of verb conjugation. 1st and 2nd conjugation"

4th grade

Target: teach to distinguish between verbs 1 and 2 conjugations.


Educational: consolidate knowledge about verb conjugation, introduce 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs, learn to distinguish between 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs.

Educational: develop attention, observation, the ability to analyze the information received, draw conclusions, summarize the material, develop students’ oral and written speech.

Educators: cultivate a communicative culture, respect for others, and mutual assistance.

Equipment and materials:

for the teacher: computer, projector, screen, speakers.

for students: halves of white sheets of paper, colored pencils or markers.

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Organizational moment.(slide 2) – ( children register the class. work and number )

ΙΙ. A minute of penmanship.(slide 3)

ΙΙΙ .Repetition.

    Vocabulary work.(slide 4)

The work is carried out in the form of a test (slide 5)

Checking the vocabulary test (slide 6)

Well done (slide 7)

2. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

A bright ray of sun warmed a butterfly in a forest clearing .

(Additional questions for marking)

What parts of speech do you know?

3. What is "verb conjugation"? Small test: choose the correct statement.

The child goes to the board, pronounces the rule that was learned in the previous lesson and chooses the correct answer, in his opinion..(slide 8)

So, verb conjugation is the change of verbs in persons and numbers.

We continue to study the features of verb conjugations.

ΙV. New topic.

Conjugate the verb "save" Please tell me whether this verb will be conjugated in the present or simple future tense and explain why? (in the simple future, since it is a perfective verb, perfective verbs do not have a present tense form)

Let's conjugate this verb (slide 9)

By clicking, pronouns and verb forms appear alternately

Highlight the endings, analyze how the endings change when conjugating this verb.

Now in pairs, conjugate the verb next to it "fly" (slide – 10) . Highlight endings (For checks - click ). Analyze how the endings change. Compare the endings of these verbs. What do you notice?

(in the first person singular the endings of the verbs are the same, but in other forms they are different)

Write down only the endings of verbs below, except for the first person singular, in two columns (slide 11).

What did you notice when you conjugated these verbs? (they got different endings)

Yes, indeed, the endings are different. This is due to the peculiarities of the conjugation of verbs; verbs, depending on the ending during conjugation, are divided into two groups - verbs of the first conjugation (click) and verbs of II conjugation (click).

- Open the textbook on p. 79, study the table. Let's conclude, what is the difference between the endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations?

There is a way to remember the rule faster. I wonder if anyone can guess? Carefully examine the recording on the screen.

The letter “E” has one stick - reminiscent of the Roman numeral 1, and the letter “I” has two sticks, the Roman numeral 2. So easy to remember!

Draw this reminder on pieces of paper - this is a support diagram (slide 12).

V. Physical exercise.

Now let's rest a little! What is the conjugation of the word “Let’s rest”? (1 conjugation, ending -yom) (slide 13).

Watch the dot on the screen carefully and repeat after it! (slide 14 - 17).

3. Consolidation..

And now a task for consolidation (slide 18). Now you will work in pairs. Words on the screen. You need to distribute them in two columns - 1st and 2nd conjugation. Be careful. What do you need to know in order to correctly determine the conjugation? (highlight the ending in the verb, according to determine the conjugation at the end)

Get to work, you can use your support diagrams.

Let's check if you did the job correctly (on click, the words are divided into two columns).

Praise yourself for doing everything right .(slide 19).

And now you will complete the task even more difficult. Now you need to independently choose the words from the pictures (slide 20). Read the assignment. Have questions about the content? Look at the pictures, is everything clear?

Get to work, help each other, be attentive. If you have any doubts about the spelling of words, raise your hand. When you're done, check each other.

VΙ. Repetition of covered material(slide 21 – 26).

Well done(slide 27)

VΙΙ. TEST No. 1 “Verb”(slide 28).

Verifying test execution (slide 29).

VΙΙΙ. Lesson summary(slide 30).

What new things have you learned about verb conjugation?

How to distinguish verbs 1 and 2 conjugations?

ΙX. Homework(slide 31).

In the next lesson we will learn to write verbs belonging to the 1st and 2nd conjugations, so you need to learn how to distinguish between them well. Therefore, at home you should thoroughly learn the rule and the table data on pp. 79 - 80, you can rely on the diagram, and at home you should also decorate it beautifully so that it can serve you for a long time.

And at home you will do exercise 439, highlight the endings and indicate the type of verb conjugation.


Our bell is ringing

And the lesson tells me to start.

It's time for us to start our lesson.

Clouds vis yat low. All day eid yeah rain. Fistula (i,e)t wind. Not on deck exit (i,e)m , all day seed them in the cabin, boredom (i,e)m . Merkn (i,e)t day and sea bubbling it getting angrier and angrier. Your Dunno.

Verb conjugation .

chita yu

chita eat

chita no

chita I eat

chita yeah

chita ut

carried at

carried eat

carried yeah

carried eat

carried here you go

carried ut

grumble at

grumble look

grumble it

grumble them

grumble ite

grumble at

candles at

light look

light it

light them

light ite

light yat

Eid yeah, eid ut - 1 conjugation

I conjugation verbs have endings

- y (s) , -eat (-eat) , -et (-et) , -eat (-eat) ,

-et (-et) , ut(s) .

Let it, let yat - II conjugation

Verbs of the second conjugation have endings

- at (-yu) , -hey , -it , -them , -ite , -at (-yat).

Write the indefinite form of these verbs

I conjugation II conjugation

We write – We draw –

draw - fix -

field - beckons -

we dance - we ask

I conjugation II conjugation

We write - write We draw - damn it

draw - draw repair - chin it

kolem - prick manim - man it

we dance - we ask you to dance - we ask it


To the second conjugation We will take it, without a doubt, All verbs that are in –it, Excluding shaving, laying. And one more thing: look, offend, Hear, see, hate, Drive, hold, breathe, twirl, And depend and endure. You will remember, friends: They cannot be conjugated with -e.


have dinner







Fill in the missing letters


Today since dawn

Besnu .. there is a sea,

Vorocha .. t stones,

Rears up.

And pen .. there are waves

In the wide open space

Splintering from a running start

Oh granite foreheads.

It's like a challenge

abandoned by nature,

And the leaves rustle

On a steep bank.

And the wind is shaggy

The sky is ruffled .. T

And the cypress bends

On the boulevard in an arc.

Screaming seagulls

They became timidly silent.

The longboats took cover

Behind the stone pier.

Along the city streets

Nose .. there are whirlwinds

And the poplar stands

Naked all the way down to the twig.


Today since dawn

Besnu no all over the sea,

Vorocha no stones,

Rears up.

And pen yat Xia waves

In the wide open space

Splintering from a running start

Oh granite foreheads.

It's like a challenge

abandoned by nature,

And the leaves rustle

On a steep bank.

And the wind is shaggy

The sky is ruffled it

And the cypress bends

On the boulevard in an arc.

Screaming seagulls

They became timidly silent.

The longboats took cover

Behind the stone pier.

Along the city streets

Nose yat all the whirlwinds,

And the poplar stands

Naked all the way down to the twig.

  • Look..t, breathe..t, worry...t...t..t
  • La..t, set..t, read..t, cle..t
  • View..t, write..t, hang..t, hold..t

  • Review And t, breathe And t, disturbing And tsya, that e T
  • La e t, se e t, chita e T, glue And T
  • View And T, write e T, stuck And t, holding And tsya

Choose from these verbs: Option 1 – verbs I conjugations, option 2 – verbs II conjugations - and make sentences with them on the topic “At sea”.

Rumble, drive, twist, howl, sparkle, roll.

The clouds are hanging low. It's been raining all day. Fistula no ( I spr.) wind. There's no way out on deck im ( II spr.) , we sit in the cabin all day, bored I eat ( I spr.) . Merkn no ( I spr.) , day, and the sea is seething angrier and angrier.

Your Dunno.


Until next time


The bell rang

The lesson is over!

Slide 1

Lesson topic: “Verb conjugation” Poet, captivated by sublime ideas, Do not ignore high school prose; In order to “burn the hearts of people with a verb,” you must have a firm knowledge of verbs. S. Shevtsov

Slide 2

Vocabulary dictation
Meet, hello, feel, imagination, overcome, hate, misunderstanding, arrive on time, Russia, helper, humanism, famous, enlightenment

Slide 3

Morning I.S. Nikitin
The stars fade and go out. Clouds on fire. White steam spreads across the meadows. Across the mirror-like water, through the curls of willow trees, crimson light spreads from dawn. The sensitive reeds are dozing. Silence and solitude all around. The dewy path is barely noticeable. If you touch a bush with your shoulder, silvery dew will suddenly splash onto your face from the leaves. The breeze picked up, the water wrinkled and rippled. The ducks rushed noisily and disappeared.

Slide 4

Objective of the lesson:
be able to determine verb conjugation; know the algorithm for determining verb conjugation; learn to change differently conjugated verbs by person and number; know the list of endings of verbs of the first and second conjugation

Slide 5

Algorithm for determining the conjugation of verbs with an unstressed personal ending:
Put the verb into the infinitive. The II conjugation includes: 1) all verbs in IT (except lay, shave, build) For example: glue - glue, glue, glue, glue, glue 2) Eleven verbs - exceptions: 7 in ET (look, see, offend, hate , depend, twirl, endure) and 4 verbs in AT (hear, breathe, hold, drive) All other verbs, including lay, shave, build, belong to the I conjugation.

Slide 6

Example of reasoning when choosing an unstressed personal ending of a verb
Are you angry (what are you doing?) What should I do? angry verb to IT; this means that this is a verb of the II conjugation, I write - you are - you are angry Put on ... t (what will he do?) what to do put on the verb to EAT (no exception): this means that this is a verb of the I conjugation, I write - he will put on

Slide 7

Write it down, inserting – e – or – and at the unstressed endings of verbs; indicate verb conjugation
Man’s labor is food...t, and laziness is port...t. A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work. – don’t...write, – don’t erase, – don’t…stay. Words that cover the leaves and stab the stem in the eyes. Sow a day earlier, reap a week earlier. On gloomy autumn days, you not only can’t see, but also don’t feel the sun. What was, then we will see...m, what will be, we will see...m

Slide 8

Variable verbs:
Want, run

Slide 9

Rewrite, putting the verbs in the correct form of the present tense, highlighting the endings of the verbs. Define conjugations
1.Pine tops (wave) friendly. 2. The purple curtain (to sway) a little in the wind. 3. (Pour) ripe nuts into my hazel box. 4. Don’t foam the sea, don’t (splash) the wave. 5. The frost slightly (pinch) my cheeks.