Biographies Characteristics Analysis

An example of an intramuscular injection. Technique for performing intramuscular, intravenous and subcutaneous injections

Medicinal injections can be done at home, observing all precautions and the administration algorithm.

Features of intramuscular injections

Intramuscular injection (injection) is a parenteral method of administering a drug, previously converted into a solution, by injecting it into the thickness of the muscle structures with a needle. All injections are classified into 2 main types - intramuscular and intravenous. If injections for intravenous administration must be entrusted to professionals, then intramuscular administration can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. Intramuscular injection can also be practiced by people who are far from medicine, including teenagers, if constant injection treatment is necessary. The following anatomical zones are suitable for injection:

    gluteal region(upper square);

    hip(outer side);

    shoulder area.

Administration to the femoral region is preferable, but the choice of injection site depends on the nature of the drug. Antibacterial drugs are traditionally placed in the gluteal region due to high pain. Before the injection is administered, the patient needs to relax as much as possible, sit comfortably on a couch, sofa, table. Conditions must be conducive to the administration of the drug. If a person injects himself independently, the muscles of the injection area should be relaxed while the arm is tense.

Intramuscular injections are the best alternative to oral medications due to the rapidity of action of the active substance and minimizing the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

Parenteral administration significantly reduces the risks of allergic reactions and drug intolerance.

Pros and cons of injections

The rate of maximum concentration of drugs for intramuscular injection is slightly lower than for drugs for infusion (intravenous) administration, but not all drugs are intended for administration through venous access. This is due to the possibility of damage to the venous walls and a decrease in the activity of the medicinal substance. Aqueous and oily solutions and suspensions can be administered intramuscularly.

The advantages of drugs for intramuscular administration are the following:

    the possibility of introducing solutions of different structures;

    the possibility of introducing depot preparations for better transport of the active substance, to provide a prolonged result;

    rapid entry into the blood;

    introduction of substances with pronounced irritating properties.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of self-injection into the gluteal region, the risk of nerve damage when inserting a needle, and the danger of getting into a blood vessel with complex medicinal compositions.

Some drugs are not administered intramuscularly. Thus, calcium chloride can provoke necrotic tissue changes in the area of ​​needle insertion, inflammatory foci of varying depth. Certain knowledge will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences from improper administration of injections in violation of technology or safety rules.

Consequences of incorrect setting

The main causes of complications after erroneous administration are considered to be various violations of the technique of administering injection drugs and non-compliance with the antiseptic treatment regimen. The consequences of errors are the following reactions:

    embolic reactions, when a needle with an oil solution penetrates the wall of a vessel;

    the formation of infiltration and compaction due to non-compliance with the aseptic regime and constant administration in the same place;

    abscess due to infection of the injection site;

    nerve damage due to incorrect choice of injection site;

    atypical allergic reactions.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you should relax the muscle as much as possible. This will avoid breaking thin needles when administering the drug. Before administration, you need to know the rules for the injection procedure.

How to do it correctly - instructions

Before insertion, the area of ​​intended insertion must be inspected for integrity. It is contraindicated to inject into an area with visible skin lesions, especially those of a pustular nature. The area should be palpated for the presence of tubercles and compactions. The skin should come together well without causing pain. Before administration, the skin is folded and the drug is injected. This manipulation helps to safely administer the drug to children, adults and malnourished patients.

What is needed for the injection?

To streamline the procedure, everything you need should be at hand. Also, a place for treatment must be equipped. If multiple injections are necessary, a separate room or corner for administering the injection is suitable. Giving an injection requires preparation of the site, the working area and the injection site on the human body. To carry out the procedure you will need the following items:

    medicinal solution or dry substance in an ampoule;

    three-component syringe with a volume of 2.5 to 5 ml (according to the dosage of the drug);

    cotton balls soaked in an alcohol solution;

    ampoules with saline solution and other solvent (if necessary, introducing powder).

Before the injection, you should check the integrity of the drug packaging, as well as the ease of opening the container. This will allow you to avoid unforeseen factors when giving an injection, especially when it comes to young children.

Preparation for the process

To prepare, you should use the following step-by-step algorithm:

    the workplace must be clean, the paraphernalia must be covered with a clean cotton towel;

    the integrity of the ampoule must not be compromised, the expiration dates and storage conditions of the medicine must be observed;

    The ampoule should be shaken before administration (unless otherwise indicated in the instructions);

    the tip of the ampoule is treated with alcohol, filed or broken;

    After taking the medicine, it is tedious to release excess air from the syringe container.

The patient should be in a supine position, which reduces the risk of spontaneous muscle contraction and needle fracture. Relaxation reduces pain, risks of injury and unpleasant consequences after insertion.

Administration of the drug

After selecting a location, the area is cleared of clothing, palpated and treated with an antiseptic. When inserting into the gluteal region, it is necessary to press your left hand to the buttock so that the area of ​​intended insertion is between the index and thumb. This allows the skin to be fixed. With your left hand, slightly stretch the skin at the injection site. The injection is made with sharp, confident movements with a slight swing. For painless insertion, the needle should enter 3/4 of the length.

The optimal needle length for intramuscular injection is no more than 4 cm. The needle can be inserted at a slight angle or vertically. The protective cap from the needle is removed immediately before the injection.

After insertion, the syringe is intercepted with the left hand to securely fix it, and the piston is pressed with the right hand and the medicine is gradually injected. If you inject too quickly, a lump may form. After completion, alcoholized cotton wool is applied to the injection area, after which the needle is removed. The injection site should be massaged with an alcohol-soaked cotton ball to prevent the formation of a lump. This will also eliminate the risk of infection.

If the injection is given to a child, it is better to prepare a small syringe with a small and thin needle. Before conducting, it is recommended to grab the skin into a fold along with the muscle. Before injecting yourself, you should practice in front of a mirror to choose the optimal position.

Features of insertion into the buttock

Insertion into the buttock is considered the traditional injection site. To correctly determine the area of ​​intended injection, the buttock is conventionally divided into a square and the upper right or upper left is selected. These areas are safe from accidental needle or drug entry into the sciatic nerve. You can define the zone differently. You need to step back down from the protruding pelvic bones. This will not be difficult for slender patients.

Intramuscular injections can be water or oil. When injecting an oil solution, the needle must be inserted carefully so as not to damage the blood vessels. Drugs for administration should be at room temperature (unless otherwise indicated). This way the medicine disperses throughout the body faster and is easier to administer. When injecting an oil preparation, after inserting the needle, the piston is pulled towards itself. If there is no blood, the procedure is completed painlessly. If blood appears in the syringe reservoir, you should slightly change the depth or angle of the needle. In some cases, it is necessary to replace the needle and try again to inject.

Before inserting a needle into the buttock, you should practice yourself in front of a mirror and completely relax during the manipulation.

The following step-by-step instructions should be followed:

  1. inspect the ampoule for integrity and expiration dates;
  2. shake the contents so that the medicine is evenly distributed throughout the ampoule;
  3. treat the intended injection site with alcohol;
  4. remove the protective cap from the needle and the drug;
  5. inject the medicine into the syringe reservoir;
  6. gather the skin into a fold and press the buttock with your left hand so that the injection area is between the index and thumb;
  7. administer the drug;
  8. apply alcohol-soaked cotton wool and pull out the needle;
  9. massage the injection area.

The alcohol cotton wool should be thrown away 10-20 minutes after the injection. If the injection is given to a small child, you should seek the help of third parties to immobilize the baby. Any sudden movement during injection can lead to a broken needle and increased pain from the injection of the drug.

In the thigh

The insertion zone into the thigh is the vastus lateralis muscle. Unlike insertion into the gluteal muscle, the syringe is inserted with two fingers of one hand using the principle of holding a pencil. This measure prevents the needle from entering the periosteum or sciatic nerve structure. To carry out the manipulation, the following rules must be observed:

    muscles should be relaxed:

    patient's posture - sitting with knees bent;

    palpating the area of ​​intended injection;

    antiseptic surface treatment;

    insertion and fixation of the syringe;

    injection of a medicinal product;

    clamp the insertion area with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol;

    massaging the injection area.

If there is a significant amount of subcutaneous fat in the thigh area, it is recommended to take a needle of at least 6 mm. When administering the drug to children or debilitated patients, the injection area is formed in the form of a fold, which necessarily includes the lateral muscle. This will ensure that the drug reaches the muscle and reduce the pain of the injection.

In the shoulder

Administration into the shoulder is due to difficult penetration and absorption of the drug during subcutaneous administration. Also, localization is chosen if the injection is painful and difficult to tolerate by children and adults. The injection is placed in the deltoid muscle of the shoulder, provided that other areas are inaccessible for manipulation or several injections are required. Insertion into the shoulder requires dexterity and skill, despite the accessibility of the intended insertion area.

The main danger is damage to nerves, blood vessels, and the formation of inflammatory foci. The basic rules for giving an injection in the shoulder are as follows:

    determination of the area of ​​intended introduction;

    palpation and disinfection of the injection area;

    fixing the syringe and confidently inserting the needle;

    injecting the solution, applying alcohol wool and withdrawing the needle.

To determine the zone, it is necessary to conditionally divide the upper part of the arm into 3 parts. To inject, you need to select the middle lobe. The shoulder should be free of clothing. At the moment of the injection, the arm should be bent. The subcutaneous injection should be made at an angle at the base of the muscle structure, and the skin should be folded.

Security measures

Injections are a minimally invasive procedure, so it is important to follow all precautions. Knowledge will help prevent the risks of complications in the form of local reactions and inflammation. The basic rules include the following:

    If there is a series of procedures, then the injection area should be changed every day. You cannot give the injection in the same place. Alternating the injection zone reduces the pain of injection and reduces the risk of hematomas, papules, and bruises.

    It is important to ensure the integrity of the packaging of the drug and the syringe. You only need to use a disposable syringe. Sterility in injection matters is the main aspect of safety.

    If there are no conditions for unhindered administration of the drug on the patient’s body, it is better to use a 2-cc syringe and a thin needle. This way there will be fewer seals, less pain, and the drug will disperse faster into the bloodstream.

    Used syringes, needles, and solution ampoules should be disposed of as household waste. Used cotton wool, gloves, and packaging must also be thrown away.

If the oil solution gets into the blood, an embolism may develop, so before injection you should pull the syringe plunger towards you. If during this manipulation blood begins to enter the syringe reservoir, this indicates that the needle has entered a blood vessel. To do this, you need to change its direction and depth without removing the needle. If the injection does not work, you should replace the needle and inject in another place. If no blood enters during the reverse movement of the piston, then you can safely complete the injection.

You can learn how to give injections at special courses at medical colleges or institutes. Self-education can help you start treatment long before visiting a doctor, during a remote consultation. Also, this can help organize early discharge from hospitals, as there is no need for constant assistance from nursing staff. Self-prescription of drugs and determination of the injection zone without consulting a doctor is prohibited. Before administering the medicine, you can read the instructions again.

Intramuscular injections

Intramuscular injections are most often carried out in the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal region (to determine the injection site, the buttock area is conventionally divided into four squares by two lines (Fig. 9, Appendix)) or the anterior outer surface of the thigh.

Patient position- lying on your stomach or side (this position helps relax the muscles of the gluteal region).

Execution order:

preparing a syringe with medication for injection:

Open the packaging of the disposable syringe, take the needle by the sleeve with tweezers in your right hand, and place it on the syringe;

Check the patency of the needle by passing air or a sterile solution through it, holding the sleeve with your index finger, place the prepared syringe in a sterile tray;

Before opening an ampoule or bottle, carefully read the name of the medicine to make sure it corresponds to the doctor’s prescription, check the dosage and expiration date;

Lightly tap the neck of the ampoule with your finger so that the entire solution ends up in the wide part of the ampoule;

File the ampoule in the area of ​​its neck with a nail file and treat it with a cotton ball soaked in a 70% alcohol solution; when taking the solution from the bottle, remove the aluminum cap from it with non-sterile tweezers and wipe the rubber stopper with a sterile cotton ball moistened with a 70% alcohol solution;

Using the cotton ball used to wipe the ampoule, break off the upper (narrow) end of the ampoule;

Take the ampoule in your left hand, holding it with your thumb, index and middle fingers, and take the syringe in your right hand;

Carefully insert a needle placed on a syringe into the ampoule and, pulling back the piston, gradually draw the required amount of the contents of the ampoule into the syringe, tilting it if necessary;

When drawing a solution from a bottle, pierce the rubber stopper with a needle, put the needle with the bottle on the cone of the syringe, lift the bottle upside down and draw the required amount of the medicinal substance into the syringe;

Remove the syringe from the needle to collect the drug and put the injection needle on it;

Remove any air bubbles in the syringe; to do this, turn the syringe with the needle up and, holding it vertically at eye level, press the piston to release air and the first drop of the drug, holding the needle by the sleeve with the index finger of your left hand;

Perpendicular to the surface of the skin, with a vigorous movement at an angle of 90º, insert the needle to a depth of 3/4 of its length (the needle must be inserted so that 2-3 mm remains between the needle sleeve and the patient’s skin);

Then, slowly pressing on the syringe plunger, inject the medicinal substance evenly;

The needle should be removed from the patient’s body with a sharp movement, at the same angle, without making unnecessary movements of the needle in the tissues;

Treat the injection site with a clean cotton swab soaked in 70% ethyl alcohol.

Subcutaneous injections

Due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is well supplied with blood vessels, subcutaneous injections are used for faster action of the drug. Subcutaneously administered medicinal substances have an effect faster than when administered orally, because they are quickly absorbed. Subcutaneous injections are made with a needle of the smallest diameter to a depth of 15 mm and up to 2 ml of medications are injected, which are quickly absorbed into the loose subcutaneous tissue and do not have a harmful effect on it.

The most convenient sites for subcutaneous injection are:

Outer surface of the shoulder;

Subscapular space;

Anterior outer surface of the thigh;

Lateral surface of the abdominal wall;

The lower part of the axillary region.

In these places, the skin is easily caught in the fold and there is no danger of damage to blood vessels, nerves and periosteum.

In places with edematous subcutaneous fat;

In seals from poorly absorbed previous injections.

Execution order:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running warm water; without wiping with a towel, so as not to disturb the relative sterility, wipe them with alcohol; wear sterile gloves;

Preparing a syringe with medication (see IM injection);

Treat the injection site sequentially with two cotton balls with alcohol: first a large area, then the injection site itself;

Place the third ball of alcohol under the 5th finger of your left hand;

Take the syringe in your right hand (hold the needle cannula with the 2nd finger of your right hand, hold the syringe piston with the 5th finger, hold the cylinder from the bottom with the 3rd-4th fingers, and the top with the 1st finger);

With your left hand, gather the skin into a triangular fold, base down;

Insert the needle at an angle of 45° into the base of the skin fold to a depth of 1-2 cm (2/3 of the needle length), hold the needle cannula with your index finger;

Place your left hand on the plunger and inject the medicine (without transferring the syringe from one hand to the other).

Remove the needle, holding it by the cannula;

Press the injection site with a cotton ball and alcohol;

Give a light massage to the injection site without removing the cotton wool from the skin.

Intravenous injections

To perform intravenous injections, it is necessary to prepare on a sterile tray: a syringe (10.0 - 20.0 ml) with a drug and a 40 - 60 mm needle, cotton balls; tourniquet, roller, gloves; 70% ethyl alcohol; tray for used ampoules, vials; container with a disinfectant solution for used cotton balls.

Execution order:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running warm water; without wiping with a towel, so as not to disturb the relative sterility, wipe them with alcohol; wear sterile gloves;

Draw the medicine from the ampoule into a disposable syringe;

Help the patient take a comfortable position - lying on his back or sitting;

Give the limb into which the injection will be made the required position: the arm is extended, palm up;

Place an oilcloth pad under your elbow (for maximum extension of the limb at the elbow joint);

Place a rubber tourniquet (on a shirt or napkin) on the middle third of the shoulder so that its free ends are directed upward, the loop is directed downward, the pulse on the radial artery should not change;

Ask the patient to work with his fist (to better pump blood into the vein);

Find a suitable vein for puncture;

Treat the skin in the area of ​​the elbow bend with the first cotton ball soaked in 70% ethyl alcohol, in the direction from the periphery to the center, discard it (pre-treatment of the skin);

Take the syringe in your right hand: fix the needle cannula with your index finger, and use the rest to cover the cylinder from above;

Check that there is no air in the syringe; if there are a lot of bubbles in the syringe, you need to shake it, and the small bubbles will merge into one large one, which can be easily pushed out through the needle into the tray;

Again, with your left hand, treat the venipuncture site with a second cotton ball with alcohol, discard it;

Fix the skin in the puncture area with your left hand, stretching the skin in the area of ​​the elbow with your left hand and slightly shifting it to the periphery;

Holding the needle with the bevel upward at an angle of 45°, insert it under the skin, then reducing the angle of inclination and holding the needle almost parallel to the surface of the skin, move it along the vein and carefully insert the needle 1/3 of its length (with the patient’s clenched fist);

Continuing to fix the vein with your left hand, slightly change the direction of the needle and carefully puncture the vein until you feel “entering the void”;

Pull the plunger towards you - blood should appear in the syringe (confirmation that the needle has entered a vein);

Untie the tourniquet with your left hand, pulling one of the free ends, ask the patient to unclench his hand;

Without changing the position of the syringe, press the plunger with your left hand and slowly inject the medicinal solution, leaving 0.5 ml in the syringe (if it was not possible to completely remove air from the syringe);

Apply a cotton ball with alcohol to the injection site and carefully remove the needle from the vein (hematoma prevention);

Bend the patient’s arm at the elbow joint, leave the ball of alcohol in place, ask the patient to fix the arm in this position for 5 minutes (to prevent bleeding);

Dump the syringe into a disinfectant solution or cap the needle;

After 5-7 minutes, take the cotton ball from the patient and throw it into a disinfectant solution or into a bag from a disposable syringe;

Remove gloves and place them in a disinfectant solution;

Wash the hands.

Preparing the intravenous transfusion system

(Fig. 10, appendix)

1. Put on a mask, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running warm water, without wiping with a towel, so as not to disturb the relative sterility, wipe them with 70% ethyl alcohol, put on sterile gloves.

2. Check the expiration date and tightness of the packaging with the system by squeezing it on both sides.

3. Prepare a sterile tray with napkins and cotton balls.

4. Take a bottle with a medicinal substance, check the expiration date, appearance, and compare it with medical prescriptions.

5. Remove the central part of the metal cap from the bottle with tweezers and treat the bottle stopper twice with cotton balls soaked in 70% ethyl alcohol.

6. Open the package and remove the system.

7. Close the clamp on the system.

8. Remove the cap from the polymer needle and insert it into the bottle until it stops.

9. Turn the bottle upside down and secure it on a tripod.

10.Open the air duct plug on the system.

11.Fill the dropper to half the control container, periodically pressing on its body.

12.Open the clamp and release air from the tube system.

13.Close the clamp and fix the system on the tripod.

14. Perform venipuncture.

15.Use the clamp to adjust the required infusion rate.

16. After the manipulation, the used system must be disinfected (before soaking the system in the solution, it must be cut with scissors).

Target: therapeutic - the introduction of a drug into muscle tissue.

Indication: doctor's prescription.

Contraindications: atrophy of muscle tissue: damage to the skin and subcutaneous fat of any nature at the injection site; allergic reaction to a drug.

Places of administration: upper outer quadrant of the buttock; middle third of the anterolateral surface of the thigh; the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder.

Complications: needle breakage; damage to nerve trunks, sepsis, air, oil embolism; abscess; infiltrate; viral hepatitis; AIDS; allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock.

Prepare: sterile: cotton balls, disposable syringe with a capacity of 5-10 ml, injection needle 40-60 mm long, gloves, medications prescribed by a doctor; alcohol 70%; KBU.

Action algorithm:

1. Read the instructions for use of the drug.

2. Explain to the patient the process and purpose of the procedure, give information about the administered drug.

3. Help the patient take a comfortable position: when inserted into the buttock - on the stomach or side; in the thigh - lying on your back with the leg slightly bent at the knee joint or sitting; in the shoulder - lying or sitting.

4. Clear the injection site from clothing.

5. Determine the injection site (upper outer quadrant of the buttock).

6. Palpate the injection site to exclude the presence of nodules and indurations.

7. Decontaminate your hands at a hygienic level, treat them with a skin antiseptic, and put on gloves.

8. Assemble the syringe (see standard).

9. Fill the syringe with the prescribed medication (see standard); place the syringe in the syringe packaging.

10. Treat the injection site sequentially with two cotton balls soaked in alcohol: first a large area, then the injection site itself. Place the third cotton ball with alcohol between the IV and V fingers of your left hand.

11. Take the syringe in your right hand (place the V finger on the needle cannula; the II finger holds the syringe piston; I, III, IV fingers are on the cylinder (the piston handle is free).

12. Stretch and fix the skin at the injection site with fingers I and II of your left hand.

13. Insert the needle into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock (holding the syringe perpendicular to the skin at an angle of 900), leaving at least 0.5 cm of the needle length above the skin.

14. Place your left hand on the piston, grasping the rim of the cylinder with fingers II and III, press the piston with finger I and inject the medicine.

15. Apply a sterile cotton ball moistened with alcohol to the injection area.

16. Remove the needle with your right hand in a quick motion.

17. Lightly massage the injection site without removing the cotton ball from the skin.

18. Place the used cotton balls, syringe, gloves in the CCU.

19. Wash and dry your hands.


When performing an intramuscular injection into the middle third of the anterolateral surface of the thigh and the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder, hold the syringe as for a subcutaneous injection, insert the needle at an angle of 450;

When introducing oil solutions, suspensions, as well as medicinal solutions, before administration, make sure that the needle does not fall into a blood vessel, slightly pull the piston towards you; if blood appears in the syringe (this means the vessel is injured), then change the position of the needle, moving it up and into side, check again where the needle is. After making sure that the needle is not in the vessel, inject the drug into the muscle. If blood appears in the syringe again, remove the syringe and repeat the injection, replacing the needle and preferably in the other direction.

To avoid the formation of infiltrates, place a heating pad at the injection site and make an iodine mesh.

Before administration, heat oil solutions in a water bath at a temperature of – 370 – 380 C.

25. Calculation and administration of heparin 5 thousand units. Demonstrate subcutaneous injection technique.

Functional purpose: reduce blood clotting and administer the exact dose.

Indication: as prescribed by a doctor.

resources: Devices, instruments, medical products - 2 ml syringe, sterile tray with balls, napkins, tweezers; tray for waste material, tray for injection, sterile needle for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection (for taking medicine), non-sterile tweezers or scissors

Medicines– alcohol, container with disinfectant. solution, skin antiseptic, first aid kit for AS

Other consumables – a bottle of heparin, gloves, a cup, a puncture-proof container for transporting used syringes, a container for collecting needles.

Heparin is available in 5 ml bottles, 1 ml contains 5 tons of units. The price division of 2.0 syringes - 0.1 ml contains 500 units of heparin.

Injection sites: heparin is placed subcutaneously in the anterior abdominal wall, 2 fingers to the right or left of the navel.

Action algorithm:

Inform the patient about the doctor’s prescription, explain the process and purpose of the procedure;

Obtain consent, wash your hands at a hygienic level, treat with an antiseptic

Look at the syringe packaging (expiration date, tightness), assemble the syringe, observing infection control;

Read the name of the drug, look at the expiration date, dosage;

Using tweezers, open the aluminum cap in the center of the bottle;

Take the ball with sterile tweezers, place it in your hand, place the tweezers in a glass;

Moisten the ball in alcohol or antiseptic and treat the rubber stopper, place the ball in the waste material tray;

Attach the kit needle to the syringe and draw the dose from the bottle (see bottle kit) prescribed by the doctor and another 0.2 divisions more than the dose;

Remove the needle and put it in disinfectant. solution, put on a hypodermic needle, release air from the syringe (into the cap), leaving the specified dose in the syringe;

Prepare a tray for injection - place a sterile two-layer napkin on the bottom with tweezers;

Place a syringe with medicine on it, take 3 balls with tweezers, place them in your hand, then moisten them with alcohol, put them on a napkin and cover everything with a napkin;

Ask the patient to lie on their back and release the abdominal area;

Inspect the injection site, palpate for the presence of infiltrates;

Put on gloves, treat the injection site with balls twice, one large surface, the second injection site, place the balls in the waste material tray;

Perform a subcutaneous injection (see technique for performing a subcutaneous injection);

To prevent hematoma, before administering the medicine, check whether you have entered the vessel:

~ to do this, pull the syringe plunger towards you, if blood does not appear in the syringe, then inject the medicine, if it gets into the vessel, then move the needle forward or backward (this depends on the depth of needle insertion) and check again, and if there is no blood, then administer the medicine;

Place the ball (3) on the puncture site and quickly remove the needle;

Place all waste material in the tray (do not put the cap on the needle);

Ask about the patient's well-being;

Disinfect the syringe, needles, tray, balls in a 3% chloramine solution for an hour (all separately);

Remove gloves, disinfect them for an hour in a 3% chloramine solution;

Wash your hands and make a note on the patient observation sheet.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Unfortunately, situations where a mother is forced to undergo “express training” in the technique of intramuscular injections are not uncommon. Some cannot leave their sick child in the hospital, some simply do not have a hospital nearby, and another mother is not able to pay for the services of a nurse. This is where the question arises - how to give injections to a child. By the way, this “talent” can come in handy in the most unexpected situations. Therefore, let us remember...

What is needed for injections in the butt of a newborn - we prepare for manipulation.

First of all, we buy at the pharmacy everything you need for injections:

  • The drug itself . Naturally, prescribed by a doctor, and only in the dosage that corresponds to the prescription. Checking the expiration date is mandatory. It is also worth matching the contents of the ampoule and the description in the instructions (must match).
  • Medical alcohol.
  • Sterile cotton wool.
  • Syringes.

Choosing the right syringe for injections for a child:

  • Syringes- only disposable.
  • Needle for intramuscular injection usually comes with a syringe. Make sure that the needle included in the kit is suitable for injection (they are different for water and oil injections).
  • Choosing a syringe with a needle depends on the age and size of the baby, the drug and its dosage.
  • The needle should go under the skin easily, Therefore, we choose it correctly - so that the injection, instead of intramuscular, does not end up being subcutaneous, and then we do not have to treat the lump. For babies up to one year: syringes for babies 1 ml. For children 1-5 years old: syringes – 2 ml, needle – 0.5x25. For children 6-9 years old: syringe – 2 ml, needle 0.5x25 or 0.6x30

Find in advance a place where it will be more convenient to give the baby an injection: the lighting should be bright, the baby should be comfortable, and so should you. Before you unpack the syringe, once again check the dosage and expiration date of the medicine, name of the drug.

Preparing for intramuscular injection to a child - detailed instructions.

  • First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. and wipe them with medical alcohol.
  • Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the injection is given into the gluteal muscle. . Determining the “point” for the injection is not difficult: mentally divide the buttock (and not the whole butt!) into 4 squares and “aim” at the upper right square (if the buttock is right). For the left buttock, the square, accordingly, will be the upper left.
  • Let's keep calm otherwise, the baby will instantly feel your panic, and it will be very difficult to give an injection. The more confident and relaxed you are and, most importantly, the baby, the easier the needle will go in.
  • Wipe the ampoule with alcohol , dry cotton wool or a piece of sterile gauze. We make an incision on the ampoule - along the line of the supposed fracture. For this, a special nail file is used (usually included in the package). It is strictly forbidden to beat off, break off, or “bite off” the tip of the ampoule without this tool - there is a risk that small fragments will get inside.
  • Unpacking a disposable syringe from the piston side.
  • We connect it with a needle, without removing the protective cap from the needle.
  • If the medicine is in an ampoule – in dry form, dilute it, according to the instructions and doctor’s prescription, with water for injection or another drug prescribed by the doctor.
  • Remove the cap from the needle and dialing the required amount of the drug into the syringe.
  • Be sure to remove air from the syringe. To do this, lift the syringe with the needle up, lightly tap the syringe with your finger so that all the air bubbles rise closer to the hole (to the needle). We press the piston, expelling the air out.
  • If everything is correct – a drop of the drug will appear on the hole of the needle. Remove the drop with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol and put on the cap.

Advice: We carry out all preparatory manipulations so that the baby does not see them - do not frighten the baby in advance. We leave the prepared syringe with the medicine (and with the cap on the needle) on a clean saucer on the shelf/table and only then call/bring the child into the room.

Intramuscular injection technique for young children - video on how to give an injection to a child.

  • Use warm hands to massage your buttock “for an injection” - gently and gently to “disperse the blood” and relax the gluteal muscle.
  • Calm the baby, distract him, so that he wouldn't be scared. Turn on a cartoon, call your dad dressed up as a clown, or give your baby a toy syringe and a teddy bear - let him also “give an injection” at that very moment - one-two-three. The ideal option is to distract the baby so that he does not notice the moment when you raise the syringe over his butt. This way the gluteal muscle will be more relaxed, and the injection itself will be less painful and quicker.
  • Wipe the injection site with cotton wool (a piece of gauze) moistened with alcohol - from left to right.
  • Remove the cap from the syringe.
  • With your free hand, gather the desired gluteal “square” into a fold (for adults, injections, on the contrary, stretch the skin).
  • Fast and sharp, but controlled movement insert the needle at a 90 degree angle. We insert the needle to a depth of three-quarters of its length. The injection is intramuscular, so when you insert the needle to a shallower depth, you reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug and create “soil” for the appearance of a subcutaneous lump.
  • Thumb - on the piston, and with the middle and index fingers we fix the syringe in the hand. Press the plunger and slowly inject the medicine.
  • Next is the place where the needle was inserted , lightly press with cotton wool soaked in alcohol (prepare in advance), and quickly remove the needle.
  • Use the same cotton wool to press the hole from the needle. , lightly massaging the skin for a few seconds.

Don’t forget to draw a funny picture for your baby iodine mesh on the butt(at the injection site) so that the medicine is better absorbed, and regularly massage the buttock, to avoid the "bump".

And the most important thing– praise your baby, because he withstood this procedure with dignity, like a real fighter.

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It happens that you need to get an injection, but there is no doctor nearby. And you have to turn to relatives and those who are nearby. There are craftsmen who can inject themselves, but this is not a very good idea, if only because it is inconvenient. It is better to give instructions to a person who is ready to help with the procedure.

Step 1: Prepare everything you need

Soap. Not necessarily antibacterial.

Towel. It should be clean, or better yet, disposable.

Plate. You will need to put all the tools on it. At home it is difficult to disinfect the table surface, for example, so you have to work from a plate. It must be washed with soap and wiped with an antiseptic - an alcohol wipe or cotton wool with alcohol or chlorhexidine.

Gloves. At home, gloves are often neglected, but in vain. Since there is no question of any sterility here, gloves are especially needed to protect both the patient and the person giving the injection from the transmission of infections.

Syringes. The volume of the syringe must correspond to the volume of the medicine. If the medicine needs to be diluted, then keep in mind that it is better to take a larger syringe.

Needles. They will be needed if the medicine needs to be diluted. For example, if a dry drug is sold in an ampoule with a rubber cap, then it is diluted as follows:

  1. The solvent is drawn into the syringe.
  2. The rubber cap is pierced with a needle and the solvent is released into the ampoule.
  3. Shake the ampoule without removing the needle to dissolve the medicine.
  4. Draw the solution back into the syringe.

After this, the needle must be changed, because the one that has already pierced the rubber cap is not suitable for an injection: it is not sharp enough.

Antiseptic or alcohol wipes. You need 70% alcohol, an antiseptic based on it, or chlorhexidine. For home use, it is best to use disposable alcohol wipes, which are sold at any pharmacy.

Place for trash. You will have to put waste material somewhere: packaging, lids, napkins. It’s better to immediately throw them into a separate box, basket, or wherever is convenient for you, so that it all doesn’t end up on a plate with clean tools.

Step 2: Learn to wash your hands

You will have to wash your hands three times: before collecting the instruments, before the injection and after the procedure. If it seems like a lot, it does.

Lifehacker wrote about how to properly wash your hands. This one has all the basic moves, but add a couple more to them: lather each finger on both hands and your wrists separately.

Step 3: Prepare the area

Choose a convenient place so that you can place a plate with tools and easily reach it. Another mandatory attribute is good lighting.

It does not matter how the person receiving the injection is positioned. He can stand or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for him. But the one who injects should also be comfortable so that his hands do not shake and he does not have to jerk the needle during the injection. So choose a position that suits everyone.

If you are afraid of injecting in the wrong place, before the procedure, draw a hefty cross directly on your buttock.

First, draw a vertical line in the middle of the buttock, then a horizontal one. The upper outer corner is where you can stab. If you're still scared, draw a circle in this corner. For artistic painting, at least an old lipstick or cosmetic pencil is suitable, just make sure that particles of these products do not get on the injection site.

While the patient lies and is afraid, we begin the procedure.

Step 4: Do everything in order
  1. Wash your hands and plate.
  2. Treat your hands and plate with antiseptic. Throw away the cotton wool or napkin immediately after processing.
  3. Open five alcohol wipes or make as many cotton balls with antiseptic. Place them on a plate.
  4. Take out the medicine ampoule and syringe, but do not open them yet.
  5. Wash your hands.
  6. Put on gloves and treat them with antiseptic.
  7. Take the ampoule with the medicine, treat it with an antiseptic and open it. Place the ampoule on a plate.
  8. Open the package with the syringe.
  9. Open the needle and draw the medicine into the syringe.
  10. Turn the syringe with the needle up and release the air.
  11. Treat the patient's buttock with an alcohol or antiseptic wipe. First - a large area. Then take another napkin and wipe the place where you will inject. Movements for processing - from the center to the periphery or from bottom to top, in one direction.
  12. Take the syringe in a way that is convenient for you. The needle should be perpendicular to the skin. Insert the needle in one motion. There is no need to push it all the way so as not to break it: 0.5–1 cm should remain outside.
  13. Administer the medicine. Take your time, make sure that the syringe and needle do not dangle or twitch. You can hold the syringe with one hand and press the plunger with the other.
  14. Take the last alcohol wipe or cotton wool, place it next to the injection site and in one motion, pull out the needle to quickly apply pressure to the wound.
  15. Don't rub anything with the napkin, just press and hold.
  16. Throw away used tools.
  17. Wash your hands.

If the injection is painful, inject the medicine slowly. It seems that the faster, the sooner a person will be exhausted, but in fact, a slow introduction is more comfortable. Average speed - 1 ml in 10 seconds.

Don’t be afraid to treat the ampoule, hands or skin with an antiseptic once again. Here it is better to overwork than to underwork.

If you need to change needles after drawing up medication, do not remove the cap from the new one until you install it on the syringe. Otherwise, you can inject yourself. For the same reason, never try to cap a needle if you have already removed it.

If you don't know how hard to stick a needle, at least practice on chicken fillet. Just to understand that it's not scary.

When to give an injection without specialists

  1. If the drug was not prescribed by a doctor. In general, there is no need to engage in self-medication, much less injections, even if for some reason you want to “inject some vitamins.” The drug, its dosage, how to dilute it - all this is determined by the doctor, and only he.
  2. If the patient has never taken this drug before. Many medications have side effects and can cause unwanted reactions. Medicines that are administered through injections enter the blood faster, so reactions to them appear quickly and strongly. Therefore, it is better to do the first injection in a medical facility and not rush to run away from there, but wait 5-10 minutes so that everything is in order. If something goes wrong, the clinic will help, but at home you may not be able to cope.
  3. When you have the opportunity to use the services of doctors, but don’t want to. An intramuscular injection is short-lived and inexpensive, but doing it at home may end up ending, so you won’t be able to save either money or time.
  4. When the person who needs the shot has HIV, hepatitis or other blood-borne infections, or if it is not known whether the person has these infections (no valid certificate). In this case, it is better to entrust the matter to specialists in order to eliminate the risk of infection: doctors have more experience, and they will then dispose of the instruments properly.
  5. If you are very scared and your hands are shaking so much that you do not hit the patient.