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Examples of studying the convergence of a number series with fractions. Rows for dummies

Example No. 9

Investigate the convergence of the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))$.

Since the lower limit of summation is 1, the general term of the series is written under the sum sign: $u_n=\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))$ . First, let's determine whether this series is positive, i.e. Is the inequality $u_n≥ 0$ true? The factor $\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))> 0$, this is clear, but what about the arctangent? There is nothing complicated with the arctange: since $\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1)) >0$, then $\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))>0$ . Conclusion: our series is positive. Let us apply the comparison criterion to study the issue of convergence of this series.

First, let's select a series with which we will compare. If $n\to\infty$, then $\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))\to 0$. Therefore, $\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))\sim\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))$. Why is that? If we look at the table at the end of this document, we will see the formula $\arctg x\sim x$ for $x\to 0$. We used this formula, only in our case $x=\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))$.

In the expression $\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))$ we replace the arctangent with the fraction $\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n- 1))$. We get the following: $\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))$. We have already worked with such fractions before. Discarding the “extra” elements, we arrive at the fraction $\frac(1)(\sqrt(n)\cdot\sqrt(n))=\frac(1)(n^(\frac(1)(2)+\frac (1)(3)))=\frac(1)(n^(\frac(5)(6)))$. It is with the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n^\frac(5)(6))$ that we will compare the given series using . Since $\frac(5)(6)≤ 1$, then the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n^\frac(5)(6))$ diverges.

$$ \lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1)))(\frac(1) (n^\frac(5)(6)))=\left|\frac(0)(0)\right|=\left|\begin(aligned)&\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n- 1))\to 0;\\&\arctg\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1))\sim\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1)).\end(aligned) \right| =\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\frac(1)(\sqrt(n))\cdot\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2n-1)))(\frac(1)( n^\frac(5)(6))) =\\=\pi\cdot\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\sqrt(n))(\sqrt(2n-1)) =\pi \cdot\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(1)(\sqrt(2-\frac(1)(n)))=\pi\cdot\frac(1)(\sqrt(2-0) )=\frac(\pi)(\sqrt(2)). $$

Since $0<\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{2}}<\infty$, то ряды $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\arctg\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{2n-1}}$ и $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^\frac{5}{6}}$ сходятся либо расходятся одновременно. Так как ряд $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^\frac{5}{6}}$ расходится, то одновременно с ним будет расходиться и ряд $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\arctg\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{2n-1}}$.

I note that in in this case instead of the arctangent in the expression of the general term of the series there could be a sine, arcsine or tangent. The solution would remain the same.

Answer: the series diverges.

Example No. 10

Examine the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\left(1-\cos\frac(7)(n)\right)$ for convergence.

Since the lower limit of summation is 1, the common term of the series is written under the sum sign: $u_n=1-\cos\frac(7)(n)$. Since for any value $x$ we have $-1≤\cos x≤ 1$, then $\cos\frac(7)(n)≤ 1$. Therefore, $1-\cos\frac(7)(n)≥ 0$, i.e. $u_n≥ 0$. We are dealing with a positive series.

If $n\to\infty$, then $\frac(7)(n)\to 0$. Therefore, $1-\cos\frac(7)(n)\sim \frac(\left(\frac(7)(n)\right)^2)(2)=\frac(49)(2n^2) $. Why is that? If we look at the table at the end of this document, we will see the formula $1-\cos x \sim \frac(x^2)(2)$ for $x\to 0$. We used this formula, only in our case $x=\frac(7)(n)$.

Let's replace the expression $1-\cos\frac(7)(n)$ with $\frac(49)(2n^2)$. Discarding the “extra” elements, we arrive at the fraction $\frac(1)(n^2)$. It is with the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n^2)$ that we will compare the given series using . Since $2 > 1$, the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n^2)$ converges.

$$ \lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(1-\cos\frac(7)(n))(\frac(1)(n^2))=\left|\frac(0)(0 )\right|= \left|\begin(aligned)&\frac(7)(n)\to 0;\\&1-\cos\frac(7)(n)\sim\frac(49)(2n^ 2).\end(aligned)\right| =\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\frac(49)(2n^2))(\frac(1)(n^2))=\frac(49)(2). $$

Since $0<\frac{49}{2}<\infty$, то ряды $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left(1-\cos\frac{7}{n}\right)$ и $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^2}$ сходятся либо расходятся одновременно. Так как ряд $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^2}$ сходится, то одновременно с ним будет сходиться и ряд $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\left(1-\cos\frac{7}{n}\right)$.

Answer: the series converges.

Example No. 11

Investigate the convergence of the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)n\left(e^\frac(3)(n)-1\right)^2$.

Since the lower limit of summation is 1, the general term of the series is written under the sum sign: $u_n=n\left(e^\frac(3)(n)-1\right)^2$. Since both factors are positive, then $u_n >0$, i.e. we are dealing with a positive series.

If $n\to\infty$, then $\frac(3)(n)\to 0$. Therefore, $e^\frac(3)(n)-1\sim\frac(3)(n)$. The formula we used is located in the table at the end of this document: $e^x-1 \sim x$ at $x\to 0$. In our case, $x=\frac(3)(n)$.

Let us replace the expression $e^\frac(3)(n)-1$ with $\frac(3)(n)$, thereby obtaining $n\cdot\left(\frac(3)(n)\right)^ 2=\frac(9)(n)$. Removing the number, we arrive at the fraction $\frac(1)(n)$. It is with the harmonic series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n)$ that we will compare the given series using . Let me remind you that the harmonic series diverges.

$$ \lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(n\left(e^\frac(3)(n)-1\right)^2)(\frac(1)(n))=\lim_( n\to\infty)\frac(\left(e^\frac(3)(n)-1\right)^2)(\frac(1)(n^2)) =\left|\frac(0 )(0)\right|=\left|\begin(aligned)&\frac(3)(n)\to 0;\\&e^\frac(3)(n)-1\sim\frac(3) (n).\end(aligned)\right| =\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\frac(9)(n^2))(\frac(1)(n^2))=9. $$

Since $0<9<\infty$, то одновременно с рядом $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n}$ будет расходиться и ряд $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}n\left(e^\frac{3}{n}-1\right)^2$.

Answer: the series diverges.

Example No. 12

Investigate the convergence of the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\ln\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5)$.

Since the lower limit of summation is 1, the general term of the series is written under the sum sign: $u_n=\ln\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5)$. Since for any value of $n$ we have $n^3+7 > n^3+5$, then $\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5) > 1$. Therefore, $\ln\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5) > 0$, i.e. $u_n > 0$. We are dealing with a positive series.

It is somewhat difficult to notice the equivalence that is needed in this case. Let's write the expression under the logarithm in a slightly different form:

$$ \ln\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5)=\ln\frac(n^3+5+2)(n^3+5)=\ln\left(\frac( n^3+5)(n^3+5)+\frac(2)(n^3+5)\right)=\ln\left(1+\frac(2)(n^3+5)\ right). $$

Now the formula is visible: $\ln(1+x)\sim x$ for $x\to 0$. Since for $n\to\infty$ we have $\frac(2)(n^3+5)\to 0$, then $\ln\left(1+\frac(2)(n^3+5) \right)\sim\frac(2)(n^3+5)$.

Let's replace the expression $\ln\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5)$ with $\frac(2)(n^3+5)$. Discarding the “extra” elements, we arrive at the fraction $\frac(1)(n^3)$. It is with the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n^3)$ that we will compare the given series using . Since $3 > 1$, the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(1)(n^3)$ converges.

$$ \lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\ln\frac(n^3+7)(n^3+5))(\frac(1)(n^3))=\lim_(n \to\infty)\frac(\ln\left(1+\frac(2)(n^3+5)\right))(\frac(1)(n^3))=\left|\frac( 0)(0)\right|= \left|\begin(aligned)&\frac(2)(n^3+5)\to 0;\\&\ln\left(1+\frac(2)( n^3+5)\right)\sim\frac(2)(n^3+5).\end(aligned)\right|=\\ =\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(\frac (2)(n^3+5))(\frac(1)(n^3)) =\lim_(n\to\infty)\frac(2n^3)(n^3+5)=\lim_ (n\to\infty)\frac(2)(1+\frac(5)(n^3))=\frac(2)(1+0)=2. $$

Since $0<2<\infty$, то одновременно с рядом $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^3}$ сходится и ряд $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\ln\frac{n^3+7}{n^3+5}$.

Answer: the series converges.

Example No. 13

Explore the series $\sum\limits_(n=1)^(\infty)\frac(n^n)(7^n\cdot n$ на сходимость.!}

Since the lower limit of summation is 1, the common term of the series is written under the sum sign: $u_n=\frac(n^n)(7^n\cdot n$. Так как $u_n ≥ 0$, то заданный ряд является положительным.!}

Let a positive number series $ \sum_(n=1) ^\infty a_n $ be given. Let us formulate the necessary criterion for the convergence of a series:

  1. If the series converges, then the limit of its common term is zero: $$ \lim _(n \to \infty) a_n = 0 $$
  2. If the limit of the common term of the series is not equal to zero, then the series diverges: $$ \lim _(n \to \infty) a_n \neq 0 $$

Generalized harmonic series

This series is written as follows: $ \sum_(n=1) ^\infty \frac(1)(n^p) $. Moreover, depending on $p$, the series converges or diverges:

  1. If $ p = 1 $, then the series $ \sum_(n=1) ^\infty \frac(1)(n) $ diverges and is called harmonic, despite the fact that the common term $ a_n = \frac(1)( n) \to 0 $. Why is that? The remark said that the necessary criterion does not give an answer about the convergence, but only about the divergence of the series. Therefore, if we apply a sufficient criterion, such as the integral Cauchy criterion, it becomes clear that the series diverges!
  2. If $ p \leqslant 1 $, then the series diverges. Example, $ \sum_(n=1) ^\infty \frac(1)(\sqrt(n)) $, in which $ p = \frac(1)(2) $
  3. If $p > 1$, then the series converges. Example, $ \sum_(n=1) ^\infty \frac(1)(\sqrt(n^3)) $, in which $ p = \frac(3)(2) > 1 $

Examples of solutions

Example 1
Prove the divergence of the series $ \sum_(n=1) ^\infty \frac(n)(6n+1) $

The series is positive, we write down the common term:

$$ a_n = \frac(n)(6n+1) $$

We calculate the limit at $ n \to \infty $:

$$ \lim _(n \to \infty) \frac(n)(6n+1) = \frac(\infty)(\infty) = $$

We take $ n $ out of brackets in the denominator, and then perform a reduction on it:

$$ = \lim_(n \to \infty) \frac(n)(n(6+\frac(1)(n))) = \lim_(n \to \infty) \frac(1)(6 + \frac(1)(n)) = \frac(1)(6) $$

Since we found that $ \lim_(n\to \infty) a_n = \frac(1)(6) \neq 0 $, then the necessary Cauchy test is not satisfied and the series therefore diverges.

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The series diverges


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At its core, the sum of a series is nothing more than the inverse operation of expanding a function into a series. The transactions are almost reciprocal in nature. It just so happens that the convergence of a series is studied after completing a lecture course in mathematical analysis after limits. The found solution of the series means the result of studying it for convergence or divergence. This result is determined unambiguously. In comparison with analogues, the site has its own undeniable advantages, because it can find the sum of a series online, both a numerical and a functional series, which allows one to uniquely determine the area of ​​convergence of the initial initial series, using almost all known to science methodology. Based on the theory of series, a necessary condition at all times for the convergence of a numerical sequence will be that the limit of the common term is equal to zero number series at infinity. But this condition is not sufficient to establish the convergence of a number series online. Let's take a little break from the current problem and think about another one. philosophical position about series in mathematics. For you, this solution of series online will allow you to become the best calculator and assistant for every day. There is no desire to sit through beautiful winter days studying when the sum of the series is in no time right before your eyes. If someone needs to determine the very circulation of a series, it will take a few seconds after first entering the correct data. While similar sites require compensation for their services, we try to be useful to everyone who wants to try to learn how to solve examples themselves using our simple service. At your discretion, we can present the solution of the series online on any modern device, that is, in any browser. So, finding and proving that the sum of the series 1/n diverges at infinity will be simple task. Always remember how the sum of the series 1/n^2 converges and has a huge value in mathematics semantic meaning. But the sum of a finite series is usually determined after using, for example, the integral test or the Raabe test, which few people know about in ordinary universities. By determining the convergence of online series, scientists have derived various sufficient criteria for the convergence or divergence of a series. The most well-known and frequently used of these methods are the D'Alembert tests, the Cauchy convergence test, the Raabe convergence test, the comparison test for number series, as well as the integral test for the convergence of a number series. They deserve special attention such number series in which the signs of the terms necessarily alternate strictly one after another from minus to plus and back, and absolute values of these number series decrease monotonically, that is, uniformly. In practice, studying series, it turned out that for such number series the necessary sign of convergence of an alternating series online is sufficient, that is, the limit of the common term of the number series being equal to zero at infinity. The sum of the series found in this way turns out to be equivalent to other methods used. The convergence of a series takes a colossal waste of time, since the process itself involves full research functions.. There are many different sites that provide services for calculating the sum of a series online, as well as expanding functions into a series online at any point in the domain of definition of the function under study. You can easily expand a function into a series online in these services, since the functionality for calculating the derivative is used, but the reverse operation is to find the sum of the functional online series, the members of which are not numbers, but functions, is often impossible in practice due to difficulties arising from the lack of necessary computing resources. Use our resource to calculate the sum of series online, check and consolidate your knowledge. If the sum of the series diverges, then we will not get the expected result for further actions in some common task. This can be avoided in advance by applying your knowledge as a specialist. Finally, one cannot fail to mention how the sum of the series 1/n is the simplest in expression and is often cited as an example. Even when they want to show some sign of convergence in a case, they prove it for the sum of the series 1/n^2, because such a representation is transparent to students and students do not get confused. Since we have an expression for the complex general term of the series, the sum of the finite series would be useful if its convergence is proven for the majorizing series (relative to the original one). On the other hand, the convergence of the series will occur regardless of initial conditions tasks. The best solution to series can only be offered by our service website, because only we guarantee saving your time by correlating the cost of calculation with the usefulness and accuracy of the result. Since the required sum of a series can be represented in most cases by a majorizing series, it is more appropriate to study it. Hence, the convergence of the series from the majorizing common term will clearly indicate the convergence of the main expression, and the problem will be solved by itself immediately.. Higher education teachers educational institutions They can also use our row solution online and check the work of their cadets. For some case, the sum of a series can be calculated in a problem for physics, chemistry or an applied discipline, without getting stuck in routine calculations, so as not to stray from the main direction when studying some natural process. To begin with, they usually write down the most simplified expression in the form of the sum of the series 1/n and this approach is justified. The number Pi is present in many computational operations, but the sum of the series 1/n^2 can be said to be classic example convergence of the harmonic series at infinity. What does the expression “sum of a finite series” mean? And this means precisely that it converges and the limit of its partial sums has a specific numeric value. If the convergence of the series is confirmed and this affects the final stability of the system, then it is possible to change the input parameters of the problem and try again. Finally, we would like to give you advice that is implicit at first glance, but very useful in practice. Even if you have sufficient experience in solving series and do not need such services for solving series online, we suggest you start finding the sum of a series by determining the convergence of the series. Spend just a minute on this action, using the site, so that throughout the calculation of the sum of the series, just keep this fact in mind. It won't be too much! A lot has been written about the sum of a series online on websites on mathematics; many illustrations have been attached of how in the last century scientists used symbols to designate expressions for the sum of a series. By and large, little has changed, but interesting points There is. If convergence of a series online seems impossible, then simply check the entered data and calmly repeat the request. It’s better to first double-check the common term of the series. And every solution to online series will appear immediately on the site; you do not have to click additional links in order to get the answer to the problem. The best, according to experts, makes students more demanding when choosing a calculator for solving series. In the sum of the series as online service introduce the concept of convergence of a series, that is, the existence of a finite sum. Basic topics such as integrals and derivatives are introduced along with this section, as they are all closely related. Let's talk with us about how the sum of the series 1/n diverges as the variable tends to infinity. However, another sum of such a series as 1/n^2 will, on the contrary, converge and take final number howl expression. It is interesting to study cases when the sum of a finite series is presented gradually in the form of intermediate partial sums of the series with a step-by-step increase in the variable by one, or maybe several units at once. We recommend checking for series convergence online after own decisions tasks. This will allow you to understand the topic in detail and increase your level of knowledge. Never forget about this, we are trying only for you. Once during a lesson, the teacher showed how to solve series online using computer technology. I must say that everyone liked it quite a bit. After this incident, the calculator was in demand throughout the entire mathematics course. It would not be superfluous to check how the sum of the series is calculated by an online calculator in a few seconds after you request to show the result. It will immediately become clear in which direction the progress in solving the problem should be pursued. Since not much has been written about the convergence of series in some expensive textbooks, it is better to download several good reports from outstanding scientists from the Internet and take a training course using their methods. The result will be good. When solving series, one cannot exclude the very first sign of convergence, namely, the tendency of the limit of its common term to zero. Although this condition is not sufficient, it is always necessary. The integrity of the solved example produces a pleasant feeling on the student when he understands that the sum of the series was calculated without resorting to hints. Textbooks are intended as a guide to using your skills in practice. As you forget the material you have covered, you need to devote at least five minutes every Thursday to skimming the lectures, otherwise by the beginning of the session you will have forgotten everything, and even more so, you will have forgotten how to calculate the convergence of a series. Start with one time and then overcome your laziness. It’s not for nothing that teachers force you to prove how the sum of the series 1/n will diverge. But if, after all, the sum of the series 1/n^2 is presented as an alternating series, then nothing terrible will happen - after all, the absolute series converges! And of course, the sum of a finite series may be of particular interest to you when you study this discipline on your own. The lion's share of examples is solved using d'Alembert's method, and the solution of series is reduced to calculating the limits as the ratio of its neighboring terms, namely the subsequent one to the previous one. Therefore, we wish you good luck in solving mathematics and may you never make mistakes! Let us take as a basic basis the so-called solution of online series in the direction of the research disagreement of involvement fundamental principles and scientific interdisciplinary areas. Let us find the answer for you and tell you in the affirmative that the sum of a series is solved by several fundamentally different methods, but in the end the result is the same. The hint about the convergence of a series is not always obvious to students, even if they are told the answer in advance, although of course this certainly pushes them towards the correct solution. Abstraction in mathematics, although it comes first, is supported by theory and proves some indisputable facts in no time. One cannot miss such an aspect when solving series online as the applicability or inapplicability of basic theoretical principle convergence of a number series and presentation of a complex sum of a series in some simplified version for a more pleasing appearance. But there are known cases when the sum of the series 1/n will converge and we will not bother you with this incident, because all you just need to do is substitute some integer instead of the infinity symbol and then the whole sum will be reduced to the usual arithmetic series. A harmonious series is the sum of the series 1/n^2, then the network to any raised power.

Rows for dummies. Examples of solutions

I welcome all survivors to the second year! In this lesson, or rather, in a series of lessons, we will learn how to manage rows. The topic is not very complicated, but mastering it will require knowledge from the first year, in particular, you need to understand what is a limit, and be able to find the simplest limits. However, it’s okay, as I explain, I will provide relevant links to the necessary lessons. To some readers, the topic of mathematical series, solution methods, signs, theorems may seem peculiar, and even pretentious, absurd. In this case, you don’t need to be too “loaded”; we accept the facts as they are and simply learn to solve typical, common tasks.

1) Rows for dummies, and for samovars immediately content :)

For super-fast preparation on the topic There is an express course in pdf format, with the help of which you can really “raise” your practice literally in a day.

The concept of a number series

IN general view number series can be written like this: .
– mathematical sum icon;
common term of the series(remember this simple term);
– “counter” variable. The notation means that summation is carried out from 1 to “plus infinity”, that is, first we have , then , then , and so on - to infinity. Instead of a variable, a variable or is sometimes used. Summation does not necessarily start from one; in some cases it can start from zero, from two, or from any natural number.

In accordance with the “counter” variable, any series can be expanded:
- and so on, ad infinitum.

Components - This NUMBERS which are called members row. If they are all non-negative (greater than or equal to zero), then such a series is called positive number series.

Example 1

This, by the way, is already a “combat” task - in practice, quite often it is necessary to write down several terms of a series.

First, then:
Then, then:
Then, then:

The process can be continued indefinitely, but according to the condition it was required to write the first three terms of the series, so we write down the answer:

Please note the fundamental difference from number sequence,
in which the terms are not summed up, but are considered as such.

Example 2

Write down the first three terms of the series

This is an example for independent decision, answer at the end of the lesson

Even for a series that is complex at first glance, it is not difficult to describe it in expanded form:

Example 3

Write down the first three terms of the series

In fact, the task is performed orally: mentally substitute into the common term of the series first, then and. Eventually:

We leave the answer as follows: It is better not to simplify the resulting series terms, that is do not perform actions: , , . Why? The answer is in the form it is much easier and more convenient for the teacher to check.

Occasionally occurs reverse reference

Example 4

There is no clear solution algorithm here, you just need to see the pattern.
In this case:

To check, the resulting series can be “written back” in expanded form.

Here's an example that's a little more complicated to solve on your own:

Example 5

Write down the sum in collapsed form with the common term of the series

Perform a check by again writing the series in expanded form

Convergence of number series

One of key tasks topic is study of series for convergence. In this case, two cases are possible:

1) Rowdiverges. It means that infinite sum equal to infinity: or sums in general does not exist, as, for example, in the series
(here, by the way, is an example of a series with negative terms). Nice sample divergent number series was encountered at the beginning of the lesson: . Here it is quite obvious that each next member of the series is greater than the previous one, therefore and, therefore, the series diverges. An even more trivial example: .

2) Rowconverges. This means that an infinite sum is equal to some finite number: . Please: – this series converges and its sum is zero. As a more meaningful example, we can cite infinitely decreasing geometric progression, known to us since school: . The sum of terms is infinitely decreasing geometric progression is calculated using the formula: , where is the first term of the progression, and is its base, which is usually written in the form correct fractions In this case: , . Thus: A finite number is obtained, which means the series converges, which is what needed to be proved.

However, in the vast majority of cases find the sum of the series is not so simple, and therefore in practice, to study the convergence of a series, special signs that have been proven theoretically are used.

There are several signs of series convergence: necessary test for the convergence of a series, comparison tests, D'Alembert's test, Cauchy's tests, Leibniz's sign and some other signs. When to use which sign? It depends on the common member of the series, figuratively speaking, on the “filling” of the series. And very soon we will sort everything out.

! To further learn the lesson, you must understand well what is a limit and it is good to be able to reveal the uncertainty of a type. To review or study the material, please refer to the article Limits. Examples of solutions.

A necessary sign of convergence of a series

If a series converges, then its common term tends to zero: .

Reverse to general case false, i.e., if , then the series can either converge or diverge. And therefore this sign is used to justify divergences row:

If the common term of the series does not tend to zero, then the series diverges

Or in short: if , then the series diverges. In particular, a situation is possible where the limit does not exist at all, as, for example, limit. So they immediately justified the divergence of one series :)

But much more often, the limit of a divergent series is equal to infinity, and instead of “x” it acts as a “dynamic” variable. Let's refresh our knowledge: limits with “x” are called limits of functions, and limits with the variable “en” are called limits of numerical sequences. The obvious difference is that the variable "en" takes discrete (discontinuous) natural values: 1, 2, 3, etc. But this fact has little effect on methods for solving limits and methods for disclosing uncertainties.

Let us prove that the series from the first example diverges.
Common member of the series:

Conclusion: row diverges

The necessary feature is often used in real practical tasks:

Example 6

We have polynomials in the numerator and denominator. The one who carefully read and comprehended the method of disclosing uncertainty in the article Limits. Examples of solutions, I probably caught that when the highest powers of the numerator and denominator equal, then the limit is finite number .

Divide the numerator and denominator by

Series under study diverges, since the necessary criterion for the convergence of the series is not fulfilled.

Example 7

Examine the series for convergence

This is an example for you to solve on your own. Complete solution and the answer at the end of the lesson

So, when we are given ANY number series, Firstly we check (mentally or on a draft): does its common term tend to zero? If it doesn’t, we formulate a solution based on examples No. 6, 7 and give an answer that the series diverges.

What types of apparently divergent series have we considered? It is immediately clear that series like or diverge. The series from examples No. 6, 7 also diverge: when the numerator and denominator contain polynomials, and the leading power of the numerator is greater than or equal to the leading power of the denominator. In all these cases, when solving and preparing examples, we use the necessary sign of convergence of the series.

Why is the sign called necessary? Understand in the most natural way: in order for a series to converge, necessary, so that its common term tends to zero. And everything would be great, but there’s more not enough. In other words, if the common term of a series tends to zero, THIS DOES NOT MEAN that the series converges– it can both converge and diverge!


This series is called harmonic series. Please remember! Among the number series, he is a prima ballerina. More precisely, a ballerina =)

It's easy to see that , BUT. In theory mathematical analysis it has been proven that harmonic series diverges.

You should also remember the concept of a generalized harmonic series:

1) This row diverges at . For example, the series , , diverge.
2) This row converges at . For example, the series , , , converge. I emphasize once again that in almost all practical tasks it is not at all important to us what the sum of, for example, the series is equal to, the very fact of its convergence is important.

These are elementary facts from the theory of series that have already been proven, and when solving any practical example one can safely refer, for example, to the divergence of a series or the convergence of a series.

In general, the material in question is very similar to study of improper integrals, and it will be easier for those who have studied this topic. Well, for those who haven’t studied it, it’s doubly easier :)

So, what to do if the common term of the series TENDS to zero? In such cases, to solve examples you need to use others, sufficient signs of convergence/divergence:

Comparison criteria for positive number series

I draw your attention, that here we are talking only about positive number series (with non-negative terms).

There are two signs of comparison, one of them I will simply call a sign of comparison, another - limit of comparison.

Let's first consider comparison sign, or rather, the first part of it:

Consider two positive number series and . If known, that the series – converges, and, starting from some number, the inequality is satisfied, then the series also converges.

In other words: From the convergence of the series with larger terms follows the convergence of the series with smaller terms. In practice, the inequality often holds for all values:

Example 8

Examine the series for convergence

First, let's check(mentally or in draft) execution:
, which means it was not possible to “get off with little blood.”

We look into the “pack” of the generalized harmonic series and, focusing on the highest degree, we find a similar series: It is known from theory that it converges.

For all natural numbers, the obvious inequality holds:

and the larger denominators correspond to smaller fractions:
, which means, based on the comparison criterion, the series under study converges together with next to .

If you have any doubts, you can always describe the inequality in detail! Let us write down the constructed inequality for several numbers “en”:
If , then
If , then
If , then
If , then
and now it is absolutely clear that inequality fulfilled for all natural numbers “en”.

Let's analyze the comparison criterion and the solved example from an informal point of view. Still, why does the series converge? Here's why. If a series converges, then it has some final amount: . And since all members of the series less corresponding terms of the series, then it is clear that the sum of the series cannot be more number, and even more so, cannot be equal to infinity!

Similarly, we can prove the convergence of “similar” series: , , etc.

! note, that in all cases we have “pluses” in the denominators. The presence of at least one minus can seriously complicate the use of the product in question. comparison sign. For example, if a series is compared in the same way with a convergent series (write out several inequalities for the first terms), then the condition will not be satisfied at all! Here you can dodge and select another convergent series for comparison, for example, but this will entail unnecessary reservations and other unnecessary difficulties. Therefore, to prove the convergence of a series it is much easier to use limit of comparison(see next paragraph).

Example 9

Examine the series for convergence

And in this example, I suggest you consider for yourself second part of the comparison attribute:

If known, that the series – diverges, and starting from some number (often from the very first), the inequality is satisfied, then the series also diverges.

In other words: From the divergence of a series with smaller terms follows the divergence of a series with larger terms.

What should be done?
It is necessary to compare the series under study with a divergent harmonic series. For better understanding construct several specific inequalities and make sure that the inequality is fair.

The solution and sample design are at the end of the lesson.

As already noted, in practice, the comparison criterion just discussed is rarely used. The real workhorse of number series is limit of comparison, and in terms of frequency of use it can only compete with d'Alembert's sign.

Limit test for comparing numerical positive series

Consider two positive number series and . If the limit of the ratio of the common terms of these series is equal to finite non-zero number: , then both series converge or diverge simultaneously.

When is the limiting criterion used? The limiting criterion for comparison is used when the “filling” of the series is polynomials. Either one polynomial in the denominator, or polynomials in both the numerator and denominator. Optionally, polynomials can be located under the roots.

Let's deal with the row for which the previous comparison sign has stalled.

Example 10

Examine the series for convergence

Let's compare this series with a convergent series. We use the limiting criterion for comparison. It is known that the series converges. If we can show that equals finite, non-zero number, it will be proven that the series also converges.

A finite non-zero number is obtained, which means the series under study is converges together with next to .

Why was the series chosen for comparison? If we had chosen any other series from the “cage” of the generalized harmonic series, then we would not have succeeded in the limit finite, non-zero numbers (you can experiment).

Note: when we use the limiting comparison criterion, doesn't matter, in what order to compose the relation of common members, in the example considered, the relation could be compiled the other way around: - this would not change the essence of the matter.