Biographies Specifications Analysis

About the conscious and the unconscious. How to develop empathy how to develop empathy

Robert Johnson - Dreams and Fantasies. Analysis and use

The book gives direct and effective remedy access to inner world dreams and fantasies. The method of working with dreams, which consists of four stages, allows you to effectively develop the active, creative part of our "I", increases self-confidence and makes it possible to achieve our goals.

Robert Johnson - He. Deep Aspects male psychology

Robert Johnson - We. Deep Aspects of Romantic Love

The unconscious and its language

Awareness of the Unconscious

One morning, a woman, as usual, got into the car and went to work, which was ten kilometers from her home. On the way, her imagination played out and she imagined herself the heroine of a grand adventure. She imagined herself to be a simple medieval woman living in the midst of wars and crusades and famous for its strength and sacrifice. She saved her people and met a powerful and noble prince who fell in love with her.

Her mind was completely occupied with these thoughts, and yet she drove through several streets, stopped at traffic lights a couple of times, signaled appropriately when turning, and safely reached the parking lot located under the windows of her office. When she regained consciousness, she realized that she did not remember at all how she got to her destination. She could not remember a single intersection or turn. Her shocked mind asked, "How could I drive this far without realizing it? Where was my mind? Who was driving while I was dreaming?" But this had happened to her before, and so she threw everything that had happened out of her head and went to her office.

While she was sitting at her desk and making a plan for the day, her work was interrupted by one of her colleagues who burst into the office, threw on the table a memorandum that she had shortly distributed to employees, and made a scandal over some insignificant point, with which he disagreed. She was shocked. Such fury over such a petty cause! What got into him?

He himself, listening to his elevated tone, realized that he was making an elephant out of a fly, was embarrassed, muttered an apology and, backing away, left the office. Returning to his office, he asked himself: "What came over me? Where did it come from in me? Little things, as a rule, do not piss me off. I was not like myself!" He guessed that his anger had nothing to do with the colleague's memorandum, but had been seething in him for a long time, and this insignificant reason was only the last straw, because of which the anger broke out. But where this anger came from, he did not know.

If these people had time to think, they might guess that this morning they felt the presence of the unconscious in their lives. In an endless stream of banal events Everyday life we come into contact with the unconscious in various forms, which acts in and through us.

Sometimes the unconscious works in parallel with the conscious mind and takes over driving while the conscious mind is doing something else. We've all, at least once in our lives, driven a few blocks on "autopilot," as the woman in our example did. The conscious mind is distracted for a short time, and the unconscious takes over the direction of our actions. It stops the car at a red light, pulls off at a green light, and enforces traffic rules until the conscious mind returns to its normal state. This is far from the safest way to drive a car, but the unconscious does provide us with such a great vital "safety net" built into us that we take this phenomenon for granted.

Sometimes the unconscious gives rise to a fantasy so filled with vivid, symbolic images that this fantasy completely dominates our conscious mind and holds our attention for a long time. The fantasies of dangerous adventures, heroism, sacrifice and love that fascinate a woman on her way to work are an excellent example of how the unconscious invades our conscious mind and tries to express itself through imagination, using the symbolic language of emotionally charged images.

Another form of manifestation of the unconscious is an unexpected and strong emotion, inexplicable joy or unreasonable anger, which suddenly invade our conscious mind and completely subjugate it. This influx of feelings is completely incomprehensible to the conscious mind, because the conscious mind did not generate it. The man in our example could not explain to himself the inadequacy of his reaction. He asked, "Where did it come from?" He believed his anger came from somewhere from outside and that for several minutes he "was not himself." But, in fact, this rush of uncontrollable emotions was born in himself, in a place that is so deep within his being that the conscious mind cannot see it. This place is called "unconscious" because it is not visible.

The idea of ​​the unconscious comes from simple observations of everyday human life. Our minds contain material whose presence we are mostly unaware of. It happens that, quite unexpectedly, some memories, pleasant associations, ideals, and beliefs come to life in us. We feel that these elements have been somewhere within us for a long time. But where exactly? Yes, in that unknown part of the soul, which is beyond the reach of the conscious mind.

The unconscious is a wonderful universe, consisting of invisible energies, forces, forms of mind, even individual personalities who all live within us. Most people do not realize the true dimensions of this great kingdom, which lives its own completely. independent life that runs parallel to our daily existence. The unconscious is the secret source of most of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. And the power of its influence on us is great also because this influence is imperceptible.

When people hear the term unconscious, most of them intuitively understand what in question. We relate this idea to the myriad of events, large and small, that make up the fabric of our daily lives. Each of us had to do something at a time when his thoughts were in "another place", and then look with surprise at the result of his work. Another thing happens - during some kind of conversation, we suddenly begin to get excited and, quite unexpectedly for ourselves, express a sharp point of view, which we did not even suspect we had.

Sometimes we wonder: "Where did this come from? I didn't know I could feel so strongly about this?" When we begin to take such outbursts of energy from the unconscious more seriously, we understand that the question should sound differently: "What a part of me believe in it? Why does this particular topic cause such a strong reaction in this invisible part of my being?

We can learn to treat this problem with more attention. The term "something came over me" implies a sudden intrusion of the energy of the unconscious. If I say that I didn't look like himself, it is only because I do not understand that the concept of "I" includes my unconscious as well. The hidden part of our being has strong feelings and wants to express them. And if we don't learn how to make inner work , this invisible part will remain hidden from our conscious mind.

This hidden personality can be very harmful or violent, and when it comes out, we are in a very awkward position. On the other hand, we may awaken strong and beautiful qualities that we did not even suspect. We activate hidden resources and do things that we would never do in a normal state, we express such wise thoughts that we were not capable of before, we show nobility and tolerance that are completely unexpected for us. And in each case, we are shocked: "I never thought that I could be like that. I have qualities (both positive and negative) that I did not suspect." These qualities lived in the unconscious, where they were inaccessible to "neither sight nor mind."

Each of us is something more than the "I" that he thinks he is. At any given moment, our conscious mind can focus only on a limited sector of our being. Despite our best efforts towards self-knowledge, only a very small part of a huge energy system the unconscious may be connected to the conscious mind or may function at the level of consciousness. Therefore, we must learn to get to the unconscious and understand the meaning of its messages: this the only way to comprehend the unknown part of our being.

The creation of modern psychology as a science of the psyche and behavior in all their forms and ranges has largely become possible due to the discovery and use of fundamentally new approaches to the study and understanding of the nature and essence of man.

The most significant of them, in terms of content and consequences, was the Copernican revolution of Sigmund Freud. The indisputable historical merit of Z. Freud is that he laid the foundation for a systematic psychological study of the unconscious mind, created the doctrine of the unconscious, psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic tradition. Awareness of the real achievements of Z. Freud presupposes an understanding of the important circumstance that it was he who first managed to overcome the internal limits of psychoanalysis and actually laid the foundations of depth psychology (the concept of E. Bleuler), focused on the study of the unconscious mental, but by no means reduced to its psychoanalytically marked elements .

To a large extent, precisely as a result of these achievements, human psychology, hitherto focused almost exclusively on the study of the phenomena of consciousness and self-consciousness, acquired new dimensions and qualities that made it possible to relatively correctly determine its object and subject, goals and objectives, ideals and norms of research, explanatory principles, methodology, methods and methodological procedures, the main branches, problem fields, functions and significantly supplement, update and strengthen the conceptual potential and categorical-conceptual apparatus.

A retrospective analysis of the problems of the unconscious shows that it has a specific tradition. Some hints of the possible existence of such a problem were contained in early forms folklore, mythology, religion. AT different values and meanings, the problem of the unconscious has been posed and developed in philosophy and psychology throughout their history.

In the European rational tradition, the idea of ​​the unconscious mental goes back to the era of the creation of philosophy (to the teachings of Socrates and Plato about anamnesis - knowledge-remembering, Aristotle's teachings about different parts souls, etc.). A significant contribution to the subsequent pre-psychoanalytic and extra-psychoanalytic understanding and study of the problem of the unconscious was made by B. Spinoza (unconscious "reasons that determine desire"), G. Leibniz (interpretation of the unconscious as the lowest form of mental activity), D. Hartley (connection of the unconscious with activity nervous system), I. Kant ("dark ideas", the connection of the unconscious with the problems of intuitive and sensory cognition, "in the deepest sleep the soul is most capable of rational thinking"), A Schopenhauer (ideas about unconscious internal impulses), K. Carus (key unconscious in the subconscious), E. Hartaman ("Philosophy of the Unconscious"), G. Fechner (the concept of the "soul-iceberg"), T. Lipps (" unconscious representations"and" unconscious sensations "), W. Wundt ("unconscious thinking", "unconscious nature of the processes of perception"), G. Helmholtz (the doctrine of "unconscious inferences"), I. Sechenov ("unconscious sensations or feelings"), And .Pavlov ("unconscious mental life"), V. Bekhterev (activity of the "unconscious"), A. Liebo and I. Bernheim (posthypnotic suggestion and behavior), J. Charcot (ideas of the invisible and unconscious mental trauma), G.Lebon (the unconscious nature of people's behavior; the unconscious as the dominant totality mental processes, always prevailing in the crowd and controlling the "collective soul" of the crowd), G. Tarde ("imitation laws"), P. Janet (mental automatisms and unconscious factors of neuroses), A. Bergson (intuitionism, the unconscious, "superconsciousness") and many other. In general, these ideas and concepts can be understood as a kind of growth points in the awareness of the problem of the unconscious mind.

In the twentieth century, the most detailed and systematic idea of ​​the unconscious mind was developed within the boundaries of the psychoanalytic tradition, which now has a number of teachings, theories, concepts and models. varying degrees generality, reliability and heuristics.

Fundamentally important results were obtained by Z. Freud, who created the correct psychological definition of the unconscious, the doctrine of the unconscious, the corresponding categorical-conceptual apparatus and methods of cognition; established some elements of the content, functioning and regulation of the unconscious.

Defining the unconscious as mental processes, "which manifest themselves actively and at the same time do not reach the consciousness of the person experiencing them", Z. Freud proposed a reasonable understanding of the unconscious as the main and most meaningful system of the human psyche (unconscious - preconscious - conscious), regulated by the principle of pleasure and includes various innate and repressed elements, drives, impulses, desires, motives, attitudes, aspirations, complexes, etc., characterized by unconsciousness, sexuality, asociality, etc. According to Z. Freud, in the unconscious there is a constant struggle between Eros (drives and forces of life, sexuality and self-preservation) and Thanatos (drives and forces of death, destruction and aggression), using the energy of sexual desire (libido). According to the classical psychoanalytic teaching, the content of the unconscious includes: 1) content that was never present in the mind of the individual and 2) content that was present in consciousness, but was forced out of it into the unconscious (desires, memories, images, etc.). ).

In fact, in the teachings of Z. Freud, not two (as is usually believed), but three types of the unconscious are distinguished: 1) The latent unconscious, the content of which, in general, corresponds to the preconscious system of the psyche and can be realized by the individual, 2) The repressed unconscious, the awareness of which involves the use of special (according to Z. Freud, psychoanalytic) methods and 3) the inherited universal human unconscious, which is represented, for example, in the immanent principles of mental life, the universal complexes of Oedipus and castration, drives, motivations, etc.

But, unfortunately, S. Freud did not qualify the inherited unconscious even with the degree of completeness, categorical certainty and systemic nature that are characteristic of his interpretation of other forms of the unconscious, as a result of which additional and excessive incorrectness appeared in psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic tradition. AT this case, perhaps, it would be more appropriate to state the fact of the existence of a phylogenetic (i.e., species, universal) and ontogenetic (i.e., individual) unconscious. Moreover, the representation of the unconscious in certain phylogenetic and ontogenetic hypostases almost automatically opened up opportunities for their concretization, search for relationships and other potentially possible forms the existence of the unconscious.

In terms of cognition of the psyche, behavior and the unconscious mental person special role the dialectical energy-information model of the psyche created by Z. Freud (Unconscious - Preconscious - Conscious) has played and is playing. In the light of modern scientific ideas, this model can be understood, among other things, as a psychological imperative and a prototype for the construction of the latest energy-information models of the psyche, without which the effective development of modern psychology and borderline disciplines is hardly possible.

Taking into account the role that was given in the psychoanalysis of S. Freud to the cognition and interpretation of dreams, as the "royal road" to the world of the unconscious mental person, it should be noted that in the psychoanalytic tradition, some important issues have not been properly explained or even formulated with the desired degree of certainty. These may include, for example, problems of understanding the nature and essence of dream consciousness and dream self-consciousness (including self-control) and their interaction with unconscious forces and tendencies. As special problems, the problem of the possibility of controlling dreams (that is, of influencing their content and direction) and the problem of the possibility of achieving artificial dream catharsis can and should be comprehended. The study of these problems is all the more important, since the principle of external similarity proposed by Z. Freud and the sexual symbolism of dreams, as it turned out, do not at all have the universality that was attributed to them.

The teachings of Z. Freud initiated and stimulated the emergence and development of many diverse approaches to the study of the unconscious mental, within which interesting ideas were formulated and important results were obtained (for example, ideas about intrapsychic communications, compositional features and stratification of the unconscious, the brain substrate of the unconscious, holographic elements of the unconscious, content and functional asymmetry of the interhemispheric interaction of the unconscious, the probabilistic nature of unconscious processes, etc.).

But on the actual psychological level The most stable vector of development still remained the psychoanalytic tradition, the evolution of which, in general, is aimed at moving from teaching to a modern scientific theory of the unconscious mind through successive approximations.

In this regard, the concepts of C.G. Jung, J. Moreno and E. Fromm became essential stages and results.

According to the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung, the unconscious consists of three layers: 1) Personal unconscious - the surface layer of the unconscious, which includes predominantly emotionally colored representations and complexes that form the intimate spiritual life of the individual, 2) Collective unconscious - the innate deep layer of the unconscious, common center and core of the psyche, which has not an individual, but universal nature, representing the experience of previous generations of people and including super-personal universal content and samples that act as a universal foundation mental life. The main content of the collective unconscious, according to C.G. Jung, is archetypes, that is, inherited universal patterns, symbols and stereotypes of mental activity and behavior and 3) the Psychoid unconscious - the most fundamental level of the unconscious, which has properties in common with organic world and a relatively neutral character, due to which it, being completely neither mental nor physiological, is practically completely inaccessible to consciousness.

AT general view these ideas are, for the most part, a kind of psychoanalytic remake, because, ultimately, through updated designations, they reproduce the basic ideas of Z. Freud about the existence of the unconscious, its phylogenetic and ontogenetic forms, the stratification of the unconscious, the dominant role, etc. However, at the same time, C.G. Jung introduced certain innovations, mainly related to the existence and functioning of archaic mental structures. By reducing the collective (i.e., phylogenetic) unconscious to a psychic evolutionary archaic, expressed in archetypes, he significantly contributed to understanding the basic concepts and dimensions of the unconscious psyche and significantly increased the heuristic potential of the psychoanalytic tradition. At the same time, it should be noted that C. G. Jung's assumptions about the existence of some specific archetypes, their forms and role need further critical verification and appropriate justification.

Developing the hypothesis of Z. Freud about the possible existence of a direct relationship and communication between the unconscious different people, J. Moreno formulated the concept according to which the essential basis and mechanism of communication and interaction of people is the "general unconscious", which arises and functions during a relatively long contact between partners and contributes to the removal of interpersonal role conflicts. Generally presented as a generalization cognitive activity and the results of practice, it has not received any theoretical or practical confirmation.

A significant event in the development of psychoanalytic and psychoanalytically oriented ideas about the unconscious was the creation by E. Fromm of the concept of "social unconscious", which is the repressed spheres characteristic of most members of society and containing what this society cannot allow its members to bring to awareness. However, the description and explanation of the social unconscious did not receive the necessary elements of organization, evidence and validity.

Unlike the psychoanalysis of S. Freud (and partially analytical psychology of C. G. Jung), the undeveloped and unconjugated concepts of the general unconscious and the social unconscious, for all their merits and heuristic potential, are a specific form of opinions and assumptions, and not justified working hypotheses, and even especially scientific theories that correspond to the standards of modern scientific knowledge.

Nevertheless, the introduction of ideas about the general and social unconscious into psychoanalytic circulation gave rise to the seeming completeness of the psychoanalytic picture of the unconscious mental and illusory ideas that modern psychoanalysis has some kind of general theory of the unconscious.

The historically important achievements of the psychoanalytic tradition in the formulation, comprehension and private solutions of the problem of the unconscious are great and indisputable. But at the same time, at the present time, there are no necessary and sufficient grounds to believe that modern psychoanalysis has such a theory or opportunities for the exclusive creation of a general theory of the unconscious that meets the standards of modern theory and practice. And in this regard, the factual withdrawal of the psychoanalytic community from the discussion of this fundamental problem is very indicative.

The current fragmentation and approximateness of ideas about the unconscious and the very significant role of this problem give reason to believe that the modern general theory of the unconscious mind is not the result, but one of the most urgent tasks of theoretical psychology and borderline disciplines, the solution of which naturally implies the need to use the huge potential of positive psychoanalytic ideas, approaches and results.

V.I. Ovcharenko

Hello dear blog readers Leadership and Psychology of Success ". In so many of my articles, I recall certain possibilities of our subconscious. But he did not try to reveal this topic in detail, except for one small article called "". So I decided that the time has come to talk in more depth about one of the most little-known functions of the human psyche.
The influence of the subconscious on the fulfillment of desires is difficult to overestimate - it is from the main subconscious programming (unconscious beliefs) that the events that occur or do not occur in our lives depend.

- The term of the subconscious from general psychology;
- On the psychoanalytic concept of the subconscious;
- The subconscious mind as a limitless repository;
- The term collective unconscious;
- Subconscious programming of the future;
- The source of all that exists;
- What influences the formation of subconscious programs;
- The structure of the subconscious: sensations, automatism, impulse, information, attitude, imagination, intuition;
- The place of the conscious in the subconscious responses.

Let's start with the most difficult - the terms of the subconscious.

- The term " subconscious"from general psychology
The subconscious is a term denoting psychophysiological processes that exist without displaying them in consciousness and regardless of conscious control. But, nevertheless, all these subconscious processes depend to a greater extent on the conscious perception of the environment by a person.

- On the psychoanalytic concept " subconscious"
The subconscious (unconscious or unconscious) is the union of mental processes functioning with the absence of subjective control. The subconscious is everything that is not an object of awareness for a person. The term "subconscious (unconscious)" is widely used in psychology, psychiatry, philosophy or in unrecognized sciences studying all sorts of ways to attract success. And, of course, it is often used in this blog =)) The unconscious can also describe automatic actions that are not controlled by the human mind.

- "Subconscious"as a repository of everything that was, is or will be
The subconscious also explains one of the functions of our memory to automatically and instantly record everything that has ever happened to us or will happen to us, regardless of the activity of our consciousness at certain moments. That is, at proper handling into subconscious channels, everyone will be able to remember any actions, events, objects, thoughts ever arising on his life path. The subconscious mind stores any small feature of this world that interacted with our energy field to one degree or another. For example, we are all able to remember what happened to us ten, twenty, thirty years ago. Recall what kind of thought at a certain moment was comprehended, what smells surrounded us, what feelings prevailed in the mind, and even, for example, what was happening at that moment outside of our attention. And if we sleep, all the same, everything that happens around our energy field is deposited in the subconscious.

- collective unconscious
In 1916, Carl Jung introduced the concept of collective unconscious - this is a subconscious form, common for the whole society as one whole and being a product of inherited brain structures. The main difference between the collective subconscious and the individual is that it is common to different segments of the population. This is perhaps one of the deepest layers of the hidden unconscious that is known today. And at the individual subconscious level, any creature on the planet interacts with the collective unconscious.
As an example of the work of the collective unconscious, I will give the results of one interesting experiment, which I can hardly retell, but I hope the meaning will be clear. At one time, some kind of natural disaster happened on several islands, which destroyed almost the entire crop for the local animal world. This led to the fact that the monkeys had nothing to eat and the government, I don’t remember which country =), decided to help the animals. Potatoes were thrown onto the islands, which the monkeys subsequently ate. The potatoes were heavily soiled with soil, which caused some inconvenience for the animals, but one day, one of the containers filled with food fell almost into the water and several monkeys realized that the potatoes could be washed. Subsequently, this method was used by every monkey on this island, but the most important feature was far from this, but that later on each of the remaining and unconnected islands, the animals simultaneously began to act in the same way as the monkeys from the first islands.

Subconscious programming of the future

In the collective unconscious, theoretically, everything that has ever happened during the entire evolution of the planet is stored. It also programmed the nearest (in a sense, possible) future of both any person in particular, and humanity in general. But this does not mean that life is somehow planned in advance. We and only we are the masters of our destiny. AND subconscious programming possible events occurs according to this principle: people radiate a constant stream of thoughts and feelings, which are material energy. This energy vibrates in a certain direction and creates certain events that will happen only if this energy flow does not change, or rather the thoughts and feelings prevailing in the minds of mankind do not change. This is the secret of the prophets, which are different from ordinary people only those that can read information from subconscious channels.

The subconscious as the source of everything that exists

Besides, all sorts of answers already exist in the subconscious channels in advance to any questions, riddles, secrets, as well as any ideas, works, discoveries, events. Everything that was or will ever be invented, in fact, already existed from the very beginning in the common subconscious of all mankind. Don't believe? Read the rules for working with the subconscious of such brilliant people as Einstein, Edison, Emerson, Ford and many others (). These channels are wide open in geniuses, believers (meaning not religious, but enlightened) or so-called sorcerers, prophets, magicians. The rest have to work very hard in a certain direction (for example, in business, in poetry, in literature, in art, and so on), so that ideas come in the form of visual clues or sudden mental decisions, which we later consider to be the result of the work of our intellect alone. In a sense, it is, because for some reason it is we who come to this, and not anyone else, but all the same, all these thoughts / guesses already existed - we just found them as a result of our efforts. In theory, there may be questions that all levels of the subconscious at the moment cannot answer, but today's humanity has not reached even a small fraction of the level of awareness that could generate such questions in our minds.
Almost everyone can learn more freely. Such an ability to work correctly and interact with it makes it possible to find any event, find any information, come up with any discovery, solve any problem, create any work, plan and implement any action and any desire.

What influences the formation of subconscious programs

Subconscious programs are practically not controlled by human consciousness, but initially they are almost completely formed or corrected just during conscious processes. At birth, the subconscious channels of a person are almost completely cleared, except for some residual information from the previous existence of the soul - we will not now prove the possible immortality and transmigration of the soul (this topic is not about that), but the fact that the child comes into this world with some kind of his own program ( energy) is a reality. And for this, the first point affecting the formation of subconscious programs will:
- Previous energy features of the soul. In almost all cases they do not significant influence on further fate of a person, but form certain priorities in the desires and features in the character of the child.
- The next item is parental heredity, or in other words, karma. I think everyone understands that we get some positive or negative energy, genetic characteristics, habits, health, beliefs, and so on from our parents. These channels are formed automatically and unconsciously, but are completely corrected by the third (next) and fourth point.
- The third point is education, the appropriation of certain beliefs in which parents, the state, relatives, and others believe. Constant study external environment in which to live. All sorts of information flows, prohibitions, rules, fears, desires. Automatic formation of the first positive and negative habits. In general, everything and everyone around and in any way interacting with a weakly conscious personality. This too is appropriated on an unconscious or partially unconscious level. All these programs are almost completely corrected by the next paragraph.
- The fourth point is the conscious formation or correction of subconscious programs or the consolidation of all previous reactions. It comes at the moment when the person becomes fully conscious. And later, either the consolidation of some previously assigned subconscious processes (habits, beliefs, ways of thinking, skills), or their blocking and interchange takes place. New (or old) views, ideas, images, rules, skills, fears, anxieties, aspirations, desires, dreams are formed or consolidated. This is the most important step in the formation of subconscious processes on which your will depend. life path. But it is also the most difficult. It is now that faith in one's own possibilities or impossibilities is being founded, which later will become the cutting stone of your life. That is, it depends on this period whether a person will form his subconscious to attract success or to block all possible manifestations of it.

This is probably all of the most important points creating a certain basis, a certain image of the subconscious. But it is very important to understand that no matter what stage a person is at or what he is doing, his subconscious mind is always awake and perceives a huge amount of various information, even if you deliberately do not supply it to him. Almost all people do not attach any importance to this, but this flow of information strongly affects unconscious processes. And it can be both negative and positive (creative). On the one hand, it is not pleasant when your subconscious mind is constantly being corrected without your intervention, but when viewed from the other side, this can be used as a great advantage if you understand what the point is. And the bottom line is that you probably constantly watch your favorite television shows, listen to some music, watch certain films, unconsciously and consciously listen to public opinion, read some newspapers and magazines, use in your speech, constantly communicate with a certain circle of friends and acquaintances. And now I will reveal to you a not-so-secret secret: in approximately 96% of the people of the planet, all these sources, which I have listed a little higher, are at some negative level. This population is characterized by either complete failure or small manifestations of it. In the remaining 3-4% of the Earth's population, the flow of information is completely different, more positive and more creative. These people have 97% of all money and they are either successful or very successful. In simple terms, if most of the incoming information is positive and with shades of success, abundance, opportunities, then beliefs and subconscious programs I will move in this direction. If, on the contrary, most of this information will carry negativity, fears, helplessness, anxieties, poverty, losses and disasters, then, accordingly, the subconscious will work to attract even more of this into your life. And now remember how little useful and positive on television. How few positive and successful friends in your life speak not about problems, but about victories and success. How much in public opinion talk about problematic politics, about failures, about the insignificance of a person and his illnesses, about problems and shortcomings, the like. And which of these is yours, ONLY YOU CHOOSE!

Structure of the subconscious

manifestation of the subconscious certain forms, which in general create the structure of one holistic.
-1. Feel. People feel everything that influences and affects them. But this does not mean that all this is fully realized by consciousness. In the subconscious of a person, certain conditioned reflexes are formed that react to all kinds of irritations. internal organs and impulses from them come to the cerebral cortex, but at the same time they do not turn into conscious sensations as such, but still influencing some behavior of the organism.
There are subconscious sensations. Since we receive every second a lot of all kinds of impressions and influences, we miss a lot. Moving, for example, along the street, we contemplate an incredible number of movements, hear great amount various sounds that orient us during this movement. But we focus our attention on them only when something unpredictable, unexpected or important happens.
All this countless various vibrations, actions, phenomena, movements and properties are constantly happening in front of us, but they are not realized and not perceived by consciousness in any way, unless something happens that nevertheless forces us to pay attention to it (that's why many people may not notice a lot in front of your nose potential until they diligently look for them, concentrating all their attention). It is impossible to consciously perceive the entire impact, because trillions of terabytes of information are constantly bombarding us and it is impossible to cope with such a task, because you would have to keep countless stimuli in your focused attention and in an instant be aware, ponder hundreds of thousands of thoughts. And also we would not be able to switch from negative (destructive) thoughts to positive (creative) ones, and they would simultaneously disturb our emotions, and they, in turn, would not understand what kind of energy to radiate. To our great joy, we have the ability to switch off from some influences and focus on others, completely ignoring the third. And from all this volume of information coming to our subconscious, we unconsciously select, basically, only what excites or interests us. That is why looking at the same thing, everyone can see completely different things, and also being in absolutely equal conditions one does the impossible, while the other drowns in his helplessness.
-2. Automatism. The activity of each person under normal conditions is perceived consciously. But nevertheless, some elements of any activity are carried out at a subconscious level, automatically. For example, in the morning we do a lot of mechanical actions, such as getting dressed, washing, eating, and the like. Or during movement (walking) we make all efforts subconsciously, except for the first instruction to move - we do not focus on which foot, how and where to step, but in childhood the child consciously focused and learned to walk with full concentration of attention. In this way, complex and automated skills, habits, skills are created in people's lives, in which consciousness is both present and absent at the same time. All automated actions are characterized as unconscious, but not all unconscious actions are automated.
Very interesting is the fact that fully conscious actions can be carried out only under such conditions when the maximum value of its elements proceed automatically. For example, to focus completely on the content of the stated oral speech in a state only that individual who has complete automatism of the very act of making a speech (that is, he does not think about how to pronounce his speech correctly and can fully concentrate on the very meaning of the idea being expressed). In order to play any kind of sport with dignity, you need certain and well-developed skills, abilities, abilities inherent in this game and brought to full automatism, so as not to think about the action itself, but choose which of these actions will bring the desired result.
Studies of all kinds of automatism have shown that it (automatism) is far from simple machine-likeness, since it is characterized by the ability to change or rebuild in the movement itself. Also in the mental activity of people there are areas that cannot be fully transferred to the level of automatism. For example, it is not possible to completely reduce the entire process of playing any musical instrument to automatic action.
Automation of many functioning human processes is a significant and necessary feature various mental actions- thinking, speech, memorization, perception and other things. These automations relieve our consciousness of the general and constant control and observation of all these actions. But in spite of everything, consciousness still carries out something like indirect and general supervision, and in cases of need is able to take control of an automated action, speed it up, stop it or slow it down.
-3. Pulse. It appears during impulsive, spontaneous, emotional actions, when a person is not aware of the consequences of his actions and performs them completely subconsciously. The so-called "state of affect."
-4. Information. Information is constantly accumulating throughout human life and is transformed into a certain experience settling in our subconscious memory. And from the total amount of available knowledge, at a certain (necessary) moment, only a small and, in a sense, purposeful part of them will be displayed. But what part of the knowledge will be covered and the effect of its usefulness for this action It will just depend on the previous life experience.
-5. Installation. Installation - is a form of cardinal manifestation of the subconscious. This is a kind of mental phenomenon inherent in man and makes it possible to direct the course of our thoughts and feelings. The setting speaks of the general and holistic state of the individual, and expresses the certainty of mental life, a predisposition to any action, an orientation in any of the types of activity, a stable orientation in relation to certain objects and events.
Steady orientation of the subconscious to certain object persists until all expectations are met. For example:
a) We would stop being afraid of wolves if, at each of our meetings with them, they wagged their tail affectionately at our feet;
b) When a person is endowed with a negative reputation, then any of his actions, even the most innocent, he will arouse suspicion.
Often, attitudes express an inflexible, overly stable, and morbidly obsessive character called fixation (people can feel intense fear, for example, of a mouse, while realizing the complete absurdity of this emotional state).
-6. Imagination. - it mental activity human, based on the creation mental images, situations, ideas, which later will not be perceived as a whole as a reality. It is formed on a certain operation with specific emotional images or visual models our reality, but at the same time contains the outlines of a generalized, mediated knowledge that connects it with thinking. The departure from material reality, which is characteristic of the imagination, provides an opportunity to substantiate it as a process of transforming the reflection of reality.
The main function of the imagination is based on perfect performance performance results before they are actually achieved. In a sense, to experience anticipation of something that does not yet exist at the moment. Associated with this function is the ability to make discoveries, find new paths to success, and find solutions to emerging problems. Not a single discovery in the world has happened if imagination has not been involved in working on it.
Imagination is divided into creative and recreative. Creative imagination is the independent creation of new images and their embodiment in the form of original objects of artistic, scientific and technical activity. Recreating imagination is the creation of new images for pre-existing objects that do not correspond to previous images or descriptions.
There is also a special kind of creative imagination called "dream- imagination of images of the desired future.
The multifaceted sphere of the subconscious emotional world is illusory world dreams are an involuntary activity of the imagination. In dreams, pictures of reality are usually broken and not endowed with elements of logic. In the psychological and philosophical opinion, sleep is explained as a temporary loss of the senses of one's being, a partial deliverance from the negative and mundane own "ego".
-7. Intuition. Intuition is a kind of ability to sense the truth by way of direct observation of it, without any grounds or evidence confirming this truth. Many processes scientific knowledge environment, as well as various types artistic performance peace is not always carried out in a detailed, factually and logically proven form. Very often people think difficult situations(for example, during revolutionary and spontaneous business decisions, when determining the diagnosis of a patient, when perceiving a battle, when determining the guilt or innocence of the accused, etc.).
Intuition does not represent some special unidentified path of cognition leading to a certain bypass of sensations, thinking and ideas. It reflects a way of thinking, when many processes of the same thinking occur in consciousness to a greater or lesser extent subconsciously, at an unconscious level. But in the end, the truth itself or the complete result of all unconscious thought is clearly realized.

The Influence of Conscious Activity on Subconscious Responses

One of important foundations any creativity is purposeful mental work/activity. Maximum and long-term immersion in a certain idea or problem, as well as a passion for it. Once Charles Darwin was asked how he came to one of his discoveries, namely, the discovery of legal natural selection to which he said, "I kept thinking about it." If you just wait for a decision or the emergence of a desired idea, then most of all, they will not come. Only the person who thinks a lot, often, enthusiastically and consciously about the decision can catch the truth in a random observation or in a spontaneously flashing thought.
Thus the unconscious is not simply something "hidden" from the subject's self-knowledge. It is completely free from established patterns, more global and more flexible in all possible directions of its movement, in the types of formation (creation) of associative links. And therein lies its heuristic possibilities.

This concludes my scientific and so complex description of subconscious processes. But in the future there will be even more useful and more simple articles about methods of development and correction of our unconscious. About the importance of the subconscious in the psychology of success, about its manifestation in our daily life and its unlimited power. Well, if you want now make the subconscious your strong ally and helper, then I advise you to visit another useful article that tells about effective methods subconscious audio correction:

Empathy is conscious or unconscious attachment psyche (empathy) to the current emotional state of another person without losing a sense of the external origin of this experience.

With the gift of empathy, you have the ability to look into other people's experiences. You can feel someone else's pain and it can bring you to tears, and you want to help this person.

There is hyperactive empathy.
This is when you have this gift, but do not know how to control it, you are open to all the emotions and impressions of other people, but you cannot center your own feelings and needs. In society you feel the whole emotional background, even walking down the street, you can feel what is happening with the people passing by. Physical empathy can even lead to physical pain that is not yours ("someone else's headache").

Empathy is a gift, in most people it is expressed to varying degrees. If you have the gift of empathy, you need to know how to turn it into your assistant and be able to turn it off. Ideally, one should be able to use it at will and “turn it off” when needed. Some people intuitively know how to do this. Others cannot do this.

When you begin to empathize with someone (pity and sympathize), your field is destroyed.
In other words, when you are centered, you are like a solid bowl, after you begin to empathize and become very nervous, your field becomes like a colander.

You have holes in your energy body through which your energy goes to another person, so you begin to feel like yourself. The opposite also happens when energy flows into you and you absorb everything that happens around you; from other people, places and events.

When you know how to manage your gift, empathy becomes a real gift, because it allows you to see things and events happening to other people. Sympathy causes compassion in us, and compassion allows us to take care of others, to help people who have turned to you. Empathy allows you to experience the unity of being, to feel what it is like to be a different person, to understand the actions of other people.
If you do not know how to turn off this ability, then it can greatly affect your life and destroy you.
Disadvantages of having the gift of empathy if you don't know how to "turn it off": The spectrum is very wide - from annoyance to debilitating physical and emotional state - for example, when you take on the physical and emotional pain of other people.

Are the following problems close to you?

*Presence of hyperactive empathy in relationships:
Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt like someone was going through a lot when they were in trouble and you wanted to help them? This is certainly good if you want to help a person, but what if you want to help a person so much that you start to “take over” his problems? What to do if your own boundaries become blurred, you take on someone else's responsibilities and do not understand where you are and where the other is?

What if by doing this you prevent a person from taking responsibility for these events and close the ability for him to change the situation, gain experience and create his own life? Hyperactive empathy is associated with co-dependency of empaths and other people, as well as a lack of grounding and with a weak sense of clear boundaries in an empath.

*Hyperactive empathy in the social environment:
When you are in society, you are so focused on the people around you that you can read them subtly, intuitively understand the meaning of all their actions. You seem to plunge into their world, into their energy, into their emotions and feelings. If everything in the room is in color, then you are in shades of gray, because you are not yourself, you lose your integrity.

*Hyperactive emotional empathy:
Have you ever had a situation where you were just smitten by a stranger emotional pain? When someone has had a severe loss, for example, someone died, and you start supporting this person, and then you start to feel bad, cry all day and feel all the grief of that person. This kind emotional empathy is completely unnecessary and inappropriate.

*Hyperactive empathy in certain places:
It's when you enter a building and you start to feel the whole emotional background of this place. This is especially true in places a large number people (hospitals, schools, etc.).

*Physical Empathy: Do you feel other people's pain? Physical empathy can give you terrible headaches. It often happens that empaths take on the physical pain of other people like sponges.

These are the most common types of empathy, although there are many more species empathy, such as intellectual empathy, empathy with animals and plants.

You can learn to manage your gift of empathy by
using three simple methods:

1. Pay attention to how you feel.
To overcome empathy, you need to get back to yourself! To center yourself, you need to check yourself: at least once a day, tune in to how you feel. Keep a diary, and before you go to bed, write down how you feel and why.
When people ask you for something, before you say “Yes”, check what you think about it. Don't just automatically feel their needs, but first turn your attention to yourself before you react. Take time to center yourself and pay attention to your feelings. This will take time, but soon, when you are not so attuned to others, your feelings will return to you.
Meditation can also be a good centering tool if done regularly. Imagine how your energy returns to you from other people and you feel whole again.
When I feel like my energy is “out there” (especially after working on the computer and on the Internet all day), I often do visualization in which I see how my energy returns to me from the Internet sites I visit, from people, people I've talked to, spirits I've heard, clients I've worked with. This visualization simply sets off the intention to return your energy to you. This is very useful exercise you can do it before bed.

2. Get in the habit of asking your subconscious mind or Higher Self (angels, God, Universe) to let go of energies that are not yours.

When you feel like you've "picked up" other people's energies or lost yourself in relationships with other people, try taking three deep, long breaths and then say this little prayer: "Now I call on my Higher Self/subconscious/God/angels to help me remove from my physical body and my subtle energy bodies that do not belong to me. Made! Made! Made! OM! OM TAT SAT!”

You can come up with your own message or use this. No need to make it very complicated and long. It should be short and simple. Appeal to Higher Powers is a very powerful and effective way to clear your energy.

3. Let yourself enjoy life
Most empaths are very depressed and unable to enjoy life because of the constant emotional interaction with other people. They often think that they are only there to help those who are suffering. They feel responsible for the suffering and feelings of others and think it is their duty to help everyone feel better.

To fix this, focus on the joy of interacting with other people. If you do not enjoy communicating with a person and feel that this person drains your energy, then it is better to stop communicating. In everyday communication, prioritize your enjoyment of communication and pay less attention to other people than usual. It may sound incredibly selfish, but many empaths need to change their approach to their gift.