Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The problem of heroism: arguments from literature. A unique method for the development of children of all ages: “lettergram” Mikhail Sholokhov

This is amazing. My son, Pasha, is only four and a half years old, but he is already on his own:

  • reads books (5-10 pages),
  • writes entire sentences (though sometimes with errors),
  • learns notes, sings songs he likes,
  • cleans up toys in the room (just to please us),
  • behaves obediently in all classes in kindergarten,
  • and other things that other children his age find it difficult to even half-do.
It's hard to believe, but six months ago
he couldn't do any of this.

Even worse, Pasha was unbearable. Was not assiduous, could not concentrate on one thing longer than one minute. For example, you sit down to read a book with him, read 1-2 pages, and he is already playing with the cat or drawing in his hands. Or, for example, you try to work with him: you say, this is the syllable “ma” and you ask again almost immediately: “Pasha, read this syllable,” and the answer is silence.

And what happened in kindergarten is generally scary to tell. He did not know how to communicate with other children. He threw wooden blocks at other children, fought, pushed, etc. Somehow he actually managed to bite the other boy on the forehead. Although I almost laughed out loud when I saw the victim. That boy was 2 heads taller than him. How Pasha managed to bite him is a mystery. But the fact remains that he was completely uncontrollable.

What helped to change so radically
Plowing in such a short period of time?

What do you think? Many people immediately ask: “What kindergarten do you go to?” Allegedly, it was the teachers who had such an effect on the child. Not them at all. They are, of course, good and wonderful. But when there are more than 20 children per teacher in a group, what kind of individual work can we talk about?

What's next? Maybe doctors? And here again you guessed wrong. We went to the pediatrician, and to the psychologist, and to the speech therapist - everyone’s answers were formulaic. Some say to take pills (sedatives, vitamins, etc.), others say to go to expensive supplements 3 times. classes, and still others accuse us of poor upbringing.

To be honest, we didn’t take sedative pills, I think it’s unacceptable at that age... but we went to classes (we paid about 10,000 rubles), educated him using a special book that a psychologist recommended, and the result is that he wants to cry.

By the way, we started doing this when we were 3 years old. That is, this whole “correction” took a whole year. In my opinion, during this time there should have been at least some result. Or am I wrong?

And the box just opened...

As often happens in life, what we least expected helped us. If you have similar problems with your child, you should definitely try this.

I learned about this technique from TV(even though I rarely watch it). A woman performed there, her name is Svetlana Yulianovna Shishkova. So, she said that the development of children’s abilities (reading, writing, thinking and manifestation of talents) depend on a high-quality “foundation”.

I cannot retell exactly what she said, so I strongly advise you to read the description of this technique and its capabilities. But I’ll copy some of it here for you anyway.

  • IMPACTS AT THE SENSORMOTOR LEVEL (actions and sensations);
  • ACTIVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ALL HIGHER MENTAL FUNCTIONS (attention, memory, spatial relationships);
  • AUTHOR'S DEVELOPMENT (candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Shishkova S. Yu.);
  • THE PROGRAM WORKS FOR BOTH HEALTHY AND CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; MMD - minimal brain dysfunction; mental retardation - mental development delay; autism, etc.);

I ordered this program online as soon as I saw it on TV. I went to the site, read it, watched Svetlana Yulianovna’s video about this technique, read the reviews even from the children themselves - amazing.

Speaking of results, in the end, after 2 months we:

  • We enjoy going to kindergarten and listen well to the teachers.
  • The child has become more diligent, learned to concentrate in classes, remembers poems well and reads them better than others in the group
  • We are almost always given the main roles in all matinees
  • We are writing! We write, of course, with mistakes, but we write! From the series: “Thank you mommy”, “daddy”, “malako”, etc. But the letters, how correct his handwriting becomes... mmmm. It's just a miracle! It feels like his fine motor development has moved to a completely different level.
  • And now - attention...

  • In the extended version, one of the bonuses is “English with ease” and Pasha and I have already started learning! Just a year ago I couldn’t say a word in “our”, but now I’m already beginning to comprehend English. Of course, we are not talking about spoken English)) For now, we are studying the correct spelling of letters...

*The program, by the way, is intended for children from 2 to 15 years old. You can use it to prepare for kindergarten and school. It very well develops fine motor skills, perseverance, concentration, memory, spatial thinking, logic - in general, it develops the child’s brain and the child has a desire to learn.

Dear friends, parents, mothers
and dads, grandparents!

If you dream of your child being the best, most talented and successful in everything, you simply must at least look at this program. Buy or not, decide for yourself. But at the very least, I strongly recommend reading more about this program and looking at the reviews that the children themselves leave after classes using this method. By the way, there are also their creative works, which were done by children of different ages - at 3 years old, and at 6 years old, and at 12 years old. Believe me, your child can be tens and hundreds of times smarter, faster, more talented than he is now - you just need to reveal him with the help of some kind of tool. I think the “Letterogram” technique is an excellent tool for developing a child’s foundation.

Personally, I ordered and read everything about. Follow the link (it is virus-free, everything is fine))) and read it right now.

Health to your children

Sincerely, Sergey (Paul's father).

War is the place where a person shows his obvious face. Some turn out to be traitors, others fight bravely and are not afraid of anything.

Is everyone ready to stand up for their land without the help of other comrades? This is the main question that is in the center of attention of Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov.

All alone, without the help of other soldiers, he was able to “get his tongue”: “... Shkolenko jumped up and, coming close to the German, without taking his eyes off him, indicated with signs that he should unfasten his parabellum and throw it to the ground...” After this task the hero goes to another and on it frees his people from captivity: “Pressing a machine gun to his stomach, Shkolenko fired a long line like a fan, but instead of the Germans, his good friend Satarov, a soldier of the 2nd battalion, who had been captured a few days ago, jumped out of the bushes " K. M. Simonov emphasizes that Shkolenko carried out all these tasks without the help of other soldiers, as he was a brave and persistent person.

Thus, the writer’s position is obvious: in war, only a courageous person will be able to carry out tasks, fight, without asking other comrades for help.

I completely agree with this position and also believe that perseverance and courage play a key role in war. Only with such qualities can a person, without the help of other people, stand up for his land.

When I read the analyzed text, I remembered Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” From the episode “Tushin’s Battery” I know about the courageous feat of Tushin, who, without the help of other soldiers, fired back at the enemies for a long time and persistently. He was ordered to retreat, but the hero did not want to hear this, but continued to fight back and lure other soldiers. Here is an example of a man of steel, capable of fighting at all costs.

The work of Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich “The Fate of a Man” tells about the fate of Andrei Sokolov, who also fought fearlessly in battle and did not wait for the help of others. He was stunned by the explosions, but the hero did not give up, but ran and continued to fight, as he was strong in spirit. Here is another example that proves my point.

Thus, we can conclude that only the most courageous person can really stand up for his land without the help of others, and only a few have this quality.

(341 words)

Updated: 2018-01-21

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Useful material on the topic

S. Alexievich "Uwar is not a woman's face..."

All the heroines of the book had to not only survive the war, but also participate in hostilities. Some were military, others were civilians, partisans.

The narrators feel that having to combine male and female roles is a problem. They solve it as best they can. For example, they dream that their femininity and beauty will be preserved even in death. The warrior-commander of a sapper platoon is trying to embroider in the dugout in the evening. They are happy if they manage to use the services of a hairdresser almost on the front line (story 6). The transition to civilian life, which was perceived as a return to the female role, is also not easy. For example, a participant in the war, even when the war is over, when meeting with a higher rank, she just wants to take it up.

A woman's lot is unheroic. Women's testimonies make it possible to see how enormous the role of “non-heroic” activities, which we all so easily designate as “women’s work,” was during the war. We are talking not only about what happened in the rear, where the woman bore the brunt of maintaining the life of the country.

Women are nursing the wounded. They bake bread, cook food, wash soldiers' clothes, fight insects, delivering letters to the front line (story 5). They feed wounded heroes and defenders of the Fatherland, while they themselves suffer greatly from hunger. In military hospitals, the expression “blood relationship” became literal. The women, falling from fatigue and hunger, gave their blood to the wounded heroes, not considering themselves heroes (story 4). They are wounded and killed. As a result of the path they have traveled, women change not only internally, but also externally; they cannot be the same (it is not for nothing that one of them is not recognized by her own mother). Returning to the female role is extremely difficult and proceeds like a disease.

Boris Vasiliev's story "And the dawns here are quiet..."

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “And the dawns here are quiet...” Quiet dawns cannot be in tune with war, with death. They died, but they won, they didn’t let a single fascist through. They won because they selflessly loved their Motherland.

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the female fighters shown in the story. Both the most comic and the most dramatic scenes are associated with Zhenya in the story. Her goodwill, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, and irreconcilable hatred of her enemies involuntarily attract attention to her and arouse admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of girl fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova acted out a stunning scene of carelessly swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns. In the last minutes of her life, Zhenya called fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her in the side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupidly absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

Courage, composure, humanity, and a high sense of duty to the Motherland distinguish the squad commander, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov to be central, already in the first chapters talks about Osyanina’s past life. School evening, meeting lieutenant border guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and protect herself from gases, the birth of her son, and then... the war. And in the first days of the war she was not at a loss - she saved other people’s children, and soon found out that her husband had died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

More than once they wanted to send her to the rear, but every time she appeared again at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally she was hired as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to quietly and mercilessly hate her enemies. At the position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists emerging from the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone in a homely manner: “It’s bad, girls, it’s going to happen.”

It was clear to him that they could not hold out for long against the teeth of armed enemies, but then Rita’s firm response: “Well, should we watch them pass by?” - obviously, greatly strengthened Vaskov in her decision. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov, taking the fire upon herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to detain the fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was fatal, that she would die long and difficult”

Sonya Gurvich – “translator”, one of the girls in Vaskov’s group, a “city” girl; as thin as a spring rook.”

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry and theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers." The percentage of intelligent girls and students at the front was very large. Most often - freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible thing... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich fought.”

And so, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, the foreman, Sonya rushes for a pouch that he had forgotten on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow from an enemy knife in the chest.

Galina Chetvertak is an orphan, a pupil of an orphanage, a dreamer, endowed by nature with a vivid imaginative imagination. Skinny, little "snotty" Galka did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend, Galka was ordered by the foreman to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of nausea, felt a knife penetrating the tissue, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave birth to a dull, cast-iron horror...” And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could come up with in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.”

The machine gun struck briefly. With a dozen steps, he hit her thin back, tense from running, and Galya plunged face first into the ground, never removing her hands from her head, clasped in horror.

Everything in the clearing froze.”

Liza Brichkina died while performing a mission. In her haste to get to the crossing point and report on the changed situation, Lisa drowned in the swamp:

The heart of the seasoned fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov fills with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength and gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equates Sergeant Major Vaskov and the five girls who “hold their front, their Russia” on the Sinyukhin Ridge.

This is how another motive of the story arises: everyone in his own sector of the front must do the possible and the impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

The school year has come to an end. It's exam time for 11th grade students. As you know, in order to obtain a school certificate, you need to pass two main exams: in mathematics and the Russian language. But there are also a few more items to choose from.

Nuances of essays on the Russian language on the Unified State Exam

To get maximum marks for passing, you need to write the essay correctly, that is, the third part. Part C has a lot of essay topics. The exam organizers offer written work about friendship, love, childhood, motherhood, science, duty, honor and so on. One of the most difficult topics is the problem of courage and perseverance. You will find arguments for it in our article. But that's not all. We also present to your attention a plan according to which you need to write an essay for the Russian language exam in 11th grade.

Many authors wrote about the war. But, unfortunately, these works, like many others, do not linger in the memory of children. We suggest recalling the most striking works in which you can find examples of courage and feat.

Plan for the final essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian

Testing teachers award a large number of points for essays that have the correct composition. If you use our courage writing plan, your teachers will appreciate your work. But don't forget about literacy.

Remember that an essay in the Russian language on the unified state exam differs significantly from written works in social studies, history and literature. It must be compositionally correctly designed.

And we are moving on to the plan for a future essay on the issue of courage and perseverance. The arguments will be given below.

1. Introduction. Why do you think it is needed? The whole point is that the graduate needs to lead the examiner to the main problem that is discussed in the text. As a rule, this is a small paragraph consisting of 3-5 sentences on the topic.

2. Statement of the problem. In this part, the graduate writes that he identified the problem. Attention! When you indicate it, think carefully and find the arguments in the text (there are about 3 of them in the fragment).

3. Alumni comment. At this point, the student explains to the reader the problem of the text read, and also characterizes it. The volume of this paragraph is no more than 7 sentences.

5. Own point of view. At this point, the student must write whether he agrees with the author of the text or not. In any case, you need to justify your answer, in our case on the issue of courage and perseverance. The arguments are given in the next paragraph.

6. Evidence from works of art or arguments from life. Most teachers insist that graduates present 2-3 arguments from works of fiction.

7. Conclusion. As a rule, it consists of 3 sentences. At this point, the graduate’s task is to draw a conclusion to everything said above, that is, to sum up a certain conclusion. The conclusion will be more effective if you end your essay with a rhetorical question.

Many examinees note that the most difficult part for them is the argumentation item. Therefore, we have selected examples of courage in literature for you.

Mikhail Sholokhov. The story “The Fate of Man”

You can show resilience even in captivity. Soviet soldier Andrei Sokolov is captured. Then he ends up in a death camp. One evening the camp commandant calls him and invites him to raise a glass of vodka to the victory of fascist weapons. Sokolov refuses to do this. Among them was a drunken Muller. He invites the prisoner to drink to his own death.

Andrey agreed, took the glass and drank it right away, without taking a bite. Exhaling heavily, he said: “Sign me up.” A company of drunken German officers appreciated the courage and fortitude. Argument No. 1 for your essay is ready. It should be noted that this story ended successfully for the captured soldier Sokolov.

Leo Tolstoy. Epic novel "War and Peace"

It was considered not only in the literature of the second half of the twentieth century, but also a century earlier. When we read this novel in literature lessons, we unwittingly became witnesses to the courage and perseverance of the Russian people. Leo Tolstoy wrote that during the battle the command did not tell the soldiers what to do. Everything went by itself. Wounded soldiers were taken to medical aid stations, the bodies of the dead were carried behind the front line, and the ranks of the fighters closed again.

We see that people did not want to say goodbye to life. But they overcame fear and maintained their fighting spirit under flying bullets. This is where courage and perseverance were manifested. Argument #2 is ready.

Boris Vasiliev. The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

We continue to consider. This time, a brave girl during the Great Patriotic War will demonstrate a lesson of courage to readers. In this story, Boris Vasiliev writes about a detachment of girls who died, but still managed to win because they did not allow a single enemy warrior to enter their native land. This victory took place because they selflessly and sincerely loved their Motherland.

Komelkova Evgenia is the heroine of the story. A young, strong and courageous girl from the fighters of the story. Comic and dramatic episodes are associated with her name. Her character displays traits of goodwill and optimism, cheerfulness and confidence. But the most important trait is hatred of the enemy. It is she who attracts the attention of readers and arouses their admiration. Only Zhenya had the courage to call on enemy fire in order to avert the mortal threat from the wounded Rita and Fedot. Not everyone can forget such a lesson of courage.

Boris Polevoy. "The Tale of a Real Man"

We present to your attention another vivid work that tells about the Great Patriotic War, the heroism and strength of character of the Soviet pilot Maresyev.

In general, Boris Polevoy’s arsenal contains many works where the author examines the problem of courage and perseverance.

Arguments for the essay:

In this story, the author writes about the Soviet pilot Maresyev. It so happened that he survived the plane crash, but was left without legs. This did not stop him from returning to life. The man stood on his prosthetics. Maresyev returned to his life's work - flying.

We have discussed the problem of courage and perseverance. We have presented the arguments. Good luck on the exam!

What was the courage of soldiers during the war? This is precisely the question that arises when reading the text of B. L. Vasiliev.

Revealing the problem of the courage of soldiers during the war, the author describes the Brest Fortress, which was the first to take the fight to the Nazis. Here they will tell about an unknown defender who fought with enemies for almost a year even when he was left completely alone. Here, at the entrance to the station, you will read on a marble slab a note about the heroic defenders who defended the station.

We can find a literary argument confirming this idea in B. Vasiliev’s story “Not on the Lists,” which tells about a soldier who fought in the Brest Fortress for ten months. Lieutenant Nikolai Pluzhnikov arrived at the Brest Fortress late in the evening after graduating from military school and did not have time to check in, and early in the morning the war began. Very soon Nikolai realized that he needed to rely only on his own strength. He made forays to the top every day, killing the invaders, so that the occupiers knew that the fortress had not surrendered. Ten months later, on April 12, 1942, the Germans find Pluzhnikov. From the translator, Nikolai knows that the Germans were defeated near Moscow, and feels that he has fulfilled his duty. Almost blind, he goes out to the enemies, holding himself straight, walks through the enemy line and does not see that the Germans, at the officer’s command, salute the Russian soldier, respecting his courage.

Let us give an example of the courage of soldiers from life. Everyone knows the feat of the 28 Panfilov men who participated in the defense of Moscow in 1941. Near the village of Kryukovo, the fighters, together with other units, stopped the Germans and launched a counter-offensive. The heroes died at the Dubosekovo crossing, but did not give up Moscow to the enemy. This feat became an example of courage and perseverance for the defenders of Stalingrad and Leningrad, and inspired hundreds and thousands of Soviet soldiers in their righteous fight against the Nazis.

Let's summarize. The courage of the soldiers during the war is evidenced by their exploits, which we must always remember.

Updated: 2018-01-15

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