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Programs for learning languages ​​on the computer. Programs for learning English

Why do we study foreign languages? In the world of modern technologies and capabilities, when Google translate can translate huge texts, not only printed, but also dictated, in a matter of seconds. Why do you need independent knowledge? Using one, or better yet several, foreign languages ​​is an indicator of a person’s education and intelligence. It’s so nice when foreigners, making mistakes but trying, address us in our native dialect. Also, learning languages ​​trains memory and develops hearing. The WoMo editors offer you a list of applications with which you can start learning a new language or practice an already familiar one.

Multilingual applications


Not just one, but a whole group of applications. You can find Busuu for learning English, German, French, Japanese, Spanish and Turkish. There are many derivatives. for example, "English for travelers." All tasks are divided into lessons according to difficulty levels. The user looks at the signed illustrations, then goes through a series of written tasks, and so on. Positive aspects of the program: user-friendly interface, more than 3,000 words in 150 topics that are necessary for everyday life. The downside may be the presence of paid content.

Have a couple of free minutes while you're standing in line for your morning coffee or on your way to work? Why not educate yourself? We have selected the best apps for learning English for you! Catch the hot ten!



One of the secrets to the success of this application for learning English is the game form of learning. Your own cute little lion craves meatballs, which can only be obtained by completing lessons.

Another undoubted advantage of the LinguaLeo platform is the availability of a huge amount of media materials (films, books, songs, music and educational videos, etc.) with which you can work in the learning process.


Price: free, paid premium access available


Completely free apps for learning English, and without constant annoying advertising, are rare. That's exactly what Duolingo is.

The learning process takes place in a playful way. As in the previous application, you have a pet (this time an owl) that needs to be fed. You go through level after level, gradually increasing their difficulty and earning trophies, and to make the process not seem so simple, you lose lives for incorrect answers.

Photo: shutterstock

Price: for free

You can download the application on Google Play.

You can download the application in the App Store.


It’s hard to imagine the best apps for learning English without the Words service - even Apple’s editors recognized this at one time, calling it the best new platform.

The application is ideal for learning English words and expanding your vocabulary. Its database contains about 40 thousand words and 330 lessons. The first of them are available for free, then you need to pay. The main advantages of the application are the ability to work offline and create lessons yourself, assigning the program the tasks you need (the latter is only available in the paid version).

Photo: shutterstock

Price: free, paid version available

You can download the application on Google Play.

You can download the application in the App Store.

Easy ten

An application for those who have little time, but have a great desire to master the English language. Every day the service will select 10 new foreign words that you will need to learn, consolidating your knowledge with simple training. By the end of the month, your vocabulary will be replenished with at least 300 new words.

The application also remembers and takes into account your mistakes in tests, giving you the opportunity to repeat and remember especially difficult words.

Photo: shutterstock


You can download the application on Google Play.

You can download the application in the App Store.


Another application recognized as the best. The service is based on a scientific methodology that allows you to learn up to 44 words per hour. The main “weapon” of the application is memes. They allow you to remember material much better, and various game modes train different aspects of memory: visual learning, repetition and consolidation, quick recall, etc.

Also available in the application are thousands of videos and audio recordings of native speakers, various tests, listening tests, etc. Courses can be downloaded and studied offline.

Photo: shutterstock

Price: free, paid content available

You can download the application on Google Play.

You can download the application in the App Store.


The AnkiDroid app offers one of the most effective ways to learn information - educational flash cards. The service is intended not only for learning a foreign language. You can also select and download cards that interest you and thus learn words on the desired topic.

The application database contains more than 6,000 ready-made decks of cards. You can also create them yourself.

Photo: shutterstock

Price: for free

You can download the application on Google Play.

You can download the application in the App Store


English learning apps often use media content as one of the most effective ways to learn. FluentU is one of the best such platforms. To learn the language, real videos are used here: popular talk shows, music videos, funny and commercials, news, interesting dialogues, etc.

The main benefit of the app is that it tracks the words you learn and recommends other videos and activities based on them. The application is planned to be released on Android soon.

Photo: shutterstock

Price: free, or $8–18 per month, $80–180 per year

You can download the application in the App Store.


As an application for learning English on Android or iPhone, the HelloTalk service will be indispensable. This is an educational platform where teachers are native speakers from all over the world. You will be able to talk to them and exchange text messages.

You can download the application in the App Store.

English Grammar Test

The application contains more than 60 tests of 20 tasks, which cover almost the entire grammar of the English language. Each question is devoted to a different grammatical topic. After passing one test, you can test your knowledge in several sections of grammar at once and identify weak points.

You can take both mixed tests and those that correspond to your level or chosen topic. After passing the test, the application will immediately give you the correct answers and explanations for them.

Photo: shutterstock

Price: for free

You can download the application on Google Play.

Urban Dictionary

If your English is at a fairly high level, it’s time to move on to studying slang expressions, the meaning of which is not in every dictionary.

The application contains a huge database of slang with examples of its use in speech. The service allows you to search for slang expressions, add them to your favorites list, and can also give out random phrases for you to study. The application is entirely in English.

Photo: shutterstock

Price: for free

You can download the application on Google Play.

You can download the application in the App Store.

When learning English, you should use not only various textbooks, dictionaries, videos and audio materials, but also applications and computer programs that will help you expand, improve your grammar, and consolidate your knowledge.

Computer programs for learning English

Computer programs are, first of all, designed to consolidate the material studied, as well as. Naturally, there are both paid and free programs, but it makes no difference which option to install. All programs are built on the same principle; the differences mainly lie in the user interface, graphics, vocabulary, and the number of exercises. One paid program can easily be replaced by two or three free ones.

Computer programs allow in the following areas:

  1. Working on vocabulary.
  2. Learning Phonetics.
  3. Studying grammar.
  4. Perception and understanding of English speech.

It is worth noting that computer programs have one significant drawback - a limited amount of material, that is, a certain amount of vocabulary, texts, and tasks are included in the database. Therefore, they should be used only as an aid, and not as the main source of language learning.

Program approaches

The following types of tasks are used for this:

  • Word - translation. It is offered either in Russian and variants of its translation. The task is to choose the right one. More complex tasks may be offered, such as completely translating a word, composing a translation using the suggested letters.
  • Caption of the picture. A picture is given on which an object is drawn, less often an action, and spelling options for this word in English are given. The goal is to choose the right one. You may also be offered a word in English and options for pictures where the object in question is drawn.
  • , such as solving crossword puzzles, games “Bulda”, “Hangman”, “Scrabble”. Suitable for students who speak English at a fairly high level.

Language grammar with practical exercises

There are significantly fewer programs designed to teach grammar. They contain a list of topics with rules and exercises for each rule.

To consolidate and test knowledge, the following types of exercises are used:

  1. Tests. An exercise is proposed in which a word is missing. You must select the correct option from those presented.
  2. Insert missing words. Mainly used when studying the topic “Articles”. In this case, you need not only to insert the missing word, but also to figure out whether this is necessary.
  3. Construction. Given a set of words from which follows. Designed for knowledge of word order in an English sentence. A more complex option is when they are given in the form of an infinitive and the student must also put the word in the required form.
  4. Translation of sentences from Russian into English. At the same time, not only knowledge of grammar, but also vocabulary is tested.

Voiced texts

The use of voiced texts helps not only to consolidate vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the English language, but also to achieve understanding of the text.

In most cases, a series of questions are given for voiced texts, which should be answered after reading or listening to the text.

The use of texts as a whole is not an independent approach, but one of the components of other, more popular ones.

Phonetic association method

The method of phonetic associations has been known since the 70s of the last century. Its essence is that a foreign word is remembered using a similar-sounding one from the native language.

It is best to compose a small consonant translation phrase containing this word.

For example, the English word fish, which is translated as fish, is consonant with the Russian word chip. So, you can make up the sentence “My trick is to fish only in winter.”

Also known as the keyword method or the Atkins method, which was proposed to the first students using this approach.

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Learning a language through music

One of the popular methods is to learn English through music. The songs include many common phrases and expressions that are used in everyday life. In addition, their texts are not adapted, that is, they are designed for native speakers.

Learning English through music helps:

  • Enrich your vocabulary.
  • Develop perception and understanding of speech.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of English words.
  • Master intonation.
  • Get used to the pace of speech.

There are several options for learning a foreign language through music.

  1. One of the most effective is listening, during which you need to follow the text and insert the missing words. In this way, listening skills are trained.
  2. You can listen to a song while following the lyrics and adding words you don’t know to your dictionary.. The program then asks you to do various exercises with these words, which will allow you to remember their translation and meaning.
  3. Another option is karaoke. You turn on the song and follow the lyrics, in which the words are highlighted like karaoke.

The best free programs for learning English

  • Singlish English– a musical simulator for learning English. First, the song is listened to verse by verse, and then its lyrics are written down in a special field. The program checks the correctness of the entry and makes hints. program .
  • FineMemo– a program for replenishing vocabulary. Represents on which words for translation are written. Types of tasks - choosing the correct option, composing a translation from letters.
  • Exerciser– a program for learning English grammar. Consists of a set of rules and tests for them. At the same time, test tasks imply not just choosing the correct option, but typing it manually.
  • Find A Word– a game program for learning English vocabulary and alphabet. A set of letters is offered, from which as many words as possible should be made. Words are checked by the built-in dictionary.
  • Irregular Verbs– a program for learning irregular verbs. It has not only a built-in reference book with rules, but also various tests, grammar, voiced texts and even games that will help you learn as successfully as possible. This will interest the child and motivate him to open the program again and again.
  • Have bright graphics and a simple, intuitive interface. It would be good if the program included a certain character who would act as a mentor to the child - voice the tasks and give instructions on how to complete them, and evaluate the results.
  • Tasks should be given in a playful way, for a correctly completed task, the child should receive a bonus - additional points, stars, praise from the mentor.

The most famous programs aimed at:

  1. Playway to English.
  2. Macmillan Primary Grammar.
  3. Tilly's Word Fun.
  4. Blue's Clues Kindergarten.
  5. MUZZY Interactive.

Using various computer programs when studying will help consolidate previously learned rules, expand your vocabulary, and most importantly, increase your knowledge.

English for children: the sooner the better

Some language programs claim that they will help you learn English the same way you learned your native language, but unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Before they learn to speak, children listen to their native language for almost two years, and only after that they begin to speak. The beginning of this process can hardly be called full speech - children need several years before they can communicate and express themselves clearly.

Children start with single words and sentence fragments (parts) before they improve their language and are able to express complex ideas.

Desire to learn English

The brain of a small child is like a sponge - it constantly absorbs information. This information will come in handy later, sometimes at unexpected times.

Just think how much information a child must hear in the first two years of his life. As children grow older, they begin to understand the meaning of words and apply them in the right context.

Children use motor area of ​​the brain that helps them absorb a second (or even third) language subconsciously (without even realizing it). These functions usually slow down between the ages of 10 and 11.

This is why children who move to a foreign country at a young age master the language much faster than their parents.

Less obsessiveness

When adults learn a language, they are often afraid of making mistakes. They are afraid of looking stupid, embarrassed by their pronunciation or incorrect use of English grammar.

Rule number one for everyone: don’t be afraid to make mistakes and remember your sense of humor. In fact, the reason for fear is not if you will make a mistake, but when you will make it.

Remember, all students make mistakes. This is part of the learning process.

Video English Course for Beginners

Video English Course for Intermediate Level

What resources should you consider?when teaching a child English?

  • Classroom training

You can find English courses at traditional language schools, online or even at your child's regular school. If you have recently moved to a country where English is the primary language, many schools provide special ones as a second language.

  • Online

Many online programs help learn English not only for children, but also for adults. Enter “English online programs” into a search engine and you will see a huge number of offers. To start, find programs that specialize in teaching children.

Then find programs with good reputations and good teachers. Such programs can even teach children English in your native language. One example is VIPKID for Chinese native speakers.

  • Mobile applications

Mobile applications (or apps) are the most versatile tools because you can use them anywhere. Many of these programs are free and allow your children to learn at their own pace, often through play.

This way, children will have fun at the same time.

4 great programs that will brilliantly help children learn English

Muzzy BBC

What is this? Muzzy BBC is a language learning course for children that can be used online or with a set of DVDs.

Online program price:$9.95 per month. If you pay for a long period the price is less.

PriceDVD: Trial period $9.95, then 5 payments of $39.50 per month, or one-time payment of $168.

Description: Muzzy BBC is an episodic program (a story broken into several parts, like a TV show) that will help your child learn English in the same way as their mother tongue.

Muzzy is specially created for children. The people who created the program understand that children have a natural ability to learn languages. Based on this, the developers have included various teaching methods that will help all children with different learning abilities.


What is this? Duolingo is an interactive and mobile app that you can use to learn English and other languages.

Price: For free

Description: If you've been learning English for a long time, you may have already used Duolingo. With Duolingo, your child can learn English in a playful way.

What are the main benefits for children: Kids will love how learning on Duolingo is like a game: the process is divided into steps such as animals, greetings, food, and so on.

This allows children to first practice just the phrases and words in these categories and then use them practically. Once children have mastered the simple stages, they can move on to more complex categories of grammar.


What is this? Memrise is a mobile and online flash card application.

Price: Free, there is a premium subscription for $9 per month.

Description: Memrise uses a flash card format for learning English. The program is supplemented by Memrise users. “Courses” are created by other Memrise users. What's unique about Memrise is that every word or concept has its own pictures and phrases that will help you remember the word you're trying to learn.

What are the main benefits for children: Like Duolingo, kids will love the learning format in Memrise. They will have fun remembering other participants' cards and creating their own. Memrise has thousands of courses to suit every taste.

The ELS Language Centers

What is this? The ESL Language Centers is an organization offering face-to-face English language learning services.

Price: Depends on the program

Description: The ELS Language Centers provide a variety of English programs for children and adults. Since there are so many programs available here, every parent can choose the most suitable option for their child, according to their skills and needs.

What are the main benefits for children: Children can choose from a variety of different programs that combine English learning with their interests. An added benefit for older children is that they can overcome their language insecurities by interacting with other students their own age. The programs are so similar to a regular summer camp that children won't even feel like they're learning.

Many of us studied English at school, at university, some attended courses, but never mastered fluency due to lack of practice. We offer a selection of useful applications to correct the gaps in education.

A review of interesting, useful and non-standard applications for Android and iOS for learning and maintaining the English language at a high level.

How to speak English

The application was created in 2014 by Kaplan. With it you can get rid of your accent. This is possible thanks to three types of exercise: the Challenge section, the Your Sounds and All Sounds sections. The first section is built on the “question-answer” principle, which allows you to determine the level of proficiency in phonetics. Your sounds will allow you to compare your pronunciation with academic pronunciation. The third section contains not only the international phonetic alphabet, but will also teach you to recognize speech errors and their occurrence.

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ED Words

ED Words is an application from the online English language school Englishdom. Helps you remember new words and expand your English vocabulary. Suitable for beginners and users with above-intermediate English. The application is simple and intuitive, there are 350 ready-made thematic sets, as well as the ability to create your own sets and track progress. Uses 4 types of word memorization exercises and the spaced repetition method. There is gamification - compete with friends, learn words, get points and bonuses in the form of premium access to the application. Advertising.

British Council

The British Council is a global organization with training centers in over 100 countries. Many textbooks are published under the editorship of this organization. It is not surprising that the application of the same name is popular.

Applications allow you to learn English through games, videos, podcasts. The student will be offered exercises of different difficulty levels. With the help of the British Council you will learn new words, study grammar, and master correct pronunciation.

Download applications for


The application is ideal for people with audiovisual memory. The whole principle of language learning is based on video: advertising, music videos, dialogues, news. Absolutely everything is built on ensuring that you hear natural English. Moreover, each video comes with interactive captions. This makes learning unknown words much easier - you can click on any unfamiliar word, see its image, meaning and examples of use.

FluentU remembers the words you've covered, so the app loves to recommend example videos that include the words you've learned. The result is a kind of personalized program.

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If you have no problems with oral speech, but there are gaps in written language, then the Quill application will help you cope with them. The program includes tasks of varying complexity for individual and group work. Very convenient for consolidating knowledge of grammar.

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One of the oldest apps for learning English. The application is an addition to the website, which stores a huge amount of useful information: trainings, video tutorials, training courses. There are paid and free ones.

As for the application, it is interesting, first of all, for its competitive nature. Going from simple to complex, moving from one level to another, you compete with yourself, constantly discovering new types of training. The main goal of the program is to teach you new words and grammar. The interface is very simple and looks cartoonish.

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English Idioms and Phrases

If you already have a basic level of knowledge and the only thing that constantly confuses you is incomprehensible phraseological units and phrases, then this application will help correct the situation. Set expressions and idioms require special knowledge, which you will gain by doing exercises and reading a detailed description of each such phrase in the application.

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Duolingo lessons are designed for users who have just started learning English. Words are proposed to be studied by topic. Each lesson is approximately 7 words on the topic of education, science, school. You will be asked to consolidate your knowledge with exercises: for example, you need to match a word with a picture, translate a phrase from your native language into English and vice versa. Once a week they will offer exercises to repeat the words covered.

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Cramming new words is not the most pleasant experience. Moreover, it is very tiring. Memrise is an app that helps you overcome boredom and learn vocabulary with an element of fun through creative and fun activities. It is noteworthy that the tasks are created by the users themselves, so they are definitely proven and effective.

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Rosetta Stone

The app offers a unique way to learn English without using your native one. Those. all words are explained either with pictures or using words already learned. The main goal of the program is to learn words to form phrases and long sentences.

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Carton Tongue Twister

The application developers from Online Science Classroom are confident that the most effective way to learn correct pronunciation is to memorize tongue twisters.

The application interface is designed in the form of interactive cartoons that were drawn by hand. The result was a funny animation with useful content in the form of tongue twisters.

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+ Bonus for advanced experts. Google Play Press

With the help of the application you will always be up to date with all the news. The program allows you to read the English-language press. In turn, this enriches your vocabulary and grammar. Of course, it is worth considering that reading the press implies a certain amount of knowledge that you should already master.

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