Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Take a personality test. Leonhard test - personality type determination online

People often turn to psychologists for help in order to know themselves and understand their problems. To determine some problems, experts recommend taking personality tests. Psychological diagnostics in the form of testing helps people understand their psychological principles and characteristics.

What are psychological tests for?

Passing personality tests, a person finds himself and solves bearing problems. Testing is available not only to professionals, but also to ordinary citizens. You can watch the video and get acquainted with the basics of psychology and psychodiagnostics on the channel.

Psychological personality types, their classification

The formation of a typical personality occurs against the background of temperamental and characteristic differences. Temperament combines innate features predetermined for the work of the nervous system. It is directly proportional to the rate of excitation and inhibition that occurs in the brain.

Hippocrates put forward several psychological types, which are most often based on

  1. Phlegmatic typology (phlegmatic) is assigned to a slow and calm person.
  2. A melancholic is a person who is prone to fear and sadness.
  3. A sanguine person is a person who leads an active lifestyle and sees positive and fun in everything.
  4. Choleric is an overly impulsive person, he is capable of rash and risky actions.

To determine your type, it is enough to pass an easy personality psychology test, which, in turn, will help you understand yourself.

Personality Test

To pass a psychological personality test, you need to take a pen and a blank sheet of paper. For convenience, you can print this table and fill in the empty cells. At the end of the table, the result of the test for the psychological type of personality is deciphered, which will help determine the type of personality.

Questions "Yes" "Not"
Part 1
1. Vanity and restlessness predominate in my behavior.
2. I am an unrestrained and quick-tempered person.
3. I don't like to wait.
4. Sharpness and straightforwardness in dealing with people prevail.
5. I often organize various events.
6. I am a stubborn person.
7. I love to argue.
8. I am not rhythmic when doing any work.
9. I am a risk taker.
10. I remember hurtful words.
11. I have a fast and excited speech.
12. I am an unbalanced and hot person.
13. I notice and do not tolerate the shortcomings of others.
14. I tease others.
15. I have a very expressive facial expression.
16. I am decisive in making decisions.
17. I love everything new.
18. I move abruptly.
19. I am persistent and go all the way to the end result.
20. I often have mood swings.
Part 2
1. I love life.
2. I am an energetic person.
3. I don't get things done.
4. I often overestimate my abilities.
5. I learn and assimilate any innovations on the fly.
6. I have no permanence in interests.
7. Failures and failures I can survive without much difficulty.
8. I easily adapt to different situations.
9. I am passionate about any business.
10. After losing interest, I interrupt the process.
11. I can easily switch from one activity to another.
12. I don't like monotony at work.
13. I have a large number of friends.
14. I am a hardy and hardworking person.
15. I have a clear and loud speech.
16. In difficult situations, I do not lose control of myself.
17. I have favor.
18. I have no difficulty falling asleep and get up easily in the morning.
19. I am in a hurry in making decisions.
20. I am an inattentive conversationalist.
Part 3
1. I am dominated by calmness and composure.
2. I love consistency and regularity in business.
3. I am always sober and cautious.
4. I can wait.
5. In the absence of a topic for conversation, I am silent.
6. I carry on a dialogue without emotion.
7. I restrain myself and know how to endure.
8. I bring each case to the final result.
9. I appreciate situations.
10. I develop a habitual pattern of behavior for myself and usually stick to it.
11. I can easily control my emotions.
12. I do not pay attention to laudatory and critical remarks.
13. I am calm about jokes addressed to me.
14. I love consistency in interests.
15. I am slow and switch from one job to another for a long time.
16. Most often, I maintain a balanced relationship.
17. I am clean and love the order of things.
18. I have difficulty adapting to an unfamiliar environment.
19. I am reserved.
20. I gradually make contact with people I don't know.
Part 4
1. I am easily shy.
2. An unfamiliar environment gives rise to shyness and shyness in me.
3. I have difficulty starting a dialogue with an unknown person.
4. I am unsure of my abilities.
5. I'm okay with being alone.
6. Unsuccessful results create oppression in me.
7. I can withdraw into myself for a long time.
8. At work, I quickly feel tired.
9. I have a quiet and shy speech.
10. I can always adapt to my interlocutor.
11. I am an impressionable person, sometimes even to tears.
12. I react strongly to praise and especially to criticism.
13. I am demanding of others and myself.
14. I am dominated by suspiciousness.
15. I am a vulnerable person.
16. I get offended easily.
17. Most often, I pluck my thoughts from others.
18. I am an inactive and timid person.
19. I do not contradict and always follow orders.
20. I am determined to arouse pity in those present.
It is necessary to calculate the total number of pluses (“yes”), (C).

Calculate the number of positive values ​​for each section (C1, C2, C3, C4).

"choleric" \u003d ((C1 / C) * 100%);

"sanguine" \u003d ((C2 / C) * 100%);

"phlegmatic" \u003d ((C3 / C) * 100%);

"Melancholic" \u003d ((C4 / C) * 100%).

The calculated numerical data will show what part each of the typological types makes up in your temperament.

C (gen.) =
Result interpretation
(40%) or more - the predominance of the type;

(30–39%) - a clear expression of the typology;

(20–29%) - the severity is average;

(10–19%) is a weak type expression.

Solving psychological problems

To solve problems related to psychology, you need to seek help from specialists. Psychologist

Are you able to take responsibility for your actions? Are you able to take responsibility? Are you dependent on others? The result of this test can be the most accurate description of you as a person. By honestly answering his questions, you will get an objective view from the outside.

What are your personal priorities? What qualities bother you? How to learn to love yourself? If you have thought about this at least once, our test is for you. Perhaps, after passing it, you will change your attitude towards yourself and become a little happier.

The ability to communicate with people, understand and hear them, to a greater extent, depends on the ability to empathize. It is this quality, the degree of its development that determines the responsiveness test. By answering his questions, you can break down barriers in relationships with people, understand their emotional manifestations and unexpected actions.

The conclusions of this questionnaire, developed by an experienced psychologist, represent the definition of the social orientation of the individual. After passing it, you will understand what type you are: realistic, intellectual, conventional, social, artistic or enterprising. Holland's test will help you decide on a profession, change the concept of self-development in time and provide yourself with the opportunity to enjoy work.

The most famous test of emotions! Suspicion, indirect, physical and verbal aggression, irritability and negativism will all come out with this test. Check your emotional state right now!

Do you get carried away like a child, taking on a new business, but after a couple of weeks, a maximum of months, you lose interest in the process that until recently you were practically raving about? This is not a reason to question your psychological maturity. Such behavior is typical for an intuitively sensitive psychotype, valuable to others by the ability to inspire scientific and other feats.

Unrevealed artistic talent or the inability to use the gift, causes a mental disorder, harasses with a subconscious desire for the attention of others. A self-determination test to find out hidden artistry will help you understand how great the chances of becoming a new show business star are, chart a path that will enrich society with new talent, allow you to show your individuality.

It is difficult to accept criticism from outsiders, even adequate ones who speak the case. Especially if you are an emotional person. A free quick personality type test to identify flaws is a convenient way to painlessly understand the causes of existing problems. Based on the results of the questionnaire, you can make a personal plan for the way out of the crisis, identify less laborious options for action in order to increase the chances of winning in the struggle with yourself.

The reality is that a number of actions that would not have caused a bit of surprise among others a couple of decades ago are today regarded by some as an alarming symptom of mental illness. If you begin to doubt that your motivation and subsequent behavior is adequate, take the prudent thinking test. It is possible that you are just a person whose morality is worthy of emulation, and not censure. And that, you know, can irritate immature minds.

The ability to politely refuse is very valuable, it simplifies life at home, at work. However, this ability is inherent only to a select circle of people. A universal psychological questionnaire will tell you why you are not among the lucky ones who can limit the level of any personal stress with a short no. An intellectual analysis of the cause of the problem will allow you to start fighting it, in order to finally get rid of the imposed responsibilities.

Tired of everything, but have no idea how to deal with increasing depression? A small online study will isolate the source of the problems, allow you to draw up your psychological self-portrait and guide you in choosing the way to obtain the desired freedom. Thoughtful self-knowledge always makes it easier to find a way to regain your ability to enjoy life.

Worried about your own selfishness? Then it is unlikely that you are a conflict person who imagines himself to be the universal navel, and testing will prove it. This type of person doesn't care how comfortable they are with others. After all, a narcissistic disorder leads the sick person to the idea of ​​​​absolute superiority over others, and a woman or a man does not realize that he is a social invalid who brings suffering to loved ones.

Systematically, we fixate on ourselves so much that an emotional desert grows between others and us. A simple psychotype test can help you understand why yesterday you had a significant circle of friends, and today it has narrowed down to a couple of people. Accelerated communicative psychoanalysis will tell you which of your actions, quite natural for you, could make others treat you less friendly.

There are no people among us whose destinies are dominated by only one element. Therefore, the day and year must be planned taking into account two external influences, and not rely only on recommendations for your main zodiac sign. To create your extended astrological portrait, use the proposed test. Even minimal diagnostics will improve the quality of life if you act taking into account the influence of your second element.

For those wishing to conduct a small personal psychoanalysis on their own, we suggest checking for conflicts as well. Results are generated based on a base of responses to four dozen statements. You can learn about the conclusion only by speaking on each point. Naturally, the final definition is conjectural in nature - the official diagnosis is carried out by a purely specialist.

Do you think that piles of men are stacked only in front of female vamps? We offer help in diagnosing your weaknesses, which can cause problems on the personal front. Private psychodiagnostics is quite effective, because you don’t hide, you don’t worry about maintaining the confidentiality of answers. The result of the survey is quite objective, which is its main value.

Your emotional potential does not allow you to hide near the family hearth, although you have nothing against a couple of kids and a beloved husband? Do you prefer an interesting and difficult route along the mountain range to shopping, because the Tibetan or similar landscape is dearer to your heart than the streets of European capitals licked to shine? Find out what you need to be a Modern Amazon.

A quick personality and society test will allow you to stretch your brains in the process of thinking about how to apply great quotes to our today's realities. This socionic questionnaire, adapted for a person far from the scientific world, is more like a silent dialogue between two philosophers. The study of the proposed questions will allow you to learn something new about the sayings of the most worthy of us, to recall your favorite sayings of famous people.

Find out your personality type with this fun quiz. It provides an opportunity for deep introspection. The result may be unexpected, because the perception of oneself is often biased.

The test for determining the socionic type of a person allows you to analyze and explore a personality without the participation of a specialist. The classification of psychotypes is formed on the interaction of the subject with the outside world.

A personality disorder can be detected with a special test. Timely self-diagnosis and identification of tendencies to dissociative disorder help to solve the problem at an early stage.

To determine the temperament and personality traits, you can use a simple test on clothes and the chosen style. In appearance, it is easy to reveal the secrets of the character of even unfamiliar people.

Passing a personality disorder test will help determine the need for psychological help. As a result of the survey, hidden problems are revealed, which a specialist can eliminate.

With the help of certain tests, the orientation of the personality is revealed (on oneself, on communication or on business). The data obtained will help to determine the values ​​and priorities, as well as reconsider life guidelines.

At first glance, the test for determining the psychotype may seem very simple and elementary. But its results have real practical value for a person, for example, they help to find a way of self-realization.

A psychological portrait test is a unique opportunity to evaluate yourself in terms of personal parameters. The data describe the innate qualities, value orientations of a person and hidden potential.

Schizoid personality disorder can be detected using special techniques, such as tests. The questions selected by specialists are aimed at identifying the signs and symptoms of this condition.

A professional test allows you to really assess whether you are a conflict person. The questionnaire helps to determine the degree of tact and understand how others really evaluate you and your behavior.

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A psychological personality test - everyone should pass. And what do you see? Lips, roots, teeth? Glancing at the picture, different people can immediately see different things.

Someone will say “yes, these are trees!”, someone will clearly see the lips.What do you see? Learn about the meaning of each!


If you cast a glance and saw the roots, then you are definitely an introvert! In cases where you are criticized, you will calmly listen to everything and perceive it constructively.

It can be said that this is a kind of advice on improving yourself, which you will definitely take into account and change everything for the better.

You can't imagine life without discipline. Morality and life principles always come first. This allows you to be a truly strong-willed person and achieve what you want.

There is always a desire to make yourself better. But no one can take away your independence. Even your humility will not prevail if someone wants to impose their opinion on you. A sound mind with a share of stubbornness. It's all about you!


Seeing the trees first, you can be sure that you are an extrovert. You can be polite to people, but you will never let someone sit on your head.

In relation to relatives and friends, you are always as sincere as possible and always faithful. The same you expect in return. You can even say that you are demanding of loved ones. To earn your trust, a person must still try.

You also have a flair. In the combination of all these qualities, there is always a mystery in you. Few people manage to understand what's on your mind.

Did you see the lips first?

You are a calm person. Of course, you overcome life's difficulties. But, if possible, I would prefer to avoid them. Your thoughts are flexible.

Despite your wisdom, you can be naive. It's not about stupidity, it's more about trusting other people too much. Eternal desire to see only the best in others.

Someone may perceive you as weak, or that you need help. But this is far from true. Kindness is not weakness. This is your forte.

Your loved ones can trust you. They will come to you for advice and will definitely listen to it! Did you recognize yourself in one of the points? Be sure to share your results in the comments.

Pride prevents a person from seeing things as they are. Pride destroys relationships, takes away from a person his love for other people, for God, and therefore deprives the meaning of life. Interesting
list of 53 signs of pride. How proud are you? When you understand this, you will not have to look for the cause of your failures in other people and circumstances. The list was caught on the vast expanses of the Internet, the authorship, unfortunately, I do not know.

Pride is:

1. The impossibility of the fact that you are always right. Confidence in one's own constant rightness (infallibility).
2. Patronizing attitude towards others, attitude down.
3. Feeling of self-importance.
4. Humiliation of yourself and others.
5. The idea that you are better than others, boasting.
6. Attributing to oneself the works and merits of other people.
7. The ability to put an opponent at a disadvantage, managing people to achieve the desired.
8. Control over the situation, but without taking responsibility for the situation.
9. Haughty attitude, vanity, the desire to often look in the mirror.
10. Demonstration of wealth, clothes, etc.
11. Not allowing others to help you and not being willing to work with others.
12. Attracting attention to yourself.
13. Chattering or talking about your problems.
14. Touchiness.
15. Excessive sensitivity or insensitivity.
16. Excessive preoccupation with one's own person.
17. Thoughts about what others think or say about you.
18. Using words that the listener doesn't understand and you know about.
19. Feeling worthless.
20. Refusal to change or the thought that you shouldn't change.
21. Unforgiving yourself and others.
22. Separation of people into hierarchical levels - who is better or more important, then behavior in accordance with the hierarchy.
23. The idea that you are more important than others when you do a specific job.
24. Take on overwork.
25. Distrust of people, God.
26. A state of concern about what impression you make on others.
27. The idea that you are above the law and that you are a special son of God.
28. Creation of an idol from oneself and from others.
29. Work beyond measure, i.e. so much that the physical body can not stand it.
30. Changing the manner of behavior depending on who you are talking to.
31. Ingratitude.
32. Ignoring "small people".
33. Inattention.
34. Not realizing your pride and spiritual problems.
35. The presence of an irritable tone.
36. Raising one's voice in anger and annoyance.
37. The thought of teaching someone a lesson, or talking about a third person in a humiliating tone.
38. Disobedience to the will of God.
39. Lack of self-respect.
40. "What could you do for me?".
41. Recklessness and madness.
42. Dishonesty towards oneself and others
43. Inability to compromise.
44. Desire to always have the last word.
45. Unwillingness to share their knowledge in order to be able to control.
46. ​​Inattention to the physical body or excessive attention to it. Inattention to your soul.
47. The thought that you have to do it, since no one else can do it better.
48. Pointing out the mistakes of another in the tone of condemnation.
49. The thought of the need to save others from their problems (both thought and action).
50. Prejudice to people depending on appearance, skin color, etc.
51. Pride from one's position.
52. Excessive self-respect.
53. Sarcasm.

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Taking tests is a favorite pastime of many people. Whether we learn something new about ourselves or are convinced of long-familiar things is not important. The main thing is that we get to know ourselves anew, get tremendous pleasure from the process and, of course, enjoy the result.

website shares this love and therefore collected all the most authoritative psychological tests in one place.


What will tell: Who are you by temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, and will also determine your emotional stability.

How to pass: Answer the questions as truthfully as possible, trying not to think about the answer.

What will tell: Do you have any behavioral characteristics or predisposition to diseases.

How to pass: At each stage of the test, 8 portraits of people will be offered, you will need to choose first the two most liked photos (in descending order), and then the two most repulsive photos (also in descending order).

What will tell: What are your leading character traits, will show the degree of self-awareness and the level of self-esteem.

How to pass: You must answer quickly, without thinking, there are no “bad” or “good” answers.

Personality type

What will tell: What features of behavior in a group, family and personal relationships do you have.

How to pass: It is necessary to determine how the given statement suits you on a 4-point scale.

What will tell: What traits dominate your character. It will also reveal secondary qualities that are involved in its formation.

How to pass: When answering questions, do not think about a specific moment or mood, take your standard behavior as a basis.

What will tell: What character traits, inclinations and interests are characteristic of you.

How to pass: It is worth answering quickly, truthfully and as accurately as possible.

career guidance

What will tell: What professions do you have in common with your inclinations and abilities.

How to pass: Of the two proposed options, it will be necessary to choose one of the most desirable or least objectionable.

What will tell: Which activities are related to your personality type.

How to pass: You will be offered three response options: “Agree”, “Disagree” and “Difficult to say”. You need to choose based on your feelings.

What will tell: What are the main motivational levers that drive your actions and decisions.

How to pass: By answering questions, you confirm or refute your behavior in these situations. Let's answer honestly and quickly.

What will tell: What is your IQ level.

How to pass: In the proposed game situations, you will need to make a choice based on your assumptions, calculations and ideas.

What will tell: What are your abilities for generalization and analysis, the speed of perception of the material, the accuracy of its assessment and the flexibility of thinking.

How to pass: Try not to linger on one task for a long time, it is better to move on to the next one. The speed of decision-making and a superficial assessment of the situation are important here.