Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Work program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory school group. Irina Aleksandrovna Pomoraeva, Vera Arnoldovna Pozina Formation of elementary mathematical concepts


Mishina Galina Anatolevna , senior teacher Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten No. 14 “Firefly” g.o. Khimki, Moscow region

Type of lesson: intellectual and developmental.

Subject: " The game is a journey to the country of Mathematics.”

Age: 6 – 7 years old.

Location: music room

Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

Preliminary work: FEMP classes, production of attributes, manuals for didactic games, didactic games with mathematical content, learning dynamic pauses, gymnastics for the eyes.

Target: Strengthen children's understanding of elementary mathematical concepts.



  • Strengthen the ability to lay out a number series.
  • Improve forward and backward counting skills within 10.
  • Practice ordinal counting.
  • Strengthen the ability to solve mathematical riddles, write down the solution and answer to riddles using cards with numbers and signs.
  • Reinforce knowledge about the days of the week and seasons.
  • Strengthen the understanding of geometric shapes, the skill of grouping shapes according to certain characteristics.
  • Fix spatial representations: left, right, center, under above.


  • Develop logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization.
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
  • Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.


  • To cultivate a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently or in pairs, to act according to the teacher’s instructions.
  • Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Health saving

  • Teach children to watch their posture.
  • Continue to develop movement coordination.

Priority educational area: “Cognition”.

Integration of educational areas:“Communication”, “Socialization”, “Labor”.


  • to cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills in children.


  • develop children's free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • activate children's vocabulary.


Clean the workplace and keep it in order

Methodical techniques:





Material:Demo: Magnetic board, cards with numbers and signs, multimedia presentation, pointer, chest with coloring books. Dispensing: Geometric shapes, cards with numbers from 1 to 10, laminated sheets of white cardboard.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment (5 min.)

II. Main part (22 min.)

III. Result (educator’s generalization) (3 min.)


Organizing time.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today to see what you have learned and how much you know. Say hello to your guests.

Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other .

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

We will now go to the right 1, 2. 3.

Now let's go left 1, 2. 3.

In the center of the circle we will gather 1, 2. 3.

And we will all return to place 1, 2. 3.

Let's smile, wink,

And let's start the lesson.

Children, together with the teacher, perform exercises in accordance with the text 1 time.

Take your seats at the tables. (children take their seats)

We have a math lesson now. Mathematics is a very necessary science, Tatyana will tell us a poem about it.

Without mathematics, friends, we cannot live.

Mathematics has been given to us for many hundreds of years,

After all, even mammoths were considered by ancient man.

Without mathematics, a person will not be able to decide, measure and count. It is impossible to build a house, count the money in your pocket, measure the distance. If a person did not know mathematics, he would not have been able to invent an airplane, a car, a washing machine, a refrigerator, a television and other equipment. All over the world, children are taught mathematics.

But before we start doing math, let's remember the rules of conduct during class:

During class, sit quietly and behave....(dignified)

A chair and table are not a bed and you cannot……(lie on them)

If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just use your hand... (pick up)

I will ask you not to forget these rules throughout the lesson.

And before you raise your hand, think carefully about your answer, don’t rush. Remember what they say about those people who are always in a hurry? (“You’ll make people laugh in a hurry”)

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answer) Then listen... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king.


And he ruled a country called Mathematics. And he decided to travel around his cities in the kingdom, to see if everything was okay with him, if everything was going well for him. He looked around, but he had no assistants. What to do?

(children express their guesses)

Father Tsar, our children can help you, although they are small, they are very smart. (the teacher addresses the king).

Guys, what do travelers need while traveling to avoid getting lost? (children's answers)

That's right, a map!


And here it is, some strange card, and one question mark. Guys, the king told me that in order to start the journey and find out the name of the first city we will get to, we need to do a mathematical warm-up called “Don’t yawn, answer questions quickly!”

1. What day of the week is it today?

2. How many days are there in a week?

3. What day comes after Tuesday?

5. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?

6. What are the days off called?

7. How many seasons are there?

8. What season comes after winter?

9. What season comes after summer?

10. Name the extra word in a series of words:

a) winter, Wednesday, Spring Summer Autumn;

b) one, two, three, circle, four five;

c) plus, minus, Friday, equals;

d) circle, square, December, polygon.


Well done, you did the warm-up! And the first city to which we will go appeared on the map. This city is called Chislograd, numbers live in this city, they have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.

Didactic game “Find a place in a row.”

Target: strengthen children's ability to form a number series, practice forward and backward counting.

On your tables in envelopes there are cards with numbers from one to ten. Please arrange these cards in order, starting with the card with the number one, just do not forget that the number series must be laid out from left to right. (children complete the task)

Let's count in chorus from one to ten, and now in chorus from ten to one.

Didactic game "Number Neighbors".

Purpose: to practice determining the next and previous numbers to the named number.

Each number has neighbors, a previous and a subsequent number.

Masha name the neighbors of the number 5.

Leonid, name the neighbors of the number 8.

Nastya name the neighbors of the number 3.

Didactic game “Colorful trees”.

Goal: to train children in ordinal counting, in the ability to correlate a number with the place of an object in a given row.

Guys, in Chislograd there is a park where colorful trees grow. Count and show with a number card how many trees there are in the park.

Use a card with a number to show which yellow tree is in the park, counting from left to right.

What number was the card raised? Why? (because the tree with a yellow crown is the fifth in a row if you count from left to right).

Using a card with a number, show how many blue trees there are, if you count from right to left?

What number was the card raised? Why? (because the blue tree is the seventh in a row if you count from right to left).

Using a card with a number, show how many gray trees there are if you count from left to right?

What number was the card raised? Why? (because the gray tree is the ninth in a row if you count from left to right).

Well done! Mission accomplished! Place the number cards in an envelope.

(children remove cards, teacher removes easel)



Dynamic pause “How nice it is to swim in the river!”

How nice it is to swim in the river!

Shore on the left, shore on the right.

(Tilts left and right.)

The river is a ribbon ahead.

(Stretching - arms forward.)

There's a bridge at the top - look.

(Stretching - arms up.)

To swim even faster,

We need to row faster.

We work with our hands.

Who will keep up with us?

(Swimming movements.)

And now it's time for us, brothers,

(Hands behind the neck)

Lie on the sand.

We're climbing out of the river

(Walk in place.)

And we relax on the grass.


Now we have reached the city of “Fun Problems”!

– All animals live here in peace and harmony.


They have prepared mathematical riddles for you. If you guess all the riddles correctly, the map will show which city we will go to next. -----Shall we try to solve these riddles?

Didactic game “Fun tasks”.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to solve mathematical riddles, write down the solution and answer to the problem using cards with numbers and signs. 1. Four goslings and two ducklings

They swim in the lake and scream loudly.

Well, quickly count -

How many babies are there in total?

How did you get the number 6? Maxim, using cards with numbers and signs on the easel, lay out the solution and answer to the riddle. (2+4=6)

2. Seven tiny kittens

What they give them, they eat everything,

And one asks for more

How many kittens are there? (8)

How did you get the number 8? Pasha, using cards with numbers and signs on the easel, lay out the solution and answer to the riddle (7+1=8)

3. A hedgehog walked through the forest,

I found mushrooms for lunch.

Two - under the birch, three - under the aspen,

How many will there be in a wicker basket? (5)

How did you get the number 5? Masha, using cards with numbers and signs on the easel, lay out the solution and answer to the riddle


- Well done, you solved all the riddles, and look, the next city appeared on the map, to which we are now going, it’s called “Geometric Figures.” The entrance to the city is locked. In order for the lock to open, we must do eye exercises.

We've been doing it for so long. Nyour eyes are so tired

We'll give them a rest

And with their palms their eyes (children rub their palms, warm them up)We will close without haste,(cover your eyes with your palms, then follow the text)Let's sit in the dark.

Black paint everywhere.

Now let's open them

And we blink a little: one, two, three, four, five.

Don't turn your headLook to the left

Look to the right.

Eyes up, eyes down,

Work hard, don't be lazy!


The castle opened, and we are greeted by the inhabitants of this city, geometric figures, look how different they all are!

By what criteria can they be divided into groups? - How many figures will be included in the group of large geometric figures? (6) - Nastya, name these figures.

How many shapes will be included in a group of small geometric shapes (9)

How many figures will be included in a group of triangles? (3) - Yaroslav, name these figures.

How many figures will be included in the group of trapezoids? (2)

Maxim, name these figures. - How many figures will be included in the group of red figures?

Masha, name them.

Didactic game “Assemble a pattern.”

Goal: to teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below.

The guys, geometric figures, presented the king with a gift, a carpet with their image, so that the king would never forget about them. On this carpet, geometric shapes are arranged in a certain order, if you correctly arrange the shapes you have in your trays on the sheet that you will find under the trays, then you too will be able to admire the beauty of this carpet. - Shall we try? -Then put the pieces of paper in front of you and listen carefully.

Place the circle in the center of the sheet.

Square - in the upper left corner of the sheet.

The oval is in the upper right corner of the sheet.

Rectangle - in the lower right corner of the sheet.

The triangle is in the lower left corner of the carpet.

The diamond is in the middle above the circle.

A trapezoid in the middle under the circle.

SLIDE 11. - Well done, you completed this task! And look on the map, the final stop has appeared, “The Tsar’s Residence”, this is where our journey ends today, but you and I will travel more than once to the cities of the magical land of MATHEMATICS where we will meet old friends and make new ones.


Summary of the lesson.

Now let's remember what cities we visited while traveling through a magical land where everything is connected with mathematics? (children's answers) - What did you like? Which tasks were easy for you and which were difficult? (children's answers)

And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he has completely coped with the tasks - let him raise a yellow star, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him raise a red asterisk.

Children make their choice.

The king decided to thank you for your good service and gives you a whole chest with mathematical coloring books. Now we will return to the group, and you will be able to examine and color your pictures as you wish.


  1. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in a kindergarten preparatory group. Lesson plans. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

Library of the program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”
under the general editorship of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Pomoraeva Irina Aleksandrovna - Methodologist at the Educational and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in Moscow, teacher of methods of mathematical development at Pedagogical College No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia

Pozina Vera Arnoldovna - Methodist, teacher of methods of mathematical development at Pedagogical College No. 4, excellent student of public education


This manual is addressed to educators working on the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, for organizing work in mathematics in a preparatory school group.
The manual discusses issues of organizing work on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 6–7 years old, taking into account the patterns of formation and development of their cognitive activity and age-related capabilities.
The book provides an approximate planning of mathematics work for the year. The structure of the classes allows you to combine and successfully solve problems from different sections of the program. The proposed system of work, which includes a set of tasks and exercises, various methods and techniques of working with children (visual-practical, playful, verbal), helps preschoolers master the ways and techniques of cognition, and apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a correct understanding of the world, allows for a general developmental orientation of learning, connection with mental, speech development and various types of activities.
Game situations with elements of competition, reading passages of fiction motivate children and direct their mental activity to find ways to solve problems. The method of work does not involve direct teaching, which can negatively affect the child’s comprehension and independent performance of mathematical tasks, but implies the creation of situations of community, collaboration, and provides all children with an equal start, which will allow them to study successfully at school.
The proposed work system allows teachers to take into account the specifics of the activities of the educational institution and its priorities. The volume of material gives educators the opportunity to realize their creative potential and take into account the characteristics of a specific group of children.
The knowledge gained in the course of organized educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts must be consolidated in everyday life. To this end, special attention should be paid to enriching role-playing games with mathematical content and creating a subject-development environment that stimulates the development of independent cognitive activity of each child.
When working with children both in a preschool institution and at home, you can use the workbook “Mathematics for preschoolers: Preparatory group for school” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2012).
The manual includes: a list of didactic games, additional material, recommendations for organizing a developmental environment. They reflect the modern positions of psychologists, teachers and methodologists, which make it possible to expand the content of work with children of the seventh year of life.
Further in the manual, for convenience of presentation, instead of the term “direct educational activity,” we will often use the term “occupation,” which is familiar to teachers. However, the term “class” should not mislead teachers: it does not imply lesson-type classes. The teacher’s task is not to turn mathematics into a lesson, but to use forms of work with children appropriate to their age, indicated in the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M . A. Vasilyeva.

Program content

Development of general ideas about sets: the ability to form sets on given grounds, to see the components of sets in which objects differ in certain characteristics.
Exercises in combining, complementing sets, removing parts or individual parts from a set.
Consolidating the ability to establish relationships between individual parts of a set, as well as the whole set and each of its parts based on counting, pairing objects or connecting objects with arrows.
Improving quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10. Introducing counting within 20.
Getting to know the second ten numbers.
Consolidating an understanding of the relationships between numbers in the natural series (7 is greater than 6 by 1, and 6 is less than 7 by 1), the ability to increase and decrease each number by 1 (within 10).
Consolidating the ability to name numbers in forward and reverse order (oral counting), the next and previous number to the one named or indicated by a number, and determine the missing number.
Introducing the composition of numbers from 0 to 10.
Forming the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger one from two smaller ones (within 10, on a visual basis).
Introduction to coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles (distinguishing, setting and exchanging coins).
Formation of the ability to visually compose and solve simple arithmetic problems on addition (the smaller is added to the larger) and subtraction (the subtracted is less than the remainder); When solving problems, use action signs: plus (+), minus (-) and the equal sign (=).
Consolidating the ability to count according to a given measure, when not one, but several objects or part of an object is taken as a unit of counting.
Consolidating the ability to divide an object into 2–8 or more equal parts by bending the object (paper, fabric, etc.), as well as using a conventional measure; correctly designate parts of a whole (half, one part of two (one second), two parts of four (two fourths), etc.); establish the ratio of the whole and the part, the size of the parts; find parts of a whole and a whole from known parts.
Formation of initial measuring skills. Consolidating the ability to measure the length, width, height of objects (straight line segments) using a conventional measure (checked paper).
Strengthening children's ability to measure the volume of liquid and granular substances using a conditional measure.
Formation of ideas about the weight of objects and methods of measuring it. Consolidating the ability to compare the weight of objects (heavier - lighter) by weighing them on the palms of your hands. Getting to know the scales.
Development of the idea that the result of measurement (length, weight, volume of objects) depends on the size of the conditional measure.
Clarification of knowledge about geometric shapes, their elements (vertices, angles, sides) and some of their properties.
Formation of ideas about a polygon (using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral), a straight line, a straight segment.
Consolidating the ability to recognize figures regardless of their spatial position, depict, arrange on a plane, arrange by size, classify, group by color, shape, size.
Consolidating the ability to model geometric shapes; make one polygon from several triangles, one large rectangle from several small squares; from parts of a circle - a circle, from four segments - a quadrangle, from two short segments - one long, etc.; construct figures based on verbal descriptions and listing their characteristic properties; create thematic compositions from figures according to your own ideas.
Consolidating the ability to analyze the shape of objects as a whole and their individual parts; recreate objects of complex shape from individual parts using contour patterns, descriptions, and presentation.
Orientation in space
Formation of the ability to navigate on a limited surface (sheet of paper, blackboard, notebook page, book, etc.); place objects and their images in the indicated direction, reflect in speech their spatial location (above, below, above, below, left, right, left, right, in the upper left (lower right) corner, in front, behind, between, next to, etc. .).
Getting to know the plan, diagram, route, map. Development of the ability to model spatial relationships between objects in the form of a drawing, plan, diagram.
Formation of the ability to “read” the simplest graphic information indicating the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement in space: from left to right, from right to left, from bottom to top, from top to bottom; independently move in space, focusing on conventional designations (signs and symbols).
Time orientation
Formation of elementary ideas about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility, sequence of days of the week, months, seasons.
Consolidating the ability to use words and concepts in speech: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.
Development of a “sense of time”, the ability to save time, regulate one’s activities in accordance with time; distinguish the duration of individual time intervals (1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour).
Formation of the ability to determine time using a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour.

Approximate distribution of program material for the year

I quarter

Lesson 1
Practice dividing a set into parts and combining its parts; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part.
skills of ordinal counting within 10, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?”.
ideas about the relative arrangement of objects in space (in a row): left, right, before, after, between, before, behind, next to.
the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

Lesson 2
Practice dividing a set into parts and combining parts into a whole group; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part.
Learn to count forward and backward within 5.
the ability to divide a circle and a square into 2 and 4 equal parts, compare and name them.
ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes.

Lesson 3
Introduce numbers 1 and 2 and learn to denote numbers with numbers.
Practice counting skills forward and backward within 10.
Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet.
Improve your understanding of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Lesson 4
Introduce number 3.
Learn to name the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within 10.
Improve the ability to compare 10 objects (by length, width, height), arrange them in ascending and descending order, and indicate the comparison results with appropriate words.
Practice the ability to move in a given direction.

Lesson 5
Introduce number 4.
To consolidate ideas about the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.
Strengthen the ability to compare two objects in size (length, width) using a conditional measure equal to one of the objects being compared.
Develop the ability to indicate in speech your location relative to another person.

Lesson 6
Introduce the quantitative composition of the number 6 from units.
Introduce the number 5.
Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week.
Continue to develop the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Lesson 1
Continue learning to form the number 6 from ones.
Introduce number 6.
Clarify the techniques for dividing a circle into 2–4 and 8 equal parts, teach to understand the relationship between the whole and the parts, name and show them (half, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc.).
Develop the ability to move in space in accordance with symbols.

Lesson 2
Introduce the composition of the numbers 7 and 8 from ones.
Introduce number 7.
Clarify the techniques for dividing a square into 2, 4 and 8 equal parts; teach to understand the relationship between the whole and parts, name and show them (half, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc.).
Reinforce ideas about triangles and quadrilaterals.

Lesson 3
Continue learning to form the numbers 7 and 8 from ones.
Introduce the number 8.
Reinforce the sequential naming of the days of the week.
Develop the ability to compose a thematic composition based on a model.

Lesson 4
with the composition of the number 9 from ones.
with the number 9.
Improve the ability to name numbers in forward and reverse order from any number.
Develop your eye.
Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name its sides and angles.

Lesson 5
Improve your ability to form the number 9 from ones.
Develop an understanding of the independence of the counting result from its direction.
Give an idea of ​​the weight of objects and compare them by weighing them on the palms; learn to denote comparison results in words heavy, light, heavier, lighter.
Develop the ability to group geometric shapes by color and shape.

Lesson 6
with the composition of the number 10 made of units.
with the number 0.
Continue learning to find the previous number to the named one, the next number to the named one.
Clarify ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of weight when comparing them.
To form ideas about temporary relationships and learn to denote them with words: first, then, before, after, earlier, later e.

Lesson 7
Continue learning to form the number 10 using ones.
Introduce the symbol for the number 10.
Strengthen counting skills forward and backward within 10.
Give an idea of ​​a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral.
Strengthen the ability to navigate in space using symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, and reflect their spatial position in speech.

Lesson 8
Learn to form the number 3 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Continue familiarizing yourself with numbers from 1 to 9.
Clarify your understanding of a polygon, develop the ability to find its sides, angles and vertices.
Strengthen ideas about the seasons and months of autumn.

Lesson 1
Learn to form the number 4 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10.
Develop the ability to analyze the shape of objects and their individual parts.
Improve your understanding of the weight of objects and the ability to determine whether objects weigh the same or not, regardless of their appearance.
Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

Lesson 2
Learn to form the number 5 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 15.
Improve the ability to build a serial series based on the weight of objects.
Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper and reflect in speech the spatial arrangement of objects in words: top, bottom, left, right.

Lesson 3
Learn to form the number 6 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Continue to introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 15.
Introduce the measurement of quantities using a conditional measure.
Develop the ability to navigate in space using symbols and diagrams.

Lesson 4
Learn to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Continue to introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 20.
Improve the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Lesson 5
Learn to form the number 8 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Strengthen counting skills in forward and backward order within 15.
Practice measuring the length of objects using a conventional measure.
Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 6
Learn to form the number 9 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Improve counting skills within 20.
Practice measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure.
Continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 7
Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.
Strengthen the ability to identify the previous, subsequent and missing number to the one named or indicated by a number within 10.
Practice the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure.

Lesson 8
Strengthen ideas about the quantitative and ordinal value of numbers within 10.
Strengthen the ability to form the number 10 from units.
skills in measuring the size of objects; introduce the dependence of measurement results on the value of the conditional measure.
Develop the ability to move in space in a given direction.
the ability to model objects using familiar geometric shapes.

II quarter

Lesson 1
Introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 1, 5, 10 kopecks.
Continue to develop your orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper.
Clarify ideas about polygons and how to classify them by type and size.

Lesson 2
Continue to introduce coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles.
Learn to count according to a given measure, when not one, but several objects are taken as a unit of counting.
Form ideas about time, introduce the hourglass.

Lesson 3
Continue to introduce coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.
Develop a sense of time, learn to regulate your activities in accordance with the time interval.
Continue learning to count according to a given measure within 20.
Develop the ability to recreate objects of complex shape from individual parts using contour patterns.

Lesson 4
Continue to clarify ideas about coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.
Learn to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conventional measure.
Introduce clocks, teach how to set the time on a clock model.
Continue learning to determine the shape of objects and their parts.

Lesson 5
Continue learning to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conventional measure.
Continue to introduce clocks, teach how to set the time on a clock model.
Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.
Reinforce ideas about polygons; introduce its special cases: pentagon and hexagon.

Lesson 6
Introduce the rules for measuring liquid substances using a conventional measure.
To consolidate an understanding of the relationships between numbers in the natural series, the ability to increase (decrease) a number by 1 within 10.
Develop a sense of time; learn to distinguish the duration of time intervals within 5 minutes.
Develop the ability to model geometric shapes.

Lesson 7
Improve the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger number from two smaller ones within 10.
Reinforce ideas about the sequence of times and months of the year.
Develop the ability to construct geometric figures using verbal descriptions and listing characteristic properties.
Exercise the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare the whole and part of the set.

Lesson 8
Strengthen the ability to decompose a number into two smaller numbers and make a larger number within 10 from two smaller ones.
Develop the ability to name the previous, subsequent and missing numbers to the named one.
Reinforce ideas about the sequence of days of the week.
Develop the ability to modify geometric shapes.

Lesson 1
Learn to compose arithmetic problems involving addition.
Strengthen the ability to see geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Lesson 2
Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.
Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 3
the ability to measure the volume of liquid substances using a conventional measure.
ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.
attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 4
learn to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.
Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.
Develop attention and logical thinking.

Lesson 5
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
Continue introducing the clock and setting the time on the clock layout.
Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 6
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
Improve your understanding of the sequence of numbers within 20.
Develop the ability to divide a whole into 8 equal parts and compare the whole and its parts.
Develop the ability to determine the location of objects relative to each other.

Lesson 7
Develop ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to draw them on a sheet of paper.
Strengthen the ability to name the previous, subsequent and missing numbers, indicated by a number.

Lesson 8
Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve addition and subtraction problems.
Improve your understanding of the parts of the day and their sequence.
Practice using words correctly in speech: first, then, before, after.
Strengthen the ability to see the shapes of familiar geometric figures in surrounding objects.
Develop attention and imagination.

Lesson 1
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic addition problems.
Practice counting objects according to the model.
Learn to measure the length of straight line segments using squares.
Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
Strengthen the ability to name the winter months.
Improve the ability to form numbers from units.
Practice creating thematic compositions from geometric shapes.

Lesson 3
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week and correctly use the words in speech: earlier, later, first, then.
Continue to develop the ability to determine a straight line segment and measure its length in cells.
Develop ideas about the size of objects.

Lesson 4
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
Expand your understanding of the weight of objects.
Strengthen the ability to modify geometric shapes.
Improve the ability to navigate in a squared notebook and complete tasks according to verbal instructions.

Lesson 5
Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.
Improve skills in measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure.

Annual planning for FEMP in preparatory groups.


Lesson 1.

Subject . Hot Air Balloon Travel.

IOS. The balloon flew to visit the kindergarten to tell the children where it had been and what it had seen. Throughout the year, on behalf of the traveler (balloon), the teacher will offer children journeys into fairy tales.


Playful balloon

Disobedient and obstinate,

He ran away with the wind,

And he didn’t tell us where.

PS "City Street".

Target. Quantitative counting, backward counting, ordinal counting.

Material. Images of houses with the number of windows from 10 to 1.

PS “On the roadway”.

Target. Determining correct and incorrect images of numbers by writing.

Material. Images of trucks and cars marked with correctly and incorrectly written numbers, mathematical pencil case.

IU "House number".

IU “Which ball is higher?”

Material. Images of balloons with examples of addition and subtraction.

IU “Logical square”.

Target. Drawing up a grid of a logical square (combinatorics).

Material. Images of balloons of different colors and shapes.

IU "Starry Night".

Target. Consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes, orientation on a plane, construction from counting sticks.

Material. Cards depicting geometric constellations.

Lesson 2.

Subject . Shorties from Flower City.

IOS. The balloon visited the Flower City and met the shorties. Travel to the Flower City.


PS "Street Kolokolchikov".

Target. Identifying a misspelled number.

Material. Images of houses with numbers.

IU "House number".

Target. Determination of the previous and subsequent number to the named number.

Material. Cashbox of numbers (mathematics pencil case).

IU "Geometric Flowerbeds".

Target. To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, the ability to correlate quantity with the number denoting it. Construction of an octagon.

Material. Images of geometric flower beds with different numbers of flowers, counting sticks.

IU “Paintings by the artist Tube”.

Target. Develop logical thinking, the ability to reason and identify pairs that make sense.

IU "Recipes of Doctor Pilyulkin."

Target. Develop the ability to decode information about color, shape, and belonging to vegetables and fruits.

Material. Images of vegetables and fruits, cards - codes.

IU “Collecting a herbarium.”

Target. Computing activities.

Material. Images of leaves with examples of addition and subtraction.

IU "Rocket".

Material. Voskobovich's "Cross" game.

Lesson 3.

Subject . Preparing for a flight to the moon.


IU “Building a Rocket”.

Target. To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, the ability to decode information about shape, size, color. Computing activities.

Material. Code cards with information about the shape, size, color, serial number in the drawing.

IU "Spacesuits".

Material. Color denial cards, images of spacesuits.

IU "Pictures for sleepwalkers."

Target. Develop the ability to find a pair of objects that are identical in pronunciation and opposite in purpose.

Material. Subject pictures.

IU “Space food. Salad recipes."

Target. Composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers.

Material. Pictures of vegetables, Cuisenaire sticks.

IU "Rocket Launch".

Target. Determination of previous and subsequent numbers.

Material. Number cards.

Lesson 4.

Subject . Dunno on the Moon.


IU "Constellations".

Target. Develop the ability to isolate a geometric figure from many layered contours.

Material. Visual aid “Geometric constellations”, mathematical tablets.

Finger game "Lunatics".

IU "Apples".

Target. Determining the previous and subsequent numbers to the named number (searching for the wormy apple).

Material. Images of apples marked with the numbers of the first ten.

IU “Album with photographs”.

Target. Develop the ability to find missing images in a logical square grid.

Material. Pictures depicting different emotions, drawing boards.

IU “Pancakes. Treat for sleepwalkers"

Target. Computing activities.

Material. Images of pancakes with examples of addition and subtraction.

IU “Gifts for sleepwalkers.”

Target. Develop the ability to decode information on a code card about the properties of objects.

Material. Images of 6 objects (apple, guitar, alarm clock, bucket, pyramid, globe).

IU “Bow for the musician Gusli”.

Lesson 5.

Subject . A cove from a quiet backwater.

IOS. A fairy tale by V. Rudkovsky about a little merman.


PS "Underwater telephone".

Target. Develop the ability to navigate and choose the right direction in a labyrinth.

Material. Labyrinth “Underwater telephone”.

IU “Inhabitants of a Quiet Backwater”.

Target. Develop attention and observation when counting randomly located objects.

Material. Visual aid “Backwater”.

IU "Underwater Kindergarten".

Target. Strengthen the ability to group objects and compose an expression of inequality.

Material. Cash register of numbers and signs.

PS "Kusikova Guard".

Target. Computing activities.

Material. Images of fish with examples of addition and subtraction.

PS "Frogs"

Material. Images of frogs marked with the numbers of the first ten.

IU "Rodnichok".

Target. Geometric dictation.

Material. Geometric stencil and liner figures.

IU "Vakusha the Wise".

Target. Develop constructive abilities.

Material. Game "Crosses-2" by Voskobovich.

Lesson 6.

Subject . Brownie Kuzya.

IOS. A fairy tale about the brownie Kuzya.

IU "School for little brownies."

Target. Determination of even and odd numbers.

Material. Domovyat images marked with the numbers of the first ten.

IU “Tasty compote”.

Target. Reinforce knowledge about the composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers.

Material. Images of jars of compote, Cuisenaire sticks.

IU "Dispute of dishes".

Target. Develop logical thinking.

Material. Image of dishes, code card.

Outdoor game “10 Little Houses”.

IU "Food and Drinks".

Target. Computing activities.

Material. Flashcards featuring food and drink with addition and subtraction examples.

IU "Fire in a hut on chicken legs."

Target. Develop the ability to correlate the size of the Cuisenaire wand with the silhouette image.

Material. Sheets with the task “The Hut”, Cuisenaire sticks.

Lesson 7.

Subject . Cinderella.

IU "Flowers".

Target. Determination of even and odd numbers.

Material. Images of flowers marked with the numbers of the first ten.

IU “Dresses for the Ball”.

Target. Develop the ability to decode information about color denial.

Material. Images of dresses for the ball, code cards.

IU “Crumbs for Birds”.

Target. Computing activities.

Material. Cards with examples and pictures of birds with answers.

IU “Blanket for Cinderella”.

Target. Develop the ability to find an extra figure from a number of proposed figures.

Material. Visual aid “Geometric table”.

PS "Pumpkin for the carriage."

Target. Develop the ability to arrange the numbers of the first and second ten in ascending order, and name the missing numbers.

Material. Images of pumpkins with selective numbers from the first and second ten.

IU "Mousetrap".

Target. Strengthen the ability to correlate a stick with the number indicating it.

Material. Visual aid “Mousetrap”, Cuisenaire sticks.

IU "Clocks".

Target. Develop the ability to tell time using a clock.

Material. Scene pictures, clock models.

IU “Find the path”.

Target. Develop the ability to navigate the labyrinth, correctly determine and name the direction of movement.

Material. Maze "Find the path."

Lesson 8.

Subject . Little Muck.

IU "Little Muk".

Target. Develop constructive abilities, the ability to reproduce images from memory.

Material. Game "Cross-2" Voskobo

Natalia Zachinyaeva
Long-term plan for FEMP in the preparatory group

Long-term plan on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preparatory group

No. topic Objectives Literature


1 Numbers 1-5 repetition Repeat numbers 1- 5 : education, writing, composition; consolidate quantitative and ordinal counting skills.

No. 1 D/i: "Day Night", "magic bag", “Who knows, let him continue to count”, "Who lives where"

Work in notebooks

2 Numbers 1-5 repetition Repeat comparison groups objects by quantity using pairing, signs, the meaning of addition and subtraction, the relationship of the whole and parts, introduce the term into speech practice "task".

No. 2 D/i: "Magic houses", "Whose place is this?".

Making riddles

Reading poems about numbers

Learning poems for physical education minutes

1 Number 6. Number 6. Introduce the formation and composition of the number 6; consolidate understanding of the relationship between part and whole, geometric concepts No. 3.4 Composition of numbers

Direct, reverse, count. and ordinal counting

Work in notebooks

2 Longer, shorter Develop the ability to compare the lengths of objects "approximately" and by direct application; consolidate the relationship between the whole and parts, knowledge of the composition of numbers 1-6, counting skills within six. No. 5 D/ And: "Colorful rugs", "Name your neighbor", "Shape Transformation"

Work in notebooks

3 Measuring length To form ideas about measuring length using a measure, to introduce such units of measurement as step, span, elbow, fathom; consolidate the ability to compose mini stories based on pictures, counting skills within 6. No. 6;

Solution math. tasks;

Work on the composition of number 6;

Measuring segments with a ruler or yardstick.

4 Measuring length To consolidate ideas about measuring length using measurements and the ability to practically measure length; introduce cm and meter; introduce the use of segments to solve problems. No. 7,8 "fold the pattern";

"Guess the figure"

"How to get to the bunny"

Work in notebooks

5 Number 7. Number 7 Introduce the formation and composition of the number 7, number 7; consolidate the idea of ​​the composition of the number 6, the relationship of the whole and parts; concept of polygon No. 9 Consideration of polygons;

"Dyenes Blocks",

"Collect a square"

1 number 7. Number 7 Fix ordinal and quantitative counting within 7, knowledge of the composition of the number 7; repeat comparison groups objects using pairing, recounting techniques, counting one or more units on a number line. No. 10 "Dyenes Blocks"

Di: "Find a Pair", "What do the numbers say"

Solving Math Problems

Individual work in notebooks

2 number 7. Number 7 Strengthen ideas about the composition of number 7, the relationship between the whole and parts, the ability to depict these relationships using a segment. No. 11 D/ And: "Name the neighbors", "Composition of Parts"

Work on the composition of the number 7. Work in notebooks

3 Heavier, lighter. Comparison by mass Form ideas about concepts "heavier-lighter" based on direct comparison of objects by mass; consolidate understanding of the relationship between the whole and parts, ideas about addition and subtraction. No. 12 Board game "Geometric mosaic", "fold the pattern"

Solving Math Problems

Individual work in notebooks

4 Measuring mass To form in children ideas about the need to choose a measure by measuring mass, introduce them to the 1 kg measure. No. 13 Direct and reverse counting

Ordinal counting

"Dyenes Blocks"

Individual work in notebooks

1 Measuring mass To consolidate ideas about measuring the mass of objects using various types of scales, about adding the masses of objects; consolidate geometric and spatial concepts, the relationship of the whole and parts. No. 14 d/ And: "mirror" "In the shop"


"fun tasks"

"geometric lotto"

"arrange it in different ways"

2 Number 8. Number 8 Introduce the formation and composition of the number 8, number 8;

Strengthen ideas about the composition of the number 7; counting skills within 7; relationships between the whole and the parts. No. 15 d/ And: "funny riddles"

"Funny Poems"

Work in notebooks

Comparison of objects by weight, length.

3 Number 8. Number 8 Develop counting skills within 8; consolidate ideas about measuring the length and mass of objects; o recalculation and counting on a numerical segment. No. 16 Laying out from sticks; "Dyenesha Bloc"

Individual work on orientation on a plane

4 Number 8. Number 8 Repeat the comparison technique groups items by quantity using pairing; consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 8, the relationship between the whole and parts, their schematic representation using segment No. 17 Working with diagrams, plans

Memorizing poems for physical education classes

1 Volume. Comparison by volume Form ideas about volume, compare vessels by volume using transfusion; consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 8, the relationship between the whole and parts, their schematic representation using segment No. 18 Work in notebooks on performing addition and subtraction operations

Consolidating the composition of the number 8

1 Measuring volume Develop ideas about measuring volume using a measure, the dependence of the measurement result on the choice of measure; consolidate understanding of the meaning of addition and subtraction, the relationship of the whole and parts. No. 19 d/ And: "Holiday in Prostokvashino"

"Find a Pair"

"Which bucket is bigger"


"Name the neighbors"

2 Number 9. Number 9 Introduce the formation and composition of the number 9, number 9; consolidate the ability to find signs of similarities and differences between figures, relationships between the whole and parts, addition and subtraction on a number line. No. 20 d/ And: “Learn to tell time by watch”, “Hurry up and don’t make a mistake”

"What changed"

"Magic House"

3 Number 9. Number 9 Introduce the clock dial, form ideas about determining time by clock; fix the score within 9 No. 21 Telling riddles, reading poems about numbers

Work in notebooks

4 Number 9. Number 9 consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 9, the relationship between the whole and parts, their schematic representation using a segment. No. 22 Individual work with children: consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 9.

1 Number 0. number 0 Form ideas about the number 0 and its properties; consolidate counting within 9, ideas about a numerical segment, the relationship between the whole and parts. No. 25 Individual work in notebooks

Learning math rhymes and physical education minutes

2 Number 0. number 0 Consolidate ideas about number 0, number 0, composition of numbers 8,9. No. 26 Individual work to consolidate the composition of numbers 1-9.

Problem solving

Puzzle games

3 Number 10. Form ideas about the number 10, its formation, composition, recording, consolidate ideas about the relationship of the whole and parts, their schematic representation using a segment, recognize quadrangles and octagons. No. 27 D/ And: "What season"

"It happens, it doesn't happen"

Individual work in notebooks

4 Ball. Cube parallelepiped To develop the ability to find objects in the shape of a cube, ball, parallelepiped in the environment; consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 10, the relationship between the whole and parts, addition and subtraction of numbers on a number line. No. 28 Games. exercise “Hurry up, don’t make a mistake”

“Is this true or not?”

“Imagine what happened”

1 Pyramid. Cone. Cylinder To develop the ability to find pyramid-shaped, cone-shaped, cylinder-shaped objects in the environment; consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 10, the relationship between the whole and parts, addition and subtraction of numbers on a number line. No. 29 d/ And: "Guess"

"Magic bag"


Work in notebooks

2 Symbols Introduce children to the use of symbols to indicate the properties of objects; consolidate ideas about the composition of numbers 8,9,10, the ability to navigate plan. No. 30 d/ And:

“Choosing transport”

"Magic Lawn"




3 Repetition. Game - a trip to the country of mathematics. Strengthen ideas about the properties of objects, addition, subtraction, relationships between the whole and parts, repeat quantitative and ordinal counting, numbers 1-9, composition of numbers 2-10 No. 31 Individual work in notebooks

Making riddles about numbers

Reading and memorizing poetry

4 Repetition. Game soon for school Repeat the comparison of numbers on a visual basis, the relationship of the whole and parts, the composition of numbers within 10; consolidate the concept of symbols, addition and subtraction of numbers on a number line No. 32 Individual work in notebooks

1 Repetition Strengthen ideas about the properties of objects, addition, subtraction, relationships between the whole and parts, repeat quantitative and ordinal counting, numbers 1-9, composition of numbers 2-10 Individual work in notebooks

Making riddles about numbers

Reading and memorizing poetry

2 Repetition Repeat the comparison of numbers on a visual basis, the relationship of the whole and parts, the composition of numbers within 10; consolidate the concept of symbols, addition and subtraction of numbers on a number line Individual work in notebooks

Making riddles about numbers

Reading and memorizing poetry

Explanatory note.

A condition for the successful implementation of a program in elementary mathematics is the organization of a special subject-development environment in groups in the kindergarten area for direct action of children with specially selected objects and materials in the process of mastering mathematical content.

The formation of quantitative and spatial concepts is an important condition for the full development of a child at all stages of preschool childhood. They serve as a necessary basis for further enriching knowledge about the world around us and successfully mastering the system of general and mathematical concepts at school.

By the age of six, a child acquires a relatively wide range of knowledge about the number, shape and size of objects, and basic ways to navigate two- and three-dimensional space and time.

In the preparatory group, the teacher must facilitate the further filling of specific visual and effective ideas, their systematization and generalization, and prepare children for school.

In the pre-school group, it is recommended to have two classes per week (approximately 70-72 classes per year). In the classroom, along with the teacher’s explanation and the children’s joint actions, each child must work independently with handouts.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Quantity and counting.

Strengthen the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?”.

Orientation in space.

Fix the representation in space (in the row:left, right, before, after, between, before, behind, next to ).

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

1 lesson

1st week of September

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 17.

Demo material: cards with circles drawn on them (from 1 to 7), Dunno's things (hat, boots, etc.), doll furniture, a doll, a bear, three cubes, three pyramids.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Practice dividing a set into parts and combining its parts; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part.


Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes. Strengthen the ability to divide a circle and a square into 2 and 4 equal parts, compare and name them.

Lesson 2

1st week of September

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 18.

Demo material: doll, bear, bunny, three cubes, three pyramids, three cars, five circles of the same color, two baskets, 2 sets of building materials (with flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes).

Handout: envelopes containing ¼ of a circle or square, a box with the remaining parts of the figures, squares of the same color (5 pieces for each child).

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about numbers 1 and 2.

Practice counting skills forward and backward within 10.

Orientation in space.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet.

Improve your understanding of triangles and quadrilaterals.

1 lesson

2nd week of September

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 20.

Demonstration material. cards with numbers 1 and 2, dummies of mushrooms (1 white and 2 boletus), 10 triangles of the same color, a pattern sample.

Handout : cards with numbers 1 and 2. Rectangles of the same color (10 pieces for each child), sheets of paper, colored pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 3.

Learn to name the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within 10.


Improve the ability to compare 10 objects (by length, width, height), arrange them in ascending and descending order.

Orientation in space.

Practice the ability to move in a given direction.

Lesson 2

2nd week of September

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 21.

Demo material: cards with images of various objects (on a card from 1 to 3 objects), cards with numbers from 1 to 3, 10 cylinders of different heights and 1 cylinder equal in height to one of the cylinders, a pipe and stars.

Handout: cards with different numbers of circles, cards with circles (from 1 to 10), cards with images of mazes, pencils, 10 multi-colored strips of different lengths and widths, one strip of paper (for each child), cards with numbers (from 1 to 3), stars.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 4.

To consolidate the idea of ​​the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.


Strengthen the ability to compare 2 objects in size using a conditional measure equal to one of the objects being compared.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to indicate in speech your location relative to another person

1 lesson

3rd week of September

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 24.

Demo material: dolls (one of them with a pigtail), cards with numbers from 1 to 4, cards with images of clothing and shoes (from 3 to 5 items on a card), 2 ribbons of different lengths, measures (a cardboard strip equal to the length of the doll’s short ribbon , stick, rope, etc.).

Handout: cards with numbers from 1 to 4 (for each child), pencils of different colors (5 pieces for each child), cars, a set of bars (for each pair of children), strips of paper (1 piece, for a pair of children).

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 5.

Introduce the quantitative composition of the number 6 from units.

Time orientation.


Continue to develop the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Lesson 2

3rd week of September

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 25.

Demo material: a basket with items: a compass, a watch, a thermos, a mug, a telephone, a ball of rope, a box, a flag; backpack, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, cards with images of various objects (from 1 to 5 objects).

Handout: sets of geometric shapes, “leaves” of trees of different colors (8 pieces for each child), cards with numbers from 1 to 5.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 6.

Continue learning to form the number 6 from ones.


Clarify the techniques for dividing a circle into 2-4 and 8 equal parts, teach an understanding of the relationship between the whole and the parts, name and show them.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to move in accordance with symbols in space.

1 lesson

1st week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 27.

Demo material: basket, dummies of fruits (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, onion, eggplant), 2 plates, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, circle, ¼ part of a circle, scissors, truck, tree silhouette, route diagram.

Handout: sets of colored pencils, white aspen (or maple) leaves cut out of paper, circles, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 6.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 7.

Introducing the composition of numbers 7 and 8 from ones.


Clarify the techniques for dividing a square into 2, 4 and 8 equal parts, teach understanding of the relationship between the whole and the parts, name them and show them.

Reinforce the concept of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week

Lesson 2

1st week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page thirty.

Demo material: geometric shapes (all types of triangles and quadrangles), planar images of Dunno, Pencil, Znayka, Samodelkin, 2 boxes, 9 cards with images of different tools (saw, hammer, drill, etc.), cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Handout: sheets of square paper, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 8.

Continue learning to form the numbers 7 and 8 from ones.

Time orientation.

Reinforce the sequential naming of the days of the week.

1 lesson

2nd week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 32.

Demo material: cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), an oval divided into parts, 8 circles of different colors, 8 cards of different colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 8, a bird sample from parts of an oval.

Handout: sets of colored pencils, cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), an oval divided into parts, cards with numbers from 1 to 8.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 9.

Introduce the composition of the number 9 from units.

Improve the ability to name numbers in forward and reverse order from any number

Orientation in space.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine its sides and angles.

Development of the eye.

Lesson 2

2nd week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 34.

Demo material: cards with images of animals (wolf, fox, hare, bear, etc.), a ball, cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 4 chairs, 4 cards with images of circles of different sizes.

Handout: circles of different colors (10 pieces for each child), sheets of paper, pencils, circles of different sizes (the size corresponds to the circles on the cards from the demonstration material).

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about numbers from 1 to 9.

Improve your ability to form the number 9 from ones.

Develop an understanding of the independence of the counting result from its direction.


Give an idea of ​​the weight of objects and compare them by weighing them on the palms; learn to denote the result of a comparison in words.


Develop the ability to group geometric shapes by color and shape.

1 lesson

3rd week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 36.

Demo material: cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 5 cards with the number 1, a tape on which 9 units are written in different colors, wooden and metal balls of the same size, 2 jars of water.

Handout : cards with numbers from 1 to 9, sheets of paper with images of three circles, sets of geometric shapes (squares, rectangles and diamonds in red, green and blue), trays.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Clarify ideas about the number 0

Introducing the composition of the number 10 from ones.

Continue learning to findthe previous number to the named one, the next number to the named one.


Clarify ideas about the weight of objects.

Time orientation.

Form an idea of ​​temporary relationships and learn to denote them in words:first, then, before, after, before, later.

Lesson 2

3rd week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 38.

Demo material: a ball, a nesting doll, pictures depicting the seasons, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, 9 circles of the same color, a magnetic board, 3 opaque buckets with different amounts of millet.

Handout: cards with numbers from 0 to 9, colored circles (12 pieces for each child).

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Introduce the symbol for the number 10.

Continue learning to form the number 10 using ones.

Strengthen counting skills forward and backward within 10.


Give an idea of ​​a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral.

Orientation in space.

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space using symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, and reflect their spatial position in speech.

1 lesson

4th week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 41.

Demo material: a ball, envelopes with tasks, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, cards with images of different numbers of objects (up to 10 objects), triangles, quadrangles, a magnetic board, a picture with the image of a Lumberjack made up of different polygons.

Handout: sets of colored pencils, sheets of paper, polygons (various types of triangles, square, rectangle, rhombus).

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Continued acquaintance with numbers from 1 to 9.

Learn to form the number 3 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.


Clarify your understanding of a polygon, develop the ability to find its sides, angles and vertices.

Time orientation.

Strengthen ideas about the seasons and months of autumn.

Lesson 2

4th week of October

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 44.

Demo material: 2 sets of cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (two colors), 3 yellow and 3 dark yellow circles, pictures of a fox and a cat, a square made of counting sticks, a picture of a fox made of polygons, a model of the seasons.

Handout: counting sticks (4 pieces for each child), 3 yellow and 3 red circles (for each child), plasticine, envelopes with geometric shapes.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 4 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10.


Develop the ability to analyze the shape of objects and their individual parts.


Improve your understanding of the weight of objects and the ability to determine whether objects weigh the same or not, regardless of their appearance.

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

1 lesson

1 Week


I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 46.

Demo material: magnetic board, 6 circles, different in color from the house model; small iron ball, large plastic ball; 2 wooden cubes of the same size and weight, but different colors; asterisks.

Handout: counting sticks (4 pieces for each child), sheets of paper (2 pieces for each child), pictures of a rocket and an airplane made from geometric shapes, 2 sets of geometric shapes, 2 sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 7 .

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 5 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 15.


Improve the ability to build a serial series based on the weight of objects.

Orientation in space.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper and reflect in speech the spatial arrangement of objects in words: top, bottom, left, right, middle.

Lesson 2

1st week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 49.

Demo material : strip of paper, 15 circles, flannelgraph, magnetic board, 10 counting sticks in a bundle, basket, 10 carrots, 10 beets, 5 jars of different weights, pictures of vegetables (beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions).

Handout: counting sticks (15 pieces for each child), rubber bands, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, sheets of paper, sets of geometric shapes (red, yellow and green circles, triangle, square).

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 6 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 15.


Introduce the measurement of quantities using a conditional measure.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate in space using symbols and diagrams.

1 lesson

2nd week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 51.

Demo material: two baskets (one with 10 balls, the other with 5 balls, a jar of rice, 6 cubes, a spoon, a glass, a ruler, a string, a sheet of paper, a cardboard strip (the strip must fit the full number of times in a sheet of paper), 2 boxes of pencils : in one box - 5 red pencils, in another box - 5 blue pencils.

Handout: cards with numbers, sheets of paper depicting the kindergarten building (rectangle) and the site (oval), triangles, circles, triangles, pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 20.


Orientation in space.

Lesson 2

2nd week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 54.

Demo material: cards with numbers from 0 to 9, pictures of 7 gnomes in hats of the same color, 6 hats of different colors, a strip of paper, a measure (paper strip), colored crayons.

Handout: circles of the same color (9 pieces for each child), basket silhouette (2 pieces for each child), strips of paper (mats), measures (paper strips), counters, sets of counting sticks, rubber bands (2 pieces for each child), a sheet of paper in a large square, colored pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 8 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen counting skills in forward and backward order within 15.


Practice measuring the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

1 lesson

3rd week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 56.

Demo material: cards with numbers, 15 cards with images of little mice in T-shirts (10 of them have numbers from 1 to 10 written on their T-shirts), 8 pictures with images of octopuses (on one side of the picture there are octopuses of the same color, on the other - different colors).

Handout : stripes-tracks, catch measures, triangles (2 pieces for each child), circles of the same color (8 pieces for each child), sheets of checkered paper, simple pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 9 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Improve counting skills within 20.


Practice measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 2

3rd week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 58.

Demo material: cards with numbers, 20 cards with images of us-shat in T-shirts (15 of them have numbers written on their T-shirts), a cube equal in height to 5 strip measures, strips of paper (measure).

Dispensing material: circles of the same color (9 circles of each color for each child), sheets of checkered paper on which two dots are drawn at the beginning of the side with an interval of one square, pencils, cubes equal in height to 3 strips-measures (1 cube each for two children), strips of paper (measures), counting sticks.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen the ability to identify the previous, subsequent and missing number to the one named or indicated by a number within 10.


Practice the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

1 lesson

4th week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 61.

Demo material: cards with numbers from 0 to 9, a “piece of fabric” (sheet of paper) equal to 6 measures in length and 4 measures in width, a strip of paper (measure), 10 circles of the same color (pies), 2 plates

Handout: 10 circles of the same color, counting sticks, 10 triangles of the same color, checkered notebooks on which the beginning of the code is given, pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Strengthen ideas about the quantitative and ordinal value of numbers within 10.

Strengthen the ability to form the number 10 from units.


Improve skills in measuring the size of objects; introduce the dependence of measurement results on the value of the conditional measure.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to move in space in a given direction.


Improve the ability to model objects using familiar geometric shapes.

Lesson 2

4th week of November

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 64.

Handout: circles of different colors (10 pieces for each child), counting sticks, flat geometric shapes.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 1, 5, 10 kopecks.

Orientation in space.

Continue to develop your orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper.


Clarify ideas about polygons and how to classify them by type and size.

1 lesson

1st week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 67.

Demo material: Pinocchio, bills and coins of different denominations, pencil, eraser, notebook, pen, 3 hoops of the same color, box, geometric shapes (2 circles, 2 triangles and 2 rectangles of different colors and sizes)

Handout: cellophane bags with kopeck coins (5, 10 kopecks), cellophane bags with ruble coins (1, 2, 5, 10 rubles), checkered notebooks for completing the task.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Continue introducing coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles.

Time orientation.

Develop ideas about measuring time, introduce hourglasses.

Lesson 2

1st week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 69.

Demo material: magnetic board, envelope, pencil, eraser, pen, notebook, price tags (from 1 to 10 rubles)%; circles of two colors (10 pieces of each color), hourglass with intervals of 1, 2, 5 minutes.

Handout: coins of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles in plastic bags, squares of the same color and size (10 pieces for each child), counting sticks.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Time orientation.

Develop a sense of time, learn to regulate your activities in accordance with the time interval.


Develop the ability to recreate objects of complex shape from individual parts using contour patterns.

1 lesson

2nd week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 71.

Demo material: a set of cardboard coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles (several coins of each denomination), an hourglass with an interval of 3 minutes, Christmas tree decorations (Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, 2 balls of different colors, a cracker), price tags (each number of Christmas tree decorations), 20 circles of the same color and size, 10 cards with images of various objects (from the game “Columbus Egg”).

Handout: a set of cardboard coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles (several coins of each denomination), squares of the same color and size (20 pieces for each child), circles of the same color and size (10 pieces for each child) , 10 envelopes with pieces of cardboard from the game

“Columbus Egg”, checkered notebooks on which the beginning of the task is given, pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Continue to clarify ideas about coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.


Learn to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conventional measure.

Time orientation.

Introduce children to clocks, teach them to set the time on a clock model.


Continue learning to determine the shape of objects and their parts.

Lesson 2

2nd week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 73.

Demo material: a picture of a bird feeder, a glass with seeds, a price tag of 10 rubles, a glass of millet, 2 transparent bowls, a tablespoon, a glass, a ring, a strip of cardboard, a napkin, a bag, an outline image of a birdhouse with a circle drawn in the middle, an alarm clock, wrists clock, cuckoo wall clock, clock dial mockup.

Handout: a set of cardboard coins, an abacus, pictures cut into pieces depicting birdhouses.

Cognitive development


Continue learning to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conventional measure.

Time orientation.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.


Reinforce ideas about polygons; introduce its special cases: pentagon and hexagon.

1 lesson

3rd week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 76.

Demo material: bowl of flour, jar, tray, clock mockup, pentagon, hexagon.

Handout: a bowl of flour (10 teaspoons of flour in a bowl), jars, teaspoons, clock models, checkered notebooks with a sample task, pencils, polygons, circles.

Cognitive development


Introduce the rules for measuring liquid substances using a conventional measure.

Quantity and counting.

To consolidate an understanding of the relationships between numbers in the natural series, the ability to increase (decrease) a number by 1 within 10.

Time orientation.

Develop a “sense of time”; learn to distinguish the duration of time intervals within 5 minutes.


Develop the ability to model geometric shapes.

Lesson 2

3rd week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 78.

Demo material: hourglass with an interval of 5 minutes, a book with poems about geometric shapes, cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (digit 1-2 pcs.), metallophone, drum, tambourine, opaque jug of milk, glass, jar, strip of paper, bowl transparent with mark.

Handout: Plasticine, rope, counting sticks, cube pattern, 10 circles of the same color and size.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Improve the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger number from two smaller ones within 10.

Exercise the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare the whole and part of the set.

Time orientation.

Reinforce ideas about the sequence of times and months of the year.


Develop the ability to construct geometric figures using verbal descriptions and listing characteristic properties.

1 lesson

4th week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 80.

Demo material : rope, 2 hoops, cards with numbers, pebbles, a picture of birds sitting on two branches, a picture of different seasons and months of autumn.

Handout: cards with numbers from 0 to 9, counting sticks, rope.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Strengthen the ability to decompose a number into two smaller numbers and make a larger number within 10 from two smaller ones.

Develop the ability to name the previous, subsequent and missing numbers to the named one.

Time orientation.

Reinforce ideas about the sequence of days of the week.

Orientation in space.


Develop the ability to modify geometric shapes.

2nd lesson

4th week of December

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 83.

Demo material: ball, cards with numbers of different colors (2 sets).

Handout: cards with numbers, checkered notebooks with a sample pattern, checkered sheets of paper showing a square, rectangle, pentagon, colored and simple pencils.

Cognitive development

Quantity and counting.

Learn to compose arithmetic problems involving addition.


Strengthen the ability to see geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

1 lesson

1st week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 86.

Demo material: Vase, 4 flags, 3 cubes, squares of two colors, 5 triangles of the same color, pictures with schematic images of children in different poses (5-6 pieces), 5 sheets of whatman paper with images of geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval ), a picture depicting cats arranged in 3 rows.

Handout: triangles of two colors, cards and images of cats, pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Orientation in space.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

1st week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 88.

Demo material: cards with numbers, 4 cardboard models of coins, pictures of a labyrinth.

Handout: sets of red and yellow circles, checkered notebooks with a sample drawing, pictures of labyrinths, colored pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.


Strengthen the ability to measure the volume of liquid substances using a conventional measure.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

2nd week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 90.

Demo material: a bucket of colored water, 7 blue circles, a transparent water container, a measuring cup, a watering can.

Handout: counting sticks of two colors, checkered notebooks with a sample pattern, pencils, pictures depicting children involved in various types of winter sports, having 5 differences (2 pieces for each child).

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Continue to introduce coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.

Orientation in space.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

2nd week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 93.

Demo material: cardboard models of coins of different denominations (rubles).

Handout: cards with numbers, counting sticks, cardboard coins of various denominations (rubles), checkered notebooks with a sample pattern, pencils, workbooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Time orientation.

Continue to get acquainted with clocks, learn how to set the time on a clock model.

Orientation in space.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

1 lesson

3rd week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 95.

Demo material: cards with numbers, 9 fish, 2 panels depicting an aquarium (aquarium with slots)

Handout: checkered notebooks with a sample pattern, pencils, workbooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Improve your understanding of the sequence of numbers within 20.


Develop the ability to divide a whole into 8 equal parts and compare the whole and parts.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to determine the location of objects relative to each other.

Lesson 2

3rd week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 96.

Demo material: cards with images of circles (from 1 to 20 circles; 10 red circles and 10 blue), panels with slots, 10 balls, 2 dolls, 5 candies, 7 animal figures.

Handout: counting sticks, circles (1 piece for each child), scissors, workbooks, pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Strengthen the ability to name the previous, subsequent and missing numbers, indicated by a number.


Develop ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to draw them on a sheet of paper.

1 lesson

4th week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 98.

Demo material: pictures depicting oak trees (7 pcs.), pine trees (3 pcs.), a six-headed snake; a sheet of paper with images of geometric figures of different types and sizes (triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, rectangle, square, hexagon, pentagon - each figure is given in two sizes), cards with numbers from 0 to 9.

Handout: counting sticks, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, sheets of paper with images of geometric shapes of different types and sizes, colored pencils, sheets of paper.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach children to independently compose and solve addition and subtraction problems.

Time orientation.

Improve your understanding of the parts of the day and their sequence.

Practice using words correctly in speech:first, then, before, after .


Strengthen the ability to see the shapes of familiar geometric figures in surrounding objects.

Lesson 2

4th week of January

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 100.

Demo material: a series of handouts “Daily Routine”, pictures depicting 5 cacti, girls carrying 2 cacti, a card with a question mark, a picture depicting balloons (9 balloons, 2 of them fly away), postcards depicting objects of different shapes.

Handout: workbooks, geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval; 1 shape for each child), pencils, circles of 2 colors.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Practice counting objects according to the model.

Orientation in space.

Learn to measure the length of straight line segments using squares.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

1st week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 101.

Demo material: circles of two colors, 9 pictures with images of bunnies, cards with images of a hare, bear, hedgehog, moose, wolf, fox; frying pans, saucepans, colanders, kettles, bowls, ladle;, coats, hats, trousers, jackets, sweaters, overalls.

Handout: sheets of paper, simple pencils, workbooks, sheets of paper depicting two houses of different colors and paths to them of different lengths and different colors, 2 strips of checkered paper, cards with numbers.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Improve the ability to form numbers from units.

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to name the winter months.


Practice creating thematic compositions from geometric shapes.

Lesson 2

1st week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 103.

Demo material: pictures depicting different months of winter, 2 tree branches, silhouettes of birds: 10 tits, 10 bullfinches, pictures depicting objects with price tags: pencil - 2 rubles, envelope - 5 rubles, postcard - 10 rubles; box with a slot.

Handout: abacus, sets of coins in denominations of 2, 5, 10 rubles; 1 ruble coins (10 pieces for each child), checkered notebooks, geometric shapes, counting sticks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week and correctly use the words in speech:earlier, later, first, then.

Orientation in space.

Continue to develop the ability to determine a segment of straight lines and measure its length in cells.


Develop ideas about the size of objects.

1 lesson

2nd week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 106.

Demo material: cards with numbers and signs “+”, “-“, “=”, 9 flags, 9 ribbons, 2 sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 7 in different colors; a picture depicting a pot (height 15 cm) and 2 sticks (length 4.5 cm), a strip of checkered paper.

Handout: counting sticks, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, checkered notebooks, colored pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.


Expand your understanding of the weight of objects.


Strengthen the ability to modify geometric shapes.

Orientation in space.

Improve the ability to navigate in a squared notebook and complete tasks according to verbal instructions.

Lesson 2

2nd week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 109.

Demo material: box, 3 squares, 5 pencils, cup scales, 2 plasticine cubes of the same mass.

Handout: red and green circles, cards with numbers and signs “+”, “-“, “=”, checkered notebooks, simple and colored pencils, envelopes with cut squares, sheets of paper with models for solving problems.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.


Improve skills in measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure.

Time orientation.

Continue to introduce watches and teach how to tell time with an accuracy of 1 hour.

1 lesson

3rd week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 111.

Demo material: pictures of cars (in one picture there are 2 cars, in the other there are 4 cars driving towards 2 cars); airplanes (7 at the airfield, 5 airplanes taking off), whatman paper with a picture of a house, a model of a clock, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, an outline image of a spruce tree, equal in height to one of the three children’s spruce trees.

Handout: sheets of paper with models for solving problems, colored pencils, 4 clock models (for 4 subgroups of children), outline images of fir trees of different heights (3 pieces for each child; one of the fir trees is equal to the model), cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, counting sticks, workbooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.


Continue to develop ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to sketch them in squared notebooks.

Develop logical thinking.

Lesson 2

3rd week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 114.

Demo material: Ball, “Basket” panel with slots, 8 silhouettes of apples, 8 silhouettes of pears.

Handout: Colored and simple pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, checkered notebooks, cards with images of geometric shapes, 2 models for solving arithmetic problems without dots.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Improve counting skills by changing its base.

Orientation in space.

Strengthen the ability to move in space in a given direction in accordance with symbols.

1 lesson

4th week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 116

Demo material: circles of two colors (10 circles of each color), 3 strips equal in length to 3 circles, 2 strips equal in length to 5 circles, whatman paper with a model of an intersection, road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian movement prohibited”, “Traffic prohibited", "Underpass"), 2 traffic lights, small dolls, cars.

Handout: counting sticks, sheets of paper, colored pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, workbooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve addition and subtraction problems.

To consolidate ideas about the quantitative and ordinal value of a number, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which is in order?”, “In which place?”.


Improve your ability to model geometric shapes.

Develop attention and imagination.

Lesson 2

4th week of February

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 118.

Demo material: ball, cards with numbers, tambourine, cube.

Handout: plasticine, counting sticks, colored pencils, cards with images of geometric shapes, 2 models for solving arithmetic problems.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve arithmetic problems within 10.


Improve the ability to divide a circle into 8 equal parts, correctly label parts, compare the whole and its parts.

Time orientation.

Exercise the ability to determine time on a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour.

Develop attention.

1 lesson

1 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 120.

Demo material: a ball, pictures of an owl, a model of a clock, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs.

Handout: clock models, sheets of paper, pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, circles, scissors, cards with numbers.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Strengthen your understanding of the relationships between adjacent numbers within 10.

Orientation in space.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention.

Lesson 2

1 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 123.

Demo material: ball, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs and signs "<», «>"" "=", panel "Vase", 3 daisies, 5 cornflowers, 2 semicircles and a whole circle, colored crayons.

Handout: checkered notebooks, pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.


Improve the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Orientation in space.

Improve your ability to orientate yourself on a sheet of squared paper.

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the time and months of the year.

1 lesson

2 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 127.

Demo material: ball, cards with the image of a square, 2 semicircles, a whole circle, chalk, cards with arithmetic signs

Handout: cards with diagrams of the route from home to school, strips of cardboard (conventional measures), pencil, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, checkered notebooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice the ability to form a number from two smaller numbers and decompose a number into two smaller numbers.

Reinforce ideas about coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to orientate yourself on a sheet of squared paper.


Practice the ability to determine the weight of objects using scales.

Lesson 2

2 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 128.

Demo material: ball, educational supplies with price tags: 2 notebooks (5 rubles each), a box of pencils (10 rubles), an eraser (2 rubles), a pencil (1 ruble), pens (45 rubles), scales, cotton wool, a plasticine ball, a picture with image of early spring (snow with thawed patches), a board on which a layer of plate is applied.

Handout: a set of models of coins of different denominations, checkered notebooks with patterns, pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, sheets of paper.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to combine parts of a set, compare the whole and its parts based on counting.

Orientation in space.


Improve the ability to see the shapes of familiar geometric figures in surrounding objects.

1 lesson

3 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 130.

Demo material: cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, a ball, cards with images of little men in various poses, a tambourine, a sample pattern of 2 semicircles on a checkered board, a whole circle, chalk, cards with arithmetic signs

Handout: cards with numbers and arithmetic symbols, checkered notebooks, pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Time orientation.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to model spatial relationships between objects on a plan.


Develop spatial perception of shape.

Lesson 2

3 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 133.

Demo material: ball.

Handout: sheets of paper (1/2 sheet, whole sheet), pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, workbooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice counting forward and backward within 20.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.


Improve the ability to design three-dimensional geometric shapes.

1 lesson

4 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 134.

Demo material: picture “Street of our city”, which shows 4 trucks and 6 light vehicles, a ball, a table with road signs.

Handout: pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic symbols, checkered notebooks with a sample task, a poster with images of road signs.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Practice solving arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Improve counting skills by changing the counting base within 20.

Orientation in space.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

4 week March

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 136.

Demo material : 4 cards with handprints

Handout: colored pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, checkered notebooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.


Develop the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

1st week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 138.

Demo material: cards with numbers 8 10, 3 hoops, a set of circles, triangles, squares of different sizes (large and small) and colors (red, yellow, blue), 2 cards depicting problem models, hourglasses with intervals of 1 and 3 minutes, chips , 2 pictures depicting nesting dolls, different from each other.

Handout: checkered notebooks, 2 sets of cards with numbers and arithmetic symbols, pencils.

Cognitive development

5 6

Quantity and counting.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Time orientation.

Develop the ability to name the days of the week, months and seasons in sequence.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

2 class

1st week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 140.

Demo material: pictures depicting the seasons, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs.

Handout: checkered notebooks with a picture of a number line, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, pictures of “Light the lamp”, colored pencils, 2-3 sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Learn to “read” graphic information indicating the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

2nd week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 143.

Demo material : colored pencils, sample maze, number line, 2 story pictures with 8-10 differences.

Handout: notebooks in a cage with the image of two number lines consisting of 10 cells, pencils, pictures with the image of labyrinths.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve addition problems within 10.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.


Develop the ability to create objects of complex shape from individual parts according to imagination.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

2nd week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 145.

Demo material: a number tape with numbers from 1 to 20 written on it (some of them are missing), cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, two number lines on the board.

Handout: notebooks with images of two number lines (without arcs) and geometric figures, pencils), cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, sets of geometric figures and counting sticks, sheets of paper.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Strengthen the ability to form a number from two smaller ones and decompose it into two smaller numbers within 10.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

3rd week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 147.

Demo material : ball, key, envelope, sample key on a checkered board.

Handout: checkered notebooks with a sample drawing, pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, workbooks.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.


Strengthen ideas about three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

3rd week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 149.

Handout: cards showing the layout of tables in a group indicating the place of each child, workbooks, checkered notebooks with a sample drawing, pencils.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Strengthen the ability to count forward and backward within 20.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

1 lesson

4th week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 151.

Demo material: ball, 1 square, 4 right triangles.

Handout: colored pencils, checkered notebooks with a sample pattern, envelopes with cut squares (1 square and 4 right triangles), cards with numbers and arithmetic signs.

Cognitive development


Quantity and counting.

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Orientation in space.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Improve the ability to navigate in the surrounding space relative to yourself and another person.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

4th week of April

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Preparatory group. Page 153.

Demo material: cards with numbers and arithmetic signs, a number line on a checkered board.

Handout: simple and colored pencils, cards with numbers and arithmetic symbols, sheets of paper with images of balls of different colors and sizes (within 20), checkered notebooks.

Cognitive development

May – work to consolidate the material covered in classes and leisure time with mathematical content