Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Work program of the teacher in the sensory room. Program of group developmental activities in the “rainbow” sensory room

psychological exercises for training

Program of work in the interactive environment of the dark sensory room “Amazing Familiar World”

educational psychologist
Shlyakhovaya E.V.

Interactive dark sensory room environment

A dark sensory room is a specially organized environment filled with various kinds of stimulants. They affect the organs of vision, hearing, smell, touch and others. The dark sensory room environment is defined as an interactive environment. Interactivity (from the English interaction) is one of the significant categories of psychology, computer science, sociology and other sciences. Interactivity is a concept that describes the nature of interaction between objects. It reflects the variety of interactions that arise in various spheres of existence (human interaction with the surrounding natural and social world at different levels of relations). As one of the definitions of this term in the context of using its dark sensory room, it is important to understand interactivity as a virtual reality technology.

The concept of “sensory room” was first introduced by M. Montessori. In her pedagogical system, based on sulfur education, the environment in which work with children is organized is considered as a specially equipped room (room). A sensory room, from the point of view of M. Montessori, is an environment rich in autodidactic material for activities with children. Without describing M. Montessori's system in detail, it is necessary to turn to its main provisions, and above all, to the idea of ​​cosmic education. This idea is most consonant with modern ideas about a sensory room, immersing a person in a real and interactive space, creating special conditions for his interaction with the outside world.

Space, according to Montessori, is the integrity of the world, its orderliness, functional harmony. The basis of the universe is a “single plan” determined by cosmic laws. Nature and the Universe represent an integrity in which each part performs its task within the framework of the whole and, conversely, the whole serves certain particulars. According to the idea of ​​cosmic education, a person, first of all, a child, should immediately receive an idea of ​​the “whole world”, and not about particulars from the scientific system of the world. Teaching particulars, M. Montessori believes, means misleading children. She puts forward the principle of learning - from the whole to the particular. This, in her opinion, means that particularity in the learning process acts as a means of cognition of the holistic “cosmic plan”. Sensorimotor development in M. Montessori's system occurs with the help of didactic material, grouped depending on the properties of objects, which were proposed to be introduced to children using tactile baric, stereognostic, chromatic and other sensations. The views of M. Montessori are reflected in modern systems of sensory education.

The idea of ​​artificial stimulation of sensory perception using a specially created environment was born in Holland in the late 70s of the last century, and then was developed in the UK. The space for stimulating external and internal human stimuli is called a sensory room. Sensory rooms began to be actively used for habilitation and rehabilitation purposes for classes with the most difficult to treat group of psychoneurological patients and with people with severe forms of intellectual underdevelopment. Gradually, the circle of people whose psychophysical state could be improved by working with them in the sensory room expanded significantly. Such rooms began to be actively used in the treatment of patients with deviant behavior, children with various mental disorders and others. The method was also successfully tested in anti-stress and rehabilitation centers.

The use of the sensory room is based on the integrative theory of understanding the human psyche - humanistic psychology, which emphasizes the support and development of a person's inner nature, rather than its containment or suppression. Negative and destructive aspects of people’s behavior and psyche are, as a rule, a reaction of frustration to restrictions and obstacles that interfere with the development of one’s own “I”. The inner nature of a person strives for self-realization, self-improvement and the achievement of physical and mental health. The tendency towards self-realization and perfection is the basis for psychocorrection, where the central actor is the person himself. If this tendency is not hindered, but supported and encouraged, it leads to remarkable results.

The development of one’s own “I” is often hampered by external factors. The environment imposes assessments and expectations on a person, which is why L.S. Vygotsky drew attention to the fact that the formation and development of higher mental functions is based on the complex process of integration of the external world into the internal one.

We perceive the world around us and the events occurring within us with the help of our senses. Each of them reacts to environmental influences and transmits corresponding information to the central nervous system. The sensory flow, supplying information to the central nervous system, is the main factor ensuring the maturation of the child’s brain and predetermines the development of his behavior and psyche.

The brain is activated through stimulation of the basic organs - vision, hearing, smell, touch, vestibular and other receptors. In some diseases, such as cerebral palsy, hearing and vision impairment, sensory input is deprived. In this case, additional sensory stimulation is necessary, which is most conveniently implemented in a dark sensory room equipped with various types of stimulants.

In addition, sensory perception often has an emotional connotation, which can be expressed in pairs of words: pleasant - unpleasant, comfortable - uncomfortable, beautiful - ugly. In a dark sensory room, conditions are created in which the child receives positive emotions. Here, with the help of various equipment, a feeling of comfort and safety is created, which contributes to the rapid establishment of close contact between teachers and children.

Calm colors, soft light, pleasant aromas, quiet gentle music - all this creates a feeling of peace and tranquility.

A dark sensory room, equipped with equipment, the use of which is aimed at relaxation or activation of the mental activity of children or adults, is one of the most important means of correction and rehabilitation. The combination of specially designed classes with drug therapy, massage, the work of a psychologist and speech pathologist is the key to positive results in the correction of various human health disorders.

Indications for including classes in the interactive environment of a dark sensory room in a rehabilitation course may include various psychoneurological problems: neuroses and neurosis-like conditions; delayed psychomotor and speech development; autism; adaptation disorders; school problems.

Contraindications to classes in the sensory room are infectious diseases. The use of interactive sensory room equipment is limited by the presence in children or adults of asthenic manifestations, hyperactivity syndrome, epiliptic syndrome or readiness for epilepsy, moderate and severe mental retardation, psychoneurological diseases, which are treated with psychotropic drugs.

Correctional and developmental program “A wonderful familiar world”

The most beautiful thing we can experience
– this feeling of mystery. She is the source of everything
true art and science. That,
who has never experienced this feeling,
who does not know how to stop and think,
seized with timid delight, he is like a dead man,
and his eyes are closed...
Albert Einstein.

A dark sensory room is a magical fairy tale in which everything murmurs, sounds, shimmers, beckons, helps you forget your fears, and calms you down. Special equipment installed in the sensory room affects all human senses. Lying in a dry pool or on soft ottomans, in waves of slowly floating light, listening to soothing music, inhaling the aromas of medicinal herbs, a child (adult) himself becomes the hero of a fairy tale. A feeling of complete safety, comfort, and mystery best contributes to the establishment of a calm, trusting relationship between him and the specialist.

The sensory room allows you to perform the following psychological and psychocorrective procedures: relaxation, relieving emotional and muscle tension; stimulation of sensitivity and motor activity of children, adolescents, adults; fixing attention and managing it, maintaining interest and cognitive activity; increasing mental activity by stimulating positive emotional reactions; development of imagination and creative abilities of children, adolescents and adults; correction of psycho-emotional state.

The “Wonderful Familiar World” program contains classes aimed at expanding the cognitive sphere and correcting the emotional-volitional sphere. Most often, this is where the greatest difficulties in the development of children with disabilities manifest themselves.

The influence of classes in the interactive environment of a dark sensory room on the development of intellectual activity is determined as follows. As perception develops, external actions with objects are reduced, automated and internalized. They move into the mental plane, and the standards are remembered. Orientation in them becomes an operation in the structure of a holistic action. An important point for identifying the peculiarities of constructing activities with children, adolescents, and in some cases with adults in a sensory room (both light and dark) is the understanding that orientation in actions with objects (real and interactive), if they are aimed at external signs of objects become images of perception, the establishment of connections and dependencies between which has a positive effect on the development of thinking. It is necessary to know and take into account the fact that when working with children, adolescents or adults in the sensory room, the auditory, visual and tactile sensations that arise gradually acquire relative independence and their own logic of development. For example, they can anticipate practical actions, providing their regulation.

In order to properly organize work in a dark sensory room, it is necessary to take into account that a person’s perception of space is considered as one of the types of reflection of the relationships between objects. Distinguishing and generalizing relationships between perceived environmental objects is essentially a two-way process. One side is the actual perceptual, directly sensory reflection of certain connections between objects, the other is associated with thinking. This unity of the sensory and logical in the reflection of spatial, temporal and quantitative relationships determines the child’s readiness to reflect other, more complex relationships and interdependencies between the phenomena of the external world, and in adults it contributes to the harmonization of their relationships with the outside world. It is in a dark sensory room specially organized for psychological work that such interaction between a person and the interactive environment is carried out most harmoniously. This environment, to a certain extent, enters into virtual interaction with a person, and he, responding to this interaction, begins to perceive the surrounding space differently. It “envelops” him, “provokes” in the good sense of the word to interact on the basis of sensory experience. Such interaction distracts from emotional and everyday problems and unobtrusively involves them in interesting and exciting activities.

Similar to the general nature of the reflection of the surrounding world in the human brain, the reflection of space and time appears in two main forms, which are also stages of cognition: direct (sensory-figurative) and indirect (logical-conceptual). The interconnection and unity of these forms of reflection constitutes the most important pattern of development of human cognitive activity, which is also manifested in the field of reflection of spatio-temporal relations between objects of the external world. Logical (mediated) knowledge of space and time is associated with the accumulation of knowledge by a person and verification of its truth in social practice. In a dark sensory room, indirect cognition of space occurs in the process of immersion in “irreality.”

General recommendations for working with the “Wonderful Familiar World” program. This program consists of both relaxation and developmental activities. The classes vary in complexity and intensity, which allows them to be used in working with children with various developmental disabilities.

Working according to this program does not require strict adherence to the training algorithm: at his own request and taking into account the specifics of working in a dark sensory room, the psychologist can replace exercises, which will allow for more creative use of interactive equipment.

The duration of the classes is 15-20 minutes (depending on the individual characteristics of the participants in the classes and the goals of the exercises).

Goals programs - expansion of the cognitive sphere, development of imagination, sensorimotor skills, correction of attention, emotional-volitional sphere of the child.


1. Theoretical:
1.1 carry out an analysis of the age and specific characteristics inherent in children with disabilities;
1.2 carry out an analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics of the children with whom classes will be conducted under the program.
2. Methodical: based on the theoretical analysis of children, select and develop exercises for the program.
3. Practical:
3.1 form the child’s ideas about the world around him;
3.2 develop visual, auditory and tactile sensations;
3.3 develop sensorimotor skills;
3.4 stimulate the child’s imagination;
3.5 carry out attention correction;
3.6 carry out correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the workshop: provisions of the subject-activity approach (S.L. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev, K.A. Abulkhanova, B.F. Lomov, B.G. Ananyev, V.A. Barabanschinkov, A.V. Brushlinsky, A. L. Zhuravlev, V. V. Znakov and others); provisions of integrated and systematic approaches (B.F. Lomov, K.A. Abulkhanova, B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Antsyferova, V.G. Aseev, A.G. Asmolov, V.A. Barabanshchikov, V. A. Bodrov, A. V. Brushlinsky, V. N. Druzhinin, A. L. Zhuravlev, V. P. Zinchenko, V. V. Znakov, V. A. Koltsova, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinshtein, E.V. Shorokhova, A.V. Yurevich, M.G. Yaroshevsky and others); provisions of special psychology (E. Seguin, P.Ya. Troshina, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Semenovich, N.Ya. Semago, M.M. Semago, I.V. Dubrovina and others); provisions of body-oriented therapy (V. Reich, A. Lowen, F.M. Alexander, M. Feldenkrais, A. Yanov), provisions of psychosemantics (V.F. Petrenko, V.V. Kucherenko, A.A. Nistratova, S. V. Vasilenko and others).

Forms of work: cognitive-behavioral psychocorrection techniques, art therapy techniques, body-oriented therapy techniques.


  1. professional scent generator with nature sounds and aromas;
  2. tabletop water fountain;
  3. a bundle of fiber-optic fibers with side glow “Star Rain”.
  4. children's mirror corner with bubble column;
  5. dry shower;
  6. floor mats;
  7. ottomans-chair “Pear”;
  8. color modules;
  9. projector "Solnechny-100";
  10. mirror ball with motor and professional light source;
  11. professional color filling device;
  12. dry pool;
  13. music center and a set of music discs.

Efficiency mark: the effectiveness of the program is monitored by general diagnostics of the child, monitoring his behavior in various situations, and monitoring his educational activities.

Expected result: improvement of attention, imagination, sensorimotor skills, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres.

Propaedeutic stage

Lesson 1

"A Wonderful Familiar World"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with five to seven children.

The goal is to introduce children to the interactive environment of a dark sensory room, to generate interest in working with the equipment, and to establish trust between the psychologist and the children.

Material: sensory room equipment used, music CDs with sounds of nature, creating a light, joyful atmosphere.

“Today we learn that our familiar, familiar world can be amazing and magical. In this mysterious room, familiar things become completely different. Here you can hide in a rainbow (dry shower), play with starlight (fiber optic fibers), watch the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom (bubble column), sit on the clouds (ottoman chairs), lie on the soft ground (floor mats) and swim in balls (dry pool). There is also a magic tree (a tabletop fountain in the shape of a tree) and a magic ball with sounds of nature. But the most interesting thing is that the things in our room can change.”

Note. Showing the equipment to the children, the psychologist takes them to each of them and invites them to try it out. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of trust and a feeling of safety in the sensory room. During the class, music is played to create a relaxing atmosphere.

"Volume and color"

Goals - to expand ideas about colors, simple geometric shapes; develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

Material: “Pear” ottomans, a dry shower made of colored ribbons, a dry pool, cubes, models of circles, squares, a plush toy, a magic bag or basket, CDs with light, joyful music.

“Hello, today we will meet the keeper of the mysterious room, who will always help us. Here he is, his name is Furwheel (the psychologist shows the children a plush toy). He will come up with many different interesting games for us, but only we must prepare for them. Sit on our clouds (ottomans), let’s begin.”

The psychologist performs the following exercises with children:

"Hello, fingers"

"The fingers ran away"

"Funny Jellyfish"

"Fast Legs"

Block II – main work.

"Balloon Water"

“Now we are ready for the first game. Now you can swim in our Furry’s pool, which is as unusual as everything in our room.”

The psychologist takes the children to a dry pool, shows them the balls, tells them their name, and lets them touch them. Then the children lower themselves into a dry pool, where they play with balls and “swim” in them. The main thing in this exercise is to sense, “feel” the shape of the ball.

After the children have “swimmed” in a dry pool, the psychologist shows them circles, says their name, shows their resemblance to balls, lets the children touch them, asks what color they are and what objects are round.

"Cubes, squares"

“The Fur Man came up with a new game for us. We saw balls and circles, but there are other shapes in the world. For example, a cube or cube.”

The psychologist shows the children colored cubes, inviting them to play with them: fold something out of them, build something, name their colors. After this, the psychologist shows the children the squares, saying their name, pointing out their similarity with cubes, asking them to name their colors and remember what other objects are square.

"Playing with the Rainbow"

“Before our lesson ends, Furry invites you to go to the rainbow (a dry shower made of colored ribbons).” A psychologist shows children a dry shower.

“Look how bright, colorful and cheerful our rainbow is. Come into it one at a time and touch its colors.”

Children one by one (or together) enter a dry shower, sort through the colored ribbons; the psychologist asks to name the colors of the ribbons and describe their surface (smooth, rough).


“Unfortunately, we have to go. Let’s sit on the clouds, say thank you to Furfur for your hospitality, and remember what we saw today.”

If children find it difficult to answer, the psychologist asks them the following questions:

  1. What figures did we see today?
  2. What color were they?
  3. What colors did you see today?

“Everyone, well done! Say goodbye to Furfur."

The lesson is over.

Lesson 3

"Happy Colors"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals – development of color perception, attention, imagination, cognitive sphere, communication skills.

Material: colored modules, floor mats, armchair ottomans, plush toy, light music recordings.

"Hello guys. Today we are waiting for different fun colors that Furfur has prepared for us. It’s very interesting to play with them, but, according to tradition, you need to prepare for the games.”

The psychologist performs the same exercises with the children as in the first lesson.

Block II – main work.

“Lay out and introduce the colors”

“Our Furman has accumulated a lot of colored objects that need to be put in order. He turned to us with this request: to put red objects in one part of the room, and green ones in the other.”

Note. If children find it difficult to complete a task, the psychologist gives easy hints.

After the children complete this task, the psychologist asks them to “introduce the colors.”

“Well done, now let’s introduce our colors. One of you stands near the red objects, and the other stands near the green ones. You, (child’s name), will say: “Hello, I am red. Let's get acquainted!". And you, (child’s name), will answer: “Hello, and I am green. Nice to meet you!".

"Find differences"

“Now we have a new game. In Furman's magical room there are a lot of objects that differ not only in color, but also in other ways. Your task is to find and name or show these differences.”

The psychologist places soft modules of different colors and shapes in the room. The exercise is performed until the children name or show the differences between objects with interest.


“Furry's latest game is the most interesting and amazing - you can be wizards. All this time you played with different colored objects, introduced colors, found differences. And now Furwheel invites you, with your eyes closed, holding your palms over the things, to indicate their color. We will take turns playing."

Each child takes turns holding their hands over the module with their eyes closed and indicating its color.


“Today our lesson is over. Let’s take stock of everything we’ve done.”

Children sit on ottomans and answer the psychologist’s questions:

  1. What color objects did you arrange today?
  2. How can objects differ?

“Well done! Say goodbye to Furfur until next time."

The lesson is over.

Lesson 4

"Introduction to Water"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals are correction of attention, development of imagination, motor skills, and communication skills.

Material: blue floor mats, professional scent generator with nature sounds, fiber optic fiber bundle with side glow "Star Rain", children's mirror corner with bubble column, mirror ball with motor and professional light source, plush toy, ocean music CD, water.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

“Hello, today Furfur invites us to play with water, which is as unusual as everything in his room. Now we will sit on our soft lake (floor mats) and get ready.”

The psychologist performs gymnastics with the children as in previous classes, supplementing it with the exercise “Dolphins” (bending the arms, alternately raising and lowering them, as if the hands are “diving and emerging.” Then raise the right hand and lower the left: one hand “dives, and the other emerges).

Block II - main work

"Underwater Kingdom"

“To get to know the water better, we can observe the inhabitants of our underwater kingdom. Look carefully how amazing it is.”

The psychologist brings the children to the bubble column, draws their attention to the changing color of the water, the appearance of bubbles, swimming fish and slight vibration.

"Water in a ball and forest water"

“Guys, do you know that all the water on our planet has its own sounds: it can be loud and quiet, it can make noise and sound soft. Let’s listen to our water for yourself.”

The psychologist turns on a professional scent generator with the sounds of nature for the children, setting up the sounds of the ocean, fountain, and spring rain. Each time he draws the children's attention to the differences in the sounds they hear. Then the psychologist turns on the table fountain and asks the children to watch it carefully.

"Shining Water"

“And now we can play with water in a way we couldn’t in real life. But everything in Furry's room is magical, even the water. It is shiny, sparkling and can be braided or pressed to the heart. Look."

The psychologist turns on a bundle of fiber-optic fibers and invites children to play with the shiny fibers, drawing their attention to the changing lights.

"Magic Rain"

“As a farewell, we’ll play with magic rain. He gives everyone joy and good mood.”

The psychologist turns on the mirror ball and shows the children colored “spots”, inviting everyone to take them on their palm.


The psychologist invites children to lie down on a soft lake (floor mats) and relax while listening to light music.

“Today our lesson is over, let’s say goodbye to Furfur.”

The lesson is over.

Lesson 5

"Live Fingers"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals – development of fine motor skills, imagination, attention; improving ideas about the world around us.

Material: knitted animal dolls, put on fingers, soft colored modules, Pear ottomans, floor mats, a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source, a music disc with a recording of light music, a plush toy.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

"Hello guys! Today we will play with Furman's friends who came to visit him. But to make the game easy and interesting, we must prepare our hands well.”

The psychologist performs a full course of gymnastics with the children.

Block II – main work.

"Live Fingers"

“And now we’ll meet Furry’s friends. Here they are, look."

The psychologist shows the children knitted dolls one by one and asks them to pronounce the names of the animals shown. Next, he hands out the dolls to the children so that they can put them on their fingers. To maintain a favorable environment and interest of children, the psychologist also puts the doll on his finger.

“Now our fingers have become alive, turning into such funny little animals. And we can play with them and come up with different stories for them.”

The psychologist offers children various topics for further development of the “plot”: “Friends went to the forest”, “Our birthday”, “Let's ride a slide”. The main condition of the game is that all animals and provided modules must participate in the story. If children want to use other sensory room equipment, they must “justify” their choice. In cases of difficulty, the psychologist gives small hints, but the main “authors” should remain children.


“Unfortunately, we will have to say goodbye to everyone: Furry and his friends remain in the magic room, and we return to our world. But when we say goodbye, we will take with us the merry rain of our rainbow.”

The psychologist briefly turns on a mirror ball with a professional light source and, together with the children, takes “colored drops” from the floor mats.

The lesson is over.

Lesson 6

"Through the Stars"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals: relieving emotional stress, developing imagination.

Material: dry shower, professional odor generator with sounds of nature and aromas, mirror ball with motor and professional light source, “Solnechny-100” projector, floor mats, “Pear” ottomans-chairs, stereo system, CD with recording of light music, soft toy.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

"Hello! Today we have to make a space journey, for which we need to prepare very well, which is what we will do with you now.”

The psychologist performs a full course of gymnastics with the children, as in previous classes.

"We're boarding a spaceship"

“Well done! Now we need to board our Furman’s spaceship, where everyone will take their place. You can enter the ship through a special compartment (dry shower).”

Children take turns walking through the dry shower made of colored ribbons and take their places.

Block II – main work.

"Star Walk"

“Now I will turn on a model of the Universe through which we will travel. Each new color represents the part of the Universe where we are heading. Now we are flying to Star Alley, where you can walk among the dancing stars. You can also leave our ship through a special compartment.”

The psychologist and the children take turns going through a dry shower. Then the psychologist turns on a motorized mirror ball and a professional light source, and the children “walk” among the stars.

"Fun Planet"

“Now, as you see, the next stop awaits us (the psychologist draws the children’s attention to the new color of the “model of the Universe”). Now we are approaching the Merry Planet, although we will see it through the windows. Sit back and watch."

The psychologist turns on the Solnechny-100 projector and examines the changing “images” together with the children.

"Cosmic Dream"

Relaxation exercise.

“You and I have already flown very far from our planet Earth, so so that the return does not seem too long, you will have to fall into a cosmic sleep. Lie down as comfortably as you like (children lie on mats), close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose, then exhale quickly. Inhale slowly again, then exhale.”

Note. Speaking the last words, the psychologist turns the music a little louder. The course of breathing exercises used is very simplified, since the latter has a number of contraindications.


“Everyone, open your eyes, we have arrived. Now we can disembark from our ship.”

The children take turns going through the dry shower.

The lesson is over.

Lesson 7

"Happy Changes"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Material: floor mats, a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source, a CD with light music, a soft toy.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

"Hello guys! Today Furman has come up with new games for you - you can turn into various animals and all kinds of things. Now you will lie down on the mats, and Furfur and I will cast a magic spell so that you can transform from one thing to another.”

The children lie down on the mats, and the psychologist casts a “spell.”

"We're playing, we're playing,
And we can easily change ourselves!”

Block II – main work.

"Happy Changes"

“The magic spell has been cast, which means you can easily turn into animals or things. Let's try:

You are just awakened kittens. Stretch your paws, release your claws, raise your muzzles.

And now you are ladybugs who have fallen on their backs. Paws up, try to roll from your back onto your paws.

Now you turn into an autumn leaf swaying in the wind. We fly around like a torn leaf.

Now you take a deep breath and turn into balloons. Try to jump and take off softly and smoothly.

Now you have become giraffes and you need to jump to become as agile and strong.

And now you are pendulums, heavy, cumbersome. Rock from side to side.


“Well done! Today you were real wizards. Now you need to lie down on the mats again, and Furfur and I will cast a reverse spell to disenchant you. So,

Changes stop
And we turned into children!

“And as we say goodbye to our unusual room, we’ll take some funny drops with us.”

The psychologist includes a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source.

The lesson is over.

Farewell lesson

The goal is to complete the program.

Materials: sensory room equipment used, a music disc with a recording of light music, a plush toy, paper for farewell letters, felt-tip pens.

“Today is our last day in Furry's magical room. All this time he was a hospitable host, and therefore allowed us to spend the last day the way we wanted. Let's play in his magic room again."

“Now it’s time for us to leave. But so that you remember the magic room and Furman himself for a long time, he decided to write you farewell letters.”

The psychologist, holding a plush toy in his hands, writes “letters” as a keepsake for each child on specially prepared paper. The text of the “letter” can be anything (for example, Furman’s magical room or a good wish).

“And on the way, Furfur prepared a parting gift for us - a cheerful rain for good luck.”

The psychologist turns on the mirror ball and the Mercury projector and takes the children out of the sensory room.

The goals are to relieve emotional stress, develop attention, imagination, and tactile sensations.

Material: dry pool, dry shower made of colored ribbons, floor mats, “Pear” ottomans, a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source, a bundle of fiber-optic fibers with a “Star Rain” block glow, a professional light flood device, a “Solar” projector 100", children's mirror corner with bubble column, music center, CD with light music.

Block I – introduction to the game situation

“Hello, today we will get acquainted with our Magic Kingdom. But for this we need to prepare - sit on the cloud ottomans and do these simple exercises.”


"Funny Jellyfish"

The starting position too. Holding your hands in front of you, make smooth movements with your palms, trying to move each finger.

Block II - main work

"Colored Lake and Magic Rain"

“Look how colorful and unusual our lake is. Swim in it, it’s not scary at all.” The psychologist takes the children to a dry pool, and while they are “swimming” in it, he turns on the mirror ball.

“While you were swimming, sunset came. On the shore of our lake it is also very unusual, not the same as in life. Look." The psychologist takes turns turning on a professional light flood device and a “Sunny” projector. The operating time of the projectors is short, so as not to “overload” children with sensory room equipment.

"Undersea world"

“And now you can see our underwater kingdom, where magical fish live. But before that, you need to go into the rainbow and dry off after the lake.” Children take turns walking into a dry shower made of colored ribbons and sitting at the children's mirror corner with a bubble column. Together with a psychologist, they observe fish swimming in bubbles and water changing color.

"Star Falls"

“In our Magic Kingdom there is a star waterfall. You can lie under, sit and watch its iridescent streams. Close your eyes and then open them and you will see this waterfall.” While the children sit with their eyes closed, the psychologist turns on a bundle of fiber-optic fibers and then examines them together with the children.


“Now it’s time for us to leave. Take colored drops as a souvenir that will give you a good mood.”

The lesson is over.

Lesson 3

"Volume color mood"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals - to develop gross and fine motor skills, tactile sensations, attention, memory, imagination; develop the ability to recognize your mood and designate it with color and three-dimensional figures;

Material: mirror ball with motor and professional light source, Pear ottomans, floor mats, dry shower made of colored ribbons, dry pool, cubes, discs with light, joyful music.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

“Hello, today we will perform very interesting games, but you need to prepare well for them. Sit on our cloud ottomans and get ready.”

The psychologist performs the following exercises with the children.

"Hello, fingers"

The children sit on ottomans and the psychologist sits in front of them. Holding your hands in front of you, touch each finger individually with your thumb. The exercise is performed 2-3 times.

"The fingers ran away"

Starting position, as in the first exercise. Using the fingers of your right hand, alternately spread the fingers on your left hand. Do the same for the right hand.

"Nimble Fists"

The children sit on ottomans and the psychologist sits in front of them. Clenching your fists on both hands, turn them in one direction or the other.


The children sit on ottomans and the psychologist sits in front of them. Bending your arms, alternately raise and lower them (as if your arms are “diving and emerging”). Then raise your right hand and lower your left (one hand “dives, and the other emerges”).

"Funny Jellyfish"

The starting position too. Holding your hands in front of you, make smooth movements with your palms, trying to move each finger.


The children sit on ottomans and the psychologist sits in front of them. Starting position - palms lie on the front of the thighs. From the starting position, the body turns to the right and left sides. This exercise straightens the spine.

"Fast Legs"

The starting position does not change. Alternately pull the toe away from you and then toward you.

Block II – main work.

"Colored volumetric water"

“Now you and I are ready for the first very pleasant task. You need to “swim” in our unusual pool of colored balls.”

The psychologist takes the children to a dry pool, where they spend some time.

"We build, we collect"

“Look how many interesting colored objects there are in our room. You can build and assemble something from them. Try to collect what you want."

The psychologist shows the children colored modules, naming their shape, from which they assemble any composition they wish.

“Well done. Let’s come up with a name for what you’ve collected and think about how and where it can be used.”

"Volume color mood"

“Each of us has our own mood - our emotions and experiences. The mood can be cheerful, joyful, and then everything will seem bright and colorful. But the mood can be sad and dull, and then everything around will be gray and gloomy. Let’s listen to ourselves and name our mood, choose a color and shape for it.”

Note. If children find it difficult to complete this exercise, the psychologist gives small hints.


“Unfortunately, our lesson is over. Let’s remember what we did today and what new things you learned.”

“Well done! And now I suggest you take a colored light with you as a souvenir.” The psychologist briefly turns on the mirror ball and the Mercury projector and, together with the children, “takes the light” in the palm of his hand.

The lesson is over.

Lesson 4

"Game with mood"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals - to develop the ability to distinguish moods, improve image of one’s own body; develop fine motor skills, attention, imagination; correction of the emotional sphere.

Materials: album, colored and simple, sharpened pencils, “Moods - Colors” diagram, “Pear” ottomans and chairs, floor mats, a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source, CDs with light, soothing music.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

“Hello, today we will be drawing for the entire lesson, but before we take out our pencils, we should get ready.”

The psychologist performs the exercises from the previous lesson with the children.

Block II – main work.

"Game with mood"

“Now I will give you paper and colored pencils. Take the pencil you like in one hand and place the other in the middle of the sheet. Your task is to trace the hand lying on the sheet so that each finger is drawn separately from the other.”

Note. The psychologist can perform this exercise together with the children, which will create an atmosphere of ownership and add confidence to the children.

“Well done! And now we will “revive” our fingers, indicating the mood of each (the psychologist hands out simple pencils to the children). Let’s draw sadness on the thumb, melancholy on the index finger, calmness on the middle finger, joy on the ring finger and fun on the little finger.”

Note. To better complete this task, the psychologist shows the children the “Moods - Colors” diagram, which allows them to navigate in the designation of emotions.

“We completed this task, but in order for our fingers to become completely alive, they need to be painted. And they should be painted in the color that suits their mood.”

The psychologist, together with the children, paints each finger in the drawing in a suitable color.


“Our lesson is over for today. Before we say goodbye, let’s remember what we did with you.” The psychologist sums up the lesson together with the children.

“Well done! Let’s take colored light as a souvenir of our magical room.” The psychologist briefly turns on the mirror ball and the Mercury projector and, together with the children, “takes the light” in the palm of his hand. When performing this exercise, light spots should be “taken” from the floor or floor mats to avoid dizziness.

The lesson is over.

Lesson 5

"Relive the fairy tale"

The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two to three children.

Goals – development of attention, imagination, gross and fine motor skills; improving ideas about the world around us.

Materials: dry pool, dry shower made of colored ribbons, floor mats, Pear ottomans, a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source, a sheet of white paper, a felt-tip pen, a disc with a recording of light music.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

"Hello! Today our game will not be simple, but magical. But before we get into the fairy tale, we will perform our exercises, which will give us a lot of magical powers.”

The psychologist performs a set of gymnastics from the previous exercises with the children.

Block II – main work.

"Relive the fairy tale"

“You already know that everything in our room is very unusual, magical. Let's now try to “revive” our equipment. For example, where can we use our clouds (the psychologist points the children to ottoman chairs)? Can you sleep or sit on them? Would such a bed be comfortable, soft, airy?

The psychologist briefly records all the children's answers on paper so that the children can see them.

Note. The psychologist asks additional questions as needed. If children answer independently, offering various options for using “magical things,” then the psychologist only records their answers.

Options for “using magic things”:

  1. What could we use our rainbow for (a dry shower made of colored ribbons)? Could our buildings have colored elevators like these? If so, would we have fun climbing them?
  2. Take a look at our dry pool. Why might we need it in everyday life? And if we took a bath like this, would we be comfortable?


“Well done! Today we worked hard, and to restore our lost energy, we’ll take colored drops with us.”

The lesson is over.

Lesson 6

"Changing, changing"

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, the lesson is conducted with two children.

Goals - development of coordination of movements, sense of body image, general motor skills, imagination.

Material: floor mats, disc with light rhythmic music.

Block I – introduction to the game situation.

“Hello, today our game will be active and fun. Before it can begin, you must become machines. Lie down on the mats and relax."

The children lie down on the mats, and the psychologist continues to talk.

“For the car to work, you need to start the engine. Each of you is the master of your own body. You can turn it on and off. Let's try:

You are awakened kittens - stretch your paws, release your claws, raise your faces.

And now you are fallen ladybugs. Paws up, try to roll from your back onto your paws.

Now let’s take a deep breath and turn into balloons, try to jump and take off softly and smoothly.

And now we are stretching upward like giraffes.

Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as agile and strong.

But we are already pendulums, heavy, bulky, swaying from side to side.

Now we are pilots, let's start the plane's engine, spread our wings and fly.

And the last task is to bend like an Indian’s bow and become elastic.


“Well done! You performed all the tasks well, but it’s time for us to leave. Let’s, according to tradition, take colored drops with us as a souvenir.”

The psychologist turns on a mirror ball and a professional light source.

The lesson is over.

Farewell lesson

Lesson duration 20 minutes.

The goal is to complete the program.

Material: sensory room equipment used, music disc with recording of light music.

“Today is our last day in our mysterious magic room. So today we can do whatever we want in it.”

The psychologist takes the children one by one to the equipment of the sensory room, depending on their desire and interest.

“Now it’s time for us to leave. But so that you remember the magic room, let’s take, according to tradition, drops of colored rain.”

The psychologist includes a mirror ball with a motor and a professional light source. Children “take” colored drops in their palms.

The lesson is over.


  1. Titar A.I. Game development activities in the sensory room: A practical guide for preschool educational institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 2008.
  2. Correction and development programs using special equipment for children and adolescents: Methodological manual / Under the general editorship. HER. Chepurnykh. – M. – Yaroslavl: Center “Resource”, 2002.
  3. Sensory room - a magical world of health: Educational and methodological manual / Under the general editorship. V.L. Zhevnerova, L.B. Baryaeva, Yu.S. Galliamova. – St. Petersburg. : HOKA, 2007 – part 1: Dark sensory room.

  4. 19.03.2015
    Please accept my gratitude for the material!!!
    thanks colleague! I'll take something for myself.
    Thank you, the lessons are wonderfully planned)))
    thank you very much for the material, it helped a lot in my work
    Thanks for the material! I will use it at work! :)
    Elena Shlyakhovaya
    Colleagues, thank you very much for your high ratings!

Explanatory note

Modern preschoolers are sometimes no less busy than adults. While attending kindergarten, various clubs and sports clubs, they receive a large amount of information and get tired physically and emotionally. After all, you need to be on time everywhere. Such loads negatively affect the mental health of children. That is why it is very important to teach a child psychomuscular relaxation. To form a child’s emotional stability, it is important to teach him how to control his body. In the process of development, education and training, children receive a huge amount of information that they need to learn. Active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences create excessive excitement in the nervous system, which, when accumulated, leads to tension in the muscles of the body. The ability to relax eliminates anxiety, excitement, stiffness, restores strength, and increases energy reserves.

This direction creates an optimal system of health and development work, focused both on preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of its pupils, and on the full and comprehensive development of preschool children.

Purpose program is the prevention and prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschool children.

The program describes a system of measures to relieve psycho-emotional stress, which includes:

A system of relaxation exercises;

A system of relaxation attitudes and auto-trainings;

A system for working with sensory room equipment.

In the “Relaxation Sessions” system, they consist of cycle of classes - from 8-12 lessons per 1 time per week. Which are carried out based on the results of diagnostics of the emotional sphere, as well as at the request of preschool teachers and parents.

The cyclical nature of the program allows for a more stable result when children master it.

Program objectives:

Teach your child to voluntarily relax his muscles;

Calm down emotionally in order to tune in to the upcoming work;

Relieve emotional tension after stressful situations;

Develop motor functions.

Methods and techniques , used in the implementation of the project:

Verbal: conversations, teacher’s story, artistic expression;

Visual: demonstration of relaxation exercises;

Practical: relaxation exercises, games with sensory room equipment, play therapy, psycho-gymnastics, sand therapy and body-oriented method.

Means of education.

1. Sound: Audio cassettes with recordings of relaxation music.

2. Educational and visual aids: stimulus material is designed to stimulate tactile sensitivity, research interest, develop fine motor skills and evoke various fantasies. Used depending on the purpose

Equipment : light module for drawing with sand “Rainbow”, playing panel “Hedgehog”, “musical chair-pillow”, children’s sensory track, children’s mirror corner with a bubble column, air ionizer “Snowflake”, wall-mounted interactive touch panel “Autumn Leaf”, bundle fiber-optic fibers with side glow “Star Rain”, color-dynamic projector “Plasma-250”, color-dynamic lamp “Firebird”, Mirror ball, light cascading pipe “Merry Fountain”, LED light generator for fiber optics “Firefly-5”, narrowly directed light gun “Zebra-50”, starry sky “Armstrong”, tactile track, tactile panel “Clown”, tactile panel “Dream”.


Diagnosis is carried out at the beginning and after one “Relaxation Session” according to the following criteria.

Initial diagnosis

Final diagnosis

The presence of the following signs may indicate that the child is in a state of tension (if these signs have not been observed previously)

Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep;

Unreasonable touchiness, tearfulness.

Absent-mindedness, inattention;

Restlessness, restlessness;

Increased anxiety;

Fear of contacts, desire for privacy, refusal to participate in peer games;


Improved emotional state;

Reduced aggression and anxiety;

Relieving nervous tension and anxiety;

Normalization of sleep;

Activation of brain activity.

Class structure:

This program includes 8-12 lessons, 1 time per week. Designed for preschool children and children with disabilities. Classes are held in the sensory room individually or with a subgroup of children of 3-4 people.

Each lesson consists of several parts:

Introductory part. Establishing contact between the teacher and children, creating an emotional mood in the group, organizing joint activities.

Main part . This part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It includes exercises and games aimed at the development and partial correction of the emotional, personal, sensory sphere.

Final part. Summarizing. Consolidating positive emotions from work in the classroom. Relieving muscle and psycho-emotional tension.

ContraindicationsInfectious diseases are a concern for activities in the sensory room. The use of interactive sensory room equipment is limited by the presence in children or adults of asthenic manifestations, hyperactivity syndrome, epiliptic syndrome or readiness for epilepsy, moderate and severe mental retardation, psychoneurological diseases, which are treated with psychotropic drugs.

To ensure that work with children is carried out consistently and systematically, a thematic plan has been developed taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Thematic plan “Relaxation sessions”

Number of classes

Children's age

10 lessons (1 ruble/week)


Relaxation exercises;

Playing with sand.

Self-relaxation complex “Flower”;

Playing with sand.

Games with sensory panels in a “light” room;

Relaxation mood “In the clearing”;

Self-relaxation complex “Bunnies”.

Playing with sand.

Relaxation mood “Balloons”

Self-relaxation complex “Warm kitten”;

Games with sensory panels in a “light” room;

Relaxation mood “Butterfly fluttering”;

Psychodynamic meditation “Enchanted Figure”;

Playing with sand.

Games with sensory panels in a “light” room;

Relaxation mood “Magic sleep”;

Self-relaxation complex “Sleep Fairy”.

10. Farewell.

Junior preschool age

12 lessons (1 ruble/week)


Relaxation exercises to relieve tension in the muscles of the torso, arms, legs. Relaxation

exercises to remove

facial muscle tension;

Autogenic training.

Relaxation mood “Travel on a cloud”;

Games with the starry sky Armstrong;

Autogenic training.

Relaxation mood “Waterfall”;

Games with the “Waterfall” setting;

Autotraining “Pump”.

Relaxation mood “Rainbow”;

Games with fiber optic fibers;

Auto-training “Ice cream”.

Relaxation mood “Stream”;

Auto-training “Flight on a spaceship.”

Games using a tactile track;

Relaxation mood "Clouds";

Auto-training “Magic Walk”.

Self-relaxation complex “Bunnies”;

Using a complex of sensory room equipment;

Self-relaxation complex “Sleep Fairy”, “Sleeping Kitten”;

Use of sand therapy elements.

Relaxation mood “Butterfly fluttering”;

Relaxation mood “Lazy”;

Use of a complex of sensory room equipment, as well as sand therapy.

Relaxation mood “Snowflakes”;

Use of a complex of sensory room equipment, as well as sand therapy.


preschool age


"Relaxation sessions"

(for working in the sensory room)

Compiled by:

educational psychologist

Sharapova Yu.V.


Elena Pavlenko
“Magic sensory room” program for preschool children

Explanatory note

Dark The sensory room is a fairy tale, in which everything murmurs, sounds, shimmers, beckons, helps to forget fears, calms. Special equipment installed in sensory room, affects all human senses. Lying in a dry pool or on soft ottomans, in waves of slowly floating light, listening to soothing music, inhaling the aromas of medicinal herbs, a child (adult) he himself becomes the hero of a fairy tale. A feeling of complete safety, comfort, and mystery best contributes to the establishment of a calm, trusting relationship between him and the specialist.

Proposed the program contains classes, aimed at expanding the cognitive sphere and correcting the emotional-volitional sphere. The classes vary in complexity and intensity, and are playful in nature.

Target programs: expansion of the cognitive sphere, development of imagination, sensorimotor skills, correction of attention, emotional-volitional sphere of the child.


1. create an emotionally positive mood in the group;

2. relieve emotional and muscular tension;

3. cultivate trust and goodwill towards peers and adults;

4. develop observation and attention;

5. develop speech children, enrich passive and active vocabulary;

6. develop gross and fine motor skills,

7. develop gaming skills, arbitrary behavior, tactile sensitivity and visual coordination.

8. carry out correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child.

Construction principles programs:

1. The principle of humanism and pedagogical optimism is based on the statement "do no harm", i.e. any correctional and developmental work should contribute to the development of the child, and not slow down his progress.

2. Principle of unity age and individual in development, i.e. an individual approach to the child in the context of his age development. Correctional work presupposes knowledge of the basic patterns of mental development, understanding of the meanings of successive age stages for the formation of a child's personality.

3. The principle of development of the psyche, consciousness in activity assumes that all the mental characteristics of a child are in the process of formation and the main condition for their development is activity.

4. The principle of complexity, consistency and systematicity assumes that correctional work is carried out sequentially at certain intervals. At the same time, the entire personality as a whole is corrected and developed, and not its individual aspects.

5. The principle of activity presupposes the child’s involvement in a group situation interactions: attempts children master your behavior, explain your own point of view and feelings, etc.

6. The principle of trust – creating an atmosphere of goodwill and support;

the child has a positive attitude towards correctional work.

7. The principle of cooperation requires the adult to take a role "partner" in the process of joint activities.

The duration of the classes is 15-25 minutes (depending on the individual characteristics of the participants in the classes and the goals of the exercises).

Work on this program does not require strict adherence to the algorithm classes: at your own request and taking into account the specifics of working in the dark sensory room the psychologist can substitute exercises, which will allow for more creative use of interactive equipment. Interaction with special equipment sensory room has a positive effect on the emotional state children, stimulates visual and auditory analyzers, fine motor skills, and activates speech manifestations.

Form of conducting classes: game exercises.

Group structure classes:

1. Ritual of greeting

2. Warm up

3. Main content of classes

4. Reflection

5. Farewell ritual

Developed by me program addressed to educational psychologists working with children in sensory room.


1. bundle of fiber optic fibers with side glow "Star Rain".

2. children's mirror corner with bubble column;

3. dry shower;

4. ottomans-chair "Pear";

5. projector;

6. mirror ball with motor and professional light source;

7. dry pool;

8. music center and a set of music discs.

Efficiency mark: effectiveness of training program is monitored by general diagnostics of the child, monitoring his behavior in various situations, and monitoring his educational activities.

Expected result: improvement of attention, imagination, sensorimotor skills, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres.

Natalia Dolgopolova
Early age. Sensory room program

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center kindergarten "Tanyusha"

Adapted correctional support program

children early age in the sensory room in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Adapted methodological program"Let's get to know the world around us"a program for correcting sensory development of young children has been developed based on Basic educational programs MBDOU TsRR kindergarten "Tanyusha" Fedorovsky, in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 14, 2013, No. 30384)


Dolgopolova N. A. – educational psychologist (highest category)

Target section

1.1. Explanatory note…. 2

1.2. Structure programs….

1.3. Specifics of classes...

1.4. Age and individual characteristics of children 1.5 - 3 years old...6

1.5. Organization of psychoprophylactic work adaptation process...7

1.6. Goal, objectives programs….7

1.7. Principles of corrective implementation activities programs…. 8

2.3. Psychodiagnostics….10

2.5. A set of game exercises in light and dim light sensory room....12

3. Organizational section


3.2. Planned results of children mastering general education programs…. 16

3.3. System for children to achieve planned learning outcomes

general education programs...17

3.4. Interaction with families of pupils... 17

3.5. Methodological support….18

1. Target section

Explanatory note

Author's methodological program"Let's get to know the world around us"- This program for correction of sensory development of young children. Job with children using this method is aimed at solving the problems of teaching and raising children, increasing the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body, successful and correct formation of a worldview, adequate and painless integration into society. The main task is to educate full-fledged citizens, healthy physically and mentally, with sufficient adaptive capabilities, which is necessary in their future (adult) life. Program implemented through the use of interactive audiovisual means.

This program allows you to build a system of correctional and developmental work in early age groups based on full interaction and continuity of all teachers, preschool specialists and parents of pupils.

Program"Let's get to know the world around us" designed in accordance:

With the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

From SanPin;

With Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs preschool education";

With the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

Taking into account the approximate educational programs preschool education: FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL/. Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014.

Special programs« Touch development of preschool children". Authors: Novoseltseva T. F., Dubovitskaya L. A., Golodneva N. N. - Khanty- Mansiysk: Print-Class, 2010. – 94 p.

In recent decades, the number of children aged 1 to 3 years with various developmental disabilities, including psychomotor ones, has been increasing. This is evidenced by the data of a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children early age which are held annually in our kindergarten.

Idea early helping a child with developmental problems is very simple: Help is most effective if it is started as early as possible. Modern scientific research by psychologists and teachers has revealed the critical importance in the development of a child of the first 2-3 years of life, the role of the family, relationships with the mother, early experience and social environment in the formation of a child’s personality and development. A special direction in psychology has been defined - early impact on the mental development of the child. Early Diagnostics and comprehensive correction make it possible not only to correct existing deviations in mental development, but also to prevent the appearance of further ones, and to achieve a higher level of general development of children.

1.2. Structure programs

Program early age"Let's get to know the world around us" consists of 12 lessons, each of which is repeated three times. Each lesson has common tasks, only the attributes and game material of the lesson change. Thus, the full volume programs is 36 lessons.

1.3. Specifics of classes

These classes are intended for children early age attending an integrative correctional and diagnostic group with delayed psychomotor development.

Program correction of mental development of children early age"Let's get to know the world around us" contains developmental correctional work according to the following regions:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Depending on the child’s mastery of one or more sections, priority is given to unmastered or poorly mastered sections. Classes are conducted in a repeating mode. All activities are playful in nature. While playing, the child learns the properties of objects, his attention, memory, speech activity, ability to communicate, and emotional sphere develop.

The construction of a cycle of classes is carried out taking into account the results of a survey of the level of general, mental, as well as speech and physical development of children early age. Classes are held in sensory room.

For individual and subgroup lessons with children early age in the office of a teacher-psychologist available:

Music center and set of audio cassettes;

Wall mirror;

Musical color picture;

Stuffed Toys;

Special game material;

Didactic games;

Paper, pencils, markers, paints;

Colored threads, laces;

Table for playing with sand and water.

All classes in this programs have the following structure:

Starting class ritual;

Game tasks for development sensory functions, fine motor skills, finger games;

A relaxation exercise that allows children to relax, relieve muscle and psycho-emotional tension;

End of class ritual.

Classes are held once a week for 12-15 minutes each.

The following types are used classes:


Activities for children in pairs;


All exercises in organized activities will be useful only when the child wants to do them.

1.6. Goal, objectives programs

Target programs – correction of sensory abilities, development of perception and objective activity of children early age.


Create a positive, emotional attitude;

Form an idea of ​​yourself, the social environment, the objective world, the surrounding


Reduce impulsivity, anxiety, aggressiveness;

Form nonverbal and verbal forms of communication, means and methods of assimilation

social world;

Form social skills and adequate behavior in the immediate environment;

Develop independence and cognitive activity;

Create conditions for children to adapt to a group of peers and adults with a view to further

integration into society;

Create conditions to stimulate family social activity;

The main task of correctional support for children early age in our kindergarten is work"teams" teachers, teacher-psychologist in close connection with parents to create social and psychological conditions for the successful development of each child, regardless of the level of his abilities. The tasks of studying a child and providing him with psychological and pedagogical assistance are intertwined with monitoring the results of educational activities and assessing the degree of its effectiveness.

2.2. Psychodiagnostics

Target: information on the level of psychophysical development of children, identification of individual characteristics and problems of participants in the educational process

Methods for checking the level of neuropsychic development of children are offered by the authors: Pechora K. L., Pantyukhina G. V., N. A. Rychkova, Keller I. The criteria for children’s development themselves early age(from 1 to 3 years) developed employees of the Central Institute of Advanced Studies (TSOLIUV Moscow) in 1984, Pechora K.L., Golubeva L.G.

According to screening studies conducted in kindergarten at the beginning of the 2014 school year, there is underdevelopment manifested in varying degrees in 70% of children early age. Based on the concept of modernization of education, our research has shown an increase in the number of children with low developmental indicators based on the results of psychological and pedagogical examinations: in comparison - psychophysical development - 2013. - 41.5%;

Development of psychomotor skills – 6%;

Speech problems - 39%;

Development sensory – 49%;

Development of memory and attention - 15.5%;

There are problems in the professional competence of kindergarten teachers - insufficient understanding of the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children early age, methods and technologies for organizing the educational process for such children.

Thus, we are recording an ever-increasing number of children with various disabilities and developmental delays. A screening study showed the need to create programs correctional classes in light and dark sensory room, which allows us to go from correcting defects that lie on the threshold of normal development to creating favorable conditions for the child’s full mental development within normal limits.

This allows us:

o more precisely specify the purpose of psychoprophylactic programs;

o individualize methodological methods of implementation programs;

o identify the dynamics of the child’s mental functions in the process of psychoprophylactic, correctional work, evaluate its effectiveness;

Work on this program does not require strict adherence to the algorithm classes: at your own request and taking into account specifics work in light and dark sensory room the psychologist can substitute exercises, which will allow for more creative use of interactive equipment. The duration of the classes is 12 - 15 minutes (depending on the individual characteristics of the participants in the classes and the goals of the exercises). While showing the equipment to the children, the adult takes the children to each of them and invites them to try it out. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of trust and a sense of security in sensory room. During the class, music is played to create a relaxing atmosphere.

A set of game exercises in light and dim light sensory room

Lesson No. 3

Goals: regulation of the emotional state of children, development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, enrichment sensory experience, development of visual perception, tactile sensitivity, kinesthetic analyzer, gross motor skills.

The ritual for starting class.

A game "Greetings": Guys, ours "fun" smile at us. They are very glad that we came to visit them. Smile and greet them cheerfully, wave and Tell: "Hello!". A game “Who is after whom?”.

A game "Let's roll balls"

Target: development of attention when observing a moving object, hand-eye coordination,

Materials: « ball run» , balls of different sizes and colors.

Progress of the exercise: the ball ramp is designed to move from action to activity, establishing cause-and-effect relationships. We launch the ball along the hollow with the setting - follow the movement of the ball with your eyes - 3 times. Then we show the children how to grab the moving ball, and give each child several attempts to grab the moving ball.

Complications are allowed: using more balls or balls of different weights and sizes

Exercise "Theater"

Goals: development of reflected perception, enrichment of vocabulary, sensory experience.

Materials: mirror, table theater "Chicken Ryaba"

Theatrical progress: "Chicken Ryaba"

Once upon a time there was a grandfather - trace an imaginary beard with both hands from top to bottom

and a woman - depict how the corners of a scarf are tied under the chin.

And they had chicken Ryaba - for younger children age tap your index finger on the table, and show older children the finger exercise "Hen",

When a chicken lays an egg, round your fingers and connect their tips.

Yes, not simple, but golden, Grandfather beat, beat (knock on "testicle") - did not break. Baba beat, beat (knock on the fist with your fist) "testicle") - did not break.

The mouse ran - (for younger children age- run all the fingers of your right hand across the table, and show older children the finger exercise "Mouse",

She waved her tail - (wave your index finger)- the egg fell and broke

(place your relaxed hands on your knees).

Grandfather is crying - cover your face with your hands.

Baba is crying - cover your face with your hands.

And the chicken clucks: “Don’t cry, grandpa, don’t cry, grandma, I’ll lay your egg (round your fingers and bring their tips together)- different, not golden, but simple.

Exercise for relaxation and development of imagination

"Sea holiday"

Adult: “Lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are in a beautiful place by the sea. Blue sky, warm sun. Soft waves roll to your feet. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easily and freely.

We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy."

Perform the exercise to calm, relaxing music.

End of class ritual. A game “Who is after whom?”. Farewell to "fun".

Guys, let's smile "fun" and say goodbye to them: "Goodbye!" Remember our "veselok" and smile like them, and then you will always be in a good mood.

III Organizational section

3.1. Performance evaluation criteria programs

The result of the work done work is the achievement by children of a level of mental development that allows normal learning at school, the ability to establish and maintain contacts, cooperate and collaborate, make friends, and resolve conflict situations with children and adults.

Quantitative indicators in working with children:

Develop the communicative and cognitive sphere up to 75%

Correction of speech disorders up to 60%

Realize the personal potential of each preschooler up to 60%

Cover individual correctional and educational work pupils with disabilities - 100%.

Expected results for teachers:

Gain experience working with children with special educational needs and disabilities up to 75%.

Be able to develop individual programs up to 100%;

Work with new content of preschool education up to 100%;

Increase motivation for research up to 70%;

Expected results for parents:

gain parental experience in raising a child with disabilities and adequately perceive his capabilities and abilities up to 70%;

implement a unified individual approach to the child with the goal of maximum correction of learning delays, for the transition to the next stage of development - 100%.


Thus, the use of modern technologies contributes to sensory development of young children and helps to increase the efficiency of development processes. Future use by teachers of groups, recommended games and exercises.

Development of preschool children age

1. Zabramnaya S. D. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics / Ed. Zabramnoy S.D. Levchenko I.Yu., M„ 2003. 05 – 157 p.

2. Kolos G. G. « Sensory room in a preschool institution".- M, ARKTI, 2008 03 – 79 p.

3. Ozeretsky N. O., “Assessment of the physical and neuropsychic development of children early and preschool age"St. Petersburg - 1999

4. N. A. Rychkova "Behavioral disorders in children" 1998 p. 79

5. Titar A.I. Game developmental activities in sensory room: Practical guide for preschool educational institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 2008.

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  1. Program passport
  1. Explanatory note
  1. Program content:
  1. Monitoring children's mastery of program material
  1. Requirements for the level of preparation of children
  1. Means of education
  1. Monitoring the implementation of the program
  1. Bibliography

Program passport

Program Name

Work program for children’s classes with a psychologist (in a room with sensory equipment “Sensory room - a magical world of health”)

Reasons for developing the Program

  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor
Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 No. 91 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations”

Model regulations on a preschool institution, approved. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011. No. 2562 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2012 N 22946).

Charter of the institution

Customer of the Program

Parent community

Program executor

Teacher - psychologist

Target group

For children 3-7 years old attending the institution

Compilers of the program

Teacher - psychologist Katargina Irina Aleksandrovna

Purpose of the Program

Prevention of emotional stress and development of sensory standards in a sensory room in children of senior preschool age. Increasing the level of sensory development of children.

Program Objectives

Expected final results

Relieving emotional tension,

Supporting positive self-esteem.

Creating a positive attitude

Strengthening the constructiveness of behavior, the ability to express in words and understand the reasons for one’s own actions, thoughts, feelings,

Development of productivity and contact in relationships with people, in the ability to exercise self-leadership and self-regulation, to become a holistic person: physically and psychologically healthy.

Deadlines and

stages of program implementation


A psychological relaxation room with sensory equipment is a powerful tool for expanding and developing the worldview, sensory and cognitive development, helps stabilize the emotional state, and increases the effectiveness of any measures aimed at improving the mental and physical health of adults and preschool children.

By the end of preschool age, a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions should be formed. The level of sensorimotor development forms the foundation of the child’s overall mental development and is the basis for the successful mastery of many types of activities. And readiness for schooling also directly depends on the level of sensorimotor development; insufficient sensorimotor development of preschool children leads to various difficulties during primary education.

Experience working in a preschool institution, constant observations of children allow me to assume that most often the harmonious development of a child is hampered byemotional instability. The relevance of conducting classes in the sensory room is that:

Psycho-emotional stateis one of the important components of a child’s development, therefore emotional instability interferes with the harmonious development of the child as a whole

The theoretical basis of this programis the concept of A.N. Leontiev, where the main criteria for analyzing the psyche are activity, consciousness, personality.

The program is based on principles , reflecting humanistic attitudes:

Respect for the freedom and dignity of every child;

Creating conditions for the development of his individuality;

Providing psychological comfort;

Interaction between a psychologist and a child according to the subject-subject type of communication;

Availability of “free space” for the manifestation of the child’s individual activity;

Combination of static-dynamic position;

Each subsequent stage is based on already formed skills and, in turn, forms the “zone of proximal development”;

The need to maintain high self-esteem of the child; implementation of clear and understandable, honest and specific communication between parents and child;

Joint discussion of what was understood, seen, felt and a brief summary by the teacher at the end of the lesson;

Confidentiality of information about the child to parents, inadmissibility of medical diagnoses; emphasis on recommendations.


Formation of the basic components of the child’s mental development (formation of voluntary self-regulation of behavior, the child’s ability to evaluate himself and his actions (self-esteem), cognitive activity, play activity, teach the child to understand his own emotional state.


1. Restoring emotional comfort, maintaining the child’s desire for psychological health, balance, harmony.

2. Relieving anxiety, creating a feeling of security, insecurity.

3.Teaching children how to examine objects: placing, applying, feeling, grouping by shape and color around standard samples, as well as sequential description of the shape, performing planned actions.

4.Development of perception of shape, size, color, space, movements, holistic image of objects.

5.Express your feelings and recognize the feelings of other people through facial expressions, gestures, intonation;

6. Instilling social behavior skills;

7. Alleviation of emotional discomfort in children;

8.Development of moral qualities;

9.Increasing the activity and independence of children;

10. Formation and correction of communication disorders.


Minors attending kindergarten

Children with poor health (health group);



This program will enable the child to adapt to new living conditions, create a sense of belonging to a group, a positive emotional background; children will be able to master certain communication skills, play activities, the ability to understand their emotional state, learn to recognize the feelings of other people, and expand their understanding of the world around them. . They will also be able to analyze the causes of interpersonal conflicts and be able to independently regulate them.

General psychophysiological development.

  • development of physiological, age-related, psycho-emotional, intellectual and speech functions;
  • activation of thinking;
  • increasing immunity;
  • improvement of somatic health;
  • correction of emotional state;
  • A activation of activities;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • development of fine motor skills

Emotional development.

  • enrichment of emotional experience;
  • overcoming fears; correction of the level of anxiety and aggressiveness;
  • stimulation of pleasant and aesthetically significant experiences;
  • formation of an emotionally calm state, helping to relieve negative emotions and conditions;
  • formation of communication skills in children;
  • correction of deviant behavior;

Speech development.

  • activation of the dictionary;
  • accumulation of linguistic ideas;
  • developing the child’s ability to understand speech addressed to him and contextualized;
  • formation of dialogical speech;
  • formation of elements of verbal planning;
  • formation of monologue speech;
  • developing the ability to tell a coherent story, highlighting the main idea;
  • development of expressive speech;

Social development.

  • formation of personal orientation;
  • formation of abilities of awareness and experience of successes and failures, results of activities;
  • projection of social interactions;
  • development of social norms of behavior;
  • the child’s orientation towards the adult as a source of social experience;
  • formation of organizational skills
  • developing the ability to transfer learned skills to an unfamiliar situation;
  • understanding simple structures that reflect social rules, norms of communication and behavior in society;
  • mastering theoretical knowledge through enriching sensory experience;
  • developing the ability to subordinate one’s actions to learned moral and ethical standards;
  • formation and development of creative abilities;
  • formation of the development of self-awareness, self-control, the ability to adequately relate to oneself and others;
  • formation of correct behavior in the team

The program includes several types of activities:

  • preventive and developmental work with preschoolers - individual and group lessons for up to four people;
  • educational work with the teaching staff;
  • educational work with parents;
  • individual psychological consultations, classes with elements of training for parents (legal representatives) and teachers.

Types and forms of work in the sensory room

Name of equipment


Types and forms of work

Soft floor and wall coverings


Development of imagination.


  • body image;
  • general motor skills;
  • spatial representations.

Relaxation exercises.

Imagination exercises.

Games to relieve aggression

Dry pool

Reducing the level of psycho-emotional stress.

Decreased motor tone.

Regulation of muscle tension.


  • kinesthetic and tactile sensitivity;
  • body image;
  • spatial perceptions and ideas;
  • proprioceptive sensitivity.

Correction of anxiety and aggressiveness levels

Game "Sea of ​​Balls".

Simulated swimming.

A game to relieve aggression.

Game exercises to correct anxiety levels.

Relaxation exercises.

Psychophysical relaxation sessions. Imagination games.

Game "Breathe and Think"

Soft Island

Rehabilitation of neuropsychic state.


Removing negative emotions and states.

Self-regulation of mental state

Exercise “Smile”.

A set of relaxation exercises.

A set of exercises for imagination

Spot light projector

Enriching receptivity and imagination

Music therapy.

Light therapy

Mirror ball (orientation of special lighting effects)


  • visual perception;
  • orientation in space.

Reduced anxiety levels.

Correction of fears.

Relaxation: exposure to visual images

Fairytale therapy.

A set of relaxation exercises.

Exercise “Sunny Bunnies”.

Game "Journey to the Star".

Exercise “Disco”

Music center and audio cassette set or

CD disks

Enrichment of perception and imagination.

Creating psychological comfort.

Relaxation: exposure to auditory images.

Reduction of neuropsychic and emotional stress.

Activation of motor activity.

Formation of self-regulation skills

Musical background accompaniment for games, exercises, tasks, relaxation

Aroma set

Development of the sense of smell.

Formation of the ability to differentiate odors.

Stabilization of mental state.


Exercise “Recognize the smell”

Ottoman-chair with granules (Splodge)

Tactile stimulation of parts of the body in contact with it.


Relaxation exercises

Light effects projector "Solar" with wheel rotator

Attracts attention.


Relaxation effect.

Imagination exercises

Panel "Starry Sky"

Attracts attention.


Relaxation effect.

Development of fantasy and imagination

Imagination exercises

Fiber optic bundle “Waterfall of Light” with comb

You can hold it in your hands, finger it, wrap it around your body, lie on the fibers.

Changing colors attract attention and calm.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills.


Bubble Columns

Development of visual perception.

Creating psychological comfort.

Reduced anxiety levels.

Correction of fears

Fairytale therapy.


Lesson structure

The mood of children, their psychological state at specific moments can cause variations in methods, techniques and structure of classes.

  • The structure of classes is flexible, developed taking into account the age characteristics of children, it includes educational material and elements of psychotherapy.
  • The choice of subject matter is determined by the nature of the developmental disorder and the selection of the most appropriate tactics for correctional and developmental work.
  • The forms of work are determined by the goals of the classes, which are characterized by a combination of both traditional techniques and methods, as well as innovative ones (drawing tests, drawing to music, etc.).
  • The psychological impact is constructed by creating tasks and educational situations that are dosed in content, volume, complexity, physical, emotional and mental stress.

The lesson consists of several parts, each of which can be used independently.

Part 1.


  • The purpose of the introductory part of the lesson is to set the group up for joint work and establish emotional contact between all participants.
  • Basic work procedures - greetings, games with names
  • Warm-up in a circle: psychological mood for the lesson, greeting (duration 3 minutes).

Part 2.


  • This part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson.
  • It includes sketches, exercises, games aimed at the development and partial correction of the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres of the child.

Part 3.


The main goal of this part of the lesson is to create in each participant a sense of belonging to the group and to consolidate positive emotions from working in the lesson. This provides for some kind of general fun game or other collective activity or relaxation.

Each lesson includes procedures, promoting self-regulation:

  • Muscle relaxation exercises

reduces the level of excitement, relieves tension.

  • Breathing exercises

has a calming effect on the nervous system.

  • Mimic gymnastics

is aimed at relieving general tension and plays a big role in the formation of expressive speech in children.

Motor exercises, including alternating or simultaneous execution of movements with different hands for any text

promotes interhemispheric interaction.

  • Reading nursery rhymes with alternating movements, tempo and volume of speech.

promotes the development of voluntariness

Basic methods:

  • Elements of fairy tale therapy, art therapy with improvisation;
  • Psycho-gymnastics;
  • Elements of psychodrama;
  • Games to develop communication skills;
  • Games to develop perception, memory, attention, imagination;
  • Role-playing games

Forms organization of correctional and developmental process:

  1. Individual work.
  2. Group work.

Forms of work with parents

Joint classes in the sensory room.

Individual and group counseling.

Poster consultations


Activities for parents in the sensory room.

The year consists of 71 classes. The duration of the lesson for children from 4 to 5 years old is 15-20 minutes, for children from 5 to 7 years old – 25-30 minutes. Classes are held 2 times a week.

Calendar and thematic planning






1 Week





2 week

Visiting Sensorik


Child and doll.

Goal: To learn to identify common and distinctive features of a person and his similarities.


What color are your eyes and hair?

Purpose: To introduce the distinctive features of appearance - eye and hair color.



We are all different

Purpose: To introduce the distinctive features of other children (voice, name)


What do you like?

Goal: To help children understand that their tastes and preferences may be different.



Choice of game, favorite toy.

Goal: To determine together with children their respects in games and toys.


Tasty - tasteless.

Goal: Together with the children, determine their food preferences



Feelings, desires, views

Sadness and joy.

Goal: To help understand the causes of basic emotional states (joy-sadness), to learn to identify them by external manifestations.


Changes in mood.

Goal: To help understand the causes and external manifestations of mood changes.

6 week



Goal: To help understand the causes of fear; help prevent fears in children.

Social skills



Goal: Develop basic understanding of friendships

7 week


Argument .

Purpose: To help understand some of the reasons for a quarrel.


How to make peace?

Goal: To teach simple ways to resolve conflicts.



Cooperative game.

Goal: To help understand that playing together is more interesting


A joint business.

Goal: To help you understand that together it is easier to cope with any task.


9 week

Let's live in peace!



Goal: To develop a sense of belonging to a group. Develop positive social behavior skills.



Goal: To give the child the opportunity to feel that he belongs to the group and to express his mood. Teach children to feel the closeness and warmth of another



Sunny bunny.

Goal: Develop a sense of unity and cohesion. Teaches children to act in harmony


Magic bag.

Goal: develop group cohesion. Increase children's self-confidence

11 week


A train with a name.

Goal: To increase children's self-confidence, develop coordination of movements, and develop auditory perception.

I am surprised, angry, afraid, boastful and happy



Goal: Increasing children's self-confidence, group cohesion, familiarization with the feeling of timidity



Joy – 1.

Goal: Acquaintance with the feeling of joy, development of the ability to adequately express one’s emotional state, development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person



Goal: Continued acquaintance with the feeling of joy



Joy – 3

Goal: Developing the ability to understand and express the emotional state of another



Joy – 4

Goal: Consolidation and generalization of knowledge about the feeling of joy



Fear -1.

Goal: Getting to know the feeling of fear, studying the expression of emotional states in facial expressions


Fear -2.

Goal: Finding ways to overcome fear, develop empathy, and the ability to empathize with others



Fear – 3.

Goal: To teach children to recognize the feeling of fear by its manifestations, to develop the ability to cope with this feeling. Teach children to express feelings of fear in drawings


Fear – 4.

Goal: Continued acquaintance with the feeling of fear




Goal: Introducing the feeling of surprise, strengthening facial skills



Goal: Introducing the feeling of self-satisfaction

17 week


Consolidating knowledge about feelings.

Goal: Strengthening the ability to distinguish between feelings




Goal: Getting to know the feeling of anger, training the ability to distinguish between emotions

18 week


Shame, guilt.

Goal: Getting to know the feeling of guilt


Disgust, disgust.

Goal: Getting to know the feeling of disgust

Week 19

Fairytale world


Magic glade.

Goal: Development of identification with one’s name, formation of a child’s positive attitude towards his “I”. Stimulating creative expression


The language of touch.

Goal: Development of the sensory-perceptual sphere, development of arbitrariness of behavior, development of imagination, symbolic representations




Games with a twist.

Goal: Development of creative thinking and imagination. Improving self-regulation mechanisms.


For a turnip.

Goal: Relieve tension, gain positive, motor experience. Development of memory and imagination. Developing self-confidence



Miracle Island.

Goal: Development of imagination, Stimulation of creative imagination


In the land of feelings.

Goal: Stabilization of mental processes, stress relief. Training in ways of adequate bodily expression of various emotional states. Developing self-confidence


The power of good



Goal: To draw children's attention to the individual characteristics of their peers. Prepare for general action, game. Set up children for active joint activities, conversation, and play. Introduce the elements of expressive movements, facial expressions, and posture. Learn to express your point of view.

18 . 02

Rudeness and fighting.

Goal: To develop imagination and feelings in children, to teach them to control muscle sensations in order to be able to change the nature of movements. Learn to display negative and positive character traits of heroes.


22 . 02

Evil tongue.

Goal: To teach children to convey feelings through intonation. Teach children to select intonations and movements characteristic of the characters. Learn to give a moral assessment of what is happening. Develop speed of reactions and volitional processes. Teach children to relax.



Goal: To teach children to independently express their thoughts and feelings. Teach children to convey the characters’ characters through movements. Teach children to actively participate in discussions and create emotional images. Learn to relax




Doll disease.

Goal: To consolidate expressive movements, teach children to empathize, and teach them to find positive solutions in a problem situation. Teaching children to relax


Seryozha and the puppy.

Goal: To teach children to convey the intended image with movements, to analyze the actions of the characters. Give children the idea that there are no “good” and “bad” children, but that there are different actions



Little Red Riding Hood.

Goal: To give children the concept of kindness through a fairy-tale hero. Strengthen the skills of joint action when acting out a common story.


Journey to Dunno.

Goal: To strengthen children’s skills of joint action when acting out a common story. Teach children to analyze their own behavior and those of others. Reinforce the concept of kindness and evil with specific examples.




Goal: To develop the creative abilities of children, to teach them to select movements characteristic of the characters (facial expressions, pantomimes)

22 . 03


Goal: Develop non-verbal means of communication. Learn to convey emotional experiences in images, to empathize with the characters. Learn to analyze experiences and events.



Fairy tale characters

Goal: To teach children to identify emotions using conventional graphic images. Fix the image of a “good” and “evil” hero in movements.


Hut and Baba Yaga.

Purpose: To consolidate the expressiveness of facial expressions, mickey. Pantomimes. Develop imagination.




Journey to the Moon.

Goal: To teach children to control their body. Learn to convey mood and emotions with intonations and gestures


The Snow Queen.

Goal: To consolidate the skills of joint action in acting out a fairy tale plot. Strengthen skills of independence in conversation, develop volitional processes



Forest school

Goal: To consolidate the expressiveness of facial expressions and pantomimes. Learn to distribute attention. Strengthen your understanding of the school. Teach children to express their point of view.


Geometric figures

Goal: formation of a holistic image, stimulating massage of the hands, making finger figures.




Purpose: Comparing objects by size: length, height


Design from geometric shapes.




Actual and desired image of “I”


Communication means

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​means of communication.



Nonverbal components of communication

Goal: To familiarize and consolidate non-verbal means of communication. Give an idea of ​​who can communicate like that



Communication in various life situations

Goal: Strengthen communication skills. Strengthen your skills in managing your emotions.



Prevention of psycho-emotional stress using elements of fairy-tale therapy

Goal: Strengthen self-regulation skills.



Goal: To teach children to depict behavior patterns of characters using different character traits. Teaching children to relax



Naughty games.

Goal: Develop children's attention. Teach children to convey a given image with movements. Learn to find a way out of conflict situations.


. Antics, braggarts and teasers

Goal: To set children up for common play. Learn to use expressive movements. Form moral ideas in children through games



Consolidation of all covered material

Goal: Determine the level of acquired concepts on the topic “Emotions and conflicts”


Reinforcing the material covered.

Purpose: To determine the level of assimilation in self-regulation.







  • Method of game modeling of behavior.
  • Methods of body-oriented therapy.
  • Relaxation methods.
  • Method of productive activity (drawing, appliqué, modeling).
  • The method of fairy tale therapy in the books of the author T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva.
  • Modification of the emotional-symbolic method proposed by J. Alan.
  • Visualization method (by Aki Nurosi).
  • Technology of using game methods in teaching.
  • Psychogymnastics (author M.I. Chistyakova).
  • Finger gymnastics (author E. Kosinova, M. Lopukhina).
  • Collaborative learning technology.


When starting to implement this program, you should outline a general work plan for all three of its sections.

This program involves varying the content of the program, forms and methods of working with children. It is necessary to analyze and determine the own conditions of teaching activity in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the available specialists, the programs and methods used, the material base, as well as more general sociocultural and regional characteristics.

Unregulated activities are assumed, the main types of activities are: play, visual and theatrical activities, manual labor.

Basic principles and their strict adherence guarantee the achievement of set goals and objectives:

  • Systematicity
  • Integration of software content
  • Coordination of teachers' activities

It is important to combine the content of the program with the children’s everyday experience and situations familiar to them, and to look for new forms for consolidating the material covered. Come up with surprises, include short breaks for relaxation, songs, jokes, riddles, and nursery rhymes in your classes.

The conditions of a preschool institution should contribute to the development of self-confidence in children, form high self-esteem, and support the desire for success in various activities.

The educational efforts of teachers and parents must be coordinated, because the specificity of the program requires close cooperation between teachers and parents in achieving the goals and objectives of this program. Realized the importance of the child’s social-emotional development and its significance in his later life

Forms of interaction with parents:

  • Parent meetings
  • Individual conversations


In this work program, the requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students are differentiated:

General development indicators.

At 4 years old the child:

  • Be able to recognize the occurrence of basic emotional states, learn to identify them by external manifestations.
  • Be able to manage your emotional state
  • Be able to resolve conflicts and understand some of the causes of quarrels, learn simple ways to resolve conflicts.

At 5-6 years old a child:

  • Have ideas about your appearance, be able to distinguish the characteristics of other children, change your appearance in accordance with an imaginary image.
  • Have an understanding that tastes and opinions vary.
  • Be able to recognize basic emotional states and their external manifestations: sadness, joyand calm, sadness, grief, anger, fear
  • Have an idea of ​​what friendship is, basic ideas of what qualities a friend should have.
  • Help expand your vocabulary for expressing friendly feelings.
  • Be aware of the need to comply with certain norms and rules of behavior.

At 7 years old a child:

  • Have ideas about what is important in friendships.
  • Be able to understand the reasons leading to conflict and possible ways to resolve it.
  • Developing the ability to communicate, which contributes to children’s good relationships with adults and peers.
  • Have an understanding that our own mood and the attitude of other people depends on our actions.
  • Be able to recognize various emotions by facial expression and posture.
  • Be able to cope with various manifestations of negative emotions.
  • Be able to adequately assess your appearance, maintain your self-esteem, and be aware of your individual characteristics.


Methods used:

  1. The emotional state of the child - Luscher test.
  2. Card of the child’s emotional state (to be completed after each lesson)


  1. Equipment for the sensory room (in the office passport)
  2. Educational and visual aids:
  • Literature
  • Games and toys for children's sensorimotor development
  1. TSO funds
  • Record player
  • Computer
  • CDs with music

Program implementation mechanism

The program implementation mechanism includes:

  • program management mechanism,
  • distribution of areas of responsibility
  • mechanism for interaction between program customers
  • control over the implementation of the program

The head of the program is the deputy head for educational and methodological work, who is personally responsible for its implementation and final results.

Program Manager:

Coordinates the activities of program participants for the effective implementation of its main mechanisms.

Prepares draft decisions on changes and additions to the program.

Prepares a project at the end of the year on the progress of the program.

Organize the implementation of information technologies in order to manage the implementation of the program and monitor the progress of its activities.

The teacher - the head of the section - is the coordinator and executor of the program during its implementation.

Teacher as coordinator:

Responsible for timely and high-quality implementation of the program.

Maintains monthly reporting on program implementation.

Prepares reports on program progress.

Within the limits of his authority, he develops projects and proposals necessary for the implementation of the program.

At the end of the year, prepares proposals to clarify program activities for the next academic year, as well as the mechanism for its implementation.

In order to involve the public in program management, a program coordinating council is being created, which includes teaching staff, the parent community and representatives of the board of trustees.

Main goals:

Consideration of the topics of the program events

Review of materials on the progress of the program implementation

Providing their clarification, as well as the results of the program implementation.

Identification of organizational problems during the implementation of the program and development of proposals for their solution.

Organizing the posting of information on the progress and results of the program on the official website on the Internet.

Control system.

The purpose of control: identifying the effectiveness of the process of implementing the work program.


  • identifying problems and their causes,
  • carrying out corrective actions aimed at bringing the results of the program implementation in accordance with the intended goals and objectives.