Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Stories about treasure hunters with a metal detector. A story about the most unusual treasure (Competitive story of a digger!)

I bring to your attention an interesting story about the discovery of an equally interesting treasure, but in order not to bore you, let’s move on to the story.

Hello, uv. comrades! Last Sunday, my son and I were lucky enough to move from the category of treasure hunters to treasure diggers: for the first time in a little over a year of searching, we came across a treasure.

And it was like this. At the end of the work at the dacha, the son asked his wife to dig for an hour and a half in the nearest field in honor of February 23rd. Since last year it has been standing under the millet, waiting for plowing: there is no dirt, the soil is sandy, walking is a pleasure. Previously, several nickels from 1928-30 and two bilons from the same period were raised here. Since, according to pre-war maps, there were no buildings in this place or nearby, we walked loosely, only along the edge of the field, waiting for the millet to be harvested.

The only hint about the future was that all the coins were lifted from a 5x3 meter patch. In general, we returned there without much enthusiasm, so to speak, for the sake of “beeping.”

In the old place, “tips” immediately began to appear: and again the coins and billons: 10 and 20 kopecks from 1928-1930. In total, on the patch, which expanded to dimensions of 5x30 meters, we raised one and a half dozen five-kopeck coins, 4 ten-kopeck coins and two twenty-kopeck coins. All - 1928-1930. As it became clear, it was an open wallet. In addition, the same section of the field pleased us with two more nickel coins from 1880 and ½ kopeck from 1896, which added to our enthusiasm.

However, my story is not about the wallet. Having knocked out a “fruitful” plot, we walked further across the field along the bald patches among last year’s millet, which the owner, due to a poor harvest, decided not to harvest, but to dig up in the spring. My son “ran into” shooting a PPSh, I got 20 kopecks from 1932. A few meters from the “extreme” find, a clear but deep coin signal suddenly appeared (this is what my Asya emits on a large copper coin or rusty iron foil).
At a depth of approximately 80 cm to a meter, I came across the lid of what it seemed to me then to be some kind of stainless steel box.

He called his son and jokingly asked: “Do you want the treasure?”

Of course I want to,” he answered, looking skeptically at the bottom of the dug hole.

A couple of minutes later, an old chrome-plated medical syringe sterilizer was pulled out to the surface of the earth.

“Heavy,” I stated, still not believing that there could be anything in it.

All doubts were dispelled as soon as I opened the lid: on top of the old, partially decayed fabric in the form of long sausages, lay an old wristwatch. Having torn the fabric a little, the chervonets were revealed to our eyes.

The money, in my opinion, is in chervonets!,” I said, and at that moment when my son was ready to scream with joy, I added, “But not those, but paper ones.”

Alas and ah - the bix turned out to be filled with pre-war chervonets. Nevertheless, this did not lower the mood. A boost of energy was provided.

It was decided to extract the chervonets at home, soaking them a little with distilled water so as not to damage them. The road is 30 km. from the dacha home, as well as household chores before starting to dismantle the treasure, seemed like an eternity. After all, we didn’t know what was at the bottom. And this unknown gave free rein to the imagination.

As it turned out, the money was carefully sewn into a belt made of burlap in four tight twists. At the bottom, however, a small surprise-bonus still awaited us in the form of... a party card and an identity card for the commanding staff of the Red Army. This is perhaps the most valuable thing, because... made it possible to identify the owner of the treasure and even the time of its laying.

The owner turned out to be a Jew by nationality, an officer of the administrative service of the Red Army, Yakov Evdeevich Vainer, born in 1908. Through the resource “Feat of the People,” I unexpectedly found out that Yakov Evdeevich survived the meat grinder of the Kyiv cauldron and rose to the rank of captain, was awarded the medal for “Combat Merit” in 1944, and the Order of the Red Star in 1945. It was also possible to find out that this military band member was wounded twice in August 1941 and 1944.

Here you can see that the photo was...

Having compared what we were able to find out with the history of the area, I came to the conclusion that at the end of August 1941, in the Zolotonosha area, Yakov Weiner, being wounded, was surrounded (“Kiev Cauldron”). And, obviously, not hoping to go out to his own people, at the same time - at the end of August 1941, he buried everything valuable, as well as documents, on one of the few hills of the once swampy area.

Whether it was his own money or government money, now one can only guess. In total, the box contained a “Kirovskie” wristwatch, 91 banknotes of three chervonets each, i.e. 273 chervonets or 2730 rubles, a party card, an officer’s ID and for some reason two matches.

The son had the idea to restore the watch, find Yakov Weiner’s relatives (if any) and hand it over to them along with the documents.

That's all, don't judge strictly, because... This is my first report, and I took the pictures on my phone. Since time was running out, there were no photographs of nature, and most of the photographs were taken at home during the autopsy.

The story was taken from the Ukrainian forum

I also remind you that there are other equally interesting invented stories about how treasure was hidden in ancient times and about the discovery of these treasures now, this is the story “The Treasure of the Old Cossack” and the story “When you carry us out by our feet, then you will take it, or the story of one wallet, “enjoy reading.

I came across a very interesting story from a treasure hunter))
Alexander from Irkutsk
Here is his story, I post it on my LJ

“It’s January, knee-deep snow, and I have a plane in the morning! First 5.5 hours to Moscow, then another 5.5 to the Emirates. In my suitcase is an Explorer, a mining shovel (I take a shovel because I know that there’s nowhere to buy it in the tourist area will be, I have experience in 2013 in Bali I was looking for a shovel for 5 days, I was digging the beach with my hands. I saw a shovel at a construction site, I wanted to buy it from the builders, the local aborigines don’t understand why a Russian needs a shovel, then out of despair I wanted to pull it, but thank God it turned up. , bought))), a black bag for the device (so that they would wonder what kind of funny fishing rod the Russian is dragging, what kind of fish?))).

So: 16 hours and I’m at customs in the Emirates! I’m a little scared, all sorts of thoughts are in my head: “right now, like wow... the customs officers are me”)) And for them... I, the customs officer, didn’t even bat an eyelid at what I had there, in my suitcase, as if tourists with shovels and metal detectors come to them every day !

We arrived in the emirate of Ajman, where we will live for 2 weeks. Ramada Bitch Hotel. From the window there is a view of the Persian Gulf, across the road there is a private beach, fenced.There are a lot of people there, which makes me happy, so there must be some finds!

The next day, just in case, I asked the guide if it was possible to walk along the beach with a metal detector to dig for coins, he was surprised and said that he had only seen people like me on TV, in the National Geographic)) But since there are no military personnel here, I can walk as long as I can I'll fit! Well, I went!

It is completely impossible to search before lunch. And after 2 people leave, some on excursions, some to Dubai. And the fan club immediately thins out. Of course, 1-2 fans follow you, but they don’t interfere much. But this only applies to the hotel’s private beach. If you go beyond its limits, there are ten times more fans and they want to eat you! They notice you from afar and flock to you from all sides of the beach. Therefore, it is possible to walk on city beaches only early in the morning. In about 3 hours of searching you can find coins worth 50 local dirhams (1 dirham is approximately equal to 10 rubles). The dirhams had to be washed because... Blacks take them very hard. I bought Harpic Power Plus at the supermarket, it makes them white, but matte, but in fact they should shine. Their coins are nickel, the same as ours before 1961. But it’s okay, everyone asks where they got them, but they take them. I dropped off the last ones at the airport in Duty Free))) I bought a large chocolate bar, almost all the sellers from the cash registers came running))) they looked at the wonderful dull, shabby money, I thought they would close me now for counterfeiting))) there was such an unhealthy excitement))) But then the elder came, twirled a coin near his Arab nose, asked where I got these, my answer satisfied him and I became the happy owner of a chocolate bar))))))

There are a lot of finds, there are few traffic jams, because... Alcohol is generally prohibited. If there are any traffic jams, they come from cans of lemonade. Approximately it turned out for 50 coins - 10-15 caps.

As a matter of fact, here are the finds:

And the final result of a two-week search (53 keys and a few coins with rings):

P.S. For those who are going there, I advise you to visit the museum in the fort in the emirate of Ajman. It looks unprepossessing, but inside there are a lot of interesting exhibits.

PS- The most unlucky treasure: the burial of a warrior

In 1997, a resident of the village of Kazachiy Brod, Andrei Chamkin, discovered the burial of an ancient Greek warrior of the 2nd-3rd centuries BC. Now all 36 items of the treasure are being restored by Hermitage specialists. In our country there are few craftsmen capable of working with such unique things. But sending the treasure abroad for restoration was very risky. The insured value of the collection exceeds a million dollars. The burial of a warrior in full ammunition was discovered in the mountains near Sochi. Andrei Chamkin searched for the treasure of his dreams for more than fifteen years. When unique items began to appear on the city's black market at bargain prices,operatives contacted the treasure hunter and convinced him to give the precious find to the state. Soon after this, tragic events began to occur in the Chamkin family. The father was the first to die from lung cancer, then the sister died under unknown circumstances. Soon the mother died. Andrei Chamkin himself did not live long after his discovery - he shot himself with a hunting rifle.
The youngest treasure hunter: four-year-old Dima
The youngest treasure hunter is considered to be four-year-old Dima Ugryumov from Kirov. Walking with his father in the courtyard of his house, the kid picked up stones from a trench dug for laying an electrical cable. Father became interested in the shiny object that Dima was turning in his hands. It turned out to be a golden royal ten-ruble note. It later turned out that the boy had discovered a whole treasure - 122 ten-ruble coins, 58 five-ruble coins and 8 half-imperials.

Legendary treasures that no one has found yet

Stenka Razin's cache
Stepan Timofeevich Razin was born into a wealthy Cossack family, and for the time being served the sovereign faithfully in the Cossack regiment. But after the execution of his older brother, who went to the Don without permission during the war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, he put together a Cossack detachment and began to commit robbery. In 1671, Stenka was caught by tsarist troops and quartered in Moscow. It is believed that, anticipating his death hour, somewhere in the Volga region in the remote steppe, Stenka Razin with his dashing Cossacks buried several carts of gold.

Napoleonic treasure

Judging by the official certificate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Napoleon’s “Moscow loot” amounted to 18 pounds of gold, 325 pounds of silver and an unspecified amount of church utensils, precious stones, ancient weapons and dishes. When Kutuzov drove the French out of Moscow, several carts loaded with treasures were following Napoleonic troops. Retreating west, Napoleon decided to hide some of the loot, and the valuables were sunk in several lakes along the old Smolensk road.

Kolchak's treasure

When World War I began, Emperor Nicholas II ordered the evacuation of Russia's gold reserves—1,600 tons of gold—inland. Before the Civil War, the gold reserves were in Kazan, but in 1918 it was captured by Admiral Kolchak and with this money he established a military dictatorship in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East. However, he was unable to spend all the gold. There are documents indicating that part of the treasures were stolen on the way to Siberia. The recently found camp diary of the thieves sheds light on the fate of Kolchak’s gold. It is believed that the remains of Russia's gold reserves are safely hidden in Tyumen

I’ll tell you my story about how I found an unusual treasure.

This happened in 2008. Summer. It was a successful working day, a day off for me (since I work shifts). Well, I’m wondering if I should go and look for what the people lost a couple of hundred years ago. And so it came true.

Armed with ICQ and a shovel. I arrived in an old village where I came across coins from Peter to Nicholas II. After walking around for a couple of hours without finding anything, not counting the plugs from the Cheburashka and the aluminum wire. A local Aboriginal woman comes up to me in the form of a granny who has lived and seen more than me, obviously. And says:
— What are you looking for there?..
“I’m looking for what was lost by people in ancient times,” I answered.
— I lost my husband 20 years ago... Will you find it?
“Granny, I’m looking for old coins, rings, buttons,” I answered, choking, but with a smile on my face.
- You can find the ring. We had a fight with my grandfather, he took his ring and threw it out into the garden. Then they searched for a long time and didn’t find it,” the granny said, squinting her eyes.
- Of course I’ll find it.
Let's go to her garden and her house. After walking for an hour and a half, I found coins, crosses, a 2nd degree maternity medal, but there was still no ring. Having lost interest, I began to move towards my grandmother’s house where she sat in the shade and stared at me, telling me that there was no ring. Already approaching grandma, ASYa gives a signal, well, I think it’s a coin again. The saffron milk cap dug up the ring (it was my first gold, even though it was someone else’s). With a smile on my face, I go up to grandma and give her the ring, coin and medal. I say:
— Everything found in your garden is yours.
She took the ring, her eyes watering. I don’t need anything, but the ring is dear to me, as a memory of my grandfather. Take the rest for yourself. Wait, hold on. Granny went to the house and 5 minutes later she returned with a bag of eggs. To Magarych for the find. So we said goodbye to her. With a feeling of accomplishment, I got ready to go home. The way back to the car lay through a small shallow ravine, which I always avoided. And right on the slope of the ravine the MD gives out a clear signal. To avoid breaking the eggs, he put them aside and dug. The bottom of the cast iron appeared. “Okay,” I thought. Well, I started digging. I still remember the feelings. My pulse doubled, my blood pressure went through the roof, my hands began to shake, and I immediately wanted to go to the toilet. Raking the miners with his hands like a mine, he gently and carefully removed a small, medium-sized cast iron that was lying upside down, that is, upside down. A little light. I turn it over carefully. Burlap inside. I get it. Definitely not coins. But something square. I carefully unfold it. And there is a BOOK. At that time I had a phone that couldn't take pictures. Only when I got home and dried it, I opened it and took a picture. So I came home with coins, a medal and eggs. Thanks grandma.

This book was transferred to the city local history museum. They said thank you. I visited grandma more than once and told her about the book. She explained that at the beginning of the 20th century, when the persecution of the church began, someone, in order not to part with this book, simply “buried” it in a ravine, in a cast iron pot. And I forgot or didn’t live long enough...

Sent by comrade Tikhon.

Professional treasure hunters do not advertise themselves and usually categorically refuse to meet with journalists. Gosha, who has twenty years of search experience, after much persuasion, agreed to tell us something about himself.

“My grandfather was a miner who built sewers in the center of Moscow. I often brought coins from work that I found, mostly silver, the size of a child’s fingernail, “scales.” He kept some for his collection, the rest he took to the “bugs” resellers hanging around the numismatic departments.

At the age of 14, when my father and mother died in an accident, I began to live with my grandfather and grandmother. To avoid falling into bad company, my grandfather decided to encourage me to look for treasures. I bought various books, took me to museums, talked about my coins, when and how they were minted; fantasized, trying to imagine when, by whom and why this or that treasure was hidden.

A hundred years ago, treasure hunters sold their finds on the famous Sukharevka...

For ten years, my grandfather and I climbed through the attics of houses where wealthy people lived before the revolution. They found everything there - books, documents, photographs, dishes, musical instruments, samovars, tiles... They carried this stuff home in the evenings, with precautions so that God forbid someone would spot it. Then the finds were washed and cleaned, after which the grandfather took them to Uncle Vasya, who was selling at the flea market. With the “junk” money I bought myself a bicycle, my first jeans, and a portable tape recorder.

The grandmother swore: “The apartment has been turned into a trash heap!” She changed her anger to mercy when they brought her a Chinese porcelain vase painted with red dragons from the attic. Grandma admired it for a long time, but was afraid to put it in the sideboard, so she hid it on the mezzanine.

Valuable finds are very rare. And where do they come from? During arrests, the Cheka - NKVD - MGB carried out thorough searches; in the KGB, a whole department dealt with treasures. Everything was raked out. True, we once discovered under a pile of rubbish a silver teapot, a sugar bowl, a set of forks, spoons and knives; another time - two inexpensive silver cigarette cases, a Swiss watch, two pairs of gold earrings and a broken chain packed in a leather box. Only the grandmother started making noise and didn’t want to keep these things at home. My grandfather had to sell them through a collector he knew.”

One of the attic trips allowed Gosha to significantly expand the family numismatic collection. The collection hidden by someone consisted of ancient and medieval (Russian, Polish, Swedish) gold and silver coins. There were about fifteen denarii of Alexander the Great alone, and all of them were in excellent condition.

But that's not all. Gosha collected an excellent collection of bladed weapons in the attics - swords, sabers, broadswords, daggers and dirks. Some of them could decorate the windows of the Historical Museum. Twice treasure hunters found old revolvers, but, out of harm’s way, my grandfather again hid them in the attic.

“Since the beginning of the 1990s, it has become difficult to work in the capital,” Gosha said. – Many young seekers have appeared. The attics were ransacked by homeless people who had settled there. “New Russians” began to take over buildings in the center of Moscow; The restoration had not yet begun, and they were already setting up security. And the local police officers went wild. He held me hostage alone until my grandfather brought him two hundred dollars.

But I couldn’t give up on this anymore. “Addicted” to treasure hunting, like heroin. By this time my grandfather had retired. I quit my job (after graduating from the institute, Gosha served in one of the capital’s museums. - T.B.). We started driving our old Niva around the regions - Moscow, Tver, Vladimir, Tula. Grandfather has at least seventh grade water in jelly everywhere, and relatives. From them they learned about abandoned villages, about landowners' houses, who, where and what kind of treasures were looking for in their areas.

It’s a pleasure to work in remote corners: you can explore houses without haste, and walk around with a metal detector calmly. There was a case when they found St. Nicholas the Saint of the 18th century in a silver frame and two old printed books; and in one hut in the attic, the roof above which miraculously did not leak, they found a gramophone wrapped in sackcloth. The usual “catch” is copper and silver coins, cast iron irons, spinning wheels, wooden utensils, gramophones, kerosene lamps, chests, candlesticks, lamps, cast iron.”

From a distant relative who worked in a rural school all her life, we learned about “Semka’s treasure.”

In a village forgotten by God and people, where the road was overgrown with bushes, there once lived a family - an old mother and son Semka. They were so poor that even the poor girls did not agree to marry the guy. Before the First World War, he went to work in Moscow, from there he moved to St. Petersburg. For a long time there was neither a rumor nor a breath about him. Semka returned to the village when the Bolsheviks came to power. He was dressed richly, with a gold cross on his neck and rings on his fingers. He brought his mother a velvet skirt, a silk shawl and earrings with large stones.

In honor of his return, Semka prepared a treat for the men. And when he got drunk, he began to boast that he now had as much gold as dirt. He spent two months partying, generously lending money, and then the district police came to the village. They tied the seed and began to look for gold. It turned out that he, together with his anarchist friends, was engaged in robberies in St. Petersburg. During the search, the old mother died from grief or fear. And Semka, who tried to escape while he was being taken through the forest, was shot by the police.

The men searched for Semkin’s “burial place” for a long time, and the chairman of the village council even destroyed his house to the ground, but the treasure was never given to them.

“For two weeks at the site of that village I worked like hell,” Gosha recalled. “When I dug up the leather bag, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Grandfather had to be soldered with valerian... Eh, it’s just a pity that the branded boxes were spoiled...”

The successful treasure hunter flatly refused to talk about the contents of the bag. But since before the revolution, products by Bohlen, Faberge and other famous jewelers were sold in branded boxes, we can assume that it was there.

It is no coincidence that after selling several things, Gosha inserted gorgeous snow-white teeth into himself, bought a metal detector for $3,000 and a used SUV. And he slowly sells “small things” through intermediaries at the Izmailovsky vernissage. And I went to Izmailovo.

After a long search, I found something suitable on one of the counters - in elegant boxes covered with half-decayed faded pink satin, there were two small gold crown brooches; one is decorated with small rosette diamonds, the other with brand new turquoise. Such trinkets were made for the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov. I can’t say whether this is Goshin’s product, but the jewelry was clearly not stored in grandma’s wardrobe for a long time. They asked for these crowns for 300 and 250 dollars, but bargaining was appropriate.

Walking through the antique aisles, I asked the price of some items. Set of silver cutlery – $1000; Swiss watch “Moser” – $120; image of St. Nicholas the Saint in a silver frame – $400; gramophone – $400; denarius of Alexander the Great – $150; a flake coin, depending on its condition, costs 50-100 rubles (Goshi has a whole bucket of them). In general, Gosha and his grandfather earn money from milk and a sweet bun.

It remains to add that Gosha considers himself a law-abiding treasure hunter, since he does not look for treasures in ancient settlements, not in burial mounds, that is, not in places protected by the state.

... today they are bringing “treasures” to the Izmailovsky vernissage

If you have been in instrument search for a long enough time, you can probably tell a fair number of stories about various “oddities”. I started my treasure hunting career in May 2011, and since then I have accumulated several memorable stories.

1. Snake in an excavation.

One day, when I was digging a silver signal in my favorite clearing, I cut out a piece of soil and lifted it up. Suddenly, from there, a meter-long snake simply attacked me, and it jumped so high that it literally landed on my chest. I squealed like a first grader! It’s good that no one was nearby and no one witnessed my shame.

2. Ghosts of the past.

That time I was searching near an abandoned house with buildings. An old man walked by, and we struck up a conversation. He said that this house used to be a village store that sold a lot of delicious sweets. The narrator was a child then and only remembered this, and also that he and his friends often came here. And as soon as he told me this, a loud knock was heard from the window of the dilapidated store. My interlocutor and I immediately looked inside, but there was no one there. We moved away. The knock was repeated! Looking again, we saw and heard nothing except some loud rustling sounds. I then felt very uneasy, and I quickly left this place.

3. Strange child.

Then I walked with a metal detector on the outskirts of our town, in a beautiful forest, almost in a park. There was a huge hundred-year-old oak tree growing here, and when I approached it, I noticed that someone was watching me, about three meters away from me. My peripheral vision told me it was a child, since he was about three feet tall. I turned around to ask what the kid had forgotten, when suddenly my heart sank! The “child” suddenly took off and disappeared among the foliage... Having looked closely, I realized that it was a large owl...

But this was actually a strange event. I searched in one of the fields, and had already found four coppers, and was pleased. Suddenly I clearly heard a voice in my head: dig here! (near the hole that has already been dug). I checked with a pinpointer and it turned out that there were two whole rare silver coins!

5. Air raid warning.

I was scanning the area under the tree, when suddenly something fanned my face and scratched me hard on the top of my head. Of course, I immediately waved my hands, screamed, and saw that a bird of prey, possibly a hawk, had taken off from my head, which was already beginning to go bald. What a meeting it was! I wonder what attracted him to my head?

6. Earthly passions.

Sometimes, like normal people, I go on vacation. I went south this time. So far south, but not too far beyond the border. And now I’m digging a hole on the bank of a small river. When suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my ankle. Well, I thought, I pricked myself with some thorn, which doesn’t happen to anyone. Then this place itched, and I saw two bitten holes! I got scared, thinking that I had been bitten by a poisonous snake, and immediately went to the hospital. They said that it was not a snake bite at all, but a tarantula... I still have two white spots of scars on my ankle. The spider was probably healthy.

7. Owner.

My friends and I went to dig at a small abandoned plot of land. There was an old house and some other buildings like a bathhouse. The guys went to rummage around in the house, and I was just checking the ground near the bathhouse with a metal detector. It was already evening, but it was light. The door to the bathhouse was ajar, and I saw that it was empty. I moved on. And I began to be tormented by the suspicion that someone was looking at me from the open door in the bathhouse. It gave me goosebumps. Moreover, they were watching me with some kind of obvious threat, and I simply began to shake. I quickly went to my friends and told them. They laughed at me, and I thought that it was really better to laugh than to feel a gaze from the other world on me.