Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Reasoning about goodness. What is kindness? Argument from the text read

What is this concept? Kindness is humanity towards people, love and care for others. A clear sign of kindness is the conscious manifestation of kindness, useful deeds that do not require anything in return.

People around us treat each other differently. Some show attention and warmth to others, while others do not show any interest in the problems of this or that person. The presence of the second type of people on our planet is extremely sad, because the presence of indifferent people, indifferent to everything, instills negative qualities in the souls of younger generations, which constantly interact with these inhabitants. After such an impact on bright minds, a person turns into a soulless creature who is not interested in anything other than his own difficulties. And this is very tragic to realize.

Unfortunately, many have forgotten about the concept of “kindness,” which from time immemorial has meant showing concern for the difficulties of other people. Kindness means that in any situation it is important to help a person in need of support; if necessary, then show care and attention to others. It should be understood that only a strong person is capable of kindness, because it is a burden for the weak to undertake anything that is not for his own benefit. And people who do good deeds are called individuals! They can understand the suffering of any person who despairs in life, they are able to sympathize and empathize. And such people are difficult to find in the modern world, since it contains inhabitants of different views and principles.

People who do not want to have such a wonderful quality as kindness in their hearts are absolutely nothing, because their existence is meaningless. They are uptight, vain, indifferent. To have such negative qualities means to be alienated from this world, since goodness should reign on the planet. We know this from fairy tales, where evil always gives victory to good, because it is so accepted and so right. There's nothing you can do about it. If you are not capable of such a sublime feeling, it means you are unhappy. Your destiny does not have proper meaning in life, which is very offensive and sad.

It is necessary to cultivate kindness from early childhood. This is obvious, because everyone has encountered such a situation as traveling on a bus, where it is important to understand: you need to give up your seat to the older generation, otherwise it is considered not a sign of respect. It is not the parents who should be ashamed of this, but the child who failed to learn a life lesson in time.

So, kindness is a quality that means showing concern and concern for people’s experiences. Every person on Earth must carry kindness in his heart! Then the world will change!

Option 2

What is kindness? How does it manifest itself? Is this feeling innate or does it need to be cultivated within oneself? I tried to find answers to these and many other questions by revealing the topic of the essay.

In my understanding, kindness is a feeling that should be cultivated in children from birth. It is necessary to lay the foundations of kindness, and throughout life strengthen and improve them. I remember how, while walking on the street, my mother and I always took out food to homeless animals and fed the birds. As I got older, I continued this habit and now feed my furry friends myself.

In my opinion, this is one of the manifestations of a person’s good qualities. Caring for and helping those who need help. My parents donate a lot of things and toys to shelters and help people in need. They will never stand aside when they meet a grandmother or a helpless old man on the street.

Looking at this, I also try, to the best of my ability, to be kind to others. For example, recently, I helped an elderly woman get home. She felt bad and could not get up from the bench on her own. Seeing this picture, I went up to her, gave her water and took her to her apartment. I believe that every person should help those who are weaker. Then life will become much easier and brighter. It is especially important to show kindness to loved ones. Very often, we forget how dear and close they are to us, that we can refuse if we were asked to help or offended by a rude word. But who, if not close ones, are the dearest people on the planet.

We have a friendly family and each family member fulfills his duties. We recently had a new addition. Mom gave birth to a charming sister, whom we all love very much! I see how difficult it can be for mom and then I suggest she get some sleep and I can feed the baby with formula myself, change her diaper, play and put her to bed. I enjoy the process of communicating with my sister and the joy that I can do a good deed and help my mother.

Good deeds should come from the heart and not require anything in return. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten what kindness is. They are driven by anger, aggression and negativity. And if each of us, every day, does one good deed, then all good deeds will certainly make our world better and more colorful.

Essay about Kindness

Kindness is, first of all, one of the best qualities and characteristics of a person. Goodness makes its owner happy and makes other people around smile. The essence of this concept is the same - a positive trait that performs the function of happiness and other good feelings. But each person has their own, individual understanding of kindness. Some people really and seriously take goodness, while other people act without really thinking about whether the consequences will be good or bad.

Goodness, like any other positive quality, must be embedded in a child’s character from childhood. It is adequate upbringing and training that contributes to timely development and teaches the child (later an adult) to make the right decisions in his life. Although everyone understands good differently, the main thing is that they understand. It’s hard for one to help an old lady cross the road, while another won’t even hesitate to climb to the top of a tree to pick up a kitten.

The problem with education is that people have the habit of expecting something good in exchange for good, for example, an equal reward. And, when a person does not receive a “prize” for another good deed, he mentally makes a note to himself that in the future and forever he will not repeat this again, since this is a pointless waste of time and effort. Should goodness be rewarded without fail? No, in no case, because any good deed committed towards a neighbor is, first of all, an act for the person himself.

Kindness helps a person become happy, acquire excellent authority in society, feel better, be liked by those around him, and set an example for other people, including children. If you wait for something in life while standing in one place, then it will not add any benefit. It is for this reason that one should do good, and from a pure heart, helping people, no matter whether it is a loved one or a stranger. Everyone who received a piece of kindness will remember this act and will also become a little happier.

Goodness, by definition, always evokes high feelings, which is why it is easy to distinguish a bad deed from a good one. It is not for nothing that there are such stable and many times proven and tested proverbs as “do good - and it will definitely come back to you” and “treat people the way you want them to treat you.” Simple sentences with strong meaning.

Thus, goodness is one of the important components of every person’s life. Without goodness you cannot live a happy life, and since life is given only one, then without goodness it will have no meaning. And it doesn’t matter at all how other people treat you – bad or good. The most important thing for a person is his attitude towards others. Only by radiating goodness into the world around you will you be happy yourself.

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  • Good is the creative beginning of life and the results of its creation: houses, cities, people - caring about people, nature and life in general. As life circumstances, goodness is what will generate the greatest energy for improving life in people of the highest personal development (mentally healthy, with positive motivation). To ensure that the amount of goodness in the world increases. In the everyday sense, the term “good” refers to everything that receives positive feedback from people or is associated with and. Wider - with light, light, white. Evil - with darkness, dark, black.

    At the same time, what exactly is good and what is not is not a simple question. As a rule, it is better to be healthy and rich than to be poor and sick. As a rule, peace is better than war. However, nothing can be said absolutely here. Once health turns out to be evil, and war turns out to be a good circumstance, these concepts are relative.

    The well-known phrase “victory of the forces of good over the forces of reason” reflects skepticism towards the female view of the good, where empathy and compassion often obscure a sober view of what is happening. One can argue how creative this or that kindness is, but in general, kindness and the cultivation of kindness are a guideline for most people who value human culture. The collection of examples of beautiful kindness is pleasing.

    Good must stand up for itself. If good is not protected, there will soon be no good. How to take care of good is another question. Stanislav Kunyaev wrote:

    good must be with fists
    Good must be harsh
    So that the wool flies in clumps
    From everyone who does good.

    From the point of view of higher morality, good should be done completely unselfishly, but from a pedagogical point of view it is better if children see: a good life is rewarded, and an unkind life is punished. People become kinder because they see good examples, and when they feel meaning and interest in a good life, when being kind is reasonable and profitable, with life prospects. Good and evil do not fight on their own; people do everything when they are interested in doing good.

    An old Indian tells his grandson: “Inside every person there is a struggle very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, fidelity ". - The little Indian thought for a few moments, and then asked. “Which wolf wins?” - The old Indian smiled: “The wolf you feed always wins.”

    I think that the meaning of life is to live joyfully and effectively, doing good. So that today you will be happy, and tomorrow you will be better than today. So that our children live in a world that is even more beautiful, pure and rich. So that after us gardens, cities, clean water and sun remain on earth.

    Whatever I do, the amount of good in the world must increase.

    “Let him hasten to do good, let him keep his mind from evil.
    For the mind of one who is in no hurry to do good finds pleasure in evil.”

    “The noblest question in the world is: “What good deed can I do?”

    The best representatives of humanity had an idea of ​​what good is and were convinced that without it, human life loses its meaning. It’s true, defining “good” is not always easy, but choosing the direction “to live in the direction of goodness,” and not just “how it will be more satisfying and easier for me,” makes human life different: human. At a minimum, this is an obligation to think, search and work, and this is already a lot.

    Kindness and Cruelty - This direction directs graduates to think about the moral foundations of attitudes towards humans and all living things, allows them to reflect, on the one hand, on the humanistic desire to value and cherish life, on the other, on the inhumane desire to cause suffering and pain to others and even to oneself.
    The concepts of “kindness” and “cruelty” belong to “eternal” categories; many works of literature show characters gravitating towards one of these poles or going through the path of moral degeneration.

    Reasoning on the topic of Kindness and Cruelty

    Reasoning on this topic, as an option for preparing for the final essay.

    Unfortunately, we have to deal with it quite often in our lives.
    It could just be a rude word spoken by a person towards us. Or someone could deliberately push us into the subway, making way for themselves. Aggressive behavior towards others can lead to more dire consequences, such as the death of people and animals or serious harm to their health.

    Cruelty is a quality that is either inherent in a person or not. If a man or woman is cruel by nature, then this is very difficult to correct, since this trait most likely appeared in them at an early age. And such people can even experience pleasure in causing pain to another person.

    It also happens that a person is capable of showing cruelty only in a certain state, for example, when he is very angry. Then you can simply learn to control your emotions on your own or enroll in anger management courses.

    It always becomes very difficult for me when I encounter any manifestations of cruelty. Therefore, if I see that one of my classmates is being called names by other students, I immediately try to protect this person, because sometimes a word can hurt more than a rude physical action.

    I don’t like watching the news because they often talk about various tragedies and disasters. I always worry about people in trouble and their loved ones.

    I would really like there to be as little cruelty as possible in our world. I am always happy if any measures are taken at the state level to limit it, for example, a law on the protection of animal rights. I hope that in the future the situation will also change exclusively for the better.

    Goodness and kindness

    Good is an eternal moral value.
    Hundreds of generations of our ancestors protected and defended the good with weapons in their hands.
    Its significance in our lives is obvious and not discussed.
    There is no controversy about such a quality of human character as kindness, which, although it can have many faces, its postulates have remained unchanged for many centuries.

    Kindness is a manifestation of all the good that is in every person. The extent to which he is committed to morality, so high is his personal level as a kind, sympathetic and noble person. For the most part, kindness originates in each of us from the earliest years of life. Rejoicing in parental love, the surrounding natural beauty and the warm rays of the sun, we form the kindest and most sincere feelings in our hearts. We are ready to love the whole world and be a part of it.

    However, over time, problems, adversity, and a cynical environment begin to cultivate negative manifestations in a person, ready to obscure the brightest sides of his character. But if love lives in the soul, if true values ​​are firm in the consciousness, then only good deeds will be performed. The manifestation of kindness is noticeable in literally everything. This is caring for plants, animals and the environment, sincere empathy for people, and a willingness to help.

    A truly kind person will always help an elderly passerby, comfort a crying child, or stop a hooligan who is damaging plants or city property. A caring attitude towards what is happening is one of the most obvious signs of true kindness. Such a person will never pass by those in need of help, and will not withdraw from the problems of others.

    Kindness manifests itself in family and friendship relationships. Considering the love of parents only as an opportunity to receive gifts, while remaining a selfish consumer, one cannot be considered a kind person. Using friendship for your own purposes is not worth claiming to be a moral person. Absolute sincerity, philanthropy and selflessness are not only important qualities of any person, but also his confident, worthy path to real life.

    Discussion on the topic: How is kindness different from mercy?

    Kindness is a quality inherent in the soul.
    This quality is inherent to the soul forever.

    Kindness is shown:
    a tendency to think positively towards others;
    in the ability to be unpretentious towards others;
    in the softness of the heart.

    To this it should be added that true kindness always appears where there is a correct understanding of how to help other people, and where there is strength of character that can withstand their shortcomings.

    Mercy is the willingness to provide help unselfishly out of compassion, the ability to sympathize, sympathize and help.

    Be kind to all your neighbors.
    Merciful - towards everything around him, including defeated enemies.

    Discussion on the topic: Kindness and cruelty

    Kindness and cruelty play a very important role in our lives.
    Everything around us is always divided into good and evil.
    Kindness is to give up a seat on a trolleybus to an elderly person.
    It is evil to kick a homeless and sick dog.
    But it usually happens that when we see an angry, irritated person, our kindness will change to rudeness. And seeing a cheerful, joyful person, we become better. It’s like in biology - “everything is interconnected...”
    There are moments in our lives when you feel abandoned, unnecessary to anyone.
    But then you realize that the people need you more than the people need you.
    This means you need to communicate. Communication makes a person kinder and more cheerful. Helps to exist. And it always happens, as in fairy tales, “good triumphs over evil.”
    This is kindness and cruelty in our lives.
    And in general, you need to try to live by the rule “everything in the name of kindness.”

    A person can be good in his life if something good is done for him.
    For example: give your toy to your younger brother or sister, be friends and not leave your friends in trouble, help them with their homework, buy them something good.
    Rigidity in our lives suggests that we still do not really understand what is happening in our lives.
    In order for us not to be cruel, we must be kind and sympathetic people.
    Cruelty is when we are cruel to our friends and to many others.
    Kindness is when we share with many loved ones, with friends.

    Discussion on the topic: Kindness and cruelty

    Mercy is the ability of a person to treat with compassion the troubles and sorrows of other people; a merciful person is able to help in trouble not only close people, but also complete strangers.
    Such a person has a special attitude even towards his enemy; he treats his enemies with kindness and with the hope of reconciliation.

    A merciful person does not know such words as “revenge” or “vengeance.”
    He does not at all recognize such a principle as “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
    By committing evil acts, we only increase the evil that already exists in the world in limitless quantities.
    A merciful person tries to show kindness to all people and help them if possible.

    Let us remember the famous and respected woman of the last century - Mother Teresa.
    She was a symbol of mercy, kindness and compassion in the cruel 20th century.
    Her dedication to serving the world inspired and continues to inspire people from all over the world.
    Thanks to such examples, we never forget that kindness in human hearts exists and has always existed.

    The history of mankind is simply filled with various wars, betrayals and cruelties.
    In all centuries, people have shed blood for something absolutely insignificant, priceless, they have given their lives for nothing. People did not respect themselves, they did not respect others.
    The concept of mercy did not exist; everyone wanted power and material wealth.
    Human souls were not valued, and the inner world of a person also did not mean anything. People mindlessly took revenge on their enemies, fought duels, and died for honor.
    But such a principle has a destructive effect on a person’s inner world, making him angrier.

    It is not at all easy to be merciful to all people.
    But each of us must try to change for the better, work on our inner world.
    Then the world will definitely become kinder, and life will become much better than it is now.

    Theme description: There is the concept of a good deed, there is the concept of mutual assistance, and there is simply goodness and, as they say in some song, there is about happiness, but here we will say about goodness - “It cannot but exist.”

    In general, here is a small note for you - an essay - it is also a discussion on the topic:

    "What is good?"

    Goodness is a bright and pleasant feeling that gives a smile and brings joy. Sometimes it causes the heart to skip a beat. Goodness is comparable to a piece of happiness.

    All my friends have their own definition of good. Someone believes that to be kind means not to offend the weak, not to deceive and to help people. Others believe that if you have fulfilled your duty to your family, to your relatives, and have not let anyone down, this is kindness.
    Goodness in my understanding is to intentionally and selflessly help another without expecting anything in return. If I simply told a stranger how to get to a place he is interested in, that is already good. Kindness done effortlessly and spontaneously is the most pleasant deed for me.

    I try to be good and do good for everyone. For friends and strangers, for animals. Good is the highest manifestation of morality in any person.

    Doing good is not entirely easy. After all, now many people in most cases think about themselves and their interests, run about business and do not want to notice those in need of help. But for many, a warm word, a smile or an encouraging handshake is enough.
    Learning to do good, to be kind, is hard but worthy work. And the good done free of charge, from the bottom of your heart, will return to you a hundredfold.

    Kukin Yu.A. 1

    Ivanenko N.N. 1

    1 Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 5 named after. A.M. Dubinny city of Pyatigorsk

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    What is this concept? Kindness is, first of all, one of the best qualities of a person. Kindness makes you happy and makes other people around you smile. This concept has one meaning - a positive trait that gives happiness to everyone around. But each person has their own, individual understanding of kindness. Some people really and seriously take goodness, while other people act especially without thinking about whether the consequences will be good or bad.

    Kindness, like any other positive quality, must be cultivated in a child’s character from childhood. Although everyone understands good differently, the main thing is that they understand. It’s hard for one person to think of helping an old lady cross the road, while another doesn’t even bother to climb to the top of a tree to pick up a kitten.

    I know the modern Russian proverb: “One good deed is worth more than a hundred sermons.” I completely agree with her. It is not enough to teach goodness and “read morals” to others. We still need to do really necessary, useful things. And not all people can do this.

    For example, many people sympathize with stray animals. They love to look at tearful pictures of themselves on the Internet. But few people regularly feed these animals. Even fewer people take them into their homes, treat them, or provide shelter for them.

    Sometimes good and kind words themselves become a useful deed. For example, your friend is upset about something. And you console him, give him useful advice, and simply entertain him. As a result, he is distracted from the bad, his mood improves. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A kind word pleases a cat.” But still, a word does not have as much weight as a deed. Behind a beautiful word there is not always a real good deed.

    I believe that kindness is, first of all, a matter. A real good deed is always selfless. It is done “according to the will of the heart.”

    True kindness can be manifested in small actions. For example, cooking dinner for a tired mother, protecting the weak. Or plant flowers in the front garden in a noisy, dusty city. Kindness truly starts small. Although, over time, a person will be able to do great things.

    Kindness brings joy not only to the people around you, but also to the person himself. Without goodness, life is miserable. There is another popular saying on this topic: “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.”