Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Tutors of all disciplines are taught via Skype. How can a tutor conduct a math lesson on Skype? Some subtleties of teaching via Skype

tutor in English, German and 1 other subject


Hello! My name is Anastasia Anatolyevna. I am an English teacher with a higher specialized education (MPGU, 2012, diploma with honors). Since 2006, she regularly completed teaching practice in Moscow schools. From 2007 to the present, I have been continuously engaged in tutoring activities. From 2012 to 2014, she worked in a secondary school with a gymnasium parallel, teaching English in all parallels from grades 2 to 11. At the moment I work with almost all age groups (from 7 years old and older). Since 2014, I have been an officially registered tutor - an individual entrepreneur. I give preference to teenagers preparing for final exams and entering universities, as well as adults interested in preparing for international exams and learning a foreign language for work or travel. In 2013, my personal website began operating on the Internet, where I post detailed and up-to-date information about myself and my classes, methodological recommendations and recommendations for parents and students. In 2017, she received the Cambridge CELTA international qualification, which gives her the right to teach English around the world. Currently, I am actively working on my own online courses for my students, the purpose of which will be to complement face-to-face classes and give students the opportunity to independently work through the studied material at a time convenient for them, as well as to implement combined learning (a combination of e-learning with face-to-face training). I also regularly take advanced training courses for English teachers, participate in seminars and webinars organized by leading universities in Russia and the world. The main topics of the courses are academic writing, international exams (FCE, CAE, IELTS) and preparation for them, methods of teaching English, combined learning. I also regularly expand my knowledge by studying the history of the English language and the United Kingdom. I have been studying German since 2016; In the future I plan to work as a German language teacher. I regularly visit European countries and communicate with native speakers. Below you can find detailed information about the classes. By studying with me, you can work according to the school curriculum or ahead of it, prepare for final and international exams, learn a language for work and travel. You choose a convenient format of classes (at your home or remotely via Skype), which will allow you not to waste time on the road and study in a comfortable environment for you. You receive an individual work plan taking into account your wishes, needs and deadlines and study using textbooks from leading European publications. During the classes, oral and written communication skills are equally developed; Particular attention is paid to speaking and listening skills. Gaps in knowledge will also be eliminated and the language barrier will be removed. For each lesson, I develop an individual work plan based on the age and personal characteristics of each student. Students are given the opportunity to take online courses developed by me to consolidate and repeat the material they have learned. Each student is assigned a fixed time. Classes take place from Monday to Saturday throughout the year. A flexible schedule is possible only in the first half of the day, sometimes during the holidays. During the holidays you can study according to your schedule, study more or relax. In case of regular cancellations of classes, I reserve the right to interrupt classes due to the ineffectiveness of such training. Homework must be completed regularly in full (if you have any questions regarding homework, you can and should contact me between classes). Thank you for your time!

Traditional teaching methods, which have proven themselves through centuries of practice, are now significantly enhanced by the development of modern technologies associated with new communication opportunities for communication between student and teacher.

Today, with the advent of the World Wide Web and the development of corresponding application software (programs such as Skype), there is no need to organize a personal meeting between teacher and student. It can easily take place remotely, as they say, online.

There are different opinions about this method of teaching, but practice clearly shows that the effectiveness of such classes conducted remotely is practically in no way inferior to classical lessons, and in terms of convenience (no need for a personal meeting) it significantly exceeds them.

You can view detailed information about teaching mathematics via Skype on the specialized website

Organization and planning of the educational process.

  1. High-quality training is only possible with regular training. Therefore, firstly, the teacher needs to try to systematize the process and first create a schedule. It is the schedule that will help the tutor organize the learning process, plan his day and avoid unplanned “windows” that cause loss of time. When drawing up a schedule, it is necessary to take into account the time sufficient for the student to complete homework.
  2. An online lesson plan in mathematics should include the following activities, which have been worked out in the classical education system. First, the material assigned for homework is checked, then new topics are studied, and at the end of the lesson, the acquired knowledge is consolidated on carefully selected practical examples in advance.
  3. Assignments are issued by the teacher electronically. Since each student has different capabilities, more tasks need to be prepared. The difficulty of these examples should vary so that you can start with simple material and gradually move on to more complex levels.
  4. When studying theoretical material, it is advisable to send a file with relevant information to the student’s email so that the perception of the new topic is more effective and it is easier for the student. An even better way to improve the perception of information is to process it in some program and show it to the student via Skype using the appropriate function.
  5. To demonstrate a text file, it is best to use the Microsoft Word editor. If a new topic contains various graphs or charts, tables and calculations, then Microsoft Excel is well suited for displaying such material.
  6. There are other software products, but these are the ones used most often. In order to demonstrate various mathematical operations or, if necessary, draw any pictures to explain the material, there are a large number of services on the Internet for these purposes. In fact, these services provide tools for presenting material as close as possible to the classic form. The so-called interactive whiteboards.

By the way, before starting practical work on teaching mathematics using Skype, you can view similar examples on the Internet.

What is required to prepare for lessons via Skype

It is clear that without the Internet the idea itself simply will not come true. This means that you need to have the technology that will allow you to obtain and use it.

This, of course, is a computer that is either connected to the Internet via a cable or runs on wi-fi, a good sensitive microphone and headphones or speakers.

Naturally, you need software that will connect to the Internet and participate in the lesson. Equipment must be of high quality, otherwise the effectiveness of the lesson may decrease. The main communication program itself, Skype, is free. It is downloaded from the official website ( and installed on the computer automatically. During installation you need to answer some questions, but it doesn't take much time. The main thing is that the student can see and hear everything clearly, so classes should be conducted in a quiet room.

We invite you to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, teachers have enormous opportunities to provide tutoring services at a distance (that is, remotely). In particular, not so long ago in our country a type of distance learning appeared: tutoring via Skype, which is becoming more and more popular every day.

Let’s say right away that online tutors, as a rule, are young teachers, since “old-school” teachers with many years of work behind them do not trust or simply do not know how to use a computer and modern types of software products, and therefore prefer the traditional form of classes ( when a student comes to the teacher, or vice versa).

By the way, the services of Skype tutors are also used mainly by young parents who actively use Internet technologies and see advantages in this type of classes. Parents who are far from computers and the Internet believe that virtual classes have more disadvantages than advantages, and real contact between teacher and teacher cannot be replaced by even the most innovative software product.

To find out which of them is right, we suggest you consider all the advantages and disadvantages tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Features of tutoring via Skype

The main difference between tutoring via Skype and traditional types of classes is that conducting lessons is impossible without the use of a computer and modern Internet technologies (in particular, Internet telephony). Therefore, both the teacher and the student must not only be sufficiently computer literate, but also have the appropriate equipment and free access to the Internet (and it is very important that the access be high-speed and stable).

In addition to excellent knowledge of his subject, an online tutor must be fluent in the technologies of the distance learning method and take into account the psychological characteristics of interaction with students at a distance. Practice has shown that keeping a student’s attention remotely is much more difficult than in person. Therefore, the Skype teacher has to be more exciting, build his lessons on a higher emotional level and develop special ways to attract the attention of students.

"Visit" classes with an online tutor both children and elderly people can, and the choice of disciplines that can be studied in this way is practically unlimited. You can easily learn foreign languages ​​via Skype (and the teacher can be either a domestic teacher or a native speaker with sufficient knowledge of Russian) or prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, geography, chemistry, Russian language or literature, having the opportunity to choose teacher, not limited to the boundaries of his city.

Now let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of Skype tutoring.

Benefits of tutoring via Skype

Online training is offered at a lower cost than in-person classes. This advantage is very important for parents of students with low incomes, since for the money that they can pay a “live” tutor in one discipline, online they can “pull up” two or three subjects at once.

No need to waste time on the road. Neither online tutor, neither the student will have to make a long journey there and back. Accordingly, not only energy is saved, but also time. By the way, this allows you to start classes earlier or later than the usual start time for personal meetings.

The choice of a tutor does not depend on geographic location. The teacher may be on the next street, on the other side of the city, or in another country. As long as the computers maintain good communication, distance does not matter.

No discomfort from the presence of a stranger at home. The arrival of a stranger in the house, as a rule, is associated with a certain discomfort, since it is necessary for one of the adults to be present in the house at this time (and this may violate the parents’ own plans); before the visit, you need to put in order all the premises that may be needed to the teacher (what if he wants to go to the toilet, but it’s not cleaned, what will the teacher think about us), etc. In addition, the presence of an outsider causes psychological discomfort to many people, which can lead to insufficiently productive learning.

No special place for classes is required, so the home of both participants in the process may not be intended for lessons. AND skype-teacher, and the student work in comfortable conditions and surrounded by familiar objects, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of classes.

The tutor can assign several classes to different students with very short intervals between them (usually due to the road this is extremely difficult), and the student has the opportunity to choose a convenient training schedule and intensity of classes.

The ability to record a lesson in fairly high quality, which makes it possible to repeat the lesson if necessary (for students) or to verify the quality of the tutoring services provided (for parents).

Disadvantages of Skype Tutoring

Difficulties with payment. The child's parents cannot simply hand the online tutor payment in cash. Thus, parents, like the teacher himself, have to use Internet systems for transferring money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, etc.), which is not always convenient. In this case, there is a possibility of deception. When making any financial payments via the Internet, you can run into a scammer or simply not a very respectable person. Moreover, this could be as a student who did not want pay for a tutor, and a teacher who works on a prepaid basis.

It is impossible to monitor the student's work. For almost all subjects, it is very important that the tutor sees how the work is progressing. During a personal meeting, if the teacher has offered the student some task, he carefully observes the entries appearing in the notebook and gives some advice and instructions. He also has the ability to correct something with his hand. With Skype tutoring, this process is quite difficult.

The level of teacher training for distance learning is quite low. Unfortunately, in Russia there are still very few online tutors who understand the specifics distance learning and are fluent in the technologies necessary to conduct online classes. Therefore, today it is quite difficult for our parents to find highly qualified teachers whose teaching will be as effective as possible.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the advantages listed above, we can make a clear conclusion: tutoring via Skype can be a very convenient and profitable solution. True, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to conduct a thorough “casting” of teachers, agree in advance on the method and time of payment, and also discuss the format of the classes. For the most effective lesson, it may be necessary to configure additional devices that transmit information, such as a video camera.

Good day, readers of my blog! Today I would like to touch on the topic via Skype. This will stir up the interest of a teacher of any language and discipline, and will also become an option for those who want to join. Skype

“How much everything beautiful has merged in this sound.” And it responded, oh how it responded after about a year of my uncertain and timid steps in this direction.

When did I decide to teach online and via Skype? About 6 years ago, when I was seriously thinking about the possibility of moving to this island, I met one person who needed to improve his English and he asked me: “Do you teach on Skype?” To which I hesitated and replied: “No, but I can try.” That's what we decided on. Mine was not very successful, but I am still grateful to those people who gently gave me feedback, not about the quality of my knowledge or my teaching, but about the style of teaching on Skype and the degree.

What do I have at the moment? Many of my students whom I previously taught live

, I transferred to Skype. Moreover, all the State Examination and Unified State Examinations (for which I prepare) have also successfully mastered the online space without loss of quality. The courses also fell in love with Internet surfing. And what’s most interesting: Children are not as helpless as they seem! 8-year-olds enjoy learning English over the Internet, mastering complex Word, Pictures and Paint.

1) Pros of Skype:

Saving .

Where else can you save so much time of your life? Skype allows you to meet people on different parts of the planet, even late. You no longer have to freeze outside or face hail and snowstorms, despite the fact that your student is 10 minutes from your home.

2) Or, you don’t need to wait by the window and think: “Where are Sasha, Olya, Yulia staying and should I call their mother?”

Safe communication. You know, when I started, I was a beautiful young girl, a little naive. Well, in principle, over time I have transformed even more, although thank God, I have acquired awareness and brains. And it’s not even a matter of men who want to zealously teach English and bring flowers to the third lesson with a wish for an interesting start, but, perhaps, a situation of misunderstanding between you and the student. Late payment for a lesson, crazy people running around the room, strange apartments, strange mothers, men over 40 making an order for... tutors website

3) . I had to refuse.

Is your computer broken? No problem - I have a phone. Are we late home for class? No question - there is a Chocolate Girl. Is it a break at work? Great, you can go down to the lounge area...Yes, yes, I had a student who was driving a car during class with his phone! Incredible experience. A huge number of students study from iPhones, tablets and other things that you wouldn’t expect right away. True, as a teacher, I work from my computer (more convenient, faster, better quality, all the materials).

Cons of Skype:

Lack of shared reality.

Perhaps, when you want real live energy and close communication, Skype is not the best assistant. But, I think this is no longer about English, but about a cheerful chat with friends or.

Promotion in a live group.

Also, when you want group live action. (And this is not about). Well, for example, in groups it is much more interesting and better to work live. Moreover, you become part of this communication, and it can be very valuable. Move, talk, act out, communicate further.

Interesting observation : people on Skype look a little different than in person. The virtual distance becomes closer than the real one, and this sometimes makes me sad.

How to teach via Skype? A few tips from everyday practitioners.

1) At first, technical issues may confuse you: Problems with video or audio. When I decided to work via Skype, I bought myself a computer with good sound and video. Make this small investment - it will pay for itself many times over! The main thing is not the video, but the sound!

2) If there is a bad connection. Don’t worry if the connection leaves much to be desired, it’s better to purchase fast Internet. When I have students on that line with a very poor connection, classes, unfortunately, have to be stopped, because this becomes impossible.

3) Use pictures, PDF files, screen extension, Microsoft Word, audio and video files in your classes (you can provide links to them)

4) Skype chat can be used to explain grammar and

5) Keep a schedule and remember what you went through with the student. To do this, you can use regular Word, or a regular notebook, or Google Documents or Google Drive.

6) time and practice the student at least 70 percent.

7) Always find something new and develop. This allows you to take on tasks of any complexity. All my students know that. Sometimes I cut out a task in Paint.

8) Close all social networks and YOUtube so as not to be distracted. This is a required item. I use social networks and YouTube when I can’t send a file in a chat. YouTube for links to videos, and social networks for texts if the chat is glitchy.

9), even if you are not in a good mood, or something is annoying you at the moment. You can always feel it. Try to switch your emotional states.

10) Set an adequate price for your classes. When I started working 10 years ago, without any experience, my lesson cost 500 rubles for an hour and a half. Now I charge 1000 rubles per hour via Skype and I’m not at all embarrassed by it, using the knowledge and experience that I’ve had. In fact, I went through everything that teachers go through in CELTA or TEFL English teaching courses. In the end. I don’t encourage you to follow my experience or price, since everyone has their own individual path and scope.

Good luck to you!

Have a great day

We invite you to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, teachers have enormous opportunities to provide tutoring services at a distance (that is, remotely). In particular, not so long ago in our country a type of distance learning appeared: tutoring via Skype, which is becoming more and more popular every day.

Let’s say right away that online tutors, as a rule, are young teachers, since “old-school” teachers with many years of work behind them do not trust or simply do not know how to use a computer and modern types of software products, and therefore prefer the traditional form of classes ( when a student comes to the teacher, or vice versa).

By the way, the services of Skype tutors are also used mainly by young parents who actively use Internet technologies and see advantages in this type of classes. Parents who are far from computers and the Internet believe that virtual classes have more disadvantages than advantages, and real contact between teacher and teacher cannot be replaced by even the most innovative software product.

To find out which of them is right, we suggest you consider all the advantages and disadvantages tutoring via Skype. But first, let's find out what online classes via the Internet are.

Features of tutoring via Skype

The main difference between tutoring via Skype and traditional types of classes is that conducting lessons is impossible without the use of a computer and modern Internet technologies (in particular, Internet telephony). Therefore, both the teacher and the student must not only be sufficiently computer literate, but also have the appropriate equipment and free access to the Internet (and it is very important that the access be high-speed and stable).

In addition to excellent knowledge of his subject, an online tutor must be fluent in the technologies of the distance learning method and take into account the psychological characteristics of interaction with students at a distance. Practice has shown that keeping a student’s attention remotely is much more difficult than in person. Therefore, the Skype teacher has to be more exciting, build his lessons on a higher emotional level and develop special ways to attract the attention of students.

"Visit" classes with an online tutor both children and elderly people can, and the choice of disciplines that can be studied in this way is practically unlimited. You can easily learn foreign languages ​​via Skype (and the teacher can be either a domestic teacher or a native speaker with sufficient knowledge of Russian) or prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, geography, chemistry, Russian language or literature, having the opportunity to choose teacher, not limited to the boundaries of his city.

Now let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of Skype tutoring.

Benefits of tutoring via Skype

Online training is offered at a lower cost than in-person classes. This advantage is very important for parents of students with low incomes, since for the money that they can pay a “live” tutor in one discipline, online they can “pull up” two or three subjects at once.

No need to waste time on the road. Neither online tutor, neither the student will have to make a long journey there and back. Accordingly, not only energy is saved, but also time. By the way, this allows you to start classes earlier or later than the usual start time for personal meetings.

The choice of a tutor does not depend on geographic location. The teacher may be on the next street, on the other side of the city, or in another country. As long as the computers maintain good communication, distance does not matter.

No discomfort from the presence of a stranger at home. The arrival of a stranger in the house, as a rule, is associated with a certain discomfort, since it is necessary for one of the adults to be present in the house at this time (and this may violate the parents’ own plans); before the visit, you need to put in order all the premises that may be needed to the teacher (what if he wants to go to the toilet, but it’s not cleaned, what will the teacher think about us), etc. In addition, the presence of an outsider causes psychological discomfort to many people, which can lead to insufficiently productive learning.

No special place for classes is required, so the home of both participants in the process may not be intended for lessons. AND skype-teacher, and the student work in comfortable conditions and surrounded by familiar objects, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of classes.

The tutor can assign several classes to different students with very short intervals between them (usually due to the road this is extremely difficult), and the student has the opportunity to choose a convenient training schedule and intensity of classes.

The ability to record a lesson in fairly high quality, which makes it possible to repeat the lesson if necessary (for students) or to verify the quality of the tutoring services provided (for parents).

Disadvantages of Skype Tutoring

Difficulties with payment. The child's parents cannot simply hand the online tutor payment in cash. Thus, parents, like the teacher himself, have to use Internet systems for transferring money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, etc.), which is not always convenient. In this case, there is a possibility of deception. When making any financial payments via the Internet, you can run into a scammer or simply not a very respectable person. Moreover, this could be as a student who did not want pay for a tutor, and a teacher who works on a prepaid basis.

It is impossible to monitor the student's work. For almost all subjects, it is very important that the tutor sees how the work is progressing. During a personal meeting, if the teacher has offered the student some task, he carefully observes the entries appearing in the notebook and gives some advice and instructions. He also has the ability to correct something with his hand. With Skype tutoring, this process is quite difficult.

The level of teacher training for distance learning is quite low. Unfortunately, in Russia there are still very few online tutors who understand the specifics distance learning and are fluent in the technologies necessary to conduct online classes. Therefore, today it is quite difficult for our parents to find highly qualified teachers whose teaching will be as effective as possible.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the advantages listed above, we can make a clear conclusion: tutoring via Skype can be a very convenient and profitable solution. True, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary to conduct a thorough “casting” of teachers, agree in advance on the method and time of payment, and also discuss the format of the classes. For the most effective lesson, it may be necessary to configure additional devices that transmit information, such as a video camera.