Biographies Characteristics Analysis

retrograde pluto. Planets in the third house

> > Pluto in the 3rd house

Personality born in Pluto in 3rd house, this is a very determined and impetuous person who knows exactly what he wants.

He is excellent at oratory and written speech. He singles out the most significant role for education and definitely acquires a much-needed diploma, but sometimes it is very difficult to get it and even with expulsion from school, university or institute. He is often beset by failures and all sorts of misfortunes, which serve as excellent life experience. This person is able to dramatically and drastically change the usual course own life and forget about the usual affairs and interests. At negative influence of his planet, he can lose a child, seriously quarrel with loved ones, or get a complex psychological illness. The basic laws of existence are clear to him thanks to a sharp and understanding mind.

Communication with a person with Pluto in the 3rd house

The speech of these people always sounds loud, and statements should not find an appeal and any objections from other people. He always sticks to his convictions and own opinion and retreats only when there are indisputable evidence and arguments of the correctness of the opponent. He has many loving friends and partners who always help to improve and promote many of his ideas and ideas. These people can show talent in almost all sciences and spiritual development, they are very interested in the occult sciences. People often trust them to keep very sensitive and sensitive personal information, which they will be in big trouble if they reveal it.

These people like to travel secretly from everyone about their business, but these trips often bring bad events and misfortune. With the negative influence of the planet, they constantly quarrel with relatives and colleagues, and also make enemies in the face of public organizations. They manifest themselves comprehensively and cover many areas of knowledge, their intellect is well developed and not devoid of ingenuity. It is common for such people to spread themselves over several things at once and try to independently master projects that only a group of people can do.

Human character with Pluto in the 3rd house

In partnerships, they can be cunning and cynical, as well as easily deceived by themselves. If the interests of this person are encroached upon, then its restless character and fussiness are revealed. This person will be able to quickly adapt even in the most unexpected and unusual situation. He burns with a special passion for literature, esotericism, medicine, journalism and various sciences, and here he shows his phenomenal abilities. This person is bold, risky and adventurous. Physical work, hiking and hiking, communication with like-minded people and the public gives him mental relief.

Astrology is the oldest and most accurate of the sciences. It is important to have high-quality knowledge in this area in order to be able to decipher the natal chart and answer the questions that concern its owner. As a rule, they are associated with the search for a calling and purpose. Also, people are interested in relationships with the opposite sex. Financial well-being worries almost every one of us no less. It must be remembered that the consideration of a single house and the planet in it is a picture far from a complete perception of possible events in a person's life. But it can lead to certain thoughts in right moment time. If a person seeks and finds information by asking a specific question, this is the visionary path to oneself. In the article we will talk just about the planet that is able to reveal the secret of its own soul.

Among all the planets in astrology, Pluto is the most controversial, in terms of the perception of its manifestations and the consequences of its actions. You can talk about it as a destructive beginning, or see in it the benefit of creating a new through the destruction of the old.

Pluto's position in natal chart carries with it information about the past, about obsolete stereotypes, indicates the state of the ego and soul, their conflicts or harmonious combination. At its core, it is the psychic energy of the individual. But on the physical level, it is often hidden and not properly manifested, and therefore the planet is associated precisely with transformation, rebirth, and in fact, this is nothing more than an awareness of one’s true Self. a different personality, due to the fact that she no longer has anything to hide and nothing to hide.

third house

The native sign for him is Gemini, and he symbolizes the closest environment of a person, family ties including his habits and hobbies, and also indicates the circle of people who play a direct role in the development and improvement of the individual. The third house is directly related to the communicative side of life, the ways of transmitting information, the way in which a person is able to comprehend the essence of things.

At the physical level, it affects the human senses associated with the perception of the world, through which the person establishes contacts.

Coming to the house

Where Pluto is located will indicate in which area a person is destined to go through a karmic lesson and experience his past, in other words, to resolve issues related to actions or inactions in the past, and take responsibility for their actions and their consequences in the present. But this should not be taken as a punishment, but rather experience, passing which with dignity, a person gains a deep understanding of his existence on earth and the transition to another level of being.

Pluto coming to visit the house is like a harbinger of new life. With him, he carries a huge potential of energy, sometimes unpredictable, but this is only if a person opposes her strength, it is worth accepting, and she takes on the character of an affectionate kitten. This power is destructive to the ego of a person, and therefore is perceived as a tough reformer and frightens with its presence in homes.

In fact, where Pluto is, there is development and the most important and crushing successes in human life. It is only necessary to realize this and accept the rules of the game, invented by the owner of the horoscope himself. The planet helps to awaken the soul, while it really strongly and persistently pacifies the desires of the ego. Resistance is useless, it is better to give up immediately.

Pluto in 3rd house

This arrangement gives a very sharp mind and high ability to concentration. In the environment, such a person stands out with the ability to see further and deeper: the event has just happened, and he is already ready to tell about cause-and-effect relationships, where the legs grow from. Such a person may be known as a local Sherlock. And as a result, it gives a very strong impact on those around them, they take seriously the things he tells them about.

People with the position of Pluto in the 3rd house are very well able to convey information through writing, or just friendly communication.

One way or another, thoughtfulness and depth are those qualities that cannot but be present in a person with a given position of the planet. Sometimes this can take on the character of importunity and excessive curiosity - this is a signal to redirect excess energy into a creative direction, as an option professional activity psychologist or psychotherapist, and depending on the degree of manifestation and healer.

Also, the position of the planet suggests that the subconscious of the individual sets up contact with him through his direct environment.

These people can rarely be completely or even partially satisfied with the "external data" of life, they need to understand the laws of the Universe and why everything is arranged in one way or another, and how they themselves can influence what is happening. They are disgusted by the idea that there are certain norms, everyone follows them, and you do the same. They are born to go through life with open eyes, and besides, tear off dark glasses from others. And this, by the way, may not please everyone, “living in peace”, hence the problem of loneliness, pursuing a figure with Pluto in the 3rd house.

A person with this position needs to learn how to skillfully use his talent for foresight and the vein of the researcher. The constant search for meaning leads a person away from public life, then again throw it there without warning. Such a person needs to constantly find ways to express himself, since he himself carries the fire of transformation and transformation.

Time for a change

Being in the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac, which is important not only physical, but spiritual independence, the planet Pluto shows its potential without hesitation and opens the window of transformation, boldly releasing fresh ideas.

But this is not akin to the violent and decisive nature of Mars, Aquarius is autonomous and does not tolerate shackles, but you can easily make contact with him, showing a little delicacy and respect. The main thing is not to force, but to show obvious advantages.

A person with Pluto in Aquarius in the 3rd house is driven by the desire to fundamentally renew information space, rid society of outdated ideas and stereotypes, show a qualitatively new vision of the world, influence the very thinking of a person, declaring that the time has come for change and life in awareness, and not out of habit and on the machine.

Aquarians come into life to improve the quality of people's being, and Pluto in the 3rd house does this through awakening a person and stimulating own desire learn the truth, not just believe in superstition. They seek to comprehend the root cause, to make it clear that everything that happens has its own source. And not a single brick just falls on your head.

Aquarians themselves are very humane and tolerant, honest and noble. And it's all made from Great love and a high sense of responsibility towards humanity.

In harmony with yourself

Pluto and Scorpio are almost synonymous within the concepts of astrology. Therefore, their combination is harmonious and does not carry any contradictions, and the planet and the sign act and fight for one thing - transformation.

This has an effect on the subconscious realm. With a competent approach, a person in the 3rd house is capable of comprehending depths in various issues, and he can carry this information to society through teaching activities or simply acting as a meaningful adviser. He is able both to receive information through his subconscious, and passing through himself, to give to society in the form of entertaining projects and ideas.

This provision can also be deciphered as a collision with dangerous extreme situations in life, either as a witness or a direct participant, if the first house of the horoscope, the house of personality, is affected in the chart.

Pluto in the 3rd house of a woman can also talk about the fear of getting involved in long-distance travel, especially driving on her own. This is because Scorpio is a water sign and prefers to move smoothly through the water, where some of the maneuvers that the unpredictable Pluto is used to are possible.

A harmoniously developed figure with Scorpio in the 3rd house clearly delimits his life principles from what is accepted in society, not neglecting the norms and rules, but also not allowing interference in his space. In general, a conscious person manages to find a compromise between the aspirations for a better future, the fulfillment of his tasks and the social way of life. In the end, they come into this world not to destroy, but to create a new life.

Pluto in 3rd house in Libra

This sign is distinguished by its diplomacy and ability to establish contacts. They always weigh and think first, and only on the basis of logical conclusions and their own preferences make the final decision.

The planet in the sign of Libra shows its transformative nature very moderately, calculating the power with which to strike at the ego.

This position of Pluto in the 3rd house in the natal chart gives a person the opportunity to form new relationships or old ones, but on a fundamentally different level. A person is able to find suitable ways and methods of cooperation with different people, in relation to loved ones, some tricks are used to achieve a harmonious, conflict-free living together. They can reconcile the two opposing sides, acting as a catalyst.

But given the fact that the planet itself is not an ideal place to stay for Libra, this bears certain share internal stress and contradictions for the individual. With the strengthening of negative aspects, this is expressed in the excessive use of force and a surge of aggressive states. The planet, and especially Pluto in the 3rd house of a man, is not used to being restrained by its manifestations in society, and this is what Libra is trying to do.

And if a person with this position has correctly understood his task and is ready for personal change and flexibility, this alignment will provide an opportunity to evaluate and find balance in any difficult situations.

In any case, the transition of Pluto into Libra makes a person less categorical and assertive. Here he acts within the framework of certain norms and morality, but created by himself or updated according to his internal requirements. If a person occupies the role of a leader in a society, this becomes more or less easily translated into reality, but if there is no leading position, a personal crisis is likely.

A huge effort will have to be made to find a balance point in the creative impulses of a person and the existing laws in society.

Planet transition

If we talk about the temporary position of Pluto in the 3rd house of a woman or a man during the transit period, this always carries with it the changes themselves or a strong desire for them. Routine and everyday life begin to burden, outbreaks against this background with loved ones are possible. Any little thing can turn into a scandal.

If a person is internally ready for changes in his life, and has been going to this for more than a year, this is an ideal period to announce his ideas and projects to society, or simply be open in his observations and judgments. The transit of Pluto through the 3rd house does not mean that ideas will be received adequately and with a bang, but that the person himself will have enough confidence and arguments to defend his position, while not being ridiculed and misunderstood.

In general, the period is expressed in an increased degree of intuition and a sense of situations and people, when it is necessary to speak out and where to remain silent. Interest in social activities is also awakening, since transformation is never limited to just one person, it always affects peoples.

This is also a period of strengthening ties with relatives, unless, of course, complete chaos reigns there, otherwise it takes on the character of a showdown.

The key moment during the transit of Pluto in the 3rd house is the opening of Pandora's box. If everything is good, then there will be nothing to aggravate, only to strengthen the positive aspects. If there is no harmony, accordingly, the stage of working out karmic situations begins, and first of all this concerns generic issues.

transiting sun

When Pluto is in the 3rd house of the solarium, the period is endowed with transformational power in relation to the environment of the person himself: many new people, useful or not very contacts, but having karmic significance, unusual and unusual situations for the horoscope figure, those that change the established life schedule.

The concentration of power focuses on the field of learning, and not in better side. There are all sorts of obstacles that prevent you from moving along the designated path. But Pluto does not aim to destroy the aspirations of man, although from the outside it looks that way. It rather gives a chance to reconsider the chosen path.

Pluto in the 3rd house of the solarium, as a rule, endowing the personality strong energy, creates such a powerful aura around that it simply does not let people with lower vibrations in. Therefore, one should not be surprised that at this stage, temporary loss of relations with people and some alienation, or even a total severance of some contacts, are possible.

In reverse motion

Retrograde Pluto in the 3rd house is perceived as a period of purification of the psyche. The position gives several negative factors, affecting the mind control of other people, use in their own selfish purposes their thoughts and ideas.

Time is meant for exploring your own soul, searching for answers, which hinders the development and understanding of which way to move through life. Probably, the occurrence of internal emptiness and loss, a misunderstanding of one's values ​​and goals in life, one will want to understand one's own aspirations and achievements and put everything in order. Despite the predestination of the period for soul-searching, it is not the most perfect way suitable for this in view of the fact that an excessively deep approach to introspection is possible, which can finally unsettle and lead an unprepared person into depression. Therefore, it is better and even necessary at this stage to contact the relevant specialists to resolve urgent issues and difficult situations.

A few words about the starting point

Reformatory Pluto on the cusp of the 3rd house always creates tension and dissatisfaction, especially in young years, in situations where a person, due to age, must obey and is not yet strong either financially or morally to resist society. On the one hand, there is still no deep understanding of one’s nature and goals in life and there is simply an internally inexplicable reluctance to follow the path beaten by someone, on the other hand, one must accept the rules of the game and that changes need to be made, but gradually.

The planet Pluto, named after the ancient Roman god underworld, and in astrology has the corresponding characteristics. She personifies everything connected with death, transformation and transfiguration.
Pluto is the slowest planet of all, one sign of the zodiac takes about 20 years. Therefore, under its influence, entire generations are born. However, it is necessary to take into account the position of Pluto in the natal chart of the individual. It is important to look not only at aspects with other planets or fictitious points, but also in which house it is placed.

Pluto in 1st (first) house

Character and appearance

Pluto in the first house has a very difficult position, especially if the planet is close to the Ascendant or has an aspect to it. Such a person is most likely referred to as a Plutonian. His energy struggle can manifest itself in a physical appearance that is different from other people (sexually provocative clothes, a gloomy look, a boring look, certain weight problems), he can even disgust himself with his appearance.
If a person with Pluto in the first house in natal is angry or offended, then it is highly likely that he will withdraw into himself and retire into loneliness.
In relationships, Plutonians are able to bind other people to themselves with a bond that resembles symbiosis, they can give or, conversely, take too much. Failure results in isolation.

Cause and effect

The reason for the lack of trust may lie in a past betrayal, renunciation, someone's death, or other difficult family conditions. Psychological trauma can haunt a person all his life, if you do not consciously begin to heal it. Pluto gives for this purpose a huge potential of strength and energy. The first house tells about someone defense mechanism developing as a result of the family environment and other childhood events.
An unusual gift of the strongest influence on the consciousness of people can turn against the Plutonian himself, he can be influenced by more powerful and powerful ones and begin to imitate them, losing his own personality.

Correction and development

In order to correct the qualities of Pluto given at birth, it is necessary to get rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary in the very house in which the Planet is located. AT this case speech about own "I", about desires. Therefore, in order to work out Pluto, one has to give up efforts to change for the better. You need to learn to accept, love your character, appearance, life as they are.
The powerful position of Pluto in the natal chart should be used constructively. Mastery of energy gives the ability to influence others. People with Pluto in the first house can become outstanding psychotherapists, healers, as they can see right into the root of problems. Consciously or not, Plutonians are a kind of mediums. Under their influence, even carefully concealed things can become apparent.
All of the above in varying degrees can also be attributed to people with strong aspects of Pluto to the Ascendant, the Planets of Scorpio in the First House, the Ascendant in Scorpio.

Pluto in 2nd (second) house

The second house is associated with the financial component human life, while Pluto is credited with the concepts of death, rebirth and transformation. In addition, the most distant planet in the universe owns sexual energies and is related to other people's money.
The person in whose natal chart Pluto is in the second house either gives a lot of strength to achieve material well-being, or vice versa, in every possible way rejects even the desire for wealth. By directing the energy of Pluto in the right direction, getting rid of greed, selfish thoughts, an individual may well achieve not only financial, but also social dominance.
However, the greedy Plutonian of the second house can be not only up to money and power. The desire for sensual pleasures must be controlled, otherwise spiritual downfall cannot be avoided.
As for the profession, the native will feel quite comfortable in the field of taxation, banking, and in general where there is a large cash flow. It will also make a good politician, analyst or researcher. Whatever career a person chooses, it is important to constantly take care of their moral purity. Otherwise, the Pluto-transformer will simply make you think about it, putting it in certain conditions.

Pluto in 3rd (third) house

Such people as the Plutonian of the third house are called "black teacher". The native is able to see through others, to criticize, pointing out their shortcomings too accurately.
If the Planet is afflicted, the individual may face various obstacles in relationships with loved ones, from domestic quarrels to physical loss (death).
The behavior of such a person is often unrestrained, and sometimes even cruel. He expresses his claims directly, not neglecting even abusive expressions.
The third house is also responsible for elementary education. A badly aspected Pluto in this position can cause delayed speech and poor diction. In the early years school life there is a high probability of changing schools.
This planet in the horoscope is in charge of the secret, mysterious and inexplicable, therefore, the corresponding interest awakens in the native. In whatever profession he is busy, he is attracted by unsolved problems. Why not become a research scientist or start studying esotericism in this case?
To work out Pluto in the third house, you need to learn how to analyze the spiritual world of not only other people, but also your own. It is much more difficult to perceive personal imperfect qualities objectively, but when the goal is achieved, a person will be able to easily draw energy from the social environment.

Pluto in the 4th (fourth) house

The fourth house unites everything related to the family: relatives, homeland, native home. This is what gives a person with Pluto in this position strength and energy. Of particular note is the relationship with the mother, with negative aspects, they can be problematic, strained. In childhood, there is often a suppression of the child's personality by older relatives, inexplicable and hidden stories.
In society, the Plutonian of the fourth house often manifests himself as a rebel who goes against established traditions.
The fourth house also gives love and attachment to the earth, so that geological and environmental studies under the direction of the native can be quite successful.
At the household level, an individual loves endless transformations in his own home: furniture rearrangement, repairs. Sometimes Pluto even forces you to change your place of residence often.
Working through the fourth house is difficult, but it gives a lot. Such a Plutonian is able to break everything karmic knots past incarnations, but only under the condition of full awareness of the essence of God and man.

Pluto in the 5th (fifth) house

Love, children

Forced marriage due to pregnancy, or the use of a child to bind a spouse to themselves is typical for those people who have strong Pluto in the fifth house. Similar situations most negatively affect the offspring in the first place. The parent either rejects him or spoils him unnecessarily (most likely because of guilt). The child also catches this state of affairs and learns to manipulate the Plutonian ancestor.
Also, a person with this position of Pluto may completely abandon thoughts about children, especially if at an early age he was subject to denial from his own parents. Revenge, which is characteristic of this Planet, can be manifested precisely by childlessness, as an unwillingness to procreate.


Throughout life, a person has to play many roles and this applies not only to Plutonians. But in this case, the performance can be gloomy and oppressive both for the individual himself and for his environment. There is a risk of getting used to the image so that it is difficult to get out of it later, you can lose self-control. This is especially true for those spheres of life to which the Aspects of such Pluto go.
The energy of the Planet can be transformed on stage by becoming, for example, an actor. Moreover, the Plutonian of the fifth house has all the prerequisites for this, a huge creative potential. the only one, but serious problem- to curb it, so as not to squander the ability.

Excitement, risk

Excitement and risk are not necessarily associated with finances, they can also affect emotions (love, friendship, and others). Like a game, a person has an obsessive desire to take possession, to win, often for this the boundaries of what is permitted are violated (violation of the rules, social norms).

Pluto in 6th house


Plutonians of the sixth house are often called workaholics, because they are literally obsessed with work. At the same time, the position of a servant often does not suit the individual. Work is a kind of ladder on the way to power. A person becomes necessary and thereby gains influence on others. The desire for power is always noticeable, therefore, on the part of superiors and colleagues, it causes distrust. Hence the frequent change of job, sometimes in adverse conditions(for example, dismissal under the article, with a scandal).


The sixth house refers not only to career, but also to health, so Pluto in it (natal or transit) indicates the possibility of diseases associated with resentment. The disease can be provoked by insatiable employment and the only possible means of stopping it. If with the help of work a person could not obtain the necessary power, then Pluto provokes him to subjugate others through disability, when guardianship and care are concentrated around. Most people cannot leave a disabled person because of guilt, so symbiosis is guaranteed in a relationship.

Health Aspects of a Plutonian

  • Pluto is aspected to the Moon - you should take care of the stomach and digestive tract;
    To the Sun - regular examinations of the body are essential. One should take care of the Heart;
    To Mercury - it is worth protecting your hands from minor injuries;
    Venus does not give aspects of particular importance, that is, it does not give a serious negative. However, one should be more careful about the abuse of food and entertainment, as
    this soil may cause ailments. Women have hormonal imbalances.
    To Mars - a person can be prone to various kinds of inflammation, cuts;
    To Jupiter is a particular risk for the liver and pancreas, so alcohol and alcohol should be avoided. junk food;
    To Saturn - you need to be more careful about the health and condition of the skin, teeth, joints and bones;
    To Uranus - nervous exhaustion threatens those people who work according to a given schedule. Freelancing is the best option for them;
    To Neptune - before starting to treat a diagnosed disease, it is necessary to double-check it many times, since errors are not ruled out. In general, pathologies in a person with this aspect are difficult to determine;

Working out the energy of the planet

Having worked through the position of Pluto in the sixth house, a person receives a powerful means of transforming life through work.
Since the sixth house is associated with health, the Plutonian can realize himself in medicine. However, this can include any concern for someone: about children (caregiver), animals (veterinarian). It could be own child, or a pet, but in this case, you should devote most its energy.
Since Pluto is directly related to Scorpio, the position of this sign in the sixth house is equivalent to the Planet itself. Sometimes Pluto in Virgo also has similar characteristics: workaholism, the desire for power through work.

Pluto in 7th (seventh) house

This position of Pluto may be associated with love and obsession with feelings. For a person, the fundamental factor of life is an inseparable merging with the beloved. Such obsession, mixed with feelings of guilt, resentment, can repel. And if this happens, then the Plutonian of the seventh house will completely withdraw into himself, deciding to never have a romantic relationship again.
A partner can pour mud on a person, humiliate and bring suffering in every possible way, but memories of him will be stored in memory and persecuted. Love for such people is equated with power over a partner, therefore, being rejected once, they prefer loneliness.
Pluto in the seventh house can affect a person's life for another early stage. The child was threatened with denial of approval and love from the parents at the slightest disobedience. Also, an individual could actually lose someone close. Such an irreparable loss in childhood inspires fear of losing love already in adulthood.

If, with this position of Pluto, Scorpio is in the tenth house, then perhaps one of the parents limited the child's abilities too much, or abused his trust.
As for intimate relationships, they can cause horror, fear, if the parent of the opposite sex occupied a dominant position in the house and suppressed the personality of the child or marriage partner. This situation may improve somewhat after the death of this parent.

Another model of relationships is associated with transformation. A person can fall in love for the exaltation of a loved one, and then in every possible way strive to change him for the better. Such behavior and manifestation of feelings not only repels, but outrages, because it implies inequality. The resulting struggle of forces can lead to a break, because the partner will only get worse on purpose.
The completely opposite situation is not excluded, when the Plutonian himself becomes a victim of a powerful mentor, falling in love with him.
How to Work Pluto in the 7th House
Processing is the use of the energy of the Planet in right direction, which is to your advantage.
Constructively using this position of Pluto, you can achieve both personal transformation and positive changes on the part of the partner. But first, most likely, you will have to go through pain and resentment. It is necessary to learn to get rid of these feelings, to be able to forgive. If a person succeeds, then he can become an ideal consultant in matters of marriage and even heal with his love.
The influence of Pluto in the seventh house on love, intimate relationships can be enhanced in Aspect with Venus, and also if the house is filled with the planets of Scorpio.

Pluto in 8th house

sexual relations

The culture of mankind has formed in many the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe exaggerated power of sex, but those with Pluto in the eighth house take this idea to the extreme.
Plutonians seem to want to control them through sexual intimacy. Before starting an intimate relationship with a partner, they will think many times. But sometimes it is not so easy to keep their passionate nature, and then they strive at any cost to take a leading role in this area.
The Plutonians of the eighth house choose sex as the means of control. So the bed becomes in a sense a battlefield, but the struggle is for primacy not only in intimate relationships, but in all others. All grievances, mistrust, accumulated by an individual in the process of life, necessarily affect their sexuality, often cool.


The 8th house is also associated with finances. In this area, too, the Plutonian seeks to take control into his own hands. It is very difficult for him to share money or property with anyone. The division of property in divorce proceedings, the right to inherit - these and similar procedures can become fierce battles.

Departure from life

Another theme associated with the eighth house is death. It can cause a Plutonian's fear of death, which haunts almost every minute. Most likely, in childhood, a person had to endure several losses, or such a threat constantly existed in the family (for example, someone close had a weak heart or another serious illness).

What does processing

It will take a lot of effort on the part of the individual to direct the energy of Pluto in the eighth house in the right direction. Freed from the emotional background, you can make sex an important source of youth and recovery, as well as acquire the ability to easily earn money, be a source of inspiration for others in this matter.
The sign of Scorpio is directly related to Pluto and the eighth house, so all of the above can also be related to him (and his Planets).

Pluto in the 9th (ninth) house

A person who has Pluto in the ninth house in natal has been given a deep, analytical mind from birth. But at the same time, higher education is given so much great importance that a Plutonian sees a diploma as almost a magic key to all doors. Most likely, the child receives such an idea of ​​the university from his parents. The energy of Pluto is associated with resentment, guilt. And if parents impose higher education, pay too much attention to it, then in the end it can result in the so-called "failure out of spite." The student abandons his studies in one of the last courses, or simply does not pass his thesis.
Having dealt with grievances (at parents, society, himself), a Plutonian of the ninth house can become an outstanding scientist or researcher, as well as a teacher. Self-study any science will be given extremely easily. His strength lies in knowledge and the ability to mine it.

Pluto in 10th house

This is a rather difficult position for Pluto, because the feeling of resentment associated with this Planet can be deep, difficult to overcome. The source is most likely hidden in early childhood when one of the parents puts too much pressure on the child with his authority, suppressing his personality. Oppression, insult and tight control causes resentment and even hatred for everyone around, and especially for those who have power. As a result, the struggle they start turns against them.

If the Plutonian failed to take out the evil on society, becoming a parent, he begins to treat his child the way he was once treated. Ambition, criticality in relation to the descendant is so strong that everything but a huge success will cause discontent.

However, there is also a chance to achieve power in other areas. Then the Plutonian becomes a despotic, cruel and demanding leader.

In order to stay in society, a person of this plutonic type needs to choose secure jobs as employment. secret services, that is, to connect life with the army, or military research. List of professions - nuclear physicist, chemist, banker, psychologist, hypnotist, esoteric, magician.

Pluto in the 11th (eleventh) house

A person seeks to assert himself in friendship, in the company of peers. Most often, Pluto of the eleventh house manifests itself in school age, and if a teenager fails to become a leader of the company, in the future he may withdraw into himself. This isolation from society can continue into adulthood.
The Plutonian of the eleventh house is more dependent on his environment than others, so it is vital for him to have as much as possible large quantity partners and friends than enemies. Allies make him strong in the area to which he has Aspects.
Working through issues of resentment and trust associated with Pluto is easiest with the help of group therapy. Mutual healing can be a source of transformation.
Scorpio is directly related to Pluto, so the presence of this sign and its Planets in the eleventh house is also related to what is written in this article.

Pluto in the 12th (twelfth) house


Pluto is in one of the houses of health. Since this Planet is connected with ways of advancing to power, a person chooses a disease as a means of managing surrounding people (less often isolation). Suppression of emotions associated with resentment, guilt, anger, revenge, can only aggravate the situation, causing self-destructive behavior (for example, drug addiction). Another manifestation of the attempt to control is deep depression, the role of the victim. The desire for power is often achieved in such circuitous ways. Pretending to be an unfortunate sufferer, receiving help from others, the Plutonian then takes all their energy into his hands. However, the sacrifice can be true.


The twelfth house is also associated with mystery, so Pluto in this position can lead a person to an unconscious fascination with power, various unpleasant situations in the struggle for it. In addition, this is a significant sign of occult abilities that help to manage imperceptibly.
An individual may develop strong feeling persecution mania and other types of internal anxiety.

What does processing

If you manage to turn the influence of such Pluto in your favor, then the person not only heals himself, but also helps others to cope with problems. The energy of the Planet helps to become a spiritual and mental healer. Often neurologists, psychiatrists, narcologists have Pluto in their natal chart in the twelfth house.

It's very specific and determined person, always striving to be on everyone's lips and persistently expressing himself in oratory and writing. Education is of great importance for such a person, and sooner or later he will achieve the diploma he needs, but the path to it is not easy, perhaps even expulsion from school or university. He often has to meet face to face with failures and troubles, which serves him as a good lesson. At some point in life, it can boldly go for a radical change in the entire structure of existence. If the planet is hit, it can lose a child, quarrel with neighbors, or get a serious mental disorder. A sharp mind helps him to comprehend the fundamental laws of being. Such a person is extremely peremptory and likes to talk very loudly. He does not want to deviate from his opinion a single step until the indisputable facts pin him to the wall. Thanks to the wealth of ideas, friends and partners are easily found to help him in putting forward and improving ideas.

Possible scientific talent, spiritual ability and interest in learning occult sciences. Often such people are responsible for very important classified information. If they divulge anything from the confidant, they will be in serious trouble in connection with it. Such people like to secretly travel around for one thing and reason known to them. On these trips, strange events occur, accidents are possible. The defeat of the planet inclines to strife with relatives, clashes with employees and public organizations. Such people are very comprehensive and inclusive, intelligent and inventive. They are prone to fragmentation of forces and to attempts to independently implement what should be implemented by a whole group of people. There is a tendency to deceit, self-deception and outright cynicism in allied relations.

The character is restless, the behavior is fussy, if the interests of such a person are deeply affected. He has the gift of finding a use for himself in the most unexpected conditions and unusual areas of life. His great passions can be realized in phenomenal abilities in the field of literature, science, journalism, traditional medicine and esotericism. Such a person is prone to risky, bold and daring ventures. Mental discharge is achieved by him thanks to intense physical labor, walks and long hikes, as well as when meeting with the public and communicating with like-minded people. The destruction of the planet leads to the fact that destructive forces environments suddenly fall on the person himself. Danger may lie in wait for him during a move or flight, on the street, transport or in public place. Protection against accidents is simple - deception and self-deception should be avoided.

Surrounding people and objects

Pluto's position in the 3rd house indicates that your subconscious mind is talking to you through immediate environment. Such a conversation is like hunting for bird eggs in the East or looking for a hidden treasure. What turns incentives and movement into real world into a positive or negative experience, is the presence or absence of a "soul map" of the environment. Activity for its own sake is meaningless; what matters is the ability to see signs and signposts at critical moments. The trap is the blind obedience to your need to explore, to look for the chained but hidden treasures that are everywhere, often right under your nose. The challenge is to keep your activities deeply focused and remember that reality is often quite different from what appears before your eyes.

Concrete thinking

The complexity and intricacy of your thinking is inexpressible. The mental makes its way from the depths to the surface very slowly, like volcanic magma, but this process proceeds incessantly, because with all the fibers of your soul you feel the power that knowledge gives, and strive for it. If you are able to harness this power, then it will work wonders for you and for the people around you. The trap is to ignore the intensity of your brain, and the task is to gain control over the resources of thinking by learning the rules of logic.


For you, curiosity is a probe, a drill, penetrating under the surface of life in order to reach its hidden spaces. Never satisfied with the façade of life, you want to see the electrical wiring running inside the walls, the plumbing pipes running under the floor. At times you are likely to be strongly bothered by other curious puzzles, but you will not hesitate to push them away from you in search of what you think is under the surface or somewhere far away. Your inquisitiveness is mentally intense, but sometimes emotionally blind. The trap is symbolic vivisection, while the task is to respect the enigmatic integrity of life.


Here, for the first time, the child encounters something that is larger and more powerful than him. It may be the authority of teachers, a sudden attack by a peer group, surprise caused by the very process of learning. But in any case, these early years can dramatically affect life in one of two ways: either life is psychologically open or closed. Basic education again And again makes itself felt and repeats itself in adulthood person. Fundamental education is the basis, the key to human life.


Your speech comes directly from the deepest spaces of inner experience, spaces often unknown to your consciousness. key image here is invisibility, Words and feelings boil together very deep below the surface, gradually creating an alloy that in itself is neither fish nor flesh. For a long time you can be silent, as if you have taken water in your mouth, and then suddenly spew a stream of words. It should be said that this verbal explosion has an irresistible power. Your statements about people may carry a teaching tone that you did not intend to create, so be prepared for sharp criticism of your words, for they often cut to the quick. Other people should not expect self-criticism from you, but if this happens, then the statement will be direct, sharp and all-encompassing.

> Pluto

It happens once a year and lasts from 4 to 5 months. The planet is overly karmic. Grants rebirth and vital mystery. You feel life and death every minute, the feeling never goes away.

On a personal level, indicates the connection of lives, the return certain personalities, as well as circumstances in different lives. If you have retrograde Pluto You are very likely to encounter real and symbolic death events, unnecessarily exposed to hardships that contribute to rebirth at a fairly high level. You are characterized by suffering, but they give consciousness. You are quite ready for inner rebirths. Not only do you know, but you also feel many things; you cannot express the truth, but you guess about it.

You are gifted with unique opportunities to change karma and get rid of old debts. Crowd Psychosis Syndrome has nothing to do with you. Constantly working on own personality although it doesn't show up visually.

Retrograde Pluto can be considered a cleansing period. It is likely that you will engage in an internal search for truth, which will be merciless. The best thing to do is take the time to reflect on what you don't need and get rid of it. Note the progressions and transits depicted in own map, - this will help determine the optimal path to go through the changes, as well as accurately determine vital spheres where they are needed. Get ready that soul emptiness for a while it will take you out of balance in life, deprive you of support, but this is a necessary check from Pluto, how true you are to your own destiny.

It is very likely that you will go to criminal environment or politics, in a word, you crave to be on the "tribune". You have a pronounced thirst for leadership and this is not very pleasant for the team, which will try to throw off and trample you. Try to calm down and not be overly active, and everything will fall into place.

Retrograde Pluto is characterized by high intensity, which directly manifests itself in the psyche. It is likely that you will develop excessive suspicion, because you do not leave the feeling that others have the same terrible thoughts.

Directive Pluto is more interested in external power, money and prestigious work. At the same time, retrograde Pluto is more characterized by psychology - rebirth, treatment, the study of dreams.

What the directive Pluto will not notice will be noticed by you without problems if your Pluto is retrograde. Basically you see a lot of negativity.

Retrograde Pluto in the 1st house

You are gifted with the ability to penetrate into the depths of the subconscious. Most Pluto retrogrades, like you, are loners and introverts. The people around you often make relaxation very difficult.

Professions in which Pluto is located will suit you very well, because huge skills in improvement and restoration are concentrated there.

Retrograde Pluto in the 2nd house

A constant desire to control all of your resources. The directive one is distinguished by problems with power, and the retrograde one is characterized by the fear of vulnerability at the psychological level.

Retrograde Pluto in the 3rd - 5th house

You can easily control the consciousness of others, aiming their activities to achieve a specific goal. It is likely that you will be a great teacher, feeling the thoughts of many human groups - there are all the prerequisites for this.

Retrograde Pluto in the 6th house

Intense and overly powerful work. No breaks.

Retrograde Pluto in the 7th house

It’s quite difficult for you in a relationship, because you expect identical intensity from a partner, while others often simply don’t have enough energy to keep up with you.

Retrograde Pluto in the 8th - 10th house

You are definitely sure that the management of the family budget should lie with you. This can lead to cases where the willingness to pay for everything exceeds the real possibilities.

Retrograde Pluto in the 11th house

You do not like working in a team very much, but you quickly enough delve into the meaning of their functioning, further directing these people to the right direction, You ignite enthusiasm in those around you. You not only have the ability to create groups of people, but also skillfully lead them.

Retrograde Pluto in the 12th house

It is likely that the research will be too intensive for you, but this provides an opportunity to penetrate into the very depths of the essence. You are gifted with the ability to understand yourself and help others. Perform without difficulty psychological analysis. Instantly identify strengths and weak sides of people. The process of helping others is effective in that you are helping yourself at the same time.

Both directive and retrograde Pluto indicates an area of ​​activity that will bring you protection.