Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Drawing on how to save minerals. The most famous minerals

How to draw a poster on the theme “Save the air” in 3rd grade on the world around us? A question that arises in children and their parents when studying the topic of air pollution and its protection.

We have put together a selection of posters, pictures, and drawings for those who need to come up with and draw a poster on this topic themselves.

Additional information for creating a poster “Take care of the air” in grade 3 on the subject “The World Around You”

Main sources of air pollution.

Currently, the main contribution to air pollution in Russia is made by the following industries:

Thermal power engineering (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and municipal boiler houses, etc.),

Ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemical enterprises,

Motor transport (sources of such pollutants are cars, aircraft and ships, trains)

Enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and production of building materials.

How do people protect urban air?

People plant trees in the city. Have you noticed that poplars often grow along city streets and in parks? These tall, slender trees release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition, poplars perfectly purify polluted air. Why do poplars purify the air so well? Thanks to their long, thin petiole, poplar leaves are very mobile; they capture dust well, which is easily washed off by rain or flies off their smooth leaf surface. Poplars and other trees are planted along highways.

In large cities there are factories and factories, from whose chimneys toxic gases, soot and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. How to clean such air? Many enterprises install special filters, through which the air is purified. Particles of soot and dust are deposited on the filter, and toxic gases are captured by special installations.

They are switching to the production of environmentally friendly types of energy, using the power of wind, sunlight, and water flows. And thermal power plants should be closed as an obsolete type of production.

To save air, we need to stop deforestation and thoughtless use of minerals.

Picture 33 from the presentation “Mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region” to the lessons of the surrounding world on the topic “Minerals”

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"Fossil fuels" - First well. Coal. Natural gas. Coal quarry. Animal bedding. Paints, rubber, plastic, medicines. Fuel. Condition color odor flammability. Rubber. Properties of minerals. Oils. Describe one mineral resource to choose from; Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic “Minerals”.

“Mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region” - Iron ore. Precious stones. Reservoirs of our region. Map of mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region. Hard coal, brown coal. Our underground wealth. Help card. Test yourself. Property: strength. Gaseous (gas). Protection of mineral resources. Lesson plan. Reservoirs. Underground riches.

“Types of stones” - Species. Crystal before and after cutting. Crystals of a wide variety of colors are formed. Bright stones in Rus' were used for decoration. Polished stones, known since antiquity. Magma. Stones are gems. Scheme for obtaining artificial ruby. Geographical location of the Russian Plain and the Ural Mountains.

“Underground wealth” - There is a close connection between living and inanimate nature and humans. Ore nonmetallic construction fuels. Minerals. The gates of the underground country are open, you will find any treasures on the map. What dangers threaten water bodies? You know a lot about reservoirs. The answers are worthy of praise. Answer the “Test Yourself” questions in the textbook.

“Mineral reserves” - Sandstone. Stone natural building materials. Basalt. Our underground wealth. Fossil fuel. Limestone. Marble. Iron. Gold. Subsoil protection Solid minerals. Goals of work. Use of lead and zinc. Natural gas. Granite. Geology. Crushed stone. Peat. Oil. Ore minerals.

“Let's look into the Earth's storerooms” - You come across some of the rocks almost every day. Determine what unites the words in each line. Checking homework. Turned left, right. Remember what stones we met last school year? He did the squat properly, cleaned off the fluff with his beak, and quickly splashed at his desk.

There are 29 presentations in total

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The world around us. Grade 3 Minerals © Sergeeva Elena Viktorovna GOU secondary school No. 409, Pushkin, 2010

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Checking homework Name three pillars of economics. Talk about the importance of natural resources for the economy. What is capital? Give examples. Why is labor needed? What determines the success of people's labor in the economy? Why are natural resources, capital and labor called the three pillars of the economy?

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What materials do people use for construction? Where do they get them? - What types of fuel do you know? - How are metals obtained? Where are they used? - What professions do people work in mining? Answer the questions:

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Minerals are rocks and minerals that people use in their households. Some are used in construction, others serve as fuel, and still others are used to obtain metals. Minerals are the enormous priceless wealth of the Earth.

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Sand Sand is a loose, granular rock consisting of mineral particles of different colors, ranging in size from 0.05-2 mm. Sand is a product of the destruction of hard rocks under the influence of sun, heat, and wind. Most often, sand is formed from quartz. Used in glass production; in foundry, when melting metal; in construction.

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Clay Clay is a sedimentary rock. It is formed as a result of the weathering of various rocks, but is redeposited at the bottom of seas and lakes. The clay is very fine, brown, yellow, white, blue. Widely used building material. Brick is made from clay. They also produce dishes, toys, porcelain, earthenware, and fireproof materials.

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Granite Occurs from shales and sandstones. Grainy, hard and durable. The name granite comes from the Greek “granum”, which means grain. Granite is composed of grains of three minerals - feldspar (red), quartz (light gray) and mica (black). Used in the construction and construction of monuments. The embankments in St. Petersburg are lined with granite, and the walls of houses and metro stations are decorated.

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Limestone Limestones lie in the ground in huge layers. Limestones include chalk, ordinary limestone and marble. Chalk is the softest limestone. They are written on the board. The walls are whitened with crushed chalk. Common limestone is a dense stone of white, gray or yellowish color. Used in building houses, paving roads, and preparing lime.

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Limestone Marble is a hard, dense stone of various colors, highly polished. It is used to decorate buildings; columns, statues, and stairs are made from it.

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Oil Oil is a dark-colored liquid mineral. It is called black gold. The origin of oil is not fully understood. Until now, scientists from different countries are arguing about how it appeared. Most likely, it was formed from some living organisms. The most common way to search for and extract oil is by drilling wells. They begin to drill in the place where, according to geologists, there should be oil. And they drill until a black fountain bursts out of the well. Petroleum is used to produce kerosene, gasoline, lubricating oils, petroleum jelly, medicines, soap, industrial alcohol, and fabrics.

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Rock salt Previously, salt was very highly valued, and one kilogram of salt was paid in silver. The word “soldier” comes from the combination “to give salt,” which was the name given to the armed men who guarded the caravans with salt.

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Iron ore The word “iron” comes from the Sanskrit word “jalza” (metal, ore). Iron meteorites were found on the surface of the Earth and they were used to make jewelry, labor tools, and hunting tools. The first tool of ancient man's labor was a stone tied to a stick. One day, pieces of oxidized ore, which looked like ordinary stone, fell into the fire and melted. This was the beginning of metallurgy. Iron ore is black in color, hard and dense, and attracts metal objects. Cars, carriages, rails, and scissors are made from it.

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Coal Coal is formed from plant remains over many millions of years. When plant debris rots with little or no oxygen, peat is formed. Peat is used as fuel and also as bedding for domestic animals.

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Coal Peat is then turned into lignite, then into hard coal and then into anthracite - the highest quality coal. Coal is black in color, hard, but brittle, flammable. It is used for heating residential premises, making coke paint, medicines, plastics, and perfumes.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 “Lyudmila” of a combined type, Korolev, 2014. Organized educational activities. Area “Cognition” (familiarization with the surrounding world) topic: “Mineral resources” (for children of the preparatory group for school) Completed by teacher: Bevz M.A.


Goals and objectives: 1. Generalize knowledge about minerals; 2.Give an idea of ​​the properties of magnets; 3. Develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions; 4. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment: Parcel, Samples of minerals, Container with water, 5 fish made of colored oilcloth with an eye-button curved on the back side, magnets, A3 sheet of cardboard with a drawn race track (two tracks), mounted on four cubes (possible attach with buttons), Blanks for cars (bottom, roof), metal plates for each car (can be from a furniture lock), A piece of foam plastic, A tailor's needle, Colored paper, Presentation “Minerals”

“Hello, dear guys! The Mole from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” is writing to you. The other day I was counting my countless riches and came across a box that I got from my great-grandfather. There are some pebbles inside. I was about to throw them away, but Thumbelina advised me not to do this, but to first figure out what it was. She advised me to ask you for help, since you are about to start school and probably know a lot. Help, please! Best regards, Mole"

1.Very durable and resilient, a reliable friend for builders. Houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable.

2. Once a huge pump grabbed me by the nose. He put me in a pipe. Now I’m running through the pipe. I’ll run to the factory - They’ll warm me up there. These are the products: Not candy or fruit. Kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil... They will make it out of me. Without me, neither a bus nor a taxi will run, A rocket will not rise. Guess what it is?

3. It brings warmth to houses, it makes light all around, it helps to melt steel, and make paints and enamels. He is black, shiny, a real assistant.

4. If you meet someone on the road, your feet will get stuck. And to make a bowl or vase, you will need it right away.

5. Plants grew in the swamp, became fuel and fertilizer

6. They cover roads with them, streets in villages. It is also found in cement. He himself is fertilizer.



7. Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen. It blooms like a blue flower from a match.

8. It was not for nothing that it was boiled in a blast furnace. The scissors and keys turned out great...


MAGNET is obtained from IRON ORE Experiments with a magnet