Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Red beast. Red-haired beast, who are you

Red-haired people immediately attract attention wherever they appear. Why is this happening? Where did redheads come from, and why have so many conflicting opinions surrounded these people from time immemorial?

Scientists believe that the ancestors modern man there were Cro-Magnons who lived on earth 45-35,000 years ago. The time of their existence coincides with the time when the Neanderthals also lived. Neanderthals were red, and Cro-Magnons were dark-haired.

Genetic studies have shown that Neanderthals were a dead end branch of evolution and did not leave successors on earth, although their capabilities were similar to those of Cro-Magnons - they could speak, walk straight and use various tools. In all likelihood, it was in those distant times that a partial crossing of these tribes took place.

So in genus Homo Sapiens appeared red. Some researchers consider the red hair gene to be mutated because the pigment that gives human hair this color is completely different from the usual one and has a different shape under a microscope. The red hair gene is associated with energy and impulsiveness of character, great inquisitiveness of the mind and even increased sexuality - "wild" people!

According to the laws of genetics, if you introduce an animal of a different color into a group of animals of one color, it will become the most desirable sexual object for others. This is invented by nature to prevent inbreeding, which produces defective offspring. The powerful sexual energy of antiquity was gradually curbed by man and transformed into emotional background, both positive and negative.

It is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, redheads were more likely than others to fall on the fire. They were called "children of Satan" and "witches", attributed supernatural abilities. The priests did not favor redheads. It's believed that biblical Judas also had red hair.

Yes, and in our enlightened time, the "favorites of the sun" have problems since childhood. They begin with the song "Red, red, freckled", and end only in adolescence. My friend, who has had beautiful golden-red hair since childhood, was a mansion at school - she was teased from an early age.

She says that she could not understand why she was accused of killing her grandfather with a shovel, and because of the natural impudence of her character, she even had to fight from time to time. And only when she grew up and dyed her hair a different color, she was surprised to find that neither external nor inner world not changed. Only friends told my friend that her natural hair color was better. Since then, if she dyes her hair, it is only to emphasize her unusual natural shade.

Few people in childhood would want to be red. But having matured, girls often dye their curls in fiery colors. "Red-haired beast" - it's so flattering to hear it! Nothing has changed in a person, except for the color of the hair, and so many admiring glances accompany him. Causing a cascade of emotions is not difficult and very exciting. Some believe that changing their image to the Neanderthal side makes their life brighter and more interesting. Who knows, maybe so!

What secrets do redheads hide?

Where did the redheads come from and where are they taking us? People with red hair are found among all nations. But life is hard for them. At all times, the blondes and brunettes around them were very wary of them. Even in the 21st century, which seems to be devoid of all prejudices, it is very difficult to be a redhead. Of course, the owners of fiery-colored hair are no longer considered harbingers of trouble and are not persecuted as sorcerers. But...

Red, red, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel! Probably almost everyone sang this teasing song in childhood.
In Russia, redheads were viewed with suspicion not only simple people. There were times when even the state showed a negative attitude towards them.

So, during the reign of Peter I, the strictest royal decree was even issued, categorically forbidding oblique and redheads to occupy government posts and testify in courts: "...before God marks the rogue!"

Restless King

Why, for so many centuries, people are so wary, and even wary of redheads? After all, this "misfortune" is typical not only for Russia. In the 60s of the XX century, a solid treatise Hans Bernhard Schiff on this subject. The thick volume was called The Redheads.

Redhead, for example, was English king Richard Lion Heart. He repeatedly shocked the old patriarchal England with his extraordinary actions. Having come to power, the king was surprised to find that the predecessor who reigned before him had pretty much devastated the state treasury. Another would have been horrified in his place, but the red-haired king did not hesitate for a minute.

He simply began to sell right and left government positions, titles, benefits - everything that is possible. It is Richard who owns the words, exceptional in their cynicism: “If there was a buyer, I would sell London too!”

The treasury was filled, but the restless nature could not stand peace. Richard went to distant Palestine to save the Holy Sepulcher. In this campaign, he carried away not only the same restless inhabitants of England, but even respectable sane kings and princes from all over Europe.

Not much time passed, and Richard quarreled with almost all like-minded people on Crusade. The king returns to England, but meets "grateful comrades-in-arms" on the way. The Austrian Duke Leopold treacherously captures him. Richard spends two years in prison. At this time, his supporters are collecting money to ransom the captive king. They succeed.

The money has been collected. Richard is ransomed and returned to the throne. It would seem that you can take a break from wandering and think about the improvement of your country. But the red king is not like that. Not much time passed, and unbridled nature plunged him into another adventure. Richard goes to France to sort things out with a comrade-in-arms - King Philip II Augustus. This campaign was the last for Richard the Lionheart.

Where is the birthplace of redheads?

Where did the redheads come from, whose descendants from time to time shake the foundations of many states? According to Schiff, the bright, but controversial nature of the redheads was inherited from their distant ancestors - the Celts. Among other tribes and peoples, the Celts were “the most inconstant, the most uncertain, the most unpredictable.

The most slanderous, the most inventive, the most humiliated, the most unstable, the most ... ". And so on. In the era of antiquity on the European continent, the Celts occupied a vast territory. Their original habitats were most likely the South and West Germany and Austria. Caesar in Notes on Gallic war” emphasizes that the Greeks preferred to call the Celts Celts, and the Romans - Gauls. Celts - indigenous people Britain and Ireland.

Over time, the Celts mixed with neighboring peoples, settled across the continent. But the "Celtic spirit" did not go out in them. He roams the earth, periodically breaking free, spinning people with other shades of hair with his energy, and destroying states with a long history. Therefore, in almost all countries, redheads are treated with prejudice. Their residents with a different hair color do not want to be drawn into small and large quarrels, or even bloody wars.

Only in Britain, Scotland and Ireland are redheads respected. Here, the Celtic culture is treated with respect. And redheads are considered bright representatives of the indigenous population, clear descendants of the Celts.

But here's what's interesting: a wary attitude towards redheads in all countries applies only to men. "Fiery" women, on the contrary, are considered very attractive. This is confirmed by the consistently high demand for hair dye in all shades of red.

In our home country the increased attention of men to red women is especially developed. As you know, demand determines supply.

Therefore, a clear illustration of this attention are the pages of the Internet, in which the majority of ladies of easy virtue call themselves redheads.

There are many of them in Russia

Schiff says almost nothing about the role of redheads in the history of Russia, but in vain. Fortunately, the writer Grigory Klimov touched on this topic in his novels “The Prince of this World” and “My Name is Legion”. Works by this author Soviet spy, and then one of the participants in the most secret so far American project of conducting psychological warfare against the USSR, quickly became bestsellers, first abroad, and later in Russia.

According to Klimov, the party of the Bolsheviks who came to power in 1917 can be called the red-haired party, so many of its leaders were red-haired. “Lenin was red-haired.

His wife Krupskaya is also a redhead. Mistress - Inessa Armand - also red. And chief traitor surrounded by Lenin - secret police spy Malinovsky, and he was red! Bukharin is red! Avel Yenukidze (a major party leader nicknamed gold fish) - and he is also red!

We now know what the seizure of power by the "red-haired party" in 1917 led to. As we also know about the country's turmoil, which led to the destruction or flight abroad of a significant part of the intelligentsia and scientists, the liquidation of the emerging class of farmers (kulaks), famine in the most fertile Volga lands, etc.

So, although Peter I was not familiar with the works of Schiff, he intuitively took all precautions against the possible destruction of his empire by the redheads. But others modern leaders Russia must not have been familiar not only with the decree of Peter I and Schiff's book, but even with folk wisdom, reflected in the proverbs: “Red and red is a dangerous person”, “Do not make friendship with a redhead”. But the people's dislike for the head of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais and the attempt on his life also have their own specific background.

It's all about genetics

More recently, foreign scientists managed to look hundreds of thousands of years into the depths of human history and make a sensational discovery that Schiff, the discoverer of the problem of redheads, never dreamed of. As scientists from the Oxford Institute of Molecular Medicine managed to find out, the genetically red hair color, apparently, was inherited by humans from ... Neanderthals.

Researchers, however, notice that it would be completely wrong to perceive all redheads as Neanderthals in literally the words. Scientists have found that the age of the gene responsible for the appearance of red hair, lighter skin and freckles is from 50 to 100 thousand years. And this means that it is much older than the genes of the Homo sapiens species, to which it belongs. modern humanity.

According to Dr. Rosalind Harding, “the only explanation so far available was that the gene appeared in the Neanderthals who inhabited Europe 200,000 years ago.” Today, red hair adorns the heads of about 10 percent of Scots. To them, you can add another 40 percent of the descendants of the ancient Celts: Scots, Irish and Gauls, genetically predisposed to this, that is, potentially red-haired.

Some researchers have previously suggested that Neanderthals could be red and fair-skinned. Now this idea has received genetic confirmation. However, contrary to earlier guesses (Wolpoff and Caspari, 2000), modern Europeans did not inherit the “light-skinned genes” from Neanderthals.

Light-skinned Neanderthals and European sapiens arose independently, as a result of different mutations. Neanderthals were roving hunters and brutal cannibals who ate raw meat.

They were stockier than Homo sapiens, with short limbs, broad faces and noses, and almost no chins or foreheads. Over time, both subspecies partially intermingled, but the red hair gene was preserved. Neanderthals began to die out about 28 thousand years ago, and the last traces of them were found in Southern Spain and southwestern France. But their red-haired "descendants" remained. When meeting them, remember that redheads have "cool" genes!

UFO hypothesis

The latest novelty hypothesis about the origin of redheads is ufological. They say that the redheads flew to Earth either from another star system, or from parallel world. Two groups of arguments are presented as evidence.

The first of them is based on medieval protocols of interrogations of witches and sorcerers. The vast majority of people accused of having links with evil spirits had red hair. Moreover, many of them actually had psychic abilities: they successfully treated hopeless patients, truthfully predicted the future, influenced the weather ...

The Holy Inquisition, which was investigating the witchcraft features of red-haired women, developed an unmistakable way to prove whether a suspect is a witch. For this, she was subjected to a water test. As a rule, such tests had a mass, public character.

For them, rivers, lakes, ponds were used. The subject was tied crosswise thumb right hand With thumb left leg. Then on long rope, the end of which remained in the hands of a member of the court, was thrown into the water. Suspicion was removed if the subject began to drown! If she floated on the surface, then her guilt was considered fully proven and a fire was waiting for her!

Studies of the differences between redheads and other people, conducted in recent times in different countries, indirectly confirm the UFO version. Physicians have long drawn attention to the increased sensitivity of light-skinned red-haired people to ultraviolet radiation.

Recently, this issue has been addressed in English university Newcastle. Human skin secretes two types of melanin - a substance that protects it from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation, however, in the hair and skin of redheads, one of these types turned out to be insufficient, which creates an increased risk for them. sunburn and skin cancer. The researchers also noted the fact that redheads tan poorly or not at all.

Despite its cockiness and penetrating ability, which confirms vigorous activity rulers, politicians and commanders, whose hair had a reddish tint, the body of redheads is very vulnerable. They are more likely than others to suffer from rheumatism and allergies, their nervous system. Scientists have discovered another feature that is unique to people with red hair: hypersensitivity to pain.

According to Dr. Edwin Liam of the University of Louisville in Kentucky, redheads need about 20 percent more anesthetics than everyone else to stop their pain. He noted that anesthesiology is still not only and not so much a science as an art. If the patient receives an insufficient dose, he may wake up right in the middle of the operation. And if the dose is slightly higher required amount, which can lead to complications, up to lethal outcome. Scientists, Liam says, still don't fully understand exactly how anesthetics work. However, the fact that redheads need large quantity anesthesia, indicates that it is somehow related to the genes.

So it turns out, ufologists say, that the genes of redheads are different from the genes of other people. So it is quite possible that these genes were brought to Earth from distant stars ...


Once I was invited to the birthday of one of the employees. Of course, I came and, of course, without my wife. She never went anywhere with me anyway, and because of her I rarely went anywhere, but here she is an employee, the wife of the boss.

I have always liked sweets and always sat closer to the cake. That time I was a little late and they put me where there was a place. The cake was on the other side of the table. Evaluating the cake, I suddenly discovered that a miracle was sitting next to it - a red-haired, blue-eyed girl of 25-27 years old, her nervous movements betrayed a passionate, wayward nature. I knew almost all those present, but I didn’t know her, but since she was sitting between the birthday girl and her husband, it was possible to figure out that she was someone’s relative, however, she didn’t look like any of them.

Of course, I forgot about the cake and tried to show her with all my appearance that it was not the “cake” that was the object of my interest. An admiring glance usually does its job. When her chest began to heave evenly, it became clear that her cake was not very exciting either. She was completely different from those around her. The blood began to beat in the temples. I not only ate her with my eyes, but also began to undress her with my eyes. Women know this feeling when a man standing nearby looks inside her blouse, although it is buttoned up. I saw how she began to blush and drop her hands, mechanically straightening her skirt under the table. When I spoke with my neighbor, bending over a little and taking her by the elbow, for confidential contact, I always threw a fleeting glance at her, as if showing, sorry you are far away. "Red-haired beast" all succumbed forward, instinctively licking lower lip, I understood - half the work is done!
Then I went around the table with a saucer and bent down to her, almost in the ear, asked to cut off a piece of cake. Of course, when he took the saucer back, with his other hand he leaned on her shoulder, thanked her, again in her ear, and removing his hand walked almost all over her neck. I ate this cake as if I were kissing her. Let's not say it's nonsense. Anyone who knows the "language of flirting" will understand me, and the time was a little different then, in order to conquer a woman, it was necessary to make a little more effort than today.

Having finished with the cake, I pointedly, with a smile, looked at the stranger and, tilting my head with my eyes, indicated the side of the kitchen. She understood everything! At first, her hand fiddled with a napkin in some hesitation, then she raised her glass and her long questioning look, as if asking:
- Really here?
After five minutes, she got up and went into the kitchen to "smoke", a minute later I followed there too. I kissed her on the shoulder, You are crazy - not here! Of course, it was possible here too, the bath is nearby, and no one has yet canceled sex extreme, but we limited ourselves to a long kiss. She turned out to be the birthday girl's cousin.
We later went to her dacha more than once, the road was long, but it was worth it, since the hostess was a great connoisseur and connoisseur of sex.

Red hair color has long had a special magic. He always attracted the eyes and left no one indifferent. Once upon a time, people looked at redheads warily, over time, people's views changed to admiration and surprise at this unusual gift from nature.

Girls with red hair

“Daughters of the Sun” was once the name given to red-haired women. Really red hair gives the owner a special charm, energy, mystery, and even gives the image something mystical. Women with red hair stand out from the crowd, attract attention. That is why, many blondes and brunettes, wanting to have special magic, change their hair color to red.

According to psychologists, girls with natural red hair color, nature endowed more life energy, perseverance, determination. Very often these are people with bright charisma.
Where does red hair originate from? Anthropologists still cannot give an exact answer. One hypothesis says that he came to us from the Neanderthals.

Red-haired girls have always been interested in men. This is evidenced by various historical facts, pictures, legends. Representatives of the school of English painting of the mid-19th century and many Renaissance artists very often depicted women with red hair in their paintings. This suggests that already in those days, this marvelous hair color was admired.

Not in vain in the East - in Byzantium, Ancient Egypt, Persia, many women, wanting to attract male attention, dyed their hair with henna, which gives a beautiful bronze tint.

During the Inquisition, redheads had a very hard time. Often they were recognized as witches, and then burned at the stake. The good name was returned to the red-haired ladies by the great painter Rubens. Thanks to his paintings, a woman with red hair has become the muse of many artists, as well as an object of worship for men.

Celebrities with red hair: stars with red hair

History knows many bright personalities, who had red hair: Marina Tsvetaeva, Clara Bow, Nicole Kidman, Juliana Moore, Alla Pugacheva ...

natural red hair

Therefore, if nature has given you such a gift, do not rush to part with it by dyeing your hair a different color. You - bright personality, not like everyone else! It is unlikely that you will be able to choose the most advantageous hair color, because red is the sunniest, brightest and most expressive color.

If you don't like your natural red hair color, try highlighting or coloring, for example. You can shade the color of your hair, make it more saturated, using henna, rinsing your hair after washing with strong brewed tea, or onion peel.

You can take the advice of the famous actress Amalia Mordvinova. To preserve the color, she tints her hair with henna. In order for her hair to be strong, she strengthens the roots with a special mask. 2 tbsp. henna should be poured with boiling water to the consistency of gruel. Add 1 tsp to it. castor or olive oil, yolk, ½ tbsp. kefir. The mask is applied to dry hair, and wrapped with a towel for at least 1-2 hours (or more).

Dyed red

If you want to dye your hair red, please note that in addition to the fact that it should suit you, the red color should be close to you in spirit. Bright, bold girls with strong character, sociable and purposeful.

Popular singer Lada Dance dyes her hair red however, she prefers a more subdued shade. She also uses henna. 4 tsp coffee should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Coffee should be boiled for several minutes. Then the drink should be filtered and henna added. For this recipe, you can use both instant coffee and natural.

Red hair photo

Dear girls, do not be afraid to be bright and attractive! Red color will help you with this!

Red-haired beast ... What secrets do red-haired people hide?

Where did the redheads come from and where are they taking us? People with red hair are found among all nations. But life is hard for them.

At all times, the blondes and brunettes around them were very wary of them. Even in the 21st century, which seems to be devoid of all prejudices, it is very difficult to be a redhead.

Of course, the owners of fiery-colored hair are no longer considered harbingers of trouble and are not persecuted as sorcerers. But...

Red, red, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel! Probably almost everyone sang this teasing song in childhood.

In Russia, not only ordinary people were suspicious of redheads. There were times when even the state showed a negative attitude towards them.

So, during the reign of Peter I, the strictest royal decree was even issued, categorically forbidding oblique and red-haired people to hold public office and testify in courts: “... after all, God marks the rogue!”

Restless King

Why, for so many centuries, people are so wary, and even wary of redheads? After all, this "misfortune" is typical not only for Russia. In the 60s of the XX century, a solid scientific work by Hans Bernhard Schiff on this topic was published in Germany. The thick volume was called The Redheads.

Red, for example, was the English king Richard the Lionheart. He repeatedly shocked the old patriarchal England with his extraordinary actions. Having come to power, the king was surprised to find that the predecessor who reigned before him had pretty much devastated the state treasury. Another would have been horrified in his place, but the red-haired king did not hesitate for a minute.

He simply began to sell right and left government positions, titles, benefits - everything that is possible. It is Richard who owns the words, exceptional in their cynicism: “If there was a buyer, I would sell London too!”

The treasury was filled, but the restless nature could not stand peace. Richard went to distant Palestine to save the Holy Sepulcher. In this campaign, he carried away not only the same restless inhabitants of England, but even respectable sane kings and princes from all over Europe.

Not much time passed, and Richard fell out with almost all like-minded people on the Crusade. The king returns to England, but meets "grateful comrades-in-arms" on the way. The Austrian Duke Leopold treacherously captures him. Richard spends two years in prison. At this time, his supporters are collecting money to ransom the captive king. They succeed.

The money has been collected. Richard is ransomed and returned to the throne. It would seem that you can take a break from wandering and think about the improvement of your country. But the red king is not like that. Not much time passed, and unbridled nature plunged him into another adventure. Richard goes to France to sort things out with a comrade-in-arms - King Philip II Augustus. This campaign was the last for Richard the Lionheart.

Where is the birthplace of redheads?

Where did the redheads come from, whose descendants from time to time shake the foundations of many states? According to Schiff, the bright, but controversial nature of the redheads was inherited from their distant ancestors - the Celts. Among other tribes and peoples, the Celts were “the most inconstant, the most uncertain, the most unpredictable.

The most slanderous, the most inventive, the most humiliated, the most unstable, the most ... ". And so on. In the era of antiquity on the European continent, the Celts occupied a vast territory. Their original habitats were most likely southern and western Germany and Austria. Caesar in his "Notes on the Gallic War" emphasizes that the Greeks preferred to call the Celts Celts, and the Romans - Gauls. The Celts are the original population of Britain and Ireland.

Over time, the Celts mixed with neighboring peoples, settled across the continent. But the "Celtic spirit" did not go out in them. He roams the earth, periodically breaking free, spinning people with other shades of hair with his energy, and destroying states with a long history. Therefore, in almost all countries, redheads are treated with prejudice. Their inhabitants with a different hair color do not want to be drawn into small and large quarrels, and even into bloody wars.

Only in Britain, Scotland and Ireland are redheads respected. Here, the Celtic culture is treated with respect. And redheads are considered bright representatives of the indigenous population, clear descendants of the Celts.

But here's what's interesting: a wary attitude towards redheads in all countries applies only to men. "Fiery" women, on the contrary, are considered very attractive. This is confirmed by the consistently high demand for hair dye in all shades of red.

In our native country, the increased attention of men to red women is especially developed. As you know, demand determines supply.

Therefore, a clear illustration of this attention are the pages of the Internet, in which the majority of ladies of easy virtue call themselves redheads.

There are many of them in Russia

Schiff says almost nothing about the role of redheads in the history of Russia, but in vain. Fortunately, the writer Grigory Klimov touched on this topic in his novels “The Prince of this World” and “My Name is Legion”. The works of this author, once a Soviet spy, and then one of the participants in the most secret so far American project of conducting a psychological war against the USSR, quickly became bestsellers, first abroad, and later in Russia.

According to Klimov, the party of the Bolsheviks who came to power in 1917 can be called the red-haired party, so many of its leaders were red-haired. “Lenin was red-haired.

His wife Krupskaya is also a redhead. Mistress - Inessa Armand - also red. And the main traitor in Lenin's entourage is the Okhrana spy Malinovsky, and he was red-haired! Bukharin is red! Avel Yenukidze (a major party leader named Goldfish) - and he is also red!”

We now know what the seizure of power by the "red-haired party" in 1917 led to. As we also know about the country's turmoil, which led to the destruction or flight abroad of a significant part of the intelligentsia and scientists, the liquidation of the emerging class of farmers (kulaks), famine in the most fertile Volga lands, etc.

So, although Peter I was not familiar with the works of Schiff, he intuitively took all precautions against the possible destruction of his empire by the redheads. But other modern leaders of Russia must not have been familiar not only with the decree of Peter I and the book of Schiff, but even with the folk wisdom reflected in the proverbs: “Red and red is a dangerous person”, “Do not make friendship with a redhead”. But the people's dislike for the head of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais and the attempt on his life also have their own specific background.

It's all about genetics

More recently, foreign scientists managed to look hundreds of thousands of years into the depths of human history and make a sensational discovery that Schiff, the discoverer of the problem of redheads, never dreamed of. As scientists from the Oxford Institute of Molecular Medicine managed to find out, the genetically red hair color, apparently, was inherited by humans from ... Neanderthals.

Researchers, however, notice that it would be completely wrong to perceive all redheads as Neanderthals in the literal sense of the word. Scientists have found that the age of the gene responsible for the appearance of red hair, lighter skin and freckles is from 50 to 100 thousand years. And this means that it is much older than the genes of the homo sapiens species, to which modern humanity belongs.

According to Dr. Rosalind Harding, “the only explanation so far available was that the gene appeared in the Neanderthals who inhabited Europe 200,000 years ago.” Today, red hair adorns the heads of about 10 percent of Scots. To them, you can add another 40 percent of the descendants of the ancient Celts: Scots, Irish and Gauls, genetically predisposed to this, that is, potentially red-haired.

Some researchers have previously suggested that Neanderthals could be red and fair-skinned. Now this idea has received genetic confirmation. However, contrary to previous conjectures, modern Europeans did not inherit the “light-skinned genes” from Neanderthals.

Light-skinned Neanderthals and European sapiens arose independently, as a result of different mutations. Neanderthals were roving hunters and brutal cannibals who ate raw meat.

They were stockier than Homo sapiens, with short limbs, broad faces and noses, and almost no chins or foreheads. Over time, both subspecies partially intermingled, but the red hair gene was preserved. Neanderthals began to die out about 28 thousand years ago, and the last traces of them were found in southern Spain and southwestern France. But their red-haired "descendants" remained. When meeting them, remember that redheads have "cool" genes!

UFO hypothesis

The latest novelty hypothesis about the origin of redheads is ufological. They say that the redheads flew to Earth either from another star system, or from a parallel world. Two groups of arguments are presented as evidence.

The first of them is based on medieval protocols of interrogations of witches and sorcerers. The vast majority of people accused of having links with evil spirits had red hair. Moreover, many of them really possessed psychic abilities: they successfully treated hopeless patients, truthfully predicted the future, influenced the weather ...

The Holy Inquisition, which was investigating the witchcraft features of red-haired women, developed an unmistakable way to prove whether a suspect is a witch. For this, she was subjected to a water test. As a rule, such tests had a mass, public character.

For them, rivers, lakes, ponds were used. The subject's right thumb was tied crosswise with the big toe of the left foot. Then, on a long rope, the end of which remained in the hands of a member of the court, they were thrown into the water. Suspicion was removed if the subject began to drown! If she floated on the surface, then her guilt was considered fully proven and a fire was waiting for her!

Studies of the differences between redheads and other people, recently conducted in different countries, indirectly confirm the UFO version. Physicians have long drawn attention to the increased sensitivity of light-skinned red-haired people to ultraviolet radiation.

Recently, this issue was taken up at the English University of Newcastle. Human skin secretes two types of melanin, a substance that protects it from dangerous ultraviolet radiation, but in the hair and skin of redheads, one of these types was found to be insufficient, which puts them at an increased risk of sunburn and skin cancer. The researchers also noted the fact that redheads tan poorly or not at all.

Despite their cockiness and penetrating ability, which is confirmed by the vigorous activity of rulers, politicians and generals, whose hair had a reddish tint, the body of redheads is very vulnerable. They suffer from rheumatism and allergies more often than others, their nervous system is especially sensitive. Scientists have discovered another feature that is unique to people with red hair: increased sensitivity to pain.

According to Dr. Edwin Liam of the University of Louisville in Kentucky, redheads need about 20 percent more anesthetics than everyone else to stop their pain. He noted that anesthesiology is still not only and not so much a science as an art.

If the patient receives an insufficient dose, he may wake up right in the middle of the operation. And if the dose slightly exceeds the required amount, it can cause complications, even death. Scientists, Liam says, still don't fully understand exactly how anesthetics work. However, the fact that redheads need more anesthesia indicates that it has something to do with genes.

So it turns out, ufologists say, that the genes of redheads are different from the genes of other people. So it is quite possible that these genes were brought to Earth from distant stars ...