Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The most beautiful cable-stayed bridges.

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Many bridges are unique attractions. Modern designs they surprise with their perfection and grandeur, and the ancient ones with the mystery of their centuries-old history.

What is a cable-stayed bridge?

The most beautiful bridges- cable-stayed. Their vertical pylons are connected to each other by a long sagging arc of a chain. The cables hanging from the chain and supporting the fabric of the structure are cables.

Cable-stayed bridge designs are unusual. As a rule, on hanging ones, the supporting cables are thrown over pylons and strengthened on the banks. The entire structure is supported by these sagging cables between the supports. In addition to them, there are suspension bridges, in which the roadway is suspended on a large number of oblique cables, attaching it to high vertical pylons. In this case, the cables are stretched from different levels of the pylon and diverge either like a fan or in parallel (like strings).

The supporting cables of a cable-stayed bridge are almost straight, while those of a traditional suspension bridge are arched. They are tensioned so that they practically do not sag. With this design, the beam underneath the roadway can be quite thin.

The very first cable-stayed bridges. Authors, history

The first decades of the 19th century were the time when bridges of this design appeared (American-European system). The construction of these unusual structures was started by the American John Fidley (a lawyer by training). By 1815, about 40 cable-stayed bridges had already been opened in the United States. Their homeland is Pennsylvania.

Almost at the same time, the idea of ​​a similar design came to the mind of the architect Vitberg (he later became known as the author of the project for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow on the Sparrow Hills). To today Drawings by this architect depicting his magnificent cable-stayed structures have been preserved. The very first one - drawbridge on chains (1809).

By the end of World War II, almost all crossings across the Rhine River were destroyed. In the 50s they began to be restored again. The construction of cable-stayed bridges began because this design was recognized as the most profitable and economical. The first of these on the Rhine was the Theodor Heuss Bridge in the city of Düsseldorf.

The largest bridges in the world

Some are posted here interesting photos the largest cable-stayed bridges. Although there are many more beautiful and original ones in the world. Here are some cable-stayed bridges in the world.

The Normandy Bridge was built in 1995 in France. It crosses the Seine River between Normandy and Le Havre. The central span is 935 m. The entire length is more than 2 km.

Tatara was opened in 1999 in Japan. It connects the islands of Ikuchijima and Ohimishima. The length of the main span reaches 970 m, it is capable of withstanding earthquakes of magnitude 8.5.

Stonecutter's Bridge was built in 2009 in China (Hong Kong). 1018 meters is the length of the main span.

Chinese Sutong was built in 2008. It crosses the Yangtze River. The main span is 1088 m, the total length is almost 7 km.

The passage through the Zolotoy Rog Bay was opened in 2012 on the 152nd anniversary of Vladivostok. Construction began in June 2008. The length of its main span is 737 m. The total length reaches 1388 m. The roadway has six lanes. The height of the cable-stayed bridge is 226 m.

The Eastern Bosphorus Bridge is one of the largest cable-stayed bridges in the region. It connects the Nazimov Peninsula and Cape Novosilsky on Russky Island. The enormous length is impressive - 1104 meters. The carriageway has a width of 29.5 m. The entire length is 1885 m, the pylons have a height of 324 m, the height above the water level or span height is 70 meters.

The most beautiful and unique bridges in the world

Here are selected unusual bridge designs created by man. All these buildings are outstanding and amazing architectural creations with a rich history.

Helix in Singapore

The bridge is similar to the structure of a DNA molecule. Built and put into operation in 2010. Made of steel and illuminated at night with LED strips. This emphasizes the unique design of the bridge.

Sky Bridge (Lankavi)

This building with a fabulous name is a curved structure for pedestrians over 100 meters long (height above the sea is 700 meters). It can be reached by cable car. From the Lankawi Bridge you can see beautiful mountains Malaysia and its beautiful tropical forests.

Akashi in Japan

Akashi Bridge is a record holder. It is the longest of all suspended ones in the world (3911 meters). This structure was built in 12 years.

Octavio de Oliveira

In the city of Sao Paulo, the Oliveira Bridge was opened in 2008. It took 5 years to build. It is decorated with LED lighting on certain holidays. For example, at Christmas it is illuminated so that it looks like a Christmas tree.

Falkirk Wheel

This is the only unusual boat elevator in the world. It can rotate 180 degrees.

The original Gateshead Millennium and Slauerhofbrug cable-stayed bridges

This bridge was opened in Newcastle in 2002 by the Queen of England. This structure crosses the River Tyne. This is one of the leaning bridges. When tilted to one side, it becomes pedestrian. You can take a walk on it, admiring the views of the beautiful river.

When it is tilted in the other direction, boats and ships can pass under it. Gateshead Millennium has won many awards for its distinctive design and original name “Viking Eye”. Its shape is similar to an eye that blinks every time the structure tilts.

Leeuwarden has an extremely bizarre bridge. Because of large quantity rivers and various canals in the Netherlands, the intensity of shipping and traffic, the country has always needed a bridge that can rise and fall quickly and thus be useful and highway, and river navigation. This is what Slauerhofbrug became. It was built in 2000. This unique structure is raised and lowered 10 times a day using hydraulics.

Rolling Bridge

In the Paddington area of ​​London there is another unusual bridge - a rolling bridge. Every week on Fridays, its octagonal structure is transformed. Within one day, it is able to gather back and take on an unusual and original shape. Its construction was completed in 2004. The designer is Thomas Heatherwick, who is also the author of some of the London Olympic projects.

Bridge without a single nail - Shenyang

Shenyang Wind and Rain Bridge, located among Chinese rice fields and mountains, is located in Guangxi Province. It was built in 1916 by the Dong people (an ethnic minority in China).

The structure is decorated with five pagoda-like structures. It looks fantastic thanks to the unusual Chinese architecture. The most amazing thing is that there is not a single nail in its design.

History of bridge construction in Russia

In Russia today there are approximately 100 thousand bridges in operation different classes. The bulk are inconspicuous, nameless ones located on various routes. City bridges have their own names, their own history and their place in the life of the city.

Back in Soviet times, several large cable-stayed bridges were opened.

Here are the very first cable-stayed bridges in Russia (more precisely, the USSR):

  • on the Magana River in Georgia (built in 1932);
  • in Kyrgyzstan via Naryn;
  • two were built in Kyiv: in 1963 Rybalsky and in 1976 Moskovsky;
  • across the Daugava River in Riga (in 1982);
  • the very first in Russian Federation built in Cherepovets in 1979 across the Sheksna River.

Cable-stayed bridges began to gain popularity in the second half of the 20th century. Especially in the last 30 years, there has been such a boom around the world. There are many of them in the USA and Europe.

There are not enough bridges in Russia. The intensity of construction is increasing, as many existing routes (roads, railways) cannot cope with the load. Any new modern road These are practically new bridges.

Bridges of Russia

1. The longest in Russia (road) is Kamsky in Tatarstan. Its length is almost 14 kilometers (33 meters are missing). In addition to the Kama, it passes through the river. Arkharovka and Kurlyanka.

2. The design of the bridge crossing over the Volga River (region of the Kuibyshev Reservoir) in the area of ​​the city of Ulyanovsk began back when Soviet power. But instead of the planned 9 years, the bridge took almost 23 years to build. This two-tier beam bridge is now called "Presidential". It has a length of 12,970 meters. The length of the surface part is 5,825 meters.

3. Saratovsky near the village of Pristannoye across the Volga has a length of 12,760 meters. This bridge shortened enormous distances. Thanks to him, the road from Europe to Asia became almost 500 kilometers shorter!

4. The huge Volgograd bridge crossing (length 7100 meters) originates from Mamayev Kurgan. It is part of the new East-West corridor and provides short access to Saratov, Astrakhan, countries Central Asia. True, since 2010 it received the not very pleasant nickname “dancing bridge”. Subsequently, vibration dampers were installed here.

5. Previously, from the village of Oskino to Staraya Shegarka in winter they crossed the ice. In summer there was a ferry. Now there is a Shegarsky bridge across the Ob River with a length of 5880 meters. You can also walk along it: on both sides there are sidewalks one and a half meters wide.

The longest and highest cable-stayed bridge in the world

In 2012, Russia broke world records for the length of the bridge. A huge bridge connected the mainland of Vladivostok with Russky Island. The length of its central span is 1104 meters.

We had to reschedule the final stage (flight joining) several times due to strong winds.

Cable-stayed bridge (St. Petersburg): where it began

St. Petersburg is located in the delta of the Neva River, which consists of several branches and canals. Without bridges, life here would be difficult.

The very first bridge under Peter I was built on wooden piles, and the spans were made of logs. It is still preserved today as an important historical value. Then they were built according to the Dutch model - lifting ones for the passage of ships. In the 1780s. under Catherine II, most bridges were built of stone. The middle span was again made of wood, but liftable. Two historical and remarkable structures (Chernyshev and Staro-Kalinkin) with original turrets (there was a lifting mechanism) and chains still stand on the Fontanka.

In 2004, the first cable-stayed bridge was built. St. Petersburg, in the person of Bolshoy Obukhovsky, had the most tall building. It is taller than even the Admiralty Spire. His great advantage is that he does not get divorced. That is, you can drive on it at any time.

The cable-stayed Yugorsky Bridge is located west of Surgut (several kilometers). It connects the banks of the Ob River. This is one of the longest bridges in Siberia. Its length is more than two kilometers. The length including all approaches is 15 kilometers. The 408-meter section is suspended and supported by a 150-meter-high pylon.

Its construction lasted five years. The opening took place in 2000. It is an important link for major highways that connect the cities of Siberia and the Urals. Before its construction, communication between a number of the most important oil and gas producing regions and the “mainland” was possible only by ferry or by using an ice crossing in winter. There is a museum near the Yugorsky Bridge (2009). Its exposition is dedicated to the history of this construction, and the main exhibit is the key to opening the bridge.

People have created many unique, amazing structures, each of which is beautiful in its own way. However, in terms of the originality of their designs, the most beautiful bridges are cable-stayed.

Since ancient times, people have strived, searched and found ways to overcome obstacles: oceans, mountains and deserts. Thus, they tried to shorten their path to places they had not yet explored. There is no limit to perfection.

The most beautiful bridges are cable-stayed. The vertical pylons are connected by a huge slack chain. The cables that hang from the chain and support the bridge deck are called cable stays.

The figure shows a diagram of one cable-stayed bridge. Let's introduce a coordinate system: the Oy axis will be directed vertically along one of the pylons, and the Ox axis will be directed along the bridge deck, as shown in the figure. In this coordinate system, the line along which the bridge chain sags has the equation:

where and are measured in meters. Find the length of the cable located 100 meters from the pylon. Give your answer in meters.

Problem solution

This lesson demonstrates the solution to an interesting and original problem about cable-stayed bridges. In case of use this decision as an example for solving problems B12, preparation for the Unified State Exam will become more successful and efficient.

The figure clearly shows the condition of the problem. For successful solution it is necessary to understand the definitions - cable, pylon, chain. The line along which the chain sags, although it looks like a parabola, is actually a hyperbolic cosine. Given equation describes the line of sag of the chain relative to the coordinate system. Thus, to determine the length of the cable located meters from the pylon, the value of the equation is calculated at . During calculations, the order in which such tasks are performed should be strictly observed. arithmetic operations like: addition, subtraction, multiplication, exponentiation. The result of the calculation is the desired answer to the problem.

Over the entire history of mankind, many bridges have been built that regularly perform their main function - providing a convenient crossing or passage across rivers, canyons, and straits. Some of them are real works of art that have gone down in history and glorified their creators. The following are the most beautiful bridges in the world, which impress with their appearance.

1. Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco)

Americans traditionally strive for records not only in sports, but in all areas of life. Suspension bridge The Golden Gate, commissioned in the 30s of the 20th century, was the largest structure of its kind in the world for 27 years from the date of construction. His total length- more than 2.5 km, and the height of the roadway above the water level at high tide is almost 70 m. It connected the two banks of the Golden Gate Strait, thereby solving the problem of transport communication between the city of San Francisco and Marin County. One of the most recognizable and most beautiful bridges in the world has 6 vehicle lanes and carries about 100 thousand cars per day.

2. Viaduct Size-Bolozon (France)

One of the most beautiful bridges in France is the Sis-Bolozon Viaduct, which connects the villages of Sis and Bolozon, separated by a tributary of the Rhone, the Ain River. The landscape features (high banks, narrow channel) determined the size of the bridge - 273 m in length, 73 m in height. Built according to the design of the architect Blassel in 1875, it was safely used for almost 70 years until it was blown up by French partisans during German occupation. IN post-war period When the need for a transport line became ripe, the bridge was rebuilt in accordance with the original design by the hands of German prisoners of war. The main decoration of the two-level handsome bridge is 11 arches. The upper level is reserved for the railway, and the lower level for cars.

3. Harbor Bridge (Sydney)

The Harbor Bridge is a very beautiful bridge in Australia. The second longest arch bridge in the world, it connects Sydney city center with North Shore. The project provides for a clearance of about 50 m between its surface and the water level, this design feature allows large ocean-going vessels to navigate Port Jackson Bay without interference. Because of its shape, the Harbor Bridge is lovingly called the Hanger by Australians; it is a favorite Sydney landmark not only among tourists, but also among city residents. For those who want to admire the magnificent panorama of Sydney, a climb along the side arch to the top is organized. Interesting tradition, which attracts tourists and television viewers, is the annual New Year's pyrotechnic show on the bridge.

4. Royal Gorge (Colorado)

Another American masterpiece - beautiful suspension bridge Royal Gorge is 400 m high, part of a complex of structures of a huge amusement park in Colorado. It hangs over the Royal Canyon, where the Arkansas River flows, on bundles of galvanized wire and can withstand a load of up to 100 tons. Narrow, only 5 m wide, with a deck of wooden planks, it was originally created as a pedestrian. However, the passage is also open to cars with a speed limit of up to 5 km/h. The bottom of the gorge, over which the bridge is built, is quite accessible for tourists; an unusual railway, built at an angle of 45°.

5. Russian Bridge (Vladivostok)

Currently, Russky Island is a tourist and recreational zone; in the future, its development will include the construction of a center international cooperation, scientific and educational center. Plans to connect Vladivostok with the island first appeared in the 30s of the 20th century, but only in 2012 were they destined to come true. The new cable-stayed bridge was built in just 4 years and is considered one of the most complex objects in the world practice of bridge construction. It ranks first in the world in terms of span length and second in height. The cables (steel ropes) are arranged in a “harp” system. Combined with night lighting, the bridge makes an unforgettable impression. This is one of the most beautiful and impressive bridges in Russia.

6. Tower Bridge (London)

One of the most famous and beautiful bridges in Europe is the Tower Drawbridge. This is an engineering structure thought out to the smallest detail, built in late XIX century. Its central span, 61 m long, rests on bases with towers and is divided into two wings. Despite the serious weight of each of them (more than 1 t), the bridge opens very quickly thanks to the electric draw system and counterweights. To ensure that pedestrians always have the opportunity to get to the other side of the Thames, the towers are connected by a gallery at a height of 44 m. You can get into it by climbing the stairs located in the towers. This system did not work for long; the gallery was closed due to increased cases of theft. It is currently open to visitors as a museum and observation deck.

7. Brooklyn Bridge (New York)

There is perhaps no bridge in the world that is as famous as the Brooklyn Bridge. And there is nothing strange here, because this bridge is one of the most beautiful on the planet. Immortalized in numerous films, it is especially loved by directors making horror and disaster films. Built back in 1883 using the latest technologies and materials at that time, the Brooklyn suspension bridge is still considered an industrial miracle and one of the main attractions of New York. The roadway is divided into three lanes - the two outer lanes are for cars, and the middle one, located on a hill and fenced with railings for greater safety, is for pedestrians and cyclists. Two Gothic towers connecting the 3 spans of the bridge are a favorite place for tourists to photograph.

8. Haju (Isfahan)

This medieval bridge of extraordinary beauty resembles a palace, especially at night, under artificial lighting. The structure was built in the city of Isfahan (Iran) in late XVII century by order of the ruling Shah as part of the Great Silk Road. All 24 stone arches are decorated with tiles, the lower tier and the octagonal rooms in the center are intended for recreation. An amazingly beautiful pedestrian bridge crosses the Zayande River and is used as a dam to retain water for watering the numerous gardens in the vicinity of the river.

9. Octavio Frias de Oliveira (Sao Paulo)

Such an unusually beautiful bridge could only have been born in Brazil, the birthplace of carnivals. 144 steel cables with LEDs mounted in them are attached to the X-shaped support, almost 140 m high. Two transport tracks are suspended from the cables, intersecting at different levels. Commissioned in 2008, the bridge is named after the publisher Octavio Frias de Oliveira, a man respected not only in São Paulo but throughout Brazil. It has a good throughput capacity - 5 thousand cars per hour. The bridge presents a large-scale and unforgettable spectacle during the holidays - its structures are illuminated with multi-colored lights.

10. Charles Bridge (Prague)

Guests of Prague who wish to walk along the Royal Road must come to the Charles Bridge, named after its founder Charles IV. This is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world! You will definitely want to stay longer here, if only because of its antiquity, because it was built in 1380. The stone arch bridge across the Vltava, connecting the ancient districts of Prague, is a witness to the iconic historical events Czech Republic. It is decorated with 30 sculptures, including a statue of the revered Czech saint John of Nepomuk, who, according to legend, was thrown from a bridge. Numerous pilgrims believe that if they touch the high reliefs under his sculpture, their wish will certainly come true.

The most beautiful bridges are cable-stayed. This lesson demonstrates the solution to an interesting and original problem about cable-stayed bridges. In this coordinate system, the line along which the bridge chain slacks has the equation where x and y are measured in meters. Give your answer in meters. Express your answer in seconds. The figure shows a diagram of one cable-stayed bridge. Let's introduce a coordinate system: the Oy axis will be directed vertically along one of the pylons, and the Ox axis will be directed along the bridge deck, as shown in the figure.

For a successful solution, it is necessary to understand the definitions - cable, pylon, chain. The line along which the chain sags, although it looks like a parabola, is actually a hyperbolic cosine. During the classes we used the website to reinforce solving skills various types tasks, especially part C. I recommend the Option Generator to everyone. Find the length of the cable located 30 meters from the pylon. Find the length of the cable located 50 meters from the pylon.

Everything you don’t know, including the smallest details, take notes and study. Don’t be lazy to consolidate the result. Among the 2,400 solutions given, there are, of course, solutions with typos. In 2009, this experiment was completed, and since then a single state exam has become the main form of control school preparation. The boy measures the time of small pebbles falling into the well and calculates the distance to the water using the formula, where is the distance in meters and is the time of fall in seconds.

A car whose mass is m = 2160 kg begins to move with acceleration, which remains unchanged for t seconds, and during this time covers a distance S = 500 meters

When the bucket rotates, the force of water pressure on the bottom does not remain constant: it is maximum at the bottom point and minimum at the top. In response, write down the value of this rating. The boy measures the time t of small pebbles falling into the well and calculates the distance to the water using the formula h = 5 t2, where h is the distance in meters, t is the time of fall in seconds. The amplitude of the pendulum's oscillations depends on the frequency of the driving force and is determined by the formula, where is the frequency of the driving force (v), is a constant parameter, and is the resonant frequency.

The given equation describes the line of sag of the chain relative to the coordinate system. In general, I prepared for part B mainly at the end of the 10th grade; in the 11th grade I only studied part C. My result was 75 points. From 2001 to 2009, Russia began an experiment to combine final exams from schools with entrance exams to higher educational institutions. An important innovation was the preparation open bank exam tasks, in which the developers posted about 75 thousand tasks.

Task 10 No. 27955. After rain, the water level in the well may rise. Before the rain, the falling time of the pebbles was 0.6 s. How much must the water level rise after rain for the measured time to change by 0.2 s? Express your answer in meters.

Task 10 No. 27958. If you rotate a bucket of water on a rope in a vertical plane quickly enough, the water will not spill out. Complete testing, check answers, see solutions; if the work is assigned by the teacher, it will be sent to him. The table gives estimates of each indicator for several models of hair dryers. Determine which model has the lowest rating.

The track layout is shown in the figure. It is known that the surface area of ​​a certain star is S = 1021/625 m2, and its radiation power is P = 5.7∙1025 W. Find the temperature of this star in degrees Kelvin. The height above the ground of a thrown ball changes according to the law h (t) = 1.6 + 8 t − 5 t2, where h is the height in meters, t is the time in seconds that has passed since the throw. How many seconds will the ball be at a height of at least three meters? After rain, the water level in the well may rise.

For similar tasks we tried various solutions. The vertical pylons are connected by a huge slack chain. The cables that hang from the chain and support the bridge deck are called cable stays. I didn’t do anything supernatural: I crammed formulas and solved problems on the Unified State Exam Cheat Sheet website. Express your answer in minutes. If you use this solution as an example for solving problems B12, preparation for the Unified State Exam will become more successful and efficient.