Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The poorest city in Russia. What is the poorest city in Russia? Top of the poorest cities in Russia Are residents of “poor cities” really “poor”?

The global economic crisis has hit hard all the most vulnerable sections of the population in different cities and countries. Based on a sociological study by the State Department of Sociology under the Government of the Russian Federation, a rating was compiled, which included the poorest cities in Russia in 2015. The list includes several of the largest cities in the country, in which the poverty level of residents is maximum.

It took tenth place in the ranking of poor cities. This circumstance is associated with the destructuring and deindustrialization of the city. There was a strong social stratification of the population. Rising costs and falling wages have greatly impacted the city's poverty rate. The poorest are pensioners: 81% of all older people are below the poverty line.

IN Naberezhnye Chelny things are not going well. Most of the city's poor residents are pensioners and military personnel. The unemployment rate is very high.

Thus, in the capital of the Altai Territory, 62% of young and elderly citizens have an income that is only enough to purchase basic necessities and food. At the same time, 9% of residents have the financial ability to purchase a car.

In seventh place in the poverty ranking for 2015 is. This is caused by poor quality of maintenance of the housing stock and poor quality roads. The low level of social services and health care also contributed. According to a sociological survey, the city's poor population is 16%.

Sixth place on the list of poor cities in 2015 belongs to Rostov-on-Don. Low-income residents of the city make up about 52%, while the majority of low-income people in this region are elderly. Their income is only enough for the bare necessities.

– took fifth position in our ranking. This is due to the high mortality rate of residents against the backdrop of a difficult life. Cheap, low-quality food floods the city's store shelves, and dirty streets spoil the experience. There are unauthorized landfills around the city. The study found that almost 20% of city residents consider themselves poor, and 64% consider themselves low-income people.

Included in the list of the poorest cities in Russia based on the low level of income of the population. Moreover, this city is a large industrial and tourist center of the country. However, despite everything, a difficult situation has arisen with the economic situation of the younger generation. It is young people who make up 40% of the low-income population of this metropolis. 2% of young people are at risk of poverty. This is reported in the research documents of the Department of Sociology of the Russian Federation: in the lists of the poorest cities in the Russian Federation for 2015.

Third place in the list of Russian cities that became impoverished last year went to Penza. Some city residents earn extra income to make ends meet. Despite the low unemployment rate, high-paying jobs are rare. Most of the city residents’ family budget is “eaten up” by loans, housing and communal services bills, and food. According to city residents, in recent years they have not felt social security.

In the official list of the poorest cities in Russia in 2015, in second place is a city known to the world for excellent fishing, beautiful nature and sturgeon caviar. It turns out that 11% of residents are critically poor, and 56% of the city’s population cannot afford unnecessary expenses. Despite the external chic of Astrakhan, with its beautiful hotels, restaurants, office buildings, the city does not have enough funds for basic repairs of suburban roads, there is no subsidization of charity, there is no timely removal of waste from enterprises, there are industrial debts to pay for various types of services to public utilities.

As a result of data processing, it was revealed that the most problematic and poorest metropolis in the Russian Federation is a world-famous city with a large automotive industry. Togliatti has the highest proportion of poor and low-income young men. Such data are disappointing, because a high poverty index and the proportion of low-income citizens can become the beginning of social unrest and outbreaks of aggression. About seven hundred thousand people live in the city, of which 13% live on the verge of poverty. This state of affairs is due to the fact that Togliatti is an industrial center of the late period, created by the will of the leadership of the Communist Party of the former USSR. The AvtoVAZ plant is in decline due to tough and serious competition in the automotive market. And the population of the city inevitably shares the fate of the enterprise.

In addition to large cities, where the standard of living of their residents is low, there are many small towns and villages in which the economic situation is more complex and gloomy. The worst results belong to Crimea, Smolensk and Ivanovo regions. Things are no better in the cities of the Far North.

There are a huge number of countries in the world, from the smallest to the largest, but regardless of their size, each of them is special. Some of the countries in the world are the very best in one way or another, some of which you have never even thought about. We present to your attention 40 countries that are champions in these parameters.

The most dangerous city in the world

In San Pedro Sula, Honduras, there are more than three murders per day every day. This is due to the fact that the city is an unofficial center for drug and weapons trafficking in the country.

The most sexually frustrated country

Japan is the least sexually satisfied country, as only about 15% of its residents have a full sex life. In addition, about 45% of Japanese women are not interested in having sexual intercourse with a partner

The hottest place in the world

The highest temperature of nearly 57°C was recorded in Death Valley National Park on July 10, 1913.

The coldest place in the world

It is not difficult to guess that it is the East Antarctic plateau, where temperatures can drop to -93 °C, which was recorded in 2010

The most populous city in the world

Shanghai was able to accommodate a whopping 24.150 million residents. The largest house for people in the world!

Least populated city in the world

The Vatican is not only the smallest country in the world, but also the least populated city, whose population is about 842 people

The richest city in the world

This tower could have been made of gold, since Tokyo's GDP is a fantastic $1.520 trillion.

The poorest city in the world

Kinshasa is the poorest city in the Republic of Congo, which is also the poorest country in the world, with a GDP of $55 trillion. Residents of this country live on average on $1 a day

Highest point in the world

Chomolungma, also known as Everest, also known as Sagarmatha, is the highest mountain in the world, whose height is 8848 meters.

Lowest point in the world

The lowest known point on the planet is a place called the Challenger Deep, which is located at a depth of almost 11 thousand meters below sea level, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench

The most photographed place in the world

Since today almost everyone has a phone with a camera and the Internet, it was not difficult for scientists to calculate the most photographed place in the world using geotags left using Sightsmap and Google. So, the most photographed place is the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York

The wettest place on Earth

The city of Mawsynram, India, receives about 12 meters of rainfall per year. In 1985, a record 25.5 meters of precipitation was recorded

Driest place on Earth

Almost 1000 km from South America is the Atacama Desert, which is the driest place on Earth. In this desert, about 10 centimeters fall, attention, in 1000 years!

The sunniest place on Earth

Yuma, Arizona receives an average of 11 hours of sunshine per day. This happens 90 percent of the time every year. On average, Yuma receives 4,015 hours of daylight per year.

The most expensive city to live

Singapore is the new world champion in terms of high cost of living, surpassing even Tokyo to receive the title of “the most expensive city in the world.” Cars in this city-state cost on average 4-6 times more expensive than in far from the cheapest countries in the world

The cheapest city to live

Mumbai, India is the cheapest place to live in the world. According to the global cost of living index, if a loaf of bread costs you $3.36 in Singapore, it costs only 91 cents in Mumbai

The glutton country that consumes the largest amount of food

Well, of course the USA, where the average resident consumes about 3,770 calories every day

The oldest city in the world

This is of course controversial, but Damascus, Syria is considered the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Thanks to the artifacts found, scientists were able to prove that signs of civilization were present in this city about 11 thousand years ago.

The youngest country in the world

In 2011, the people of South Sudan were officially recognized as an independent state, making them the youngest country in the world

The most visited city in the world

For several years now, Bangkok has not been the most visited city in the world; its place has been taken by London, which (according to MasterCard's 2014 Global Destinations City Index) annually welcomes about 18.690 million international guests, earning about $19.3 billion from them

Most Popular Country

Least Popular Country in the World

The most coffee-rich country in the world

On average, Swedish residents consume about 388 mg of caffeine from coffee per person per day, that's about 5 cans of Red Bull energy drink!

The most drunk country in the world

This place was taken by Moldova, because the population of this country drinks about 18.22 liters of alcohol per year

City of cyclists

Around 50% of the population of the city of Groningen in the Netherlands commutes by bike every day, making it the city with the highest proportion of cyclists on the planet

The most energy efficient city

All of Reykjavik, Iceland's energy consumption comes from continuously renewable geothermal sources via hydroelectric power, making it the most energy efficient city in the world.

Cat loving country

There are approximately 76.430 million feline friends in the United States.

Dog loving country

And again the USA, the country is home to about 61.1 million of a person’s true friends, which is twice as many as in any other country in the world

Most Sexually Satisfied Country

Switzerland, with its liberal views on pornography, prostitution and sex, which Swiss children are taught about from kindergarten, is the most satisfied country in the world. The vast majority of the population rate their sex life as “excellent”. Perhaps this is why Switzerland also bears the title of the most early-birthing country, due to the huge number of teenagers who give birth

The most emotional country

Scientists have found that even such a simple question as “how was your day” can evoke much more emotions in a resident of the Philippines than in residents of other countries

The least emotional country in the world

Studies have shown that Singaporeans are the most unemotional. Only 3 in 10 people experienced any emotional reactions to basic scenarios or when describing how their day went

Country with the longest life expectancy in the world

According to a 2013 World Health Organization study, Monaco ranked first in terms of life expectancy of its population. On average, every man in Monaco lives to be 85.3 years old, and women to 89.

Country with the shortest life expectancy on Earth

It was Sierra Leone, where men live to 47 years on average, and women to 48.

The most tolerant country towards homosexuality

More than 88% of Spaniards said they accept homosexuality and other alternative sexuality. Immediately behind them is Germany, 87%, whose residents answered exactly the same

The sexiest country in the world

This parameter is very difficult to determine, because everyone has their own criteria for sexuality. But nevertheless, most people consider Brazilians the most attractive and sexy

The most tense country in the world

By "stressful" we mean the stress experienced by the population. Looking at the murder rate, GDP per capita, income inequality, corruption and unemployment, we can safely say that Nigeria rightfully occupies this place

Least tense country in the world

This place is occupied by Norway, whose residents experience the least stress

Highest average IQ

There are many factors that can influence IQ level, so this "self" parameter is highly controversial. However, through research, scientists have suggested that the city with the highest average IQ is Hong Kong, whose population has an average score of 107

Country with the lowest average IQ

According to the IQ and Wealth of Nations data, this place is occupied by Equatorial Guinea, whose residents have an average score of only 59 points

The city with the most developed Internet network in the world

It's surprising that all 618 million Chinese users who spend 18.7 hours a week surfing the Internet prevent China from taking that spot. And this place was taken by Seoul, South Korea, with its incredibly developed free wi-fi network covering the entire city. Seoul is an Internet addict's paradise.

The poorest cities in Russia were determined by the Department of Sociology of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

To whom in Russia life is not good according to the anti-rating results cities?

The list of Russian cities by poverty level is based on a 2014 study, which was conducted in 35 cities with a population of more than 500,000 inhabitants.
During the study, citizens were asked to rate their well-being on a five-point scale. The study was conducted on the basis of a survey of how the population itself assesses its well-being. Based on the data obtained, sociologists calculated the “poverty index.”

Which city is the poorest in Russia?

The poorest Russian city is Tolyatti. This city has a very high poverty index, the highest percentage of poor young men - which, according to sociologists, is fraught with social unrest.
Cities where the problem of poverty is less acute are Moscow, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Tyumen. In these places the poverty index is less than 0.25 compared to Togliatti, where the index is 0.8. St. Petersburg took 29th place in terms of the number of poor people in the ranking of large cities of the Russian Federation.
Compared to the early 2000s, despite recurring crises and sanctions imposed against our country, the situation in Russia has improved. Almost half of Chelyabinsk residents are classified as low-income. In Krasnoyarsk, slightly less than half of the residents believe that they are not rich enough. Saratov residents became poor. In 2003, the share of the critically poor population (those who barely have enough money for food), according to the study, was 37%, low-income (there is only enough money for food and basic necessities) - 76%. In December 2014 - 10% and 54%, respectively.

Last year, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets told special correspondent Arseny Steiner that there are more than 25.7 million poor people in Russia. “And in conditions of inflation and imposed sanctions, their number will inevitably increase,” Golodets said. She also warned that the purchasing power of Russian citizens' salaries would decrease due to the sharp depreciation of the national currency.

2013 turned out to be the most prosperous year for the country in social terms: 10% of the poor, 46% of the low-income. And one of the local peaks of poverty occurred at the end of 2011, when the share of those who barely have enough to eat reached 16-18%. It was then, as researchers note, that the “swamp” movement arose, which faded away by mid-2012 - when the share of the “very poor” dropped to 9-11%. The 2015 rating was approved and sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin for an appropriate decision.

The poorest cities in Russia list 2015 : Togliatti, Astrakhan, Penza, Volgograd, Saratov. These are the five poorest, followed by Rostov-on-Don, Lipetsk, Barnaul, Naberezhnye Chelny and Voronezh with an index of 0.49.

The most prosperous cities in Russia in 2015 ranking

This rating is headed by Vladivostok with a poverty index of 0.08. It is followed by Moscow with an equal indicator of 0.08 and Yekaterinburg. St. Petersburg took seventh place in 2015. And the capital Novosibirsk closes the top ten.