Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Simon the Zealot (Cananite) is one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot Apostle Simon the Zealot

Memory Saint Apostle Simon the Zealot takes place in the Orthodox Church on May 23, according to the new style, and also on July 13, the day of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.

Biography of Saint Simon the Zealot
Very little is known about the life of Saint Simon the Zealot, although his name is mentioned in the list of the twelve apostles, which is given by all three evangelists and weather forecasters. Moreover, it is written about him in the book of Acts. It is believed that he was from Cana in Galilee and it was in his house that the Lord performed the first miracle, turning ordinary water into fine wine at a wedding, after which Simon believed in Him and from that time began to follow the Savior, becoming one of His closest disciples. There is a tradition according to which Simon the Zealot was the son of Joseph the betrothed and thus the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Since among the twelve apostles there was already one disciple with the name Simon (aka Peter), the second Simon was given the nickname Canaanite, which indicated his origin from Cana of Galilee. The exact location of this ancient settlement is unknown, but it is believed that it was located on the site of the present village of Kafr Kana in Israel, where a large temple was later built, called the Church of the Wedding.
In addition, the Apostle Simon is sometimes called the Zealot. The exact origin of this nickname is not entirely clear, but it can be assumed that it indicates that the apostle belongs to the religious and political movement of the Zealots. This movement arose in the era of the Maccabees in the middle of the 1st century BC and reached its apogee in the first half of the 1st century after Christ. The Zealot movement was very radical. The goal of the adherents of this movement was the liberation of Judea from the power of Rome and Hellenistic influence, which manifested itself not only in the political, but also in the religious life of the country. So, for example, in 66, by order of the Roman governor, all the silver was confiscated from the Jerusalem Temple, which was the reason for the start of the Jewish War, started by the Zealots. Although during the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ the Zealot party had not yet resorted to such decisive actions as an uprising against Roman rule, they were already distinguished by great national self-awareness, firmly believing in the special mission and chosenness of the Jewish people. Simon's membership in this party suggests that religious issues were extremely important to him. Having believed in Christ as the promised Messiah and Savior, he began to preach the new faith with the same zeal with which he had previously professed the teachings of Moses.
After the Ascension of the Lord, Saint Simon the Canaanite began his apostolic ministry, first in Judea, where he became the second bishop of Jerusalem after the martyrdom of the Apostle James, and then preached Christianity in Egypt, Libya and Abkhazia. It is also possible that he accompanied the Apostle Judas Jacob on his missionary journey to Persia. It is known that Simon the Zealot suffered martyrdom in the Caucasus around the year 107.

Icon of the Apostle Simon the Zealot
There is no single iconography of the holy Apostle Simon the Zealot, but he is often depicted as an old man with gray hair with a book or scroll. These items are obligatory attributes on the icons of the apostles, as they symbolize their preaching activities and the spread of the word of God among the pagans. In addition, on the icons of Simon the Canaanite you can see a saw that he holds in his hands, which reminds of his martyrdom. According to legend, the holy apostle was sawed to death with a saw.

Slavic traditions of celebrating Simon's Day
For many Slavic peoples, this day was considered special, since after the celebration of the memory of Simon the Canaanite, agricultural work began. Therefore, on the day of the holiday itself, the land was given rest without doing any work in the field.

Troparion, tone 3:
Apostle Saint Simon,/ pray to the merciful God,/ that forgiveness of sins// will grant to our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:
It is known by the wisdom of the teaching in the souls of the pious that / in praise we will please all Simon, like the one who speaks God: / now he stands before the throne of glory and rejoices with the Bodiless, / / ​​praying unceasingly for all of us.

We magnify you, / Apostle of Christ Simon, / and honor your illnesses and labors, / in whose image you worked / in the gospel of Christ.

Holy glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simon, who was deemed worthy to receive into your home in Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, and to be an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, revealed on your brother, turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: beg Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving to God-loving; save and protect us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us for help from above during our despondency and helplessness; Let us not stumble over the stone of temptation, but unswervingly walk the saving path of Christ’s commandments, until we reach those blessed heavenly abodes where you now dwell and rejoice. Hey, Apostle Spasov! Do not disgrace us, who firmly trust in you, but be your helper and protector in all our lives and help us to end this temporary life in a pious and godly manner, to receive a good and peaceful Christian death and to be honored with a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; May we, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce ruler of the world, inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

School of Life" and literally writes the following: "In some publications ("Lives of All Saints", Ivan Bukharev, Moscow, 1900) it is said that Simeon was crucified on the cross in Britain, where he was allegedly buried, but the Russian Orthodox the church considers this opinion to be false." The same opinion is replicated by some other Russian-language sites, which believe that in Western Europe the saint could not have been crucified or tortured, but only in his native lands.

And yet, English Wikipedia provides information that the holy Apostle Simon the Canonite, apparently, preached in ancient Glastonbury, and was martyred in Caistor (modern Lincolnshire).

So, there is a point of view that the holy Apostle Simon the Zealot preached on the islands of Great Britain and was crucified on the cross there by local pagans. It is quite logical if you follow his tracks across North Africa to the west. But there is no evidence. Just one of the legends.

The second version of Simon the Zealot's life as an apostle ends in ancient Babylon (modern Iraq). For example, this version is given in the German Wikipedia, and in general is widespread in the Near and Middle East. Moreover, from Jerusalem the apostle went to preach the Gospel through the ancient city of Edessa. In Babylon, the apostle was executed along with the apostle Judas Thaddeus.

Finally, the third version, used exclusively within the Russian Empire, and even now, boils down to the fact that after Edessa, the Apostle Thaddeus went to the Caucasus and settled in solitude and preached in a cave above the small river Psyrtskha. As it is written in the article “What do we know about Simon the Canaanite?”, thanks to his preaching, “the cruel pagan custom of sacrificing babies to the gods and cannibalism was destroyed in Abkhazia.” Currently, on the site of the spiritual deed of the Apostle, the New Athos Monastery is again functioning and the cave in which the holy Apostle lived has been restored. Also marked is the place above the river where the holy apostle was executed. Tradition says that the pagans cut off his head and that red stains of the apostle’s blood still appear at the place of execution. But, again, this is only one of several versions of the death of Christ’s disciple.

In the Western Christian tradition, Simon the Zealot is usually depicted holding a saw because, as the legend says, he was sawed by a saw.

Relics of the Holy Apostle

The Caucasian version of the death of Simol the Zealot tells that his relics rest under cover in the destroyed Simon-Kananite temple in Abkhazia. Nevertheless, some of his relics can be traced in different countries and cities of Western Europe: Rome and the German Cologne and Hersfeld. In Cologne, pilgrims can pray and bow their heads at a piece of relics stored and accessible to visitors in the Basilica of St. Andrew (the First-Called).

The report that part of the relics of the holy apostle is in Hersfeld can be questioned, since in 1040 they were donated to Goslar, and the Hersfeld monastery itself was eventually destroyed and the ruins are now protected as a historical monument.

It is not clear what is with the relics in Goslar, at least it is known that Simon the Zealot is his patron.

Finally, the presence of part of the relics of Simon the Zealot is stated by Sayn, which is part of the city of Koblenz. Yes, not just parts, but the hands of the apostle. There is only one problem: nowhere on the Internet there is not a single photograph or information confirming the presence of part of the relics of the holy apostle in Sayna today.

As a result, we can really only talk about Cologne. In addition, in Germany there are several churches named after the apostles Simon the Zealot and Judas Thaddeus (the general name of the churches). The list can be viewed.

Holy Apostle Simon, pray to God for us.

Text: Alexey Potupin, May 20, 2010.
Top image: Apostle Simon the Zealot (Canaanite). National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Simon Zealot

Further, in listing the names of the apostles, Luke names “Simon, called the Zealot” (Luke 6:15). In the Gospel of Matthew (10:4) and in the Gospel of Mark (3:18) the apostle is called Simon the Canaanite. The nickname does not refer to Canaan or the settlement of Cana, but comes from the Hebrew word qanna, which means “zealot.”

Apparently Simon belonged to the Zealots. The very fact that the nickname remained for the rest of his life testifies to the fact that the apostle had a zealous, ardent character. However, during Jesus' time on earth, the word referred to was a prominent outlawed and widely feared political party. And Simon was probably a member.

The historian Josephus wrote about the four main Jewish parties of the time. The Pharisees were picky about the Law; they were the religious fundamentalists of their time. Sadducees - religious liberals; they rejected the supernatural. The members of this group were wealthy aristocrats and powerful people. The temple was under their care. The Essenes are not mentioned at all in Scripture, but both Josephus and Philo of Alexandria write about them as people of asceticism and ritual, people who lived in the desert and devoted themselves to the study of the Law. The fourth group is the Zealots, a more politicized community than any other except the Herodians. The Zealots hated the Romans. They sought to overthrow the Roman occupying power and achieved their goals mainly through acts of terrorism and covert acts of violence.

The Zealots adhered to extremes in everything. Like the Pharisees, they interpreted the law literally. However, unlike the Pharisees (who sought compromise in political matters), the Zealots were aggressive and violent outcasts, outlaws. They believed that only God Himself could rule over the Jews, and therefore they were confident that they were doing God's work by attacking Roman soldiers, political leaders, and in general anyone who opposed them.

The Zealots hoped that the Messiah would lead their fight against Rome and restore the kingdom in Israel to the glory of Solomon. They were ardent patriots and were willing to die on the spot for what they believed in. Here is what Josephus wrote about them:

“The founder of the fourth philosophical school was the Galilean Judas. The adherents of this sect in all other respects are completely aligned with the teachings of the Pharisees. But they have an unrestrained love for freedom. They consider the Lord God to be their only leader and ruler. They consider going to death as nothing, just as they despise death, friends and relatives, just so as not to recognize the supremacy of man over themselves. Since anyone can personally verify this with their own eyes, I do not consider it necessary to dwell on them in particular. I have nothing to fear that my words about them will not be given faith; on the contrary, my words are far from exhausting all their generosity and their readiness to undergo suffering. The people began to suffer from their mad infatuation under Hessius Florus, who was governor and brought the Jews, through abuse of their power, to revolt against the Romans.”

The uprising “under Hessius Flora,” about which Josephus writes, occurred in the 6th year AD. e., when a group of Zealots rebelled, the reason for which was the collection of a poll tax on the census established by Rome. The leader and founder of the Zealots, as Josephus writes, was Judas the Galilean, who is mentioned in the book of Acts (5:37).

The Zealots were sure that by paying tribute to the pagan king, the Jews were betraying God. This point of view was widespread among people for whom Roman taxes had become too heavy a burden. Judas the Galilean took advantage of the opportunity, gathered military forces and began to kill, rob and destroy in a frenzy. The followers of Judas the Galilean waged guerrilla warfare and committed terrorist acts against the Romans. However, the Romans soon suppressed the uprising, killed Judas the Galilean and crucified his sons.

The Zealot party went underground. Their terrorist attacks have become selective and more secretive. As described in Chapter 2, they formed a faction of secret assassins called the Sicarii (which literally means "dagger man") because members of this faction carried short daggers with a curved blade. The Sicharii tried to quietly get behind the back of a Roman soldier or political leader and stabbed him in the back between the ribs, skillfully piercing the heart.

They burned Roman military posts in Judea and then hid in the remote corners of Galilee. As Josephus wrote in the passage quoted above, their willingness to undergo any kind of suffering or death, including the same torment they inflicted on others, was widely known. The Romans could torture the Zealots, kill them, but could not extinguish their ardor.

When the Roman army under the leadership of Titus Vespasian devastated Jerusalem in the year 70 after Christ, many historians believe that the Zealots aggravated the terrible destruction of the Jews. During the siege, when the Roman army had already surrounded the city and blocked supply routes, the Zealots began to kill their own Jews, who wanted to enter into negotiations with Rome to lift the siege. The Zealots did not allow anyone who wanted to save their lives to surrender. When Titus realized how hopeless the situation was, he destroyed the city, killed thousands of inhabitants, and carried away the treasures from the Temple. The Zealots' blind hatred of Rome and everything related to Rome ultimately led to the destruction of their home city. The Zealots were driven by a reckless fanaticism that led them to self-destruction.

Josephus suggests that the name "Zealots" was misinterpreted, "as if they zealously pursued good goals, while in reality they applied all their zeal to evil deeds and in this respect surpassed themselves."

Simon was one of them. It is interesting that when listing the names of the twelve apostles, Matthew and Mark write the name of Simon before the name of Judas Iscariot. When Jesus sent out the disciples two at a time (Mark 6:7), it is likely that Simon and Judas Iscariot were together. Perhaps they both initially followed Jesus out of similar political views. However, at some stage Simon became a sincere believer and changed. Judas Iscariot never truly believed.

When Jesus did not overthrow Roman rule, but instead began to talk about death, some might have thought that Simon would become a traitor; after all, he is an ardent and zealous man, with such political convictions that led him to the terrorists. But this was the case even before meeting Jesus.

Of course, being one of the twelve chosen, Simon had to somehow communicate with Matthew, with a man who belonged to a completely different political stratum - he collected taxes for the Roman government. At some point in his life, Simon might have gladly killed Matthew. But in the end, Matthew and Simon became spiritual brothers, working side by side, striving for the same goal - to spread the Gospel and worship the same Lord.

It is simply amazing that Jesus chose a man like Simon to become an apostle. However, Simon was an extremely loyal man, possessed of amazing ardor, courage and zeal. He believed the truth and accepted Christ as his Lord. The ardent enthusiasm for Israel that had once possessed Simon now expressed itself in complete devotion to Christ.

Several sources say that after the destruction of Jerusalem, Simon took the gospel north and preached throughout the British Isles. The name of the apostle appears from the pages of biblical narratives, like the names of many others. There is no reliable information about the death of the apostle, but all legends say that he was killed for preaching the Gospel. The man who was once willing to kill and die for political beliefs that applied only to Judah found a better purpose for which he was able to give his life: to proclaim salvation to sinners from different nations, tongues and tribes.

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SIMON of Todor (Todorsky), archbishop. (1701–54), Russian. Orthodox church writer, philologist. He graduated from the KDA (1727), after which he continued his education in Halle (Germany). Under the guidance of *Michaelis, he studied Greek. and east languages. He was a teacher in Germany and Hungary. Then he returned to Russia, where in 1743

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Simon Now only one son of Mattathias remains alive - the second eldest Simon. He was quickly chosen as the new leader: 1 Mac. 13:8. ...and they answered with a loud voice and said: “You [Simon] are our leader in place of Judah and Jonathan your brother...” Simon tried to ransom

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Simon As often happens, external problems fall on us because internal ones bring them: 2 Mac. 3: 4. But one Simon... who had been appointed trustee of the temple, got into a dispute with the high priest about breaking the laws in the city. In the times after the captivity the high priest was also

From the book Orthodox Saints. Miraculous helpers, intercessors and intercessors for us before God. Reading for salvation author Mudrova Anna Yurievna

Simon In Capernaum, Jesus quickly achieved success; here he had an attentive audience, which was not the case in Nazareth. He even began to gather disciples around him: Matthew 4:18–20. Passing near the Sea of ​​Galilee, He saw two brothers: Simon, called Peter, and Andrew, brother

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Simon the Magician At the time of Philip's arrival, the Samaritans were already carried away by another leader: Acts 8:9. Now there was a certain man in the city named Simon, who had previously practiced magic and astonished the people of Samaria, posing as someone great. Because of this verse, this person usually

From the book of the Lives of the Holy Glorious and All-Praised Apostles author Filimonova L.V.

Simon Peter The following epistle is also attributed to Peter: 2 Peter 1:1. Simon Peter, servant and Apostle of Jesus Christ, who accepted with us the equally precious faith in the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ... This thesis is supported by reference to Peter’s past - to what he saw

From the book 50 main prayers to attract a loved one into your life author Berestova Natalia

Apostle Simon the Zealot, Canaanite (May 10/23 and June 30/July 13) The Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot came from Cana of Galilee, was the son of the holy Betrothed Joseph, the brother of the Lord in the flesh, and one of the 12 apostles. The first miracle that the Savior performed was turning water into wine,

From the book Complete Yearly Circle of Brief Teachings. Volume II (April–June) author Dyachenko Grigory Mikhailovich

Apostle Simon the Zealot (Canaanite) (I) May 23 (May 10, O.S.) Synaxis of the glorious and all-praised 12 Apostles - July 13 (June 30, O.S.) The Church established that the Gospel lines about the consolidated ones should be read at the Liturgy brothers according to the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ - the sons of the righteous Joseph

From the author's book

Apostle Simon the Zealot (Zealot) Apostle Simon is called a zealot, which means “zealot.” The Zealots are a movement among the Pharisees. The Zealots fought for the independence of Judea from Rome, and opposed that part of the Jewish people that was inclined to compromise with the pagans. Kananit

From the author's book

Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot Christ spent the days of His adolescence and youth in the small Galilean town of Nazareth. But now the time has come for His open ministry to the human race, and He goes to Judea, where in the Judean desert, on the banks of the Jordan, John the Baptist

From the author's book

Apostle Simon the Zealot Kontakion, Tone 2 It is known that the wisdom of the teaching in the souls of the pious will please Him in praise, as the God-speaking Simon: He now stands before the Throne of Glory and rejoices with the Bodiless, praying unceasingly for all

From the author's book

St. Apostle Simon the Zealot (On the Love of God) I. St. Apostle Simon, whose memory is celebrated today, is also called a Canaanite because of his origin from that Cana of Galilee, where the Savior showed the first example of miracles by turning water into wine at a wedding feast, at in which He and the Most Pure

Holy Apostle Si-mon Zi-lot came from Ka-na of Ga-li-lei-skaya, was the son of Saint Ob-ruch-nik Joseph , by flesh the brother of the Lord and one of the 12 apostles. The first miracle that the Spa-si-tel created - the transformation of water into wine - happened in Si-mo's house -on: during the feast there was not enough wine for the guests. Then the Lord, through the presence of the Most Holy Bo-go-ma-te-ri, transformed water into wine. Having received a miracle, Simon believed with all his heart and soul in the Lord Jesus as both the Messiah and , having left everything, he followed Him. Si-mon received the name "zi-lo-ta", i.e. rev-no-te-lya. On the day of Pentecost, he accepted, together with other apo-sto-la-mi, the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Apostle Simon propagated the teachings of Christ in Judea, Egypt, Libya, Cy-ri-ney and Britain. In Abkhazia he received a great death and was crucified on the cross. Po-gre-ben in the city of Ni-kop-sii near Su-hu-mi. Subsequently (in the 19th century), on the site of the movement of the holy apostle, near the Iverskaya Mountain, No-vo-a was built -fon-sky mo-na-styr Si-mo-na Ka-na-ni-ta. Until now, the cave has been preserved, in which there is a holy apostle table under the hall.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Apostle Simon the Zealot

Apostle Saint Simon,/ pray to the merciful God,/ may forgiveness of sins// be granted to our souls.

Translation: Saint Simon, pray to the merciful God that He will grant forgiveness of sins to our souls.

Kontakion to Apostle Simon the Zealot

Known to the wisdom of the teaching in the souls of the pious, we will gladden in praise, as Simon, who speaks unto God, stands before the throne of glory now, and rejoices with the Bodiless, praying unceasingly for us all .

Translation: Let us glorify the theological Simon, who has firmly implanted everything in the souls of the teachings of wisdom, with praises: for he now stands and rejoices with the disembodied Powers, interceding unceasingly for all of us.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot, Canaanite

Kontakion 1

Chosen apostle of Christ and evangelist, through the midst of your preaching, who caught the salvation of many human souls and brought darkened people to Christ through idolatry, blessed Simon, in songs we praise you with love and pray to you diligently: for having boldness in the Lord, pray to Him for our sinners and with your prayers free us from all troubles, and let us call to you: Rejoice, Simon, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Ikos 1

The Creator and Master of angels, Christ God, saved even fallen humanity, having clothed ourselves in our flesh and living with men, but came to Cana of Galilee for marriage in your house, Simon the Most Praiseworthy, together with His Most Pure Matter, the Virgin Theotokos, Who, by the entreaty of the Mother, began the first fruits of miracles. Show Yours in your house, miraculously transforming water into wine on your brother and thereby showing the power of Your Divinity. The same to you, blessed with the visit and favor of the God-Man, as the Seer of God and His chosen disciple, with tenderness we cry out to you: Rejoice, beautiful bridegroom, wonderfully called from earthly marriage to the marriage of the Lamb; Rejoice, glorified in heaven and on earth. Rejoice, thou who faithfully served the Word incarnate; Rejoice, in preaching the Gospel of truth, great zeal was revealed. Rejoice, thou who loved the Most Sweet Lord Jesus with all thy heart; Rejoice, thou who left the earthly betrothed and followed Him. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 2

Having seen the miracles of Christ, Simone, the most glorious, you faithfully followed God who appeared in the flesh, you were loved from the Unworthy and His apostle was numbered among the chosen twelve, as a zealot of His glory, you received a new name Zealot, who is a zealot. Ask for this zeal for the glory of God for us, disciples of the Saviors, so that together with you we may be worthy to sing to Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The heavenly mind was given to you from above, Simon the God-Wise, also listening to the Divine word of Christ God, I formed it in your heart, and, like the good earth, you brought Him a hundredfold fruit of the teachings of the Gospel grace, with it you illuminated the ends of the world for the salvation of the world and, like a preacher of God, the soul-saving , hear from us songs like this: Rejoice, the yoke of Christ, good and easy, accepted on your frame; Rejoice, by the example of your saints attract all of us to follow Christ. Rejoice, you who are the same-named zealot for the glory of God; Rejoice, dearest lover of the Lord Jesus. Rejoice, wondrous teacher of those who seek salvation to Him; Rejoice, silent evangelist of the Gospel's soul-saving teaching. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 3

The power of God's autumn upon you, Apostle of Christ Simon, when you followed in the footsteps of Christ the Lord, walking with Him through Judea and Galilee, listening to His Divine teaching and contemplating the greatness of His miracles. Likewise, Christ, as His faithful follower and disciple, granted you the power and strength to heal ailments, heal illnesses and drive away unclean spirits, so that everyone glorify His power, revealed in you, and sing a song of praise to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You had only one concern, O all-blessed Simone, to faithfully serve and please Christ God, appearing in the flesh for human salvation, His companion and self-seeing witness, you were honored to be and from His Divine lips you drew grace from the great teachings of heaven, about which, marveling, we say to you: Rejoice, all-joyful preacher of the Gospel of truth to us; Rejoice, morning star, who brought to us the sun beyond evening. Rejoice, self-seeing and servant of God incarnate; Rejoice, O Lord, you are a partaker of His journeys and His immortal meals. Rejoice, chosen and faithful disciple of Christ; Rejoice, His friend, who has preserved your friendship towards Him to the end. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 4

The storm of Jewish rage nailed Christ God to the Cross, who willed to suffer for all people, but did not shake your faith and hope, Blessed Simon, for He is the Savior of the world, prophesied of old by the prophets to the temptation of fallen humanity. Moreover, as the Master and God, you faithfully sang a song of praise to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the Divine voice of Christ, the giver of life, who rose from the dead for three days and came to His disciples through the closed door, and “Peace be with you!” Reshago, Simona, God-bearing, you rejoiced greatly and you reverently bowed to Him, like God, and then you silently proclaimed to everyone the immutable truth of His resurrection. For this reason we call you in praise: Rejoice, thou who has worthily received the peace of Christ into the immaculate vessel of thy soul; Rejoice, you who have pacified the ends of the world with grace. Rejoice, ancient hostility to the idolatrous consumer; Rejoice, the truth of the resurrection of Christ is obvious and loud to the witness. Rejoice, the door closed to the contemplator of the wondrous passing of Christ; Rejoice, hearer of His most divine and joyful voice. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 5

Having seen the divine ascension of Christ into heaven and the Holy Spirit, sent down from Him in fiery tongues, you became a partaker of Simon the Most Praiseworthy, the divine Spirit-Bearer and, endowed with power from above, you flowed to preach the Gospel in Judea, Syria, Egypt, Mauritania, Spain, Britain , Persia, Iberia and Armenia, proclaiming to people in the darkness of unbelief the saving light of Christ God and the right faith in Him, and bringing everyone to call Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen you, Apostle of Christ, the Most Pure Mother of God, from distant countries on a cloud, having arrived at Her most honorable dormition, she rejoiced with holy joy and vouchsafed you with His conversation and blessing before death; You were filled with so much joy, contemplating Her Son and God, who came to Her with the holy Angels and received Her holy soul in His hands. We, too, reverently remembering, out of zealous love, proclaim these all-joyful verbs: Rejoice, heavenly disciple of the Savior, miraculously brought to the burial of the Mother of the Lord on a cloud; Rejoice, O Christ, who received and contemplated the soul of His Mother in His hands. Rejoice, having served worthily at the burial of the Most Pure Mother of God; Rejoice, you who understood the Mother of God who was lifted up with the body of the Mount. Rejoice, you who saw Her burial shrouds and empty tomb in Gethsemane; Rejoice, in a luminous vision with the saints the Angels were honored to see the coming Lady of the world. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 6

The God-speaking preacher appeared, the Apostle of Christ Simon, in wild countries and to beastly people, you proclaimed the Gospel of Christ, by your meekness and gentleness overcoming those cruelties and transforming them from divi wolves into the lambs of Christ, even as you learned to sing to the Triune God the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have shone, disciple of the Savior, like a radiant lamp in infidel countries and, like a godly luminary, you have flowed around the east and west, proclaiming to people the saving faith in Christ Jesus, who inspires us to praise you, the divine preacher, with these praises: Rejoice, thou who art flown from the east and the west enlightened by the light of Christ; Rejoice, having proclaimed the teachings of the Gospel across Africa and Spain. Rejoice, thou who has tamed the severity of the British with the meekness of Jesus; Rejoice, having led Armenia and Iberia to the knowledge of the Son of God. Rejoice, you who convinced the Persians and the Medes to believe in Christ God; Rejoice, you who worked tirelessly in the gospel of Christ. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 7

You had a zealous desire, O apostle of Christ, to suffer as a martyr for the name of Christ and with your blood to seal the divine truth of your preaching of the Gospel, which the Lord arranged to bring you to Iberia from the unfaithful Lazov to be crucified on the cross and die a martyr. We remember your suffering Christ-like death, we honor your illnesses and labors and sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New Noah, the head of the ark of the soul-saving faith of Christ in Iberia, we recognize you as Simon the God-speaker, and as the founder and cornerstone of the Church of Iberia we honor you, and we honor the place of your burial with love, as sanctified by your blood and the repose of your relics, from which the healing gifts you exude to the faithful and invite you to call: Rejoice, everlasting guardian of Iberia; Rejoice, patron saint of Pitsunda, given by God. Rejoice, your temple in the desert was miraculously preserved from final destruction; Rejoice, your honorable coffin given to us as a consolation. Rejoice, having renovated the place of your exploits and sufferings with a monastic monastery in your name; Rejoice, ascetics of fasting and prayer from Saint Athos, who marvelously moved in the nude. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 8

Having completed your earthly journey, Apostle Spasov, you moved from earth to the heavenly abode, but on the earth you shine with rays of miracles and enlighten the souls of the faithful, who through God prayerfully come to you and honor your holy memory, and we, too, reverently, sing a song to God who glorified you : Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The entire Iveron Church reveres you, Apostle Simon, as its founder and patron, who established the faith of Christ on the unshakable foundation and watered it for spiritual fruitfulness with your honest blood, from the wonder that the host of saints who are now triumphant together with you in heaven vegetated in it. In the same way, we on earth bless your deeds and call to you: Rejoice, good and merciful consoler of the sorrowful; Rejoice, quickly presenting helper to those in need. Rejoice, you who have acquired great boldness towards Christ God, as His sincere friend; Rejoice, you who have received from Him power over unclean spirits. Rejoice, glory and praise be to your holy monastery; Rejoice, for those who labor in her as intercessors for eternal salvation. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 9

Imashi, the apostle of the Savior, will judge the whole world, sitting on the high and exalted throne, when Christ the Lord comes with glory to execute His righteous judgment; Then, holyly, beg His goodness to have mercy on us and not condemn us to eternal destruction, but to make us worthy to sing to Him with the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Human infamy is not sufficient for the worthy glorification of your exploits and miracles, Simone, the most praiseworthy, accept both, disciple of the Savior, graciously and mercifully these little and simple songs of ours, brought to you in praise with faith and love, and hear those crying to you: Rejoice, from the East and praised and glorified to the west; Rejoice, thou who sanctified the Iveron country by thy death. Rejoice, as a fruitful vine, in which Nina, Equal to the Apostles, grew spiritually; Rejoice, you who brought fruit to Christ from the bosom of the host of saints. Rejoice, thou who glorified the mountains and its valleys as ascetics of piety; Rejoice, as a father of children, triumphant with the saints of Iveron in the abodes of paradise. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 10

The guarantee of salvation, the holy Orthodox faith, was inherited from you, the Apostle of Christ Simon. We also pray to you: protect us, your children, from all heresies and schisms, by your prayerful intercession to God and help us to remain in unshakable Orthodoxy until the end of our days and sing faithfully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The chosen disciple of the Heavenly King Christ, Blessed Simon, pray to Him for us sinners, so that your God-loving zeal for the preservation of His law may be granted to us who are unworthy, so that we may be ready for deeds of Christian goodness and for the confession of our Orthodox faith, not only in words, but also in deeds , and appear as your children not only by name, but by the truth itself. For this we pray and call you: Rejoice, bright star, guiding everyone to the sun of the truth of Christ; Rejoice, unquenchable light, ever burning in prayer at the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the holy Church of Christ; Rejoice, golden vial, pour out healing streams for us. Rejoice, having received from Christ the power to knit and decide; Rejoice, having received from Him the gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 11

Bring the singing of the Most Holy Trinity to the mountain with all the saints, Simone, the most praiseworthy, and from the heavenly heights you come as a father to the place of your deeds and sufferings on earth, with your prayers helping everyone who faithfully honors your holy memory and sings a song to God about you: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving lamp of the Trisolar Light appears to the faithful, Apostle of Christ Simon, and invisibly illuminates all of us on the path of Christian good deeds, so that we may not fall into the snare of the enemy, the devil, but may remain unharmed from all his wicked traps and thus we will be able to cry out to you without condemnation: Rejoice, good shepherd of words the flock of Christ; Rejoice, do not allow the soul-destroying wolf to plunder your spiritual flock. Rejoice, thou who through the midst of thy preaching caught the ends of the world unto salvation; Rejoice, and now contribute to our salvation through your prayers. Rejoice, wise architect of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, the cornerstone of its foundation. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 12

Ask us for grace and mercy from the Lord, Simon the God-bearing Apostle of the Savior, as you have acquired great boldness towards Him, especially ask us from Him for repentance for sins and correction of our life, so that it will be filled with Christian virtues, so that we may still be able to sing on earth A heavenly song to our Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your illnesses and labors, Apostle Spasov, in the image in which you labored in the gospel of Christ, we honor your holy and ever-glorious memory, which fragrant us spiritually and delights our souls: for the ointment has truly appeared before God, the sweat of yours and the drops of blood of suffering, poured out by you for Christ, our holy representative. Thus we call to you: Rejoice, faithful preacher of the Most Holy Life-Giving Trinity; Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of angelic faces. Rejoice, beauty and foundation of the apostles; Rejoice, exaltation of the human race. Rejoice, free physician of mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, our unshameable hope is in God and the Most Holy Theotokos. Rejoice, Simone, apostle of Christ and prayer book for our souls.

Kontakion 13

O holy, glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simon, zealot of the law of God and our most powerful representative! Accept this small prayer song offered to you in praise, and beg the Savior Christ to deliver us from eternal torment and make us worthy of the joy of the saints, so that with them we may sing to Him forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the holy glorious and all-praised apostle of Christ Simon the Zealot, also called a Canaanite

Holy glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simon, who was deemed worthy to receive into your home in Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, and to be an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, revealed on your brother, turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: beg Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving to God-loving; save and protect us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us for help from above during our despondency and helplessness; Let us not stumble over the stone of temptation, but unswervingly walk the saving path of Christ’s commandments, until we reach those blessed heavenly abodes where you now dwell and rejoice. Hey, Apostle Spasov! Do not disgrace us, who firmly trust in you, but be our helper and protector in all our lives and help us to end this temporary life in a pious and godly manner, to receive a good and peaceful Christian death and to be granted a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; May we, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce ruler of the world, inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Canon to the Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot, Canaanite

Song 1

Irmos: Let us sing a song, people, to our wonderful God, who freed Israel from work, a song of victory, singing and crying out: we will sing to You, the only Master.

Chorus:Holy Apostle Simon, pray to God for us.

Standing in the highest, the wonderful Apostle, the One who glorified and the disciple showed Yourself light, enlighten my soul, so that I may sing your divine memory.

Christ has given you all the abundance of good things, the pinnacle of divine gifts, to the apostle, showing you by righteous judgment, the epiphany, the righteous is one.

Accept the all-spiritual dawn, O apostle, which descended upon you from heaven, you were inspired by fire, scorching all the charm of polytheism.

Theotokos: You, my mortal and perishable, immortal and incorruptible, Savior, having shown, you moved into the womb of the Holy Virgin without artifice, imagining yourself in human nature.

Song 3

Irmos: There is nothing holy, like the Lord, and nothing is righteous, like our God, to Him all creation sings: There is nothing righteous more than Thee, O Lord.

You have truly known the divine mystery of the Incarnation, O Apostle Simon, most acceptable to God, from the Savior Samago receive the premium dawn.

The Word of the Beginningless and Ever-Everlasting of Your servant, you, Simone, is wonderful, richly illuminating the radiance of Divine grace.

Theotokos: The all-gold priest is the prophet of the register, the Mother of God, who bears the non-evening Light, enlightening the world with the rays of the Divine, Christ our God.

Sedal of the Holy One, voice 3

You destroyed the Divine Spirit with the illumination of darkness, polytheism, and you enlightened the hearts of the faithful, singing the saving commandment, and you abolished the Hellenic fables, Glorious Simon, Christ God and grant us great mercy.

Song 4

Irmos: From the overshadowed mountain, the Word, the prophet, the only Mother of God, desiring to be incarnated as God, see and glorify Your power with fear.

The whole treasure of the gifts of the Gospel, filled with grace, the light of the world and the salt of the universe, O most blessed Simon, you were.

You turned away from the things of the cold phenomenon, but you were vouchsafed to see the immaterial Light, the form of the Divine, who received the thing of humanity, most wonderful.

Simone, disciple of imperishable life, put to death our living sin by the life-giving power of the Life-Giver, from which you took effect.

Theotokos: You were equal to your Father in essence, you were equal to man by nature, having received flesh from our Most Pure Virgin, Lord.

Song 5

Irmos: Enlightening the ends from the night of ignorance with the knowledge of God, enlighten me with the morning of Your love for mankind, O Lord.

With fire, O God-Seer, you have diligently received the visible tongue of the Spirit, sitting in the upper room.

As you are high, living in the highest villages, you brought us the lofty and great teachings.

Theotokos: The first law, O Virgin, has ceased with your birth, but grace has flourished, and truth has arisen.

Song 6

Irmos: Give me a robe of light; dress in light like a robe, O most merciful Christ our God.

Jealousy is the name of the betrothed, Simone, who was most wonderfully jealous of the Lord God Almighty.

The self-maker of Divine miracles, the Savior demonstrated, having given power to you through the action of His goodness.

Theotokos: Let the mouths of the wicked be stopped, O Theotokos of the wise, O All-Immaculate, and let their faces be clothed in staleness.

Kontakion, voice 2

Knowing the wisdom of the teaching in the souls of the pious, let us please him in praise, like Simon, who speaks unto God: He now stands before the throne of glory and rejoices with the disembodied, praying unceasingly for all us


Let us now praise the memory of all the Apostles, like a day of salvation, and piously bless them: for the whole universe, like the sun, shines, with rays of light driving away all darkness, and enlightens all I see this memory as one who commemorates and kindly honors. Moreover, we zealously sing, praising him: for Christ stands before us, praying unceasingly for all of us.

Song 7

Irmos: The fathers of Judaism in the cave boldly trampled down the flame, and turned the fire into the dew, crying out: Blessed are you, O Lord God, forever.

Strange is jealousy, Simon, having, the name of jealousy, blessed, thou art called, and the character, I agree with the title, thou hast acquired, - blessed art thou, O Lord, - crying, - unto the ages.

Together, the Word and the interlocutor of the One who was there, shared the Kingdom there, calling: Blessed are you, Lord God, forever.

Theotokos: By the flattery of ancient good fortune the forefathers cast out the serpents, but you, Mother of God, called upon you. Blessed, Most Pure One, is the Fruit of Your womb.

Song 8

Irmos: The three youths, who disobeyed the Musikian body and the countless people who worshiped the image in Deir, sang and praised the Lord forever.

As your feet are red, Simone, your tongue is beautiful, declaring the glory of Christ, and teach you the name: Sing to the Lord and exalt to all ages.

Decorated with rays of light and miracles of radiance, you, Simon, are known to people as a blessed seed: Sing to the Lord, do, and exalt to all ages.

Theotokos: The mind cannot speak of Your Nativity, O Mother of God, and the word is exhausted from uttering: For God, having conceived, Thou didst give birth, O Virgin, Whom we exalt for all ages.

Song 9

Irmos: Let us gloriously honor the pure One, people, the Mother of God, who received the fire of the Divine without burning in her womb, with songs we magnify.

You were revealed as the end, a shining light, and, a spiritual fire, you appeared to be light-like, and therefore we magnify you.

Everything is entrusted to God, to Him you are dissolved, and now you pray to Him, O Epiphany, for us, who praise you with faith and love.

Theotokos: We magnify the salvation of all the Intercessor, who was a man and enlightened the world with the radiance of God-like purity, in songs.


Having returned the flow of your red legs, Simon the Apostle, you ascended to the heavenly procession, rejoicing, and, having presented yourself to the Trinity, you see in the Father the Son and the Divine Spirit. For this reason, by faith, we celebrate your sacred and divine memory.

Prayer to the Apostle Simon the Zealot

Holy, glorious and all-praiseworthy Apostle of Christ Simon, who was deemed worthy to receive into your house in Cana the Most Holy Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, Our Lady Theotokos, and What a glorious miracle of Christ appeared on your brother, turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: beg Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving to God-loving; save and protect us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us for help from above in times of despondency and helplessness; Let us not stumble over the stone of temptation, but let us steadily march along the saving path of the commandments of Christ, until we reach those blissful abode of paradise, where you now reside and rejoice. Hey, Apostle of Saviours! Do not disgrace us, who trust in you, but be our helper and protector in all our lives and help us to end this temporary life in a pious and godly manner, to a good and peaceful Christian end Well, get a good answer and be honored at the Last Judgment of Christ; so that, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce ruler of the world, we will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The Holy Apostle Simon the Canaanite - one of the 12 Apostles - was one of the four sons of Joseph the Betrothed from his first marriage, i.e. half-brother of Jesus Christ. Kananit means zealot in Aramaic. The Apostle Luke gives the Greek version of his nickname: Zealot, which means the same as Zealot.

One of the interpretations of the name of the apostle is associated with Canae of Galilee, in which at the wedding of the Apostle Simon, our Lord Jesus Christ performed His first miracle, turning water into wine. This is stated in the Holy Gospel of John the Theologian. It is this passage that is read during the sacrament of marriage, which, apparently, was the reason for the veneration of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite as the patron of Christian marriage.

Having seen the miracle performed by the Lord at the wedding in Cana, Simon was inflamed with zeal for the Lord and believed in Christ so much that he followed the Savior, despite the fact that he had just gotten married. So, despising everything worldly, Simon followed Christ, as it is said, “having taken his soul to the immortal Bridegroom.”

After the Ascension of Christ, on the day of Pentecost, he received the gift of the Holy Spirit, which descended on the disciples of the Savior in the form of tongues of fire. Simon preached the faith of Christ first in Judea, then in Edessa (Syria), Armenia, Egypt, Cyrene (Libya), Mauritania, Spain and even Britain, as evidenced by the local traditions of some Christian peoples.

It is known that Simon the Zealot, together with the apostles Andrew the First-Called and Matthias, preached the gospel in the land of Iveron. Next, Simon and Andrey went to the mountains of Svaneti (Ossetia), then to Abkhazia and stopped in the city of Sevast, present-day Sukhumi. Then the Apostle Andrew went to preach along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, and Simon settled in a small, inaccessible cave located in the gorge of the Psyrtskhi River (the vicinity of modern New Athos). He descended into this cave by rope through a small natural entrance. This was around 55 AD. e., more than twenty years after the Resurrection of Christ.

Cell-grotto of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Cave of Simon the Canaanite

The chronicles do not say how long the apostle stayed in Abkhazia. He performed many signs and wonders here, and his preaching converted many people to Christ. Traditions say that thanks to the sermons of Simon the Canaanite, the cruel pagan custom of sacrificing babies and cannibalism to the gods was destroyed in Abkhazia. In ancient Abkhazian parables there are often references to Saint Simon, who treated various ailments with the touch of his hand, splashed water on a sore spot, read a prayer in an unknown language, and everything went away. Simon the Canaanite was the first to begin the baptism of local residents - the ancestors of modern Abkhazians.

Because of this, the apostle was repeatedly attacked by the pagans. And during the cruel persecution of Christians, which was started by the Georgian pagan king Aderky (Arkady), Simon suffered a martyr’s death. According to one version, he was beheaded with a sword, according to another, he was sawed alive with a saw. There is also a legend that he was crucified on the cross.

The disciples buried the saint's body not far from his cave. Believers began to come to his grave, asking for help in their needs and healing from illnesses.

In the 9th century, a temple was built on the relics of Simon the Canaanite, made of white hewn limestone. And just two centuries later, the Christian faith was firmly established throughout Abkhazia. In the XI-XII centuries, Abkhazia was a prosperous Christian state. The entire Abkhazian coast was covered with flourishing cities and monasteries, and the adjacent mountains were fortified with castles and churches. But later, according to the inscrutable fate of God, it was conquered by the Turks, the Abkhazians betrayed Christianity and converted to Islam. Many churches were destroyed, including Simono-Kananitsky.

The most ancient of the monastery churches is the temple of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite.

In the 19th century, the ancient temple was restored by the inhabitants of the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky monastery, which was founded nearby in 1875 by monks from Old Athos (Greece) from the monastery of St. Panteleimon. This was followed by the highest order of His Imperial Majesty Alexander III on the allotment of “327 acres of land in Abkhazia and the transfer to the monastery of the ruins of the temple of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, a tower remaining from the times of the Genoese, as well as on granting the brethren the right to fish in the Psyrtsha River.”

Monastery of St. Simon the Canaanite on New Athos

The monastery became the center of Orthodox education in the Caucasus and the entire south of Russia, and its central Panteleimon Cathedral became the largest religious building in Abkhazia. It could accommodate more than three thousand people at the same time. The wall paintings of the cathedral represented one of the last monuments of the Russian church icon painting school. The musical chimes of the tallest bell tower were a gift from Alexander III. In addition to the chimes, the tsar presented the monastery with a steam locomotive and a power plant.

Several factories operated at the monastery - a candle factory, a brick factory, an oil mill, a horse factory, and there were painting, bookbinding, sewing, watchmaking, shoemaking, and foundry workshops. Vast spaces on the mountain slopes around the monastery were planted with tangerine, lemon, olive, walnut, plum orchards, vineyards, corn, and potato fields. There were also two apiaries and a botanical garden with exotic plants. Traces of the former power of the monastery are still visible - gardens still bloom around the monastery and the vineyards planted by the brethren bring a rich harvest. After all, before the arrival of Russian monks, no crops were cultivated or grown on these mountain slopes.

The monks cut an easy-to-visit entrance to the ancient cave of Simon the Canaanite, added a stone staircase, and mosaiced the faces of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and Simon the Canaanite himself on the walls of the cave. In this form it has been preserved to this day. And today, on the way to it, you can find a spring with holy water, and a small granite boulder with the imprint of the apostle’s foot, and the mountain rapids under which Simon the Canaanite suffered martyrdom. On the stones lying near the grotto, red spots are still visible - “drops of the apostolic blood.”

Currently, the relics of the apostle are hidden in the Simon-Kananitsky Temple.

Part of the relics of the apostle resides in the Basilica of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called in Cologne (Germany).

There are two more versions of the martyrdom of the Apostle Simon. According to one, he was crucified by local pagans during an apostolic sermon in Britain, according to another, widespread in the Near and Middle East, he was executed along with the Apostle Judas Thaddeus in Babylon. However, the Orthodox Church does not share either one or the other.

ropar, voice 3
Apostle Saint Simon, pray to the merciful God that he may grant remission of sins to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2
It is known by the wisdom of the teaching in the souls of the pious that we will praise him, like the God-speaking Simon: The throne of glory now stands before him and rejoices with the bodiless, praying unceasingly for all of us.