Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Hydrocyanic acid. Properties and uses of hydrocyanic acid

Hydrocyanic acid(or hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen cyanide) is a toxic chemical compound that has an irreparable effect on the lungs and central nervous system, inactivation of tissue respiration begins, which as a result leads to tissue hypoxia (the efficiency of oxygen absorption by cells decreases due to blocking of key enzymes , the level of hydrogen peroxide reaches a critical level, which affects the integrity of cells and tissues).

The source of hydrogen cyanide is not only chemical, but also natural. This chemical is found in many foods, fruits, berries and plants. For example, bitter almonds, bird cherry, peach seeds, apricot and cherry pits.

How often have we turned a blind eye to children's indulgence with the hard core of fruits?

The worst thing is that in an instant, self-indulgence can lead to sad consequences. And ending up in the hospital is not the worst thing that a story with hydrocyanic acid poisoning can end with.

And yet, what is hydrocyanic acid?

It is a colorless, toxic chemical whose distinguishing feature is a characteristic bitter odor. In this regard, the seeds of products, in the core of which there are toxins of this kind, have a specific bitter taste.

At the same time, hydrogen cyanide is also an insecticide produced by plants to protect themselves from pests.

One of the sources of the toxic substance is the seeds of fruits and berries: apricots, peaches, apples, etc. They contain amygdalin, the synthesis of which occurs during the maturation of prunasin.

Its quantity and degree of accumulation directly depends on the activity of beta-glycosidases, which affect the breakdown of prunasin and amygdalin. In sweet and bitter varieties, the content of gentibioside nitrile mandelic acid (amygdalin) is noticeably different.

It is the presence of this substance that contributes to the release of hydrogen cyanide, and therefore the appearance of characteristic bitterness.

It is worth noting that the fruits and berries listed above contain amygdalin in varying degrees. Bitter almonds and peach seeds, which are in first place in the amount of amygdalin, contain up to 3% of the toxic substance. The seeds of apricots, cherries and apples contain several times less of this chemical compound, but the risk of poisoning still remains.

An excellent way out of this situation is heat treatment, during which all toxic substances are destroyed. When freezing fruits and berries, you also need to be careful and careful: you cannot store the previously mentioned fruits and berries for longer than 1 year (otherwise the process of destruction of amygdalin is immediately activated, as a result of which hydrocyanic acid is released).

It is also prohibited to quickly defrost frozen food, which can also contribute to an increase in the level of hydrogen cyanide.

Give almonds, apple seeds, apricots, etc. It is strictly prohibited for children; there is a high risk of death for a child after just 10 eaten nuts. For an adult, the figure starts from 50 pieces. To be at risk, it is enough to eat 50 cherry and peach pits, or 200 apple seeds, or 40 bitter almonds.

But, surprisingly, wine made from grapes does not have a negative effect on the human body, since these berries do not release hydrocyanic acid. The same goes for jam and compotes, only the reason lies in the heat treatment and the addition of sugar.

There is also a high risk of poisoning in plastic production areas. Insect killers, acrylic polymers, pesticides and fragrances are also not without toxins - in humid conditions, unstable compounds instantly react with air and decomposition begins, releasing toxic gas. There is a share of hydrocyanic acid in tobacco smoke.

Hydrocyanic acid poisoning

Intoxication of the body occurs in several ways: through inhalation of vapors or contamination of an open area of ​​the skin with a chemical substance, ingestion of a concentrated aerosol into the gastrointestinal tract, consumption of a large dose of seeds of certain fruits and berries, or consumption of homemade tinctures, wines made without removing the seeds.

As with any disease, the body signals about hydrocyanic acid poisoning by a number of symptoms, on the basis of which conclusions should be drawn and the appropriate decision made. The severity and speed of the body’s reaction to a toxic substance also varies depending on the penetration of hydrogen cyanide inside.

The penetration of toxic vapors through the respiratory tract is much more difficult for a person, and the first symptoms can be observed after just a few minutes. The digestive tract can withstand consuming a large dose of the above-mentioned nuts for no more than an hour before it begins to give warning signals about a malfunction.

A mild degree of poisoning may be indicated by the presence of redness of the mucous membranes, convulsions, shortness of breath, general weakness, soreness and increased salivation, nausea and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Has your heart rate increased? Are you experiencing pain in the sternum area?

Is there a violation of the breathing rhythm and psycho-emotional arousal? These are the first signs that the poisoning is severe.

Poisoning is often accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, panic, dilated pupils, unsteadiness of gait and sudden onset of headache. In the future, the patient’s condition will deteriorate more and more until instant loss of consciousness, coma and death.

The faster the body’s first signals of poisoning are noticed by outsiders, the greater the chance of saving a person and avoiding death.

First aid for hydrocyanic acid poisoning

The further course of poisoning depends on timely and competent first aid. It is recommended to immediately remove the victim from the toxic source and provide a flow of fresh air.

Hydrocyanic acid instantly spreads throughout the body, poisoning it with toxic compounds and having a negative effect. To avoid this, it is necessary to immediately place the person in a horizontal position and neutralize the acid with available antidotes to prevent its further spread.

For these purposes, you can use baking soda, activated carbon, sugar solution or ammonia vapor.

If the procedures provided have a positive effect, it would not be superfluous to turn the patient on his side and induce a gag reflex - in this way you can avoid liquid masses from entering the respiratory tract.

In this position, the stomach should be rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of sodium thiosulfate (5%) and sodium bicarbonate (2%). In this case, the person must be conscious, otherwise this procedure is contraindicated.

If the procedures provided, on the contrary, did not produce the expected effect, immediately contact the nearest hospital to take urgent resuscitation measures. If signs of clinical death occur (lack of consciousness, breathing, pulse and reaction of the pupils to light), resuscitation measures must be carried out personally.

To do this, it is necessary to remove the patient’s clothes as carefully as possible, and carefully wipe the acid-affected areas of the body with a cloth moistened with soapy water. It is forbidden to smear toxic substances over the body - in this case, the rate of spread throughout the body will increase, which will aggravate the situation.

Prevention of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

To avoid intoxication with toxic substances, do not forget about several rules learned from childhood.

Repeated ventilation of the room will significantly reduce the level of toxins in the air and the risk of poisoning - the body will always cope with a small amount of acid naturally without developing clinical symptoms.

When working with chemical compounds, one should not forget to follow safety instructions, as well as observe personal hygiene rules to avoid the penetration of acid through the skin: this will especially be facilitated by active sweating and severe physical stress.

Do not forget to regularly monitor the level of toxic substances in the room - it is better to be sure that it is safe to stay in the room, rather than gradually approaching hydrocyanic acid intoxication as a result.

And be sure to heat treat seeds and nuts, the consumption of which can increase the amount of hydrocyanic acid in the body.

Physico-chemical and toxic properties of hydrocyanic acid

Hydrocyanic acid(HCN) is a colorless, transparent, highly mobile liquid with the smell of bitter almonds (at low concentrations). The characteristic odor is felt at a concentration in the air of 0.0009 mg/l. Boiling point +26 o C, freezing point = - 26 o C, relative vapor density in air 0.93, i.e. its vapor is lighter than air. Hydrocyanic acid vapors are poorly absorbed by activated carbon.

It dissolves well in water, alcohol, ethyl ether, organic solvents, phosgene, mustard gas, etc.

Hydrocyanic acid is a weak acid, since it can be displaced from its salts by the weakest acids (for example, carbonic acid). Therefore, hydrocyanic acid salts are stored in hermetically sealed containers.

When interacting with alkalis, hydrocyanic acid forms salts that are not inferior in toxicity to hydrocyanic acid itself (potassium cyanide, sodium cyanide, which are crystalline solids). Hydrocyanic acid and its salts interact with colloidal sulfur or substances that release it, forming thiocyanates - non-toxic products.

Interacting with aldehydes and ketones, hydrocyanic acid and its salts form low-toxic cyanohydrins. Oxidation reactions of hydrocyanic acid and its interaction with sulfur, aldehydes and ketones occur in the body of animals and humans. These reactions underlie the detoxification of poison. Cyanides easily enter into complexation reactions with salts of heavy metals, for example, with iron and copper sulfates, which is used in the manufacture of a chemical absorbent in filter gas masks.

When a hydrogen atom is replaced by halogens, toxic halocyanides (cyanochloride, cyanogen bromide, iodocyanium) are formed.

The main route of penetration of hydrocyanic acid vapor into the body is inhalation. Penetration of the poison through the skin cannot be ruled out when high concentrations (7-12 mg/l) of hydrocyanic acid vapor are created in the atmosphere. Poisoning with hydrocyanic acid and its salts is possible when they enter with contaminated water or food. Hydrocyanic acid at a concentration of 0.1 mg/l with a 15-minute exposure causes severe damage. Concentrations of 0.2-0.3 mg/l with an exposure of 5-10 minutes are considered lethal; 0.4-0.8 mg/l with exposure 2-5 minutes. cause rapid death.

When administered orally, lethal doses for humans are: hydrocyanic acid - 1 mg/kg, sodium cyanide - 2 mg/kg, potassium cyanide - 3 mg/kg.

Mechanism of action and pathogenesis of intoxication with hydrocyanic acid

Hydrocyanic acid vapors, entering the body with inhaled air, overcome the pulmonary membranes, enter the blood and spread to organs and tissues. In this case, partial detoxification of the poison occurs, mainly through the formation of rhodanium compounds (thiocyanates), which are excreted from the body in the urine. Detoxification of cyanide by conjugation with sulfur has been observed in both humans and animals. The enzyme rhodonase involved in this reaction is found in mitochondria, mainly in the liver and kidneys. Carbohydrates take part in the process of neutralizing cyanide in the body, and harmless cyanhydrins are formed.

Back in the 60s of the 19th century, attention was paid to the fact that venous blood flowing from tissues and organs poisoned by animal cyanides acquires a scarlet, arterial color. It was later proven that it contains approximately the same amount of oxygen as arterial blood. Consequently, under the influence of cyanide, the body loses the ability to absorb oxygen. Why is this happening?

The answer to this question was obtained in Germany at the end of the 20s in the works of Otto Warburg, who, with the help of cyanide, established the role of cytochrome oxidase in tissue respiration.

While studying the processes of tissue respiration, O. Warburg made the assumption that cyanides block cytochrome enzymes. Due to this, oxyhemoglobin passes through the capillary bed in transit, and arterialization of venous blood occurs, which contains a high concentration of oxyhemoglobin. The oxidation of lipids and carbohydrates, as is known, is completed in the Krebs cycle by the removal of electrons and protons. Three pairs of electrons are spent on the synthesis of three ATP molecules. The fourth pair of electrons is fixed by cytochrome oxidase a 3 , which promotes the activation of molecular oxygen delivered by oxyhemoglobin. Active oxygen combines with two protons to form metabolic water.

Cytochromes are localized in mitochondria, which are called the “energy factories” of cells. Of the entire chain of respiratory enzymes, only cytochrome oxidase a 3 partially extends beyond the mitochondrial membrane. This facilitates the interaction of cytochrome oxidase a 3 with oxygen oxyhemoglobin. But, on the other hand, cytochrome oxidase a 3 becomes vulnerable to foreign toxic substances. It is at this point that the cyanide ion penetrates the iron atom of cytochrome oxidase. From a variable-valence metal capable of accepting electrons, iron in the heme molecule becomes a stable trivalent element, which leads to blocking of aerobic respiration at the tissue level. The brain exhibits the greatest sensitivity to tissue hypoxia. Within 3-5 minutes after its occurrence, convulsions and paralysis may appear.

Thus, cyanides, inhibiting cytochrome oxidase by interacting with ferric iron of heme A 3, prevent the oxidation of all other components of the chain by molecular oxygen, ultimately disrupting the generation of energy accumulated in ATP.

A paradoxical phenomenon arises: cells and tissues have excess oxygen, and they cannot absorb it, since it is chemically inactive. As a result, a pathological condition known as tissue or histotoxic hypoxia quickly forms in the body. Cyanides are among the reversible inhibitors of cytochrome oxidase. With an increase in oxygen tension in the tissues, their toxic effect weakens. This is the basis for the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for poisoning with cyanide compounds. On the other hand, if the body is adapted to a low level of oxygen metabolism, then its sensitivity to cyanide is sharply reduced. It is now known that the mechanism of the toxic action of hydrocyanic acid is not limited to enzymes of the cytochrome system. There are reports of cyanide inhibiting the activity of about 20 different enzymes, including decarboxylase. The latter significantly complicates the treatment of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, but practice shows that blockade of cytochrome oxidase plays a leading role in the triggering mechanism of cyanide action.

A number of authors indicate that with so-called fulminant lesions by cyanide, pathological changes are realized associated with a reflex inhibitory effect on the respiratory center, which acts indirectly through overexcitation of chemoreceptors in the sinocarotid and aortic zones. This is observed when large quantities of cyanide enter the body simultaneously, most often through inhalation.

Clinic of hydrocyanic acid lesions

It is characterized by two main forms. When exposed to cyanides in high concentrations or large doses, it develops lightning form poisoning The victim loses consciousness. Convulsions develop, blood pressure drops. After a few minutes, breathing stops, and then cardiac arrest occurs (lasts 3-5 minutes).

At relatively low concentrations of the poison, it develops delayed form the course of intoxication, in which a certain periodicity can be traced (lasts 20-30 minutes).

Period of initial phenomena characterized by mild irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva of the eyes, an unpleasant burning-bitter taste and a burning sensation in the mouth. The smell of bitter almonds is felt. Salivation, nausea, headache, increased breathing, weakness, and a strong feeling of fear appear. The initial stage is characterized by the presence of a bright pink color of the mucous membranes, and then the skin. Typical oral symptoms include a scratchy sore throat, metallic taste, numbness of the tongue, and contraction of the masticatory muscle. Eye symptoms are no less characteristic: redness of the conjunctiva, dilated pupils are combined with the symptom of a diving eyeball: alternating exophthalmos and anophthalmos. These signs are an indication for the immediate use of a first aid antidote.

Second period (dyspnoetic) is characterized by the development of painful shortness of breath. Breathing becomes irregular with short inhalations and long exhalations. During the period of shortness of breath, tilting of the head, trismus of the masticatory muscles occur, and the tone of the extensor muscles increases. Consciousness is sharply depressed. Severe bradycardia, dilated pupils, exophthalmos, and vomiting are observed. The skin and mucous membranes become pink in color. In mild cases, poisoning with hydrocyanic acid and its salts is limited to these symptoms. After a few hours, all manifestations of intoxication disappear.

The dyspnoetic period is replaced period of seizure development. Convulsions are clonicotonic in nature with a predominance of the tonic component (they can develop into opisthotonus), which can be manifested by the development of severe trismus, consciousness is lost. Breathing is rare and labored (short inhalation and long exhalation), but there are no signs of cyanosis. The skin and mucous membranes are uniformly pink in color. The pulse is slow and arrhythmic. Corneal, pupillary and other reflexes are reduced.

Following a short convulsive period, a paralytic period. It is characterized by complete loss of sensation, disappearance of reflexes, muscle relaxation, involuntary defecation and urination. Breathing becomes rare and shallow. Blood pressure drops. The pulse is frequent, weak filling, arrhythmic. Then breathing stops, and after 4-6 minutes the heart stops. The color of the skin and mucous membranes remains the same (pink).

The duration of the entire poisoning, as well as individual periods of intoxication, varies widely (from several minutes to several hours). This depends on the amount of poison that enters the body, the previous state of the body and other reasons.

Antidote and symptomatic therapy
in case of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

Currently known cyanide antidotes either have chemical antagonism to toxicants or accelerate their metabolism.

Substances containing an aldehyde group in the molecule (glucose), as well as cobalt preparations (hydroxycobalamin, Co-EDTA, etc.) are capable of chemically binding the CN ion. Methemoglobin formers, which oxidize hemoglobin iron to the trivalent state, are also antagonists of cyanide in the body, since the cyanide ion is bound by the ferric iron of the blood pigment formed during methemoglobinemia. Enhanced elimination of cyanides is achieved by administering substances that accelerate their conversion into rhodanate compounds (sodium thiosulfate).

Antidote effect glucose associated with the ability of substances containing an aldehyde group in the molecule to form stable low-toxic compounds with hydrocyanic acid - cyanohydrins. The substance is administered intravenously in an amount of 20-25 ml of a 25-40% solution. In addition to its ability to bind toxicants, glucose has a beneficial effect on respiration, cardiac function and increases diuresis.

Preparations containing cobalt. Cobalt forms strong bonds with cyanogen ion. However, inorganic cobalt compounds have high toxicity and low therapeutic breadth, which makes the feasibility of their use in clinical practice questionable. Experiments on animals have shown the effectiveness of hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B 12) for the treatment of potassium cyanide poisoning. The drug is very effective and low-toxic. In some countries, the cobalt salt ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) is used in clinical practice. In our country, cobalt preparations are not used as antidotes.

Methemoglobin formers. Like other methemoglobin formers, cyanide antidotes oxidize the ferrous iron of hemoglobin to the ferric state. If a poisoned person is quickly administered a methemoglobin-forming agent in the required amount, then the resulting methemoglobin (ferric iron) will enter into a chemical interaction with poisons, binding them and preventing them from entering the tissues.

The formed cyanogen-methemoglobin complex is a fragile compound. After 1-1.5 hours, this complex begins to gradually disintegrate. However, since the dissociation process of СNМtНb is extended over time, the slowly released cyanogen ion has time to be eliminated. However, with severe intoxication, relapse of intoxication is possible.

Methemoglobin formers - cyanide antidotes include: sodium nitrate, amyl nitrite, 4-methylaminophenol, 4-ethylaminophenol (anthicyanin), methylene blue. It should be remembered that methemoglobin is not able to bind with oxygen, so it is necessary to use strictly defined doses of drugs that change no more than 25-30% of blood hemoglobin.

The most accessible methemoglobin former is sodium nitrite(NaNO 2). Aqueous solutions of the drug are prepared ex tetrore, since they are unstable during storage. When providing assistance to poisoned people, sodium nitrite is administered intravenously (slowly) in the form of a 1-2% solution in a volume of 10-20 ml.

Amyl nitrite intended for first aid. The ampoule with amyl nitrite, which is in a cotton-gauze wrapper, should be crushed and placed under the gas mask. If necessary, it can be reused. Currently, the antidote properties of the drug tend to be explained not so much by its ability to form methemoglobin, but by an increase in cerebral blood flow, which develops as a result of the vasodilating effect of the substance.

Antician(diethylaminophenol) is another substance that can be used as an antidote, which includes a methemoglobin former, a sulfur-containing substance and a respiratory analeptic. In case of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, the first administration of anthicyanin in the form of a 20% solution is made in a volume of 1.0 ml intramuscularly or 0.75 ml intravenously. When administered intravenously, the drug is diluted in 10 ml of 25-40% glucose solution or 0.85% NaCl solution. The injection rate is 3 ml per minute. If necessary, after 30 minutes the antidote can be reintroduced in a dose of 1.0 ml, but only intramuscularly. After another 30 minutes, you can carry out a third administration in the same dose, if there are indications for it.

Has a partial methemoglobin-forming effect methylene blue. The main effect of this drug is its ability to activate tissue respiration. The drug is administered intravenously as a 1% solution in 25% glucose solution (chromosmon) 50 ml.

Sodium thiosulfate(Na 2 S 2 O 3). One of the ways of transformation of cyanide in the body is the formation of rhodanium compounds when interacting with endogenous sulfur-containing substances. The resulting thiocyanates, excreted from the body in the urine, are approximately 300 times less toxic than cyanides.

The true mechanism of the formation of rhodanium compounds has not been fully established; it has been shown that with the introduction of sodium thiosulfate, the rate of the process increases 15-30 times, which justifies the advisability of using the substance as an additional antidote for cyanide poisoning. The drug is administered intravenously in the form of a 30% solution of 50 ml. Sodium thiosulfate potentiates the action of other antidotes. It is advisable to start providing emergency care with methemoglobin-forming agents, and then move on to the administration of other drugs. In the process of providing assistance to poisoned people, the use of other means of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy is also provided. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a positive effect.

Which gases are lighter than air?


The amount of gases that are lighter than air is small. The way to determine which gases are lighter or heavier than air is to compare their molecular weight (which you can find in the list of detectable gases). You can even calculate the molecular weight M of a substance if you know the chemical formula by setting H = 1, C = 12, N = 14, and O = 16 g/mol.


Ethanol, chemical formula C 2 H 5 OH, contains 2 C, 6 H, and 1 O, hence M = 2*12 + 6*1 + 1*16 = 46 g/mol;

Methane, chemical formula CH 4, contains 1 C and 4 H, hence M = 1*12 + 4*1 = 16 g/mol;

The molecular weight of air, consisting of 20.9 vol. % O 2 (M = 2*16 = 32 g/mol) and 79.1 vol. % N 2 (M = 2*14 = 28 g/mol) is 0.209*32 + 0.791*28 ​​= 28.836 g/mol.

Conclusion: any substance with a molecular weight less than 28.836 g/mol is lighter than air. It's amazing that with There are only 12 gases lighter than air:

* Hydrocyanic acid is actually more of a liquid than a gas, with a vapor pressure of 817 mbar at 20°C (by definition, gases have a boiling point below 20°C).

By the way: vapors of another extremely important non-flammable substance are lighter than air: H 2 O, molar weight - 18 g/mol. Conclusion: dry air is heavier than humid air, which rises and condenses in the clouds above.

As for placement on flammable gases, this must be taken into account only for methane, hydrogen and ammonia. These gases rise up to the ceiling, where the sensors should be installed.

Drugs and poisons [Psychedelics and toxic substances, poisonous animals and plants] Petrov Vasily Ivanovich

Hydrocyanic acid

Hydrocyanic acid

Until now, the most important representative of cyanides is hydrocyanic acid. This light, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor of bitter almonds is a very strong poison: in an amount of 0.05 g it can already cause fatal poisoning in humans. Hydrocyanic acid, first obtained in its pure form in the 80s of the 18th century by the Swedish pharmacist and chemist Karl Scheele (they claim that Scheele himself became a victim of this poison during one of his experiments) and now attracts the close attention of many specialists.

Cyanide compounds were already used in ancient times, although, of course, their chemical nature was not known then. Thus, the ancient Egyptian priests knew how to make an essence from peach leaves, which they used to kill guilty people. In Paris, in the Louvre, on a roll of papyrus there is a warning saying: “Do not pronounce the name of Iao under pain of punishment with a peach,” and in the Temple of Isis an inscription was found: “Do not open - otherwise you will die from the peach.”

Now we know that the active component here was hydrocyanic acid, formed during the enzymatic transformations of certain substances of plant origin. A number of prominent chemists of the past studied the structure, methods of production and use of cyanide. Thus, in 1811, Gay-Lussac first showed that hydrocyanic acid is a hydrogen compound of a radical consisting of carbon and nitrogen, and Bunsen in the middle of the 19th century. developed a method for the industrial production of potassium cyanide. Many years have passed since potassium cyanide and other cyanides were important as agents of deliberate poisoning and when forensic experts took special interest in these fast-acting poisons.

History knows of cases of the use of cyanide for mass destruction of people. For example, the French army used hydrocyanic acid as a poisonous substance during the First World War, in Hitler's extermination camps the Nazis used poisonous cyclone gases (cyanoformic acid esters), American troops in South Vietnam used toxic organic cyanides against civilians. It is also known that in the United States the death penalty has been used for a long time by poisoning convicts with hydrocyanic acid vapor in a special chamber.

Due to their high chemical activity and ability to interact with numerous compounds of various classes, cyanides are widely used in many industries, agriculture, and scientific research, and this creates many opportunities for research. Thus, hydrocyanic acid and a large number of its derivatives are used in the extraction of precious metals from ores, in electroplating gilding and silvering, in the production of aromatic substances, chemical fibers, plastics, rubber, organic glass, plant growth stimulants, and herbicides. Cyanides are also used as insecticides, fertilizers and defoliants.

Hydrocyanic acid is released in a gaseous state during many industrial processes, and is also formed when cyanide comes into contact with other acids and moisture. There may also be cyanide poisoning due to eating large quantities of almond, peach, apricot, cherry, plum and other plants of the Rosaceae family or infusions from their fruits. It turned out that they all contain the glycosite amygdalin, which in the body, under the influence of the emulsin enzyme, decomposes to form hydrocyanic acid, benzaldehyde and 2 glucose molecules.

The largest amount of amygdalin is found in bitter almonds, the peeled grains of which contain about 3%. Slightly less amygdalin (up to 2%) in combination with emulsin is found in apricot seeds. Clinical observations showed that the death of the poisoned usually occurred after eating about 100 peeled apricot seeds, which corresponds to approximately 1 g of amygdalin. Like amygdalin, plant glycosides such as linamarin, found in flax, and laurocerazine, found in the leaves of the cherry laurel tree, split off hydrocyanic acid. There are a lot of cyanide substances in young bamboos and their shoots (up to 0.15% of wet weight). In the animal world, hydrocyanic acid is found in the secretion of the skin glands of millipedes.

The toxicity of cyanide varies among animal species. Thus, high resistance to hydrocyanic acid has been observed in cold-blooded animals, while many warm-blooded animals are very sensitive to it. As for man, he is apparently more resistant to the action of hydrocyanic acid than some higher animals. This is confirmed, for example, by an experiment carried out at great risk to himself by the famous English physiologist Barcroft, who in a special chamber together with a dog was exposed to hydrocyanic acid at a concentration of 18:6000. The experiment continued until the dog became comatose and began to have convulsions. The experimenter did not notice any signs of poisoning at this time. Only after 10–15 minutes. After removing the dying dog from the cell, he experienced impaired attention and nausea.

There is a lot of data indicating the formation of cyanide in the human body under physiological conditions. Cyanides of endogenous origin are found in biological fluids, exhaled air, and urine. It is believed that their normal level in blood plasma can reach 140 mcg/l.

Cyanides can penetrate into the internal environment of the body with poisoned food and water, as well as through damaged skin. Inhalation exposure to volatile cyanides, primarily hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride, is very dangerous. Back in the 60s of the 19th century, attention was paid to the fact that venous blood flowing from the tissues and organs of animals poisoned with cyanide takes on a scarlet, arterial color. It was later shown that it contains approximately the same amount of oxygen as arterial blood. Consequently, under the influence of cyanide, the body loses the ability to absorb oxygen.

This inhibits the normal process of tissue respiration. Thus, by blocking one of the iron-containing respiratory enzymes, cyanides cause a paradoxical phenomenon: there is excess oxygen in cells and tissues, but they cannot absorb it, since it is chemically inactive. As a result, a pathological condition known as tissue, or histotoxic, hypoxia quickly forms in the body, which is manifested by suffocation, convulsions, and paralysis. When non-lethal doses of poison enter the body, the matter is limited to a metallic taste in the mouth, redness of the skin and mucous membranes, dilated pupils, vomiting, shortness of breath and headache.

On the other hand, if an animal organism is adapted to a low level of oxygen metabolism, then its sensitivity to cyanide is sharply reduced. At the beginning of this century, the outstanding Russian pharmacologist N.P. Kravkov established an interesting fact: during hibernation, hedgehogs tolerate doses of potassium cyanide that are many times greater than lethal ones. N.P. Kravkov explained the resistance of hedgehogs to cyanide by the fact that during hibernation at low body temperatures, oxygen consumption is significantly reduced and animals better tolerate inhibition of its uptake by cells.

The ability of CN ions to reversibly inhibit tissue respiration and thereby reduce the level of metabolic processes unexpectedly turned out to be very valuable for the prevention and treatment of radiation injuries. This is due to the fact that in the mechanism of the damaging effect of ionizing radiation on cellular structures, the leading role is played by the products of water radiolysis, which oxidize many macromolecules, including tissue respiration enzymes. Cyanides, reversibly blocking these enzymes, protect them from the action of these biologically active substances formed under the influence of radiation. In other words, the cyanide-enzyme complex becomes relatively resistant to irradiation. After radiation exposure, it becomes dissonant due to a decrease in the concentration of CN ions in the biophase due to their neutralization in the blood and release from the body. Amygdalin is the most widely used cyanide radioprotective agent.

Many historically famous figures were poisoned or committed suicide with cyanide.

Goering Hermann (1893–1946) - Nazi war criminal, commander-in-chief of the air force during the fascist dictatorship in Germany, Reichsmarshal. The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg sentenced him to death by hanging.

The execution of Nazi criminals was scheduled for October 16. On the evening of October 15, Colonel Andrews, who was in charge of guarding the prison where the convicts were kept, ran into the journalists’ room and said in confusion that Goering had died. Having calmed down somewhat, Andrews said that the guard soldier who was on duty at the door of Goering’s cell suddenly heard a strange wheezing. He immediately called the duty officer and the doctor. When they entered the cell, Goering was in his death throes. The doctor found small pieces of glass in his mouth and declared death from potassium cyanide poisoning.

After some time, the Austrian journalist Bleibtrey declared publicly that it was he who helped Goering die. Allegedly, before the start of the hearing, he sneaked into the hall and, using chewing gum, attached an ampoule of poison to the dock. The sensation brought Bleibtrego a lot of money, although it was false from beginning to end - at that time the meeting room was better guarded than any other place in Europe. And a few years later, Obergruppenführer Bach-Zelewski, released from prison, said the same thing as the Austrian journalist. But he attributed the transfer of poison to Goering to himself. Perhaps they are both lying. M. Yu. Raginsky believes that the poison was transferred to Goering through an American security officer for a substantial bribe. And it was conveyed by Goering’s wife, who came to her husband a few days before the appointed date for the execution of the sentence.

Himmler Heinrich (1900–1945) – Nazi war criminal, Gestapo chief, Minister of the Interior and commander of the reserve army in Germany.

On May 20, 1945, Himmler decided to flee. On May 23, he was detained by the British and placed in camp 031 near the city of Luneburg.

The British found an ampoule of potassium cyanide in Himmler's clothes. They didn't stop there. A doctor was called and examined the arrested man for a second time. Himmler opened his mouth, and the doctor saw something black between his teeth. He pulled Himmler towards the light, but then the former Reichsführer SS snapped his teeth and chewed on the hidden capsule. A few seconds later, Himmler breathed his last.

Hitler Adolf (pseudonym, real name Schicklgruber) (1889–1945) - leader of the National Socialist Party, head of the German state in 1933–1945.

His death is told in two main versions.

According to the first version, based on the testimony of Hitler's personal valet Linge, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun shot themselves at 15.30. When Linge and Bormann entered the room, Hitler was allegedly sitting on a sofa in the corner, a revolver lay on the table in front of him, and blood was flowing from his right temple. The dead Eva Braun, who was in another corner, dropped her revolver to the floor.

Another version (accepted by almost all historians) says: Hitler and Eva Braun were poisoned with potassium cyanide. Before his death, Hitler also poisoned his two beloved shepherd dogs.

Rasputin(Novykh) Grigory Efimovich (1864/186 5–1916) - favorite of Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna.

In 1916, another conspiracy was formed against Rasputin. Its main participants were Prince Felix Yusupov, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, famous political figure Vladimir Purishkevich and military doctor S. S. Lazavert. The conspirators lured Rasputin to Yusupov's palace in St. Petersburg, agreeing to kill him there and throw his body into the river, under the ice. For the murder, cakes filled with poison and bottles of potassium cyanide were prepared, which were going to be mixed into the wine.

Upon Rasputin's arrival at the palace, he was received by the owner, and Purishkevich, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich and Doctor Lazavert were waiting upstairs in another room.

Purishkevich, describing in his journal the murder of the tsar’s favorite as a feat committed by the conspirators to save Russia, nevertheless pays tribute to Rasputin’s courage:

“Another good half hour had passed, which was so painfully wasting time for us, when finally we clearly heard the popping of two corks one after another, the clink of glasses, after which the interlocutors who had been talking downstairs suddenly fell silent.

We froze in our positions, going down a few more steps down the stairs. But... another quarter of an hour passed, and the peaceful conversation and even sometimes laughter from below did not stop.

“I don’t understand anything,” I whispered to him, throwing up my hands and turning to the Grand Duke. “Is he bewitched or something that even potassium cyanide has no effect on him!”

...We went up the stairs and the whole group again went into the office, where two or three minutes later Yusupov quietly entered again, upset and pale.

“No,” he says, “it’s impossible! Imagine, he drank two glasses of poison, ate several pink cakes, and, as you see, nothing; Absolutely nothing, and after that, at least fifteen minutes passed! I can’t imagine what we should do, especially since he was already worried why the countess had not come out to him for so long, and I had difficulty explaining to him that it was difficult for her to disappear unnoticed, because there were few guests up there...; he is now sitting on the sofa gloomy, and, as I see, the effect of the poison affects him only in that he has incessant belching and some drooling ... "

Five minutes later, Yusupov appeared in the office for the third time.

“Gentlemen,” he told us quickly, “the situation is still the same: the poison either has no effect on him, or is of no use to hell; time is running out, we can’t wait any longer.”

“But what can we do?” – Dmitry Pavlovich noted.

“If you can’t use poison,” I answered him, “you need to go for broke, openly, let us all go down together, or leave it to me alone, I’ll take him out either from my “co-vazh,” or I’ll crush his skull with brass knuckles. What do you say to this?

“Yes,” Yusupov noted, “if you pose the question this way, then, of course, you will have to settle on one of these methods.”

In the United States, a type of execution is used that evokes a clear analogy with the “gas chambers” of the Nazis.

The execution technology is as follows: “The convict is tied to a chair in a sealed chamber. A stethoscope is mounted on the chest, connected to headphones in the adjacent witness room, and used by the doctor to monitor the execution. Cyanide gas is supplied to the chamber, poisoning the prisoner when inhaled. Death occurs as a result of suffocation caused by cyanide gas suppressing the respiratory enzymes that ensure the blood delivers oxygen to the body's cells.

Although unconsciousness occurs quickly, the entire procedure may take longer if the convicted person tries to delay the onset of death by holding or slowing his breathing. As with other methods of execution, regardless of whether the prisoner is unconscious or not, vital organs may continue to function for an extended period of time.”

In Mississippi, on September 2, 1983, one Jimmy Lee Gray was executed by gassing. During the execution, his body twitched convulsively for 8 minutes straight; he sighed 11 times with his mouth wide open, without ceasing to bang his head against the bar behind the back of the chair. According to witnesses, Lee Gray did not look dead even at the end of the execution procedure, when the prison administration asked them to leave the witness room, separated from the execution room by thick glass.

From the book Drugs and Poisons [Psychedelics and toxic substances, poisonous animals and plants] author Petrov Vasily Ivanovich

Hydrocyanic acid Until now, the most important representative of cyanides is hydrocyanic acid. This light volatile liquid with a characteristic odor of bitter almonds is a very strong poison: in an amount of 0.05 g it can already cause death in humans.

From the book Meeting the Border author Belyaev Vladimir Pavlovich

Barbituric acid The increasingly rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in the middle of the 20th century, the increasingly rapid and expanding production of new synthetic poisons and drugs, which, if used incorrectly, also acted as poisons - all this

From the author's book

Hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid is a colorless liquid containing 35–38% hydrogen chloride. In air it evaporates easily and smokes. Non-flammable. It dissolves well in water. Corrosive. It is one of the strongest acids. Destroys paper, wood. Defeat occurs

From the author's book

Sulfuric acid. Oleum Sulfuric acid is a colorless oily liquid. Low volatile compound (0.022 mg/l). At 50°C and above, vapors of sulfuric anhydride appear, a product more toxic than sulfuric acid. Solubility in water is good. Forms with water vapor from air

From the author's book

Nitric acid Nitric acid is a colorless liquid that fumes in air. Volatility 184.6 mg/l. Vapors are 2.2 times heavier than air. Soluble in water. Strong oxidizing agent. Corrosive. Non-flammable. Ignites all flammable substances. Explodes in the presence of plants,

From the author's book

Hydrofluoric acid (hydrofluoric acid) A colorless, caustic, highly soluble liquid in water. Easily volatile. Vapors are heavier than air. Corrosive. Non-flammable. Vapors affect the eyes, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. If vapors are swallowed

From the author's book

Formic acid Formic acid is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor, highly soluble in water and organic solvents. The strongest of organic acids. Vapors can form explosive mixtures with air. Fire hazardous. Possesses

From the author's book

Acetic acid Acetic acid is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. Highly volatile compound (36.8 mg/l). Vapors are 2.1 times heavier than air and accumulate in lowlands. It dissolves in water and is heavier than it. Vapors are highly flammable in case of fire. Form explosive

From the author's book

Screws and acid We all admire the beauty and quality of the interior decoration of passenger cars. Nickel, aluminum, stainless steel, plastics, lavsan fabrics, artificial leather no worse than morocco or chevro, foam rubber, fiberglass. All this creates coziness and convenience for

Hydrocyanic acid- This is a very toxic poison; poisoning with hydrocyanic acid is fatal. Hydrocyanic acid contains cyanide salts, it is colorless and has a specific odor of bitter almonds.

This type of poison blocks the enzymatic activity of the body, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted and oxygen starvation occurs.

Where is hydrocyanic acid found?

  1. In certain types of stone fruit crops of the Rosaceae family, these are: cherry, bird cherry, peach, apricot, plum, bitter almonds, and even apples;
  2. In insecticides against rodents and insects;
  3. In various chemical hazardous industries;
  4. In tobacco smoke;
  5. The apricot kernel also contains hydrocyanic acid.

To prevent poisoning from hydrocyanic acid, you should know where and in what form it can be found in everyday life.

You can often hear the myth about poisoning old compote(more than 1 year) from fruit in which at least one seed was randomly present. In part, yes, the acid becomes active in a humid environment, so compote with seeds can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

If jam or compote contains a sufficient amount of sugar, there will be no poisoning, because Sugar is an antidote and blocks poison. Another case is when in childhood many of us broke apricot pits and ate that very small kernel, which contains hydrocyanic acid in small doses. The dose for poisoning in this case may be approximately 100 apricot kernels.

When treating premises with insecticides against rodents and pests, some people violate safety precautions and put their health at risk by poorly ventilating the premises after treatment. This action is unacceptable. Many types of insecticides contain hydrocyanic acid - and as we know: getting this poison into the respiratory tract can cause instant, painful death.

It is not for nothing that tobacco smoke is so discussed and studied, because it contains a huge amount of poisons, tars and harmful substances, including cyanides. Even secondhand smoke can expose you to toxic substances in your body.

The last place of contact with cyanide acid may be a chemical plant whose processes involve the complex process of processing plastics and ores.

A similar acid is also used in pharmaceutical production. The acid is used in the form of prussic salt. Unstable compounds turn into poison upon contact with oxygen or water. Contact of poison on the skin can have very serious consequences.

How does hydrocyanic acid affect humans?

Acid instantly causes hypoxia (low oxygen content) and death of living cells. The poison also affects the central nervous system, brain, muscles of the heart, kidneys and liver.

A victim who takes poison can be instantly killed. It all depends on the degree of infection and the route of spread of the poison. Hydrocyanic acid vapors block the body's oxygen metabolism and the victim suffers immediate oxygen starvation.

When it comes into contact with the skin, the poison is absorbed and causes irreparable harm to the body. When in contact with a victim after poisoning, avoid tactile touching where the poison entered; use rubber gloves as a preventive measure.

You can increase the body's resistance to this poison by artificially increasing the flow of oxygen into the cells; for this it is recommended to inhale special air mixtures with oxygen.

In nature, cyanide acid acts as an insecticide; it is found in plant seeds and protects fruits from pests. This acid is often added to insecticides.

Symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

  1. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  2. The victim's breath resembles the smell of burnt almonds;
  3. Heart rhythm disturbances, oxygen starvation, breathing problems;
  4. Headache, dizziness, sore throat;
  5. Chest pain, tachycardia and weak pulse.

Poisoning with hydrocyanic acid is possible through contact with the poison: through the air, food or direct contact with skin. The fastest poisoning occurs when acid vapor enters a person’s respiratory system; this often occurs among pest control workers who fail to comply with safety measures and workers at chemical plants. In case of severe poisoning, instant death.

If you observe these symptoms in a victim, immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim. The ambulance will take the victim to the toxicology department.

The consequences of poisoning are loss of consciousness, coma and death. Don’t panic, but follow everything strictly according to the points written below:

First aid for hydrocyanic acid poisoning

  1. Determine the source of the injury and prevent its recurrence (take the victim to a safe area; if poisoning occurs as a result of poison getting on the skin, remove clothes; if the victim is poisoned by food, limit re-poisoning). Give the victim minimal warmth and rest.
  2. Call an ambulance, tell the operator the symptoms of poisoning, tell them that you have come into contact with senic acid. Thus, doctors will take the necessary medications before leaving;
  3. In case of food poisoning, provided that the victim is conscious, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting. Rinse the stomach by giving an enema with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and a 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  4. If there is a slight malaise, give the victim a sorbent (activated carbon, enterosgel) or a laxative;
  5. If the victim is unconscious, immediately lay him on his side, this position will prevent suffocation from possible vomit entering the respiratory canal;
  6. If you lose consciousness, try to bring the person back to consciousness; it is allowed to use ammonia and massage the earlobes.

The antidote against hydrocyanic acid is sodium thiosulfate, sugar and nitroglycerin. Amyl nitrite (poppers) is often used. They also practice inhalation of Amyl nitrite and put in droppers/inject Chromosmon along with sodium thiosulfate. Gradually removing toxins and cleansing the blood of poison.

How to induce artificial vomiting

Treatment for poisoning is quite long and painful. Since the poison harms the central nervous system, psychological breakdowns of the victim are possible.

To prevent poisoning, you should adhere to basic safety precautions when working in enterprises. Complete all instructions and wear personal protective equipment upon request.

Cyanide is a very harmful and strong poison, so you should not treat it superficially and without respect. Be careful when working with cyanide.

If your child starts eating apricot cores, monitor how much he eats. There is nothing wrong with this, but a young and unprepared body can suffer significantly due to greed. Remember - for a child no more than 10 seeds per day, for an adult no more than 50, and it is better not to eat them at all. If you really want to, replace them with sweet almonds. Be healthy!