Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Systems in technology, economics and living nature. Commonality of information processes in wildlife, technology, society

    Concept of the process

    Information processes in society

After studying this topic, students will learn

    how to understand the information process

    What are information processes in society, wildlife, technology.

    what is information technology

    what is the role of the personal computer in information technology

Concept of the process

IN Everyday life a person is constantly faced with various processes: the change of seasons, cooking, sewing a suit, baking bread, writing an essay, etc. Some processes occur in living nature, others in human society. Some processes occur independently of human influence; in other processes, humans take an active role.

Used in production technological processes, which may differ significantly. Baking bread and producing high-precision technology requires different set components and equipment.

Information plays a special role in the process. demonstration

With the help of their senses, people perceive information, comprehend it, and make decisions based on their experience, existing knowledge, and intuition.

Processes associated with the collection, storage, retrieval, processing, encoding and transmission of information are called information processes. Information processes occur not only in human society, but also in the animal and plant world.

Information processes in society

We have been exposed to information processes since childhood. When assembling a house out of cubes or playing daughter-mother, children are inevitably drawn into the information process. The main object of the game is information. In order to gain and transfer knowledge, learn about danger, and express their attitude to what is happening, people need to come into contact with each other. This phenomenon is called communication and is the basis information processes in human society. Communication is often called not only the process, but also the path and means of transmitting an object from one place to another. People communicate through speech, gestures, books, TV shows, movies, newspapers, computers, etc. People are the most important objects in the communications system. Communication is a two-way process. A person not only receives information, but also transmits it by coming into contact with other people who have access to the global information space. Development is impossible without information exchange human society. The external environment leaves its mark on information processes, and therefore on communication processes. The communication environment is a set of conditions for the exchange of information. Over the years, the way information is transmitted has undergone enormous changes. Question for students: What do you think these changes are?

With the advent of computers, the development of information processes takes on an unprecedented scale. Nowadays, information systems have emerged that give a person the opportunity to receive and transmit information almost instantly. However, the use of these systems requires certain knowledge from a person.

The transmission of information is necessary for its dissemination. The transfer of information can occur during direct conversation between people, through correspondence, and also through technical means communications. The main devices for quickly transmitting information over long distances are currently the telegraph, radio telephone, television transmitter, and telecommunication networks based on computer systems. Such means of communication are usually called information transmission channels. It should be noted that during the transfer of information, it may be distorted or lost. This happens when information channels Bad quality or there is noise (interference) on the communication line.

The transfer of information is always a two-way process. In which there is a source and a receiver of information. The source transmits information and the receiver receives it. demonstration Obtaining information is based on reflecting various properties of processes, objects, and environmental phenomena. This process is expressed in perception through the senses. To improve the perception of information, people came up with various individual devices and instruments - glasses, binoculars, microscope, stethoscope, various sensors, etc.

Information processes in living nature

In living nature, as in the human world, information plays a role huge role. The sun is shining, it's raining, it's frosty - vegetable world Having received this information, it reacts to it: leaves bloom, flowers bloom, leaves fall, etc. Such information serves as a signal for the occurrence of various physical and chemical processes in cells, and therefore controls these processes. Animals use other methods of communication that play important role in their lives. These are sounds, smells, touch. The survival of an animal population is largely based on the exchange of information signals between members of the same population. The appropriate behavior of living organisms is based on the receipt of information signals. demonstration

Information processes in technology

We encounter information processes in technology all the time; when a child plays with a controlled car or ship, he gets his first acquaintance with information processes in technology. At the end of the century, science created robots - automatic mechanisms controlled by a computer. They are used where human presence is difficult or impossible. The robots are equipped with video cameras and instruments for studying climate. Switching TV programs, changing the volume level, setting the microwave operating mode, etc. All these are information processes occurring in technology. In physics, which studies inanimate nature, information is a measure of the orderliness of a system on a scale "chaos - order. One of the basic laws classical physics states that closed systems, in which there is no exchange of matter and energy with the environment, tend over time to move from a less likely ordered state to a more likely chaotic state.

Final questions for the lesson

1. What does the word “information” mean? 2. What is information technology? 3. In what types does information exist? 4. Why do you think people need information? 5. What is the communication environment? 6. What devices does a person use to communicate?

Homework. Give examples of information transfer in wildlife and technology. Give examples of technological processes.

Used Books

textbook: Makarova N.V. 8-9 grades, Ugrenovich N. 8th grade, Internet resources.

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Receiving and transforming information is a necessary condition vital activity of any organism. Even the simplest single-celled organisms constantly perceive and use information, for example, about the temperature and chemical composition of the environment to select the most favorable living conditions. Living beings are capable of not only perceiving information from the environment using their senses, but also exchanging it with each other. A person also perceives information through the senses, and languages ​​are used to exchange information between people. During the development of human society, many such languages ​​arose. First of all, these are native languages ​​(Russian, Tatar, English, etc.), spoken by numerous peoples of the world. The role of language for humanity is extremely great. Without it, without the exchange of information between people, the emergence and development of society would be impossible. Information processes are characteristic not only of wildlife, humans, and society. Humanity has created technical devices - automata, the work of which is also associated with the processes of receiving, transmitting and storing information. For example, an automatic device called a thermostat senses information about the room temperature and, depending on given by man temperature mode turns heating devices on or off.

Actions performed with information are called information processes.

There are three types of information processes:

* storage,

* transfer

* and information processing.

With the help of their senses, people perceive information, comprehend it and, based on their experience, existing knowledge, and intuition, accept certain solutions. These decisions are translated into real actions that transform the world around us.

Information in society. Man is a social being; in order to communicate with other people, he must exchange information with them. IN everyday life the concept of “information” is used as a synonym for the words: information, message, awareness of the state of affairs

Information processes occur not only in human society. Why do the leaves fall in the fall, and all the vegetation falls asleep during the cold weather, and with the arrival of spring, leaves and grass appear again? This is all the result of information processes. The cell of any plant perceives changes in the external environment and reacts to them.

Genetic information largely determines the structure and development of living organisms and is inherited. Genetic information is stored in the structure of DNA molecules. DNA molecules are made up of four different components (nucleotides) that form the genetic alphabet. information process cybernetics

In cybernetics (the science of control), the concept of “information” is used to describe control processes in complex dynamic systems (living organisms or technical devices).

The vital activity of any organism or the normal functioning of a technical device is associated with control processes, thanks to which the values ​​of its parameters are maintained within the required limits. Management processes include receiving, storing, transforming and transmitting information. In any control process, there is always interaction between two objects - the manager and the controlled, which are connected by direct and feedback.

Control signals are transmitted via the direct communication channel, and information about the state of the controlled object is transmitted via the feedback channel. Let's take the example of regulating the temperature in a room using an air conditioner. The controlling object is a person, and the controlled object is an air conditioner. A thermometer can be placed in the room, which informs a person about the temperature in the room (feedback channel). When the temperature in the room increases or decreases beyond certain limits, a person turns on the air conditioner (a direct communication channel operates). Thus, the room temperature is maintained within a certain temperature range. Similarly, you can analyze the work of a person (controlling object) at a computer (managed object). A person, with the help of his senses (vision and hearing), receives information about the state of the computer through a feedback channel using information output devices (monitor, speakers). This information is analyzed by a person who makes decisions about certain control actions, which are transmitted to the computer via a direct communication channel using information input devices (keyboard or mouse).

There are not much fewer definitions of information processes (IP) than there are definitions of information. The very abundance of such definitions serves as convincing evidence of their shortcomings, showing their particular nature and the orientation of each of them towards a narrow range of tasks.

The process itself general case, call the course, occurrence of a phenomenon, the sequential change of its states. Artificially recreated processes have a utilitarian purpose, therefore they are understood as a set of sequential, purposeful actions (in accordance, for example, with DSTU 2938-94. Information processing systems. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions). The artificial implementation of a process involves the construction of a technology where the sequence of operations of the process is matched with a sequence of interconnected means of implementing these operations (an operation is understood here as a separate elementary (indivisible) action, a separate completed part of the process).

For a number of reasons, this article does not consider information technology, but IP. Firstly, when developing a new information technology, you first need to determine exactly what kind of IP this technology will implement. Secondly, since only artificial implementations of processes are considered technologies, not all processes are implemented in the form of technologies. And, most importantly, thirdly, different technologies can implement the same process using different means. And since the set of means for implementing each operation of a process is always open (without restrictions in principle), it is impossible to construct a complete classification of technologies that implement even one process. Moreover, such classifications are always unproductive and are not capable of yielding anything significantly new, since they contain combinations of only known means of implementing operations.

At the same time, the set of processes consisting of a countable set of operations is also countable, i.e. provided that the set of all possible operations is determined, constructing a complete classification of processes is a completely solvable task.

To obtain a complete and productive classification containing not only well-known, but also all possible (imaginable) IPs, it is necessary to rely on invariant properties(attributes) of any individual entrepreneurs. The initial prerequisites for finding such attributes. IP is, firstly, the inseparability of information from subject-object relations, and, secondly, what is most full set The IP is implemented in the subject itself (all artificially created IPs only reproduce and duplicate some IPs performed by the subject; it is the subject who sets the functioning and control programs artificial systems). Therefore, to find the attributes that define an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to study the subject and, in particular, his information activities.

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Receiving and converting information is a necessary condition for the life of any organism. Even the simplest single-celled organisms constantly perceive and use information, for example, about the temperature and chemical composition of the environment to select the most favorable living conditions. Living beings are capable of not only perceiving information from the environment using their senses, but also exchanging it with each other.

For example, DNA molecules store hereditary information that is passed on from parents to children. This information is processed by the body during its development.

A person also perceives information through the senses, and languages ​​are used to exchange information between people. During the development of human society, many such languages ​​arose. Without it, without the exchange of information between people, the emergence and development of society would be impossible.

Information processes are characteristic not only of wildlife, humans and society, but also of technology. This technique simulates some human actions and is capable of partially (and sometimes completely) replacing it in these cases. Man has developed technical devices, in particular computers, that are specifically designed for automatic information processing.

For example, information about a product in a supermarket is stored in a computer database, marked (processed) with a bar code, and transmitted to the cash register (price) or to the warehouse (quantity of product). Another example is quartz watches. Instead of a pendulum, springs and gears, they use a microprocessor, a quartz crystal and a battery. Just to show the time, the microprocessor must process about 30,000 pieces of information per second.

Human activity associated with the processes of receiving, transforming, accumulating and transmitting information is called information activities.

As a result scientific and technological progress humanity has created more and more new means and methods of collecting, storing, and transmitting information.

Computers in production are used at all stages: from the construction of individual parts of a product, its design to assembly and sale. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAD) allows you to create drawings and immediately receive general form object, operate machines for the production of parts. Flexible production system(GPS) allows you to quickly respond to changes in the market situation, quickly expand or curtail the production of a product, or replace it with another. The ease of transferring the conveyor to the production of new products makes it possible to produce many different product models. Computers allow you to quickly process information from various sensors, including from automated security, from temperature sensors to regulate energy consumption for heating, from ATMs that record the consumption of money by customers, from complex system a tomograph that allows you to “see” internal structure human organs and make a correct diagnosis. The computer is located on the desktop of a specialist in any profession.

Control systems

Science studies management processes cybernetics. Cybernetics was started by the American scientist Norbert Winner.

Under management refers to the purposeful interaction of objects, some of which control, while others are controlled.

Management is a complex information process that includes receiving, storing, transforming and transmitting information.

How is it represented in society? What about technology? All these questions can be answered within the framework of this article.

Importance of information

Receiving and converting data is necessary for the life of any arbitrary organism. Even the simplest single-celled organisms cannot do without this. So, they collect data on temperature and chemical composition of the environment in order to choose the most suitable conditions for their existence. Moreover, living beings can not only perceive information received from the environment through their senses, but also exchange it. This fully applies to humans. So, to receive data, the senses, of which there are five, are used, and the exchange is carried out using languages ​​(gestures, natural, formal).

Information processes

They can be carried out not only in living nature (between people and in society in particular). Thus, mankind has created various devices - automata. Their work is closely related to the processes of receiving, storing and For example, there is such an automatic device as a thermostat. He works with information about room temperature. Depending on the temperature regime set by the person and the current situation, he can turn on/off the heating devices. There are three types of information processes:

  1. Treatment.
  2. Broadcast.
  3. Storage.

As you can see, information from living and inanimate nature has a lot in common. It should be said that a person is still more complexly organized than the same technology, although some may find it difficult to believe this. Thanks to our senses, we can perceive data, comprehend it and, combining our experience, knowledge and intuition, make some decisions. They are then translated into real actions that change the world around us.

Information in wildlife

This is very interesting topic. The most significant storage in in this case is a gene. It contains data that determines the structure and development. Genetic information is inherited. It is stored in DNA molecules. They consist of four components called nucleotides. Together they form the genetic alphabet. If we're talking about about examples, it allows you to best present it. Individual areas are responsible for the structure and functioning of specific parts of the body. Genes determine opportunities and predispositions to talents or hereditary diseases. The more complex an organism is, the more individual sections can be distinguished in DNA molecules. Thus, the human genome has over 20 thousand genes, which contain over 3 billion nucleotide residues. lasted for decades. Despite widespread use computer technology, the main body of work was completed only in the 2000s. But these are not the only possible examples of information in living nature. Let's think about trees and vegetation in general. By winter they go to sleep, and in the spring they wake up. This is a real transfer of information in living nature: plant cells sense that conditions are changing and begin to curtail their activities. Similar example can be cited when talking about animals. So, look at the bears. The transmission of information in wildlife in this case is manifested in the fact that they accumulate fat, and when cold weather sets in, they go into hibernation mode. Here processes occur both at the level of the whole organism and individual systems. There is one interesting aspect here that information in living nature has. Computer science is a science that studies all processes related to data. Nowadays this is understood mainly as a technical direction, and the biological one is almost not considered within its framework. Microbiology, biochemistry, biophysics and whole line other sciences that deal with processes in living organisms.

Information in society

Man is a social being. To communicate with other people, you need to exchange data with them. In our society, there are such designations for them: message, information, awareness of the state of affairs. What is interesting is that information processes are not the exclusive prerogative of human society. Why does the grass turn yellow by autumn, the leaves fall off, and in general all vegetation goes into sleep mode during the cold season? And why is everything reborn in the spring? This is all the result of information processes that occur in plants. Thus, their cells can perceive changes that occur during external environment and react to them accordingly.

Information in technology

Cybernetics deals with this area. In this science of management itself is used to describe organizational processes in various dynamic systems (which can be living organisms or technical devices). Their vital activity or normal functioning is closely related to management processes. Therefore, all necessary processes are supported within the required range of parameter values. These include receiving, storing, transforming and transmitting information. In any process similar type Two objects always interact - the manager and the managed. They are connected by a direct and feedback channel. The first transmits control signals. With their help, the control object is brought to the required range of parameters. The feedback channel transmits information about the status and current state of affairs.

Let's look at how this is done using the example of regulating the temperature in a room thanks to an air conditioner. In this case, a person acts as a managing object. The air conditioner is controlled. A thermometer is placed in the room, which provides a person with data on the temperature. This is a feedback channel. To increase or decrease the temperature, or change the range, a person can turn the air conditioner on or off. This is an example of how a feedforward channel works. As a result, the room temperature is maintained in a certain range that is comfortable for humans. Computer work can be analyzed in a similar way. Here again, man acts as a manager (and technology as a controlled) object. Thanks to the senses (such as vision and hearing), information about the state of the computer is obtained through an information output device (monitor or speakers), which acts as a feedback channel. A person analyzes the data received and makes a decision to take certain control actions. With the help of information input devices (mouse or keyboard), which act as a direct communication channel, they are made relative to the computer. You see what features information from living and inanimate nature has.

Human perception of data

It is worth special mentioning those who provide the greatest interest - people. Regarding us, we can say that the most valuable thing, what makes us such highly organized beings, is human thinking. This is very developed process information processing - at the moment, the best on Earth. A person can act as a carrier of a large amount of data, which is presented as visual images, various facts, theories, and the like. The entire process of cognition, which occurs almost continuously, consists of obtaining and accumulating information.

Scientific approach

Cybernetics studies technical aspects. In general, this direction is implemented within the framework of computer science, which deals with the study of data and all its features. But the peculiarity of cybernetics is that this science specializes in controlling the processes that occur. She explores the possibilities of influencing and carefully monitoring the movement of information and its optimization.


As you can see, there is information in living nature, society, technology, ourselves - wherever you look, you can find it. It is impossible to do without it. And if some information is missing, a person often experiences significant difficulties.

8.1. ecological-economic and natural-technical systems

Definitions and interpretations. Overcoming the environmental crisis requires determining acceptable anthropogenic load on the biosphere, measuring the natural and production potentials of the territory, regulating man-made impacts, i.e. environmental regulation economic activity person. It is equally important to ensure comprehensive and objective control over the implementation of environmental regulations at the global, regional and local levels, something that can be implemented even before the deep greening of the economy and production.

These requirements can be most fully realized within the framework of a natural-economic complex that forms an equilibrium ecological-economic system. The concept of an ecological-economic system (EES) is widely used in modern economic and environmental literature, along with the similar concepts of “natural economic system", "bioeconomic system* and "natural-technical system".

Currently, there are two levels of interpretation of the concept of EPS: global and territorial. According to the first, the EES is interpreted as a type of environmentally oriented socio-economic formation. It is in this sense that at the closing of the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, its chairman M. Strong spoke about the need for humanity to transition from an economic system to an ecological-economic system. But in a global sense, this is still a distant and rather abstract prospect. For the practical implementation of the principle of balanced environmental management, it is important to have an understanding of the EPS at the territorial level in individual regions and industrial complexes.

In this interpretation, an ecological-economic system is a part of the technosphere limited to a certain territory, in which natural, social and production structures and processes are connected by mutually supporting flows of matter, energy and information. In the literature on environmental engineering The concept of a natural-technical system is quite widely used (Mazur et al., 1996; Stadnitsky, Rodionov, 1997). A natural-technical system (NTS) is understood as a set of natural and artificial objects formed on a certain territory as a result of the construction and operation of industrial complexes, engineering structures and technical means interacting with components of the natural and social environment.

Unfortunately, no one has ever considered real PTS from the standpoint of environmental and economic balance. Industrial development never set as its goal the creation of balanced EPS. And the mechanisms for environmental regulation of economic activities, such as assessing the expected impacts on environment and environmental assessment of programs and projects, by themselves, are not able to ensure the practical implementation of balance requirements. But this does not mean that such systems are impossible. It is only necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “balanced ecological-economic system” and “balanced ecological-economic development”. The latter usually presupposes the co-evolution of living nature and society, i.e. essentially matching the rates of natural evolution and social progress. This is truly impossible.

EPS models: structure and flows. Now there are many attempts to simulate EPS. Regional EPS are usually presented in the form of block models in which connections are analyzed, but there are no approaches to quantitative environmental regulation.

EPS is a combination of jointly functioning ecological and economic systems, which has emergent properties. Let us recall that an ecosystem is a community of living organisms that interact with each other and with their environment in such a way that the flow of energy creates stable structure and the circulation of substances between the living and nonliving parts of the system. In turn, the economic system is an organized set of productive forces that transforms input material and energy flows of natural and production resources into output flows of consumer goods and production waste. Thus, part of the material elements of the ecological system, including elements of the human environment, is used as a resource of the economic system.

Rice. 8.1. Scheme of the main material flows in the ecological-economic system

The global level of these relations is reflected in the anthropogenic material balance diagram in Chapter. 5. Here is a simplified flow diagram of the territorial EPS (Fig. 8.1). It contains economic and ecological systems act as parts of the whole and are designated as subsystems. The boundary between them is conditional, since the entire sphere of biological life support and human reproduction belongs to both subsystems.

The total production input, the sum of production material resources Rр, is composed of the resources Ri imported into a given system.

(these include non-renewable local resources) and from renewable local resources Rn, the latter including part of the bioproducts of the ecological subsystem, including the products of agrocenoses and man himself, both as a resource and as a subject of production and consumption. So

Rр = Ri + Rn. (8.1)

Total production P includes products going for local consumption, Pe (the flow of products returning to the production cycle and the cycle of secondary products are not shown in the diagram) and products going for export, Pd:

P = PC + PE. (8.2)

Production efficiency is determined by the ratio


Consumption C consists of part of the local net production pc that goes for consumption, as well as part of local biological resources C„ and imported products C; those.

C = PC + Ci + Cn (8.4)

Local resources of production and consumption in total form a flow of resource withdrawal from the ecological subsystem:

Un = Cn + Rn (8.5)

Waste from Wp production and Wc consumption enters the environment as the sum of waste from the economic subsystem:

W = Wh + Wc. (8.6)

Part of them, Wa, is included in the biogeochemical cycle of the ecological subsystem, and the other part, Wz, accumulates and dissipates with partial removal outside the system. The total waste of production is determined by the ratio


Part of the waste stream Wa undergoes assimilation and biotic neutralization in the process of destruction; the other part, after biological and geochemical migration, joins the Wz fractions and, together with them, undergoes immobilization, dispersion and removal.

Thus, part of the waste acts as technogenic pollution M = KW, where K is the general coefficient of aggressiveness or harmfulness of waste to the system. In turn, the harm caused by pollution can be represented as an indirect withdrawal of part of the resources of the ecological subsystem, similar to Un. Then Um = LM, where L is the integral coefficient of the “pollution damage” dependence. The sum U = Un + Um represents the total loss of the ecological subsystem due to its interaction with the economic subsystem.

The relationship between intermediate and final flows of pollution and their total damage depend not only on their mass and chemical composition, but also on the species composition, biomass, density of recipients, productivity and sustainability of the ecosystem, in particular in relation to technogenic impacts. These qualities depend to the greatest extent on the input flow of renewal of the biogeochemical cycle Ii, its productive capacity Nr and the scale of destruction D.

The cycles of both subsystems of the EPS together form a kind of technobiogeochemical cycle, and the entire EPS can be designated as a technobiogeocenosis. Equilibrium and velocity constants can be assigned to flows of matter in an EPS, which makes it possible to carry out a kinetic analysis of the system and identify the conditions for its equilibrium and stability. Thus, the approximation of the principle of balance in terms of the considered system has the form:

Cn + Rn + LKW = U £ Ii + Wa – D (8.8)

This means that in a balanced ecological-economic system, the total anthropogenic load should not exceed the self-healing potential of natural systems.