Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The Slonim television tower is the tallest building in Belarus.

Viewing the city from a bird's eye view is always interesting. The only pity is that the number of places where you can enjoy the views is very limited. Beautiful landscapes probably open from the upper floors of the residential complex "Cascade", from the penthouses of "Sails", "Slavyansky Quarter" or "House near Troitsky", but only the owners of the apartments or their guests can enjoy them.

Komsomolskaya Pravda has compiled a list of observation platforms that you can visit with a guided tour, buy a ticket, or just come to a high-rise cafe or restaurant.

A photo: Dmitry LASKO

Where: pr. Pobediteley, 7a

Platform height: 100 meters

When: from 12.00 to 23.30

Price: is free

A newly built 30-storey building with a height of 130 meters is located in the heart of the city. On the 28th floor is theView restaurant. You can go upstairs on a panoramic elevator. The walls of his cabin are glass, and he rises in a transparent shaft located at the outer wall of the building. Thanks to this, on the way up, you can admire beautiful view to the city. By the way, there is no separate observation deck at the top, so in order to spend time, you will have to sit down at a table. Desserts - from 75 - 285 thousand, a glass of fresh - 55 - 80 thousand.

A photo: Dmitry LASKO

Where: Independence Ave., 116

Platform height: 74 meters

When: from 12.00 to 22.30 (last Monday of the month - sunday)

Price: 30,000 rubles.

This is the tallest building in Minsk, though not the most central one. To get to the elevator leading to the observation deck, you need to go around the back of the building. Having bought a ticket at the box office, you need to go up to the 22nd floor, walk two more floors on foot. View of the eastern part Independence Avenue, along with all the nearest construction sites: the Mayak Minska quarter, the interchange under construction and the high-rise building of Gazprom. House of Mercy, a cottage village by the river. The site is fenced with high glass barriers, you can use stationary binoculars. AT bad weather you can stay two floors down and sit in the coffee bar Graf Café - the view is not much worse from there.

Hotel "Belarus"

A photo: Dmitry LASKO

Where: Storozhevskaya, 15

Platform height: 73 meters

When: from 10.00 to 24.00

Price: 25,000 rubles.

The hotel "Belarus" was reconstructed a couple of years ago - a panoramic elevator was added, which leads directly to the roof. The view from here is very beautiful: the city center, Svisloch, the Island of Tears, the Trinity Suburb, Pobediteley Avenue with the Sports Palace, the WWII Museum, and finally, the scandalous "Chizh's House". To see the details, you can use large stationary binoculars.

You can walk on the roof and admire the views for only 40 minutes and only accompanied by a security guard. If you want more - you need to go down to the floor below, there is a restaurant "Panorama" with huge windows.

"Building with a boat" on Melnikayte

A photo: Dmitry LASKO

Platform height: approximately 65 meters

Where: Melnikaite, 2

When: weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00

Price: is free

This 90-meter 24-storey building was built back in 1982 - in Soviet time the institute was located here Belbyttechproekt with a boat on the roof. He was the highest in Minsk. Later, Minskers nicknamed the high-rise "Belhard" - after the advertisement of the same name, which was located on the "boat". Around it - and this is a faceted volume of the technical floor - is located viewpoint However, tourists are not driven there. However, you can simply enter the building as a visitor, take the elevator to the last available 20th floor, go out to the common balcony and enjoy the view. Below - Yubileinaya Square, where the metro is now being built, further on Pobediteley Avenue, Rakovskoye and Troitskoye Suburbs are visible.

Ferris wheel in Gorky Park

A photo: Dmitry LASKO

Platform height: 54 meters

Where: st. Frunze

When: 15.00 - 21.00 - Monday; 11.00 - 21.00 - Tuesday - Thursday and Sunday; 11.00 - 22.00 - Friday - Saturday, holidays and pre-holiday days.

Price: 25 000

There are open booths and closed ones. The latter are better to choose in cold weather - in the summer on a sunny day they are like in a greenhouse. However, you can’t spin in open booths - the chairs in them are oriented only in one direction. wheel makes full turn in 8 minutes. During this time, you need to have time to consider the circus, the unfinished Kempinski building, the Svisloch embankment with the building general staff, silhouette of the residence of the President on Marksa.

Most tall buildings Belarus are not located in Minsk. So, TV towers are leading here in Slonim, in the village of Kolodishchi near Minsk, in Ushachi and near Mogilev. The height of each of them is 350 meters. by the very high point The country is the Holy (Dzerzhinsk) mountain - 345 meters.

A building height record has been updated in Belarus. by the most high house was the 32-storey skyscraper "Sail" under construction, which is being built in Minsk at the corner of Kalvariyskaya, Clara Zetkin, Timiryazev and Maxim Tank streets. Its height is already 100.4 meters. The total height of the constructed building will be 133 meters, since a metal structure "Sail" will be installed at the top.

"Now the 30th floor is being completed. The height from ground level to the floor of the uppermost floor, except for penthouses, will be 104 meters. One floor (three meters) and two ceilings (0.3 meters each) remain to be completed to this height," the statement said. in the Iterabelstroy company, which is the developer of the house.

Smorgon: The temple in Smorgon is an original monument of Renaissance architecture. It was built as a Calvin collection (temple) in 1606-1612. (according to other sources, in 1553); known as a church since 1617. The plan is an extended octahedron. The inner space is covered with a spherical dome, the base of which is masked by an attic richly decorated on all sides with spatulas and paired semicircular niches and weights.

Synkovichi:Church of St. Michael the Archangel.early 16th century architectural appearance The church has details of ancient Russian and Gothic architecture - an architectural belt, two eastern round towers at the level of the lower tier. Currently, a trip to Synkovichi is included in most tourist programs aimed not only at ordinary holidays in Belarus, but also such as “Ecotourism in Belarus”, “Weekend holidays in Belarus” (or “Weekend holidays in Belarus”), “ Leisure in Belarus”, “Children's Recreation in Belarus” and many other programs involving tourism and recreation in Belarus.

Borisov: Holy Resurrection Cathedral (1874, architect P. Merkulov) with a bell tower (1907, architect V. Struev) stands in the middle retail space city ​​of Borisov. The cathedral was built in the spirit of pseudo-Russian architecture. The monument is distinguished by high artistic qualities, colorfulness, and its three-dimensional composition with a developed multi-dome favorably differs from the neighboring ordinary buildings.

Holy Temple Life-Giving Trinity located in historical place city ​​of Borisov. Nearby are the historical object of the war of 1812 "Batteries", Borisov United state museum, a monument to the crew of the tank Pavel Rak, a road bridge across the Berezina.

Budslav: In the chapel of St. Barbara, built in 1643, preserved unique wooden altar 1643-1647, and in the church itself there is an icon of 1598, donated by Pope Clement XVIII.

The Bernardine Church, shrouded in the spirit of Belarusian late baroque architecture, attracts tourists from all over Belarus, provides an opportunity to experience a true holiday in Belarus.

Volozhin: The palace complex consists of two-storey buildings. At present, it is quite difficult to imagine the original appearance of the complex. The architecture of the complex corresponded to the requirements of classicism: skillfully, neatly executed elements of the order system, laconic framing of openings, developed porticos. Characteristic of classicism is the composition of the facades of the complex: it is built on the rich plasticity of the central portico and the contrast of ascetic side wings.

At the same time, a wooden church, a synagogue, shopping malls, a church with a belfry gate, etc. were being built in Volozhin.

Dudutki- one of the most visited museums in Belarus, the museum of ancient folk crafts and technologies, located 40 kilometers from Minsk, in picturesque place near the Ptich river. The guests of the complex are always happy to offer an acquaintance with the way of the lord's court, the work of masters who recreate ancient technologies in action, the culinary heritage of our ancestors, the enchanting nature of the Minsk region, and the amazing wildlife. Today Dudutka Museum includes several complexes - a craft yard with a mini-exposition of folk life and a forge, a stable and a zoo, a garage with retro cars, the only windmill in Belarus, the wooden church of St. John the Prophet. 14 meter mill Dutch type was built in 1903-05. brothers Mikhail and Ivan Polyakov in the village of Berezovka, Gomel region.

Zhodino: There are 20 monuments of history and culture in the city, including the bust of the Hero Soviet Union P. I. Kupriyanov, monuments to V. I. Lenin, mass graves partisans and soldiers of the Red Army who died during the Great Patriotic War, memorial plaques in memory of scientists, directors of BelAZ and Zhodino underground workers. Among the city attractions, the most famous monument is the "Mother-Patriot", dedicated to A.F. Kupriyanova and her five sons who died in the Great Patriotic war. Zhodino annually hosts concerts, competitions, festivals, festivities with the participation of amateur art groups, 13 of which are honorary title"popular" and "exemplary". The Automaker's Day is celebrated especially widely in Zhodino. Zhodino is a young city, it has few architectural sights, but sports and agrotourism flourishes here. The doors of Zhodino are open for tourists local history museum, Museum named after Kupriyanov P.I.

Zaslavl: The landmark of Zaslavl is the Church of the Transfiguration, built in the middle of the 16th-17th centuries. on the territory of the castle, surrounded by its ramparts. At first it was a Calvinist temple, and then in the 60s years XIX in. building was converted into Orthodox Church. The castle grounds with the temple were declared a historical and archaeological reserve in 1967, and a branch of the Belarusian State historical museum. In the 1990s the building was transferred to the church, in the late 1990s it was badly damaged by fire, in early XXI in. the renovation was completed.

Ivenets: The Museum of Traditional Culture in Ivenets was established back in 1957, but the specifics of the museum were somewhat different. And it becomes clear from original name museum: memorial museum F.E. Dzerzhinsky. However, in the 1990s, the museum began to collect and study objects of folk art, traditional crafts, customs and traditions of the inhabitants of the region. Which ultimately led to the fact that in January 2006 the Dzerzhinsky Museum in Ivenets was renamed the Ivenets Museum of Traditional Culture. The Museum of Traditional Culture in Ivenets is located in a building that is an architectural monument of the early 20th century (the building was built in the 1930s). The main activity of the museum today is connected not only with the expansion of the museum funds, but also with the revival and preservation of traditional folk crafts and crafts of the Ivenets region. Today, the museum has more than 18 thousand museum exhibits.

Logoisk: In 1815, Count Piy Felitsianovich Tyshkevich built a two-story stone palace in the style of classicism in the Logoisk estate. In the manor yard there was a "cooking room", an icehouse, a stall, a vase and other outbuildings. A park was established around the palace. The temple was erected on the site of the Catholic Church of St. Casimir, destroyed in the middle of the 20th century, which was located on the site of the former family church of the Tyszkiewicz tomb.

Minsk: Holy Spirit Cathedral. The cathedral (former church of the Bernardines) and the monastery on Bakunin Street, founded in 1642 (completed in the 18th century), are interesting monuments of old Minsk. Baroque.

Obelisk of Victory. The obelisk on Victory Square in Minsk was erected on July 4, 1954 in memory of Soviet soldiers and partisans of the Great Patriotic War.

The Gazprom complex, almost 200 meters high, will appear in four years in front of the National Library. The building will be equipped with a panoramic restaurant and an observation deck.

The high-rise building of Gazprom will become the central object of a new multifunctional complex near the National Library, reported. Only a few capitals of Europe can boast of taller buildings - Moscow, Kyiv, Warsaw, Vienna, Madrid, Paris and London.

Preparatory work at the construction site near the intersection of Independence Avenue and Filimonova Street has already begun. The Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Union of Architects, Head of the Design Department of Gazprom Transgaz Belarus spoke about the large-scale project Mikhail Gauhfeld.

“The multifunctional complex of the Gazprom group in Minsk will be the final link in the new largest urban planning ensemble, which is now being formed around the National Library,” said Mikhail Gaukhfeld. - Approaching the center of Minsk from the Moscow direction, on the left you will first see "Magnit Minska", then the retail and office part of the Mayak Minska complex, then the central link of the ensemble - the library building, and at the end of the perspective - new complex"Gazprom". On the other side of the avenue, in the future it is planned to build another high-rise building behind the existing Alexandrov Passage business center.

The center of the composition will be a glazed high-rise object of complex configuration - this is an office for the Gazprom group with a height of more than 180 m, which will have double-height spaces of lobbies and other rooms, and at the very top of the transparent tower there will be a multi-level restaurant with an observation platform. There, visitors can not only taste unique dishes, but also admire the beautiful panoramas of the city.

Five more buildings will be built around the main skyscraper, which will house class A offices for large domestic and foreign companies and a four-star plus hotel. These objects will be 12-15-storey. Naturally, cafes and restaurants for employees and visitors are planned in each of the buildings.

According to the concept, the silhouette and color scheme of the main constituent parts of the complex should be associated with a gas torch - a symbol of the Gazprom group. AT evening time this image will be facilitated by the architectural illumination of all buildings and territories.

In addition to the listed facilities, social facilities are also being designed: sports, medical, children's centers and others.

All buildings will be located on a 2-4-story underground-ground base - a stylobate, which will take most the entire area allocated for construction. Due to the difference in relief, two floors of the stylobate from the side of the street. Filimonov will be open. A shopping area with boutiques, a congress center for 1000 seats with a transforming hall are being designed there, where it will be possible to hold symposiums, concerts and other public events. The main volume of the underground part of the stylobate will be occupied by parking for cars.

On the roof of the stylobate in the center between the buildings, a pedestrian square with an open amphitheater for 1000 spectators was planned, where cultural events are possible. There will also be a recreation area with a fountain on the square, and in winter, you can put up a Christmas tree and flood the skating rink in this place.

To get to the territory of the complex from the side of the National Library, above the street. Filimonov will build a footbridge with a bike path.

- When negotiations on the possible construction of the complex were just beginning, Minsk residents were alarmed by the message about the need to move the Moskovsky bus station to a new location. At one time there was talk that the original structure would be preserved and added to the new building in a different functional purpose.

– Indeed, there was a lot of debate about how to keep the station and adapt it to new functions. In 2012, in UE "Minskproekt" under my leadership, variants of such a solution were made. Taking into account the volume of the proposed construction of the new complex and the need for the simultaneous construction of a transport interchange in this area, as a result of negotiations between the management of OAO Gazprom and the city authorities, an agreement was reached: the investor transfers money for the transfer of the station building to a new location, and the vacant site is fully used for a new facility . Under the terms of the agreement, the Gazprom group finances 50% of the construction of a two-level interchange at the intersection of st. Filimonov and others. Independence. During its construction, part of the territory up to the building of the existing bus station will be used as a temporary route of Independence Avenue. Under this decision, the subsequent design of two objects went.

Today, the investor transferred funds that double the cost of relocating Moskovsky, which makes it possible to build a new modern facility at any point in the city that is convenient for the population. If the authorities of Minsk and the townspeople wish, the appearance of the station in the new place can also be preserved. Architecturally and technically today this is solved quite simply.
As for the Filimonov-Independence interchange, the funds for its construction have also been transferred. The construction project is already ready. After passing the examination, the customer of the interchange UE "Gordorstroy" will start its construction. OAO "Gazprom" represented by its subsidiary "Gazprom Transgaz Belarus" fulfilled its investment obligations to the city last year.

What are the construction times?

- They are very concise, directive. In 2018, should be built and road junction, and our object, so this year will begin preparation period on two sites in parallel. By the end of the year, traffic will bypass part of the avenue, and the construction of an overpass will begin at the intersection. In our part, a foundation pit will be laid, which is comparable in size to the pit under the Stolitsa shopping center with a parking lot on Sq. Independence. The construction of buildings starts from the foundations of the head office as the most labor-intensive. At the same time, two more new streets are being designed: one will pass behind our complex and connect Filimonov and Makayonka, the other will connect this new street with Independence Avenue.

Construction of a 2-level interchange

Directly next to the new complex, work on the construction of the interchange will soon begin. The passport of the object states that the work will last more than two years, from June 2014 to November 2016. Judging by the images presented to the citizens, Independence Avenue will be raised, and Filimonov Street will remain below.

which tower is the highest, which extreme people loved and which tower has a holy spring near

On January 16, 1966, the premiere of the popular program "Zucchini 13 Chairs" took place in the Shabolovsky Center. And what do we know about in Belarus? Let's find out 6 interesting facts about television towers in our country.

1. When did the TV tower appear in Vitebsk?

The TV tower and TV transmitter did not appear already in 1959. The first broadcast program of the Central Television took place on May 1, 1959. The height of the TV tower at that time was 98 meters. The height of the modern TV tower is 244 meters, it was commissioned in 1983, built on St. George's Hill. Let's add that the tower is in regional center considered the twin of Vitebsk.

2. What is the highest TV tower in Belarus?

Do you think in Wrong! Thus, the height of the TV tower in the city reaches 376 meters. She is considered the most high TV tower not only in Belarus, but throughout Europe. When it was installed in 1965, it began to deform, taking the most unusual forms. The structure writhed like a snake, and the builders had to install special dampers for electromagnetic vibrations.

3. What is the smallest TV tower in Belarus?

Here it is worth remembering the TV tower in. The height of the television tower, which receives the signals of the TV and Radio Company Brest, was built in 1975. Its height was only 56 meters. By the way, the height of the tower in Grodno is 254 meters, in Gomel - 192 meters, in Mogilev (Polykovichi) - 350 meters.

4. What is the height of the TV tower in Minsk?

It is usually considered that the most high TV tower install in . This is not true. The first TV tower in Belarus was installed in Minsk in 1956. The range of reliable reception was at that time 70 km. And color programs began to be broadcast already in 1974. The height of the old TV tower is only 170 meters. Of course, in addition to it, a tower has already been built in Kolodishchi, 350 meters high. And in the future, Minsk architects plan to build a tower 425 meters high.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" found out what the future complex of the Russian company will look like, for which the Moscow bus station was sacrificed [photo]


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Now there is a large construction site at the intersection of Filimonova Street and Independence Avenue. By the end of 2018, a multifunctional public and business complex "Gazprom Center" will grow there. About what it will be like, we asked the Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Union of Architects, Chief Architect of the branch for the construction of the complex of Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, Mikhail Gaukhfeld.

“This tower will not spoil the view of the library”

If the construction of office buildings in the center and along Independence Avenue does not stop, then in 5-10 years the center of Minsk and the avenue will stop and drown in traffic jams, - Mikhail Lvovich immediately intrigued. - This is a factor to consider when placing large office, retail and residential buildings. The more we place them in the center, along the avenues, the more likely it is that they will turn from front doors, pedestrians, as was conceived in the 1950s, into highways with traffic jams. We urgently need to build bypass ring highways around the center and understudies of Independence Avenue. This is the main problem of urban planning in Minsk today.

In order to partly solve the problem, Minsk city planners back in the 80s conceived the creation of two large business centers, but not in the city center, but in places with convenient transport accessibility at the intersection of ring and radial highways. The first such center is around the National Library, the second one is on the site of the old Minsk-1 airport.

Judging by the experience of building Mayak Minsk, where a business center was conceived, but a residential complex is being built, there are fears that the same thing could happen to the territory of the former Minsk-1 airport.

- Will it not happen to the Gazprom complex?

No, this will definitely not happen, there will be no residential buildings there. This is a modern business center.

- Is there any fear that Gazprom's skyscraper will outshine the National Library? She will be much taller.

No, the library is located in such a way that there is a large free park area around it; in any case, it will look like the center of the ensemble. The Gazprom Tower was deliberately moved away from the avenue so that when leaving the city center the National Library could be seen from all points. However, as an architect, I cannot but say that one urban planning mistake has been made. Alas, the Dana Mall office building closed the library from the entrance to the city ...

"A unique project and "green" technologies"

- This building is one of the most discussed. Many people are afraid that Gazprom's skyscraper and skyscrapers will not stand out from the uniform appearance of the avenue?

The Gazprom complex was placed in accordance with the general plan of the city - both as a business center and as one of high-rise buildings. Urban planners plan that similar centers will appear in other parts of the city, where they are provided for by the general plan, in order to give the capital the look of a modern European capital.

The Gazprom complex is an example of business centers that are currently being built in largest cities peace. And the case when an investor is not going to save every penny, but wants to get a modern world-class facility. The numbers are not a secret. Gazprom plans to invest about $500 million in the construction of the office and multifunctional complex. Of course, the amount may change during the construction process.

What is so unique about this building? Besides money?

First, it is the largest international project. Many Russian, Belarusian and international companies will come here. It contains interesting architectural and engineering solutions. As is already known, the tallest building in Minsk will be here, and the latest technologies will be used for its construction.

Secondly, there will be other interesting solutions. So, in the center of the complex there will be an amphitheater for a thousand seats. His stage is a fountain, but flat, if necessary, it can easily be turned into a stage. Concerts and festivals will be held here. And in winter, the fountain-stage will turn into a skating rink. In the stylobate part of the complex (usually the basement of one or the common basement of several buildings. - Auth.) A unique congress center with transformable halls was designed - the main one for 900 seats and five small ones for a total of 800 seats. In addition to congresses and conferences, it will be possible to hold concerts, exhibitions and other events. There are no similar halls in Minsk yet. As part of the complex, a parking lot for almost 1,500 cars has been designed, which, unlike other business centers in Minsk, will create a real comfortable conditions for workers and visitors. All innovations are difficult to enumerate.

The Moscow Gazprom complex is exclusively business, and the entrance there is with passes. Minsk will be available to everyone. At the top of the tower there will be a four-story restaurant of different price categories. There will be no helipad because the building is gabled. It is provided on the territory of the complex.

Construction is carried out according to "green" technologies, that is, with the maximum use of renewable energy sources. The complex will even have its own energy center, where from the gas at most modern technologies will receive electricity, heat and cold for the needs of the entire complex. This means that it will not depend much on the city's thermal power plants and other things.

- What does it mean "the design of the complex is carried out simultaneously with the construction"?

Even 10 years ago, it was assumed that construction could be carried out, roughly speaking, right from the picture. Having broken firewood at many objects, everyone realized that it was impossible to build from a sketch. We need to make a complete architectural project, and when it is agreed and passes the state examination, further phased design can be carried out in parallel with construction. It's more complicated, but everyone understands what it is large complex it would take another three years to design. And then - to approve, and only then to build.

“Decoupling aesthetically became somewhat worse. But it's cheaper."

- What will happen to the denouement? Either there is money for it, or not ...

Gazprom finances 50% of the construction cost of the interchange and has already paid for everything under the contract. Naturally, before signing the investment agreement, preliminary amounts were announced. But it so happened that the agreed amount, after the first version of the outcome was prepared, was exceeded several times. It is clear that the city itself could not pay for the proposed interchange option. Therefore, Minskinzhproekt redid the project. As a result, the cost of elevated overpasses has been reduced. I can say that if earlier the flyover was about 150 m, now it has been reduced to a size that allows Filimonova Street to be opened under the avenue, as is done at other interchanges. Removed underground pedestrian crossings under the avenue. It is clear that aesthetically and functionally it has become somewhat worse. The unique footbridge across Filimonova Street is also gone. Minsk residents will cross the road along the zebra across the avenue and Filimonova street. A part of the park territory of the Slepyanskaya water system also went under the denouement.


The total area of ​​the site on which the Gazprom Center will be built is 8.27 hectares, which is approximately 12 football fields.

Building area - 4.5 hectares.

To start construction, 480,000 cubic meters of soil had to be excavated. For comparison: to start construction shopping center"Capital" (now - the deepest building in Minsk), 460,000 cubic meters of land were taken from Independence Square.

The depth of the pit for Gazprom Center is 12 meters. It could fit not the smallest lake by Belarusian standards.

The area of ​​all buildings to be built in the Gazprom Center complex is 264,000 m². For comparison: the total area of ​​the building of the National Library is 113.7 thousand m².

The height of the Gazprom tower will be 189 m, while the height of the Parus skyscraper under construction, which is now called the highest in Minsk, is only 133 m. And that, together with the antenna.


There will be a shopping street and a park around the tower

The buildings in the Gazprom Center complex promise to be unique both in terms of architecture and in terms of the organization of urban and office space. It will be a mini-city where Minsk residents will be able to work, relax, play sports... The idea of ​​the project was created by an international company, NBBJ, one of the most innovative in the field of architecture and design, with offices in China, the USA and the UK.

The center of the composition will be a glazed tower 189 meters high. It will become the tallest building in Belarus. The skyscraper will be surrounded by five buildings of 12-15 floors. Together they will resemble the silhouette of a torch, the symbol of a Gazprom Group company.

It will house the company's headquarters, office buildings, a hotel complex with a congress center, a sports center with swimming pools, saunas, gyms, a rooftop tennis court, a medical diagnostic center with unique equipment, a children's education center with a museum, a shopping street with boutiques and catering establishments, parking for 1500 cars.

The mini-city will include a shopping street, an amphitheater, a recreation area, ground and underground parking lots, cafe-restaurants.

Between the complex and Independence Avenue, a continuation of the park along the Slepyanskaya water system will be created.