Biographies Characteristics Analysis

See what it is in other dictionaries. Translation and meaning of OFF in English and Russian What does on and off mean in English

  1. adverb
    1. removal, separation: I must be off I must leave;
      off you go !, be off !, get off !, off with you ! get out!; go away!;
      they are off;
      to run off;
      to keep off; keep aloof;
      my hat is off
      the cover is off;
      the gilt is off the gilding has come off; figuratively disappointment set in

      Examples of use

      1. "You are old, Father William," the young man said, "And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head- Do you think, at your age, it is right?" "In my youth," Father William replied to his son, "I feared it might injure the brain; But, now that I"m perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again." "You are old, " said the youth, "as I mentioned before, And have grown most uncommonly fat; Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door- Pray, what is the reason of that?" "In my youth," said the sage, as he shook his gray locks, "I kept all my limbs very supple By the use of this ointment-one shilling the box- Allow me to sell you a couple?" "You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak For anything tougher than suet; Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak- Pray how did you manage to do it?" "In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law, And discussed each case with my wife; And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life." "You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose That your eye was as steady as ever; Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose- What made you so awfully clever?" "I have answered three questions, and that is enough," Said his father; "don"t give yourself airs! Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff? off, or I"ll kick you down stairs!"

        Old man! - the son turned to his father, - Your head has turned so gray that standing upside down doesn’t suit you! Isn't it time to quit this business? “As a child, I wouldn’t have taken the risk,” answered the old man, “What if something happens to my brain!” But now, having made sure that the risk is small, I like to stand upside down! “You’re an old man,” said the son. “And, as everyone says, - You’re no thinner than a beer keg, You’re doing ten somersaults in a row - Do you think that’s beautiful?” - As a child, boy, I was like a wind-up top: I bought from the old devil a Miracle ointment for gymnasts “Let’s shake up the old days.” Would you like a jar? I'll give it away for cheap! “You toothless old man,” continued the loafer, “you should be enjoying yourself with semolina porridge!” You eat the goose (with bones!) in one go! What should I do with a dad like that? - Since childhood, boy, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer, I fought legal disputes with my wife; And although I, as you see, did not become a judge, But my jaw became steel! “You’re an old man!” the son shouted. “You’ll argue in vain.” Your body is worn out and fragile. And yesterday you threw an eel with your NOSE! Is this a decent thing to do? “You, my son,” the old man glanced sideways at his son, “Even though you are young, you are impudent and boring!” I have a question: Will you wait for the kick - Or will you get out of here yourself?!

        Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, page 26
      2. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he lurched across the yard, kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring.

        Kicking the back door, he stumbled across the yard, unable to get out of the circle of light from the lantern dancing in his hand, poured himself a last glass of beer from the keg in the kitchen and went to bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring.

        Animal Farm. George Orwell, page 1
      3. and then most went off to serve in the war.

        and most of them went to war.

        Subtitles for the video "What does it take to live a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness. Robert Waldinger", page 2
    2. distance: a long way off;
      five miles off; five miles
    3. termination, break, end of action, cancellation, cancellation: to break off negotiations;
      to cut off supplies;
      the strike is off
      the concert is off the concert is canceled

      Examples of use

      1. He was only once crossed, and that was towards the end, when my poor father was far gone in a decline that took him off.

        Only once did they dare to contradict the captain, and that happened in the very last days, when my unfortunate father was dying.

        Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 5
    4. completion of the action: to pay off pay (to the end);
      to drink off (to the bottom);
      to polish off;
      to finish off

      Examples of use

      1. A young man-we can sketch his portrait at a dash. Imagine to yourself a Don Quixote of eighteen; a Don Quixote without his corselet, without his coat of mail, without his cuisses; a Don Quixote clothed in a woolen doublet, the blue color of which had faded into a nameless shade between lees of wine and a heavenly azure; face long and brown; high cheek bones, a sign of sagacity; the maxillary muscles enormously developed, an infallible sign by which a Gascon may always be detected, even without his cap-and our young man wore a cap set off with a sort of feather; the eye open and intelligent; the nose hooked, but finely chiseled.

        A young man... Let's try to sketch his portrait: imagine Don Quixote at eighteen years old, Don Quixote without armor, without armor and legguards, in a woolen jacket, the blue color of which has acquired a shade intermediate between red and sky blue.

        Three Musketeers. Part one. Alexandre Dumas, page 3
    5. deliverance: to throw off reserve to become bolder, to become brave
    6. switching off, disconnecting something apparatus or mechanism: to switch off the light;
      the radio was off the whole day
    7. absence, impossibility of obtaining: the dish is off this dish no longer exists (although it is listed on the menu)
    8. freedom from work: to take time off to take a break from work
    9. removing an item of clothing: take off your coat ! take off your coat!;
      hats off! hats off!;
      to be badly off;
      to be comfortably off making good money; be well off
  2. pretext
    1. distance from;
      a mile off the road;
      off the beaten track away from the main road; figuratively in little-known areas;
      off the coast not far from the shore;
      the street off the Strand
    2. removal from the surface;
      take you hands off the table;
      they pushed me off my seat;
      to fall off a ladder (tree, horse)

      Examples of use

      1. I don"t suppose it will knock any of you people off your perch to read a contribution from an animal.

        I think you people won't be very surprised to read the animal's literary exercise.

        Memories of a Yellow Dog. O. Henry, page 1
    3. deviation from the norm, the usual state: off one's balance, having lost balance (also. figuratively);
      off one's food without appetite;
      he is off smoking;
      off the point a> far from the target; b> irrelevant;
      off the mark a> missed the target (about a shot); b> irrelevant
    4. non-participation in he is off gambling; he does not gamble;
      off the cuff without preparation
  3. adjective
    1. distant, more distant;
      an off road
    2. free (about time, hours);
      an off day day off, free day
    3. removed, separated;
      the wheel is off
    4. lean (about the year); dead (about the season)
    5. secondary;
      an off street lane;
      that is an off issue
    6. right;
      the off hind leg
      the off side right side; nautical; nautical side of a ship facing the open sea

      Examples of use

      1. Indeed, so engrossed was he that he never noticed that his coachman, elated with the hospitality of Manilov’s domestics, was making remarks of a didactic nature to the off horse of the troika, a skewbald.

        Busy with them, he did not pay any attention to how his coachman, pleased with the reception of Manilov’s servants, made very sensible comments to the brown-haired harness horse harnessed on the right side.

        Dead souls. Poem. Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich, page 39
    7. unlikely;
      on the off chance colloquial just in case
    8. stale;
      the fish is a bit off the fish is not quite fresh
    9. not entirely healthy;
      I am feeling rather off today
    10. low-grade;
      off grade low quality
    11. sports - located, located to the left of the bowler (about part of the cricket field)
  4. noun
    1. conversational - free time;
      in one's off at leisure
    2. sports - part of the field located to the left of the bowler (in cricket)
  5. verb
    1. colloquial - stop (negotiations, etc.); back down
    2. to off it colloquial to leave, get away
  6. interjection - away!, out!

In // 1 Comment

One of the fascinating - and sometimes challenging - aspects of the English language is how the same words can have several different meanings. We will look at the use of two prepositions - “ on" And " off” - in different meanings.


First let's look at using “ on”.

Google shortcode

I will see you on Tuesday - see you on Tuesday
In this sentence, the preposition “on” is used to indicate the exact day on which something will happen.

The party is still on ! - the party is still going on
And in this sentence, “on” means that something will happen and continue according to plan.

The ball was on target for the goal! – accurately hit the ball into the goal!
Here the word “on” means “right or necessary direction.”

Are you still on for the match tomorrow? – Have you changed your mind about going to tomorrow’s match?
In this sentence, “on” is used to mean “you are still interested in doing something or going somewhere.”

I left the light on ! – I left the light on
In this sentence, “on” means that some electrical device, such as a TV, radio or lighting, is turned on.


Now let's look at the word " off" Here are some examples of its use.

I'm off work next Monday – next Monday I don’t work
The word “off” means “there is no need to do something”

I'm off on my holiday soon! – I’m going on vacation soon!
And here “off” simply means “to leave.”

I’m off my food at the moment - now I shouldn’t eat
In this case, “off” means “not being able to do something,” or “need to avoid something.”

“Pooh! This milk is off!” - ugh! This milk has gone sour!
In this case, the word “off” simply means “inedible.” This cannot be eaten or drunk. This food is rotten, rotten, sour.

Please turn off the light! – please turn off the light!
In this sentence, the word “off” means “to disconnect,” or to turn off the power supply to an appliance, or to turn off a light bulb.

So, by looking closely at simple words, you can find out how they can change the meaning of a sentence and be used in a variety of cases.

I am convinced that knowledge of any language lies in the nuances: the general rules are known and understandable to everyone, but not everyone is familiar with the subtleties. I also never tire of repeating that, unfortunately, textbooks (even the most modern ones) focus mainly on general rules, and misses many details of the language that you should know about.

There are many “little words” in English: prepositions, adverbs that we encounter everywhere, but we subconsciously ignore them and think little about their properties and meanings, seeing only the general. But these “small” elements can significantly change the meanings of not only the words with which they are combined, but also entire sentences.

But it can be very difficult to understand what they mean, even with the help of a dictionary, and then we begin to think and guess. You can’t figure it out without context, but sometimes it’s completely useless if you don’t understand the properties and meanings of “little words.”

But there is also good news.
On the ENGINFORM blog, I regularly talk about how prepositions and adverbs are used in English, show how to highlight common features and patterns, and provide explanations and examples.

Today we will talk about the word off.

Off as a preposition and as an adverb is used after verbs, giving them other shades of meaning, is part of many phrasal verbs (some of which I will give in examples), and maybe a separate adjective. Let's talk about all this in order.

Think about it: how often have you come across the word off in English? In what contexts?

Remember: on electrical appliances they write ON/OFF, you've probably heard the combinations day off and to log off, there is even an insect repellent called Off.

How is it all connected?

The word off has a number of typical meanings, and in each of the above situations, off will be translated completely differently. Let's look at these meanings and draw parallels with Russian where possible.

The first common meaning of off is transfer, removal, removal from the surface. Off indicates that the objects are no longer touching each other:

Brush the dirt off the coat - brush the dirt off the coat
Wash off the stains - wash away stains
Knock something off - knock down something or someone
Take the books off the desk. - Remove the books from the table.

Off indicates a change in position, often a sideways, downward, or outward movement:

The cup slipped off my hands. - The cup slipped out of my hands.
I like traveling off the beaten track. - I like to travel away from the main road.
Get off the bus - get off the bus
Get off the plane - get out of the plane
I'm off. - I'm leaving.
I logged off my computer. - I logged out of my computer.

Off speaks of distance, removal, distance, and in this sense is often used with verbs of movement:

The light will frighten the burglars off. - The light will scare away robbers.
He walked off the room. - He left the room.
Stand off the fire. - Stay away from the fire.
The lovers ran off together. - The lovers ran away together.
She tried to keep off a subject. - She tried to avoid the topic.

Off is often the equivalent of our prefixes from- and time-, which, combined with various verbs, indicate separation, separation:

Divide off the room by a glass wall - divide the room with a glass wall
Fence off the garden - fence off the garden with a fence
Cut off the dry branches of a tree - cut off the dry branches of a tree

If we are talking about electrical appliances, then off speaks of disconnecting, turning off, stopping:

Switch off the radio, please. - Turn off the radio, please.
He turned off the TV. - He turned off the TV.
I was cut off electricity. - My electricity was turned off.

Another meaning of the word off is completion, termination, cancellation:

Did you read off the book? -Have you finished reading the book yet?
Drink off your tea. - Finish your tea.
The urgent call broke off the meeting. - An urgent call interrupted the meeting.
I used to like tennis but now I am off it. - I used to like tennis, but not now.
You should remain off smoking until you get better. - You need to refrain from smoking until you feel better.

And sometimes the word off appears in a sentence and it is completely unclear what its meaning is. For example: It is off or He is off. How to understand this?

The fact is that off is not only a preposition or adverb that is combined with verbs, but also, therefore, can be used with the verb to be. The meaning of off will be determined by the context. If you only have a sentence separate from the whole situation, you will never know what exactly was meant.

The meanings of the adjective off mostly carry negative connotations. Let's look at some of them:

About states: poor quality, worse than usual; something unsatisfactory:

I had an off day. - I had a bad day.
He felt off after the party. - He felt unwell after the party.

About food: missing, stale, poor quality:

This milk is a bit off. - The milk has spoiled a little.
The food has gone off. - The food is gone.

About time: non-working, day off:

A day off - day off
I will take a Monday off. - I'll take a day off on Monday.
The off season - dead, non-tourist season

About objects and devices: inoperative:

My computer is off. - My computer is turned off.
The TV is off. - The TV is turned off.

Many combinations with off cannot be found in the dictionary. When meeting them, use your knowledge and logic and determine what off expresses in this context: separation, removal, or maybe a change in position?
Be careful, watch the little words and move forward to improve your English every day.


off (ɒf)

1.adv points to:

1) removal, separation:

I must be off;

off you go!, be off!, get off!, off with you! get out!, go away!;

they are off they went;

to run off;

to keep off; stay away;

my hat is off

the cover is off;

the gilt is off; the gilding is gone; trans. there was disappointment

2) distance:

a long way off;

five miles off; five miles away

3) termination, expiration, cancellation, cancellation:

to break off negotiations;

to cut off supplies;

the strike is off

the concert is off

4) break from work:

Sunday is her day off;

they are off till the first

5) completion of action:

to pay off ( to the end);

to drink off ( to the bottom);

to polish off;

to finish off

6) deliverance:

to throw off reserve to dare, to become brave"

7) switching off, disconnecting something apparatus or mechanism:

to switch off the light;

the radio was off the whole day

8) absence, impossibility of obtaining:

the dish is off this dish is no longer available ( even though it's on the menu)

9) removing an item of clothing:

take off your coat! take off your coat!;

hats off! Hats off! to be badly off;

to be comfortably off to earn good money; be well off

2. prep points to:

1) distance from;

a mile off the road;

off the beaten track away from the main road; trans. original, unusual;

off the coast not far from the shore;

the street off the Strand

2) removal from surface With;

take your hands off the table;

they pushed me off my seat;

to fall off a ladder (tree, horse)"

3) deviation from the norm, habitual state:

off one "s balance lost balance (also translated);

off one's food without appetite;

he is off smoking;

a) far from the goal;

b) irrelevant;

a) past the target ( about the shot);

b) irrelevant

4) non-participation in smth.:

he is off gambling off the cuff without preparation

3. a

1) distant, more distant;

an off road

2) right;

the off hind leg;

the off side right side; mor. the side of the ship facing the open sea

3) unlikely;

on the off chance decom. just in case

4) free ( about time, hours);"

an off day day off, free day

5) secondary;

an off street lane; side street;

that is an off issue

6) removed, separated;"

the wheel is off

7) barren ( about the year); dead ( about the season)

8) not very healthy;

I am feeling rather off today

9) stale;

the fish is a bit off

10) low-grade;

off grade low quality

11) sports. located on the right, opposite to the one on which the batsman stands ( about the cricket field side)


1) decomposed free time;

in one's off at leisure

2) sports. right side of the field ( opposite the one on which the batsman is standing; in cricket)

5. v decom.

1) stop ( negotiation etc. ); back down

to off it to leave, to get away"

6. int away!, out!


1. (ɒf) n

1. off position ( at devices, switches, etc.)

to be set at ~ - to be in the “off” position

2. free time

in one's ~ - in free time

3. sport. part of the field to the left of the bowler ( cricket)

4. decomposition beginning, start

ready for the ~ - ready to start

from the ~ - from the very beginning

2. (ɒf) a

1. more distant, distant

2. 1) located on the right side, on the right

the ~ horse - right harness

the ~ side of the road - right side of the road

the ~ wheel of a cart - the right wheel of the cart

2) mor. facing the sea ( about the ship)

3) sport. located to the left of the bowler ( about part of the field - cricket)

3. minor, less important, insignificant

~ street - lane; street

~ issue - minor issue

4. free, unoccupied

day ~, ~ day - free day; non-working day ( Wed etc. 5, 1)}

~ time - free time

a pastime for one "s ~ hours - entertainment / activities / during rest / leisure hours /

we are ~ (on) Wednesdays during the summer - in the summer we are closed on Wednesdays /on Wednesdays our store is closed/

we get two days ~ at Christmas - on Christmas we have two days off

5. 1) unsuccessful, unfavorable

~ day - unlucky day ( Wed etc. 4}

~ season - low season

2) not entirely healthy

he is feeling rather ~ today - today he feels unwell

3) stale ( about food)

the meat looks a bit ~ - the meat doesn’t look very good

the fish is ~ - the fish has gone bad

4) low-grade, low quality; below (usual) standard

~ grade - low quality

~ year - a) a lean year; b) a year with low business activity

6. erroneous, incorrect

you are ~ on that point - here you are wrong

your figures are way ~ - your calculations are completely wrong

3. (ɒf) adv

points to

1. completeness of action

1) movement away, to the side, etc. - conveyed by verbal prefixes from-, u-, you-, s- etc.

to drive ~ - to leave; drive off

to walk ~ - leave

to go ~ on a journey - go on a journey

the children ran ~ - the children ran away

he pushed me ~ - he pushed me away

he sent the parcel ~ - he sent the parcel

when does the plane take ~? - when does the plane take off?

he turned ~ into a side street - he turned into the alley

2) movement from top to bottom - conveyed by verb prefixes s-, co-

to fall ~ - to fall

to jump ~ - jump

to slip ~ - to slide

3) separation of a part from the whole - conveyed by verb prefixes from-, from-

to break ~ - break off

to shake ~ - shake off

to bite ~ a piece - bite off a piece

cut the end ~ - cut off the end

one of the wheels flew ~ - one wheel jumped off

the handle (button) came ~ - the handle (button) came off

mark it ~ into three equal parts - measure so that you get three equal parts

4) removing an item of clothing, etc.:

he took his coat (glasses) ~ - he took off his coat (glasses)

hats~! - hats off!

with his shoes ~ - without shoes, barefoot

5) bringing an action to the end, to the limit:

to drink ~ - drink (to the bottom)

to pay ~ one "s debt - pay off the entire debt

to kill ~ the animals - destroy the animals

2. distance

1) about distance:

a long way ~, far ~ - far away

a little way ~ - not far, close

the town is five miles ~ - the city is five miles away

~ in the distance he saw a light - far ahead he saw a light

2) in time:

the vacation is not far ~ - it’s not long before the holidays

June is three months ~ - there are still three months until June

my holiday is a week ~ - my holiday in a week

3. 1) (sudden)termination:

to break ~ work - interrupt work

to cur ~ supplies - stop supply /supplies/

to break ~ with smb. - break off / terminate relations / with someone.

he broke ~ in the middle of the sentence - in the middle of the phrase he suddenly stopped

2) cancellation, annulment, etc.:

the deal is ~ - the deal is canceled

the concert is ~ - the concert is canceled

4. 1) reduction or reduction:

the number of visitors dropped ~ - the number of visitors has decreased

the profits fell ~ - profits decreased

2) subsiding or weakening:

the pain passed ~ - the pain has subsided

3) deliverance, liberation from smth.:

to marry /to get/ one"s daughters ~ - to marry off daughters

4) turning off a device or mechanism:

to turn /to switch, to put/ ~ - turn off

switch ~ the light - turn off the light

he turned ~ the radio - he turned off the radio

he shut ~ the engine - he turned off the engine

5. security:

he lives comfortably ~ - he is a wealthy / rich / person

he earns well ~ - he earns well; he has enough money

6. in combinations:

to be ~ - decomposition a) leave, leave; I must be ~ - I must go / leave /; we are ~ now - well, we went / set off /; b) absent; to be ~ sick - to be absent due to illness; he"s ~ on Tuesdays - he doesn’t exist on Tuesdays; she"s been ~ for a week - she hasn’t been there for a whole week; c) not enough; not enough; there are two buttons ~ - two buttons are missing; I "m sorry the lamb is ~ - unfortunately, there is no more lamb / the lamb has run out /; d) fail, break; the TV set (radio, etc) is ~ - TV (radio etc.} doesn't work; d) be like smb. secured ( Wed etc. 5}

to be well (badly) ~ for smth. - to be well (poorly) endowed with smth.

you must be badly ~ for books - you obviously don’t have enough books

he is badly /poorly/ ~ - he needs, he is poor

hands~! - hands off!

he is neither ~ nor on - he says neither yes nor no; he hesitates

be ~!, ~ you go! - get out!, go away!; go away!

~ with you! - get out of here!

~ with his head! - cut off his head!

~ with the old and on with the new! - out with the old, long live the new!

keep ~! - a) carefully!, beware!; b) don't approach!

to see smb. ~ - to see someone off.

to sleep smth. ~ - after getting enough sleep, get rid of / recover / from smth.

to sleep ~ a bad headache - cure a severe headache with sleep

he took himself ~ - he went

For other combinations, see under the corresponding words

4. (ɒf) v coll.

1. 1) stop ( negotiations, etc.)

2) back down

2. Amer. sl. kill, put to death; "liquidate", "remove"

3. mor. rare move away from the shore, go out to sea

5. (ɒf) prep

points to

1. 1) removal or separation from smth. With

to take the pan ~ the stove - remove the pan from the stove

to fall ~ the ladder (a horse) - fall from the stairs (from a horse)

get ~ the table - leave the table

there"s a button ~ your dress - a button has come off on your dress

he got the matter ~ his hands - he got rid of this matter

he is ~ the beaten track - he did not follow the beaten path

keep ~ the grass - don't walk on the grass! ( inscription)

2) branch from smth.:

a street ~ Fifth Avenue - the street running from Fifth Avenue

2. being on some(usually close)distance from smb. from

a street ~ the square - the street that opens onto the square

ten miles ~ the island - ten miles from the island

the ship sank ~ the coast - the ship sank near the coast

3. reduction, discount less, lower

at 10% ~ the regular price - 10% lower than the regular price

4. decompositionsource from, at

to borrow (to buy) smth. ~ smb. - borrow (buy) smth. from smb.

5. 1) food, material, substance - creation is often conveyed. case:

to dine ~ roast beef - dine with fried beef

they lunched ~ sandwiches - they had breakfast with sandwiches

2) source of livelihood or income:

they lived ~ tourists - they lived off income from tourists

6. deviation from the norm:

~ the mark - a) past the target ( about the shot); b) irrelevant

~ one's balance - out of balance

he"s ~ his head - decomposition he's crazy

he is ~ his feed - decomposition he has no appetite

he"s ~ drug now - he no longer takes drugs

7. non-participation in sth.; reluctance to participate in smth., do sth.

~ duty - not on duty

he "s gone ~ science fiction - he stopped loving science fiction

I"m ~ smoking - I don’t smoke anymore

~ the map - non-existent, disappeared

it is ~ the question - this is out of the question

~ the wind - mor. with a tailwind, backstay course

6. (ɒf) int

1) attention!; stop!

2) away!; Down with!

Translation of words containing OFF, from English into Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

off year



1. year with unfavorable conditions

~ for exports - unfavorable year for exports

it was an ~ for crops - there was a bad harvest this year

2. Amer. year with minor, midterm elections




in compound adjectives and nouns indicates a deviation from the usual, central position or state:

~balance - loss of balance

~gauge - not by gauge

~key - false ( about sound)

offscreen - behind the scenes



1. (͵ɒfʹeə) a

1) received directly from the air

~ taping - recording on magnetic tape from the air

2) broadcast via cable

~ channel - broadcast channel

2. (͵ɒfʹeə) adv

1) directly from the air

to record programs ~ - record programs directly /directly/ from the air

2) via cable



1. (ʹɒf͵bæləns) n sports

loss of balance ( gymnastics)

2. (͵ɒfʹbæləns) a

1. lost balance

he was caught ~ and knocked down - he lost his balance and fell

2. 1) unbalanced

2) taken by surprise

3. distorted, unreal

the ~ presentation of alternatives - a distorted view of the available possibilities

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “ON OFF” in dictionaries.

  • ON OFF — in operation/not in operation (of a button which activates or deactivates an electrical appliance)
    Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language - Editorial bed
  • ON-OFF — on-off BrE AmE ˌɒn ˈɒf ◂ -ˈɔːf ◂ AmE \ ˌɑːn ˈɔːf ◂ ˌɔːn-, -ˈɑːf ◂
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • ON-OFF — adjective [ only before noun ] 1. (of a switch) having the positions "on" and "off" : an …
  • ON-OFF — ˌon-ˈoff BrE AmE adjective 1 . happening sometimes and not at other times: an on-off relationship She …
  • ON-OFF — adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES an on-off relationship (= happening sometimes and not at other times) ▪ Their on-off …
  • ON-OFF - adj.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionary Second Edition
  • ON-OFF - adj. On-off is used with these nouns: switch
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
  • ON-OFF (technical) two-position
  • ON-OFF
  • ON-OFF - on-off, two-position - on-off action - on-off control - on-off keying - on-off modulation - on-off switch
  • ON OFF - (a) two-position
    English-Russian Lingvistika"98 dictionary
  • ON-OFF - a tech. two-position (about switch, etc.)
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • ON-OFF - a tech. two-position (about switch, etc.)
  • ON/OFF
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation 2
  • ON/OFF - “on - off” (on a device with two locking positions)
    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • ON-OFF - (working) according to the “on-off” principle, relay
    English-Russian dictionary on computers
  • ON-OFF - (working) according to the “on-off” principle, relay
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Science and Programming
  • ON-OFF - (working) according to the “on-off” principle, relay
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Terms
  • ON-OFF - relay, two-position
    English-Russian dictionary on telecommunications
  • ON/OFF - two-position
    Modern English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • ON-OFF - two-position adj on/off
    English-Russian WinCept Glass dictionary
  • ON-OFF
  • ON OFF - on off
    New large English-Russian dictionary

  • Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • OFF
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • — I. (|)ōn, (|)än, in the southeastern US sometimes (|)ōn preposition Etymology: Middle English, preposition & adverb, fr Old English an, …
  • OFF
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • OFF - /awf, of/, adv. 1. so as to be no longer supported or attached: This button is about to come …
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • OFF — I. ˈȯf adverb Etymology: Middle English of, from Old English — more at of Date: before 12th century 1. a. ...
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • OFF — adv denoting opposition or negation. 2. off·interj away; begone; a command to depart. 3. off ·adv in a …
    Webster English vocab
  • OFF - / ɒf; NAmE ɔːf; ɑːf/ adverb, preposition, adjective, noun, verb ■ adverb HELP NOTE: For ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • — I. on 1 S1 W1 /ɒn $ ɑːn, ɒːn/ BrE AmE preposition [Language: Old English] 1 . ON...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • OFF - I. off 1 S1 W1 /ɒf $ ɒːf/ BrE AmE adverb, preposition, adjective 1. away from a...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • OFF - adv., prep., adj., & n. --adv. 1 away; at or to a distance (drove off; is three miles off). 2...
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • OFF - adv., prep., adj., & n. adv. 1 away; at or to a distance (drove off; is three miles off). 2...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • OFF - adv., prep., adj., & n. --adv. 1. away; at or to a distance (drove off; is three miles off). 2...
    Oxford English vocab
  • - The preposition is pronounced /ɒn/. The adverb and the adjective are pronounced /ɒn/. Frequency: The word is one of the …
  • OFF - The preposition is pronounced /ɒf, AM ɔ:f/. The adverb is pronounced /ɒf, AM ɔ:f/ Frequency: The word is one of …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • OFF - adj. sup off sup off or up back off blow off bring off buck off bug off bump off burn …
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
  • — 1. sentence 1) a) in a spatial sense, indicates being on the surface of something. subject, on smth. on a house on…
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • OFF - 1. adv. 1) indicates distance, removal from something. He had to be off. ≈ He needed to leave. to...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • - on.ogg 1. ɒn a 1. close, internal the on side - closer (to the interlocutor, viewer, etc. ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • OFF
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • OFF - 1) minor 2) turned off 3) distant 4) further away 5) insignificant 6) low-grade 7) disconnected 8) free. cast off the mooring rope - give the mooring end cut off a ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • - 1. ɒn a 1. close, internal the on side - closer (to the interlocutor, viewer, etc.) ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • OFF - 1. ɒf n 1. “off” position (for devices, switches, etc.) to be set at off - …
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • OFF - 1. adv. 1) indicates distance, removal from something. He had to be off. - He needed to leave. to...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • OFF - 1. adv. 1) indicates distance, removal from something. He had to be off. - He needed to leave. to march off — …
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary