Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Essay based on the works of S. Mikhalkov

The works of Sergei Mikhalkov are familiar and loved by every child from early childhood. Many generations have grown up on the famous works of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. Almost all of Sergei Mikhalkov's children's works, starting from the 30s of the 20th century, are included in school and preschool education programs, in reading books, primers and anthologies. Children have been learning his poems and songs by heart for decades with great pleasure. Probably the secret is that Mikhalkov wrote his works in such a way that they became understandable to children both in content and form. Moreover, the stories were not only exciting and interesting, but also very instructive. Well, the immortal “Uncle Styopa” has long been perceived not as a character in a poem, but as a long-time friend of all children and adults. He has firmly merged with the personality of Mikhalkov himself and is, perhaps, his main hero.

Mikhalkov's poems, cheerful and sublime, deeply humane and truly childish, entered our everyday life and became a part of the life of our country and our people. In his poems, Mikhalkov teaches us to distinguish between “good” and “bad”, good and evil. And we, who reject any teachings that adults try to “impose” on us, accept Mikhalkov’s good advice willingly and with joy.

I think that Mikhalkov does not make us laugh on purpose, but on the contrary, his narrative is serious, exciting, but we smile and laugh. This is especially noticeable in the poems “About Mimosa”. “Foma”, “If”, “Trezor”, “Thirty-six and five”, “Vaccination”, and in the same “Uncle Styopa”, who, by the way, is not very comfortable with his height: they also ask him to go to the cinema sit on the floor, and in the shooting range he has to bend over. Uncle Styopa also appears as a hero, and in a comical situation: by raising his hand, he acts as a semaphore, preventing a disaster. And after the war, Uncle Styopa works as a policeman - a noble profession. Why do we love Uncle Styopa so much? Not for his gigantic height, but for his kindness, courage and help to everyone who needs it. Uncle Styopa is a real role model. He is honest, kind, brave, courageous.

All of Mikhalkov's children's poems are extremely simple and understandable. However, behind the external simplicity one can see the greatest talent, life experience, and hard work. From the first day of the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov worked as a military journalist - he knew firsthand what war was. He saw all its horrors with his own eyes. His children's poetry, kind, open, sunny, is a call for world peace, for friendship between nations, protection of human rights and in particular of the child to a happy life without war and other disasters.

Sergei Mikhalkov is also known as a translator. Being an excellent master of verse, he excellently coped with the task of conveying to young Russian readers the works of the Pole Julian Tuwim and the Bulgarian Asen Bosev. Mikhalkov also translated poets from the republics of the former USSR. Mikhalkov's translations preserve the spirit of the original, while remaining independent works of art. It is curious that the famous English fairy tale about the three little pigs, retold by him in the 30s, which gained enormous popularity among us, was published in English translation in 1968 with the authorship of S. Mikhalkov.

The work of S. Mikhalkov has long been known throughout the world and has been translated into many languages. He has been awarded many orders and awards, domestic and foreign, but the main award is national recognition, which he earned thanks to his talent and love for people.

"About mimosa"

2nd grade

Compiled by :

Mizgireva Natalya Nikolaevna

primary school teacher at MAOU "Secondary School No. 43", Syktyvkar.

Sergei Mikhalkov reads his “Uncle Styopa” to his son Andrey

Classic of Russian literature, poet, fabulist. In Russia he is known to everyone, young and old, the whole country has risen and rises to his anthems.

Never in any country in the world has it happened that the words of the three national anthems ( 1943, 1970, 2001.) was written by the same person who received this right on a competitive basis: a phenomenon worthy of taking an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records.

  • Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow.
  • Mikhalkov spent his school years in Pyatigorsk. He graduated from high school in 1930, but two years earlier his first poem, “The Road,” was published.

  • During the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov was in the ranks of the Red Army and worked in the army press.
  • The famous lines on the granite slab of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall: "Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal" , - also belongs to Mikhalkov.
  • After the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov continued his literary activity.

Literary activity of S. V. Mikhalkov

  • Poet
  • Writer
  • Fabulist
  • Playwright
  • Translator
  • Screenwriter
  • Journalist
  • Author of the Russian anthem

Sergei Vladimirovich says: “I try to work in different genres: I write poetry, plays, scripts for adults and children, songs, satire, articles, notes... I believe that working in different genres mutually enriches them.”

Say the word

  • In the house there are eight fraction one At the Ilyich outpost There lived a tall citizen By nickname...................
  • Get vaccinated! First class! Have you heard? This is us! Why did I stand against the wall? I'm shaking.........
  • We're going, we're going, we're going To distant lands, Good neighbors, happy………….
  • Who, having stuffed his mouth with cake,

He says: Where? …………

  • Who was sitting on the bench?

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang, Boris was silent,

Nikolai kicks ………..

  • Mother said: - Close the door! A bee is flying towards us ……






Guess what the poem will be about?


Mimosa (silver acacia) - a tropical plant of the legume family, some species of which are distinguished by their particularly sensitive leaves, which curl up at the slightest touch.

S.V. Mikhalkov “About mimosa”

This is who is covered in the bed

Blankets on cotton wool?

Who lies on three pillows

In front of the food table

And, barely dressed,

Without making my bed,

Carefully washes cheeks

Boiled water?

This is probably a decrepit grandfather

One hundred and fourteen years old?

Who, having stuffed his mouth with cake,

He says: -Where is the compote?

Give me something

Serve it up

Do the opposite!

This is probably a disabled person

Who is this?

They drag felt boots; to him,

Fur mittens,

So that he can warm his hands,

So that he couldn't catch a cold

And die from the flu

If the sun shines from the sky,

What if there was no snow for six months?

Maybe he's going to the Pole,

Where do bears live in the ice?

Take a good look-

It's just a boy, Vitya,

Mom's Vitya,

Papin Vitya

From apartment number six.

This is him lying in bed

With blankets on cotton wool,

In addition to buns and cakes,

Doesn't want to eat anything.

And therefore,

As soon as he opens his eyes -

They put a thermometer on him,

And always, at any hour,

Whatever he asks for, they carry it.

If the dream is sweet in the morning -

He's in bed all day.

If the sky is cloudy -

He wears galoshes all day.

And therefore,

That everything is forgiven to him,

And he lives in a new house,

Not ready for anything.

Not to become a pilot,

Be a brave sailor

To lie behind a machine gun,

Drive a truck.

He grows up afraid of frost,

In front of mom and dad,

Like a mimosa plant

In the botanical garden.

Artists and their images.

P.A. Fedotov

"Portrait of N. Zhdanovich"

N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky

"Boy with a Violin"

  • Today I found out...
  • It was interesting...
  • I can praise myself for...
  • Gave me a lesson for life...

Homework P.72

Draw a portrait of your favorite literary character, expressing your attitude towards him.

The main character is a very distrustful and stubborn schoolboy. He doesn't trust anyone and always acts contrary to what others tell him. His mistrust and stubbornness go beyond all limits. Foma is told that the weather is damp outside and is advised to wear galoshes. He doesn’t believe it and stubbornly stomps through puddles without galoshes.

When it’s winter and frost outside, Foma stubbornly refuses to believe it and goes out for a walk lightly. During the excursion, he is shown an elephant, but the stubborn man flatly refuses to see the obvious and declares that it is not an elephant at all.

Thomas retains his stubbornness and mistrust even in his sleep. One day he dreamed that he and other schoolchildren ended up in Africa. Seeing a river in a dream, Thomas went for a swim. The guys tried to warn the stubborn man about the danger - there were evil crocodiles in African rivers. But Thomas did not believe anyone, even in his sleep, and was eaten by an alligator. And even after waking up from a nightmare, he stubbornly insisted, contrary to all logic, that it was not a dream.

This is the summary of the poem.

The main meaning of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Foma” is that, as they say, “donkey” stubbornness and distrust do not bring benefit to a person. And if these character traits take extreme forms, then they simply cause harm. Moreover, the author emphasizes precisely the extreme behavior of the protagonist. If Thomas, on the contrary, had been too trusting and obedient, this would not have benefited him either. The truth, as we know, is always somewhere in the middle. In a person’s life, it is very important to find that golden mean in behavior, which usually leads to the desired result and success.

In the poem, I liked the characters who warned Thomas about the dangers. In our lives we often meet caring people who will never pass by a person who is in danger of some kind of danger or trouble. And I would like to advise characters like Thomas to give up extreme manifestations of stubbornness and mistrust and learn to at least trust the people around them a little.

What proverbs fit the poem “Thomas”?

Stubborn as a donkey.
You take him to the shore, and he goes into the water.
Don't be stubborn, but be direct.
“Donkey” stubbornness does not lead to good things.

Plan - summary of a literary reading lesson in 2nd grade

Lesson type: lesson in learning new material.

Subject: S. Mikhalkov “About mimosa”

Target: Students must understand the content of the text read.


Educational: introduce students to the works of N. Nosov and his work “Mishkina Porridge”.

Educational: develop the creative potential of students; develop interest and the ability to express your attitude to what you read; the ability to compare, analyze, and generalize what has been heard.

Educators: promote feelings of participation, empathy, and cultivate interest in children's literature.

Equipment: Portrait of S. Mikhalkov, music center, CD with children's songs, computer.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher greets the children. Checks the class's readiness for the lesson.

Silence in class

We especially need it.

Go away, talk,

In the lobbies, in the corridors.

It's time for us to start our lesson

And check the task.

II. Checking homework.

Expressive reading of K. I. Chukovsky’s poem “Fedotka”

What image is in front of you: poverty, unhappiness, loneliness, spoiledness?


Why did you decide that Fedotka is a spoiled child?

What words in the text, in your opinion, are used in the “reverse sense”?

(Orphan, unfortunate, there is no one)

(He laughs at him)

What is the name of the artistic technique in literature with the help of which K. Chukovsky created the mocking image of Fedotka?


We were just talking about the verbal image of Fedotka, which was created by K. Chukovsky. At home you also created the image of Fedotka.

What did you need for this?

(Paints, pencils, paper)

How are these images different?

(One verbal, one drawn)

Are your drawings similar?

Why are they different?

(Everyone has their own image)

Read on page 64 what an image is.

III. Updating students' knowledge.

(K.I. Chukovsky)

What other children's writers do you know?

Guess which works I will read you excerpts from?

In the house 8, fraction 1

At Ilyich's outposts

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed Kalancha.

By surname Stepanov

And named Stepan,

From the regional giants -

The most important giantS. Mikhalkov"Uncle Styopa."

Who was sitting on the bench?

Who was looking at the street?

Tolya sang, Boris was silent

Nikolai shook his leg...S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

I'm off my feet today

My puppy is missing...S. Mikhalkov “My Puppy”

The hostess came from the market one day

The hostess brought it home from the market

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets! Oh!

S. Mikhalkov “Vegetables”

We go, we go, we go. We have fun

To distant lands. We sing songs

Good neighbors, And the song says

Happy friendsAbout how we live!

S. Mikhalkov “Song of Friends”

An old man was selling a cow at the market.

Nobody gave a price for the cow.

Although many people needed a little cow

But apparently people didn’t like her...

S. Mikhalkov “How a man sold a cow »

For vaccination in 1st grade!

You heard it, it's us!

I'm not afraid of vaccines

I'll inject myself if necessary.

Well, just think, an injection!

I injected myself and went!S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”

4. Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson by children independently

What unites all these works?


5. New topic.

Biography of S. V. Mikhalkov

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow. He received his primary education at home, then immediately entered the 4th grade. He started writing poetry at the age of 9. At the age of 15, her first poem was published. The poem “Uncle Styopa” brought fame to S. V. Mikhalkov as a children’s poet.

During the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov correspondent for the newspapers “For the Glory of the Motherland.” Awarded military orders and medals.

After the war, Mikhalkov continued his literary activity, working in various genres of children's literature, creating plays for children's theaters and scripts for cartoons. Sergei Vladimirovich says: “I try to work in different genres: I write poetry, plays, scripts for adults and children, songs, satire, articles, notes...”

S. V. Mikhalkov - Academician of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Artist of Russia. The writer was awarded many government, literary, public and international prizes and government awards.

In 1999. One of the minor planets of the Solar System is named after Mikhalkov.

March 13, 2008, on the day of the 95th anniversary writer, Russian President Putin signed a decree awarding Mikhalkov the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called “For outstanding contribution to the development of Russian literature, many years of creative and social activity”

By 2008 year, the total circulation of Sergei Mikhalkov’s books amounts to about
300 million copies

6. Physical exercise (to music)

Turn to page 70. Read the title of the work.

What do you think this piece is about?

What is mimosa?

(Mimosa is an evergreen, fast-growing tree 10–12 m high. Blooms from late January to mid-April. The homeland of mimosa is the coast of Australia. In Russia it grows in gardens and parks on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.)

7. Primary perception of the text by students.

I will now read this poem to you, and then we will check whose guesses turned out to be correct.

8. Analysis of the work.

Is this work about a flower?

What image did you have when you first listened to the text?

(Spoiled child)

Who are we in a reading lesson?

(by investigators)

Read the Research Activity. (Why does the poet compare the pampered lazy person with a mimosa?) We have to answer this question.

-Reading the first part of the poem.

(Pampered, lazy, spoiled child)

Prove (selective reading).

(Sedentary lifestyle)

(With irony)

-Reading the second part of the poem.

Prove (selective reading).

What image of the main character came to your mind while reading?

(capricious child)

(With irony)

-Reading the third part of the poem.


Prove (selective reading).

What image of the main character came to your mind while reading?

(Cautious, cowardly, fearful0

(With irony)

-Reading the fourth part of the poem.

Which lines help to imagine the image of Vitya (selective reading).

What artistic technique did the author use to create the image?

S. Mikhalkov created an ironic image of Vitya, emphasizing with mockery his qualities that prevent him from becoming what?

(Pilot, brave sailor, machine gunner, driver).

Prove (selective reading).

Why does the poet compare the pampered lazy person to a mimosa?

9. Lesson summary.

What work did you get acquainted with today?

What genre does this work belong to?

VII. Knowledge assessment.

You all worked actively, but I will give the guys marks... (the teacher comments).

VIII. Homework.

Open your diaries and write down your homework.