Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Essays about the first teacher. I want to tell you about my teacher A story about my teacher

Nomination “About pedagogy - with love”

A teacher is one of the most ancient professions on earth. Many good, warm words have been said about teachers, many songs and poems have been composed about them. The image of a teacher is always bright. The image of the first teacher especially sticks in my heart. And for good reason!

The words from the song “My First Teacher...” have long become an aphorism. Among the many wonderful teachers who work with children at school, a special place is given to her - the first teacher. Children always remember their first teacher with warmth. Why? I will tell you about one such teacher, and draw your own conclusions.

The little man who crosses the threshold of school needs a good friend and mentor! The one who will help him overcome the fear of the unknown that awaits the baby there, beyond the school threshold! The one who will help make a very important discovery, whose name is KNOWLEDGE.

This is the kind of teacher I want to talk about. Petrova Marina Stepanovna has been working at the school for 27 years. Many of her students have already graduated from school. Some of them brought their children to this teacher.

Marina Stepanovna tries to give her students not only knowledge. She strives to instill in them such human qualities as honesty, kindness, and decency. The kids are drawn to Marina Stepanovna and love her. She has a word of consolation for everyone, she will encourage and pity everyone. Like the sun that warms even the smallest blade of grass on earth, Marina Stepanovna bestows her warmth on her students.

She helps children reveal their personal potential, feel happy in the knowledge that they always have an understanding adult friend, a teacher nearby, who helps them see and develop in children the inclinations of abilities that are inherent in nature. For this person, it is important to reveal the inner world of each child, his personal qualities.

I believe that our children are very lucky: they met a teacher who believed in their talent, their abilities, and opened the door to the world of children’s feelings, thoughts, relationships, and perceptions. More than once, students from our class took part in creative competitions at various levels. More than once they justified the trust of their teacher, confirming their knowledge.

In our small school, Marina Stepanovna became the first teacher to win the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation, which is held as part of the national project “Education”. Most recently she was awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”. In addition, she was awarded many times with certificates of honor and letters of gratitude for her conscientious work. But the most honorable reward for her is the love of her students. And this love, like a pure source, will never dry up.

Municipal educational institution

"Alekseevskaya secondary school"


"My first teacher"

Work completed:

Home address:

With. Alekseevka, per. Siberian – 13.

School address:

Altai region,

Petropavlovsky district,

With. Alekseevka, st. Central – 14;

telephone: 21 – 3 – 98.

With. Alekseevka

You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!

N. Ivanova.

The teaching profession has always remained the most honorable, but at the same time the most difficult. The ability to convey your experience to children who are just entering independent life is a talent.

I am in the third grade of a secondary school in the village of Alekseevka. There are many excellent teachers at our school. And an essay could be written about each of them. I appreciate, respect, and sometimes feel sorry for them all. But the most significant mark in my not too long life was left by my first teacher -.

I met her when I came to school for the first time in first grade. The first of September 2009 was a special day for me. And not only because I was going to first grade, but also because I was going to my first teacher. Of course, I carefully prepared for this event, but I was still very worried. My parents, grandmothers and older brother Denis were with me. They all accompanied me into school life. Mom brought me to the cozy and best class of the school. I gave Lyudmila Nikolaevna a bouquet, she hugged me, took my hand and the excitement disappeared somewhere. This is how I found a second mother.

The most memorable first lesson began. The teacher's gaze was directed at each of us individually, but at the same time she saw the whole class at once. In those few minutes when Lyudmila Nikolaevna silently, with a barely noticeable smile, looked at us, there was a feeling that she managed to penetrate the soul of each student, study his character, hear his thoughts. Everyone involuntarily became silent. Her voice sounded clear and loud.

Day after day I reveal more and more new qualities in Lyudmila Nikolaevna. First of all, she is an experienced teacher. No one can refute this fact. Secondly, Lyudmila Nikolaevna is a wonderful person. A teacher must be kind and strict, demanding and forgiving, cheerful and serious at the same time. Lyudmila Nikolaevna manages to combine all these qualities.

Cheerful and at the same time strict, kind and demanding, she instantly became my best friend. Gradually I began to become more and more attached to her, and she fell in love with all of us. Lyudmila Nikolaevna teaches us not only literacy and writing, but also respect for each other, seriousness about important matters, hard work, and friendship. She helps us overcome difficulties.

I really love learning! During the holidays I always miss school. Of course, this is largely due to my first teacher. I like to learn new things, face problems and find ways to solve them, and answer questions that arise. This is also thanks to Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

And how caring she is! To come to the rescue in difficult times, to console, to encourage, to suggest the right decision, to reconcile those who are in a quarrel, to scold those who have done wrong - and all this from the heart, with the most necessary words and the kindest eyes in the world.

And what an inventor Lyudmila Nikolaevna is! Parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters are happy to come to our extracurricular activities. How interesting it is always! Contests, competitions, relay races, concerts, conversations - you name it! And Lyudmila Nikolaevna knows how to surprise, captivate, stir up, make everyone laugh and make them happy.

My first teacher, like me, was born in our village. Even at school, she dreamed of working with children. Therefore, after graduating from a pedagogical institute, I came to work at the school where I myself had once studied for 10 years. A teacher is not so much a calling, not so much a talent or giftedness, but rather a destiny. One person is given such a fate, another is not. The teaching profession requires a person to have all his strengths and abilities without reserve. This is a ministry that knows no holidays or changes. The work of a teacher amazingly combines the youth of the soul and the wisdom of words, everyday hard work and the daily celebration of the victory of knowledge. A teacher walks the path of knowledge all his life, never tired of teaching, learning, making discoveries and being surprised by the world. And I am incredibly glad that it was just such a teacher, real, sincere, sensitive, wise, carrying the spark of knowledge and the joy of discovering something new, that I met at the very beginning of my school journey.

Over the years of work, Lyudmila Nikolaevna has become a Teacher with a capital T. It’s not for nothing that parents bring their second and third children to her, and if we tell you a secret, then grandparents bring their grandchildren. So my older brother Denis also studied with Lyudmila Nikolaevna. My mother sent me to study even earlier, from the age of 6, just to fall into the good hands of Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

Being a teacher is very responsible. After all, it is from him that we receive the knowledge that we use in the future. And this knowledge must be true, deep and useful. It seems to me that every teacher wants his student to achieve great success in studying his subject and even surpass his teacher in adult life. This will be the best gift and will mean that the teacher was able to teach everything that he can do. The proof of these words are dozens of certificates, diplomas, and titles of her students at regional, regional and even all-Russian competitions.

The most important joy for a teacher, in my opinion, is the gratitude of the students. I want to say a huge thank you to Lyudmila Nikolaevna Prokopyeva for everything she does for us, for the fact that, sparing no effort and time, she patiently and persistently puts into our little children’s heads the knowledge that will always be useful to us in life, teaches us to be honest, patient and kind. When you come to her lesson, you are charged with positive emotions. It helps us find something in life, find the path that will help us discover our best qualities. Lyudmila Nikolaevna gives us what not every teacher can give: warmth of soul, joy from meetings, kindness, a radiant and bright smile. I am sure that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person. And I am very glad that I met just such a person on my life’s path.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna gives us the most important lessons - life lessons. She will remain in my heart as a kind, affectionate and sympathetic person. I will always remember her. After all, my achievements are her merit.

My bright, kind teacher is Lyubov Yakovlevna.

I remember how I came to first grade, how I saw her, how I said hello. Lyubov Yakovlevna taught me for four years. She loved us like her own grandchildren and was worried about us. I went to school to see her, I always ran to school with joy.

But trouble happened: Lyubov Yakovlevna ended up in the hospital. We sent our drawings to her at the hospital, we wanted to please her so that she would recover quickly.

Four years have passed. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart forever. We will not forget your kindness.

We love you, Lyubov Yakovlevna!

Kudrin Matvey

Dear first graders!

I want you to definitely get into the class of the kindest and most affectionate teacher in the world - Lyubov Yakovlevna. She will teach you a lot, you can’t help but listen to this teacher, she always talks about what will be useful in life.

If you have a birthday, she will always congratulate you. In her heart she will always be for you and will definitely help if you have problems.

The first teacher is my mother. Always give her affection, love, and on her birthday give her a big bouquet of flowers. Her name Love confirms everything said above.

When we moved to high school, Lyubov Yakovlevna cried, but so did we. Even now we miss her.

First graders, take care of her. She is alone, and there are many of you.

Zaitsev Nikita

My best teacher is Lyubov Yakovlevna. She is very nice and accommodating. I often turn to her for help and always leave with a very kind and loving answer.

Lyubov Yakovlevna gives smart advice, good knowledge and love. It's nice to talk to her. I love her with all my heart and want her to live long and remain as beautiful. And I also want new students to come to her and leave for the 5th grade, as smart as us.

Shipitsyna Natasha

My first teacher was Lyubov Yakovlevna Golovanova. She is already old, but she still teaches children. When I studied with her, I really liked it. I went to school with great pleasure. She was like a second mother to me, taught me everything she could, and helped me move to fifth grade.

When it was holidays, I always thought about her. And on the first of September I was always glad to see her and give her a bouquet of flowers. Lyubov Yakovlevna is kind, but strict, cheerful. Thanks to her, our class became the best.

Nikolaev Konstantin

It was a wonderful sunny day. First of September. My mother led me by the hand to my first teacher. And so I walk into a bright classroom full of goodness. She stood near the teacher’s desk - Lyubov Yakovlevna.

My first day at my desk. I sit, motionless, and listen to her gentle voice.

Our first teacher,

We will remember you forever,

How many years will pass, and we will still come to you

And in a storm, in rain and slush.

We love you very much and will always love you!

Zlobina Polina

When I came to 1st grade, Lyubov Yakovlevna met us. We loved her very much and respected her. She put her whole soul into us, I really want to be like her.

I love and respect you,

This is why you taught us,

I wish you a lot of happiness,

And happy birthday.

Govorina Vika

One day I turned 7 years old and had to go to my very first class.

I got up around nine o'clock in the morning, washed myself and started getting dressed. And now we are already out on the street. It was light outside, the sun was hot, and a weak, light breeze was blowing. On the way, my mother and I went to a store and bought a bouquet of flowers.

When I entered the school, I saw that there were balloons hanging all around and in the center there was the inscription “Happy September 1st!”

Lyubov Yakovlevna met us in the class. I could smell her perfume, her heartbeat and breathing, I saw that she was also worried.

Throughout the 4 years she taught us with love and understanding. I still remember her kind heart and beautiful eyes.

Matvienko Alexander

Dear Lyubov Yakovlevna!

You are my favorite teacher, you are the best of the best! You treat everyone conscientiously, you never left us in trouble, you always helped us. Yes, we were scolded somewhere, but you still made me into a smart girl. And I want to thank you very much for sending me to the 5th grade smart and prepared. I really miss you! I wish you health and long life!

And now I would like to address the first graders.

Dear first graders! You will live with Lyubov Yakovlevna in the same class for 4 years. Take care of her, don’t snap back, love her as we loved her. As long as you are in the same class with her, you are FAMILY!

Beloborodova Valeria

“My favorite teacher! My favorite teacher! - I repeat these three words when I see my first teacher. I'll try to go back in time and remember my days in elementary school. So let's begin.

I remember getting up early in the morning, no one had to wake me up. I went to school in a cheerful mood. And there my teacher met me. She was dressed smartly, a smile on her face. She is kind, fair, and treats everyone equally.

I remember that at school I had many friends, but my best friend was the teacher. She is cheerful, arranged various games for us, and came up with jokes. She imparted very good knowledge to us. She told and showed us so that we understood everything well. But the most important thing she invested in us was her soul.

My favorite teacher

My kind, affectionate friend,

I will never forget you,

The touch of your gentle hands.

You were like a mother to us

Helped like a true friend

You were always friendly

And not to forget you, not to forget.

That's it, the journey into the past is over. This teacher still teaches children at school, and it’s no secret to anyone what her name is – Lyubov Yakovlevna Golovanova.

Sokolov Vladislav

My very first teacher is Lyubov Yakovlevna. She is kind, fair, yes... I don’t deny that she scolded us, but she always got to the point. Thanks to her, we grew up to be good people, good students. If something didn’t work out, Lyubov Yakovlevna was always ready to help, even in the most difficult moment. We held interesting events with her; she had no favorites. Everyone was them! She united us, we became the best class.

My favorite teacher

I will never forget you.

I will love you forever

And I will always remember!

Shmidt Ilya

Dear first graders! I want you to go to study with my teacher Lyubov Yakovlevna in the future.

This teacher is very kind and will always help. She gave us a lot of knowledge. We are proud of our teacher!

Morozov Nikita

When we had our graduation, we said goodbye to the best teacher, I then realized that she was like a second mother to us. She taught us good things and gave us knowledge. Sometimes we laughed in class. She gave us funny class hours, scolded us for disobedience and self-indulgence.

She has the most gentle hands, the most affectionate voice. She is the coolest teacher. She will always be by our side!

Mizina Anastasia

Hello, this is the column “My Teacher”, and I am its presenter, Ferenczyk Maria. Today I invited students from school No. 15 to visit me, who decided to talk about their teacher.

What is your teacher's name?

Golovanova Lyubov Yakovlevna.

What could you say about her as a teacher?

Lyubov Yakovlevna is an excellent teacher, because she gives her whole soul to teach us new things. Her work is very hard, but she has many years of experience, so she succeeds, she copes with everything. For us, she is a Teacher with a capital T. We also want to congratulate her on her anniversary and wish her great health!

Thank you for your kind words. We hope that Lyubov Yakovlevna heard us. See you again!

Ferencik Maria

My first teacher...
You went to school with us.
We are your incomparable joy,
We are your first call - crazy, cheerful.
You taught us numbers and words,
You taught us to fight blots.
And a hundred tips on any matter
She gave it to us to seek the truth.
We looked at the world through you,
His beauty and strength were comprehended,
You generously gave us all of yourself,
The distant horizons opened up for us.
You taught me to believe and dream,
Gave her heart, kindness and affection,
Taught me to never give up.
You turned a huge world into a fairy tale!
Prostration from all students
To the teachers who guide us through life.
May our destinies be better than all flowers
Your long, good journey will be accompanied.

Golovanova Lyubov Yakovlevna

I want to tell you about my teacher.

In our village there is a small school with the best teachers. They all love their students, just as we love them. But each of us has a teacher to whom the student treats differently than others.

For me, the best teacher is my class teacher. Maybe it’s because she really treats us more closely, but she loves everyone equally.

Maria Mikhailovna is an amazing person. Her smile never leaves her face, she is always cheerful and energetic. I especially like it when she comes into class and says: “Hello, my dears!” These are the warmest and most frank words of the teacher, which make the students feel good in their souls. Maybe with her kindness and affection she warms us, so it’s surprisingly pleasant for us to be with her. And during the time spent with her, you get a drop of happiness and pleasure. She is like a mother to us, who always supports and loves us, protects us like her own children. Only with her you always want to laugh and enjoy something.

We must respect and value the work of every teacher. After all, they open the door to the future for us, sowing the rational, the good, the eternal, and we must always remember this.

Zuykova Tatyana.



In our seventh grade, the class teacher is. She teaches Russian language and literature. She has been working with us for almost three years. During this time, Maria Mikhailovna became our mother, friend, and irreplaceable person. We turn to her on various issues, and for each of us she has time, words, and support.

We spend most of our time at school. And with us is our Maria Mikhailovna. She has been teaching at school for a long time. She has extensive experience working with children, parents, and colleagues.

Maria Mikhailovna conducts all school events with us, gives advice, for us she is a close, dear person.

Maria Mikhailovna is a very good housewife. Her house is always clean and cozy. She is a good cook. We were treated to a delicious homemade cake. She really adores flowers. We have a lot of them in our class, like in a botanical garden.

Maria Mikhailovna has no favorites. Which is not unimportant for us. To her we are all the same. That's why we love her.

The work of a teacher is difficult, you need to give all of yourself to the children. And she gives. This is our cool one. She's very cool!

This poem is dedicated to Maria Mikhailovna:

Teacher, for your life, as one,

You dedicate it to the school family.

You are everyone who came to you to study,

You call them your children.

But children grow up, from school

Walking the roads of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And they keep you in their hearts.

Favorite teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though sometimes it’s hard for you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

Please accept our gratitude!

We remember how you brought us into the public eye

From timid, funny first-graders.

M. Sadovsky.

Completed the work

7th grade student

October school

9th grade student Tatyana Razumkova

This material is a student’s story about her first teacher



Supervisor - Tatyana Vasilievna Gorbenko, teacher of Russian language and literature, municipal budgetary educational institution “Kurikha basic secondary school”, Kurikha village.

Completed the work9th grade student Tatyana Razumkova.

“All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in their growth

The seeds he sown."

D. Mindeleev.

Essay on the topic “My first teacher”

Strict, almost always with a serious expression on her face, with a loud voice, but so kind and understanding - this is my first teacher Nina Aleksandrovna Shapina.

I met her ten years ago, when for the first time I came to an unfamiliar place with large bows and a huge backpack on my shoulders. There was so much fear and misunderstanding in the little child’s heart. There she was in front of me - a festively dressed woman, with short hair, radiant big eyes and a radiant smile. Nina Alexandrovna took me by the hand and led me to my desk. Thus began our journey through the land of knowledge.

With what impatience we waited for the morning to make new discoveries together with the teacher. No one had any idea: in order for us to get into the “secret” in the morning, the teacher sat at the table all evening, looking for interesting material for tomorrow’s lesson.

When we went to bed, she was still checking our notebooks, inventing, composing, and sometimes went to bed in the morning. She wanted us to enjoy going to school and not get bored in class. Giving herself to other children, unfortunately, left little time for the family. The teacher strives to ensure that the students understand him, because the work of any teacher is aimed at ensuring that the children have a happy future. I am grateful to Nina Alexandrovna for my first class, for everything she taught me.

It’s true what they say: “A teacher is a second mother.” After all, it was she who was able to understand, help, and reach every little heart. During the four years spent with Nina Alexandrovna, there were a lot of happy moments. Like every child, I couldn’t do without tears, bad grades, and comments. The loud voice of the teacher always alarmed us, so naughty, praise from her lips delighted us, made us blush and feel embarrassed.

I will never forget being at our school camp "Dandelion". Nina Aleksandrovna was the teacher on my shift. It was there that I felt that my teacher was my second mother. She helped us in our endeavors. Hiking in the forest, instructive stories, and playing together brought us very close. Oh, what a wonderful time it was! At the camp we studied, talked, learned songs, and danced. It was a lot of fun, and all thanks to the leisure time that our beloved teacher organized for us.

I remember an incident when, while playing, I accidentally injured myself. It was very painful. And then I ran for help to Nina Alexandrovna, it was to her, kind and understanding, who would help in difficult times, just like my mother.

Years passed. Every day we became more and more accustomed to our first teacher. She became a support and support for us. Even now, when I pick up threads and a needle, I remember my labor lessons with a smile. It was Nina Alexandrovna who taught us to sew and knit. If something didn’t work out for me, she diligently explained it. When I saw the smile on her face, all fears and misunderstandings disappeared. Her confidence gave us confidence.

Every day at school, sitting at our desks, we admired our teacher. She was always busy with us, her students. A loving person knows how to give warmth to others. There was enough love and care for his family. Nina Alexandrovna has two daughters, for whom she has become a support and support in life. She is a grandmother who, like all women, I think, spoils her beloved grandchildren, just like us.

It seems to me that all this happened to me quite recently. And ten years have already passed. Now, as a whole class, we very often remember our first teacher, our second mother. Everyone remembered something different. We share our memories because they will live in our hearts forever. First letter, first number. The first word we read, the first poem we learned - our first teacher taught us everything.

Now Nina Alexandrovna is on a well-deserved pension. Therefore, we began to see each other less often. We hardly notice the work of our teachers and congratulate them only on Teacher’s Day, once a year, and even then not all... the teacher hears few warm words from us and from our parents, but this is unfair. I really like these lines:

If there were no teacher,

It probably wouldn’t have happened

Neither poet nor thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

Without his sunny smile,

Without his hot fire

Sunflowers to the light of our eyes

They wouldn't be able to turn.

Without him without a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

That is why the name of our teacher is so dear to us.

Don't forget the teachers!

Let life be worthy of their efforts!

But she doesn’t forget us and happily comes to school holidays. When we see her, we understand that this is our dear person. At the last meeting, I became interested, and I decided to ask Nina Alexandrovna herself about what remained in her memory about our class, and what the profession of a teacher generally means to her. She happily talked to us and said:

Yes, I, of course, remember your mischievous 1st grade. I remember everyone like family. You have always been cheerful and active. You didn’t always succeed, but thanks to perseverance and unity, you achieved success. They got upset, cried because they got grades, behaved hooliganly, and then asked for forgiveness. I remember all the excellent students, all those who were distinguished by good behavior. I remember everyone who had learning difficulties and how you overcame them. I really want each of you to find your own path in life and be happy.

After a short silence, Nina Alexandrovna continued:

Undoubtedly, a teacher is a calling, it cannot be otherwise. The teacher must feel with all his soul that this is truly his, his calling and the meaning of life. Only by putting soul into his work can a teacher teach successfully and connect with students. If there is coziness and warmth in the classroom, new, sometimes complex topics are easier to assimilate, and it is pleasant and easy for the teacher to work in such an environment.

I have devoted my entire life to the teaching profession. I worked at school for more than thirty years. Since childhood, I dreamed of teaching children. My dream has come true. When I look at you, I understand that I have chosen the right profession. I am very pleased to see my successful graduates who have achieved their goals in life. I feel their gratitude expressed by their kind faces. I understand that I have chosen the right profession. Pedagogy is my whole life!

At the celebration dedicated to Teacher's Day, we sang the song “Our Good Teacher”. Everyone expressed gratitude to their first teacher. And I looked at Nina Alexandrovna with tears in my eyes and said a sincere “thank you” to her.

Years will pass. A lot will change. I will become an adult and master my favorite profession. But I will definitely return to my native land, I will come to the class where we sat at our desks, where we learned the ability to be people, we learned from her, my beloved teacher Nina Alexandrovna. I thank fate that I met just such a Teacher on my life’s path.

With my excellent studies, I confirm all the knowledge that my second mother instilled in me. I want her to be proud of me. I know that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person who, sparing no effort and time, patiently and persistently taught us. I want to finish my essay with the wonderful lines of N.A. Nekrasov:

"Teacher, before your name

Let me kneel humbly."