Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Solar and Lunar types of people. Solar type

Sunny types of people

Solar types of people are an active part of the Earth's population. It is on their energies that humanity develops scientifically, technically and intellectually. The power of solar people is always directed outward and upward, its symbol is aspiration and knowledge.

Sunny people are drawn to an active social life.
The sun is the strong-willed principle, the unbending spirit of man, stubbornness and rebellion. This is the hot energy of fire of the masculine and rational principle. Sunny people live by intellect, they have objective thinking, called Western rationalism. Living by reason, they are able to bring it to oversaturation, and violation of the norm always leads to illness.

Their fiery power breaks and destroys in its path everything that is outdated and in need of updating. But at the same time, they leave the essence, the zest, in order to build something new, fresh and bright around it. Sunny people are always looking for a use for their abilities and talents. They are not suggestible unless they want to. Any of them can master the methods of suggestion and hypnosis, like Kashpirovsky. Not only does he have the Sun in the center, but he himself is a solar type person.

They have strength and endurance. They create difficulties for themselves in order to overcome them later. Sunny people do not live in the proposed circumstances, but seek and create them according to their nature. Sunny people always want to be a support for others. They love to be obeyed, and if this does not happen, they show aggression or proudly walk away.

Sunny people live by the law of competition. They feel comfortable when there is a worthy opponent. But this makes them even more self-centered. They think that they are respected, but in fact they are feared, and therefore people are not always sincere with them.
They speak loudly and confidently and quickly find a way out of difficult situations. The whole problem with these people is that they blame others for their problems without admitting their mistakes.

Sunny is “Me with my problems.” As long as these people give off fire and not warmth, their life will be problematic, and this will make it even worse for those who are always with them.

Women of the sunny type dress brightly and wear bright makeup, speak under a man's name, have sharp movements and do not want to yield to men in anything. They have a developed spirit of competition, both with women and men. Victory over a man pleases their pride even more.

All sunny people always talk about themselves, about their successes and virtues. They constantly interrupt the interlocutor, imposing their conversation. Sometimes they realize that they should give the floor to their interlocutor, but the following scheme works for them: “Oh, why am I all about myself, but about myself, let’s talk about you. Tell me what you think of me?” Only a sunny person could come up with such a song: “I looked back to see if she looked back, to see if I looked back.”

Two sunny people can live together only in a creative community. If this is not the case, then one, harshly and rudely, begins to suppress the other. If one of the sunny people gives in, then this is always fraught with heart disease. A sunny woman with a sunny husband often pretends to be weak and sick and gets into the role so much that she actually begins to get sick, but no doctor can cure her.

You can identify a person with a solar type by the lines on the palms of his hands. There are few lines, but they are well drawn, deep and red in color.

People of the sunny type almost never get sick. They are proud that they are never on the ballot. They carry any disease on their feet. If they feel sorry for someone, they attract the disease onto themselves, and it burns out in them. When sunny people get tired, they experience high blood pressure. All their diseases begin with the prefix HYPER, and the diseases themselves are acute, fiery and stabbing in nature. The formation of stones, plugs in blood vessels and dense growths is typical for people of sunny nature.

The solar half of the body is on the right and all diseases of organs or parts of the body on the right side indicate an internal protest to oneself, and this is pride: “I am better. I’m worth a ruble more than THEY think and talk about me.” The acquired strength cannot be lost, but it will also twist a person if he becomes dangerous to himself or to the people around him. The force of protest can reach such strength that it paralyzes the right side of the body.

It is also characteristic that it is sunny people who lose arms or legs and are forced to move in a wheelchair or with the help of crutches. There is such a parable. One day Jesus Christ was walking along the road with his disciples, and they saw a cripple asking for alms. "Why doesn't he have legs?" - asked the students. Christ replied: “If he had legs, then how much grief he could bring to the people around him.”

Think about the subtle and deep meaning of what was said. How accurately and fairly Christ formulated the idea that with a small trouble you can get rid of a larger one, and with a small grief you can avoid a major one. It has been noted that “God does not give horns to a carnivorous cow.” If one person suffers from the disease itself, then hundreds, thousands of innocent people will suffer from the spiritual stench of that same person.

Karmic medicine says that when a person is constrained by a disease such as polio, epilepsy, false croup, paralysis and similar diseases, when there is a loss of body parts - arms or legs, vision or hearing, then all this indicates a solar type and is beneficial for him yourself and everyone around you.

Solar and Lunar types of people.

Astrology divides all people into “solar” and “lunar”, regardless of what zodiac sign they were born under. Prominent representatives of the solar type of people can be found among those born under the signs of Leo and Aries, where the Sun is strongest. Symbolically, solar and lunar types of people are associated with real energy forces, the forces of two luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. In psychology, these two groups are divided into “extroverts” and “introverts.” These philosophical terms are difficult and require translation and interpretation, while solar and lunar designations of types of people immediately give us a figurative and colorful idea of ​​them: we are all children Sun and Moon.

In the philosophical teachings of the East, these energies are called “ YANG ski" (male) and " YIN-skikh" (female). In these dualities - “light-darkness”, “heat-cold”, “male and female”, in medicine - “HYPER and HYPO” functions, etc., a person spends his whole life.

Astrology describes the qualitative energy characteristics of people ruled by luminaries and planets, and from here the motivation for actions is derived. The astrologer sees what planetary energies it is involved in. But we will consider only the Sun and the Moon, because they are the energetic basis of every person.

The Sun is symbolically associated with male energy, the Moon with female energy.

Solar type - these are leaders who always lead people behind them. They tend to always take an active social position, are drawn to social life, occupy leadership positions, and take an active part in the life of society and in the lives of other people. “Sunny people”, as a rule, have rational, objective thinking, they love to crush everything, break down the old and build new, while leaving only the most important, some kind of zest, because the Sun is also associated with “creative” energy, the energy of the heart. The more solar “creative” energy a person has, the more willingly people are drawn to him: you can bask in his rays, there is always an abundance of warmth and light around him. Sunny people are often talented, and they willingly share their achievements with others, and the results of their creativity never remain in the shadows. A sunny person cannot create “on the table”, as it is commonly called. These are people who have a high standard and high life goals, they are constantly aimed at success and fulfillment in life, it is unusual for them to “give up” when encountering obstacles or “temporary difficulties”, they always know that “victory will be theirs” endowed with physical endurance and strong natural health. It is very difficult for them to change their beliefs; they try to follow their course to the end, even if their path is wrong.

Communicating with large numbers of people brings them true joy, but their radiating nature quite often remains misunderstood. If at some point the life of a “sunny” person becomes “boring” or “the same”, then such a person is inclined to “create difficulties for himself”, solve them, he will calmly go into a “conflict”, and then with the same readiness “resolve” his. If someone dares to do contrary, the sunny person will become aggressive or proudly raise his head and leave. Sunny type people belong to the category of people who blame other people for their problems and do not like to admit their mistakes.

In marriage, two sunny people will only get along in a creative union. If this is not the case, then one will suppress the other. If one of them succumbs, he gets heart disease.

They are also characterized by increased blood pressure. All illnesses of such people begin with the words “hyper”.

Sunny women dress brightly and put on makeup. They are characterized by sudden movements, try to behave like men, and are not averse to competing with them.

Sunny men are excellent athletes and valiant warriors, ready at any moment to take the side of the weak, to protect them at the cost of their own lives.

Best day of the week for sunny people , - Sunday, it is Sunday that is called a “sunny day”, in honor of its ruler, the Sun.

Lunar type- this is the opposite type to the solar type, such people are passive, slow and quiet, they don’t want to interfere in anything, they don’t interfere anywhere, they choose a less active field of activity than solar types, they are more inclined to take a passive, secondary position in life and society.

By nature, lunar people are friendly, trusting, emotional and sensitive, have strong intuition, sometimes they are not even confident in themselves, do not like to take risks and seek physical, intellectual and moral support from others, but at the same time they have a deep strength that a person can master by mid-life. They live according to the principle - first the heart, then the mind, they value what they have, without trying to look for other perfection. In their actions, they first hear the voice of the heart, and only then the voice of reason. The main difference between lunar people is constant self-doubt. They always look for help and support in someone and do not like to take risks. Their life is more difficult than that of people of the sunny type.

At work, such people are usually loners, but in a team they prefer to be performers. The best type of activity for them is mental work or creativity, which does not require frequent direct contact with other people. Moon people are usually night owls and their time is night. They usually have a very narrow circle of acquaintances, and they are looking for a marriage partner who is in tune with themselves. Lunar people are happier in marriage than solar people. They are actors who carefully protect their inner world from invasion, using each of their new roles as food for thought and self-knowledge.

The lunar child is quiet, whiny, afraid of the dark and sharp sounds, and tries not to lose sight of his mother. A schoolchild cannot study independently, or he perceives educational material at a sensory-emotional level. It is he who, with his mouth open, catches every word of the teacher and tries to sit closer to him.

The moon is the soul, which is always open, which is easy to wound, prick, scratch and spit on. She is weak, but kind, sympathetic, compassionate. He speaks quietly, loves his mother, animals, and milk. The lines on the hands of a lunar person are weak, barely drawn, colorless, very often the entire palm is lined with lines up and down. Nibbled (“pinched”) nails are a clear indicator of lunarity. Such nails are the first warning to the development of coronary heart disease. Until a person gains confidence in himself, nothing can be done about this pathology. Large holes at the base of the nail are a strong emotional reaction of a person to all the events around him.

Health of moon people gives much more problems than the health of people of the solar type. The increased sensitivity of lunar people attracts and magnetizes any disease. Often they take on the illness of other people and completely get over it. Therefore, they get sick often and for a long time. They are characterized by constant weakness and loss of strength.
A person's lunarity makes him prone to tumor diseases. Tumors are grievances. You can often hear: “Well, why are you sulking, how long will you sulk?” As long as a person holds a grudge against someone, tumors will grow. Once you let go of the offense and forgive the person, the tumor will shrink on its own and finally disappear completely. Only by letting go of grievances can a person let go of many illnesses. But that's not all. Tumors are also created from self-pity, with which he rushes around all day, and sometimes at night, resentment does not allow him to sleep. You need to learn not to feel sorry for yourself, but ask others and God for their health. It will be rewarded to you too.

If a solar person tends to be proud, then a lunar person, because of his pride, will create even more problems for himself, will be even more unhappy, and all this will affect his health. In a healthy person of the lunar type, the lines on the hands are colorless, flesh-colored. Treatment is the same as for solar vampires, but lunar ones are also well helped by hypnosis, suggestion and prayer.

The best day of the week for lunar people , - Monday, it is Monday that is called “lunar day”, in honor of its ruler, the Moon.

These are the main character traits of people belonging to the solar and lunar types of people. .

Sunsets are beautiful from anywhere in the solar system. And although we will never be able to enjoy them in person, satellites, telescopes and computer simulations allow us to see breathtaking images.

The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury. The solar disk is approximately three times larger than that of Earth. Temperature at night: −180 °C, during the day: +430 °C.

The second planet from the Sun is Venus. You won’t see the sun from the surface because of dense clouds of sulfuric acid, the pressure will squeeze out your eyes, and the temperature is even higher than on Mercury (+480 °C), so you’re unlikely to have time to see anything.

And here is the third planet from the Sun. How do you like this rare angle?

Red planet - Mars. The sun on Mars is 1.5 times smaller. The sunset is not red, like on Earth, but bluish. The reason for this color of the sky is the same that on Earth gives a blue sky and a red sunset - Rayleigh scattering... The difference between the color of the sky at noon and at sunset is in the volume of the atmosphere that is overcome by the sun's rays. On Mars, the atmosphere is a hundred times thinner than on Earth, but when the Sun is near the horizon, light travels thirty times thicker through the atmosphere than at midday.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our system in every sense. A giant ball of gas, inside which hydrogen acquires metallic properties. The sun is 5.2 times smaller. However, Jupiter emits more heat than it receives from the outside. And here is the view from the Europa satellite:

Lord of the Rings - Saturn. The most beautiful planet in the solar system. The size of the solar disk is on average 9.5 times (!) smaller than ours. The gas giant also emits more heat than it receives from the Sun.

Uranus is a truly unique planet. Uranus is unique in its location, its axis is tilted at 98 degrees, which forces the planet to orbit while lying on its side. In this position, the main flow of solar energy is directed to the polar regions, but contrary to logical conclusions, the temperature at the equator has higher values. The direction of rotation of the ice giant is the opposite of its orbital motion. Uranus makes one revolution in 84 Earth years, and a day passes in 17 hours; this period is calculated approximately due to the uneven movement of the gaseous surface. It is impossible to imagine how the Sun moves across the sky without the brain boiling (for Mercury it is even worse). And here is a satellite view of Ariel:

Neptune is a blue giant. Neptune's winds have a unique speed, the average is 1000 km/h, and hurricane gusts are 2400 km/h. Air masses move against the planet's axis of rotation. An inexplicable fact is the increase in storms and winds, which is observed with increasing distance between the planet and the Sun. Attention! The sun is 30 times smaller than the earth's. Not the best place to watch the sunset, but here's the view from Triton:

Well, and our little brother, whom everyone offends, is the dwarf planet Pluto. It is 40 times further from the Sun than the Earth; so little solar energy and light comes here that our star can be confused with a large star. Pluto and its moon Charon orbit each other, and Pluto's orbit is sharply tilted relative to the other planets. A year on Pluto lasts 248 Earth years. And a day is almost a week. The surface temperature ranges from - 228 to - 238 °C.

Let's consider the well-known astrological planetary character types.

Solar and lunar types of people in astrology

Solar type- average height, large round head, light or red complexion, soft blond hair (tendency to baldness), large eyes.

The sun is an indicator of vital energy and its quality. It determines temperament, creativity, spiritual essence, hidden abilities, and expresses the principle of individuality.

Positive qualities - in the solar type the principle of purpose is clearly expressed. Ambition, pride, calm, responsibility, honesty, liveliness. They are characterized by very good organizational and performing abilities, dignity, nobility, and authority. Very hardy and recovers quickly. A born captain or informal leader.

Lunar type

Average height, short plump arms and legs, tendency to be overweight. Round pale face, large light eyes, light brown hair. The moon symbolizes the inertia of character, unregulated emotional reactions, habits and unconditioned reflexes, the subconscious Ego, the emotional world of a person.

Positive qualities - peacefulness, mercy, high switchability, receptivity, gentleness, pliability, modesty, timidity, developed imagination. Craving for material values.

Negative qualities - instability, inconstancy, absent-mindedness, hypersensitivity, passivity, slowness, and often laziness. Little ability to concentrate, capricious, dreamer. By temperament - phlegmatic.

Mercurian and Venusian types

Mercury symbolizes intelligence, the ability to think, reason, understand, remember. Concrete mind. Responsible for vision - perception of size, weight, shape, color. Abstract intelligence.

Positive qualities - the highest switchability, reaction, dexterity, coordination, receptivity, prudence, ability for science, agility.

Negative qualities - instability, inconstancy, forgetfulness, vanity, acting, flattery, hot temper, fantasy and even lies.

Venusian planetary type

By temperament - choleric.

A great partner is a wingman. Very rhythmic. Good reaction. Sharp tongue. But it can stab you in the back. Capable of impulse, short-term concentration, after which relaxation is necessary.

Vulnerable places are shoulders, arms, hands and feet, tongue, tops of the lungs, nervous system.

  • brain disease
  • nervous ailments,
  • diseases of the hands, feet,
  • stuttering and speech impediments,
  • colds.

Colors - dark gray, spotted colors depending on the psychological mood.

Short stature, proportional build, wide chest, good shape, tendency to be overweight. The face is round, dark or dark ruddy. Eyebrows and lips are thin. The hair is light brown. Very expressive light brown or black eyes. Often there are dimples on the cheeks.

Positive qualities - Venus symbolizes artistic taste, a feeling of love. This is tact, diplomacy, charm, the ability to seduce, pliability, and adaptation. Altruism. The power of feeling, but also sensuality with all its shadowy consequences.

Negative qualities - passivity, spontaneity, in moments of depression - self-pity, unreliable memory, promiscuity, laziness, depravity, herd mentality.

By temperament - sanguine.

People of this type are very contactable and know how to subordinate their interests to common interests. They don't like conflicts. But they require brutal methodology and discipline. There is a tendency to shirk responsibility.

Vulnerable areas are the thymus, solar plexus, some parts of the reproductive system, kidneys, lumbar region, upper pelvis and sacrum.

Diseases - poisoning, skin diseases, genitourinary system, diabetes, impotence.

Colors - from sky blue to pale green, lemon, pink.

Martian planetary type

Medium or tall height, strong, muscular, prominent body, large braids. The face is round, light or dark red in color. The hair is red, sandy or black - coarse, often curly.

Mars symbolizes activity, energy, expression of will, and the desire for freedom. Subjectivism and one-sidedness. Straightforwardness and pressure. Absence of doubt and categoricalness. Tendency to extremes.

Positive qualities are enthusiasm, high friendship, courage, zeal and determination in achieving goals, energy, a sharp and insightful mind. Patriotism, love of family, strong sense of brotherhood. High excitability, at the same time the ability to perform ultra-precise, jewelry work. Endurance. Negative qualities - aggressiveness, despotism, indiscriminateness, intolerance, short temper, irritability, ability to destroy, ruthlessness, conflict. Does not tolerate interference.

By temperament - choleric.

Capable of high concentration, but for a short time, after which a pause is required to recover. Hot-tempered and rude, but easy-going. Internally very soft and unstable.


  • cortex,
  • adrenal cortex,
  • head,
  • breast,
  • male genital organs,
  • excretory organs.

Diseases - infectious diseases, high blood pressure, internal hemorrhages, headaches, bladder diseases, burns, cuts, bruises.

Colors - red, scarlet, carmine.

Jovian type

Tall, good physique, powerful but not defined muscles. Oval dark or red face, soft blond or brown hair (tendency to baldness).

Jupiter symbolizes the power of expansion, expansion of social functions. Self-esteem, authority, honor and glory, luck, patronage. Power and might. Moral motives and laws.

Positive qualities - common sense, order and harmony, generosity, devotion, sociability, optimism. Balance and culture of feeling, peacefulness. Striving for the sublime.

Negative qualities - pride, idealism, promiscuity, boasting, complacency, slowness.

By temperament - sanguine.

The Jupiterian type produces the largest number of accomplished athletes, champions, and record holders. Ability to do any kind of sports. A brilliant leader. Personal luck.

Vulnerable places are the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, buttocks, thighs, legs, liver.

Diseases - as a result of excesses, overflow of the body with blood, chronic acidosis, apoplexy, liver disease, lung disease, sore throat.

Preferred colors are purple, violet, some shades of red, sometimes indigo, deep blue.

Saturnian type

Medium or tall height, often stooped, angular body with broad shoulders. Thin, elongated face, small dark eyes, black hair.

Positive qualities - a well-organized mind, emphasizing details, realism, asserting and emphasizing authority, experience. Restrained, cautious, modest, constant, thrifty. Characterized by a strong sense of justice, fulfilling the terms of the contract, even when it works against him.

Negative qualities - conservatism, distrust, isolation, inability to give vent to emotions, too serious outlook on life, low switchability, lack of communication. A slave to conditions, rational, down to earth.

By temperament - melancholic.

This type produces very reliable people, but without surprises. They are hardworking. They can easily endure emotional stress - more precisely, they never project them onto others and, regardless of the result, complete the task at hand.

Vulnerable areas - upper part of the adrenal glands, skin, joints and tendons, especially calves and knees, spleen, hearing organs, teeth Diseases

  • rheumatism,
  • spinal diseases,
  • skin,
  • teeth,
  • tuberculosis,
  • fractures,
  • bruises,
  • low temperature,
  • emotional inhibition.

Colors - black, white, brown, cool tones

Uranian planetary type

Tall or very tall, thin bones, irregular features of an oblong face, usually large light eyes.

Uranus is the planet of geniuses. Symbolizes the power of becoming, governs the principle of transformation of the subjective into the objective. Reforms, revolutions. Disasters and injuries are associated with Uranus.

Positive qualities - rich imagination, unyielding will, strong desire for power and authority, assertiveness, altruism, perseverance in overcoming material difficulties, new ideas, originality, strong performing abilities.

Negative qualities - aloofness, unceremoniousness, independence at any cost, rebellious spirit. Poorly amenable to any kind of control, changeable, impulsive, eccentric.

By temperament - choleric.

Characterized by ups, unexpected results, and downs. A leader, but difficult to communicate and conflict-ridden. Original in his way of acting. Capable of making unexpected moves and combinations. Vulnerable places are the parathyroid glands, brain, central nervous system.

Diseases - salt deposits, injuries, fractures, tissue ruptures.

Colors - multicolor, intersection of color spots, stripes.

Neptunian type

Beautiful slender body, smooth muscles, elongated head, light face with dark eyes, sharp features, often a hard expression, hypnotic gaze, thin hair.

Neptune symbolizes intuition, imagination, hallucinations. Everything related to the highest octave of harmony in both art and science.

Positive qualities are the finest intuition, feeling for a partner, telepathy, foresight, and even the meaning (though without explanation) of upcoming situations. Compassion. Feels good and opens up in the collective field.

Negative qualities - unstable, unpredictable, highly susceptible to mental influences, often passive, emotionally excited, capricious. Focus on the aesthetic - beauty is more important than the result. The danger of drug addiction and alcoholism.

By temperament - melancholic.

He is characterized by jewelry precision, a good sense of a partner, and the ability to transform his psyche. Unstable, often shows too much individualism. Lack of interest in the result - he can be proud of a lost case, in which he succeeded in beautiful combinations and strikes. Non-conflicting, loved in the team.

Vulnerable places - pineal gland (pineal body), psychosomatic sensors, organ of extrasensory perception.

  • oxygen deficiency,
  • stomach diseases,
  • anemia,
  • neuroses,
  • energy exhaustion,
  • addiction,
  • alcoholism.

Colors - lilac, sea green smoky blue, shades of gray.

Plutonian type of people

Pluto is collective energy, the principle of transformation. It shows how capable a person is of using power. Absolute laws, interest in fanatical situations of life and death. Totalitarianism.

Positive qualities are power, concentrating and directing force, improvement and self-education. Interest in spiritual values. Unbending tenacity.

By temperament - phlegmatic.

Characterizes both great internal work and the ability to withstand extremely high physical stress. Fanaticism. If directed correctly, it is a powerful catalyst for collective action, a team conscience. The worse the situation, the greater the opportunities open up. Special durability.

Vulnerable places - pancreas, digestive system.

  • salt deposits,
  • chronic acidosis,
  • arthritis.

Color - intensely saturated red, luminescent.

Such a person radiates joy and light. In any situation, he powerfully expresses his emotions, be it joy, grief or anger. The more sunny a person is, the more willingly people are drawn to him: you can bask in his rays, there is always an abundance of warmth and light around him. In the extreme, these are people who persistently insert themselves into your life, strive to help you, to solve your problems at all costs, even if no one asks them to do so.

Sunny people are often talented, and they willingly share their achievements with others, and the results of their creativity never remain in the shadows. A sunny person cannot create “on the table”, as it is commonly called. Such people rarely bow to the blows of fate. The whole world may collapse, but the solar man will rise from the ruins and again achieve success in his work. These people find it very difficult to change their beliefs and try to follow their course to the end, even if the path is wrong.

Communicating with large numbers of people brings them true joy, but their radiating nature quite often remains misunderstood. Other people, being near such a person, do not always try to get to know his inner world better. Moreover, in extreme manifestations, the solar character can manifest itself quite tactlessly. Sunny people love life, which can only be prevented by severe mental trauma inflicted by loved ones. These are the main character traits of a person belonging to the solar type.

Lunar type

It is difficult to say anything about these people based on their first impression. Just like the Moon, which glows with reflected light, these people emit only that light that they deem necessary to reflect. It is impossible to know such a person completely; his depth is unknown even to himself and may turn out to be inexhaustible. Outwardly, the behavior of a lunar person can be quite varied: from cold arrogance to tearful sentimentality and the constant need to “cry into your vest.”

These people do not need an audience, they are quite content with their own company, loneliness does not frighten them. Their spiritual inner life is quite intense, and sometimes so deep and varied that the influence of the outside world can be perceived as an annoying hindrance. However, this does not mean that lunarians are necessarily beeches or misanthropes. They can be charming conversationalists and wonderful friends, but if for a solar person communication is a pleasant necessity, then for a lunar person communication is rather difficult creative work, which at times turns into art.

At work, such people are usually loners, but in a team they prefer to be performers. The best type of activity for them is mental work or creativity, which does not require frequent direct contact with other people. Moon people are usually night owls and their time is night. In the morning their strength is asleep, nothing good happens to them in the morning. They usually have a very narrow circle of acquaintances, and they are looking for a marriage partner who is in tune with themselves. Lunar people are happier in marriage than solar people. They are actors who carefully protect their inner world from invasion, using each of their new roles as food for thought and self-knowledge.