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If there is no time or desire to go to the gym, then remember that you can train at home! Read about it in our article.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What are the benefits of exercising at home

There always comes a time in life when we get tired of counting the calories of our food on a calculator and decide to get serious about sports by doing intense workouts. But it is not always possible to go to the gym, where there is all the necessary equipment. This is due to work or the fact that in principle there is no such place nearby. However, in this case, you do not need to be upset, because you can train at home.

Of course, this is difficult: how to force yourself to take a morning or evening jog? But if you have enough motivation, then you will definitely achieve your goal! The advantage of home workouts is that they can be done daily. In this situation, finding a place and time is real.

Another obvious advantage is the fact that you do not need to spend your money on the hall. This, of course, is a nice bonus, but not the main one. It is important to decide in advance if you need complex fat-burning workouts to correct your weight and figure, then it makes no sense to visit the gym every day, since you can achieve results at home. However, if you need to develop your body the way bodybuilders do, then you are on the right path to the gym.

How to start exercising at home

You have decided that you are ready to study at home, but where to start? The first step is to prepare in advance. You can’t just do everything at random, you need:

  • clear program;
  • training regime;
  • complex and list of all exercises;
  • think about how long the workout should last.

Thanks to the Internet, we have access to all information. This article also introduces basic exercises that will help you how to organize your workout. Choose for yourself those exercises and regimen that suit you best, and get started.

How to make a set of exercises for home

The most important step is the compilation of a set of exercises. Here you need to think in advance whether you are going to burn fat or want to choose strength training for mass and relief.

For each individual case, there are exercises that must be performed. You can combine them with each other, but do each complex separately. For example, today you are doing cardio for fat burning, and tomorrow you are doing strength training. But for relief and strength it is almost impossible to do exercises without equipment. Therefore, if you do not have dumbbells, weights or barbells, you can simply keep the muscles in shape, but for the time being: exercises with your own weight will no longer give results, and then you will have to increase the load.

First you need to establish your body type. There are only three of them:

  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph;
  • ectomorph.

The mesomorph is characterized by average height and athletic build, such people easily lose weight and gain it difficult. Endomophs are more well-fed people, they also have an average height and tend to be overweight, it is difficult to lose weight. Ectomorphs are tall, usually skinny, difficult to gain weight, but lose weight very quickly.

You also need to consider your current training and health status. For beginners in sports, it is better to start with something simple and achieve the first results by performing basic exercises, and then move on to more complex and strength exercises.

A set of exercises should include several basic types of exercises that are designed to perform certain tasks: for weight loss, for endurance and strength.

What are the best exercises to start exercising with? There is no clear answer to this question, again, it all depends on the level of your current training. If you are a beginner, then you need to start with the basics. These include:

  • push ups;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • bodyweight squats;
  • stretching;
  • push-ups on bars.

Not all of these exercises can be done at home, but, as a rule, everyone has horizontal bars in the yard or there is a stadium, and you need to start with them.

If you have dumbbells or a kettlebell, then your course can be significantly diversified. Basic training is great for both men and women in any physical form.

Make yourself a schedule for the month so you have a plan for every day. Such a high-intensity course on all days of the week will help you quickly achieve results and move on to more serious exercises.

Warm up before workout at home

One important thing to always remember is to never start a workout without warming up! Warming up is the most important part of every workout. A good stretch before starting a workout helps to engage the muscles in the work, prepare the whole body for stress and avoid the occurrence of pain in the joints and muscles.

The warm-up also serves as the initial stage of your workout, which still affects all muscle groups. It is necessary to do it, starting from the head, smoothly moving to the arms and shoulders, then move on to exercises for the abdomen, back and waist, and finish with kneading the buttocks, hip joint and legs in general.

How to do a warm-up? You can view special video tutorials or educational photos and pictures in detail.

In short, the whole principle of the warm-up is that you rotate and work each joint, engage all the muscles, perform a couple of simple circular motions of the joints and stretch the necessary muscles. A great alternative to kneading can be a brisk jog. Just five minutes in the stadium or on a stationary bike will help to work out every muscle in your body.

Types of exercises for home

If you do not have the necessary equipment at home, then you can get by with these simple exercises:

  1. Push-ups are a great way to tone up your abs and arms. There are several basic options for execution: the elbows are widely separated at shoulder level or squeezed to the sides. The first method is well suited for pumping the upper and middle chest, the second has a better effect on the arms and shakes the lower chest. With this exercise, the press also trains well.
  2. Pressing is one of the basic exercises that everyone who wants to get a flat or embossed stomach needs to do. Pumping exercises for the upper part of the press at home must be done as follows: lie on your back, squeeze your legs at the knees and raise only the shoulder blades, the lower back should remain motionless. On the lower and middle part of the press, you need to lie on your back, fix your arms at the seams, straighten your legs and fix them a couple of centimeters from the floor. Raise your legs evenly up a couple of centimeters and lower to the original level.
  3. Running has always been the best way to burn extra calories. Today, there is no better cardio workout that works the whole body than a run, an alternative is a bike ride if you have one.
  4. Stretching is an important part of a workout, especially for women. Aerobic or ballet stretching is best done after all other exercises.

You should end up with something like this workout plan for home:

  • warm-up;
  • push ups;
  • press;
  • stretching.

The warm-up should take 5 minutes, running up to 30 minutes, push-ups and abs should be done according to this system: 4 sets of 10 times, and stretching should take 10-15 minutes. This is an excellent fat burning complex, which is suitable as a strength training for women. The whole workout will take literally an hour.

Exercises with dumbbells at home

If you have dumbbells and a kettlebell, then you can start strength training to gain muscle mass.

With the help of dumbbells, you can effectively pump the relief biceps and triceps, with a kettlebell there are also a lot of exercises for pumping the back, priests, abs, deltas and chest. There are separate online videos with step-by-step training at home, but it is best to consult with a personal CrossFit trainer who will explain in detail all the schemes on how to properly perform repetitions.

Intense workout at home

One of the most popular full and intense sports workouts, which also resembles the full body program, is hiit. This type of training allows you to build a beautiful figure by performing strength and functional exercises with an elastic band, with a fitball, a gun, and also includes swinging the press, working with dumbbells, running, jumping, push-ups and pull-ups. All exercises are performed very quickly with a mini-interval break and no rest. Such an intensive will allow you to quickly see the result before and after. Active exercises help strengthen the body, burn fat and improve the vestibular apparatus.

If you don't know when to start exercising, now is the best time!

Greetings, dear readers and part-time supporters of a healthy lifestyle! Today I’ll tell you about home exercises for men, don’t worry girls, you can use them too. I will give several complexes for all occasions, and also not bypass such a rapidly developing area as crossfit and tell you how you can do it at home!

Not everyone now who wants to bring or keep themselves in shape has the opportunity to visit the gym due to various circumstances, whether it be workload or a long and long business trip somewhere where there is no gym. It is for such cases that there are sets of exercises that can be done at home, in a hotel room and even on the street. Next, we'll figure out what they are.

Bodyweight workouts are a very convenient option, as they do not require any equipment costs and can be done anywhere, all you need is comfortable clothing.

When exercising at home, do not forget to follow these rules:

  • Use rooms where there is enough space to practice
  • Exercise in a well ventilated area
  • The optimal temperature for training at home is 23⁰С
  • Before starting training, do not forget to warm up thoroughly
  • After class, do
  • Directly during the training, drink enough water so as not to feel thirsty (0.5-1 l.)

Now let's move straight to the training program and start with the simplest.

  1. Squats: 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. To complicate the exercise, you can slow down the pace of execution: 10 seconds for the negative phase of the movement and 10 seconds for the positive. If such a load is not enough, then squat on one leg, holding on to a stable support with the other.
  2. Exercise "wall": 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds. In this exercise, you need to stand on your hands next to the wall.
  3. : 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
  4. Boat exercise: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Pull-ups: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. If it is not possible to pull yourself up, then do the plank with straight arms extended forward 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds
  6. Push-ups: 3 sets of 30-40 reps
  7. Vertical push-ups: 2 sets of 8-10 reps

As you can see, this complex is designed for all muscle groups. This type of training has a name and is great for beginners, and will also be useful for experienced athletes as a supportive training. Exercises do not require the use of equipment (except for the horizontal bar), but I also came up with a replacement for him. The plank with arms outstretched forward is an analogue of a pullover with a dumbbell, and as you know, a pullover is the base for the latissimus dorsi.

To give this complex a fat-burning effect, you need to increase its intensity. This can be done by converting the training into a circular one, performing each exercise in one approach. After you complete the entire circle, rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat everything again, and so on 2-3 times. Such training is great for losing weight, but do not forget about nutrition!

A set of exercises for the home using sports equipment

More advanced will be training using various types of sports equipment: dumbbells, jump ropes, and fitballs. Their use will expand the possibilities for fruitful training. Where you can buy them - in any sports store.

Dumbbell Workout

Today I will make for you a workout program with dumbbells. Go!

  1. Squats with dumbbells in hand: 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps
  2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Lifting on socks while standing with a dumbbell in his hands: 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps
  4. Standing dumbbell row: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Dumbbell push-ups (similar to push-ups, but unlike them, it uses stabilizer muscles): 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps
  6. Dumbbell press sitting or standing: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  7. Zottman Curls: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  8. Extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  9. Twisting: 2 sets to failure (for complication, you can pick up a light dumbbell)

In addition to full body training, there are training programs aimed at working out one muscle group, for example, the pectoral muscles, back or legs. Their distinguishing feature is the use of a certain range of exercises to work out only the target muscle group.

For example, if you want to strengthen the muscles of the back, then, moreover, the width and direction of the grip can be changed to shift the focus to certain parts of the back. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a bar, use dumbbells or an expander.

Expander training

An example of a complex (if everything is done correctly, the back will thank you):

  • Vertical thrust of the expander to the chest

Fix the middle of the expander somewhere high so that when you sit down, the point of its attachment is above you at some distance. Grab the handles. In the initial position, the arms with the handles should be raised up and straightened, while the expander should be slightly taut. Next, pull the handles down towards your chest. The exercise is similar to the vertical pull of the block in the simulator, but instead of a cable with a weighted expander. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Horizontal pull of the expander to the belt

The sequence of actions is the same as in the first exercise, only now the expander should be in front of you and you need to pull the handles to the belt. An analogue is the thrust of a horizontal block in the simulator. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Extension

We step on the middle of the expander with our feet, we take hold of the handles. The starting position of the body is tilted forward at 50-60 degrees from the vertical, the lower back is straight. Slowly straighten your back, stretching the expander, when the back is fully extended, just as slowly return to the starting position, repeat the movement. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Shrugs

Step on the middle of the expander with your feet, grab the handles. The starting position of the body is at attention. Who was not in the army - this means the body is vertical to the floor, the fists touch the outer side of the thighs, the expander should be in a taut position. Gently stretch your shoulders to your ears and slightly flatten your shoulder blades. It is not necessary to pull straight to the ears, stop halfway and return to the starting position. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

That's actually the whole complex for a strong back! Do it no more than 2 times a week, as the muscles need rest.

CrossFit at home

First, let's figure out what CrossFit is. CrossFit is a popular sport at the moment. It is equally popular with both boys and girls. It is a separate brand and is promoted as a system of physical exercises. It incorporates elements from various sports areas. This is high-intensity training, and powerlifting, and even gymnastics in one bottle. The main goal of CrossFit is to develop ten parameters:

  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Respiratory endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Accuracy

CrossFit is characterized by high intensity, since the complex is performed without rest for a strictly defined period of time. For example, you choose 4-5 exercises and do them one after another, as in a circuit training, but do not rest after each circle, but try to complete the maximum number of circles for some time, say 20 minutes. As you can see, you have to sweat!

Well, that's figured out, now about what can come of all this at home.

I note that the exercises here have specific names, as they were invented by the Americans. Let's run through them.

  • Burpee. knees should touch the chest. Tilt your legs back, assuming a prone position, then return to the starting position and jump up as much as possible. After, return to the starting position again.
  • Kipping. In fact, simple pull-ups, but they need to be done as quickly as possible, so we perform pull-ups with a jerk.
  • Leg lift. Hang on the crossbar and raise your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, you need to do this as quickly as possible and without swinging. .
  • Explosive squats. They differ from ordinary squats only in that at the moment when you get up, you must jump up with all your might. In this case, the hands should be above the head at all times.
  • Explosive push ups. Like regular push-ups, but at the moment of lifting, push your hands up so that your palms come off the floor.

An example of a crossfit workout at home (it is better, of course, that there are no neighbors below):

  1. Burpees - 15 reps
  2. Kipping - 15 reps
  3. Leg raises - 15 reps

Complete as many circles as you can in 20 minutes.

So that you are not bored, I will give another complex:

  1. Burpees - 15 reps
  2. Explosive push-ups - 15 reps
  3. Explosive Squats – 15 reps
  4. Leg raises - 15 reps


Due to the variety of types of workouts, as well as even more exercises that you can do at home, you should not worry about not being able to go to the gym. What can I say, even if you can do CrossFit at home! So friends, everything is in your hands!

On this I will say goodbye to you and ask you to subscribe to the blog and share, share and once again share usefulness with friends in social networks. See you soon!

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So, you want to get in good shape, but don't know what to do, and unfortunately there is not a single gym nearby? Here is a beginner workout program to help you get started at home. This program without simulators and shells can be performed anywhere and with any level of training!

In fact, a beginner does not need a gym. Most of the simulators in modern gyms pump only individual muscles of the body and, by and large, are needed either by professionals who want to “hone” their form, or by cunning gym owners who know perfectly well how young people peck at beautiful and complex simulators. It is known that the best form can be obtained by exercising with a regular barbell or dumbbells, and at the initial level, even they are not needed - just your own body weight is enough.

Why is this beginner workout program effective?

The following beginner bodyweight training program is quite effective and will help you achieve two goals:

  • pump all the muscles of the body in a relatively short period of time. This is achieved due to the fact that the movements in the exercises are close to those that we have to perform in real life, and this allows you to use several muscle groups at once;
  • get rid of excess fat. For this exercise are performed in the form of cycles, one after the other with a minimum break. I will talk about what a cycle is a little later.

What are the advantages of this complex?

Training programs for beginners with their own body weight compare favorably with complexes with dumbbells, with a barbell or using simulators.

  • you do not need to look for a place to practice and sports equipment. You can practice at home or in the yard because all you need is just a few square meters of flat ground. For one of the exercises, you will need a projectile, ideally a dumbbell, but you can get by with improvised means.
  • body weight exercises are safe. Of course, there are people who, even standing still in one place, can break their heads, but in general, if the exercises are performed correctly, without experiments, there can be no talk of danger.
  • bodyweight exercises are easy to do. You do not need to learn special techniques, all exercises are performed intuitively.

Beginner Workout Program: Basic Principles

As mentioned above, the exercises are performed in cycles. This means that after completing one set of one exercise, you (if possible) with minimal interruption move on to one set of the next exercise, and so on. After completing the last exercise, you can rest normally for a few minutes. This is one cycle. In our case, after the first cycle, you will need to complete the second, and then the third. Working in a cycle is more exhausting compared to regular complexes, so keep an eye on the technique, and if you feel that you cannot perform the exercise correctly, take a break. Once again, the work ahead is not easy, so do not try to do everything at once without interruption.

Before you start, take a few minutes to warm up. NEVER, ever forget to warm up. This will help you avoid injury, warm up your muscles and joints, and prepare your cardiovascular system for active work. It doesn't matter how you warm up. You can run, you can dance, jump rope, swing your arms and legs, climb up and down stairs several times, and so on. And only after you warm up, proceed to the first cycle.

A set of exercises

Here's what you need to do:

  • 20 squats
  • 10 pushups
  • 20 lunges
  • 10 bent over rows
  • 15 second planks
  • 30 swing jumps

At the end of the workout, do not forget to move a little to calm your heart, and then do it.

In this video from the NerdFitness blog, I show you how to do the exercises. The video is in English, however, in principle, everything is clear and without translation.

A Few Tips for Performing Exercises in the Beginner Workout Program

  • if you find it difficult to squat or lunge, then hold on to a support with one hand, this will help you maintain balance
  • there is an easy way to check if your squat technique is correct. Sit on a low chair or bench, and then get up from it. If you didn’t need to lean forward with your whole body, then you are doing everything right.
  • when doing push-ups, try to keep the body straight in one line, without arching the pelvis and without lowering the head. In the video, Steve breaks this rule due to the fact that he has to speak at the same time as he does it. This blog has a detailed
  • To perform a bent over row, you can use a dumbbell or something at hand, such as a water bottle, a sandbag, or some other relatively heavy object that you can lift 10 times. There are three rules here: the back should remain straight, the head does not drop much, and the elbows should move along the body without going to the sides.

Perform this complex 2-3 times a week, ideally taking a break between workouts for a day or two. Remember that muscle growth does not occur during training, but during rest, and this means that you need to properly rest between sessions. And remember to eat right! A healthy diet is the key to your success in any workout. If you have any questions about this workout program for beginners, please ask.

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Many men refuse to go in for sports, saying that they cannot find free time to go to the gym. It is for such people that there are special home workout programs for men. There are different complexes aimed at working out different ones. Consider the option of exercising with your own weight.

Home workout program for gaining muscle mass

It is worth noting that the presented complex is practically in no way inferior in complexity to training in the gym. You should not expect a quick result, but if you exercise regularly and hard, you can significantly improve the relief of the body. When compiling a training program with your weight at home, you should take the advice of experienced athletes who recommend dedicating each training day to a separate muscle group. It’s worth starting with a warm-up to warm up the muscles.

An example of a bodyweight training program for home:

During classes at home, you need to rely on your own feelings, and if you have the strength, then do more repetitions. To properly work out the muscles, it is recommended to perform all exercises at a slow pace.

Description of exercises from the training program at home for weight loss for men.