Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Is it worth going to freshman initiation? How is initiation as a student carried out? Initiation as a student - Unusual competitions and tests

Student life is not only about annoying lectures and sessions. There are many interesting, exciting and extraordinary things in the lives of modern students. Today we will tell you about initiation into students. Just recently you were applicants, and now you are proudly crossing the threshold of an educational institution. Looking admiringly after the senior students, you still have no idea about the surprise that is being prepared for you. After all, in order to become a real student, it is not enough to simply submit documents and pass a competitive selection. A true student is one who has passed all the tests of initiation with dignity and honor.

Celebration of initiation into students is a mandatory event for new students. In many universities in our country, the ceremonial part is accompanied by the transfer of a symbolic key of knowledge and a huge grade book from the older generation to the newcomers. However, before the award ceremony takes place, first-year students must demonstrate all their abilities and prove in practice that they are worthy of being accepted.

Do you still think that becoming a student is easy? But don’t expect that the imagination of senior students is so insignificant that they can get by with minimal tests. Most often, the scenario for initiation into students from the older generation includes a variety of jokes, practical jokes, competitions and quizzes. Often, even to enter the classroom, a student must experience some difficulties immediately in front of it. For example, the door handle may be smeared with glue or mayonnaise, and a tub of water or something similar may be waiting directly outside the student’s door. And how much invaluable time on the day of initiation do freshmen spend aimlessly wandering through the corridors of the educational institution because of the “false” signs on the doors. They come to class, and there is an announcement that the lecture is being moved to an auditorium located in another building.

Dedication in different cities of Russia
But each educational institution has its own traditions. We conducted a small survey of students from different cities. The essence of the survey was to find out what unique traditions exist in each university in our vast Motherland. So here's what we found.

Thus, at Altai State University, biology students are invited to taste different liquids (alcohol, citric acid, tea, etc.) and determine their composition. Every year, water mixtures become more and more sophisticated to mislead beginners. After all, although the student initiation script is kept in strict confidence, rumors still leak out! In addition, they are invited to eat "appetizing" living creatures: bugs, caterpillars and spiders from marmalade. In conclusion, a dried chicken foot is hung around the neck of each martyr.
In mathematics departments, it is customary to hit first-year students over the head with a book of problems in order, as they say, to hammer knowledge into their heads.

A no less sophisticated test is in store for future journalists. They are fed pieces of newspaper with ink. This kind of “dessert” symbolizes the profession they have chosen.

For example, in Yoshkar-Ola there is the Mari State University, which has a tradition of solemnly concluding a symbolic marriage between first-year students. At NIITT KSTU named after Tupolev (in the city of Nizhnekamsk), initiation into students takes place in the form of a mysterious walk through a fairyland, where all sorts of surprises await them. Each stage is designed in a playful way and forces freshmen to unite to conquer a new peak. After passing all the tests, students go into a secret room and write notes in which they reflect their thoughts, emotions, and hopes. The notes are put into a box, sealed and given to the senior organizers. After 5 years, this improvised box will return to future graduates when they present their diplomas.
In Moscow Universities, future oil workers are invited to try the authentic taste of oil. To do this, simply dip your finger in the oil and then lick it. At the initiation of future medical students, Hippocrates himself greets them. Surrounded by young nymphs, he addresses the first-year students with parting words and gives a huge “student” bouquet. At MIET, the initiation rite includes the obligatory planting of a seedling. Every freshman must plant at least one tree. So one of the main missions (at least for men) has already been completed.

How original were you dedicated?

In general, the process of initiation into students is very symbolic. It once again indicates what a serious path students are embarking on. Of course, the students themselves invent the unspoken initiation. From the point of view of the university itself, this is just a small celebration that does not oblige anyone to anything. But students are original and cheerful people. Moreover, God himself ordered that freshmen be tested...

Music sounds (ceremonial fanfare)
Sasha: Good evening, dear teachers, students and guests!
Anya: Hello, our dear newcomers! Today, more than ever, we are pleased to welcome you to this beautiful hall. After all, we are dedicating you to students! Today you will become part of the large and friendly family of our Pedagogical College. Nikolai Vasilievich Nikolsky.
Sasha: Let's ask our freshmen to stand up so we can all look at them. Let's greet the heroes of the occasion with friendly applause! Have a seat!
Anya: I ask all our teachers to remember our new friends well, so that at the session you can easily identify who came to you!
Sasha: According to a long-established tradition, the director of the ChPK, Kirillova Alevtina Aleksandrovna, will give you warm words of encouragement (we will greet you with thunderous applause) So, let's find out who the students are and what are some classic features of the life of students!
Anya: The student sleeps little.
Sasha: Unfortunately.
Anya: Eats a lot.
Sasha: When they give it.
Anya: He teaches seriously.
Sasha: Twice a year.
Anya: Never cries.
Sasha: It makes others cry.
Anya: Always tells the truth.
Sasha: But it only seems so.

And the second year students rush to initiate you first with the skit “What I want to become”
Anya: Now pay attention to the student’s specifically foreign terminology.
Sasha: If you want to live, know how to spin.
Anya: If he fails, he emigrates.
Sasha: Towards the hearth.
Anya: Under construction.
Sasha: If you can't cope with your specialization.
Anya:He is surrounded by humanization.
Sasha: Wishing him well.
Anya: And they even call for consensus.
Sasha: This is what he stubbornly cannot understand.
Anya: He is being repressed and rehabilitated at small teachers' councils.
Sasha: And much more.
Anya: That’s it, our dear freshmen, by orienting you to the peculiarities of student everyday life, it seems that we have said everything.
Sasha: No wait, Anya is not done yet! From today and the 14th year of the glorious existence and development of the pedagogical college, your future for the next 4 years will be in the hands of your curators.

Anya: We are senior students, and when we leave we want to be sure that we leave behind students who are faithful to their calling, and to make sure we find out about this, group 11 Before is invited to the stage
Anya: Dear freshmen, throughout this year we will become your support and I would like to say a few parting words to you.

Sasha: The forest has already infused itself with golden honey,
And as a green sprout you come to our house.
You're still afraid of bad news,
You avoid struggle and look for easy ways.

Anya: You can't do almost anything yet
But our mind will become part of your mind.
We'll go half the way together,
Years of minutes and you will figure it all out.

Sasha: Here you will learn to love your business,
You will be able to subordinate your hands to your head.
Here you will learn to absorb the flow of knowledge,
So that the green sprout can still grow.
The group 12 Do is invited to the stage
Anya: Here you will find true and loyal friends,
And you will understand that there are very few straight paths.
You will forever remember, internalize it,
That strength is born only in struggle.

Sasha: A few years later, having gone through all the steps,
You look back and... You don't recognize yourself.
Where the green sprout made its way and sour,
The golden cypress proudly straightened its frame.

Anya: Here you will discover your talent and master your profession! group 13 Do is invited to the stage
Sasha: By joining us you will become future educators and masters of your craft. Yes, it is on professionals that the world rests.
Group 14 Do performs
Anya: so that you don't get bored, we'll play a little (game with the Soku Bachi Vira hall)
Sasha: Well, we invite the group 15 Do to the stage

Anya: There are so many of us, by the way, statistics show that…………well, we not only have freshmen who are new, we also have second years and they will show what they are capable of. The group 24 Do is invited to the stage

Sasha: And we continue our festive concert - dedication and I propose to plunge into the amazing, fiery world of student life, as unforgettable and unique as the dance "Pirugina"

Sasha: And now comes the most solemn and exciting moment of our holiday -

Anya:. We give you the key of knowledge! Evgeniy Matveev, a student of group 13 Before, is invited to the stage, as well as student cards and grade books!

Anya: The right to present student cards and grade books is granted to the Director of the college, A.A. Kirillova. And the head of the day department, V.V. Danilova (the head of the group 11 DO, 12 DO, 13 DO, 14 DO, 15 DO, 24 DO is invited to the stage)

Sasha: Now your destiny is in your hands. Take heart and welcome to the friendly family of the Cheboksary Pedagogical College.

Anya: We ask all first-year students to stand up to take the oath. (I tell you the basic words and you repeat after me the word I SWEAR)
So, attention is said to the FRESHMAN Oath
Fanfare sounds
Let there be many different professions -
They all don't like idle people,
They all don't like laziness,
I will overcome all subjects.
Pass exams, tests
I'm not afraid of this kind of work
And I will be patient.
I swear to this!
I know this path is not easy
And there are many temptations on it,
But don't fool yourself
And learns somehow
I, a student, will be ashamed
Both funny and undignified.
I'm not afraid of difficulties
I swear to this!
Freshmen: I swear!

It's not enough to be a good guy -
I'll become a professional!
I firmly decide this!
I say this proudly!
This is the path to my luck
And it cannot be otherwise.
Away doubts and sadness
I swear to be a student!
FRESHMAN: I swear!

Anya: Well, so that the oath remains in your memory for a long time, let’s consolidate it with one glorious tradition (Bends 41 grams with water)

Anya: Congratulations, you are now real students!!!

Sasha: Well, the students took an oath and their curator probably shouldn’t be left behind (curators of first-year students are invited to the stage)
Anya: We, the curators, want you, our new recruits - first-year students, not only to perceive everything that is in our home of the soul - our native college, but also to make it even richer and more beautiful.
We, the curators, will help you with this, and this is what we swear:

And at the end, a pleasant surprise from the curators!!! (Applause)
Sasha: It seems to me that our teachers were really sincere when they said the oath just now.
Anya: applause to our curators.
Sasha: Well, we will end on a solemn note by singing the anthem of our college. Solemn right to sing the anthem ChPK provided to group 22 or 21 Do!!! (Please everyone stand up)

Anya: This is where we part ways, Until we meet again, thank you for your attention!!!

What worries yesterday's schoolchildren and today's applicants most at the beginning of the new school year? Difficult lectures? Tough sessions? Hungry weekdays in the hostel? No! The main thing is dedication to students, and only then everything else. After all, first-year students don’t know what to expect from the holiday: official speeches by the rector and deans, funny skits from senior students, tests and competitions, or dances and song adaptations. Or maybe the faculty anthem, the solemn oath and parting words will run like a red thread through the entire concert? It is not known exactly. Each university, institute and college has its own dedication scenario with different “zest” and “tricks”.

How to spend an interesting “initiation as a student” holiday: a scenario for college

When entering a university, thousands of children eagerly await initiation into students; today this interesting holiday is celebrated in colleges, institutes and universities with a ceremonial part, humorous digressions and all kinds of entertainment. But just a few centuries ago, in certain European countries, applicants had to endure a lot of trials and torment in order to eventually receive the title of full-fledged members of the student society. Even in Western youth films, the process of “initiation” looks like an exciting, adrenaline-filled, and sometimes completely creepy spectacle. Fortunately, in our country everything is much simpler. To conduct an interesting celebration of “initiation as a student,” the college scenario is filled exclusively with official rituals and entertainment numbers for young people.

Principles of organization and selection of initiation script for college students

Depending on the preferences and traditions of a particular university, students are initiated either at the beginning of the academic year (September-October), or after completing the first session (in January-February). The event usually consists of two halves: the official part with congratulations from the professors and the presentation of student documents, as well as an unofficial continuation with various kinds of performances, concert numbers, tests, and competitions.

In addition to the layout and content of the holiday, newcomers are concerned about the time and place of its holding. In most cases, the official part takes place in the assembly hall of the educational (sometimes central) building, in the local cultural center or in a rented banquet hall. The first-year students choose the location for the continuation of the celebration on their own, if the graduates have not already taken care of this. Sometimes senior students completely take upon themselves the mission of organizing and conducting the unofficial part of the dedication, preparing everything necessary in advance: from the holiday script to the decor of the hall and musical accompaniment.

The scenarios for the unofficial part of initiation into a student are always different, even within the same university. But the official half of the celebration in most cases consists of the same elements:

  • Congratulatory speech by university representatives;
  • Parting words from senior students;
  • First-year students' response;
  • Competitions and concert performances;
  • Student oath, presentation of documents and key;

Already at the ceremonial part, the newcomers begin to argue that they are “not cut out for it.” Having rehearsed several numbers in advance (songs, skits, dances, etc.), the guys perform at their first student concert. And then follows the continuation of the holiday - the unofficial part. Most often it is held in a rented hall of a cafe, nightclub, city square or hostel assembly hall. This is where all the most interesting tests for senior students begin.

Initiation as a student: a cool script for the institute and university

They say that you become a real student only after successfully passing the first session. But it was not there! Sometimes, for initiation, students choose such extraordinary scenarios with cool tests that only after passing them to the end can one become a full-fledged member of the student fraternity of an institute or university. Most often, such holidays are divided into two traditional parts and are fully equipped with everything necessary: ​​microphones, speakers, amplifiers, light and music, photo and video equipment, the necessary details for conducting skits, competitions and other things. At the official part, in addition to the heroes of the occasion, there will be the administration of the university, the teaching staff, relatives of first-year students and graduates. In the second half of the evening, only students and some teachers take part.

How to write a cool student initiation script for an institute and university

For such a youth event as initiation into students, a cool scenario for the institute and university should not be replete with officialdom and overly solemn congratulations. This is tedious and boring for most of the audience in the room. One sincere congratulation from the rector, if the dedication is university-wide, or from the dean, if it is optional, is quite enough.

Of course, a well-written event scenario should include traditions familiar to a particular university. Among them:

  • freshmen's solemn oath;
  • anthem of students (university or faculty);
  • presentation of a student card, key, etc.;

But 2-3 mandatory elements are enough to streamline the holiday without making it unbearably boring and outdated. Otherwise, it is better to give preference to the concert numbers of the first-year students themselves - song performances, choreographic performances, humorous skits, adaptation songs, ditties.

The unofficial part of the scenario should be as close as possible to student life: with lively improvised humor, cool tests for beginners, tricky tasks, survival competitions, plenty of music, alcoholic drinks and unhealthy snacks.

If teachers are present at the second act of the holiday, you can also get them to participate in competitions from senior students. So, it is worth inviting teachers to take the exam with real tickets and no less real questions. A brave professor will certainly not refuse to show off his knowledge. True, the questions on such tickets should be somewhat different:

  • How to survive 2 weeks until the scholarship if you have 100 rubles in your wallet?
  • What are 12 ways to prepare Dosherak?
  • How to mend your only pair of socks before a date with a girl if the only thing in the dorm room that has needles is the cactus?

During the event, it is recommended that all those who took part and won the competition be rewarded with small gifts with a humorous overtone: a roll of toilet paper, a pack of salt, a spare pen, a box of matches, etc.

Tests and competitions for freshmen to become students

The rector spoke, the deans said their word, the fifth-year students gave their farewell words, the newcomers responded and promised not to discredit the honor of the university... And now, when the official part of the holiday is over, the time comes for the unofficial stage of initiation. At this time, the attention of the hall is completely captured by an experienced, cheerful and sociable host, a senior student or a young teacher, who will take on the function of announcing the numbers of the concert program and conducting all kinds of “initiation”. At the stage of entertaining initiation into students, yesterday's applicants will have to go through a lot of tests and competitions for freshmen. We have collected the best of them for your scenario in our selection.

A selection of cool competitions and tests for the student initiation holiday

Tests and competitions for freshmen to become students are an integral part of the entire procession. You can't do without funny humorous tasks. It is important to create a scenario in such a way that fun entertainment takes up at least a third of the evening.

  1. The fate of the faculty.

The presenter calls one representative from each faculty to the stage. Props include three stools arranged in a triangle (opposite each other). On the first there is a thick reference book, on the second there is a beer mug, on the third there are pictures or a photograph of a young girl. Participants are blindfolded, placed in the center between stools and spun around. The representative must determine the fate of his faculty by going to one of the details. If the participant chooses a stool with a book, the students will be excellent students and nerds. The choice falls on a stool with a beer mug - the entire faculty will be partying from session to session. If the representative comes across a chair with a “girl,” students will devote more time to their personal lives than to their studies.

According to the rules of the competition, and simply for humor, during the “determination of fate” the stools are rearranged from hour to hour. To make fun of individual representatives, the beer mug can be replaced with an army cap or something similar.

  1. Knowledge through tears.

All first-year students of a particular faculty (stream, group) participate in this test. The presenter invites the children to know how hard it is to gnaw on the granite of science, and how bitter tears are during the session. The assistant brings onto the stage a walnut and a glass of salted water for each participant. Only those who can crack the nut and drink the “tears” to the bottom will pass the test.

  1. On a new path.

Applicants who have received the honorary status of first-year students begin a new life, open the next stage of development, and set off on a long journey through higher sciences. This means that it is necessary to cut the ribbon, which will be followed by all these endeavors. And it would be better if this ribbon was not simple, but fun and original.

As the competition progresses, the presenter invites the freshmen to cut the unusual ribbon with some inconvenient object. For example: insulating tape with a large saw, magnetic tape with a kitchen cutter, LED strip with a manicure file, bandage tape with a blunt scalpel, etc. Let the selection of materials fully correspond to the specifics of the university. Fun and spectacular!

Initiation as a student: skit script and song adaptation

You can supplement and even complete the concert script on the occasion of initiation into students with an excellent skit or song adaptation according to the profile of the faculty. Today there is already a whole list of the most common compositions that are subject to musical caricature. These include: “Planes First,” “Autumn” DDT, “I’m Tired” by Quest Pistols, “Five Minutes” from the popular HF, “My Baby” Hands Up and others. But we offer you something new and not yet boring:

  • Law students

  • Economics students

  • Philology students

  • Welding students

  • Medical students

Scenarios for student initiation celebrations

Concerts in honor of the initiation of applicants into students change from year to year. There is no point in describing certain numbers, because outdated ditties, practical jokes and KVN performances are being replaced by more creative and modern flash mobs, tests with jokes, and video presentations. Although these numbers will eventually be supplanted by something even newer and more unusual. But there is still a classical element of the concert that has remained unchanged for decades. We are talking about humorous skits on student themes. It is they who help the “seniors” acquaint freshmen with all the important aspects of student life: the educational process, preparation for exams, practical training, life in the hostel, relations between graduates and newcomers. Obviously, skits and adaptation songs play a significant role in student initiation. Therefore, the choice of material should be approached responsibly.

See the most original, fun and creative sketch scenarios below.

"The educational process through the eyes of students"

All students sit quietly, with their eyes on the floor. The teacher enters with a roar.

Teacher: Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Two for inattention! (the student from the third desk sat down and got up at the wrong time)

Teacher: Who's missing?

Student: And... and... And...

Teacher: Ivanov is not there? Two for Ivanov!

Student: And... And... And...

Teacher: No needle?! Two Needles!

Student: And... And... And...

Teacher: And you’re two so you don’t stutter! Who is the head of the stream?! (student stands up) What a face! Two! Checking your homework. You, blond, have solved one hundred and twenty test tasks?!

Student: No

Teacher: Two! And you, brunette?

Student: Yes

Teacher: You're lying! I copied it from him!

Points to the student on the last desk

Teacher: And now I will ask you! Hang on, bandits! Here you are, from the last desk, to the blackboard!

The student, trembling, comes out, stands at the board, spreads his legs, and raises his hands up.

Teacher: Are there any cheat sheets?!

Student: No

Teacher: Maybe there is after all?!

Student: No

Teacher: Or is there?

Student: No

Teacher: So, I didn’t prepare! Two!!! There are ten seconds left until the end of the lesson. We'll do a lot of testing. Whoever solves twenty out of ten problems will receive three. The rest are two! Hand out the leaves! Collect leaves! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Stand up, bandits! And if this happens again, then everyone will go to the dean’s office! Sti! Pen! Di! AND!

According to the syllables, students take their seats. On the last syllable, a student from the back desk falls to the floor.

Teacher: You need to shoot these guys!

"The educational process through the eyes of a teacher"

On stage, seven students go about their business. The teacher enters cautiously.

Teacher: Cough cough

Students zero attention

Teacher: Good afternoon! It's me, your teacher, Semyon Semenovich.

Students: (in unison) Ah, Semyon Semyonich...

Teacher: Where is our magazine?

Students: (in unison) But we don’t have a magazine...

Teacher: Oh, what is this?

The student takes out a magazine from under herself and slams it in front of the teacher’s nose.

Teacher: Oh, thank you! Who's not here today?

Students: (in unison) Many are not here today

Teacher: Where are they?

Students: (in unison) Let's go to the cinema

Teacher: Why didn’t you go?

Students: (in unison) Have we already seen this film?

Teacher: Then, let's check your homework

Students: (in unison) Uh-uh... Nope

Teacher: Okay, okay. Let me ask you a little

Student from the third desk: Oh, you rogue!

On the third desk they are playing cards, and one of the students runs into another

Teacher: I'm wildly sorry, but could you wake up the young man in the last desk.

The student from the third desk turns around and punches him in the forehead. The student from the last desk wakes up and wants to fight back.

Teacher: It’s me, Semyon Semyonich, who’s bothering you

Student: Ah, Semenych...

Teacher: Tell me, what is 250 plus 250?

Student: (thinking) Half liter! (answers after prompt)

Teacher: Wow, alcoholic jokers! Sit down, I give you a “good” rating.

Student from the third desk: What about me?

Teacher: And you feel good.

Students from the first desk: (in unison) What about us!!?

Teacher: “Excellent” for you girls. There are 44 minutes left until the end of the lesson. I'll let you go a little early today. Just tiptoe past the dean's office.

A high-quality initiation script is the key to a successful celebration. Fill it with funny and lively tests, competitions, skits, and alternating songs - and a bright event will forever remain in the memory of first-year students of a college, institute, or university.

The student initiation ceremony is a fun, joyful and cool holiday not only for freshmen, but also for all other students of the university, institute or college. It gives the kids the opportunity to have fun from the heart, take part in staging funny skits, sing in chorus songs about the “hard” life of young people and feel with all their hearts what a real student brotherhood means.

When developing a scenario for an event, you must remember that tests and competitions should not be offensive or humiliating. Let newcomers feel that they are truly welcome at the educational institution and no one is trying to put them in an awkward position. This will help freshmen relax and the process of joining the team will be calm, peaceful and painless.

An interesting celebration of initiation into students at the university - a scenario with alteration songs

Perky and cheerful songs-remakes are an excellent option for an interesting musical number for the student initiation celebration scenario. Neither applicants nor teachers remain indifferent to creative works of this kind. The beauty of these performances also lies in the fact that the melody, as a rule, is well known to everyone, and at the very first chords that sound, everyone present at the event begins to sing along. Joint performance unites freshmen more strongly with the rest of the guys and makes the student fraternity even stronger and more friendly.

To make the song number look catchy and attractive, you can supplement it with a mini-production, thus clearly illustrating the words of the verses and chorus. This will give the performance a special chic and turn a standard university holiday into a bright, spectacular and memorable show.

To provide beautiful musical accompaniment, it is worth inviting a university ensemble to participate. If there is no such group at the university, a regular soundtrack will do. It can be easily reproduced by a music center or any other modern gadget connected to powerful speakers. You will need to place the equipment in the same room where the event will take place. At the right moment, one of the guys will simply press the play button, and the participants of the act will perform a cool remade song for those present.

Lyrics of song adaptations for initiation into students

Students live happily...To the tune of the song “Moments”

You were a mustacheless schoolboy yesterday.
You dreamed of becoming a student, without a doubt!
The list is posted on the stand. Hooray!
You found yourself there in an instant.

The student card caresses the eye,
You accept congratulations from everyone.
And you ask your parents for money,
After all, you need to celebrate your arrival!

Students always live happily:
From the first day to the last.
After all, youth is the best time,
And it will fly by in an instant.

Each semester has its own season.
The time will come - you yourself will understand,
That a bad mark is not a disgrace at all,
You can fix it in an instant.

Think about studying sometimes
You won't become a scientist without diligence.
If you fail the session, then
Your scholarship will go to someone else.

To the tune of the song “If you are a little over thirty...”

If you have already graduated from school,
There is hope to become a cheerful student,
Study to become a lawyer, or become a financier,
Or even a cool marketer.

But you and I live in Russia,
And we know who the students are.
Day and night they learn something, and are extremely tenacious,
And they attack any discipline.

A test is waiting for you, an exam is waiting for you,
Lectures, tests without end.
If you're lucky, you'll cope with the tails.
That's how it is.

To write a term paper to perfection,
Will you pray to the Internet?
The main thing is to catch the freebie on time.
That's the whole secret.

To the tune of “I love you, life...”

Guys, I'm a student. Which in itself is not new.
At the moment, this is a very bad word.
Live forever and learn while drinking tea with margarine.
This is how your life will pass - and you will die like a club - like a club.

We have been given a lot - forty rubles for four weeks.
I ate them a long time ago, and my soul can barely stay in my body.
In the light of every day, my stomach does not rest.
I don't have any money. Life, you know what it is.

How nightingales sing, twilight, a kiss at dawn.
Students give birth to children from fits of love.
You will take it and go unload the trains and piers.
There will be grandchildren later. Everything will repeat itself again from the beginning.

We will remember all those who died during the test week.
We are happier than all of them, even though we barely survived.
Our songs are simple. We don't need marches or anthems.
I love you, life, it’s a pity that this love is not mutual.

Cool initiation script for college students - the best holiday ideas

The ceremony of initiation into students is relevant not only in higher educational institutions, but also in colleges. Festive events are organized there no less magnificently and on a large scale. For the script, they usually choose cool, fun and amusing topics that are equally interesting to both senior students and beginners. Most often, the celebration consists of two parts: a short official one, where students are greeted by college teachers and staff, and an informal one, when boys and girls from senior years communicate with the first-year students.

The general theme of the event is chosen according to the profile of the educational institution. Music colleges organize beautiful creative concerts with a lot of dance and song numbers. In medical schools, funny skits are held and funny skits are staged, reflecting the ins and outs of the lives of doctors, nurses and paramedics. In technical colleges they come up with comical mini-plays about electricians, plumbers and other representatives of blue-collar professions. The festive events end with a general disco, where everyone gets together and has fun to the tune of catchy modern music.

How freshmen are initiated into college students - videos from the festive event

Tests and competitions for initiation ceremonies in different universities - examples on video

Not a single student initiation ceremony is complete without tests and original competitions. Guys from older groups often come up with them themselves and then offer them to freshmen. Typically, tasks come down to performing some funny or at first glance dangerous and unexpected action.

Many universities even have their own traditional rituals, which are performed by all students admitted to study year after year.

  • At the Faculty of Biology of Altai State University, the rite of passage consists of a whole series of tests. First, first-year students are asked to taste different solutions (alcohol, water, citric acid, etc.) and determine their name. Then the children are invited to a feast and served dishes made from worms and snakes. Of course, no one forces newcomers to eat real insects and reptiles. All exotic dishes are prepared from marmalade or noodles. But in a dark room, when you can’t see what’s on the plate, it’s not at all difficult to confuse a gummy worm with a real one. Those who successfully pass all the tests are given a stamp on their forehead with the letter “B” (biologist) and given a commemorative gift set - a neck pendant in the shape of a dried chicken paw, a jar with a cockroach inside and a bird feather. Only after this do freshmen become full members of the student fraternity.
  • At MEPhI, for initiation into students, senior students bring to the main entrance of the building objects corresponding to the profile of different university faculties. Freshmen must find among this abundance an item that matches their specialty, and then wipe it down. Then everyone who has completed the task is placed in the yard like a ceremonial line and sprinkled with heavy water (deuterium oxide). This liquid is not too harmful and can be used for ritual. Although, perhaps, cunning senior students take the simplest tap water, and only tell gullible beginners about deuterium oxide.
  • At MAI, the official part of the initiation ceremony begins with an oath. First-year students are presented with the symbol of the educational institution - a propeller - and are required to pronounce solemn oath words. Then the relic is passed from hand to hand, and each student promises to remain faithful and uphold the honor of his educational institution. The informal part of the holiday takes place in a more frivolous style. For example, a newcomer is put in a metal basin and lowered down the stairs, or offered to try a “rocket” - to drink four shots of vodka, symbolizing the number of stages of the aircraft, while shouting “the first to go, the second to go...”.

Examples of competitions for initiation into students on video

When choosing tests and competitions for the student initiation celebration scenario, you need to remember that the event, first of all, should be fun, joyful and optimistic. You should not give freshmen too unpleasant tasks or force them to fulfill an impossible requirement in advance. After the ritual, let everyone have only positive impressions and funny photos, which they can laugh at again in a year, and in 20 years.

Initiation as a student at the institute - funny scenes for the script

The initiation scenario for first-year students at the institute will be more vibrant, interesting and rich if you include funny, cheerful and cool costume scenes in it. The plot for such mini-productions can be any events from traditional student life. For example, the process of preparing for a session, being late for a lecture, absenteeism, unlearned topics and attempts to pass a test. Any of these actions can be played out in a playful, humorous style, supplemented with original musical accompaniment, an incendiary dance or a cheerful song. Then the performance will turn into a bright, spectacular show, will make the most pleasant impression and will be remembered for a long time by all participants, heroes of the occasion and invited guests.

Options for funny skits for student initiation celebrations on video

Ideas for scenes can be very different. You shouldn’t limit your imagination, because a dedication celebration happens only once in a lifetime and it is very important that it be fun and energetic.

The tradition of initiation into students has existed for centuries. This is a kind of ritual that not only applicants, but also senior students who want to pass the baton, look forward to with pleasure. The dedication begins with the official part. What the official part will be depends on the leadership of the university and financial investments in the event.

Official part

The official part is accompanied by a speech by the rector, deans of faculties, representatives of the administration and invited guests. The composition of the guests depends on the specifics of the university and the direction in which it works. For example, at RUDN University every year you can see famous politicians and ministers at student initiation. Technical institutes invite renowned academicians who have achieved significant results in the technical field. Chairmen of student governments and trade unions, as well as teachers who want to congratulate freshmen, can also speak at the official part. During the ceremonial part, applicants are presented with student cards and record books - the first important documents for further education. At the end, a concert is held at which famous bands of the city perform.

Unofficial part

The most interesting and unusual part is the unofficial part of initiation into students. Senior students try their best to come up with as many original and humorous tasks for new students as possible. Future biologists are asked to determine the taste and color of different liquids and come up with various formulas to verify their professionalism. Journalists are often asked to eat a piece of newspaper and drink water. Sometimes they organize competitions among future specialists in writing humorous notes for the local newspaper. On the first day of school, the informal initiation continues. Freshmen can expect misplaced signs with classroom numbers or unexpected schedule changes. The main thing in this game is to quickly find your bearings and prove that you are worthy of studying at a university. The hostel also hosts fun competitions. Senior students agree in advance with the dormitory commandant, who will be allowed to deviate from the general rules of living in the dormitory on this day. The content of the assignment for freshmen depends on the level of imagination and ingenuity of the older comrades.