Biographies Characteristics Analysis

List of countries located in America. North American countries

America, consisting of two continents and thereby forming one part of the world, is located in two hemispheres at once.

North America, accordingly, is located in the northern hemisphere, South America in the southern hemisphere. Relative to the prime meridian, the continent of America is located in the west.

Geographical position

America refers to absolutely all the lands that are located between the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific coast. The total area of ​​this part of the world, located entirely in the western hemisphere, is 42 million km 2, which in percentage terms occupies 28.5% of the total land area on planet Earth.

In addition to the two continents, part of the world also includes small islands located next to them (for example, the island of Greenland). In the North, the coast of America is washed by the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean is on the right, and the Atlantic is on the left. South and North America are located at different latitudes, but they have the same longitude.

Geographical characteristics

In this case, it makes sense to talk about North and South America separately, since the topography of the continents differs significantly from each other.

Relief of North America:

  • The central plains have a slightly undulating topography, which transforms into a glacial one to the north;
  • The Great Plains, which is a huge foothill plateau in front of the Cordillera;
  • the Laurentian Upland, gently undulating, reaching up to 6100 meters above sea level;
  • Coastal lowlands in the southern part of the mainland;
  • Mountains: Cascade, Sierra Nevada system, Rocky, etc.

Relief of South America:

  • Plains East;
  • Mountain West with the Andes system;
  • Amazonian lowland;
  • Brazilian and Guiana plateaus.

There are many climatic zones in North America, including oceanic, continental, and subequatorial climates. The average monthly temperature in January varies from -36 degrees to +20 (at the extreme points of the mainland). In July it can be from -4 to +32. The most precipitation falls on the Pacific coast (about 3 thousand mm annually), the least in the Cordillera (up to 200 mm). Summers are usually warm throughout the mainland. It is accompanied by rare dry winds or, on the contrary, showers.

South America includes 6 climatic zones, of which subequatorial is repeated twice (in different territories), and tropical, temperate, subtropical and equatorial are repeated once each. At the same time, the tropics and subtropics reign over absolutely most of the territory, which means that dry and wet seasons are clearly defined in South America. It is warm on the mainland: in summer (summer in the hemisphere begins in January) the temperature varies from 10 to 35 degrees, in winter - from 0 to 16. There is a lot of precipitation, especially in Chile and Colombia. There falls up to 10 thousand mm per year.


In this part of the world, especially in the northern part, the population density is very high. America unites on its territory a huge number of independent states and dependent zones, differing from each other in population size, economic well-being, level of development, etc.

Historically, North America, called the “New World” by Europeans, became more prosperous. It is on this continent that there are two countries that are considered a symbol of prosperity and monetary wealth of the 20th-21st centuries: Canada and the United States of America. In total, about 500 million people live in North America, which is approximately 7% of the world's population.

South America is also quite densely populated - the figure approaches 380 million - but the region is incomparably poorer. South America is a continent where there are countries that were once colonies of more ancient European states; In addition, the stratification between rich and poor is more pronounced here.

List of North American countries

The largest country is, of course, the USA. More than 300 million people, 9.5 million square kilometers of area, the largest industrial and commercial centers around the world allow the United States to confidently represent North America on the map.

Major countries in North America:

(with detailed description)

List of South American countries

In South America, the two leading countries are Brazil and Argentina. They lead in area, population, and economic success. These are the countries that can be called developing.

Major countries in South America:

(with detailed description)


In its northern part, America is very rich in water resources: lakes and rivers occupy most of the area, and the Mississippi and Moussuri are the longest river system in the entire earth. On the Southern continent, however, there is also no shortage of water - the Amazon flows through it, which is one of the largest sources of fresh water in the whole world.

Nature, plants and animals of North America

North America is similar in flora and fauna to Eurasia - there are both coniferous and deciduous forests, the famous oaks and cedars. Animals are also typical: moose, bears, squirrels, foxes. Closer to the south, the landscape becomes deserted, dry, and both flora and fauna change...

Nature, plants and animals of South America

The southern continent is occupied by plants and animals characteristic of equatorial forests and savannas. There are large predators, crocodiles, and many birds - especially parrots. A significant part of the territory is covered with tropical forests. There are a lot of fish in the rivers, including piranhas. Extensive insect population...

Climatic conditions

Seasons, weather and climate of America

North America - more precisely, most of it - is located in a temperate and cold thermal zone, which is characterized by cold (up to -32 at the extreme point) winters and warm (about 25-28 degrees) summers. There are no special weather disasters here - with the possible exception of the Pacific coast, which periodically suffers from hurricanes.

South America, located in the zone of savannas and equatorial forests, tends to be tropical and subtropical in climate. Extremely humid, hot summer reigns here in December-February, but the “summer” months familiar to residents of the other hemisphere, on the contrary, are the coldest. Temperatures in July drop to zero in some places...

Peoples of America

America is a part of the world with a very diverse population. Even the tribes of Indians, considered the indigenous population of America, differ from each other so much that they consider each other to belong to different nationalities.

Peoples of North America: culture and traditions

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The picture shows a map of North America with countries and capitals. Capitals are marked in bold, and the largest cities are also indicated. The color division of the map shows that the territory is divided into regions. At the head of the north is Canada, which is washed by the Beaufort Sea and the Labrador Sea.

The land is surrounded by two largest oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic. The middle is marked in pink and refers to the territorial boundaries of the United States of America. You can also notice that part of the United States is located not only in the middle, but also to the west of the Canadian region, which is surrounded on three sides by expanses of water - the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Alaska and the Beaufort Sea.

The smallest part of the land, not counting the island areas, belongs to Mexico on the southern side. The remaining colors on the map depict the islands and their capitals.

Extreme points of the mainland:

  • from the north - Cape Murchison;
  • A physical map indicates the elevation of the area, the landscape of the territory. It roughly indicates how many meters above sea level a particular area is. The depth of the sea is marked in blue, and the more saturated the color, the deeper it is. Yellow and orange colors indicate height above zero (this is sea level).

    The highest point in North America is marked in deep orange. Its height is 6194 meters, and this is Mount Denali. The lowest land point is Death Valley, a mountain depression, its height is 86 meters lower than sea level.

Canada is a country occupying the northern part of the continent. The only state with which Canada has a land border is. Canada has access to three oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic.

The area of ​​Canada is 9980 thousand km2, the population is 29.6 million people. According to the form of government, Canada is a confederation, the capital is (1.0 million inhabitants).

The country can be divided into two large parts: mountainous and flat. The western part is mountainous and is occupied by the Cordilleras. The highest point in the country, Logan (5951 m), is located here. The eastern part is flat (Prairie Plateau, Laurentian Upland).

Canada is located in three climatic zones: arctic, subarctic and temperate.

Arctic is typical for the islands. The subarctic and temperate climates run in two broad bands, while in the west the climate is continental, harsher, and in the east it is humid, milder and with more precipitation. Canada is rich in rivers, most of them flow from west to east and belong to the Arctic Ocean basin. This is the St. River, Saskatchewan. There are also many lakes: Canada has access to the Great Lakes; Great Slave Lake and Winnipeg are located on its territory.

Most of the population is concentrated along the country's southern border. These are mainly descendants of immigrants from England (40%) and (27%). Indigenous population - (no more than 2% of the population), live mainly in the northern part of the country. The level is quite high - 77%, the largest cities: Toronto (4.3 million inhabitants), (3.3 million), Vancouver (1.8 million).

There are many minerals in and near the Great Lakes: iron, copper, lead, and also. Despite the fact that Canada is a developed country, most of whose population is employed in the service sector, Canada's global specialization lies in the export of metals, fuels, electricity, as well as timber and agricultural products.

The most developed industries are mining, . Thanks to the abundance of forests in Canada, the timber and pulp industries are developing. Intensive agriculture is well developed; wheat, barley are grown, cattle, pigs, and sheep are raised. Fishing is also important.


Mexico is the largest country in southern North America. In the north, Mexico borders with the United States, in the south - with, has access to (Gulf of Mexico,) and. The area of ​​Mexico is 1960 thousand km2, the population is 93.6 million people. According to the form of government, it is a republic, the capital is a city (16.6 million inhabitants).

The country's topography is predominantly mountainous. Most of the country is occupied by the Mexican Highlands, the southern part of which is higher. The California Peninsula also has a mountain range; the Yucatan Peninsula, on the contrary, is low-lying. The climate in most of the country is tropical; in the Mexican Highlands and the California Peninsula it is arid, with no more than 200 mm of precipitation per year. In the east of the country, the climate is tropical and humid, with up to 2500 mm of precipitation. Mexico is extremely poor, the largest river is the Rio Bravo del Norte.

The population of Mexico is made up of Indians and descendants, 60% of the population are mestizo, descendants of mixed marriages of Caucasians and Mongoloids. The level of urbanization in the country is 75%, the largest cities are Mexico City and Guadalajara (3.4 million inhabitants).

Mexico is rich. Oil deposits are being actively developed in the Gulf of Mexico and non-ferrous metal ores are being mined in the mountains. Mexico ranks first in the world in silver mining.

Mexico's economy is closely linked to the United States; most of its exports go there. These are minerals and agricultural products: wheat, corn, sorghum, beans, tomatoes, bananas, citrus fruits, sugar cane. Mining, chemical, automotive, and light industries are developed.


The USA is a country that occupies most of the continent of North America, two states are enclaves - separated from the rest of the territory - Alaska in the northwest of the continent and Hawaii - an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. The USA has land borders in the north and south. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west, the Atlantic Ocean from the east, Alaska has access to. The area of ​​the USA is 9364 thousand km2, the population is 263 million people. The form of government of the United States is a republic, the capital is Washington (4.5 million inhabitants).

The cordillera occupies the western part of the country, the eastern part is flatter - low mountains run along the coast, and closer to the center of the country - the Central and Great Plains. In the south is the Mississippi Lowland.

Most of the US lies temperate and subtropical. Enough precipitation falls in the east and west of the continent, only in the center there are dry areas. The state of Alaska is located in the subarctic climate zone; the average January temperature here is -25°C. Hawaii is located in a tropical climate zone, the influence of the ocean is great, because of this it is very high - up to 10 thousand mm of precipitation per year.

The country has quite large reserves of fresh water. Major rivers: (flows into the Gulf of Mexico), Colorado and (flows into the Pacific Ocean). On the border with Canada are the Great Lakes, and in the center of the country is the Great Salt Lake.

The USA ranks 3rd in the world in terms of population. The entire population of the country can be divided into 4 large parts. 75% of the population are Caucasian Americans, immigrants from Russia, 12% are African Americans, descendants of former slaves taken from Russia, 12% are a group of immigrants from Russia, and representatives of Russia. Less than 1% of the population are Aboriginal Indians, indigenous people of the United States, currently living in specially designated settlements - reservations. The level of urbanization is quite high - 76%. Largest cities: New York - 19.6 million inhabitants, Los Angeles - 15.3 million, Chicago - 8.5 million, San Francisco - 6.5 million. In some areas the cities are located quite close, they are growing rapidly, so that the border between two different cities becomes difficult to determine. Such conglomerations formed on the northeastern coast (Boston - Washington), on the coast of the Great Lakes (Chicago - Pittsburgh), on the Atlantic coast in California (San Francisco - Los Angeles).

Currently, the United States ranks first in the world in terms of production volume. All branches of industry are developed in the country, with the latest high-tech industries developing especially actively: electronics, the rocket and space industry. The USA is home to such world-famous corporations as Ford, Microsoft, Intel, General Electric, Coca-Cola, IBM, etc. The most famous scientific and technical laboratories operate here (for example, Silicon Valley in California), universities (Stanford, Massachusetts, California, etc.). With this level of development, it remains for a long time the largest exporter of agricultural products: wheat, corn, cattle meat.