Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Scary stories and mystical stories. Unusual deaths

It's not funny at all. Death is always tragedy and grief. The proposed hundred of the most ridiculous deaths in the world is not an entertaining reading, it is an occasion to reflect on how fleeting and short human life is. You can plan your life as much as you like, but planning your death is impossible, unless, of course, you are a suicide. So, here it is, this mystical and terrible incomplete hundred:

1. Debbie Mills, a 99-year-old Newbrafton resident, died while crossing a road. She was supposed to be 100 the next day, but as she was crossing the road with her daughter on her way to her birthday party, her wheelchair was hit by a truck delivering her birthday cake.

2. Peter Stone, 42, was killed by his 8-year-old daughter, whom he had just sent to a room without dinner. Young Samantha Stone decided that since she couldn’t have dinner, then no one else would, so she smartly put 72 rat poison tablets in her dad’s coffee while he was preparing dinner. The victim took one sip and died immediately. Samantha Stone was given a suspended sentence because the judge found that she did not realize what she was doing - until she tried to poison her mother in the same way a month later.

3. Seventeen-year-old David Danil was killed by his girlfriend after he tried to possess her. His unsolicited advances were met with a double-barreled shotgun. Carla's (girlfriend's) father gave her a weapon an hour before the date, just in case.

4. Twenty-seven-year-old Javier Halos was killed by the owner of an apartment rented by Javier for not paying rent for 8 years. The owner, Kirk Weston, bludgeoned the victim to death with a toilet seat after realizing how long it had been since Mr. Halos last paid the rent.

5. Megan Fry, 44, was killed by 14 troopers when she wandered into a live-fire simulation in a purpose-built city precinct. When Megan Fry saw patrolmen slowly walking down the street, she jumped out in front of them and barked, “Boo!”. The patrolmen, thinking it was a suddenly appearing target for shooting, fired 67 shots, of which more than 40 hit the target. “She just looked like a very realistically made target,” one of the patrolmen showed in the protocol.

6. Julia Smith, 20, was killed by her brother Michael for being on the phone for too long. Michael beat his sister to death with a cordless phone and then stabbed her several times with a broken antenna.

7. Helena Simms, wife of renowned American nuclear physicist Harold Simms, was murdered by her husband after she cheated on him with a neighbor. For 3 months, Harold replaced Helenina's eye shadow with a highly radioactive uranium composite until she died from exposure. Although Helena suffered from many of the symptoms of radiation sickness, including complete baldness, skin ulcers, blindness, and extreme nausea, even one earlobe fell off, she never saw a doctor.

8. Military Sergeant John Joe Winter murdered his unfaithful wife by loading TNT into the trunk of her car. The Ford Taurus she was driving was filled with 750 kilograms of explosive, producing twice the power of the Oklahoma attack. Some people heard the explosion even 14 kilometers away. Neither the car nor the victim left a single trace - only a crater 55 meters deep, and the absence of 500 meters of the road.

9. Patty Winter, 35, was killed by a neighbor early Sunday morning. Her neighbor, Flat Heim, kept the engine of an F4 Phantom jet fighter in his backyard for years. He sometimes fired a jet engine aimed at an empty lot behind his house. Patty Winter constantly complained to local police stations about noise and potential fire hazards. Mr. Heim received a notice from the police that he must remove the engine immediately. He did not like this, and he invited Miss Winter for a cup of coffee, to discuss the situation. Only Winter did not know that he changed the position of the engine, and when she entered the yard, he started the engine, hitting her with a shock wave of 5000 degrees Celsius, killing her on the spot and permanently imprinting her outline into the track.

10. Michael Lewis, angry at his lover, took inspiration from the movie Die Hard 3. Он накачал наркотиками своего бойфренда, Тони Берри, практически до бессознательного состояния, а потом одел его только в двусторонний белый деревянный щит, на одной стороне которого было написано «Смерть всем ниггерам!», а на другой – «Бог любит KKK». Lewis then drove the victim to downtown Harlem and dropped him off there. Berry was dead two minutes later.

11. Conrad Middleton, 26, was killed by his twin brother Brian after they argued over who should get the house when their parents died. Conrad had a nose problem and couldn't smell. After a quarrel, Brian ran out of the house, and after a while he made his way back and turned on 3 gas burners, filling the house with gas. He then left behind a box of cigars, a lighter, and a note: “Sorry for all the noise, cigars. Brian". Conrad immediately lit a cigar, thereby destroying the entire house and himself.

12. Perhaps laughter prolongs life for some, but not 50-year-old Alex Mitchell from Kings Lynn. In 1975, the merry fellow Mitchell laughed so hard at jokes on the BBC television series The Goodies that he died of a heart attack. Interestingly, the widowed wife of Alex after the funeral wrote a letter of thanks to the actors of the show, that thanks to their talent, the last minutes of her husband's life were happy.

13. In 1982, in France, the owner of the funeral home, Mark Bourjad, “burned out” at work. Or rather, he was crushed to death in his own store by a pile of coffins that suddenly collapsed on him. Naturally, Monsieur Bourjad was buried in one of the killer coffins.

14. And in 1993, another person “fell asleep” at work: at a processing plant in Georgia, American Willie Murphy was buried under a pile of peanuts. Alas, he never managed to get out of the nut captivity.

15. In 1988, there was a stunning case of how an enthusiastic person becomes a victim of his own enthusiasm. They say that Ivan McGuire was a very experienced skydiver and jumping over North Carolina from a height of 3,000 meters, he decided to film this event with his own camera. Of course, he took the camera, but he forgot to take the parachute.

16. 20-year-old resident of Edinburgh, hanged himself at the railway station after an argument with his girlfriend. Actually, nothing unusual, if not for the context: he hung himself on a sign with the inscription “exit”.

17. Mark Gleason from Hampshire, a man suffering from terrible snoring, in 1996 decided to try to cope with this trouble with the help of feminine hygiene tampons, putting them in his nostrils before going to bed. He was cured of snoring forever: never waking up, the poor fellow simply suffocated in his sleep.

18. To prove his case, a certain Michael Toye from the British county of Hampshire gave his life. To prove to his friend that white spirit burns, for some reason he doused himself with solvent and set himself on fire. The fighter for the truth died 6 days later from terrible burns. What prevented him from setting fire to the liquid in some more suitable container for this, remained a mystery.

19. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, folk wisdom says. And so it happened with the pilots of the Belgian air force, who participated in a humanitarian mission to save the people of Sudan from starvation. Dropping boxes of food from the plane, they accidentally killed three starving Sudanese to death.

20. In Iran, there was an amazing case of a cobra attack on people. Two Iranians riding in a car were bitten to death by a poisonous snake, as they say, for no reason. Just an eagle that got this snake, but did not finish it, soared in the sky and dropped the prey. Still alive, the cobra plopped right into the car and took its soul out on the unsuspecting Iranians.

21. The 18-year-old boy, who lived on one of the Belgian farms, was also unlucky and became a victim of an emergency that occurred 900 kilometers from the house in which he was staying. Moreover, death arrived from another country! The thing is that during the flight of the MiG fighter on the territory of Poland, serious problems arose in the car and the pilot decided to eject. The plane without a pilot flew to Belgium and crashed on the house of an unfortunate guy.

22. And American Roger Wallace from Arizona also died in 2001 after a plane crashed into him. This time, the plane was not as big as the MiG, but no less deadly. At some point, the man looked up at the bright sun and lost sight of the 3kg radio-controlled model aircraft. At a speed of about 65 kilometers per hour, an uncontrolled car crashed directly into the head of its creator.

23. Luck decided to turn its back on the 59-year-old resident of California. When he flopped his butt on the open drainage pipe for the pool. Given that the suction force of the pipe was 300 pounds (136 kg) per 1 square inch, then he simply had no chance of salvation - his small intestine was sucked out and purged.

24. When Henry M'Bongo, a thief from Cameroon, was about to steal a chicken again in 1998, he was grabbed by an angry mob of locals and forced to eat everything he stole. The poor fellow choked on feathers and bone and died from asphyxia.

25. Four people were taken to the hospital at the same time: Shelley Muller with a head injury, Tim Vegas with a slight concussion, Brian Corcoran with serious gum damage and Pamela Klesik without two fingers on her right hand ... Muller drove her husband to work and goodbye - in addition to a kiss - she showed him her breasts for a second. This was seen by Tim Vegas, a taxi driver passing by. Fascinated by the sight, he lost control and drove into the hospital building, where dentist Pamela Klesik was examining Corcoran's mouth. From a strong push, the doctor jumped up and injured the patient's gums with the instrument. In shock, Corcoran snapped his jaw shut, biting off two of Klesik's fingers. Muller took a piece of the building on her head.

25. Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha died at his residence in Abuja from a heart attack. According to rumors, the heart could not stand the too large dose of Viagra, which he took during the prelude to an orgy.

26. While racing, jockey Frank Hayes suffered a heart attack. However, his horse named Sweet Keys did not stop and came to the finish line first. So Hayes became the only dead jockey in the world to win the race.

27. On June 1, the Crown Prince of Nepal, Dipendra, infuriated during an argument over the preparations for his own wedding (he was probably also drunk), stabbed to death almost the entire royal family, including his father, the King of Nepal. However, according to routine, Dipendra, who was in a coma (he received many wounds, apparently from the palace guards or while trying to commit suicide), became king. On June 4, he died after only 3 days in power. His uncle succeeded him on the throne.

28. Actor Vic Morrow was decapitated by a helicopter while filming The Twilight Zone. Two children also died during filming. (1982)

29. François Faber, winner of the Tour de France (Luxembourg), died in the trenches on the Western Front in World War I. He received a telegram saying that his wife had given birth to a daughter. Overjoyed, he betrayed his position and was shot dead by a German sniper.

30. Republican R. Budd Dwyer committed suicide during a televised press conference. He faced 55 years in prison on charges of espionage. Dwyer decided to get away from punishment by shooting himself in the head with a revolver.

31. Georgy Markov, a Bulgarian dissident, was poisoned in London by an unidentified person who shot him in the leg with a specially designed umbrella loaded with many small metal balls filled with poisonous retsin.

32. Writer Sherwood Anderson swallowed a toothpick at a party and subsequently died of peritonitis.

33. Vladimir Smirnov, the Olympic champion in fencing, died of brain damage 9 days after an opponent pierced his eye during the competition, while reaching the brain.

34. Jack Daniels, founder of a famous distillery in Tennessee, died of blood poisoning. Forgetting the code for his safe, Daniel kicked it in a fit of rage and injured his finger, which led to the infection.

35. In 1943, an American B-24 bomber that had lost its course made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The entire crew died a week later from thirst. Their mummified remains were only found in 1960.

36. The Chinese poet Li Po is one of the two most famous and revered in Chinese literature throughout its history. A big lover of liquor, he often recited his immortal creations to random passers-by when he got drunk. One night, Li Po fell out of a boat and drowned in the waters of the Yangtze River while trying to hug the reflection of the moon in the water.

37. Austrian Hans Steininger gained worldwide fame because of the longest beard in the world (about 1.4 meters) and ... death because of it. In 1567, a fire broke out in the city where Hans lived. In a hurry, running away from the fire, Hans forgot to pin up his beard so that it would not get under his feet. Accidentally stepping on the tip of his own beard, he lost his balance, fell, broke his neck and died.

38. In 1601, during one of the very long banquets, he could not leave as needed (leaving in the middle of dinner was considered very bad form and could be interpreted as rudeness towards the hosts), and was forced to endure for several hours. As a result, an infection formed in the bladder, and the disease provoked by it killed Tycho in a matter of days. An interesting fact is that later historians tried to give Tycho's death a more "noble" connotation, suggesting that he was poisoned with mercury.

39. Conducting an orchestra during a performance of Te Deum written for the French King Louis XIV in 1687, Jean-Baptiste Lully became so engrossed in maintaining the rhythm, which he beat with a special "conductor's staff", that he badly injured his toe. However, the conductor refused the help of doctors and continued the rehearsal. The wound on the finger became inflamed, the abscess developed into gangrene, but the stubborn musician refused amputation and died from the spread of the disease. Ironically, the hymn he conducted was dedicated to the successful healing of Louis.

40. The Swedish king Adolf Frederick loved to eat and died of overeating. The king, "overeaten to death", died in 1771 at the age of 61 from indigestion after consuming a dinner consisting of all the monarch's favorite dishes: lobsters, caviar, cauliflower, squash soup, smoked herring, champagne. The king's favorite dessert - a bun with marzipan and milk - was served 14 times that day!

41. In 1871, the famous lawyer Clement Wallandingham represented in court the interests of a certain Thomas McGahan, who was accused of having shot his drinking companion, Tom Mayer, in a drunken brawl at a local bar. Wallandingham's defense was based on the fact that Tom Meyer accidentally shot himself while on his knees, pulling a pistol from its holster. In order to convince the jury, Wallandingham decided to visually illustrate his words. However, due to a ridiculous mistake, he took a loaded revolver for demonstration and as a result accidentally shot himself! With his death, Wallandingham fully convinced the jury of the innocence of his client, who was later acquitted on all counts.

42. Alan Pinkerton (1819-1884) was famous for creating the well-known Pinkerton detective agency and developing investigative techniques: covert surveillance, undercover work, etc.
One day, Pinkerton slipped on the sidewalk, bit his tongue and died from an infection that entered the wound.

43. Bobby Leach was not afraid of death. In 1911, he became the second person in the world to cross Niagara Falls... in a barrel! This fearless man has done so many life-threatening stunts that his death looks especially ridiculous. One day, while walking through the streets of a New Zealand town, Lich slipped on an orange peel, fell and broke his leg. Later, the decision was made to amputate the limb. Leach succumbed to complications from the operation.

44. In 1911, French tailor Franz Richel decided to test his invention (a cross between a raincoat and a parachute) by jumping off the Eiffel Tower. Initially, they were going to use a dummy for the experiment, but at the last minute the inventor decided to test the "parachute" on himself ... No wonder he crashed to death.

45. According to legend, Grigory Rasputin was first poisoned with a huge dose of poison. After he, for some reason, did not die, his killers fired a clip of a revolver into his back, then tried to beat him with sticks, and, finding that Rasputin was still alive, drowned him in the Neva.

46. Cleveland Indians player Ray Chapman was killed by a baseball thrown by an opposing player during a game against the New York Yankees.

47. The "mother of modern dance" Isadora Duncan was murdered by her own scarf in 1927. During a trip in an open car around the city, the long ends of the scarf, fluttering behind Isadora, by an absurd accident caught on the wheel, and the scarf instantly began to wrap around the car rims. The silk ribbon pulled the dancer out of the car with force and hit the paved pavement. For a while, the car literally dragged Isadora's body behind it. When the driver, attracted by the screams of passers-by, stopped the car and called the doctors, it was already too late: the doctors declared death from suffocation.

48. Homer and Longley Collier were famous collectors of sundries. The brothers had a real phobia - they were afraid to throw away at least something (what if it turns out to be needed?) And with maniacal persistence they collected and stored unnecessary things, old newspapers and other rubbish in their own house.
They went so far as to plant booby traps in the corridors, fearing thieves. In 1947, after an anonymous call to the police about the discovery of a dead man in the house of the Collier brothers, a detachment of police, after several unsuccessful attempts to enter the house, nevertheless managed to break into the living room, which was filled to the ceiling with garbage, and found Homer dead. His brother was nowhere to be found. Only two weeks after this event, when about 100 tons of garbage were taken out of the house, only 10 feet from the place where Homer was found, the body of the deceased Longley was discovered. It turned out that Longley, who was carrying food to his paralyzed brother, made his way through a tunnel of old newspapers, stepped on his own booby trap and died. His brother Homer died a few days later of starvation.

49. Jerome Irving Rodale was a proponent of the theory of healthy eating, organic animal husbandry and agriculture. In 1971, during a talk show on television, Rodale said the phrase: "I'm going to live to be a hundred years old, unless a taxi accidentally runs over me" and at the same moment died of a heart attack.

50. Christine Chubbuck became the first and only reporter in history to commit suicide on the air. On July 15, 1974, a long-depressed girl said in the 8th minute of the live broadcast: “By supporting the policy of Channel 40's, which is doing everything to be the first to show you the blood spilled by someone and death in colors, you will be the first who sees a television suicide." After these words, Christine pulled out a revolver and shot herself.

51. The king of rock and roll Elvis Aaron Presley was found dead in the bathroom of his Graceland villa right on the toilet. Doctors declared death from a heart attack caused by obesity and an overdose of drugs.

52. Robert Williams became the first person on Earth to be killed by a robot. On January 25, 1979, Williams attempted to fix a Ford Motor's factory conveyor belt by replacing a broken part in a robot on the conveyor. Suddenly, the robot activated and crushed the technician's head with its metal "arm".

53. In 1982, twenty-seven-year-old David Grandman and his roommate decided to have fun and shoot cacti with a pistol. The first target was hit instantly, and the irritated friends decided to swing at a huge century-old plant - a giant cereus, whose height was more than 26 feet. After the shot, a large part of the plant broke off, which, falling on the unlucky shooter, instantly killed him!

54. After the party ended, 31-year-old Jerome Moody was found dead at the bottom of the pool. Apparently, everyone is really destined to die a natural death - otherwise, how to explain the fact that a person managed to drown, despite 4 lifeguards on duty at the pool and the fact that more than half of the 200 guests at the party were themselves lifeguards!

55. Dick Shawn, a famous comedian and showman, died of a heart attack while performing a sketch that created, as terrible as it sounds, the right atmosphere. He ridiculed politicians, mimicking the clichés of their PR campaigns, and at the end said: “I would stretch my legs in such a job,” after which he lay down on the floor face down. At first, the audience thought it was part of a joke, until his theatrical agent stepped onto the stage, felt his pulse, and started calling for help. An ambulance arrived at the scene and pronounced him dead from a heart attack.

56. Famous British freestyle wrestler Mel "King Kong" Kirk died literally under the belly of another athlete, Shirley "Big Daddy" Crabtree. During the final round of their fight in 1987, Crabtree used his trademark "belly kick" trick (belly jump on the stomach of a defeated opponent) on Kirk, who subsequently died of a heart attack. Later it turned out that Kirk had a serious heart disease that did not allow him to take part in such competitions, but Crabtree, despite the fact that he was completely acquitted, blamed himself for Kirk's death all his life and after this incident he stopped wrestling altogether.

57. In 1991, artists Christo and Jean-Claude installed an installation of giant yellow and blue umbrellas in California and Japan. The height of the "umbrellas" was 6 meters, the diameter when opened was about 8.7 meters. The installation soon began to attract tourists from all over the world. Two months after the opening of the installation, US resident Laurie Rae Kevil-Matthews was killed by an umbrella that came off the fasteners due to a sudden gust of wind. Cristo immediately ordered the dismantling of the deadly art object.

58. Crane operator Masaki Nakamura was electrocuted to death when his crane's mechanical "arm" accidentally hit a high-voltage wire while dismantling umbrellas.

59. In 2006, renowned Australian wildlife expert and broadcaster Steve Irwin died after a stingray filmed by a journalist for his new documentary Ocean's Deadliest stabbed him in the heart with a deadly thorn.

60. Mariesha Weber, who was wanted by her family, was found dead behind a bookcase in her bedroom two weeks later. It turned out that Mariesha, with the help of her sister, was trying to fix the TV cable, standing on the edge of the desk next to the bookcase. Most likely, the girl, who during her lifetime had a fragile physique, slipped and fell into a small space between the closet and the wall, hitting her head hard, which led to her death.

61. In the south of Spain, a car driver died, whose friend decided to fly his small plane at night. Having left for a deserted area, the driver of the car decided to illuminate the makeshift runway with his headlights. The pilot was unable to pick up speed and crashed into the car at full speed. As a result, the pilot of the plane was slightly injured, and his 47-year-old friend, who was sitting in the car, died.

62. Attendees at Anna Bochinski's funeral in Moinesti, Romania were somewhat taken aback when she suddenly jumped out of the coffin as it was being carried to the grave. Before anyone could react, the woman headed for the nearest road, where she was hit and killed by a car. After which she was returned to the coffin and the ceremony continued.

63. An American tourist in South America had the misfortune of being attacked by killer bees while standing on the banks of the Amazon. Fleeing from the bees, he jumped into the river - and was immediately eaten alive by piranhas.

64. When a .38 revolver misfired during a robbery in Long Beach, California, burglar James Elliot did something surprising: he stared down the barrel and tried the trigger again. Fortunately for everyone present, this time the revolver worked as it should.

65. 1927 Parry - Thomas (J.G. Parry-Thomas), an English race car driver, was beheaded by a chain that had flown from his own car. He was trying to beat his own record last year. Despite the fact that he was already dead, he still managed to set a new record - 171 miles per hour.

66. 1928 Alexander Bogdanov, a Russian doctor, died after one of his experiments, in which the blood of students suffering from malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

67. 1993 Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee was killed while filming The Crow. No one knew that instead of blank cartridges, there was only one real one in the pistol.

68. 2003 Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose in front of everyone. During an internet chat, his death was broadcast live on webcams.

69. 2005 year. 28-year-old Korean video game fan Lee Seung Seop fell and died in an Internet Cafe after playing Starcraft for 50 hours non-stop.

70. 2007 Jennifer Strange, a 28-year-old Sacramento woman, died of water intoxication while trying to win a Nintendo Wii in a local radio station competition. At the competition, it was necessary to drink the most water and at the same time not go to the toilet for a little.

71. One guy decided to cut his throat with a straight razor. Throwing his head back, he cut his trachea and met the ambulance called by relatives in full consciousness. In the car, the doctor spoke unflatteringly about “young assholes who can’t really cut their own throats” and explained that you need to tilt your head forward, then you will reach the carotid artery. Leaving the hospital, the boy followed the doctor's instructions exactly and got to the carotid artery.

72. Moscow, Russia. A tipsy security guard at a Moscow bank asked a colleague to stab him in the chest to test his new body armor for durability. A colleague hit ... The bulletproof vest could not stand it and the 25-year-old guard died from a hit in the heart.

73. Devastated by the fact that he could not find a job, 42-year-old Romolo Ribolla from Italy sat in the kitchen with a gun in his hands and threatened to kill himself. His wife tried to persuade him not to do it for an hour. Finally, she succeeded ... Bursting into tears, Romolo threw the gun on the floor. It shot and killed his wife.

74. A Hungarian named Jake Feng decided to scare his wife so that she would stop grumbling. He decided to stage a self-hanging. When the wife came home, she saw her husband hanging and fainted. A neighbor came to the noise, saw two corpses and decided to rob the house. Leaving the room with her hands full of prey, she received a kick from the hanging Mr. Feng. This so surprised the lady that she died of a heart attack. Fortunately, Mr. Feng was acquitted of the murder, and he and his wife reconciled.

75. The winner, Armando Pinelli, a 70-year-old resident of Italy, argued for a long time with a neighbor which of them would sit on a single chair in the shade of a palm tree. He won the argument, after which the tree fell right on him.

76. In New York, a man was hit by a car. He was not injured at all, but a smart passer-by who became a witness advised him to pretend to be seriously injured and demand compensation. The man agreed, but as soon as he lay down in front of the car again, it moved and crushed him to death.

77. Believing the rumors that her husband was cheating on her, Vera Chervak ​​from Prague threw herself from the third floor and fell right on her husband, who was returning home to his beloved wife. Later, she woke up in the hospital, but the "traitor" died on the spot.

78. Veteran climber Gerard Omel has completed six ascents of Everest. He died at home when, while changing a light bulb, he fell down the stairs and hit his head on the sink.

79. 80-year-old Adelaide Magnoso pulled a folding bed out of the closet and went to bed. She died when the bed unexpectedly returned to its original position.

80. A South Korean fisherman was preparing his catch for sale. As he was about to gut him, he had already raised his knife over him. However, the fish, which turned out to be alive, unexpectedly waved its tail, causing the weapon to hit him in the chest. Died on the spot.

81 . In Hong Kong, 65-year-old Chai Van-Fong decided to thank God that her daughter-in-law was able to get out of a car accident unharmed. When she was praying in the courtyard of the multi-storey building where she lived with her son's family, she was killed by a bag of cement that fell from above.

82. Bonn resident Peter Gruber died while trying to rob the Museum of Art. Noticing the approaching guards, he panicked and tried to run, but as he sharply turned a corner, he stumbled upon the meter sword of the statue. The exhibit was called "The Weapons of Justice".

83. Joshua Thomas Burchett, 23, had a bout of hiccups and asked a friend to thump him hard on the chest. He reluctantly complied with the request, and Joshua fell to the pavement and died. He did not take into account that in their family there were many cases of heart disease.

84. The boss and his secretary were killed by lightning while making love in an inflatable boat in the middle of a lake in Germany. The widow of the murdered man took this as divine intervention.

85. The young gymnast jumped on the couch during her seventeenth birthday party. Entering into excitement, flew out the window from the sixth floor.

86. A young French woman lost control of her car and crashed into a tree. The passenger was seriously injured, the driver died. Her attention was diverted by a Tamagotchi keychain that suddenly squeaked for food. By pressing the right buttons, the lady saved the life of the toy, but parted with her own.

87. Santiago Alvarado decided to rob a small bicycle shop. Since it was dark, and with his hands he helped himself to get through the roof, a long flashlight had to be clamped in his mouth. This lighting device was the cause of death when the awkward robber fell face down.

88. Two New York lawyers decided to compete in a race in the hallway of an administrative building. Unfortunately, one of them accelerated too fast and, unable to overcome the force of inertia, fell out of the window of the 39th floor.

100 Most Ridiculous Deaths © 2012

Editor's note:We left two points under the same number 25 and the end of the list at point 88 on the conscience of the original source. Despite these rough edges, the article seemed entertaining to us.

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Does death have a plan?

Death from exhaustion at the screen. All its unusualness is in surprise.

2005 year. A 28-year-old Korean video game fan collapsed to the floor and died in an Internet bar after playing 50 hours non-stop.

From the claw of a lioness

2007 Oktay Makhmudov, 45, from Azerbaijan, climbed down a rope into a lion's cage at the Kiev Zoo and shouted to the numb visitors:

God save me if he exists!

A few seconds later, the lioness jumped on him and severed his artery, killing the intruder instantly.

The unusual death of a little girl

2008 Seven-year-old Abigail Taylor died after her internal organs were partially sucked in by a powerful swimming pool pump, which she had the imprudence to sit on. Surgeons replaced her intestines and pancreas with donor organs. The baby died from cancer caused by one of the transplanted organs.

In 207 BC e. Greek philosopher Grisippus died of laughter watching his drunken donkey trying to eat figs.

121 BC, Gaius Gracchus, a Roman general, according to Plutarch, was killed for a reward of gold the weight of his head. One of the conspirators in his murder decapitated Guy, cleaned his skull of brains, and filled its cavity with molten lead. When the lead hardened, the head was taken to the Roman Senate and weighed. The killer was rewarded with seventeen pounds of gold.

And you will accept death from the eagle and the tortoise

458 BC Aeschylus was killed... by an eagle! He threw a tortoise on Aeschylus's head, confusing the playwright's bald head with a stone.

The coals are hotter!

42 BC Portia Cato, wife of Marcus Brutus, died by swallowing hot coals after she learned of her husband's death.

1927 Isadora Duncan died of asphyxiation and a broken neck when her long scarf got caught in the wheel of the car she was chauffeured in. He did not immediately notice that Isadora's body was dragging behind the car (the driving was then terribly noisy). The screams of the crowd helped the driver wake up, but it was too late. Duncan's heart stopped.

The Unusual and Unsightly Death of Herod

4 BC King Herod fell ill with a fever, covered with a rash, fell ill with inflammation of the abdominal cavity. Herod's genitals rotted. Before his death, convulsions became more frequent and Herod found it difficult to breathe. During his death throes, many worms swarmed in Herod's body, as evidenced by the court healers.

The death of his grandson Herod Agrippa in 44 was surprisingly similar: abdominal pain, worms. This happened shortly after he imprisoned the Apostle Peter.

Crucified upside down

64 - 67 years. The Apostle Peter was crucified on an inverted cross, upside down, because he considered himself unworthy to die like Christ.

Cruel death by shells

415 year. The world has too often been cruel to extraordinary women. The Greek mathematician and philosopher Hepatia was killed by a mob who skinned her alive with sharp shells. All that was left of the unfortunate woman was burned at the stake.

The king who drank himself to death

771 years. The King of Sweden, Adolf Fredrik, died of indigestion. He ate for dinner: crayfish, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring, drank a lot of champagne. He ate all this with his usual dessert of 14 servings of sweet pie with hot milk. In Sweden they still call him - "the king who got drunk to death."

Death of an explorer

1928 Doctor Alexander Bogdanov died after one of his experiments, in which the blood of students with malaria and tuberculosis was transfused to him.

1911 Jack Daniel, founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey company, died of blood poisoning six years after suffering a leg injury when he kicked him in anger at having forgotten the code combination to the safe.

Grigory Rasputin drowned in a hole under the ice. Although the details of his murder are disputed, he was allegedly drowned in an ice hole after being poisoned with hydrocyanic acid, beaten, mutilated, and received multiple gunshot wounds to the head, lungs, and liver. Strange, but he died precisely from the fact that he suffocated under water.

1927 Parry-Thomas, an English race car driver, was beheaded by a chain that flew off his own car. He was trying to beat his own record last year. Despite the fact that he was already dead, he still managed to set a new record - 171 miles per hour!

1943 Critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack while discussing Adolf Hitler.

Naked facts

Most people go into another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, a few - tragically. But sometimes the "old woman with a scythe" mercilessly mocks a person, having prepared for him a cruel and unusual death. The circumstances of the death of such people seem so incredible that it is hard to believe in them. We present a chronological list of the most unusual deaths, from 270 BC to the present day.
In 270 BC, while trying to solve Liar's paradox (this is the so-called liar's paradox formulated by Eubulides), the poet Philetas died of insomnia.
In 207 B.C. e. the philosopher Chrysippus, who lived in Greece, died of laughter while watching a drunken donkey try to eat figs. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in history.
In 121 BC. for the murder of the Roman commander Gaius Gracchus, a gold reward was promised, the weight of which should be equal to the weight of the head of Gaius. According to Plutarch, one of the participants in the murder, Septimuleius, decapitated Gracchus, removed his brains from his skull and filled the cavity with molten lead. The head was presented to the Roman Senate and weighed. The killers received seventeen pounds of gold.
In 260, the Roman emperor Valerian was defeated in battle with the Persians and was captured. The Persian king Shapur used him as a footstool, and then, in response to a request for release for a ransom, poured molten gold down his throat. But even this was not enough for the king. He skinned Valerian and made a scarecrow, filling it with straw and dung. And only three and a half centuries later, the remains of Valerian were buried.
In 668, the Roman emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Constans II, was killed in a bathhouse by a eunuch, Andreas. According to Theophan the Confessor, a eunuch serving the emperor while washing hit him on the head with a marble soap dish, the stunned Constant fell into the water and choked.
In 1277, Pope John XXI, famous for his scholarship, was mortally wounded by the collapsed roof of his own scientific laboratory.
In 1327, Edward II, the first English heir to the throne, took one of the most cruel and most unusual deaths. Deposed from the throne with the help of his wife Isabella, the king was executed in a sophisticated way - he was stuck in the anus with a red-hot iron.
In 1478 George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, was executed in an unusual way. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine, and according to legend, the Duke himself chose such a death. The volume of the barrel in which malvasia was usually stored was 477.3 liters - enough to drown.
In 1514, György Dozsa, the leader of the peasant uprising in Hungary, took one of the most martyrdoms. He was seated on a white-hot throne, and his associates were forced to eat his flesh.
In 1559, the French king Henry II, participating in a joust at the celebration of his daughter's wedding, was killed. His visor, which had a soft golden lattice, pierced the opponent's spear, which hit exactly in the eye and hit the brain.
In 1573, in the Kingdom of Croatia, after the defeat of the uprising of the peasants, its leader Matja Hubek was captured and subjected to a cruel execution. They put a crown of red-hot iron on his head, and then quartered him.
In 1671, the cook of Louis XIV, whose name was Francois Vatel, committed suicide. He could not bear the shame that he did not receive the fish ordered to the king's table in time. The unfortunate cook's body was discovered when his assistant came to report that the order had been delivered. Vatel's name has become a symbol of the chef's professional honor.
In 1791 or 1793, the composer and guitarist František Kotzvara died of asphyxiation while having too much sex with a prostitute. It was not only the most unusual death, but also the most unenviable - it is difficult to inspire respect for such a dead person.
In 1834, the Scottish botanist David Douglas, who studied plants, died from an animal. He fell into a pit-trap, where a bull chasing him fell after him. The animal, of course, attacked the man, and Douglas died from the bull's horns.
In 1850, President of the United States of America Zachary Taylor died from eating too much ice cream after an Independence Day ceremony - it was a very hot day. The President fell ill with indigestion and died five days later. The version of poisoning was not confirmed - in 1991, Taylor's body was exhumed and the doctors did not find poison in it.
In 1884, the famous detective Allan Pinkerton, the prototype of the famous literary hero Nat Pinkerton, "the king of detectives", died of gangrene. He bit his tongue after tripping on the pavement while walking. Antiseptics were not known in those days, and a simple wound caused death.
In 1899, French President Felix Faure died in his office from a stroke that happened to him when a 30-year-old beauty gave him a blowjob. Indeed, in everything you need to know the measure!
In 1911, Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey brand, died of blood poisoning. This death was on the list of unusual due to the fact that sepsis was caused by a six-year-old injury - once Daniel could not remember the combination of his safe and kicked the iron cabinet in anger.
In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, who was considered a prophet and healer, a friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, died. It was indeed the most unusual death: Rasputin was poisoned with potassium cyanide, shot at point-blank range, and then thrown into the hole. And although the details of the murder are still controversial, it is believed that he died from the fact that he suffocated under water.
In 1927, Parry Thomas, an English racing driver, died while trying to break his own record. He was beheaded by a chain that came off his own car. Thomas managed to set a new record posthumously - a car with an already dead racer reached a speed of 171 miles per hour.
In 1927, the famous dancer Isadora Duncan suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae and died of asphyxiation. When she was driving in a car, her scarf accidentally hit the wheel of the car and spun around it, instantly squeezing the woman's neck.
In 1928, the Russian doctor Alexander Bogdanov, the organizer and head of the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion, while working with causative agents of malaria and tuberculosis, died after an experiment made on himself - infected blood was transfused to him. The life and death of the great Russian scientist and thinker is an example of service to science.
In 1941, the American writer Sherwood Anderson, on a trip to South America with his wife, accidentally swallowed a toothpick at a party. The developed peritonitis led to death - it was not possible to carry out a complex surgical operation on the ship.
In 1943, the American military bomber "Lady be Good" veered off course and made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The crew members died of dehydration and their mummified remains were found in 1960.
In 1943, the critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack after discussing too temperamentally the personality of Adolf Hitler.
In 1944, the most unusual death befell the inventor Thomas Midgley - he came up with a mechanical bed of a special design, and accidentally strangled himself in this bed. In such cases, they say - "death as the quintessence of life."
In 1960, during the performance of an aria from Verdi's opera, the famous singer Leonard Warren died of a stroke right on stage. Surprisingly, his last words were the words from an opera with such a symbolic name for the singer “The Power of Destiny”: “To die? Great honor!
In 1981, 25-year-old René Hartevelt, studying in Paris, was invited to lunch by fellow Japanese student Issei Sagawa. As it turned out, as a dish - the man killed her and ate. The killer was sent to Japan, and there he was safely released from custody.
In 1993, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee died while filming The Crow. In the pistol, from which, according to the plot, they were supposed to shoot at the hero, there was one combat cartridge among the blank cartridges.
In 2003, 21-year-old American Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose while participating in a virtual marathon organized by fellow drug addicts. The webcam broadcast the process of taking drugs and their effects, and thousands of people also saw the death of the guy live.
In 2003, American zoologist Timothy Treadwell, who lived in Alaska for thirteen years alone with bears, died. Once, for some reason, the friendship between man and wild animals was broken, and Treadwell suffered the most terrible and unusual death - he was eaten alive by one of these predatory animals.
In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB officer who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned. The poison was an extremely rare radioactive element - polonium-210.
In 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication. She took part in the competition, the prize of which was the game console "Nintendo Wii". Under the terms of the competition, it was necessary to drink the most water, but it was not allowed to go to the toilet.
Tatyana Kondratyuk, Samogo.Net
The most unusual deaths: TOP-33 © 2012

Death is something that no one has yet been able to avoid. All living things sooner or later go to the next world, the difference is only in the circumstances.

Many believe that the worst thing is death itself. But the pages of human history tell us that the agony of death can be much worse than death itself. To convince you of this, we suggest reading a selection of the most terrible and painful deaths in history.

The most painful human deaths in history

Death of Joram

There are many stories in the Bible not only about love and kindness, but also about justice, which is often cruel. One of these is the parable of Jehoram. According to legend, he was once the ruler of Judea and considered Beelzebub the main deity, which caused the wrath of Yahweh. Jehoram was severely punished: he was struck by a strange disease, from which his flesh began to decompose from the inside. Before dying, the king suffered for 2 years.

How Herod was punished

Another biblical horror story is dedicated to King Herod, who ruled the Palestinian Caesarea. The name of Herod is well known to everyone who read the New Testament - it was he who, having learned about the coming birth of the true king of Judea, ordered the destruction of all the newborns of Bethlehem. Subsequently, he organized the persecution of the first Christians, executed John the Baptist and the Apostle James. The Bible lists Herod's death as being eaten alive by worms.

Assassination of Grigory Rasputin

Many people close to the court were wary of the mysterious friend of Nicholas II - there were rumors that Rasputin was an insidious sorcerer who had contacted black magic. Less superstitious courtiers saw him as a dangerous political rival who had too much influence on the emperor.

On December 29, 1916, Prince Felix Yusupov invited Rasputin to dinner, during which he treated the guest to poisoned wine. The poison did not work, then the conspirators, the prince and his accomplice Vladimir Purishkevich, shot him in the back.

The killers thought that Gregory was dead and carried him out of the palace. But he unexpectedly not only showed signs of life, but also began to strangle one of the conspirators. Then another bullet was fired at Rasputin, but after that he did not die, but tried to escape. They caught up with him, beat him, after which they threw him alive into the icy waters of the Moika.

In total, three wounds were found on the body of the dead favorite of the emperor, all fatal: in the head, kidney and liver.

61 Days of Nightmares by Hiro Shuuchi

In 1999, the Japanese Hiro Shauchi received a huge dose of radiation while performing his work duties at a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The next two months after the accident were a real nightmare for Hiro.

On the 45th day, the skin completely peeled off the flesh of Xiauti, after which the internal organs began to rapidly collapse. On the 59th day, his heart failed three times in a row. The doctors were able to pump it out until the 61st day arrived, which brought Shawti a long-awaited deliverance. Willy-nilly, you will think about the legalization of euthanasia.

The Tragedy of Deborah Gale Stone

Many people are afraid of rides, and for good reason. Ignoring safety rules often leads to disastrous consequences.

In 1974, American Disneyland delighted visitors with a new attraction - the America Sings attraction. It was one of the first entertainments using animatronics, in other words, singing and dancing robots.

The attraction made a splash: from the first minutes of the working day until the closing of the park, dozens of people crowded around the robots. But for some reason, 18-year-old Disneyland employee Deborah Stone was frightened by these "electronics" - she could not explain the reason for her strange phobia, but every time she ran past them, she felt uneasy.

And as luck would have it, she was appointed the caretaker of this attraction! And before the start of the next performance, she was instructed to check the rotary mechanism. The girl got stuck in a recess, and then the show began. The robots began to sing, the stage began to rotate, and the girl was crushed into bloody pieces between the rotating part and the stationary concrete wall. As she let out inhuman cries of pain, the audience thought it was part of the show.

David Kirwan and thermal springs

In 1981, David Kirwan with a bosom friend and his dog walked through Yellowstone National Park. The purpose of the visit was typical - young people wanted to see the beauty of the thermal springs for which this beautiful reserve is famous.

Everything was going well until the pet, breaking off the leash, jumped into the water. David decided to save his friend's dog and went down into the pool, instantly realizing what a stupid thing he had done.

A small note: Yellowstone is one of the most beautiful and dangerous places on our planet at the same time. Prohibition signs are hung throughout the park - the descent to the natural pools may be the last thing an unlucky Yellowstone guest will do in his life. The fact is that in some sources of the park, the water temperature can reach up to 121 degrees Celsius and have extremely high acidity.

With difficulty, David got out of the water, having received a burn of 90% of the body surface. When the owner of the dog, whose body never surfaced, removed the shoes from the scalded rescuer, pieces of the skin were torn off along with it. The next day, David died from a painful shock.

Execution of György Dozsa

The Inquisition, wars, diseases left a terrible mark on the history of the Middle Ages. There were many terrible deaths at that time, but the mention of one of them still makes the blood run cold. We are talking about the execution of György Dozsa.

Gyorgy Dozsa led a peasant uprising in Hungary. It was quickly suppressed, after which its wounded leader was captured by the government. So that other peasants would no longer have the thought of rebelling against the feudal lords, the cruelest execution was invented for Gyorgy Dozhi.

The leader of the uprising wanted to become the king of Hungary. In order to cause him not only physical pain, but also to ridicule his hopes, Gyorgy was put on a metal throne with a hearth hidden inside, handing him a scepter and an orb that were not inferior in temperature to a seat. A red-hot crown was put on the head of the leader of the uprising.

Then brother Gyorgy and those who had taken part in the rebellion with him were brought into the hall. The brother was publicly cut into pieces, and like-minded rebels suffering from a long hunger strike were forced to bite off the flesh of the still living Doji in a circle. “Eat it whole and stay alive,” they were promised. All those who refused to eat human flesh were killed. Those who agreed to cannibalism, too, but only after the Doge was eaten.

The Torment of Junku Furuta

Human cruelty to their own kind often knows no bounds. And, unfortunately, references to terrible tortures and murders are associated not only with the Middle Ages.

In 1988, 17-year-old Japanese girl Junku Furuta was kidnapped by a group of underage sadists: Hiroshi Miyano, Jo Ogura, Shinji Minato and Yasushi Watanabe. For 44 days they held the girl captive in the house of one of the gang members.

Miyano's parents were big shots in the Japanese yakuza mafia, so it was not difficult for the young man to intimidate the girl and his own friends. Under the threat of death, she called her parents and said that everything was fine with her so that the police would not look for her.

On the very first day of imprisonment, she was repeatedly raped, forced to devour insects and drink urine, stuck smoldering cigarettes into her flesh and set fire to the girl with a lighter.

On the eleventh day, her limbs were broken and she was hung from the ceiling, using the girl's body as a punching bag. She tried to run, but the escape failed, for which her legs were doused with fire starting fluid and set on fire. Furuta was then tortured by inserting a broken bottle into his anus.

On the twentieth day, firecrackers were thrust into the girl, and then red-hot knitting needles.

A month of imprisonment passed, and the bored rapists came up with new methods of torture. The unfortunate Japanese woman was doused with hot wax on her face, her breasts were pierced with needles, her nipples were clamped with a vice, while a light bulb was thrust inside the girl.

On the forty-fourth day of Junku Furuta, she died from a shock of pain after two hours of torture by fire. The next day, teenagers cemented the girl's body in a barrel and threw her away at a construction site.

The police managed to find the body and the killers. But the punishment did not correspond to the crime - the attackers were sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 4 to 17 years, depending on the degree of guilt. According to the law on the protection of the rights of minors, their names were not publicly disclosed. Hiroshi Miyano, leader of a gang of sadists, was released in 2007.

Fatal Christmas

On Christmas Eve 2002, 25-year-old bartender Doyle decided to celebrate the holiday with his friend Michael Wright and his girlfriend. In an alcoholic fervor, Wright thought that Doyle was pestering his girlfriend, and beat the poor fellow. He broke the bartender's legs and threw him into an open hatch. The distance to the bottom was about 5.5 meters.

Wright wanted to scare Doyle, but did not suspect that the bottom of the sewer was flooded with boiling water from a burst pipe. The bartender fell into boiling water at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, and injuries did not allow him to get out. He was still alive when help arrived, but neither the firemen nor the paramedics ventured down.

After opening the guy's body, the doctors noted that he looked like a lobster cooked by a chef - the internal organs were boiled, and the skin had come off the bones. Worst of all, while his body was being cooked alive, Doyle remained conscious.
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Most people go into another world quite prosaically - from illness or old age, a few - tragically.

But sometimes the "old woman with a scythe" mercilessly mocks a person, having prepared for him a cruel and unusual death. The circumstances of the death of such people seem so incredible that it is hard to believe in them. We present a chronological list of the most unusual deaths, from 270 BC to the present day.

In 270 BC, while trying to solve Liar's paradox (this is the so-called liar's paradox formulated by Eubulides), the poet Philetas died of insomnia.

In 207 B.C. e. the philosopher Chrysippus, who lived in Greece, died of laughter while watching a drunken donkey try to eat figs. This is one of the most ridiculous deaths in history.

In 121 BC. for the murder of the Roman commander Gaius Gracchus, a gold reward was promised, the weight of which should be equal to the weight of the head of Gaius. According to Plutarch, one of the participants in the murder, Septimuleius, decapitated Gracchus, removed his brains from his skull and filled the cavity with molten lead. The head was presented to the Roman Senate and weighed. The killers received seventeen pounds of gold.

In 260, the Roman emperor Valerian was defeated in battle with the Persians and was captured. The Persian king Shapur used him as a footstool, and then, in response to a request for release for a ransom, poured molten gold down his throat. But even this was not enough for the king. He skinned Valerian and made a scarecrow, filling it with straw and dung. And only three and a half centuries later, the remains of Valerian were buried.

In 668, the Roman emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Constans II, was killed in a bathhouse by a eunuch, Andreas. According to Theophan the Confessor, a eunuch serving the emperor while washing hit him on the head with a marble soap dish, the stunned Constant fell into the water and choked.

In 1277, Pope John XXI, famous for his scholarship, was mortally wounded by the collapsed roof of his own scientific laboratory.

In 1327, Edward II, the first English heir to the throne, took one of the most cruel and most unusual deaths. Deposed from the throne with the help of his wife Isabella, the king was executed in a sophisticated way - he was stuck in the anus with a red-hot iron.

In 1478 George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, was executed in an unusual way. He was drowned in a barrel of table wine, and according to legend, the Duke himself chose such a death. The volume of the barrel in which malvasia was usually stored was 477.3 liters - enough to drown.

In 1514, György Dozsa, the leader of the peasant uprising in Hungary, took one of the most martyrdoms. He was seated on a white-hot throne, and his associates were forced to eat his flesh.

In 1559, the French king Henry II, participating in a joust at the celebration of his daughter's wedding, was killed. His visor, which had a soft golden lattice, pierced the opponent's spear, which hit exactly in the eye and hit the brain.

In 1573, in the Kingdom of Croatia, after the defeat of the uprising of the peasants, its leader Matja Hubek was captured and subjected to a cruel execution. They put a crown of red-hot iron on his head, and then quartered him.

In 1671, the cook of Louis XIV, whose name was Francois Vatel, committed suicide. He could not bear the shame that he did not receive the fish ordered to the king's table in time. The unfortunate cook's body was discovered when his assistant came to report that the order had been delivered. Vatel's name has become a symbol of the chef's professional honor.

In 1791 or 1793, the composer and guitarist František Kotzvara died of asphyxiation while having too much sex with a prostitute. It was not only the most unusual death, but also the most unenviable - it is difficult to inspire respect for such a dead person.

In 1834, the Scottish botanist David Douglas, who studied plants, died from an animal. He fell into a pit-trap, where a bull chasing him fell after him. The animal, of course, attacked the man, and Douglas died from the bull's horns.

In 1850, President of the United States of America Zachary Taylor died from eating too much ice cream after an Independence Day ceremony - it was a very hot day. The President fell ill with indigestion and died five days later. The version of poisoning was not confirmed - in 1991, Taylor's body was exhumed and the doctors did not find poison in it.

In 1884, the famous detective Allan Pinkerton, the prototype of the famous literary hero Nat Pinkerton, "the king of detectives", died of gangrene. He bit his tongue after tripping on the pavement while walking. Antiseptics were not known in those days, and a simple wound caused death.

In 1899, French President Felix Faure died in his office from a stroke that happened to him when a 30-year-old beauty gave him a blowjob. Indeed, in everything you need to know the measure33;

In 1911, Jack Daniel, the founder of the Jack Daniel whiskey brand, died of blood poisoning. This death was on the list of unusual due to the fact that sepsis was caused by a six-year-old injury - once Daniel could not remember the combination of his safe and kicked the iron cabinet in anger.

In 1916, Grigory Rasputin, who was considered a prophet and healer, a friend of the family of Emperor Nicholas II, died. It was indeed the most unusual death: Rasputin was poisoned with potassium cyanide, shot at point-blank range, and then thrown into the hole. And although the details of the murder are still controversial, it is believed that he died from the fact that he suffocated under water.

In 1927, Parry Thomas, an English racing driver, died while trying to break his own record. He was beheaded by a chain that came off his own car. Thomas managed to set a new record posthumously - a car with an already dead racer reached a speed of 171 miles per hour.

In 1927, the famous dancer Isadora Duncan suffered a fractured cervical vertebrae and died of asphyxiation. When she was driving in a car, her scarf accidentally hit the wheel of the car and spun around it, instantly squeezing the woman's neck.

In 1928, the Russian doctor Alexander Bogdanov, the organizer and head of the world's first Institute of Blood Transfusion, while working with causative agents of malaria and tuberculosis, died after an experiment made on himself - infected blood was transfused to him. The life and death of the great Russian scientist and thinker is an example of service to science.

In 1941, the American writer Sherwood Anderson, on a trip to South America with his wife, accidentally swallowed a toothpick at a party. The developed peritonitis led to death - it was not possible to carry out a complex surgical operation on the ship.

In 1943, the American military bomber "Lady be Good" veered off course and made an emergency landing in the Libyan desert. The crew members died of dehydration and their mummified remains were found in 1960.

In 1943, the critic Alexander Woolcott died of a heart attack after discussing too temperamentally the personality of Adolf Hitler.

In 1944, the most unusual death befell the inventor Thomas Midgley - he came up with a mechanical bed of a special design, and accidentally strangled himself in this bed. In such cases, they say - "death as the quintessence of life."

In 1960, during the performance of an aria from Verdi's opera, the famous singer Leonard Warren died of a stroke right on stage. Surprisingly, his last words were the words from an opera with such a symbolic name for the singer “The Power of Destiny”: “To die? Great honor33;".

In 1981, 25-year-old René Hartevelt, studying in Paris, was invited to lunch by fellow Japanese student Issei Sagawa. As it turned out, as a dish - the man killed her and ate. The killer was sent to Japan, and there he was safely released from custody.

In 1993, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee died while filming The Crow. In the pistol, from which, according to the plot, they were supposed to shoot at the hero, there was one combat cartridge among the blank cartridges.

In 2003, 21-year-old American Brandon Vedas died of a drug overdose while participating in a virtual marathon organized by fellow drug addicts. The webcam broadcast the process of taking drugs and their effects, and thousands of people also saw the death of the guy live.

In 2003, American zoologist Timothy Treadwell, who lived in Alaska for thirteen years alone with bears, died. Once, for some reason, the friendship between man and wild animals was broken, and Treadwell suffered the most terrible and unusual death - he was eaten alive by one of these predatory animals.

In 2006, Alexander Litvinenko, a KGB officer who was investigating the murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, was poisoned. The poison was an extremely rare radioactive element - polonium-210.

In 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication. She took part in the competition, the prize of which was the game console "Nintendo Wii". Under the terms of the competition, it was necessary to drink the most water, but it was not allowed to go to the toilet.