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Tarko sale population. Where is Tarko-Sale located? The city of Tarko-Sale, Purovsky district in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Russia

Do you know where Tarko-Sale is located? This city is located on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets. It is the administrative center of the Purovsky district. In 2013, 20,906 people lived in it.

Geographic data

Where is Tarko-Sale located? It was formed between the rivers Ayvasedapur and Pyakupur and occupies the right bank of the latter. The city is located on a flat swampy area. On its territory there are many reservoirs - lakes and rivers. different area. The forest-tundra zone dominates; coniferous forests grow along the rivers.


The city of Tarko-Sale appeared on the map of the Russian Federation a little over eighty years ago. From a historical point of view, he is still quite young. However, for northern latitudes, this period is impressive. Surrounded by cities formed twenty or thirty years ago, Tarko-Sale seems to be a real long-liver. He experienced all the hardships of the Great Patriotic War, faced the Brezhnev stagnation, went through the mythical freedom of perestroika times and stood on the edge of the abyss in the nineties.


Where is Tarko-Sale located? In 1933, the construction of a settlement began on the shore. At the same time, a small first-aid post for five people was opened.

In 1934, a decision was made to create an inspectorate under the Purovsky District Executive Committee in order to carry out national economic accounting. In addition, Rybkoopsoyuz was organized. One of major events the organization of the regional radio communication center began, after which radio points appeared in the houses.

In 1935, a department was formed in the Purovsky district. public education. There were seventeen students in the local school. Subsequently, the map of Tarko-Sale was replenished with a registry office, a people's court, a hospital, a fishing and reindeer herding collective farm, a veterinary station, a canteen, and a boarding school.

post-war period

In 1947, many people learned about the location of Tarko-Sale, since a unique estate of the Verkhne-Purovsky deer-breeding state farm was organized on its territory. It is still popular with travelers exploring the vast expanses Russian Federation.

In 1948, the construction of the Salekhard-Igarka railway section began. The builders were fully provided with food and materials by local enterprises. A little later, the district authorities carried out passportization of the village population and formed five streets. All households were assigned numbers.

Hard times

In general, the fifties of the twentieth century were a difficult period in the development of the city. The development of Tarko-Sale, and the whole country, in principle, at that time was depressingly slow. The forces of Soviet citizens, including Purovites, were aimed at the fastest possible recovery National economy after devastating hostilities. However, although life after the Second World War could not be called easy, there were still some positive moments in the history of the city. So, it was during this period that the authorities of Tarko-Sale began to think not only about how to put an extra ruble into the country's piggy bank, but also how to improve the life of the local population, organize their leisure. One of the most indicative in this regard was the formation of the Purovsky district industrial complex, the functioning of which was aimed at meeting the urgent needs of the Tarkosalinians. In addition, the regional cultural and educational department began its activities. In 1951, on a voluntary basis, a sports community called "Kolkhoznik" was created.

So slowly, literally brick by brick, the social foundation of the city was laid.

Life is getting better

The main event of the 1950s, both on a city and state scale, was the decision to stop construction railway at the Salekhard-Igarka section. At the same time, the "rolling" under the "piece of iron" of thousands of human lives stopped. Unfortunate citizens no longer perished in the vast expanses of the Gulag. The image of Tarko-Sale as a kind of zone began to fade little by little in the minds of millions of Soviet citizens.

Honorary statuses

In 1976, Tarko-Sale became a workers' settlement. The decision to assign this status was made by the executive committee of the regional Council of Deputies of Tyumen. In March 2004, it became a city of regional significance. At the same time, the appearance of Tarko-Sale began to change rapidly in better side. The city soon acquired its own official symbols- coat of arms and flag. The latter is a reflection of the historical, cultural, socio-economic and other local traditions of the municipality.


Where is Tarko-Sale located? In the zone, the average annual temperature fluctuates around five degrees below zero. The relative humidity of the air does not exceed seventy-six percent. The average is three meters per second.


Everyone knows how rich Russia is in oil and gas. Tarko-Sale is a city where the largest plant in the Russian Federation specializing in the processing of gas condensate and an oil and gas production company are located.

NOVATEK-Purovsky Plant has been processing de-ethanized products since 2005. This is the first such enterprise in the field of processing natural resources that has appeared in the post-Soviet space over the past fifteen years. In 2013, the third stage of the plant was launched, and already in January 2014, the production capacity was expanded from five to eleven million tons per year. This was achieved thanks to the commissioning of two modern technological threads for stabilizing gas condensate. Their total area is three million tons per year.


On Lenin street, 16 is located Purovsky district ny local history museum. About five thousand people visit it every year. Among the 4560 exhibits are dwellings, shoes, clothes, household items, working tools, jewelry and objects of religious cults of the Forest Nenets.

Transport system

Where is Tarko-Sale? The city is located three and a half thousand kilometers from Moscow. This path can be overcome by car (along the Surgut-Salekhard highway), by train (up to railway station"Purovsk") or by plane (the airport is located on the territory of Tarko-Sale).

Currently, direct flights have been established with Novy Urengoy and Salekhard. On September 1, 2013, the grand opening of traffic on the new bridge over the river took place. Pyaku-Pur connecting Tarko-Sale and Purovsk. The significant structure was erected in record time - in a year and five months instead of the planned three years.


We tried to answer the question of where the city of Tarko-Sale is located as detailed as possible. We hope that the above description has helped you to get acquainted with the history of the formation of this municipality.

The temporary center of the newly created administrative unit was located in the region of the middle reaches of the Pur River - today it is the city of Tarko-Sale. In the first half of the 20th century, this area was the most sparsely populated part of the region and was a natural border for the settlement of forest and tundra Nenets.

In April 1932, the Purovskaya expedition was organized, headed by Georgy Ivanovich Onosov, chairman of the organizing bureau for the organization of the region. The expedition had to reach the Pur River before the beginning of the spring thaw in order to complete the organization. Early spring made its own adjustments, and the expedition had to be postponed until navigation was opened. Only after almost half a year, in early September, on a barge towed by the Anastas Mikoyan motor ship, the members of the expedition were able to get to the village of Khalmer-Sede (now a village in). Here the tugboat was changed to a boat of the Uralpushnina enterprise, and the expedition continued along the Pur River, wintering in the area of ​​​​the future village.

By the end of December 1932, part of the expedition, moving on reindeer teams up the river, reached the confluence of the Pyaku-Pur and Aivasedo-Pur rivers. After surveying the area, the right bank of the Pyaku-Pur River was recognized as the most suitable for the construction of the future city of Tarko-Sale. On one of the trees, a member of the organizational bureau, Mikhail Konstantinovich Sargin, made the inscription "Build here." Now at this place there is a monument "Coming from the Horizon". Later, M. Sargin compiled the first map.

Translated from the Nenets Tarko-Sale (“talka salya”) means “cape at the fork”.

In the area of ​​the future city at that time, two clans roamed - Pyak and Aivasedo. It was decided to build a settlement near the place of residence of the indigenous people. On May 7, 1933, at the 4th meeting of the Organizing Bureau, it was approved final decision on the arrangement of a new settlement at the confluence of the Pyaku-Pur and Aivasedo-Pur rivers. On August 6, 1933, at the first meeting of the Purovsky District Executive Committee in Tarko-Sale, it was decided to start building the future district center as soon as possible. The first house was supposed to be handed over by September 5th. In subsequent years, several times it was proposed to move the center of the district from Tarko-Sale to another place, but the Great Patriotic War prevented the implementation of these plans.

In the village under construction, there was an acute problem with food. Fishing artels were organized here. It was necessary to resolve the issue of the formation of a collective farm, which was supposed to consistently provide the population with food in the harsh conditions of the northern latitudes. In 1935, the Muzhevsky Olensovkhoz was organized on the territory, in the 1940s. the state farm was transferred to, and on January 1, 1945, the Verkhne-Purovsky state farm was formed. In the late 1930s - early 1940s. in the collective farm named after March 8 and the collective farm named after were founded.

In 1933, in the village of Tarko-Sale, a Primary School. It did not have its own separate building and was housed in one room in Rick's house. The school was 1st grade. In August 1935, 17 students were studying here. The school constantly lacked textbooks, furniture, firewood. In 1937, a school for adults was opened in the village. In 1939, an elementary boarding school began its work in Tarko-Sale, the first director of which was M.A. Nodel. In 1940, the school was transformed into an incomplete seven-year school.

Since 1932, the "Red Plagues" were active, which were the main form of cultural enlightenment among Nenets population. They were mobile propaganda institutions, equipped with medicines and libraries. Employees of the "Red Plagues" explained the policy of the Soviet government, lectured on the international situation, collected local folklore, and also recruited children for schools. In addition, they provided medical care to the local indigenous population, carried out work to eliminate illiteracy among the adult population. The word "red" in the name "Red Chum" indicated belonging to the revolution, the party and socialism. Purovsky "red plague" carried out work on the territory of Tarko-Sale.

In 1935, a five-bed hospital was opened in the village. The duties of the hospital staff also included monitoring the general sanitary condition of the village and institutions. The hospital had a garden and a small farm. In 1937, the number of beds here was increased to 17. On November 1, 1936, a meteorological station was opened in Tarko-Sale. At the same time, radio communication was established between the village and the district center. In 1937, the construction of a regional communications center began on the Pur River, which included a radio station and a post office. In 1938, regular radio broadcasting was established. In 1943, more than 80 families in the village of Tarko-Sale had the opportunity to listen to Moscow radio.

Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council RSFSR dated June 27, 1944, the Tarkosalinsky Village Council was formed as part of it.

In the first half of the 1960s. oil exploration work was carried out. Thanks to the activities of several oil exploration expeditions, the largest oil and gas fields: Urengoyskoye, Tarasovskoye, Zapadno-Tarkosalinskoye, Komsomolskoye, Purpeyskoye, Kharampurskoye and others. In the second half of the 1960s - early 1970s. the village of Tarko-Sale begins to develop rapidly How industrial centre. Construction of a gas pipeline and a railway is underway. In 1963, an airport was built and put into operation in the village of Tarko-Sale. On January 1, 1973, the Purovsky District Department of Internal Affairs was created, which moved in 1994 to a separate, purpose-built building.

On August 18, 1976, by decision of the executive committee of the Tyumen Regional Council of Workers' Deputies No. 418, Tarko-Sale was classified as a workers' settlement. In 1977, the village was gasified. The population has steadily increased. At the end of December 1977, central television was broadcast for the first time, and on December 31, 1977, residents who had televisions saw New Year's television programs.

On January 8, 1992, the head of the village administration was appointed. This day is considered the day of the formation of the administration of Tarko-Sale.

By Law No. 16-ZAO dated March 30, 2004, the village of Tarko-Sale was given the status of a city of district significance.

The town, with an unusual and even exotic name for our ears, Tarko Sale, is located on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation, and is the administrative center of the Purovsky District. Total population the local population is more than 21 thousand inhabitants. Most of local residents are Russian by nationality. Also Ukrainians, Tatars, Belarusians, Nenets, Kumyks live in the city.

Tarko Sale is located between the Pyakupura and Ayvasedapura rivers, along the right bank of the Pyakupur River. The city is located in a flat area, with many wetlands, lakes and small rivers. Forest-tundra prevails in these places, along the river water area there are many coniferous forests.

The climate of Tarko Sale can be described as sharply continental. In January, the average air temperature here is 30 degrees below 0, and in July it is only 16.7 degrees above 0. At the same time, the air humidity is quite high, often exceeding 75%.

The history of the town dates back to 1932, when it was founded as a village. Translated from the Nenets language, its name is interpreted as "a settlement between the rivers." From January 7, 1932, Tarko Sale existed as a "temporary administrative center in the region of the middle reaches of the Pur River" as part of the Yamalo-Nenets national district. The first documentary mention of the settlement dates back to the spring of 1933.

Today, Tarko Sale's economy is based on oil and gas production. The city has the largest in Russia for the processing of gas condensate -. Also here is the oil and gas producing company Tarkosaleneftegaz, the headquarters of OAO NOVATEK, the drilling company LLC Nova Energy Services.

The main and main attraction of Tarko Sale, of course, is its incredible beauty of nature. In the vicinity of the city there are many places with indescribable landscapes, such that it simply takes your breath away. It's like another world, on another planet, somehow miraculously abandoned on Earth.

Tarko Sale is an interesting and very picturesque town, lost in the depths of Russia. Although there are few tourists and guests in the city, however, a trip here can be remembered for a long time. This city, although small, is bold and beautiful, like all of Russia.

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5 editions in total, last 3 years ago made by mucha from Noginsk

The city of Tarko-Sale is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

What federal district does Tarko-Sale belong to?

Tarko-Sale is included in federal district: Ural.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory, consisting of several subjects of the Russian Federation.

What region is Tarko-Sale in?

The city of Tarko-Sale is part of the Yamal-Nenets region autonomous region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements included in the region.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

The population of the city of Tarko-Sale.

The population in the city of Tarko-Sale is 21,665 people.

The year of foundation of the city of Tarko-Sale.

Year of foundation of the city of Tarko-Sale: 1932.

What is the time zone of Tarko-Sale?

The city of Tarko-Sale is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+6. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Tarko-Sale, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Tarko-Sale

Telephone code city ​​of Tarko-Sale: +7 34997. In order to call the city of Tarko-Sale from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 34997 and then directly the subscriber's number.

: 64°54′53″ s. sh. 77°46′22″ E d. /  64.91472° N sh. 77.77278° E d. / 64.91472; 77.77278(G) (I)

Founded City with Center height Population National composition

Russians, Nenets, Ukrainians, Khanty, Tatars, Selkups

Confessional composition

Christianity, Islam

Names of residents

Tarkosalintsy, Tarkosalinets

Timezone Telephone code Postcode car code OKATO code
K: Settlements founded in 1932

Tarko-Sale- a city (since March 23, 2004) in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Russia. Administrative center Purovsky district and urban settlement.

The first documentary references to Tarko-Sale date back to March 1933.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of June 27, 1944, the Tarkosalinsky Village Council of the Purovsky District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was formed.

On August 18, 1976, by decision of the executive committee of the Tyumen Regional Council of Workers' Deputies No. 418, Tarko-Sale was given the status of a workers' settlement.

The day of formation of the Tarko-Sale village administration is January 8, 1992 - the day of the appointment of the Head of the Tarko-Sale village administration.

Based on the law of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated March 30, 2004 No. 16-ZAO, the village of Tarko-Sale, Purovsky District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, was classified as a city of regional significance.

National composition

Nationality Number (people) Percentage
Russians 12 839 62,94%
Ukrainians 1 637 8,03%
Tatars 1 124 5,51%
Nenets 1 001 4,91%
Kumyks 395 1,93%
Belarusians 321 1,57%
Dargins 255 1,25%
Bashkirs 251 1,23%
Azerbaijanis 246 1,21%
Other 2104 10,31%
Not specified 226 1,11%
Total 20 398 100,00%


Tarko-Sale is located in a zone of sharply continental climate, the average temperature in January is -30, July +16.7.

  • Average annual air temperature - -5.3 °C
  • Relative humidity - 75.6%
  • Average wind speed - 3.1 m/s
Climate of Tarko-Sale
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
average temperature, °C −25 −22,3 −14,1 −8,7 1,4 11,3 16,7 12,8 5,5 −3,8 −16,5 −22,1 −5,3
A source:


The city-forming industry is oil and gas production. Main enterprises:

  • NOVATEK-Purovsky ZPK - the largest gas condensate processing plant in Russia;
  • NOVATEK-TARKOSALENEFTEGAZ is an oil and gas producing company.
  • NOVATEK is headquartered in Moscow
  • Nova Energy Services LLC is a drilling company.


  • 100.2 FM - Radio Chanson
  • 100.6 FM - Radio "Mayak"
  • 102.9 FM - Radio "YAMAL"
  • 103.4 FM - DFM (Luch TV channel)
  • 103.8 FM - Hit FM
  • 105.4 FM - Russian Radio


The city has a railway station located in Purovsk, the airport. Located within the federal highway Surgut - Salekhard. Air transport connection with Novy Urengoy (since 2013), Salekhard, with. Krasnoselkup, p. Only. The air divisions of UTair and Yamal airlines are working to perform helicopter work. Airport 3 class. Regular bus service to Purovsk railway station.

On September 1, 2013, traffic was opened on a new bridge across the Pyakupur River, connecting the village of Purovsk and the city of Tarko-Sale with uninterrupted communication. The bridge, instead of the planned thirty-six months, was built in one year and five months.

The reconstruction of the airport is planned.


The city has vocational college No. 1. There are also 3 educational institutions, sanatorium boarding school, children's art school. AND ABOUT. Dunayevsky.

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  1. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. People's Encyclopedia "My City". Tarko-Sale
  3. (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. .
  4. . .
  5. . .
  6. . Retrieved 2 January 2014. .
  7. . Retrieved May 10, 2014. .
  8. . Retrieved January 30, 2015. .
  9. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
  10. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
  11. . Retrieved 2 August 2014. .
  12. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
  13. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  14. .


An excerpt characterizing Tarko-Sale

“The highest wisdom and truth is, as it were, the purest moisture that we want to absorb into ourselves,” he said. – Can I take this pure moisture into an unclean vessel and judge its purity? Only by inner purification of myself can I bring the perceived moisture to a certain purity.
– Yes, yes, it is! Pierre said happily.
– Higher wisdom is not based on reason alone, not on those secular sciences of physics, history, chemistry, etc., into which mental knowledge breaks down. There is only one supreme wisdom. The highest wisdom has one science - the science of everything, the science that explains the entire universe and the place of man in it. In order to accommodate this science, it is necessary to purify and renew one's inner man, and therefore before you know, you need to believe and improve. And to achieve these goals, the light of God, called conscience, is embedded in our soul.
“Yes, yes,” Pierre confirmed.
“Look with your spiritual eyes at your inner man and ask yourself if you are satisfied with yourself. What have you achieved by being guided by one mind? What are you? You are young, you are rich, you are smart, educated, my lord. What have you made of all these blessings given to you? Are you satisfied with yourself and your life?
“No, I hate my life,” Pierre said, grimacing.
- You hate, so change it, purify yourself, and as you purify, you will learn wisdom. Look at your life, my lord. How did you spend it? In violent orgies and debauchery, receiving everything from society and giving nothing to it. You have received wealth. How did you use it? What have you done for your neighbor? Have you thought about the tens of thousands of your slaves, have you helped them physically and morally? No. You used their labors to lead a dissolute life. That's what you did. Have you chosen a place of service where you would benefit your neighbor? No. You have spent your life in idleness. Then you got married, my lord, took on the responsibility of leading a young woman, and what did you do? You did not help her, my lord, to find the path of truth, but plunged her into the abyss of lies and misfortune. A man insulted you and you killed him and you say that you don't know God and that you hate your life. There is nothing tricky here, my lord! - After these words, the freemason, as if tired of a long conversation, again leaned on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. Pierre looked at this stern, motionless, senile, almost dead face, and silently moved his lips. He wanted to say: yes, vile, idle, depraved life, and did not dare to break the silence.
The Mason cleared his throat hoarsely, like an old man, and called for a servant.
- What about horses? he asked, not looking at Pierre.
“They brought the change,” answered the servant. - You won't rest?
- No, they ordered to pawn.
“Is he really going to leave and leave me alone without finishing everything and promising me help?” thought Pierre, getting up and lowering his head, occasionally looking at the freemason, and starting to walk around the room. “Yes, I didn’t think so, but I led a despicable, depraved life, but I didn’t love her, and didn’t want it,” thought Pierre, “and this man knows the truth, and if he wanted, he could reveal it to me” . Pierre wanted and did not dare to say this to the Mason. The passer-by, with habitual, senile hands, having packed his things, buttoned up his sheepskin coat. Having finished these things, he turned to the Earless and indifferently, in a courteous tone, said to him:
“Where would you like to go now, my lord?”
“I? ... I’m going to Petersburg,” Pierre answered in a childish, indecisive voice. - Thank you. I agree with you on everything. But don't think that I'm so stupid. I wished with all my heart to be what you would like me to be; but I never found help in anyone ... However, I myself am primarily to blame for everything. Help me, teach me, and maybe I will ... - Pierre could not speak further; he sniffled and turned away.
Mason was silent for a long time, apparently considering something.
“Help is given only from God,” he said, “but the amount of help that our order has the power to give, he will give you, my lord. You are going to Petersburg, give this to Count Villarsky (he took out his wallet and wrote a few words on a large sheet of paper folded in four). Let me give you one piece of advice. Arriving in the capital, devote the first time to solitude, discussing yourself, and do not enter the old paths of life. Then I wish you have a good trip my lord,” he said, noticing that his servant had entered the room, “and success ...
The traveler was Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev, as Pierre learned from the caretaker's book. Bazdeev was one of the most famous Freemasons and Martinists of Novik's time. Long after his departure, Pierre, without going to bed and without asking the horses, walked around the station room, pondering his vicious past and with the delight of renewal imagining his blissful, impeccable and virtuous future, which seemed to him so easy. He was, as it seemed to him, vicious only because he somehow accidentally forgot how good it is to be virtuous. Not a trace of the old doubts remained in his soul. He firmly believed in the possibility of a brotherhood of people united for the purpose of supporting each other on the path of virtue, and this was how Freemasonry seemed to him.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Pierre did not inform anyone of his arrival, did not go anywhere, and began to spend whole days reading Thomas of Kempis, a book that was delivered to him by no one knows who. Pierre understood one and all the same when reading this book; he understood the pleasure, unknown to him, to believe in the possibility of achieving perfection and in the possibility of brotherly and active love between people, opened to him by Osip Alekseevich. A week after his arrival, the young Polish Count of Villarsky, whom Pierre knew superficially from St. Petersburg society, entered his room in the evening with that official and solemn air with which Dolokhov's second entered him and, closing the door behind him and making sure that there was no one in the room there was no one except Pierre, turned to him:
“I have come to you with a commission and a proposal, Count,” he told him without sitting down. “A person very highly placed in our fraternity has petitioned for you to be admitted to the fraternity ahead of time, and has offered me to be your guarantor. I regard the fulfillment of the will of this person as a sacred duty. Do you wish to join the brotherhood of free stonemasons on my guarantee?
The cold and strict tone of the man whom Pierre almost always saw at balls with an amiable smile, in the company of the most brilliant women, struck Pierre.
“Yes, I wish,” said Pierre.
Villarsky inclined his head. - One more question, Count, he said, to which I am not asking you as a future Freemason, but how an honest man(galant homme) I ask you to answer me with all sincerity: have you renounced your former convictions, do you believe in God?
Pierre considered. “Yes… yes, I believe in God,” he said.
“In that case…” Villarsky began, but Pierre interrupted him. “Yes, I believe in God,” he said again.
“In that case, we can go,” said Willarsky. “My carriage is at your service.
All the way Villarsky was silent. To Pierre's questions about what he should do and how to answer, Villarsky only said that the brothers, more worthy of him, would test him, and that Pierre needed nothing more than to tell the truth.
Having entered the gate of a large house, where there was a lodge, and passing along a dark staircase, they entered a lighted, small hallway, where, without the help of servants, they took off their fur coats. From the hallway they went into another room. A man in strange attire appeared at the door. Villarsky, going out to meet him, said something quietly to him in French and went up to a small closet, in which Pierre noticed robes he had never seen before. Taking a handkerchief from the closet, Villarsky put it over Pierre's eyes and tied it in a knot at the back, painfully trapping his hair in a knot. Then he bent him to him, kissed him, and, taking him by the hand, led him somewhere. Pierre was in pain from the knotted hair, he grimaced in pain and smiled in shame at something. His huge figure, with lowered hands, with a shriveled and smiling face, followed Willarsky with unsteady, timid steps.
After leading him ten paces, Villarsky stopped.
“Whatever happens to you,” he said, “you must endure everything with courage if you are determined to join our brotherhood. (Pierre answered in the affirmative by inclining his head.) When you hear a knock at the door, you will untie your eyes, added Villarsky; I wish you courage and success. And, shaking hands with Pierre, Villarsky went out.
Left alone, Pierre continued to smile the same way. Once or twice he shrugged his shoulders, put his hand up to the handkerchief, as if wishing to take it off, and lowered it again. The five minutes he spent with his eyes tied seemed like an hour to him. His hands were swollen, his legs gave way; he seemed to be tired. He experienced the most complex and varied feelings. He was both afraid of what would happen to him, and even more afraid of how he would not show fear. He was curious to know what would become of him, what would be revealed to him; but most of all he was glad that the moment had come when he would finally embark on that path of renewal and an actively virtuous life, which he had been dreaming of since his meeting with Osip Alekseevich. Strong knocks were heard at the door. Pierre took off his bandage and looked around him. The room was black and dark: only in one place a lamp was burning, in something white. Pierre came closer and saw that the lamp stood on a black table, on which lay one open book. The book was the gospel; that white, in which the lamp burned, was a human skull with its holes and teeth. After reading the first words of the Gospel: “In the beginning there was no word and the word went to God,” Pierre went around the table and saw a large open box filled with something. It was a coffin with bones. He was not at all surprised by what he saw. Hoping to enter into a completely new life completely different from the former, he expected everything extraordinary, even more extraordinary than what he saw. The skull, the coffin, the Gospel - it seemed to him that he expected all this, expected even more. Trying to arouse in himself a feeling of tenderness, he looked around him. “God, death, love, the brotherhood of man,” he said to himself, associating with these words vague but joyful ideas of something. The door opened and someone entered.