Biographies Characteristics Analysis

There is no dash between the subject and the predicate. When a dash is put and not put between the subject and the predicate: the rule

The need for punctuation marks became tangible with the development of printing. In the 15th century, Italian typographers invented punctuation. It was accepted in most European countries. The use of the sign began in the 18th century. Its function was consolidated in the Russian language by Nikolai Karamzin. It was first described by A. A. Barsov in 1797. The setting of a dash between the subject and the predicate occurs according to the rules of the classical and business language. In oral speech, it is used to express a pause with an increase and decrease in tone.

What are the rules for?

Everyone can learn to write correctly. Literacy distinguishes people, pointing to their intelligence, their desire to stand out. Simply filling out documents leads to a stupor, since many do not know the elementary rules for writing case endings. Most of the time they make statements. It is here that knowledge of the rules for setting a dash between the subject and the predicate will be needed. These are the main members of the sentence, which are always in the nominative case.

Their study begins in elementary school, but not everyone remembers what connects them. The subject is the main member of the sentence, which tells about whom or what the text is talking about. It is necessary to ask a question to find out who or what is in charge. “When my mother came home, her mood improved.” Since mother is a living being, the question is who? This is what the proposal is about.

We can then find out what she is doing or has already done. The predicate will help us with this. It indicates the subject's action. For example, what did our mother do? (came). Since the sentence is complex, it has two grammatical bases. The second part is about mood. In this case, the appropriate question would be what? (mood) and what did you do? (improved). Depending on what the author wants to say, how to convey feelings, the arrangement of punctuation marks will depend. The use of dashes requires knowing the nuances of writing.

The role of the sign in the sentence

In writing, punctuation marks help to express thoughts clearly, separate sentences or parts of it. The dash is not used as often as the comma, however, the rules for putting a dash between the subject and the predicate will help you make a simple and complex sentence.

Everyone studies the basics of the Russian language, but not everyone remembers how to use a dash in writing. As a result, many express themselves without unnecessary punctuation marks. The significance of the dash is underestimated, because with its help they attract the attention of the reader, emphasize the semantic stress, put it before the word “this”.

In the grammar of the Russian language, signs are divided into several categories:

  1. A separating dash is placed between the subject and the predicate.
  2. Highlighting is necessary for introductory and plug-in structures.
  3. The dividing line is necessary for direct speech and dialogue.

To consider all cases of setting a dash between the subject and the predicate, determine the role of the dash in the sentence. This will help you avoid and write mindfully.

Writing a dash: basic rules

The grammatical basis is separated by a punctuation mark, which replaces the missing part of the compound predicate, more often nominal. In the proposal, the dash will be placed according to one of the schemes. One of the following options is possible:

  • The noun acts as a subject and a predicate, each of which is in the nominative case: “Mom is the best friend”, “Work is an assistant from boredom”.
  • The main members of the sentence are indicated by the indefinite form of the verb: “To live is to serve the Motherland”, “To love is to be a person”.
  • Noun plus infinitive: "Thinking about others is the law of a moral person's life", "My dream is to make the world a better place."

The setting of the dash sign between the subject and the predicate differs depending on what parts of speech the main members of the sentence are expressed. This is a quantitative numeral in the nominative case, a turnover with it or a noun in the same case. For example, the entire galaxy is over a million stars; Family seven - forty nine. However, in the specialized literature, the writing of the characteristic occurs without the use of a dash.

Correct sign placement

The indefinite form of the verb is associated with the category of state or an adverb with the meaning: "Not knowing the rules of the Russian language is bad." In a sentence with an infinitive subject and a predicate in the form of a predicative adverb with the letter o, if a pause is made: "Not knowing the rules of the Russian language is bad." If there is no emphasis on intonation, the sign is not needed: "Smoking is harmful."

Examples of setting a dash between the subject and the predicate:

  • Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies operations on elements of sets.
  • Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
  • The next station is Moskovskaya.

In addition, a punctuation mark is necessary in a sentence that differs in the nature of the logical definition: "Geography is a single complex of sciences that study the geographic shell of the Earth." In a scientific and journalistic text, with the help of a trait, they indicate an assessment of an object or phenomenon: "Character is a persistent mental property that determines the behavior of a person." A dash is put if there are homogeneous subjects: "Courage and strength are the features of heroes in Rus'."

Writing a dash according to the rules of the Russian language

Putting a dash between the subject and the predicate is necessary when the meaning of the sentence is twofold. For example, Younger sister is my friend; My younger sister is a friend. The presence of homogeneous subjects implies writing a trait: "Kindness and tenderness are positive characteristics."

Phraseological turnover is an expression in which two or more units with a holistic structure and meaning. When using it in the text, it is necessary to write a dash: "My brother and I are the seventh water on jelly." The use of the pronoun IT depends on whether the text is read with or without a pause, whether it is necessary to logically highlight the subject. The difference can be seen when comparing sentences: "This performance is the performance of a new actress." "This is a very difficult problem."

With the help of a punctuation mark, sentences are divided into intonation so that its content is easily perceived: “The voice is quiet, calm ...”. "The sea near our house is dark blue." The sign will help enhance the brightness of the described images when writing essays.

Regardless of the form in which the predicate is expressed, the dash is placed in footnotes to separate the main word from the explanation. Often such a setting of a dash between the subject and the predicate is found in dictionaries. "Artemis is the goddess of the moon and the hunt, forests, beasts, fertility and childbearing."

In what cases is a dash not put?

The section of the Russian language "Punctuation" is called upon to consider the correct placement of punctuation marks. It reflects the way of adjusting the intonational structure of speech, syntactic and semantic relations in the language. It is important to know in which cases the dash is not written in order to convey an emotional connotation.

If in a sentence the subject is a personal pronoun and the predicate is a noun in the nominative case, the dash is not needed. This can be seen in the sentence: “I am a good mother, so I always support my children”, “He is a professional in his field, so he will fix everything quickly.”

In artistic texts, popular science, journalistic, educational, the conditions for setting a dash between the subject and the predicate are observed. There is no need to use a sign when using a personal or interrogative-relative pronoun that is related in meaning to a noun in the nominative case.

When a punctuation mark is not needed

When writing any sentence, punctuation marks are taken into account. They will be needed in a simple and complex sentence, they will emphasize the importance of homogeneous members. They do not put a dash when expressing the predicate with an adjective, a pronominal adjective: “He has a smart head, but his heart is cold”, “My native country!”. A dash will not be needed if the predicate is logically underlined or there is a contrast: “I am a good teacher, you are a joiner and carpenter.”

Do not use a line in simple sentences when using colloquial speech: "My mother is a milkmaid." Between the main members there can be a comparative union like, exactly, as if, sort of like, anyway. In this case, placing a dash between the subject and the predicate in a two-part sentence is reduced to the absence of a sign.

  1. Your eyes are like a bottomless ocean.
  2. You have a hair clip that looks like an owl.
  3. Your voice is like the song of a nightingale.

No dash: rules

The particle is NOT used with all independent parts of speech. Before the predicate, it is necessary for negation. This indicates that it is not necessary to use the stroke in the sentence. Often the rule governs the writing of proverbs and sayings.

  • Poverty is not a vice.
  • Analogy is not proof.
  • Famously remembered, but the good of the century will not be forgotten.
  • The bad will not stick to the good.

However, if necessary, emphasize the predicate with the help of intonation, the setting of the dash is different. In this case, the sign must be put: "To live life is not a field to cross."

When do not put a dash: examples

Despite the fact that a dash in a sentence defines the boundaries of simple sentences, separates the subject and the predicate, in some cases it is not written. The rule applies when writing a phrase in which there is an introductory word, conjunction, particle, adverb.

  • Soy is known to be a healthy crop.
  • Theater is still a popular art form.
  • June is just the beginning of summer holidays.

In stories, authors often use a minor member of a sentence that does not agree with the predicate. Compilation of sentences occurs with the setting of the predicate to the subject: “Maria is our friend”, “Good man San Sanych!”.

Everyone can correctly write a dash between the subject and the predicate by watching the video below.

A dash is a sign that divides a sentence into two parts. It brings an additional semantic shade, helps to avoid difficulties in the punctuation of the text. The correct setting of the dash is necessary in any text in the usual sense of the entire section of punctuation in Russian. The punctuation mark is vividly illustrated in the classics and works of the poets of our country.

The grammatical basis of the sentence. The concept of the main members of the proposal

The grammatical basis of a sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.

The grammatical basis expresses the grammatical meanings of the sentence. They are connected with the meanings of moods and tense of the verb-predicate.

Troops move to the front.

(The action is actually happening and takes place in the present tense).

Yesterday he came to us.

(The action actually happened, but in the past tense).

Would you talk to your mother, Ivan!

(The action is not realized in reality, but desired by the speaker).

The subject and predicate are called the main members of the sentence, because all the minor members in the sentence directly or indirectly extend them.

We show the dependence of the minor terms on the main ones in the following diagram:

The astonished Varenukha silently handed him an urgent telegram..

The subject as a member of the sentence. Subject forms

The subject is the main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers the questions of the nominative case who? or what?

The subject in Russian can be expressed in different ways, sometimes in "unusual" forms. The following table will help determine the correct subject.

The main ways of expressing the subject.

Part of speech in subject position

Noun in and. P.

Language reflects the soul of a people.

Pronoun in i. P.

He left.

Who was there?

This is right.

This is my brother (when asked: who is this?)

The house, which was barely standing, belonged to a forester. (Here, pay attention to the subject in the subordinate clause.)

The sparks that flew from the fire seemed white. (Here, pay attention to the subject in the subordinate clause.)

Someone has come.

Everyone fell asleep.


Being honest is only half the battle.

To understand means to sympathize.

Smoking is injurious to health.

A combination of words (one of which is in I. p.)

We used to go there often.

Two clouds float across the sky.

Combination of words without and. P.

It's been about an hour.

Predicate as a member of a sentence. Predicate types

The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which is associated with the subject of a special connection and has a meaning expressed in questions, what does the subject of speech do? what happens to him? what is he? what is he? who is he? and etc.

The predicate in Russian is simple and compound. A simple (simple verbal) predicate is expressed by one verb in the form of some mood.

Compound predicates are expressed in several words, one of them serves to connect with the subject, while the semantic load falls on the others. In other words, in compound predicates, lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words.

(Verb was colonel

(Verb started serves to connect with the subject, on the word work the semantic load of the predicate falls.)

Among compound predicates, there are compound verbal and compound nominal predicates.

Learn more about predicate types. Simple verb predicate

A simple verbal predicate is expressed by one verb in the form of some mood.

It can be expressed in the following forms of the verb:

The present and past tenses of the verb.

The future tense of the verb.

Forms of the conditional and imperative mood of the verb.

We emphasize that in the case of you will be expected tomorrow, the simple verb predicate is expressed by the compound form of the future tense of the verb wait.

Compound verb predicate

A compound verbal predicate consists of two components - an auxiliary verb that serves to connect with the subject and expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and an indefinite form of the verb that expresses its main lexical meaning and carries the main semantic load.

(Here it began - this is an auxiliary verb, and gnaw is an indefinite form of a verb that carries a semantic load.)

(Here I don’t want to - this is an auxiliary verb, and to offend is an indefinite form of a verb that carries a semantic load.)

The role of an auxiliary verb can be a combination of some short adjectives (should, glad, ready, obliged, etc.) and a linking service verb to be in the form of one of the moods (in the present tense, this link is omitted).

(here the linkage will be omitted).

So, let's imagine the structure of the compound verbal predicate by the formula:


Compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal predicate consists of two components: a linking verb that serves to connect with the subject and expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and a nominal part that expresses its main lexical meaning and carries the main semantic load.

(Here the connective verb will become, and the nominal part is expressed by the adjective viscous.)

(Here the connective verb will be, and the nominal part of the predicate is expressed by the noun handball player.)

Let's represent the structure of the compound nominal predicate by the formula:


The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate is expressed by the following parts of speech: noun, adjective (full and short, different forms of degrees of comparison), participle (full and short), numeral, pronoun, adverb, word of the category of state, verb in indefinite form.

In Russian, at least four main types of one-component sentences can be distinguished.

The main types of two-part sentences

Expression form of subject and predicate


The subject is expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by a certain form of the verb.

The subject is expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears and the case in the predicate changes to instrumental.

The subject is expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate is also expressed by the indefinite form of the verb. Between the subject and the predicate, particles are possible, which means.

The subject is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate is expressed by an adverb.

The subject is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or a phrase based on it. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears and the case in the predicate changes to instrumental.

The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by an indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it. A linking verb appears in the past and future tenses.

The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is expressed by an adjective or participle (full or short) in the nominative case. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears in the predicate.

Knowing the main types of two-part sentences, it is easier to find grammatical foundations in them.

The main types of one-part sentences

Typical form and meaning

Nominative (naming) sentences

These are sentences where the main member is expressed by a noun or a noun pronoun in the nominative case. This main member is considered the subject and indicate that there is no predicate in the nominative sentence.

Nominative sentences usually report that some phenomenon or object exists (has) in the present.

Large area in the city.

Here is the bench.

Definitely personal suggestions

The predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of 1 or 2 persons. The ending of the verb in these cases clearly indicates the person and number of the pronoun (I, we, you, you). There is no need to use these pronouns as the subject.

Indefinitely personal sentences

The predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of the 3rd person plural (in the present and future tense) or in the plural form (in the past tense). In such sentences, the action itself is important, and the actor is either unknown or not important to the speaker, so the subject is absent in them.

impersonal proposals

These are sentences in which there is not and cannot be a subject, since they denote actions and states that are thought to occur “by themselves”, without the participation of an active agent.

In form, these sentences are divided into two types: with a verbal predicate and with a predicate - the word of the state category.

The verbal predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of the 3rd person singular (in the present and future tense) or in the form of the neuter singular (in the past tense). This role is usually played by impersonal verbs or verbs in impersonal use. The verb predicate can also be expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.

In order not to freeze she is captured jacket.

In addition, the predicate in an impersonal sentence can be the word no.

The owners are not at home.

Secondary members of the sentence: definition, addition, circumstance

All members of the sentence, except for the main ones, are called secondary.

Secondary members of the sentence are not included in the grammatical basis, but spread (explain) it. They can explain other secondary terms as well.

Let's demonstrate this with a diagram:

According to their meaning and role in the sentence, secondary members are divided into definition, addition and circumstance. These syntactic roles are identified by questions.

Valued (to what extent?) high- circumstance.

appreciated (what?) canvases- addition.

Canvases (whose?) his- definition.

Complement as a member of the proposal. Types of add-ons

The addition is a minor member of the sentence that answers the questions of indirect cases (i.e. all except the nominative) and designates the subject. The complement usually spreads the predicate, although it can also spread other members of the sentence.

I enjoy reading (what?) magazines. (Here the addition of the logs extends the predicate.)

Reading (what?) magazines is an exciting activity. (Here, the addition of logs propagates the subject.)

Supplements are most often expressed by nouns (or words in the function of nouns) and pronouns, but can also be represented by an indefinite form of the verb and phrases that are integral in meaning.

He shaved in the campaign (with what?) With a bayonet. (Here, the addition of a bayonet is expressed by a noun.)

This is understandable only to connoisseurs of (what?) Beauty. (Here the complement of the beautiful is expressed by the adjective as a noun.)

And I will ask you (about what?) to stay. (Here the object to remain is expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.)

He read (what?) many books. (Here, the addition of many books is expressed by a combination that is integral in meaning.)

Additions are either direct or indirect.

Direct objects are transitive verbs and denote the subject to which the action is directly directed. Direct objects are expressed in the accusative case without a preposition.

I don’t know when I will see my relatives now (v. p.).

These furnaces used to melt steel (vp).

All other additions are called indirect.

Play the piano (p. p.).

I put the bread on the table (c.p. with a pretext).

I was forbidden to worry (expressed in the indefinite form of the verb).

1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence copulas, if both main members of the sentence are expressed nouns in the nominative case,

for example: Moscow is the capital of Russia. The gathering place is the parade ground (Sholokhov).

Usually, dash is put:

1) in sentences that have the character of a logical definition ,

for example: Geology - the science of the structure, composition, history of the earth's crust;
2) in sentences of a scientific or journalistic style containing a description, assessment of an object or phenomenon,

for example: Life is a special form of the movement of matter that occurs at a certain stage of its development;
3) after homogeneous subjects,

for example: Flattery and cowardice are the worst vices (Turgenev); Space and time are the basic forms of any existence;
4) to clarify the meaning of the sentence;

compare: The older brother is my teacher; My older brother is a teacher.

A dash is usually not put, although the subject and predicate are expressed in the nominative case of the noun:

a) in simple sentences of colloquial style of speech,

for example: My sister is a student;

b) if there are comparative conjunctions between the subject and the predicate as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if, as if etc.,

for example: A pond like shining steel (Fet); You are between sisters like a white dove between gray, simple pigeons (Nekrasov); Your brooch looks like a bee (Chekhov); The houses of the city are like heaps of dirty snow (Bitter).

Deviations from this rule are associated with the author's desire to emphasize the shade of comparison contained in the predicate,

for example: Silence is like an ice floe, you will break it further in a whisper (Leonov); Your speeches are like a sharp knife... (Lermontov); ... Such a phrase is like a big helmet in a jumble (Turgenev);

in) if the predicate is preceded by a negative not,

for example: This officer is not like you ... (Fedin); Analogy is not proof. Compare proverbs and sayings: The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - you won’t catch it; Poverty is not a vice; The heart is not a stone.

But a dash is placed if it aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate,

for example: But an explanation is not an excuse (Gorky); “Human blood is not water” (Stelmakh); To live life is not a field to cross (proverb);

G) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, union, particle,

for example: ... The goose, it is known, is an important and reasonable bird (Turgenev).

Compare the presence or absence of a dash, depending on the specified conditions:

Cotton is the most important industrial crop. - Cotton, as you know, is the most important industrial crop (an introductory combination is inserted).
Cinema is the most popular form of art. – Cinema is still the most popular form of art (adverb inserted).
Kok-saghyz is a rubber plant. - Kok-saghyz is also a rubber plant (conjunction inserted).
December is the beginning of winter. - December is only the beginning of winter (a particle is inserted);

e) if the predicate is preceded by an inconsistent minor term related to itsuggestions,

for example: Stepan is our neighbor... (Sholokhov);

e) if the predicate precedes the subject,

for example: Wonderful man Ivan Ivanovich! (Gogol).

The setting of the dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two compositions,

for example: Good people are my neighbors! (Nekrasov); The good side is Siberia! (Bitter); Psychological curiosity - my mother (Chekhov);

b) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase,

for example: A theory that fixes some patterns is worthless (S. Golubov).

2. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form of the verb or if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed in the nominative case of the noun, and the other in the indefinite form of the verb.

For example: To teach a scientist is only to spoil (proverb); Our duty is to defend the fortress until our last breath... (Pushkin).

3. A dash is placed before the words this, this is, here, therefore, this means, attaching the predicate to the subject.

For example: The Kremlin is a treasury of Russian architecture, a creation of great masters, a living chronicle of centuries of history (From newspapers). All the past, present and future are us, and not the blind force of the elements (Gorky).

Compare: The latest autumn is when the mountain ash wrinkles from frost and becomes, as they say, “sweet” (Prishvin)(the whole sentence acts as a predicate).

4. A dash is placed if both main members of the sentence are expressed in the nominative case of a cardinal numeral or if one of them is expressed in the nominative case of a noun, and the other in a numeral or turnover with a numeral.

For example: So nine forty is three hundred and sixty, right? (Pismsky); Ursa Major - seven bright stars; The specific gravity of gold is 19.3 g/cm3.

In the specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not put in this case, for example, the melting point of gold is 1064.4?; The lifting capacity of the crane is 2.5 t, the subtraction of the boom is 5 m.

5. A dash is placed between the subject, expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate, expressed by the predicative adverb in -o, if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence,

for example: Preparing for exams is not so easy (Fedin); To yield is shameful (V. Tendryakov); It is very unbearable to move (Goncharov).
But (with no pause): It is very easy to judge a person in disfavor (L. Tolstoy).

6. A dash is placed before a predicate, an expressed phraseological phrase,

for example: Both a woman and a man are a nickel pair (Chekhov); And the porch - God forbid another prince ... (A.N. Tolstoy).

7. With the subject expressed by the pronoun this, a dash is placed or not, depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it.

a) This is the beginning of all beginnings; This is the first performance of the actress; This is loneliness (Chekhov);
b) This is the house of Zverkov (Gogol); This is a net for catching quails (Chekhov); This is a very difficult problem.

8. A dash is usually not put if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by the nominative case of a noun,

for example: ... I am an honest person and never say compliments (Chekhov); I am terribly glad that you are my brother (L. Tolstoy); He is a corruption, he is a plague, he is an ulcer of these places (Krylov).

A dash in this case is placed in opposition or in logical underlining of the predicate,

for example: You are an old child, a theorist, and I am a young old man and practitioner... (Chekhov); I am a manufacturer, you are a ship owner... (Gorky); Not me, not me, but you - a harmful element (Fedin).

9. A dash is not put if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by an interrogative-relative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun,

for example: Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

10. A dash, as a rule, is not put if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective, a prepositional-nominal combination.

For example: She has a very kind heart, but a troubled head (Turgenev); My cherry orchard! (Chekhov). The back of the shark is dark blue, and the belly is dazzling white (Goncharov).

Setting a dash in these cases aims to divide the sentence intonation and facilitate the perception of its content,

for example: Pupils - feline, long ... (Sholokhov); The height near the scattered houses of the farm is commanding... (Kazakevich).

11. In footnotes, a dash separates the explained word from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the predicate.

For example: Lakshmi - in Indian mythology, the goddess of beauty and wealth; Apis is considered a sacred animal by the ancient Egyptians.

A dash between the subject and the predicate is placed in the following cases:

When to put a dash

1. If the subject is expressed by a noun, numeral in the nominative case, while the predicate is also expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case. And at the same time, the link is zero, that is, it is not expressed in the predicate, it indicates the present tense of the indicative mood. This can be checked by substituting "is" after the dash.

For example: The duration of the lesson is forty minutes. Maria Ivanovna is a teacher. Two by two is four .

2. The subject is expressed by the infinitive, the predicate is expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case, or the subject is expressed by a noun or numeral in the nominative case, while the predicate is an infinitive, or both main members of the sentence are expressed by infinitives.

For example: Soaring above the ground is the privilege of birds. It is the duty of every citizen to observe the laws of the country. To take on everything - to do nothing.

3. The words “this”, “this is”, “means” (which is used in the meaning “this is”), “this means” are used when attaching the predicate to the subject. A dash is placed before pointer words.

For example: Mom is the most dear person. Defending your homeland is the act of a hero. Freedom is the test of responsibility.

When a dash is not put

However, there are exceptions to these cases. A dash between the subject and the predicate is not put if:

1. The link is not zero, most often expressed in words indicating time. For example: Sharik was a true friend.

With the predicate, there are so-called comparative conjunctions, such as “as if”, “as if”, “exactly”, “like”, etc. For example: Eyes like emeralds. Dew is like a placer of diamonds.

Before the predicate there is a particle "not". For example: Brothers are not twins.

There is an introductory word between the subject and the predicate. For example: Introduction is just the beginning. The oasis seems like a mirage. Ivan Ivanovich is also a teacher.

Before the predicate there is an object that refers to it. For example: Andrew is my friend.

The predicate comes before the subject. For example: Outstanding comedian Yuri Nikulin.

The subject and predicate are a stable phraseological phrase. For example: Two pair of boots.

2. In reverse word order, in the case when the subject and predicate are expressed in infinitives, or one of the main members of the sentence is an infinitive, and the second is a noun or numeral in the nominative case. There is no pause between them.

For example: like this bliss to lie on warm sand.

If there is a pause, then a dash is placed even if the word order is reversed.

For example: The highest art is to make the whole room laugh.

3. The word "means" is used in the sense of "therefore."

For example: It began to get dark outside; This means that the day is drawing to a close.

The word "means" is a verb in the meanings:

Mean. For example: Hello in English means hello.

testify to something. For example: Promise does not mean marriage.

Matter. For example: A talisman means a lot to a family.

The word "It" is used as a subject, which is expressed by a pronoun.

For example: This is classified information. It's too expensive for us.

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Previous topic: Sentence structure: types by purpose of utterance and by emotional coloring
Next topic:   Minor sentence members: addition, circumstance, definition

1. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case, for example: Man is the blacksmith of his happiness; The meeting point is the train station.

As a rule, a dash is placed:

1) in sentences that have the character of a logical definition, for example: Geology - the science of the structure, composition, history of the earth's crust;

2) in sentences of a scientific or journalistic style containing a description, assessment of an object or phenomenon, for example: Life is a special form of the movement of matter that occurs at a certain stage of its development;

3) after homogeneous subjects, for example: Flattery and cowardice are the worst vices (Turgenev); Space and time are the basic forms of any existence;

4) to clarify the meaning of the sentence: cf.: a) Elder brother is my teacher; b) My older brother is a teacher.

Note. A dash is usually not put, although the subject and predicate are expressed in the nominative case of the noun:

1) in simple sentences of a colloquial style of speech, for example: My sister is a student;

2) if comparative conjunctions act as a link, as if, as if, exactly, it doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter what, it seems like, etc., for example: A pond like shiny steel (Fet); You are like a white dove between sisters between gray, simple pigeons (Nekrasov); Your brooch looks like a bee (Chekhov); The houses of the city are like heaps of dirty snow (Bitter).

Deviations from this rule are associated with the previous punctuation norms or with the desire to emphasize the shade of comparison contained in the predicate, for example: Silence is like an ice floe, you can break it even with a whisper (Leonov); Your speeches are like a sharp knife... (Lermontov); ... Such a phrase is like a big helmet in a jumble (Turgenev); The trees on its sides are like unlit torches ... (Bitter);

3) if the predicate is preceded by a negation not, for example: This officer is not like you ... (Fedin); Analogy is not proof. Wed proverbs and sayings: The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - you will not catch it; Poverty is not a vice; The heart is not a stone.

Setting a dash in this case aims to logically and intonationally emphasize the predicate, for example: But an explanation is not an excuse (Gorky); “Human blood is not water” (Stelmakh);

4) if between the subject and the predicate there is an introductory word, adverb, union, particle, for example: ... Goose, it is known, is an important and reasonable bird (Turgenev); After school, the seal is undoubtedly the first language teacher (Fedin).

Wed the presence or absence of a dash, depending on the specified conditions:

Cotton is the most important industrial crop. - Cotton, as you know, is the most important industrial crop (an introductory combination is inserted).

Cinema is the most popular form of art. – Cinema is still the most popular form of art (adverb inserted).

Kok-saghyz is a rubber plant. - Kok-saghyz is also a rubber plant (conjunction inserted).

December is the beginning of winter. - December is only the beginning of winter (a particle is inserted);

5) if the predicate is preceded by an inconsistent secondary member of the sentence related to it, for example: Stepan is our neighbor ... (Sholokhov);

6) if the predicate precedes the subject, for example: Ivan Ivanovich is a wonderful person! (Gogol).

Setting a dash in this case emphasizes the intonational division of the sentence into two compositions, for example: Nice people are my neighbors! (Nekrasov); The good side is Siberia! (Bitter); A clever little thing is a human mind (Bitter); Psychological curiosity - my mother (Chekhov);

7) if the subject in combination with the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase, for example: A penny is the price of a theory that fixes some patterns (S. Golubov).

2. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form of the verb or if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed in the nominative case of the noun, and the other in the indefinite form of the verb. For example: To talk about what has been decided is only to confuse (Gorky); Our duty is to defend the fortress until our last breath ... (Pushkin); Of course, it is a great art to wait (L. Sobolev).

But (in the absence of a pause): What a joy to hug a son! (Dolmatovsky).

3. A dash is placed before the words this, this is, here, this means, this means, attaching the predicate to the subject. For example: Everything past, present and future is us, and not the blind force of the elements (Gorky).

Wed: The latest autumn is when the mountain ash wrinkles from frost and becomes, as they say, “sweet” (Prishvin) (the whole sentence acts as a predicate).

4. A dash is placed if both main members of the sentence are expressed in the nominative case of a cardinal numeral or if one of them is expressed in the nominative case of a noun, and the other in a numeral or turnover with a numeral. For example: So, nine forty - three hundred and sixty, right? (Pismsky); Ursa Major - seven bright stars. The density of gold is 19.32 g/cm3.

Note. In the specialized literature, when characterizing an object, a dash is often not put in this case, for example: The melting point of gold is 1063 ° C; Crane lifting capacity 2.5 t, boom reach 5 m.

5. A dash is placed between the subject expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, and the predicate expressed by the predicative adverb in -o, if there is a pause between the main members of the sentence, for example: Preparing for exams is not so easy (Fedin); To yield is shameful (Tendryakov); It is very unbearable to move (Goncharov).

But (in the absence of a pause): It is very easy to judge a person in disfavor (L. Tolstoy).

6. A dash is placed before a predicate, expressed by an idiomatic turnover, for example: Both a woman and a man are a nickel pair (Chekhov).

7. With the subject expressed by the pronoun this, a dash is placed or not, depending on the logical selection of the subject and the presence or absence of a pause after it. Wed:

a) This is the beginning of all beginnings; This is the first performance of the actress; This is loneliness (Chekhov);

b) This is the house of Zverkov (Gogol); This is a net for catching quails (Chekhov); This is a very difficult problem.

8. A dash is usually not put if the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate is expressed by the nominative case of a noun, for example: ... I am an honest person and never compliment (Chekhov); I am terribly glad that you are my brother (L. Tolstoy); He is a corruption, he is a plague, he is an ulcer of these places (Krylov).

In this case, a dash is placed in contrasting or logically emphasizing the predicate, for example: You are an old child, a theorist, and I am a young old man and practitioner ... (Chekhov); I am a manufacturer, you are a ship owner ... (Gorky); Not me, not me, but you - a harmful element (Fedin).

9. A dash is not put if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by an interrogative pronoun, and the other by a noun in the nominative case or a personal pronoun, for example: Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.

10. A dash, as a rule, is not put if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, a pronominal adjective, a prepositional-nominal combination. For example: She has a very kind heart, but her head is troubled (Turgenev); My cherry garden! (Chekhov); The back of the shark is dark blue, and the belly is dazzling white (Goncharov).

Setting a dash in these cases aims to divide the sentence intonationally and facilitate the perception of its content, for example: Pupils - catlike, long ... (Sholokhov); The height near the scattered houses of the farm is commanding ... (Kazakevich).

11. In footnotes, a dash separates the explained word from the explanation, regardless of the form of expression of the predicate. For example: Lakshmi is the goddess of beauty and wealth in Indian mythology; Apis was considered a sacred animal by the ancient Egyptians.