Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Travesty diva Monroe - about why men are attracted to transsexuals. Travesty diva Monroe: “I don’t have a split personality, I am well aware that my physiology is male, but my consciousness is female

One of the brightest characters in Ukrainian show business told "FACTS" the details of the brutal murder of his homosexual friend, director of one of the Kyiv restaurants Dmitry

31-year-old Monroe (according to her passport - Alexander) is not going to do sex change operations, while managing to look like a chic woman: she (he) has blond curls, flawless manicure, a slender figure, long legs and smooth well-groomed skin. Only the chest is not real, but a consignment note. Various sizes to suit your mood! And the voice is low. Many do not even believe that Monroe was born a man, she feels so organically in the role of a woman.

I do not have a split personality, I am well aware that my physiology is male, but my consciousness is female! - explains the diva. Monroe, who performs with her travesty show in nightclubs and at private parties, says that even for bread she goes out in full dress and with makeup - at least shoot for the cover of gloss. She is not averse to gossip, discusses fashion, cosmetics and parties with knowledge of the matter, but at the same time she loves sports broadcasts. But Monroe loves exclusively men. Usually they are gay. Recently, the metropolitan party was shocked by the brutal murder of a close friend of Monroe. Dmitry, that was the name of the young man, was killed in his own apartment, inflicting about 30 stab wounds. The murder was clearly sexually motivated. In search of a criminal, the police raided one of the most popular gay clubs in the capital. Alas, the killer is still on the loose.

We met with Monroe shortly after the tragedy and over a cup of cappuccino we talked about the backstage of the bright and glossy life of a drag queen actress.

"I never bring lovers to my house"

What do you think, who and what prevented your friend?

Dima wanted to become famous, strove for public life and suffered as a result. He was the director of a restaurant, he craved fame, camera flashes. And if, leaving the house, he did not notice that they were discussing him, he went back - to change clothes! Dima tried to constantly be in sight, to stand out due to his bright appearance, outrageous. In addition, he did not hide the fact that he was a homosexual. At the same time, he actively tried to arrange his personal life, to find a person with whom he would be happy. However, as it turned out, he entered into casual relationships.

I will never forget how he burst into my life - with a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates. We easily and quickly found a common language, although I find it very difficult to get along with people. We drank, then there was my show, and after the performance, a large company moved to a sushi restaurant, where they celebrated Boris April's birthday. Dima dutifully followed me, although he could not stand Japanese cuisine. This won me over. As they say, two loneliness met, so much so that he became my main "front-line girlfriend."

I have already told the investigators that the killer was simply taking revenge for the psychological trauma that another bright homosexual, similar in type to Dima, had once inflicted on him. The video camera captured how Dima and this man entered the front door together, and three hours later the criminal left the house with a bag in which he put all the knives and a bloody jacket. Surely this jacket hung in the hallway, and when Dima ran around the apartment from the killer, he stained it with blood. I won't go into details I still can't believe that Dima acted so stupidly by bringing a random guy he picked up at a club to his house. Well, is it possible?

I urge everyone not to make casual connections, and if you are going on a date with a stranger, be sure to tell your loved ones where and with whom you are going and how you can be found. Always look a new acquaintance in the eye, try to find out more about him, and as soon as you feel that his stories are more like fables, feel free to search in his pockets when he goes to the shower. Do you have a passport, documents? You need to know who you are communicating with. For example, I never bring lovers to my house.

Are you deeply distressed by what happened?

I never thought that I would live to be 31 years old and that my friend, with whom I called up several times every day and shared my innermost, would be brutally killed.

I recently learned that the photographer Lesha Abramov, who nine years ago did my first professional photo session, died in a car accident. Another young man also died - let's say, my former love and tender affection Viktor Koroteev. Handsome, top stylist and model, lover of life, who believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. In the late 90s, he left to conquer Moscow, called me several times, but I probably chickened out All these experiences can go crazy!

Yesterday I was depressed I drank cold champagne, froze, and then downloaded the song “White Dragonfly of Love” - and life became easier. I won't help them anyway. I advise you to read Werber's "Empire of Angels". You read and understand that the worst thing is life. Although, of course, at the same time the most interesting. And death is the law.

How do you meet men?

Now - only under patronage, because I became famous, the risks have increased. It used to be that I could afford to meet a stranger on the Internet, so that later I could meet and have fun I like the Internet because there, without vulgar coquetry, you can directly call a spade a spade. It immediately becomes clear who is adequate and who is with a shift. True, I'm probably also not so normal in the eyes of the public. I have always wanted a romantic relationship with a generous, temperamental and unencumbered man. I've never been interested in the marital status of my lovers - I don't care.

Is it true that you have several lovers at the same time? Have there been scandals?

Anything happened when I was young. I used to lead such a hectic lifestyle! Felt like a femme fatale like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct!

“Recently I was invited to one of the most luxurious hotels in Yalta for the anniversary of the general”

Surely you are often pestered with obscene proposals?

They stick constantly. I've gotten used to it and don't pay much attention to it. To those who behave in a boorish way, I just confidently say: “Sorry, you made a mistake” - and the question is immediately closed.

And how do real men care?

Once, after a concert in Kherson, a man with flowers approached me: “I can do anything for you that you want.” And I, a fool, didn’t think of anything else but to ask him to treat me and my friends with Margarita. I was then reading a book in which the main character drank this cocktail, describing its taste as unreal.

The man looked at me in bewilderment: “Is that all?” I say, "That's enough." Because in the same book it was written that you should not immediately name the street where you want to live. The man ordered cocktails and left, he did not interfere with us. And now I drink this Margarita and understand how disgusting it is. At the end of the evening, a drunken gentleman rushed straight to the car, shouting: "Don't leave, I'll pay for everything." I sent him to the gym!

How much can you buy?

Only the amount of the fee and only for my work. Everything else is not for me. You need to perform either on stage or in bed, one does not fit with the other! What I have in my life, I got by my own work. Although the gifts, of course, were, and quite expensive. For example, here is the Louis Vuitton bag. And much of what was presented to me was then just as openly taken away! In general, expensive gifts are always obligatory.

Until now, I do 80 percent of the work on creating my shows myself. I sew wigs, embroider costumes, choose fabrics and music, do computer editing, write press releases. I know that the star should not advertise it. No wonder Nikitin once said to Irina Bilyk: “Never say in an interview that you fry cutlets, it humiliates you like a superstar.”

What is the man who starts an affair with you?

This is not gay, and if gay, then he has recently become gay. He used to love women, when he suddenly felt attracted to people of the same sex. This man is courageous, maybe even brutal. They are also men who want to refresh their sex life, try something new. This is where it all starts, and then often develops into a closer and more trusting, non-sexual relationship. But such a man will never appear in public with a travesty, and the novel is doomed to secret dates.

Were there times when you were invited to speak at a party by those from whom you did not expect it at all?

Recently, I was invited to one of the most luxurious hotels in Yalta for the anniversary of the general! I had to show only one number, while they sent a plane for me and paid for a full-fledged show. I go into the hall - serious, wealthy people with their wives, on stage Taisiya Povaliy, Yuri Gorbunov, everything is so decorous. I performed for a “snack”, after the official, when the audience was already tipsy and relaxed. She came out, all at once put down the forks and did not take their eyes off me until I finished singing. Ripped off the thunder of applause! Later, I was told that the customer himself brought the organizers a disk with my performance and said: “I want it.” They explained to him that, they say, this is an artist of the original genre, not one hundred percent “she”. It turned out that this is exactly what you need.

To be honest, not all travesty actresses know how to entertain the audience the way you do. What is your skill?

I'm just sincere on stage. And also very beautiful. I never spared money on appearance, on my stage costumes. My programs are always rehearsed to such an extent that there is nothing to complain about. In general, I compare myself with fireworks: everyone looks at me, rejoices. I can make a holiday.

There will always be a third of the audience that adores me, a third that just came to have fun, and a third that doesn't care. These are the last ones to win. Therefore, she came up with a greeting for herself: “Good evening, ladies, good evening, gentlemen, good evening, undecided!” This instantly causes laughter and interest. I always say to girls: “Higher breasts, she feeds us.” And to young people: “Remember, thick wallets will never replace thin relationships!”

“With my one-time fee, I can buy myself 10-15 pairs of expensive shoes”

They say that many of our female stars love the company of strippers, gays and transvestites.

It's a delusion. They thump with them - and that's it! Gays are good girlfriends, you can walk with them in a big way and discuss who sleeps with whom. Besides, no one comes! This is unlikely to build a truly friendly relationship. The life problems of the stars are so far from ours. I used to dream of making friends with celebrities, but very soon I realized that they didn’t need my friendship. It is enough just to maintain friendly relations.

In Ukraine, gays support each other, help to break through and make a career, as it happens in other countries? They say there is even a "blue" mafia.

We don't have that. In general, there are relatively few gays who have managed to get “upstairs” in Ukraine. Whether business in Moscow! There are many famous singers, folk artists who invent legends about their touching love for women, but in fact they are homosexuals. In Russian show business, in general, there is more debauchery, dirt, but the sales market is huge!

How much does it cost to invite you to your party?

I won't give exact numbers. Let's put it this way: with my one-time fee, I can buy myself 10-15 pairs of expensive shoes. Both rooms are littered with clothes, shoes and jewelry. And when my girlfriends come to me, then all these clothes fall out of the closet, try on, and then the photo session begins.

In a month I have from seven to 15 performances. This is a lot, because each one needs to be carefully prepared. Sometimes I make concessions, reduce the amount of the fee. At the dawn of her career, she often performed for free, just to get on stage, to hear applause, if only I was admired.

A psychologist would say it's from self-doubt

And I don't hide it. Despite my excellent external data and talent, I was absolutely not confident in myself, I had a lot of complexes. For a very long time they didn’t understand me, didn’t recognize me, didn’t listen, offended me more than once. But the main thing: I myself could not understand. Although already a teenager I felt that I was not like everyone else. My feminine manners, gait, appearance were given to me by nature, and it was almost impossible to hide it.

My parents are elderly people, I am a late child in the family. Their upbringing was authoritarian. Yes, and in the scoop it was believed that homosexuality, transvestism is bad. And I liked women's things so much, I liked to paint and in general I wanted to live beautifully. Then my parents sent me to study at Shevchenko University. And already in my second year, I began to look for ways to break out of this routine and get into show business. I found out that several of my friends work in the show of doubles. One of them said that I look a lot like Marilyn Monroe. They made me up, did my hair, dress - and away we go

I created my own troupe, traveled around Ukraine. Of course, there were shouts of insults from the audience, and misunderstanding, and surprise. Today I am popular, but I understand very well that not everyone likes me. Someone envies, someone does not perceive me. I do not impose: such people can always change the channel on which they show me, or even turn off the TV. Or they may try to figure out who is in front of them and what I am trying to show.

Today, my parents and I do not discuss this topic at all. They all know, they see me on TV, in magazines, they understand that this is a job that has become a lifestyle. Sometimes some phrases slip through. No more. I raised them! It is a pity that the country will not re-educate! But we will try

She told about the life of people with non-traditional orientation in Ukraine and Russia.

Is Ukraine ready to be represented at Eurovision by a character similar to Conchita Wurst?

If an artist performs in an unconventional presentation, but the product is of high quality, created according to all the canons of American music, then they will vote and choose.

Have you experienced negative reactions to your orientation?

I faced insults in my address. And I still encounter it on the Internet. I don't pay attention. Homophobes at heart simply cannot accept their homosexuality. Especially those who are very ardent and shout about it on every corner. It seems so to me.

You don't like it?

I just don't understand why be against something. I've been advocating all my life. I find it funny to hear from serious people that homosexuality is a serious disease that is treated with shock therapy. It's a bullshit.

Homophobia as a phenomenon exists everywhere. Just the degree is different. In Russia, this is cultivated by the state. There is no such thing in Ukraine. And it's worth talking not only about the rejection of open gays. This generally applies to people who look non-standard - they are prejudiced.
In general, people in our country have a very narrow perception of gays and lesbians: these are some mannered young people. And if you talk seriously, then in the crowd you will not determine them. And your colleague in the office or neighbor in the stairwell may turn out to be gay, you just don't know about it, because the person does not advertise his personal life. Because it's not decent.

What is the situation in Ukraine?

Kyiv is turning into a tolerant capital. People are getting less and less attention because of their unusual appearance or behavior. In the center of Kyiv, everything is calmer and safer to move in the way that you want. In the center of many large Ukrainian cities. I understand that the stylish, bright, perky Monroe will not appear in Troyeshchyna (a district of Kyiv, - ed.) at rush hour. I will not annoy those people who are aggressive towards me.

Are there many gay people among politicians?

If, according to the statistics of mankind, 5-7% of all people are people of non-traditional sexual orientation, then from this one can judge the environment of politicians. Everyone knows very well that there are gays and lesbians in the Verkhovna Rada, in the political beau monde, and among businessmen. There are those who are simply sexually liberated. They just don't advertise it.

Do they hide their orientation?

I personally know many who are simply silent about it. If you call their names, then readers will not believe. But I
I will not name them, this is a personal matter for everyone. Some singers live with women. But they create legends about boyfriends and suitors to make money on it.

Does it upset you?

Yes, I really want to wake up on a beautiful sunny morning and find out that all the artists who hid their homosexuality have publicly confessed. I will be the happiest.

And what is the situation in Russian show business?

And if this happens in Russia, and people find out how many gays and lesbians are among them, then their whole philosophy will burst like a soap bubble. Especially when it comes to show business.

And what about Boris Aprel, who publicly confessed his orientation?

Borya April was very much afraid and was under the influence of the producers. He wanted to say a lot, but was bound hand and foot by contracts. We talked for a very long time. I knew that he would leave. He couldn't handle the pressure. He is a small boy, you can understand him. I'm happy for him.

And the young man with whom you go out into the world?

He is in search of himself. In order to openly declare your position, you need to be strong. Many people are not ready for this. I'm his mom, you could say. I help in word, deed, advice.

How do you solve the issue of procreation for yourself?

So far I haven't decided. My tasks are different now.

Now gay people are openly talked about in the press.

To some extent, this is my merit. For about seven or eight years now, I have been regularly appearing in the media and showing clearly: it doesn’t matter how I look, what matters is what I say!

In Russia, there is a community for helping teenagers with non-traditional orientation Children-404.

What advice do you have for teenagers who write to you?

I always repeat one thing: you must become professionals in your field. Then people will not perceive you through the prism of sexual orientation. And never make your unconventional orientation the main thing in life. This is your destiny, but not the cross.


At the end 1998


autumn 2001 2001

The choice of Monroe's pseudonym is, of course, a shot. About people like her, they say: "Self-taught!" In fact, having no special training and education, she appeared out of nowhere. Sincerity, courage and self-confidence actually made her become the ideal woman of her time. Having arisen as a protest, she, by her own example, decides to create a version of a super-diva, which today does not leave television screens and various media. Yes! Monroe is grotesque, but in this way she reflects the main idea of ​​the image she created, attracting the eyes of numerous viewers!

The artist herself began to think about her performances and outfits long before she first appeared on stage. Speaking at the opening of the nightclub "Cage" in September 1998 years, declaring herself as an original entertainer, a prima donna, surprisingly similar to Marilyn, she least of all counts on material rewards. Few people know that she, in the company of unskilled builders, was also preparing the "Cage" for the opening. She painted walls, kneaded cement, laid linoleum and very often was on duty on the night shift.

After working in the "Cage" for about a year, Monroe provoked a frenzied increase in impostors calling themselves "travesty divas." Despite this, she was the only one who managed to overcome the amateur frontier of the fading "Cage".

At the end 1998 Monroe agrees to an offer to try himself as the host of several themed parties in the top club of the time, Hollywood. When the auditions were successfully completed and Monroe was unconditionally hired with the highest fee among regular artists, it meant one thing: a new era had now begun. Era Monroe! Thanks to Hollywood, just like half a century ago, the fatal blonde leaked onto television, private parties and the pages of leading Ukrainian publications.

For two years, Monroe's name was on the lips of a significant number of nightclub goers. People from other cities come to see the "Hollywood" wonder. The first official invitations to the regions appear. The club administration knew perfectly well that, unlike his prototype, Monroe has a steely character, knows exactly what he wants and how to achieve it. Professional growth and indefatigable ability to work untie Monroe's hands - she gains the long-awaited independence.

Having accumulated the required amount, Monroe decides on the first in his life, and in the life of night Ukraine, a travesty show project. It was a two-part program, in which, in addition to Monroe, three more artists took part. The performance was built in the classical manner of the show: an entre, several solos, duets and a finale. The numbers were broken up with humorous entertainers, sometimes with strawberries, in order to delineate the boundaries of the genre. Bright costumes, generously decorated with feathers, stones and sequins, gave the program the necessary chic and luxury. Monroe becomes the leader of the team. And in the spring 2001 year, under the name "Star Factory", the show went on its first tour.

autumn 2001 Hollywood closes for a two-year renovation. Monroe is not afraid, as the "Star Factory" is gaining momentum. Odessa, Lvov, Uzhgorod, Kherson, Donetsk, Kharkiv and many other cities were pasted with posters of the show of a completely new format. IN 2001 th year, over 20,000 people attended the concerts of the Star Factory. At the closing ceremony of the Hollywood Club, Monroe and the Star Factory show were recognized as the best host and the best Saturday club show, respectively.

Also, the soloists of the "Star Factory" took part in the reporting concerts of I. (2001 year) and T. (2003 year).

In subsequent years, the composition of the "Star Factory" will change until Monroe realizes that working with the team hinders her development as a travesty-actress! Hopes to find artists with the same firm life position, serious intentions and the same ability to work did not come true. At some point, Monroe despaired. Close friends, employees seemed ungrateful, lazy, frivolous in order to lead and develop the business she started a couple of years ago. Monroe left the band and focused on her solo career.

In the status of a single "queen-travesty" of Ukraine, she gets more and more regalia. Title "Best Host of the Year" at the contest "Miss Travesty Russia", Moscow, 2003 year, Grand Prix of the competition "Rainbow over the Dniester" Moldova, 2004 year, Vice-Miss title at the Miss Travesty Russia contest, Moscow. 2005 year.

At first 2005 Monroe tries himself as an active concert, administrative worker, working in the Kiev club "Androgyn", as an art director. In the program sphere of the club, she brought a reconstruction of the stage, a bright transformation of the costume room, a new life for the "Androgin" artists, in essence a new format, concentrating it on the European plane.

autumn 2005 year in the Kiev Passage will open a new club "Pomada". According to rumors, one of the owners of the club, who has been a fan of Monroe since the days of Hollywood, could not imagine the future work of Lipstick without the famous front diva. As you know, the blood red, the dominant tone in the interior of the club, was originally conceived as an association with Monroe's plump mouth. Well, a myriad of mirrors were designed to catch HER reflection. Unfortunately, the mirrors were broken. Monroe will "open" "Lipstick", but will not be able to use it to the end. In a couple of months, she will give it to performers who are always overcoming problems with cosmetics!

WITH 2007 Year Monroe captures the Internet and conquers the print media as a talented journalist and secular critic. Diva Monroe's travesty diary on the mega-popular Tabloid portal causes a lot of comments, thereby confirming the growing interest in the artist's life.

In March 2008 Monroe, together with the Arena Show Girls ballet, launches a series of Thursdays with Monroe parties, which take place in the top Arena club. For a year and a half of work, Monroe and his colleagues presented about 50 programs, created more than 100 numbers and presented the musical “Ledis”.

The main task of Monroe, as an artist, is to create a unique picture - a spectacular image. Brilliant appearance, a huge wardrobe, which has about a hundred costumes, genre variety of numbers, sparkling entertainer - the main bridges connecting Monroe with his audience.

Today it is difficult to imagine any more or less decent event without Monroe. If there is a drag queen Diva at your party, then the evening was a success!

Photo 1 of 14:© me4toy

But I’ll say one thing: I try to appreciate everyone, because if you want mutual contact, it’s impossible to be negative - you feel it right away and people will just hold another meeting for themselves, and I want to avoid this very “queue”. Well, dear, and now about our "peppercorn" - Monroe! It so happened that recently we have become quite close and found certain points of contact in communication, and I can say that Monroe is a challenge, courage, a game, and I will repeat her words in defining the image: “You are not born a woman - you become a woman!” I perfectly understand that many will call this indecency, I will not go into details why, but due to closer communication with Monroe, I noted good human qualities for myself: support, understanding, kindness, good humor, lightness ... in everything. You know, when it’s not hard for a person to go through life on an 11-centimeter hairpin, knowing that this is precisely the calling - to give beauty, to give creativity and the desire to live one’s own life, and not someone else’s.

Zvezda: Let's talk about the beautiful, about one of the most wonderful pastimes - about sex!

Knowing that today there will be an interview on the topic of sex, I prepared in advance, after all, I am a serious lady. I note that sex is not mineral water, you just can’t buy it in a store. Sex should be spontaneous and long-awaited...

Star: Always?

Of course, not always. This is if we are talking about sex as an unearthly pleasure. For me, Love is first feelings, and then physical pleasure, and sex is physical pleasure, and then all the other “lilies of the valley”.

Zvezda: Can you have sex without feelings, purely spontaneous?

Honestly, I confess to you, I don’t know what love is at all, I can only guess, I haven’t experienced it.

Star: Never?

In the way I imagine it, no. Just for me, love is the willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of another person, and I have not yet met such a character. I'm in love, but it's more like passion, sexual affection, sexual attraction.

Zvezda: What is the reason for such amorousness and what then attracts men?

I used to fall in love more often. Now the criteria for choosing partners have increased. The older you get, the more you naturally gain experience and realize that some things that used to be appropriate are now absurd. I am constantly improving, respectively, my requirements for a partner are increasing. A simple driver Vasya Pupkin is not my companion! In my opinion, when love was handed out, I stood in line for high-heeled boots.

Zvezda: Evaluating a man according to personal criteria, I think, in any case, you initially evaluate it according to external parameters?

No matter what anyone says, but in most cases they are met by clothes, by appearance.

Zvezda: And what exactly do you like?

: As one of my friends said, you seem to choose a race stallion. I immediately look at the teeth, the condition of the hair, for me this is the main thing. I look at the nails, at the shape of the palm as a whole. I know that many men are against manicures and consider it a manifestation of metrosexuality or gay addiction, but this is stupid: manicures should be done by everyone - both girls and men. Of course, I do not urge men to cover their nails with colorless varnish, but there should be elementary hygiene. A lot of men have recently become quite talkative and love to be listened to, while they begin to actively gesticulate, thereby drawing attention to their far from well-groomed hands.

Zvezda: What type of appearance is more attractive?

I can’t single out any specific type, although I confess that I love brunettes more than blondes. But if a person is well-groomed, educated, pleasant and interesting, he has a chance to enter my harbor. Yes! I love everything aesthetic, beautiful: an athletic body, high growth, etc. But it’s not a fact that such men will like me, after all, sex should be based on reciprocity!

Zvezda: How do you react when you are denied?

: Calm down, because I refused more than once.

Zvezda: Calmly and absolutely without emotions?

Without tantrums, tears and snot, but somewhere deep inside I think: “Oh, you scoundrel, don’t you understand what you are losing? I am a beauty queen, at least Miss Universe, and you, moron, will bite your elbows later. I think there is nothing shameful in coming up and getting to know each other. Further - it is his problem how to react!

Zvezda: Are you not embarrassed by a frank display of sympathy?

Not now! Although I used to have a lot of complexes, but then it dawned on me that life passes at a frantic pace. And if you focus on past stereotypes, especially on Soviet ones, she will simply pass by, and you will miss a huge piece of your life - sexual, sexual. Yes, call her whatever you want.

Zvezda: Why do you refuse?

I just don't like the person on an intuitive-emotional level.

Zvezda: He may be exceptionally handsome, but you feel: no!

Maybe it was.

Zvezda: What is the reason for this?

Everything happens at the chemical level, at the subconscious level, we just move with this person in different parallels ... I don’t feel sexual attraction to him, you know, I have to want a person in the first place. We're not taking drunk sex now, we're talking about sober, healthy sex. I have many stories connected with sex under the influence of alcoholic beverages. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Zvezda: How does such sex usually end?

It used to end with some kind of morning hangover depression. You think: Lord, why did I need it all. Not only did I find two new wrinkles in the mirror, I didn’t get enough sleep, circles under my eyes, my head hurts, I have a kublo on my head, and I think where to run, what to grab, i.e. you feel a little dirty - it used to be. And now I perceive such situations as the next stage. There is something to remember, to tell friends over dinner.

Zvezda: Do you share your sexual emotions with close friends, while discussing what he is like, what is right, what is wrong?

Basically, yes. If sex was banal, I won’t even talk about it, but if there was something interesting, curiosities, interesting phrases, you can talk. For example, I recently met a fantastic man. I prefer older men, they know what they want, they don't ask stupid questions, they clearly know why they decided to pay attention to a "lady" like me. In general, on the first date I refused him, as befits a decent woman: if you want to continue the relationship, it is worth refusing him for the first time - this is an axiom. And in no case should you go to his apartment, room or somewhere else, because you shouldn’t dynamize a man. If you agreed to go to him, then a priori this should be followed by sex.

Before the third date, I was at a completely boring presentation, but with an amazing buffet. I served whiskey with apple juice and on the "wings of love" I galloped to him. At his house, everything was already prepared: whiskey, cheese slices ... everything is beautiful. I drank a couple more cocktails, and at the moment when I fell into the horizontal, I caught such "helicopters" !!! Just the same military airfield was rising! I had to jump out of bed and use the folk remedy "two fingers in my mouth." After that, I powdered my nose, got dressed, called a friend and faded into Lipstick. The sex drive is gone. I already wanted to dance

Zvezda: Did you feel drawn to Lipada after that?

I also drank some mineral water and apologized to the young man. I say: "Kitten, I'm sorry, I'm not able to today." Of course, I did not let him in on the details of my further voyage. There were so many things. About three years ago, I was a fan of "turn on the fires of the big city", uuuuu!

Zvezda: And how do taxi drivers react to you, because it happens that inadequate ones come across?

I have always come across adequate taxi drivers. There is a category of night taxi drivers who specifically go to work for night adventures. Believe me, it’s not difficult for me to call a spade a spade, and the word “blowjob” doesn’t make me blush.

Zvezda: The most frenzied, interesting story of the last that you remember?

Readers who will watch this interview will probably think that two aunts who are sick in the head have gathered and are talking nonsense. But do not call natural addictions a disease. You know, when I see that life together is not going well in the family, and this is due precisely to sexual incompatibility, and no one talks about anything out loud and all the problems are kept to themselves, maybe you should still either go to a sex therapist or start talking together.

So, the last crazy story: I lit up in one hotel, and when I took a shower before the process, I hung a beautiful, luxurious belt, handmade, on a hook, and hung my panties there. A week later, I searched these cowards all over the house. Then I just remembered where I left them. Can you imagine, I feel sorry for the cowards, maybe I should go to the hotel! (approx. laughs).

Zvezda: I want to ask a question, I just can't help but ask. At what point did you feel that you want to be in this image, you want to be exactly the way you are, you want to communicate with those people with whom you want, and why?

You know, the process of becoming me as a person, a holistic person, like Monroe, began a little late, at the age of 19.

I clearly remember what they called me at birth, I remember my gender, well, what can I do if my body is male, and 80% I think like a woman. I live like this, and I speak about it openly, I think this is my plus. Initially it was quite difficult. The upbringing of my parents was very authoritarian, their opinion was law for me. They believed, and the school taught, that homosexuality, and even more so dressing up, is bad and not normal. I didn’t know at all that such travesty divas existed, one of which I later became. My feminine mannerisms, gait, appearance were given to me by nature, and it was very difficult to hide all this. Of course, I heard unflattering comments addressed to me, but I learned to fight back with a word, and now I don’t pay attention to any vulgar attacks at all.

Zvezda: Did you ever like girls at all?

I've always liked men.

Zvezda: Can you like a girl at the level of aesthetic perception of beauty?

Of course, I appreciate beauty! I will always give an assessment to a beautiful female body. Never in my life do I leaf through a magazine if it depicts a naked female nature. On the contrary, I will study in detail and give an assessment! I myself strive to ensure that my figure, at least in clothes, creates ideal female proportions. If I didn’t know what a woman’s body looks like, I simply wouldn’t be able to wear clothes in such a way that it looks elegant and beautiful, so I simply have to look at women.

Zvezda: Monroe's sexy look - what prompted you to make this choice?

Everything is much simpler: a friend of mine once noticed that I look like Marilyn Monroe. We did an amateur photo shoot, which showed that I have a lot in common with this actress. I just had to bleach my hair and adopt her mannerisms from the films. Monroe is a worldwide brand, win-win! I began to look for the right society, gradually acquired new acquaintances, I realized that if I repel all people, I would not be interesting to anyone. Before, I just waited for everything to fall into my hands at once, for the prince to arrive in a white Mercedes and take me away from here to distant lands. In real life, everything is much more prosaic: you need to plow a lot in order to reap a generous harvest later!

Zvezda: Did you get depressed from time to time?

I have never been depressed, I don't even understand what depression is.

Zvezda: Why am I asking about this, there is an opinion of relatives, relatives, who are categorically not ready to accept some things.

Of course, this upset me. I was angry, but there was no depression. I didn’t lie on the couch, I didn’t look at the ceiling, dying quietly inside with myself - this has never happened. A maximum of one day on the couch with a book, with something tasty, TV, all that, but at the same time I always think about what I will do tomorrow. Yes, I have apathy, a bad mood, but this is not depression.

Zvezda: Not all men are ready to go to various experiments in sex, some simply do not need it, some are afraid, always in different ways. What do you think, men who spend time with you or want to spend time, taking into account the fact that they are aware of who and why they are doing it, so what do they still lack, to be honest?

I am a woman - two in one: visually I am a luxurious woman, and my body is masculine. And they love this game. In general, I am a fan of role-playing games, I like it, because I am an actress in life, I can embody it in sex, in bed, play some kind of game, because behind closed doors all men behave in a completely different way. A modest quiet nerd can be very passionate and inventive! And vice versa, macho men in bed turn out to be exceptional egoists and nothing will last for you beyond one time. I hate selfishness in sex. Or, for example, men fixated on one position. Someone taught him, but does not want to learn more!

Zvezda: Do you forgive betrayal?

I forgive everything. Of course, at first I am outraged, but then I forgive, I am not vindictive, but I remember a lot ...

Zvezda: And what is the concept of treason for you?

Cheating is deceit, lies, evasion, downcast eyes, it's all immediately visible, absolutely everything. If you like a person and you feel him, even if you don’t even have crazy love, even if you have some kind of relationship, sexual relationship, but stable enough, which is also important, even if you didn’t promise anything to anyone, but some kind of ethics should be in a relationship. I immediately see, immediately feel betrayal, but tell me the truth!

Zvezda: How do you experience the moment of deception?

Hard. First of all, I blame myself! I always blame myself for everything. If earlier I could blame others (I was just really looking for someone to blame for my failures, for my misdeeds), now I understand: it means that I did something wrong. But, on the other hand, I see that the person acted dishonorably. I regret my wasted time. After a while, I will remember everything with a smile, with laughter. I try to remember only good, pleasant moments, thoughts, associations. To avoid deception, I can advise everyone to be more interested in their partner, to live his life, of course, not fanatically control, but to be interested and judge solely by deeds, and not by words!

Star: Do you play during sex?

I can play! You moan, ooh, ya-ya, natyurlih, but you yourself think, when will you finish?! If I've already flopped into bed, well, why break off the peasant, for God's sake, as they say, I'm sorry! I climbed into this bed myself, no one forced me, right?!

Zvezda: You do not like to offend?

Yes, because I was offended and I know what it is when you are offended. I can joke, sneer very subtly, if a person is smart, he will understand and next time he will not do this.

Zvezda: How do you choose partners, how important is the combination of mental and external qualities? If a person is excellent in sex, can you close your eyes to his intelligence?

You know, it will probably be difficult, but if the body and appearance are super, and even take a couple of cocktails to switch off from the nonsense that the home-grown Apollo carries, then why not enjoy the “dessert”!

Zvezda: And what to do when you want to talk?

If you want to talk, call you and talk!

Now I’m so smart and understand everything, but before, of course, it was frustrating, I wanted to talk, and the process, and everything, everything, everything ... You know, dear, everything should be organic, well, if there is no organic matter, what to do - close in the house, sit in your apartment and quietly masturbate or get interesting toys - somehow it’s not the same anymore, you want to be squeezed, squeezed, you need to be able to share sex and lust. Very often there are very talkative men in bed, you think, well, when you are already silent, and from this chatter you just have such weakness and apathy, the state of melted ice cream.

Zvezda: And what is perversion for you?

Pedophilia. I understand that this is a disease that needs to be treated, because it is the corruption of minors, conscious corruption. I do not welcome gay men who seduce outright straight people. They see that a person is inexperienced and can succumb, thereby ruining his life. There is a category of people whom I feel sorry for - they cannot realize their sexual fantasies. For example, I met one such: a young man, a transvestite, wants to turn into a spectacular brunette in order to have sex with a woman, can you imagine, such a batch. It's just that you and I understand this, but for others, he is a pervert. If you ever experience the strongest orgasm from this or that type of sex, it is addictive, like a drug. Always looking for an opportunity to repeat. In Europe there are special interest clubs. People, visiting such places, sexually discharge and then work great and communicate with loved ones! Sexual culture in our country is in its infancy. Why be surprised, because our parents and the parents of our parents did not have sex! There is nothing shameful when your wife wants a vibrator or some toys for anal sex to be present in your love game, but according to statistics, anal orgasm is much brighter, five times than vaginal, you just need to carefully approach this, talk about it , do not be shy. It is clear to everyone that gay parades will never take root in our country, and do we need it! We did a little different - we built communism

Zvezda: Your attitude to group sex?

Excellent, I would love to try it!

Zvezda: What is role-playing for you?

You and I are now writing a book Sex in the city. First of all, for me, role-playing games are a division of duties. I act like a woman in bed, but a woman can also be active. There are a lot of options, the main thing is fantasy, which can be fueled by books, films ...

Zvezda: What is your attitude to prostitution - both female and male?

In the next life I will be a ballerina, and in another life I will be a currency prostitute

My attitude is quite adequate, normal, many do not understand that sex without love is possible, that men need it regularly. Finding, seducing, spinning a lady for sex is becoming more and more difficult, so it’s easier to turn to the services of a prostitute who clearly understands that she will be paid for it, and tomorrow she will allow herself to buy some luxurious thing, provide for her parents’ life, pay for her child kindergarten or education.

Zvezda: What about men?

I can't stand Alphonse. There are arms, legs - go to work. This applies to those gigolos who live at the expense of women. But if men respect a woman, then the woman gives them the opportunity to realize themselves, of course, he pays for this with his young body. And if he loves his body and only earns money by selling himself to rich ladies, I don’t perceive this. Some business women simply cannot find a man according to their level, status, they turn to young boys who provide them with sexual relaxation. This is a problem for society as a whole.

Zvezda: Do you often change your partners?

I try to have 2-3 constants that I have already tested.

Zvezda: Are they treated equally?

Almost equivalent, I do not promise everyone that I will have the only one! I'm pretty polygamous!

Zvezda: Do you protect yourself from strong, serious feelings?

At the moment - yes. I repeat once again, I would very much like to feel what love is, with a donation, mutual. I don’t understand what it means to allow yourself to be loved, well, what it is, but by doing so I insult a person. He loves me, but I use him, it's terrible, I think it's low. I deserve more - both in my career and in my personal life!

Zvezda: And how long can you be without sex?

Not long, what are you, well, how is it?! I did not count how much time it took - a week, let's say, has passed, the roof is torn off, you need to run somewhere ... I want to feel passionate hugs and passionate kisses! Let these meetings be not every day, once a week, but they will be desired. To create harmony in your sexual life, you do not need to read Kant's Talmuds - there is available literature, everything was written a long time ago. There is, in the end, a sex therapist, but you go to him, especially now it is available. The whole country watched the series "Sex and the City" several times, bought it on DVD, and, the most paradoxical thing, that 80% of people from the series took out only the clothes of the main characters and funny moments, but did not dig deep. This series is a home guide to sexology and relationship building, watch it in more detail and you will see your problems as well as their solutions. No need to look at the shoes on Carrie or Samantha's chest, but it is desirable to hear what they say. It's like listening and not hearing, just as many look and do not see.

My dear men, first of all, don't be afraid to share your unrealized fantasies with your women in the language of sex, don't be afraid to call a spade a spade. And if you feel (and you should feel) that your partner is not satisfied, ask her directly what needs to be done to make her feel good, do not be selfish. I would advise women to be more tolerant of their men, because there really are fewer and fewer of them, gays are advancing, and travesty divas are not asleep

I wish you bright orgasms, juicy sex, easy flirting and beautiful relationships, and do not confuse love and sex!

Thank you

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Today Monroe is known as an actress, TV presenter, singer, blogger and just a stately long-legged beauty. But what is hidden behind this festive wrapper? Fear, misunderstanding, a double life and a relentless struggle against patterns… STOP! It's not about her.

Diva Monroe is not afraid of public opinion. She creates around herself a world of people who love her no matter what. It teaches Ukrainians to tolerance and tolerance. And to some extent is a pioneer.

The Clutch team considers these qualities to be the basis of a truly European community, a Human (with a capital letter, not otherwise). That is why we created the project "In the spotlight" . It is about people who are not always understood and accepted by most of the, so to speak, “traditional” society.

We dedicate these revelations to awareness and acceptance. Himself, first of all. It really doesn't matter what you see in the mirror. What matters is how you perceive yourself as a unique case or a mistake of nature.

What do you mean by "travesty diva"? Is it a stage persona or how do you position yourself in real life?

To begin with, it was I who introduced the term "travesty diva" into use. Back in 2007. Then I was just beginning my active public life, began to appear in the media and on television. One of the journalists once asked me: “Monroe, how do you titrate?”. This is where I thought about it.

The fact is that I did not want to limit myself to any one genre or type of activity. After all, today I am an artist, tomorrow I am a TV presenter, the day after tomorrow I am the Prime Minister, and in 10 years I am the first to land on Saturn. Firstly, I immediately wanted to explain to the public that I am not a woman by birth. And secondly, at that time it was very fashionable to call yourself a “socialite”, or a “socialite diva”. I combined two concepts: "travesty" and "diva". In the first term there was already a reference to a certain transformation, in the second - to a woman standing on stage in a luxurious dress with burning eyes in the beam of spotlights. And it doesn't matter what she does - sings, dances or just stands beautifully. From it comes the magic and energy of the holiday!

And so the drag queen Monroe was born. The term was immediately snapped up by the media. Since then, men do not just dress up as women, but transform into drag queens. For me personally, this is not just a reincarnation, but a state of mind.

You see, appearance can be changed: make-up, clothes, hairstyle, injection and plastic manipulations…. But the inner feeling of being like a woman, like a true diva, is impossible to imagine. Even the most talented actress, having embodied the image of a diva on the screen, will never be able to transfer it to real life. Such attempts would look very stupid.

I don't pretend. Travesty diva Monroe is my other self. And the first thing is me at the moment when I woke up in the morning and, not yet wearing makeup, looked in the mirror. Then, to some extent, the game begins.

We all play certain roles. We live in a society where certain rules have already been established. Of course, you can go against them, but then society will simply spit you out - and you will become an outcast, or you will go crazy, as an option, you will create your own universe, but this is given to units. Therefore, it is easier to learn to live by the rules that do not contradict your essence.

How and when did you realize that your calling was to be a woman?

It didn't happen in one second. There was no click in my head: “You have a new calling!”. From the very childhood I liked exclusively girlish things - dresses, dolls, lipsticks. My mannerisms and appearance are absolutely natural. Only slightly corrected, age does not sleep.

At the beginning of my journey, I was unnecessarily vulgar, eccentric and expressive. Yes, there was a certain charm in it, but sometimes I seemed to myself an unsuccessful parody of a woman. With time and experience, she became more calm and balanced, acquired a noble femininity.

Sometimes I laugh out loud, make jokes or even send. I can afford it. At times like this, it's me too. And that's great. The main thing is not to violate the freedom of other people and not to offend anyone. Although sometimes I declare a meeting of the "Black Rot" club open (author's note - laughs).

"Transgender" and "transvestite" - what is the main difference between these concepts?

Everything is quite simple here. A transgender is a person who identifies with the opposite sex. He can do surgical correction of the body, but not necessarily. This is a generalized term for all people who, again, feel like strangers in their own body.

And here it is important to distinguish between the concepts of "sex" and "gender". There are male and female. And there is gender, social affiliation, so to speak. This is how a person perceives himself, how he interacts with society. Here he already has the right to change his appearance with makeup, haircuts, insert implants or undergo a sex change operation (transgender transition).

As for the concept of "transvestite", this is a person, mostly a man, who simply dresses as a woman for sexual satisfaction. This is such a game, a whim, a preference. He can go to the office during the day, to work, and in the evening - dress up as a woman. In fact, the transvestite is quite satisfied with his physiology. His sexual orientation can be anything. In most cases, of course, he is heterosexual - and even in the form of a woman enters into an intimate relationship with a woman.

In general, the issue of sexual orientation is now very acute. People just need to be informed and educated in terms of intimate life. And you need to do this from school - at the very beginning of puberty of children. After all, oddly enough, many still believe that homosexuality and lesbianism can be contagious, and AIDS is transmitted by airborne droplets.

We picked up some patterns, overheard something on the street - pulled it out of context and believed it. Of course, it's easier to live that way. Without thinking. I am very tolerant of people who ask me such questions. I always try to enlighten them. Whether they understand me is another question.

We are all, by nature, bisexual. In some people, such desires and inclinations die in the bud, while in others they develop every day. And there is nothing to be ashamed of. I am not saying that you should give in to all your impulses. But the obvious should not be denied either. It won't bring happiness. After all, we all want to be happy. And what is happiness? I will answer you: a moment that you need to be able to feel. It is most important.

One of the problems of our society is that for some reason everyone is afraid to talk about intimate life, but at the same time they are only interested in it. Paradox.

How did you decide? After all, at that time there was no information about such cases in the public domain.

Yes, I also sometimes think: “How?”. Imagine, in the 1990s, there was no Internet... There was no such information in city libraries at all. Only in science. But who will let you in? And it's kind of awkward...

But a person who seeks will always find, or fate will introduce enlightened people. I did exactly that. As a teenager, I met a friend who opened my eyes to the travesty culture that was already developing in America. Film cassettes, records, foreign magazines. I got acquainted with the work of RuPaul, the most famous drag queen in the world. Now in America, the 10th season of her author's project RuPaul's Drag Race is coming out. This is an analogue of "America's Next Top Model", only travesty artists participate in the show. The show is amazing and very popular. This year it won three Emmy awards (similar to Teletriumph). This is a huge success.

Just when I began to get acquainted with the work of RuPaul, she recorded a joint song with Elton John and became famous as the first transgender who became the advertising face of the MAC company. All this was very inspiring. And remember, this was in the 90s!

So, little by little, I began to learn about the travesty culture. And I realized, “This is it. It is me". Puzzles in my head were formed. Then there were people, a club, a dress, shoes, a goose boa - and in September 1999 I went on stage in the image of Marilyn Monroe.

However, I had no experience at all. I was then a 5th year university student majoring in chemistry. I know from experience that if you are destined, if you were born with certain abilities, life will guide you. The main thing is not to pro @ bat a chance. That's all.

Then I began to look for information, bought specialized Polish magazines - read, delved into the topic. Didn't stop development. And when the criminal article for sodomy was abolished, it was immediately somehow easier to breathe. It was important for me to understand that I am not doing anything criminal, illegal, that my inner state is natural.

Of course, over time, I completely switched to the style of communication, appearance and behavior that are acceptable to me. Now I feel absolutely calm in make-up, with manicure and in heels - even if I go by public transport. I accept myself for who I am. And do not care if someone condemns me, or discusses. Their right. I don't break the law.

Although... Here in Kyiv, people have learned to be more tolerant and accept LGBT people. I think that this is also my merit as a public person. For the past 10 years, I have regularly starred in pop TV shows, teaching Ukrainians that everyone has a place under the sun, that being different is cool, that being yourself is natural. It doesn't matter what the person looks like. The important thing is how he expresses his thoughts, whether his words correspond to actions, and what benefits he brings!

I know that now you have a very warm relationship with your mother .... How did the family react to the manifestation of yourth travesty-side?

I am sure that my mother wanted a different fate for her child. To be "like everyone else." At the same time, she never forbade me to engage in my activities - publicly, of course, she did not support me, but I felt silent support in her. However, things were the same with the Pope. He did not interfere and always repeated that "the children will figure it out themselves." Mom didn't ask too many questions. The only thing she always asked was to report her movements. And if I decide to visit my parents' house, I should warn you in advance.

We live in the same city, but separately. Mom is already retired. Now our relationship has become closer. After dad left, we realized that life is fleeting. Therefore, we value warmth, trust, love, mutual understanding. We do not have the soulfulness that I so wanted. But I don't suffer.

This is a Soviet form of behavior, when it is not customary in the family to discuss serious problems, to share personal experiences. And I assure you, it does not bother me at all. Yes, my mother and I are close, we call each other, we meet for a cup of coffee, we go for a walk. We have absolutely normal relations.

Now I will probably surprise fans of family dramas. But I was never kicked out of the house, I was never beaten with wet shorts, I was never handed over to a madhouse. Against the background of my second "I" conflicts between me and my parents never arose. They may not have fully understood my choice, but they accepted it for sure.

For me it was very important. It was the opinion of my parents that stopped me from some overly shocking, provocative antics. They were a certain censor of my creative activity. I was always worried about what my mom and dad would think of me. Therefore, I rejected proposals that could obviously cause a scandalous reaction from the public. Despite the fact that such antics could instantly make me popular. After all, the public always wants bread, sex and circuses.

My mother, of course, still worries about me, take care, but without tantrums. If I do not call for three days, she herself can dial me. He understands that I work hard. I give my all to creativity. I'm not sure that my mother understands my lifestyle, but the fact that she accepts it is a fact. And most importantly, she does not try to change me.

And at what point did you realize that you were ready to show the world your second “I”?

Initially, I performed in the genre of musical parodies. I even founded the first professional travesty show "Star Factory". This was in 2001.

At that time, I actively performed in nightclubs, at various corporate parties and parties. Let's just say I was known in a narrow circle of professionals. And at some point I wanted all-Ukrainian popularity, I wanted to be on TV.

Why? By nature, I am vain. And I understood that a person from TV has a certain influence, respect, status. Yes, people may not like his appearance and outlook on life, but if he sits on TV, this is to some extent already an untouchable person.

Again, I'm vain. I wanted not only to expand the range of my activities, but also to earn more money. Unfortunately, I did not understand that popularity in our country is far from being synonymous with prosperity. Then, programs about secular life were actively gaining popularity. They talked about parties and people without a certain kind of activity (approx. auth. - laughs). No, of course, they had a certain kind of activity, but it was hidden from the public, creating a beautiful picture of carelessness and fun.

In the mid-noughties, secular life existed by its own rules. She attracted a lot of public attention. And I thought: “I have accumulated a huge wardrobe over the years of active touring. I am quite fluent. I have a sober outlook on life. There is an opinion on any issue. Why not try to become part of the social circle?

Somehow I became friends with the editor of one of the Kyiv magazines, who announced events of this kind. And she leaked information to me. I made a “muzzle with a brick” - whether there are invitations or not - I just went to a party. Please note - I went with pleasure.

I liked the publicity. I liked that they showed interest in me. I liked the attention of the press. I quickly learned by sight almost all journalists - from small to large editorial offices. This is my secret “lifuck”: if you want to be written about, you need to visually remember journalists (ideally, their names and the names of the publications they work for), always say hello and be interested in their affairs. Then the press will be happy to put you at least in the photo feed.

Gradually, I began to gain fame among the media and television people, they began to invite me to various television shows of an entertaining nature. No one fully understood what I was doing, but they signed “travesty diva Monroe”.

A character like me was really missing at the time: a woman who is not a woman, but a man in disguise. It was fun, new and different for the audience. Soon I was invited to work at Masky TV, where I had an author's program called “Rozmovi pro tse”. As part of the project, I interviewed professionals in their field - artists, photographers, cultural figures. We filmed 20 video interviews, half an hour each.

I continued my creative activity - I worked as a host of entertainment events and performed already in the central metropolitan clubs. I became so popular in the Kyiv party that I received 10 invitations a week. I didn’t even go to half, because the liver could not stand it (author’s note - laughs).

At some point, I realized that all this has nothing to do with creativity. Specifically, to creativity that will remain in the memory of people and fans for at least 20 years. Therefore, I reconsidered my views on life, accepted my essence, and realized that I would never become a people's favorite, no matter how hard I tried. I will not be invited to host the show "The Bachelor" or the morning news, and most of my compatriots will perceive me as "a man dressed as a woman", but at the same time laugh at my witty speeches or roles, pronouncing with difficulty, fear and mistakes "travesty diva Monroe. All this cannot prevent me from doing my art, living my life and being happy here in Ukraine!

I began to be more realistic about my life and the lives of those around me. I became less fascinated, so as not to be disappointed. And life has become real.

And yet, initially you went to the public to make yourself known? Or just want to make money?

Of course, I wanted to express myself. But I'll be honest, initially I pursued vain, mercantile goals. Although in the depths of my soul I counted on a certain influence, because I was far from being a stupid girl, my intentions were prosaic, let's say so.

And then I realized that I won’t earn a lot of money. To do this, you need to either parody Alla Pugacheva with Serduchka, or sell yourself to TV channels, production centers or someone personally. Engage in such a veiled prostitution.

In fact, there is nothing shameful in this, this practice exists all over the world. But all over the world there is also the rule of law: if the contract is signed, you will have to fulfill its conditions in a mutual form. In our country, there are often unilateral agreements: they will force you to work for the coffin of your life, and you will pay a penny (at best).

I thought a lot about this and came to the conclusion that human relations and honesty towards myself and my viewer are more important to me. I had enough attention, but I didn’t strive for crazy popularity, it weighed me down. Think about it, could I just sit with you in a cafe or quietly ride the subway? I would have to hire security guards, buy cars with tinted windows…. I would have lost the freedom that I dreamed of and aspired to.

Now, after the lapse of years, I have become even more established in my desire to live fully, without limiting myself to any limits. I have a lot of experience behind me. I have tried almost everything that is part of the life of a star. And I realized: I do not need such a life.

Vanity, overestimation of one's significance, excessive wealth - all this only fetters. When buying expensive things, you need to think about how to maintain them. I agree, the more we earn, the more opportunities we have. But the fear of losing everything is also growing - in our country. Personally, I don’t need a lot of money to implement creative ideas and travel, to meet everyday needs. I harmonized my income and expenses.

You know, money will never be enough. Even if you earn a billion dollars, you will want more and more. You may want to conquer Saturn. Do you have enough health and time for this? Do you really need it? Answer honestly at least to yourself.

Being alone with yourself, do you still feel like a woman? Ever thought about a complete transformation?

There are no moments when I feel like a man. I am a woman. Always and in everything. Although, of course, lifting a heavy bag to the 3rd floor without an elevator, even the most sophisticated fairy can find a brutal man in herself (author's note - laughs).

If serious…. Like any transgender person, the idea of ​​gender reassignment surgery came to my mind. But I came to the conclusion that I love my body the way nature created it. I imagined myself with a bust and female genitals - I did not like the image. Because it won't be me.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, I am for naturalness. I am not at all attracted to the idea of ​​artificial intervention, of foreign bodies that are surgically inserted into your body. I don't have any tattoos and I don't even have pierced ears.

I will probably say a very banal thing now, but I respect what nature has created. And I want to really feel the life of a woman who was destined to be born in the body of a man.

Like every woman, you probably have an ideal man that you would like to see next to you. What is he?

You asked a question, and a picture immediately appeared in my head: early morning, breakfast in the kitchen, I am sitting at the table, and my beloved man is nearby. He seems to me clean, athletic, cheerful, generous, kind and considerate. Perhaps this list could go on forever. Like every woman, my requirements for a partner are very high.

I would like to see a man next to me who is passionate about me and our relationship. A person who realizes himself in life. Who has many interests. And who can be trusted. It is most important.

And what about the family? Do you have plans for marriage and children?

Hm…. Yes, I would like to get married. But more for experience. So that she could later tell everyone what this thing called “marriage” is. Is it a good thing to be called that?

As for the children, no, I'm not ready yet. Now in my life matrix there is a place only for cats. Not because I'm afraid. On the contrary, children make me very happy. I understand that it is thanks to them that humanity continues to exist.

I can't say about the future. But at the moment I do not plan children - neither my own, nor those of others. And I don't see children at breakfast either. There is a man, there are cats, there are flowers, but there is no child.

You are a media personality, constantly in sight and, accordingly, inspire a certain trust. Tell me, do “undecided” people turn to you for help or advice?

On social networks, guys and girls who feel that they belong to the LGBT community very often contact me. They understand that they are not like everyone else. But they don't know what to do with it. And they ask me for advice.

Now everyone begins to understand themselves at the age of 13-14. This is essentially puberty. At the same age, I began to realize that I like men, and that in a role model I see myself as a woman. I wanted to be taken on dates, given gifts and flowers, carried in their arms across the bed. It scared me at first.

When such teenagers approach me, I always recommend that they finish school. Or any other educational institution where they are enrolled. I advise you to get an education, not to scare parents and teachers with red lipstick, half-face arrows and latex outfits. As much as you don't want to.

The second thing I advise is to never lose touch with your parents. So that there are no scandals, so that they are not kicked out of the house or even worse in psychiatry. Unfortunately, teenagers, due to the lack of any life experience, do not realize how important it is to maintain a warm relationship with mom and dad. All this comes with age.

Now all the necessary information is in the public domain. Children don't need it as much as their parents. Mom and dad should make time for their child. Watch him. Pay attention to his interests and habits. Parents should be the first to feel that the child is growing differently. And to help him understand all this - to have a conversation, to take him to a psychologist, to acquaint him with specialized literature.

In addition, I always recommend making plans for the future and learning English. Already now, graduating from school, “not like everyone else”, a teenager must determine for himself three things - how he is going to earn money, where he will do it, and how he will position himself in society.

And about the English language, I think, and no need to explain. It's not even about gender. This is a universal tool for communication and broadening one's horizons. In addition, if you suddenly have to leave somewhere, it will be much easier to do with English.

Who understands all this, he receives bonuses, finds his place in society. And who declares publicly: “I am not like everyone else! Love me, ”gets slapped on the back of the head from the Universe. And there is nothing terrible in this. A person pushes around, stumbles, and as a result will understand what whales life is built on.

Have you ever thought about creating some kind of community? To help people who feel certain inclinations but cannot understand them.

At the moment, I do not plan such projects. But I do have a YouTube channel, Restless Monroe, where I raise questions about relationships between LGBT teenagers and parents. I constantly voice my thoughts about their socialization, positioning in society. I share with the guys stories from personal experience, motivate and inspire. The feedback is colossal.

Everyone must understand that his life is of no interest to anyone: whether he is or not, the world will not collapse from this and humanity will not die out. So seek, learn, know yourself. Why did you appear in this world, in this particular city, in this family. Each has its own purpose. I can't take responsibility for your life, and I don't want to. I would like to figure it out myself.

Interviewer: Olesya Bobrik

Project idea: Yulia Bugovskaya

Photo: Vera Serdechkina

Style: Monroe