Biographies Specifications Analysis

Creative work "there is no better native land." Poems about the motherland

Subject: P. Voronko. There is no better homeland

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of students; develop memory, logical thinking, coherent speech; expand students' vocabulary; to improve the ability of students to read the sound schemes of words; educate patriotism, love for the Motherland, understanding of its significance for every person.

Equipment: symbols of Ukraine, slides depicting the native city, audio recordings.

Lesson type: combined lesson.


I. Class Organization

II. Updating the basic knowledge of students

Can you tell me what is in these pictures? (Coat of arms, flag of Ukraine)

How can you say it in one word? (Symbols)

What other symbol do you know? (Hymn)

What is the name of our state?

What cities of Ukraine do you know? (Illustrations are on the board.)

What are the largest rivers flowing in our region?

Name the capital of our state.

Tell us about your little native corner: where do you live? Where do you go to school? Where do you rest?

What is dear to you about your native land?

III. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Teacher. Today in the lesson we will continue the conversation about our Motherland, listen to many poems, some of them we will learn.

IV. Motivation of educational activity of students

Listen to a poem by E. Trutneva.

Everything for you in your native land!

You are the happiest person in the world!

In the gardens the starlings sing to you,

A warm wind is with you,

They are waiting for you in your beloved country

Hiking, games and science,

And every step you take

Her caring hands.

Many poems and songs have been written about the Fatherland, about the native land. Poets sang the beauty of the Motherland in their works. And we will get acquainted with some of them today at the lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Teacher's word

Motherland is the place where a person was born, where he said the first word, took the first step. And wherever fate throws him, the Motherland will surely shine with a distant light.

Students learn P. Voronko's poem by heart.



He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, went around

Wings-legs labored.

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered, flying:

There is no better native land!

- "My land, my land, my beloved country", - each person says about his Motherland, his Fatherland.

Work with proverbs and sayings

The people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland.

Its own land is sweet in sorrow.

Silly is the bird that does not like its nest.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

How do you understand these proverbs?

Lesson summary

What did we talk about in class today?

What poems have you learned?

What legend did you listen to?

Why do you love your country?

Lyubov Frantseva
Synopsis of a lesson in fiction in the senior group "Memorizing P. Voronko's poem "There is no better native land"

PLAN-SUMMARY of a lesson in fiction in the senior group of a combined orientation on the topic: Memorizing a poem by P. Voronko “There is no better native land”


Cognition. Communication. Health. Reading fiction.

Materials and equipment:

pictures with the coat of arms of Russia, flag, illustrations with Moscow, Zhigulevsky, a picture with a crane, a map of Russia.


clarification and consolidation in children of ideas about the Motherland, about the native land.



To cultivate love and respect for their homeland - Russia and their native land;

To educate respect for birds and to take care of them.


Clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic: “Our Motherland is Russia”, “Our native land”;

Develop attention, active mental activity, activate vocabulary.


Know the coat of arms, flag, the President of Russia, the capital of our Motherland;

Know about what the Motherland is, the small motherland;

Know migratory birds;

understand the meaning of proverbs.


To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about their hometown, about Russia, about migratory birds, about love for their native land;

Develop resourcefulness and ingenuity.


Enrich the dictionary on the topic: “Our homeland is Russia”, “Our native land”;

Exercise in the selection of adjectives;

Develop coherent speech, the ability to answer questions meaningfully, with a complete sentence;

Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.


Strengthen the muscles of the trunk and limbs.

Form the correct posture.

Reading fiction.

Improve the ability to determine the genre of a literary work;

Form expressiveness of speech;

Strengthen the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs.

Course progress.

1. - Guys, guess the riddle:

Here you were born and live

You leave - you miss

What is the name of this place

You know? /Motherland/

What do you think homeland is?

Motherland is the place where a person was born and lives, where close and dear people live, where is his home.

What is the name of our country? /Russia/

Consideration of the map of Russia, the Russian flag, coat of arms, coat of arms of the city of Zhigulevsk.

The main city of Russia? /Moscow/

What is the name of our city? /Zhigulevsk/

2. Didactic game "Tell me a word."

The streets of Zhigulevsk are wide, crowded and beautiful.

Houses are multi-storey, high, comfortable.

Kindergartens are bright, spacious and interesting.

Moscow is beautiful, hospitable, big, beautiful, interesting.

Moscow is the capital of our homeland Russia.

The city is big and very beautiful. Moscow is called Mother Russia.

3.Reading a poem educator:

Zhura - Zhura - Crane!

He flew over a hundred lands

Flew around, went around

Wings, legs worked hard.

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered, flying:

There is no better native land!

Who is the poet addressing in the poem? /to the crane/

What does he call him? / zhura - zhura - crane /

Show the children a picture of a crane.

What was the crane asked about?

What did he answer?

How long did he fly? / he circled a hundred lands /

What happened to him? / wings, legs worked hard /

How do you understand this expression? /tired, worked hard/

4. Fizminutka.

"We're going, we're going, we're going for a long time

This path is very long / walking in place /

We'll get to Moscow soon.

There we can rest / squat /


Who's there to check!

Open wide the door

"Hello dear friend

Come to my house."

5. Reading the poem again by the teacher.

Reading a poem to children.

Word didactic game "Who will say otherwise?" /with the ball in a circle/

Salty - sweet;

Day Night;

Long - short;

High - low;

The wide road is narrow.

6. Proverbs.

On the native side - and a pebble is familiar.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.


How did the crane say the last words of the poem?

Dictionary words: coat of arms, anthem, president, flag.

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6-7 years under the program "From birth to school"

(at the teacher's choice)


    I am Akim. "April"

    P. Voronko. “Better there is no native land”, trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak

    E. Blaginina "Overcoat"

    N. Gernet and D. Kharms. “Very very tasty cake”

    S. Yesenin. "Birch"

    S. Marshak. “The young month is melting…”

    E. Moshkovskaya. "We ran until the evening"

    V. Orlov. "You fly to us, starling"

    A. Pushkin "Already the sky was breathing in autumn ..." (from the novel "Eugene Onegin")

    N. Rubtsov. "About a hare"

    I. Surikov. "Winter"

    P. Solovyov "Snowdrop"

    F. Tyutchev. "Winter is getting angry for a reason"

Ya. Akim "April »

For a long time the spring passed secretly

From winds and cold,

And today straight

Slaps through the puddles.

Drives melted snow

With hubbub and ringing,

To pave the meadows

Velvet green.

Drumming on glass

Willow with a gray paw ...

", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak


He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, departed,

Wings, legs worked hard

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered, flying:

There is no better native land!

I wanted to have a ball

And I invited guests to my place (called),

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Bake crumbly (pie).

Pie, knives and forks here -

But something guests (do not go).

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece (bit off).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

When the guests arrived

That even crumbs (not found)

E. Blaginina "Overcoat"

Why are you an overcoat

Are you saving? -

I asked my dad,

Why don't you break

Won't you burn it? -

I asked my dad.

After all, she is dirty and old,

Take a better look

On the back, what a hole

Take a better look!

That's why I keep it,

Dad answers me

Therefore, I will not tear, I will not burn, -

Dad answers me

Because she is dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We went buddy

On the enemy

And he was defeated!

Here the young month is melting,

The stars go out in succession.

From open gates

The sun is red.

The sun leads by the hand

New day and new year!

S. Yesenin "Birch"

White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

We ran and hurried

Because they lived fast!

We ran and jumped

And in the morning they did not rest,

And ate

On the run

And drank

on the run

Out of breath


Tired, surprised

We ran to EVENING,

A star lit up in the sky

Need to live


You fly to us, starling,

Bring us sunshine!

Wake up spring soon

With his ringing song.

You fly to us, starling,

silk feather,

New house on the birch

Waiting for you in your native land

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

got naked

Fog fell on the fields


Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

N. Rubtsov "About the hare »

The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,

I was walking home from the forest

Poor hare with a fright

So he sat down in front of me!

So the measurement, stupid,

But, of course, at the same moment

Jumped into the pine forest,

Hear my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time

Lurking in silence

I thought somewhere under the tree

About yourself and about me.

I thought, sighing sadly,

What friends does he have

After grandfather Mazai

There is no one left.

I. Surikov "Winter"

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short

The sun shines a little, -

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

P. Solovyov "Snowdrop"

In the forest where the birches

Crowded in a crowd,

Snowdrop looked

The eye is blue.

Little by little at first

Put out a green leg

Then pulled them all

Your little powers

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather

Warm and clear

Tell me, is it true

It is spring?"

Winter is getting angry

Her time has passed

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives from the yard.

And everything fussed

Everything forces the winter out -

And larks in the sky

The alarm has already been raised.

Winter is still busy

And growls for the spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it only makes more noise...

The evil witch is furious

And, capturing the snow,

Let go, run away

To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief is not enough:

Washed up in the snow

And only became blush

Against the enemy.

Ya. Akim "April »

For a long time the spring passed secretly

From winds and cold,

And today straight

Slaps through the puddles.

Drives melted snow

With hubbub and ringing,

To pave the meadows

Velvet green.

"Soon, soon to be warm!" - This news is the first

Drumming on glass

Willow with a gray paw ...

P. Voronko “There is no better native land ", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak


He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, departed,

Wings, legs worked hard

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered, flying:

There is no better native land!

N. Garnet, D. Kharms "Very, very tasty pie"

I wanted to have a ball

And I invited guests to my place (called),

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Bake crumbly (pie).

Pie, knives and forks here -

But something guests (do not go).

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece (bit off).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

And the whole pie in a minute (ate).

When the guests arrived

That even crumbs (not found)

E. Blaginina "Overcoat"

Why are you an overcoat

Are you saving? -

I asked my dad,

Why don't you break

Won't you burn it? -

I asked my dad.

After all, she is dirty and old,

Take a better look

On the back, what a hole

Take a better look!

That's why I keep it,

Dad answers me

Therefore, I will not tear, I will not burn, -

Dad answers me

Because she is dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We went buddy

On the enemy

And he was defeated!

P. Solovyov "Snowdrop"

In the forest where the birches

Crowded in a crowd,

Snowdrop looked

The eye is blue.

Little by little at first

Put out a green leg

Then pulled them all

Your little powers

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather

Warm and clear

Tell me, is it true

It is spring?"

S. Marshak "Here the young month is melting ..."

Here the young month is melting,

The stars go out in succession.

From open gates

The sun is red.

The sun leads by the hand

New day and new year!

S. Yesenin "Birch"

White birch

under my window

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

snow border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe.

And there is a birch in sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

E. Moshkovskaya “We ran until the evening”

We ran and hurried

Because they lived fast!

We ran and jumped

And in the morning they did not rest,

And ate

On the run

And drank

on the run

Out of breath


Tired, surprised

We ran to EVENING,

A star lit up in the sky

Need to live


V. Orlov "You fly to us, starling ..."

You fly to us, starling,

Bring us sunshine!

Wake up spring soon

With his ringing song.

You fly to us, starling,

silk feather,

New house on the birch

Waiting for you in your native land

A. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ... (from “Eugene Onegin”)

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy with a sad noise

got naked

Fog fell on the fields

The noisy geese caravan stretched south:


Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

N. Rubtsov "About the hare »

The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,

I was walking home from the forest

Poor hare with a fright

So he sat down in front of me!

So the measurement, stupid,

But, of course, at the same moment

Jumped into the pine forest,

Hear my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time

Lurking in silence

I thought somewhere under the tree

About yourself and about me.

I thought, sighing sadly,

What friends does he have

After grandfather Mazai

There is no one left.

I. Surikov "Winter"

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short

The sun shines a little, -

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

F. Tyutchev "Winter is angry for a reason"

Winter is getting angry

Her time has passed

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives from the yard.

And everything fussed

Everything forces the winter out -

And larks in the sky

The alarm has already been raised.

Winter is still busy

And growls for the spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it only makes more noise...

The evil witch is furious

And, capturing the snow,

Let go, run away

To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief is not enough:

Washed up in the snow

And only became blush

Against the enemy.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group on the topic “Memorizing a poem by P.N. Voronko "Better there is no native land"


  1. Educational:

Help children memorize the poem

2. Developing:

Develop auditory attention

Develop memory

3. Educational:

Build a positive relationship with your homeland

Vocabulary work:activate: Zhura - zhura - crane, flew around, bypassed, etc.

enter: bothered

Methods and techniques: introductory part:

The arrival of a fairy-tale character


main part:

Expressive reading of a poem



Individual instructions


Reading a poem to children

final part:

Analysis of the expressiveness of reading a poem by children

- drawing on the theme "My native land"

Material and equipment:a crane toy, a portrait of the poet Voronko Plato, a sheet of paper, colored pencils for each child.

Preliminary work:- acquaintance of children with a crane (teacher's story that in the old days the crane was affectionately called "zhura"; showing pictures of a crane; conversation)

The teacher's story about his native land - the Chuvash Republic

Conversation with children on the topic "My native land"

Individual work:to activate Sasha P.'s dialogical speech in the process of answering questions.

Lesson progress:

knock on the door.

Educator (B): guys, did you hear that someone knocked? Now let's open the door and see who's there.

The teacher comes to the door, picks up the crane toy and goes back into the group room.

(B): do you know? Who is this?

Children (D): crane

(B): right, crane. Say hello to him.

(D): hello!

Crane (F): hello guys! How friendly are you all! I, a crane, am flying from a very distant, distant country to my homeland, and I came to you to rest. In autumn, when the cold began, I had to move from my beloved land to a foreign country, where there were completely different trees, people and animals. Now, when spring has come, everything is warmer around, I can finally return to my home, to my native nest. Tell me, do you have your own native land?

(D): yes.

(G): where is your native land?

(D): in the Chuvash Republic

(Zh): what about your native land?

(D): - villages





(B): right, the guys say: our native land includes all villages, villages, cities, forests, fields, meadows, ravines, etc., which are located in the Chuvash Republic. Crane, where is your native land?

(G): my native land, guys, is also in the Chuvash Republic. I am very glad that I was born here! One evening at sunset, when the sun was setting behind the mountain to sleep and I again saw our nature in all its glory, one no longer young man, a Ukrainian poet, whose name was Voronko Platon, asked me: “Where is the best land?” (the teacher draws the attention of the children to the portrait of the poet). Without thinking twice, I replied that there is nothing better than my native land. You have no idea how happy he was at my answer, that he immediately composed a poem and read it to me. It is called - "There is no better native land." Do you want me to read it?

(D): yes

(Zh): There is no better native land.


He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, went around

Wings, legs worked hard.

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered, flying:

There is no better native land!

A short pause (for 10 - 15 seconds).

(B): Guys, did you like the poem?

(D): yes.

(B): I also liked the poem that the crane read. And why did Platon Voronko write this poem, why did his love prompt him to write such lines?

(D): love for the native land

Sasha P.: ok, with love

(B): right, with love, affection. Guys, do you agree? And by what words in the poem can one understand that the author treats the crane with tenderness and affection?

(D): Zhura-zhura-crane

(B): answer my question in chorus: jura-zhura-crane, did it fly around a hundred lands?

(D): Zhura-zhura-crane, he circled a hundred lands.

(V): Katya, zhura-zhura-zhuravel, did he fly over a hundred lands?

Katya D.: Zhura-zhura-crane, he flew over a hundred lands.

(V): Dima, zhura-zhura-zhuravel, did he fly over a hundred lands?

Dima Yu .: Zhura-zhura-crane, he flew around a hundred lands.

(W): what did I do?

(D): circled, bypassed

(B): right. The crane flew over a hundred lands, went around, wings, legs worked. Do you know what the word "work hard" means?

Children are silent

(G): wings, legs worked - it means tired of a long, long walk, working with wings

(B): He flew around, went around. Wings, legs, what did you do?

(D): bothered

(B): what did we ask the crane about?

(D): where is the best land?

(B): Now say it in a whole sentence.

(D): We asked the crane: “Where is the best land?”

(B): well done! We asked the crane: "Where is the best land?" What did he answer as he flew?

(D): he answered, flying: “There is no better native land!”

(D): no

(D): - when the crane is asked questions

When the crane answers the questions of the author of the poem

Lena D.: We asked the crane: “Where is the best land?”

Yura I.: We asked the crane: “Where is the best land?”

(B): right. Yura read the question very expressively. But how should one read the response of a crane?

(D): - with pride

With dignity


(F): That's right, the last phrase of the crane in the poem should be read with dignity, joy, loudly, because I am proud that I have such a wonderful, magnificent native land! Please read these lines to me expressively.

(V): Yulia, read expressively: “He answered, flying over: “There is no better native land!”

Julia E .: he answered, flying: “There is no better native land!”

(B): Well done! Now listen to the poem again, after which you will tell it to me yourself.

The teacher re-reads the poem expressively.

(F): Masha, tell me the poem that you just read the poem.

Masha D. reads a poem.

(F): smart girl, Masha. I remembered everything correctly, I did not mix up a single word and did not miss it. Only it was necessary to tell the poem a little slower and reduce the power of the voice. But I know you'll do better next time.

The teacher, together with other children, listens to another 2 - 3 children.

(B): Well remembered the poem. Now answer again: do you love your native land?

(D): yes!

(B): then let's draw all the drawings on the theme "My native land" and give them as a keepsake to our Zhura-zhura-crane so that he always remembers us. Let's draw?

(D): yes!

(B): then we take all the pieces of paper, pencils and draw everything that you love in your native land, a forest, a meadow with flowers and grass, a city, houses, rivers - everything - everything you want.

Children take paper, pencils, begin to draw. In the process of drawing, the crane walks between them, approves of their drawings. When everyone is done, the children take turns giving their drawings to the crane. He, in turn, thanks them, promises to fly to visit them again.

Skvortsova Polina



Composition-reasoning "Better there is no native land"

Skvortsova Polina,

13 years old, MBOU "Kilemar secondary school"

Teacher Petukhova M.N.

There is no better native land!

Native land is a very broad, boundless concept. When you start thinking about your native places, you immediately remember the corner where you were born, where you liked to spend your free time with friends, you remember something from your earliest childhood.

For me, home is the most precious thing a person can have. These are people who live in our region, the land, the history of the village in which I live. In the spring I like to admire the forest, which wakes up beautifully and gracefully after a long winter sleep, I like to watch the trees on which the buds begin to swell and then crack loudly, turning into small sticky leaves.

The native land is also a native history, it is my life, inextricably linked with it. I was born in the Kilemar region, in the village of Kumya - such an unusual name, reminiscent of the old relationship of respectful godfathers. The village is quite old, the history of its origin dates back to the second half of the 18th century. There is a school in Kumya, which for me was my first school, and therefore for me it is the most dear. The school was founded by the decision of the local zemstvo in 1870 and from that moment counts its tireless life to the present day. It was opened at the expense of the local zemstvo. Initially, it was located in a two-story house, not far from the Intercession Church, and was supported by the local zemstvo. A little later, a separate school building was built, where the children of the village and nearby villages began to study. Later, an annex was made to the school, thanks to which it became possible for children to live in it, who lived in the surrounding villages a few kilometers from the village of Kumya. This is the so-called boarding school for students, which is no longer working, and many children go to study in the regional center - in the Kilemar school. I also study at the Kilemar school, my parents made such a decision, but I really miss the old wooden walls of the Kumya school, where every log, beaten by winds and rains, remembers so many children's secrets, including mine, that this is not with her. no other school can compare.

And my native village is also famous for the old wooden church, which never goes unnoticed by anyone who comes to Kumyu. This is the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, built in 1866. As the old-timers of the village say, it was built mainly at the expense of the parishioners. This is a beautiful wooden building with one bell tower; inside the temple, to this day, you can see the frescoes under the dome that have already become barely noticeable. The temple had a three-tiered iconostasis, decorated with carvings. The church was closed by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1941. To this day, the crosses on the domes of our temple still hold, only the walls of the temple, which has become useless to anyone, have slanted in an offended way. Many Kumians, who have long since left their homes, remember this church, someone even had ideas to restore it, however, apparently, too much money is needed to restore it, so today it is a pity to look at how it is slowly ceasing to be adornment of our village.

No less interesting for us at a young age, and for the guests of the village, the old house of the merchant Yashin has always been considered. This is a large wooden house, decorated on all sides with elegant wood carvings. It is still strong today, because it has acquired an owner who not only properly corrected it from all sides, but also painted the intricate platbands, even put a modern fence around it. In Soviet times, there was a district hospital in this house, since the number of rooms in it allowed them to be used as hospital wards, there was even a maternity ward once, as the stories of grandmothers testify. Now this house stands alone, its windows are boarded up from random hooligans, and the owner rarely visits and only in the warm season, so you might think that the house has also become abandoned.

A person who lives in a village remembers literally everything that surrounds him: rivers, lakes, forests, sunsets, sunrises. In whatever place of our vast land a person may be, he will never be able to forget his native land. And everyone in his native land has places where he likes to be alone with himself or with friends. I also have a place where I like to visit in the summer alone or with friends. This is a beautiful place in the forest, not far from the house, where the small but beautiful river Rutka flows. The path leading from the road to the place where we like to rest is not easy, at the beginning of its path it is overgrown with tall grass in summer, and further, on the sides of the path, small fluffy Christmas trees grow in some places. And when you pass by them, the prickly spruce paws slightly scratch you, as if reminding you that I have not been here for a long time. And when you reach your favorite place, a bright large clearing opens up to your eyes, trees and shrubs grow to the left of it, a road is hidden between the trees, along which you can also get to this secluded place, but only by motorcycle or car. Further, a steep bank of the river opens before me, the so-called hillock, behind which we bathe. On the right, the Rutka itself flows, a glorious fast river, generously endowing fishermen with catches of various fish - perches, pikes, ruffs, crucians. And in the middle of the glade, a large oak proudly spread its crown, scattering many acorns around it every summer. There is a cold spring in the river not far from this place, so the water in Rutka is almost always cold.

Not so far from my favorite place there is another - incredibly beautiful - Monastery of the Mother of God-Sergius Hermitage. This is an incredibly beautiful place where all the buildings are built of wood, and, not quite usual, but matched log to log. And what an amazing beauty it is in the summer, when bizarre, sometimes not even known to the locals, flowers bloom in each groove! The extraordinary greenery of the meadows around it, the tall pines and the extraordinary silence - all this, as it were, reminds us that we are in some extraordinary place. This is the real grace of God descended on this blessed place far in the forest!

And dense forests grow around my village, which is probably why our air is very fresh. In the mornings, when I wake up specifically at dawn just to admire it, I really enjoy the sun and see how the forest quickly and surely wakes up after sunrise. I hear some strange sounds of various birds. And on a summer day, when there is time to lie down on the green grass and admire the airy white clouds slowly floating across the sky, I try to find bizarre animal figures among them. I look at the sun, squinting my eyes, and I try to look at it with completely open eyes, but it doesn’t work, because the sun is very bright, blinding, it seems that there is no such sun anywhere else! And at sunset, I also watch it, how slowly it goes beyond the horizon, beyond the forests, rivers. When the sun sets, the sky becomes crimson, gradually filling with other shades of red. Going to bed, I think about what today was for me, what tomorrow will be ...

When I am at home, in my native village, I fall asleep with the thought - I love my native land! Yes, I love it for clean air, for beautiful places where you can enjoy the purity of this air. And more and more often I think about the fact that in the soul, in its very depths, in the nooks and crannies, that kind and bright feeling is still preserved, which gives the continuation of the human race. This is love for the motherland, for the native land, and no one can express it in words or gestures, and this is not required, it is clear without words. And this feeling will forever remain in my soul, in my heart, and no adversity can extinguish it in me ...