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Exercises for the development of telepathic abilities. Telepathy - how to develop? How to evaluate the results of a telepathy session

One of the most common parapsychological phenomena is telepathy. Everyone must have experienced her actions. brightest to that an example is the invisible bond between a mother and her children.

Any normal mother constantly feels the state of her child telepathically, feels the slightest danger to which her child is exposed. The telepathic connection between people who love each other is just as undeniable - they also feel each other's spiritual sensations.

In the course of telepathic communication, the logical part of a person's consciousness is almost not involved - it is predominantly intuition that acts. There is a precise adjustment of the participants of such a connection to each other. However, to confirm telepathic communication scientific methods not easy. As a rule, such studies fail. For this reason, skeptics claim that telepathy does not exist in principle. However, the correctness of such experiments cannot but cause doubts.

At an international symposium held at the University of California in 1969 on the problem of " modern look on extrasensory perception”, a report was presented, which spoke about the successful completion international experiment to carry out telepathic transmission between three cities: New York, Los Angeles and Sussex. According to the results of the then experiment, certain data were unambiguously and objectively registered.

In 1971 American media reported four sessions of telepathy conducted during the lunar expedition between Earth and spaceship"Apollo 14". Astronaut Mitchell established a telepathic connection during the launch of the spacecraft from Earth's orbit to the Moon. Upon returning back to earth, the astronaut was informed that of the two hundred images from the deck of "Zener cards" he had transmitted to Earth, fifty-one coincided. Probability similar event negligible - it is equal to 0.0003.

In addition to this experiment, experiments were conducted in various parts of the planet related to the establishment of telepathic sessions in extreme situations– when all other communication channels were undesirable or unavailable. In the course of them, the fundamental impossibility of telepathy was experimentally proved. At the same time, it was undeniably confirmed that the telepathic communication channel is outside the scope of other known fields, such as gravitational, electromagnetic, etc. Currently, work on the creation of a device for telepathic transmission of information continues in a number of European countries and in the United States.

As a result of experiments to establish a telepathic connection, a bioinformational connection between a person and various plants was discovered along the way. Many facts have been established that confirm the amazing unity of all living nature.

The conducted studies have shown that the key condition for the connection between people and plants is information addressed to a specific object. The structure of the mode of action of the object (for example, a plant) with which a person establishes contact can serve as a source of such information. However, the results of experiments carried out with two plants are not explained by the influence of the human factor. This speaks in favor of the hypothesis of the presence of special biophysical structures of a particular psychological image. These structures are able to exist independently outside the organism that generated them. Consequently, the plant acts as a biological sensor capable of capturing these structures under certain conditions. The well-known parapsychologist A. Martynov believes that such experiments involuntarily push to the idea of ​​existence enough highly developed civilization in flora where communication is carried out through telepathy. It is quite possible that in the world of plants there is an intraspecific and interspecific relationship. For example, the suffering of one plant is transmitted on a sensory level to other plants over a large area.

By and large, there is nothing special about the phenomenon of telepathy. [How to become a telepath]? Each of us may well try to develop telepathic abilities. To try to mentally "hear" another person does not require the special equipment that the scientists of the Pentagon laboratories are stubbornly trying to create. You just need to “turn on” intuition, tuning in to the interlocutor. And the best setting of this kind can be considered love!

telepathy exercises

1. The transmitting person (sender), looking at the card, concentrates his attention as much as possible, while trying to convey the image of this card to the recipient (receiving person).

2. The receiving party marks the received image on a sheet of paper.

3. At the end of the deck, both parties (sender and recipient) compare the results obtained in order to accurately establish the presence of a mental relationship between them.

4. After that, the parties change places, trying themselves in the opposite capacity.

As practice shows, three or four such sessions with decks of cards tire the participants of the experiment so much that their telepathic capabilities are reduced to zero.

Some people are better at being senders, others are more effective as receivers, and some are both equally successful.

You can practice this exercise, regardless of the distance. For example, you and your friend agree to send certain visual images while in your homes. After a few minutes, switch roles. Then, at a meeting or by phone, you compare the notes you have made to check the effectiveness of the exercise. Being in different time zones, you need to make an appropriate correction for the complete coincidence of the experiment time.

Consider the case where your partner tries to send you mental image bay horse, in your mind only a large brown animal appears. This result can be regarded as very good. Even if the sent and received signals do not match, such an exercise will be useful - it greatly sharpens perception.

The word "telepathy" in translation from Greek means "to feel a person at a distance". It is the ability to sense, as well as transmit and receive the thoughts of another person. Many people think that this natural feature organism, but it is inactive. With telepathy, there is no need to use the usual opportunities and techniques for communication between people. You can transmit thoughts and the general state of the body at a distance. At the same time, the person to whom feelings are transmitted will think that they are his, that is, perceive someone else's state as his own. How to become a telepath? The exact answer has not yet been found.

What do scientists think about telepathy?

Already long time specialists conduct various experiments and studies with the aim of a deeper study of such a phenomenon as telepathy. There are still different opinions about reality telepathic abilities, but the indisputable facts of their existence are already known. The question of how to become a telepath is of concern to many people.

All people are born with paranormal abilities but most of us just don't think about it. Everyone has intuition, but no one knows that this is also a gift. Especially often telepathic abilities are manifested when communicating with relatives. This is because blood ties are stronger. It is not for nothing that our mentality, character traits and habits are passed down through generations by family. The blood bond is very strong, it is quite difficult to break it. The development of telepathy is a complex mental process. This must be taken into account by everyone who wants to plunge into the world of the unknown.

Categories of telepathy

  • Sensual. In this case, a person can accept or convey emotions, mood, feelings. Top level this kind of ability is the sensation of feelings with the awareness that they come from outside, that is, from another individual.
  • Mental telepathy involves the transfer of another person's own thoughts, images, memories. AT modern world It is these skills that are referred to as telepathy. Of course, such abilities are of interest, because it is real opportunity know what the other person is thinking and influence the course of his thoughts. That is why many people have a question about how to become a telepath.

How to develop abilities?

Paranormal abilities, according to scientists, are present from birth in each of us. But the modern rhythm of life simply does not allow them to open up, so you need to constantly take care of yourself in order to be able to do something.

The development of telepathy involves the implementation of a set of tasks. Exercises can be combined and modified. Thus, you develop yourself and learn to feel other people. This process takes a lifetime. Being engaged, a person constantly develops, and his understanding of the Universe becomes deeper. But it should be noted that in order to achieve global results it will take more than one day to work. If you're up to the task, then consider tips on how to become a telepath.

Basic exercises

Exercises to develop telepathic abilities must be done in pairs. Choose a person you trust and schedule a session. The receiver must relax and tune into the wave of the transmitter in order to feel his mood, emotions and excitement.

At the beginning of the practice, it is necessary to use easy words and numbers to understand the essence. The transmitter must clearly keep the image in mind or mentally repeat the chosen word. During a session, to increase efficiency, you can imagine that your energies have merged, and you are transmitting information through waves to each other. With this practice, the effect will be much stronger. Speaking about how to become a telepath, we note that this is a complex and multifaceted development process.

This technique is quite effective, but it takes a very long time to set up and practice. Remember, it is necessary not only to convey information clearly, but also to interpret it correctly. This skill can be achieved by anyone through long exercises and training.

For the development of telepathic abilities, you can use, for example, a deck of cards. Try to pass information about each of them in turn. The receiving person makes notes about the information received and then checks the result. It's simple and qualitative method ability development. Now you know that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become a telepath is yes. The main thing is to work hard. With the help of the above exercises, it is clear how to become a telepath at home.

The main types of telepathy

  • Instinctive. This type telepathy is the pushing of the energy of the etheric body of one person to another. In this case, the main means of communication is the ethereal substance of bodies. Man has a region solar plexus. In this case, it will act as an instrument of transmission and reception, as it is very sensitive to the touch of energy. touches a person, that is, with his feelings.
  • mental telepathy. Occurs very rarely. The main role is played by the throat center, the reaction of the solar plexus and the heart. That's why this method not very common. When a person transmits information through the throat center, the receiver uses the solar plexus.
  • Intuitive telepathy. This is true meditation. In this form, telepathy is accepted Active participation three centres. These include the following: the head, which receives information from higher sources; ajna - the chakra that absorbs impressions; the throat center, which helps to correctly perceive feelings, emotions and information.

Process duration

How to become a telepath in a day? First of all, it should be noted that this mental processes and each person is unique. You should not rush things.

Development must take its course so as not to become a problem. You should not study on your own, without a teacher, so as not to harm yourself. Simple exercises given in the article will not bring anything bad and will help in development.

It is traditionally believed that the ability to read other people's thoughts is a rare gift sent down from above. And not many of us realize that the ability to telepathy, genetically inherent in every person, can be developed if desired. "How?" - you ask. To do this, Tibetan monks and Indian yogis have similar sets of exercises, the principle of which boils down to a formula: from simple to complex.

Exercise One

First, learn to relax and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and try not to think about anything. Before your mind's eye should be an even black background. Perhaps you will achieve desired result not right away.
Be patient.
When you have mastered the first exercise, start looking for a partner who will give you consent to read his thoughts.
The fact is that your idea can alarm a person, he will instinctively resist it, and then you will not succeed. Perfect option- if your partner (friend, spouse, colleague, relative) also wants to develop telepathic abilities. Then during the session you will be able to change roles, and subsequently you will certainly learn to understand each other without words.

Exercise two

Retire with your partner, sit comfortably, take the same posture, relax, breathe in unison evenly and calmly. Arrange in advance that, at your command, the assistant will clearly present some geometric figure- a cross, a circle, a triangle, etc. - and tried to keep it in front of his mind's eye as long as possible. Now comes the most important moment.
Close your eyes, drive away extraneous thoughts and try to see a black background before your eyes.
Managed? Excellent.
Submit symbol partner and try to see the geometric figure that he thinks about in this moment.
Next time, ask him to imagine a letter or number.
And then move on to more complex images.
Do not despair if at first you do not succeed - the ability to read other people's thoughts does not come immediately.
And remember: during one session, you can not make more than three attempts, and the break between them should be at least 15 minutes.

Exercise three

Now that you have learned something, try to establish telepathic contact with your partner, being at a great distance from him.
Conduct the session at a predetermined time according to the scheme described above.
Sitting comfortably, try to imagine your partner as accurately as possible: his face, clothes, surroundings.
If you mastered the first and second exercises perfectly well, then there will be no problems with the third one, and you will quickly learn to read the thoughts of your assistant at a distance.

Exercise Four

This time, your task is to arbitrarily establish mental contact with a partner (the time is not specified in advance). Here, just as in the third exercise, you need to imagine as clearly as possible what he is doing at the moment, what he is wearing, what position he is in.
Write down the thoughts that you can count, and then check the result by phone or in person.


If you have mastered all these stages, feel free to proceed to the fifth, last exercise - reading the thoughts of people you know, and then people you do not know.
Just keep in mind that you can’t do this for fun or with malicious intent.
And the session of downloading information should not last more than a minute. To end contact, simply say “stop” to yourself and open your eyes.
The rest of the script remains the same:
You must clearly introduce your counterpart (if you are not familiar with him, carefully examine his photo before the session).

Most venerable esotericists and psychics claim that almost anyone can develop telepathic abilities. This superpower is inherent in the very nature of our consciousness and requires only competent release. If you engage in certain practices and exercises, then you can strengthen the potency for telepathy, but you need to understand that for the majority this process will be extended in time for many months and years, and only some lucky ones manage to “jump” a couple of steps in learning.

As in any activity associated with the development of mental or cognitive abilities, telepathy requires perseverance, bordering on manic persistence. Of course, there are people with obvious natural inclinations to telepathic perception, but this is not enough in itself. As practice shows, and psychics say, it is often the stubborn and purposeful people, while gifted citizens tend to give up classes halfway. Today we will talk about the development of telepathic abilities - is it possible to achieve an outstanding result in this field for ordinary person, and how to achieve it?

How to develop telepathy from scratch?

According to modern esoteric ideas, the world is a kind of process of exchanging energies and information, flowing into each other and growing together. This can be compared to the metabolism in human body, of course, with certain share simplification. Telepathy within the framework of such a comparison is a kind of energy-information exchange, along with many others. But unlike "natural" metabolic processes, it requires additional energy costs, since penetration into someone else's information matrix is, by definition, an energy-intensive task. To make this possible, you need to “modify” your body physically and mentally, first of all, by accumulating the necessary charge. This psycho-informational energy has many names, the most ancient and widespread of which is prana.

So let's consider basic exercises for the accumulation of prana, without which there is absolutely nothing to do on the path to achieving telepathic abilities. First, you need to master the breathing techniques of yoga, which are designed to free thinking from superficial and momentary, opening the way for imagination and freedom. The simplest prana exercise available at home is as follows: we lie down on a soft carpet or bed, we fold our hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe manipura chakra (at the top point of the solar plexus). We relax and get rid of the fuss, up to the appearance of a feeling of our own pulse. Then we adjust our own breathing to this rhythm: four beats - inhale, a pause for two beats, four beats - exhale, and again a pause for two heartbeats.

This technique will require some effort in training, usually 2-3 sessions. Breathing according to this scheme should be synchronized with visualization, as energy (prana) from the infinite open space absorbed by the relaxed body. It is better to start with visualization with multi-colored rays, and then this process can take the form of falling petals, sunfish or other free association artifact of your psyche. Prana, as it were, flows down on exhalation into the chakra on the solar plexus, and if everything is done correctly, a feeling of warmth will appear, often pulsating. This technique will lay a good foundation for the future development of telepathic and other psychic abilities, but it must be mastered very clearly.

Telepathy - how to develop?

From this basic stage, the development of telepathic abilities actually begins. We just need to make the extracted energy work in the direction we need. No matter how paradoxical it may seem to someone, you need to learn how to share energy. In this case, the ancient yogic method of healing minor ailments helps. To do this with the help of prana, you need to lay hands on (for example, with a headache) and imagine how warm radiant energy flows to the sufferer. It is not worth venturing into serious illnesses, since this requires both greater strength and significant spiritual purity, which is difficult to achieve. modern man while living in society. At the end of the return of prana, you need to vigorously shake your palms, as if to relieve all negativity and residual tension.

The next stage is called mental breathing and consists of a certain practice: while inhaling and exhaling, you need to visualize and really feel how the air penetrates into the pores of the body. This will allow you to develop hypersensitivity, up to a conscious sensation of how the smallest hairs on the body fluctuate during inhalation and exhalation. This practice echoes and connects with the "extraction" of energy-prana, which allows you to achieve a meditative state. That is, this trance is not accidental, but intellectually verified, constructed. It is from him that real psychic abilities, and telepathic, including.

The next basic step to real telepathy is the development of self-control. In addition to the fact that without it it is difficult to achieve the necessary concentration, also the loss of control over higher psychic abilities fraught with negative consequences for all participants in the process. To learn how to manage emotions, you should regularly reflect on abstract topics without experiencing any biased feelings. The subject of such mental exercises can be the thoughts of philosophers, films, books, real life situations. You need to learn not to get emotionally involved in this process, both in a negative way and in a positive way. No hostility and anger, but sympathy with empathy is also not needed. The positive, one way or another, will itself find a passage into thinking, but the negative must be dealt with mercilessly at the start of extrasensory experiences.

The first experience of telepathy and the disclosure of opportunities

You need to start with a decent, whole and good man. Therefore, go through your environment, analyze, but do not rush to a too obvious candidate - maybe you just like this person for some reason, and is not so whole. Next, you should consider a certain act or gesture with which you could theoretically help this person. Let it not be so clearly defined, on initial stage enough vague but strong intentions. Then you need to visualize the physical image of the recipient as clearly as possible, without necessarily imagining what he is doing at the moment. From these two mental efforts, a connection must be born, which often manifests itself somatically, for example, by warm waves through the body or, conversely, by cold in the lower back.

You need to be ready for the first disappointments and failures, because your telepathic experience is small, and the person himself can be tuned in to something else emotionally important, capturing his whole soul. But one day the first hint of two-way communication should appear, which should be as benevolent and altruistic as possible. Important point, during contact, stimulants are strictly prohibited, including alcohol, tea and coffee, and even more so narcotic substances. Everything should happen against the backdrop of a good, even slightly elated mood, emotional serenity, and without a selfish desire to get hold of any information.

You can fully reveal your telepathic potential only in constant dialogue, trying and making mistakes, sharing energy and sometimes being disappointed in your abilities. It is quite difficult to describe a telepathic dialogue, although there are many examples of this kind of experience recorded by venerable esotericists. Development involves the use of subject techniques, the complication of breathing, etc. practices, and which the neophyte at the beginning of the path does not particularly need to know. If, as a result of the basic preparation process and the first experiences, you felt a hint of images and words transmitted at a distance, then further way in in a certain sense predetermined - only forward to the heights of mastery. But there are also natural dangers here, because the selfish, and even deliberately malicious use of superpowers violates the universal law of karma. To balance all the risks, you need to constantly grow spiritually and improve the soul - then telepathy will only bring benefits.

Each person can develop telepathic abilities, since it is inherent in our nature with you. But for some, such development takes only a few months, while others will take many years. Why is this happening?

In many ways the speed of progress depends on how regularly the neophyte practices, on his perseverance, as well as natural inclinations. In any case, only those who work on themselves achieve success, and therefore, let's get started. The first point is peace as an exchange of information and energy. I hope you have long been familiar with the concept of "metabolism", and now it's time to get acquainted with the concept of "energy exchange".

Telepathy is nothing more than an energy-information exchange, but before you can read people's thoughts, you must improve your own body, accumulate enough energy (in India it is called prana). Without an appropriate amount of prana, telepathic communication is simply impossible.

Prana Accumulation Exercises

You will need to use your imagination, as well as use a special respiratory system developed by Indian yogis. You should lie on a bed or sit in a comfortable chair, and put your hands on your stomach in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (manipura - chakra area). Feel the pulse beat. You need to breathe as follows - inhale for 4 heart beats, then hold your breath for 2 beats, exhale for 4 beats and again hold for 2 beats.

As you inhale, you should imagine how prana rushes out and is absorbed by your body. Prana can be represented as rays of light, running ants, and so on. What matters is not what you imagine, but how clearly this image is stored in your mind.

As you exhale, imagine how the absorbed prana flows into the solar plexus area. If this exercise is performed correctly, then after a while you will feel prana - it can manifest itself as heat or a vague movement. Well, although you have not yet understood how to learn to read minds, the foundation has already been laid. Now is the time to move on to point two - the use of accumulated prana. And you can use this energy for many things - from the treatment of various diseases to the establishment of an energy-informational connection with other people.

The use of prana - how to make this energy work

So, we have accumulated prana, now it should be spent on something. To begin with, we will master the method of transferring prana to other people for the treatment of minor illnesses. You can’t count on curing serious diseases - only saints can do this, but it’s quite possible to eliminate a headache. To do this, you should put your hands on the sore spot and imagine how a powerful concentrated stream of prana flows from you to the one you are helping. One important condition- you should not have in relation to your patient. And yet - at the end of the procedure, shake your hands to throw off the negative.

Psychic breathing

Now you have to learn how to learn to read people's minds. To sharpen your perception, do the following exercise: while inhaling, imagine how the air penetrates into the smallest pores of the body, and drags the hair with it, making them fit closer to the body. As you exhale, imagine that the air comes out of the pores and causes the hair to rise.

After a few workouts, your sensitivity will noticeably increase, and you will feel this movement. This exercise is called "mental breathing". According to V. Ser Bin Terro, author of The Development of Telepathic Abilities, the regular practice of "mental breathing" allows you to achieve a state of samadhi - a kind of trance during which a person.

Switching consciousness

Those who have learned to read people's minds know that the most important thing for a telepath is complete self-control. Otherwise, the acquired power can break out under the influence of random emotions and harm both others and the telepath himself. Train your mind to control emotions by doing the following exercise:

Concentrate your full attention on any thought that does not cause you any emotions. Anything can be a subject for reflection - the weather on the street, distracted philosophical themes, it doesn't matter, the main thing is no emotions. Then switch your mind to any object that causes violent emotional reaction- official affairs, relationships with loved ones or on new thing that you are passionate about purchasing. Then switch back to neutral thinking.

By mastering this exercise, you not only prepare for your first telepathic experience, but also gain control over your emotions. Think how nice it would be to learn how to exorcise negative thoughts with one act of will.

How to learn to read minds - the first experience

Think of your friends and acquaintances, choose the most worthy person. Imagine what you could do for him, how you could help. Search until you feel that the connection is established. This sensation manifests itself in different ways: for some it is a hot wave running through the body, for others it is a chill in the lumbar region.

Then visualize a clear image of your friend, imagine that he is listening. If you want to provide two-way communication, then also draw your image and "give" it to a friend. The connection is established - you can start communication. But if you only ask and ignore counter questions, then the connection will be interrupted.

Mandatory requirements: you should enter into telepathic communication only in a state of good physical health, as well as full emotional peace. Failure to comply with these terms may harm you or your interlocutor. Alcohol and even caffeine are also not allowed.

Unleashing our full potential

Do not think that after learning how to read minds, you will want to stop at. Information can be obtained not only from people, but also from the energy-informational field of the earth. To do this, you need to completely free your mind from extraneous thoughts, do "mental breathing", and then focus on the information you want to know. Gradually, new thoughts will begin to arise in the consciousness - this is information extracted from the energy-information field.

Another way to get information is to pick up any object in your hand, send a stream of prana into it, and then return the prana back. At the same time, images will begin to appear in the mind - the object transmits the accumulated information to you. I have often used this method.

The danger of telepathy

In conclusion, it remains to be said that the development of telepathic abilities is not the safest occupation. A person who has revealed his energy potential is fully responsible for its use (do not forget about karma - the law of causes and effects). It is not acceptable to use telepathic practices in selfish purposes or as a means of settling scores with their enemies. That is, of course, you can use your abilities as you wish, but retribution will inevitably follow for the harm done. The question "how to learn to read minds" is directly related to another question - "how to use the acquired power correctly."