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Conditions for admission to cadet school. Cadet education: training and education in the best traditions of the Russian army

Absolutely every parent dreams that his son will grow up to be a real man, receive a decent education, have a patriotic upbringing, and become a responsible, reliable, purposeful person. The best teachers and Russian military personnel working in the Cadet Corps help parents achieve this. Today we’ll talk about how to receive the proud title of Cadet.

How to enter a cadet school

Throughout the country, 62 cadet corps are actively working and recruiting new cadets every year. As you can see, very few educational institutions of this profile are allocated for all Russian boys and girls. It is for this reason that the future cadet will have to compete for his place after going through a tough selection process. You need to prepare responsibly for a difficult fight and start preparing six months, or even a year in advance, because, as a rule, 10 or even 15 people can apply for one place.

The state has provided benefits for certain categories of families whose children are enrolled without competition and entrance exams:

  • Child of a soldier.
  • Orphans officially deprived of parental care.
  • A military child removed from duty due to staff reduction.
  • A child of a serviceman who died while on duty.
  • Children of holders of the Order of Glory, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.

To confirm the availability of any benefit, you must provide the relevant documents.

How to enter cadet school - age

Military schools, corps and colleges accept children of all ages. In some cadet boarding schools, it is possible to instill in a child a love of the Motherland from the 1st grade and teach him drill training. But basically, recruitment is carried out in all buildings in Russia upon completion of primary school. It is advisable to enroll in cadet schools after grades 8-9, followed by transfer to a military institute.

How to enter cadet school - medical indicators

Since the Cadet Corps trains future officers, the pride and defenders of their Motherland, the health status of the applicant is first assessed. It may take more than two months to collect certificates, undergo diagnostic studies and take tests; take this factor into account so as not to be late in submitting documents. To begin with, the applicant needs to receive honey. certificate form 086-u, with conclusions:

  • Neurologist, ophthalmologist.
  • Surgeon, orthopedist.
  • Cardiologist, endocrinologist.
  • Dentist, psychiatrist, dermatologist.
  • Pediatrician, with the personal signature and seal of the head physician of the hospital.

In addition, the commission will require the results of diagnostic studies, such as:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity.
  • ECG after exercise and at rest.
  • Fluorography.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Detailed analysis for RW, hepatitis and HIV.
  • Examination of scrapings for enterobiasis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Examination of stool for the presence of helminth eggs and Giardia cysts.

You should know that there are a certain number of diseases for which a candidate will not pass the selection, solely for health reasons - moderate and severe bronchial asthma, diabetes, stage 4 obesity, tuberculosis, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system, various eye diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, hernia, heart and blood diseases.

How to enter a cadet school - academic performance and exams

Secondly, the admissions committee closely examines the candidate’s final report card. The future cadet must be at least a good student and have an excellent grade in physical fitness. Upon admission after 4th grade, applicants take the following exams:

  • Russian language - dictation or presentation.
  • Mathematics – written test.
  • Physical education is taken by candidates entering after 9th grade - running, pull-ups and push-ups.

A conversation with a psychologist is carried out everywhere and always; this is a mandatory part of the entrance examination. The psychologist studies the child using his tests and confidential conversation.

How to enter a cadet school - documents and time

The legislation establishes a single start and end date for the work of the admissions board in military institutions - from April 15 to June 1. You can find the most accurate information on the personal website of the selected cadet corps. The list of required documents is quite extensive; it also needs to be collected in advance:

  • A personal statement from the applicant and separate from the parents.
  • Birth certificate. For children over 14 years old, an original and a photocopy of the passport of all pages is required.
  • A report card signed by the director of the institution.
  • Medical certificate filled out according to form 086, information about prof. vaccinations in form N 63, an extract from a personal card, a certificate from a phthisiatrician, a copy and original of a medical policy.
  • Originals and photocopies of passports of parents or guardians.
  • If the father and mother are officially employed, a certificate from the place of work will be required; for those who are unemployed, a copy of the work record book will be required.

The commission also identifies applicants who have copies of diplomas, certificates, certificates and awards received as a result of educational activities.

As you can see, having the proud title of Cadet is not at all difficult! Already at the preparatory stage, the future defender of his country realizes the seriousness and importance of training in the Cadet Corps!

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that every parent wishes only the best future for their child. Those mothers and fathers who aim to raise their child to be a self-confident, strong and decent person, think about his military training. Today we will try to figure out what a cadet school is - that idealized place from the series “Cadets” or the starting point where the path of a young cadet begins, capable of independently taking responsibility for his actions, making decisions and always being someone you want to look up to.

It must be remembered that one parental wish for successful admission to cadet school, it will not be enough. First of all, the child himself must realize that in the future he will not have a very easy time. The usual way of life of a schoolchild will soon change radically. Willy-nilly, he will have to grow up, namely: become an organized and collected cadet, steadfastly endure all difficulties, both physical and moral, and be responsible for his every action.

You also need to understand that the cadet corps is not a place where a child is always in full view of his parents. In other words, this is a boarding school where the student stays around the clock, and his skills are developed independently without the help of parents. Boarding school is an excellent opportunity to develop qualities such as independence and self-sufficiency in a child. Which boy hasn’t dreamed of the sea and long voyages on a huge ship? Then a maritime school in St. Petersburg will be the optimal solution.

Having studied all the pros and cons, parents are puzzled by how to enroll in a cadet school, what data a child needs to have, and also what are the living conditions in educational institutions. First things first.

Today, the doors of several dozen cadet corps are open throughout Russia.

a list of cadet boarding schools is provided, as well as their contact details with links to official websites. Of course, the requirements of each educational institution may differ from others, but the general rules are the same for all.

What should you consider when entering the cadet corps?

1. Age

The first point may immediately confuse, or vice versa - reassure parents. There is no single age criterion for all cadet corps. In some schools the children accepted from an early age, namely, from the age of seven. In others, the priority for admission is a child who has completed grades 8–9. It's never too late to start, but in our case, it's never too early.

It would seem that what could be simpler than the age clause? But here it’s up to you, parents, to decide whether you think it’s right to lay a strong foundation in your child’s head from an early age, consisting of discipline, self-organization and responsibility, or whether these qualities will be consciously introduced only in adolescence.

Should note an important detail- girls, for some time now, can also study in the cadet corps on the same basis as boys. Girls who graduated from cadet school are distinguished by special endurance, perseverance, a pronounced sense of duty and patriotism, determination, the ability to think outside the box and compete in erudition and physical fitness with graduates of secondary schools.

2. When should I start preparing?

If you nevertheless decide that your child will enter a cadet school, then you need to start preparing right away from now on. After all, as in any educational institution, several people always apply for one place at once. There are also a number of children who are eligible for benefits. They enter the cadet school without competition and without exams. Benefits are received by:

  • a child whose parent is a military personnel;
  • a child whose parent has been awarded an order (Order of Glory, Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Order of the Hero of Russia);
  • a child whose parent died while serving;
  • orphans.

3. Collection of medical certificates

The health of a future cadet is one of the most important factors that are taken into account when entering an educational institution. You should take care of going to the clinic to undergo all the necessary doctors and procedures in advance. Gathering information can take from several weeks to months.

Help about professional suitability(086/у) can be obtained at the clinic at your place of residence, having been examined by the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • ENT doctor;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • endocrinologist

In addition, a prerequisite is fluorography stamp and a number of analyses. The list of tests varies in different medical institutions, but more often it is a urine, blood, hepatitis and HIV test.

In addition, it should be noted that there are a number of diseases that can prevent successful entry into cadet school. These include tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the immune system, diseases of the blood, skin, diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders, and many others. It is mandatory, without hiding, to tell the general practitioner about this during a medical examination.

4. Level of physical fitness and education

In addition to the health status of the potential cadet, the selection committee will be interested in what physical shape he is in and what his performance at school is. Children who enter cadet school at the age of seven will have to have a conversation with a psychologist, based on the results of which the specialist will decide whether the child is ready to study in a specialized school. Children who dream of becoming cadets after grades 8-9 will need to pass the standard for pull-ups, running and cross-country (1 kilometer). The conditions for passing the standard must be announced by the person taking the exam.

There is also a music department in the cadet corps. For those who want to enroll there, it will be necessary to pass exams in the Russian language and solfeggio.

5. Documents required for admission to cadet school

  1. Application addressed to the director from parents;
  2. Application from the applicant;
  3. Birth certificate of the applicant;
  4. Copies of both parents' passports;
  5. Certificate of employment from both parents (guardians)
  6. A copy of the applicant's passport;
  7. Four 3x4 photographs;
  8. Certificate sample 086/у;
  9. A copy of the insurance policy;
  10. A copy of the medical card with the stamp of the medical institution;
  11. Vaccination card;
  12. Autobiography of the applicant;
  13. Information about school performance and characteristics from teachers.

The start and end dates for accepting documents may vary depending on various cadet schools in Russia, but most often, this is the period of time between mid-April and mid-June. You should definitely check the deadlines, as well as the list of required documents, at the educational institution where you plan to enroll.

The best cadet schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Below is a list of the most famous cadet schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with a link to their official websites, where you can contact for detailed information. Website links are listed below.

  • Cadet boarding school No. 5 “Preobrazhensky Cadet Corps”, Moscow (;
  • Cadet boarding school No. 11 “Moscow Diplomatic Cadet Corps”, Moscow (;
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Military Corps, St. Petersburg (;
  • Moscow United Naval Corps of Heroes of Sevastopol, Moscow (−2);
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, St. Petersburg (;
  • Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow (;
  • Moscow Musical Cadet Corps, Moscow (

According to the educational portal VSEOBUCH, cadet schools are in great demand. The competition is on par with the country's leading universities; up to 30 people apply for one place. At the same time, the indicators of educational effectiveness in cadet schools are much higher than the same indicators in a comprehensive school.

According to calculations of the FSKK im. Alexei Yordan, more than 90% of cadet graduates enter higher educational institutions successfully, and only half of them go to military institutes. In cadet schools you can often meet children of successful and famous parents.

Why is enrolling in a cadet school so attractive, and what does it promise for the child in the future? Let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of studying in such an institution.

Advantages of cadet schools

Cadet schools are boarding schools, so the child is there all the time from Monday to Friday. He is only at home on weekends and holidays.

To enroll in school, not only the desire of the parents is necessary, but also the desire of the child. Although, show me a boy of 7-10 years old who would not want to wear a military uniform, learn to shoot and march?

The first time is difficult, especially for those who are not used to being separated from their parents for a long time. However, the school always has a specialized psychologist who will help the child cope with the adaptation period. And besides, there’s no time to cry here, just like there’s no time to play on a tablet or watch TV. In the morning, drill training, then classes, in the afternoon some free time, and then doing homework with the teacher. If the homework is completed quickly, then there is time for additional classes. There are a whole lot of them here: from the shooting section, basketball and strength gymnastics to drumming. In general, this is what, in our understanding, an “ordinary” boy should do. In addition, cadets often go on excursions and attend parades of military bands.

Many people compare a cadet school to an orphanage. It's not like that at all. Children can communicate with their parents by telephone, which is issued at a certain time in the evening for several hours. As a rule, the conversation is limited to the banal “Mom, I’m fine. I ran to fight." The guys have such a busy life that they are constantly busy.

Strict discipline reigns in the cadet school. Punishments vary: as parents write on forums, ranging from hundreds of push-ups to home detention.

Surprisingly, there are no fights in the cadet school. This is prohibited in the code of honor.

If a child becomes ill, staff keep parents informed of what is happening. In general, the cadet school employs very caring people who successfully cope with the task of raising a boy to be a real man: educated, noble and well physically trained.

Who benefits from admission to cadet school?

Each region establishes its own preferential categories for those entering cadet schools.

In the capital, for example, according to Appendix 1 to the order of the Moscow Committee of Education dated 04/09/02 No. 242 regarding the rules for admitting citizens to cadet schools, clause 1.5. Preferential rights to enter a cadet school (cadet boarding school) are enjoyed by:

  • children of military personnel who died in the line of duty;
  • children of military personnel serving in military conflict zones;
  • orphans;
  • children left without parental care;
  • children from large and low-income families;
  • children of single mothers (fathers);
  • children under guardianship (trusteeship).

Entrance exams

According to clause 1.4. of the same application, “Examinations and testing are not carried out with candidates for admission to a cadet school (cadet boarding school).” However, in reality there is a strict selection.

Those entering the fifth grade will have to pass physical training, tests for knowledge of mathematics and the Russian language, and of course, at the same time have excellent health. Often they also ask for a reference from your previous place of study.

It is clear that for those entering the first grade, only a medical certificate from doctors that the child is healthy is sufficient, but at the same time the child has the right to be denied admission to school. Parents can challenge this decision within a certain period of time.

It is more difficult to enter the cadet corps than to enter the institute

The competition in currently fashionable schools with a military bias reaches 25 people per place

Eighth-graders in military uniforms and with white bows in their braids are marching briskly along the parade ground, hidden in a picturesque school yard.

R-r-ra-a-a-coming! Smi-i-irno! - the brave officer-teacher commands.

Meanwhile, the military march in the speakers is replaced by one of the freshest R&B hits. The girls grab their briefcases and run to class. Today is not an easy day for them: in addition to drill training, ballroom dancing and etiquette, the young ladies will have to sit through literature with history and study geometry.

Moscow boarding school for state girls opened just three years ago: so far this is the only cadet school in the capital exclusively for girls. And with all this, there is no end to dads and moms who dream of raising their daughter to be a real noble maiden. Competition - about 10 people per place.

Get to a nearby Cossack Cadet Corps named after Sholokhov (boarding school No. 7), where only boys live and study, it is even more difficult. Last spring, for example, 25 young men applied for one place at once. Judging by such frantic demand, cadet education in the capital has recently become incredibly fashionable.

How to sign up

Every year from April 15 to May 30, a list of required documents is posted in boarding schools. Usually it includes

Health certificate,
extract from the student’s personal file,
a document confirming the child’s social status.

For example, that he is an orphan, is being brought up in a large or low-income family, that one of his military parents died in the line of duty, etc. (such categories of children have advantages when applying). At this time there are interviews and psychological testing, with the help of which the commission selects future cadets.

There are only girls in the boarding school for state pupils...

What is the price

Free training. Money for food, organization of the educational process, clothing, purchase of equipment, and repairs are allocated by sponsors and from the city budget.

Features of study and living

Cadet institutions accept boys and girls who have completed primary school.
In addition to basic subjects, students from grades 5 to 11 study

fire (working with weapons) training,
playing musical instruments,
various types of dances,

Plus, every school has a subject dedicated to the specifics of the educational institution, for example, the history of the Cossacks.

This article will tell you about what cadet upbringing and education is like in modern Russia.

Cadet Corps- these are not just institutions of secondary (complete) general education, with the opportunity to receive primary vocational education, this is a full-fledged system of patriotic education and personality development. Education and upbringing are inextricably fused in him. If by sending your child to a prestigious gymnasium, you can be sure of the quality of education he receives, then cadet corps your child will also receive an upbringing based on respect for elders and love for the homeland.

Cadet education represents a system for forming the student’s personality, strictly consistent with the general principles of the Russian state structure. The purpose of education is to prepare the student to serve the Fatherland in the state and, first of all, military fields. Education is carried out by imparting to each pupil those true concepts and aspirations that serve as a solid foundation for a sense of loyal duty, conscious obedience to authority and the law, and all personal, family and social virtues. The education of cadets is carried out by specially trained officer-educators and superiors in a boarding school with a military way of life and separate education.

The same principles, love for the motherland, patriotism are embedded in the process of training cadets.

Cadet education- a clearly regulated system of providing the pupil with the necessary amount of knowledge, nurturing his skills and instilling on this basis the skills of socially useful activities, vocational guidance (primary vocational education) in order to early determine his abilities and inclinations and their correct use with greater benefit to the state and society . The basis of cadet education is primary or secondary general education.

Education and training in a patriotic spirit makes cadet educational institutions different from secular gymnasiums, lyceums and schools. Having carried out a comparative analysis of these educational institutions, it can be noted that in cadet corps:

The education system is based on the traditions of the Russian army and, first of all, on the traditions of relationships between equals and elders and juniors, respect and submission, expression of one’s own opinion and taking into account the opinions of comrades. Education in a military collective of a closed boarding school with a regulated system of life activity, with the organization and strict observance of not only military rituals, but also the full fulfillment of all the basic requirements for the organization of internal service and internal order, determined by military regulations, taking into account the age characteristics and age-related psychology of children.

Instilling from an early age a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, responsibility for one’s comrades, unquestioning obedience to laws and requirements while developing and enhancing self-esteem. From an early age, the young man gets used to a clear organization of his activities. His mentality and character, like that of any military man, becomes disciplined and organized.

Unified basic education programs on which the beginning of education should be based, combined with a clearly organized system of self-training and constant monitoring of the level of education, capable of immediately responding to all shortcomings and omissions, provide all the advantages of the transition from age to age to more complex educational programs. In the graduating classes, education can reach the level of gymnasium and lyceum educational programs. This, in turn, will determine the professional orientation of the student in high school in choosing his future life path.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics and mental inclinations of each student will allow the cadet educational institution to organize targeted orientation and professional training in various areas (each of the graduating classes has its own focus of training: humanitarian, military, technical, physico-mathematical, etc.) and help the student choose the right path in life, and the range of training can be determined based on the capabilities of the regions and the need for training future specialists.

Education carried out by specially trained staff of educational officers who must undergo not only the necessary school of military and everyday experience, but at the same time not become hardened in soul and be ready to work with teenagers and young men.

How can I enroll in the cadet corps?