Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Veraxa. Comprehensive thematic planning according to the program “From birth to school” N








Edited by N. E. Veraksa T. S. Komarova M. A. Vasilyeva

Publishing house MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS Moscow, 2015

BBK 74.100.58 UDC 373.29

Educational and methodological set for the program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”
edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Editor-compiler V. VilyunovaAuthors' team:

V. V. Gerbova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences;N. F. Gubanova O. V. Dybina M. B. Zatsepina , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;T. S. Komarova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;L. V. Kutsakova ; L. I. Penzulaeva , candidate of pedagogical sciences;V. A. Pozina ; I. A. Pomoraeva ; O. A. Solomennikova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the OT programBIRTHBefore school". Preparatory group for school/ V. V. Gerbova, N. F. Gubanova, O. V. Dybina, etc. - M.: MOZAiKA-SintEz, 2015. - 176 p.

This methodological manual contains an annual approximate comprehensive thematic planning of work with children 6-7 years old according to the approximate basic educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The manual was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). The manual, along with planning direct educational activities, examines issues of interaction between adults and children in various types of activities, and presents work with parents.

The manual is addressed to a wide range of employees of preschool educational organizations.

© “Mosaic-Synthesis”, 2015


Approximate comprehensive thematic planning is a manual for teachers of a kindergarten preparatory group working on an exemplary educational program for preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” edited by N. E. Veraksa, S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Comprehensive thematic planning is based on the following provisions and principles of the “FromBIRTH BEFORE SCHOOL."

In accordance with modern scientific concepts of preschool education about the recognition of the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood, the program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the development of the child’s personality and revealing his individual characteristics.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following are of paramount importance:

  • caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

  • creating in groups an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

  • maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

  • creative organization (creativity) of the process of education and training;

  • variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

  • respectful attitude towards the results of children's creativity;

  • unity of approaches to raising children in a preschool educational institution and family;

  • maintaining continuity in the work of kindergarten groups, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education of a preschool child, avoiding the pressure of subject teaching.
Comprehensive thematic planning will allow the teacher to integrate diverse content and different forms of work.

The presented planning reveals the program content and topic of the lesson or recommended event. Of course, this will be preceded by meaningful work (observation, didactic, outdoor games, dramatization games, reading books, etc.), carried out in everyday life, at various scheduled moments and in other classes. The teacher plans this work based on his experience, the individual characteristics of the children, and the natural and social environment.

The educational process should be built taking into account the population of students, their individual and age characteristics, and the social order of parents.

When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives, while the set goals and objectives should be solved, avoiding overloading children, using the necessary and sufficient material, getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”. Building the educational process on a comprehensive thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas, makes it possible to achieve this goal.

Building the entire educational process around one central theme provides great opportunities for the development of children. themes help organize information in an optimal way. Preschoolers have numerous opportunities for practice, experimentation, development of basic skills, and conceptual thinking.

the thematic principle of constructing the educational process makes it easy to introduce regional and cultural components and take into account the specifics of a preschool institution.

The introduction of similar topics in different age groups ensures the achievement of unity of educational goals and continuity in child development throughout preschool age, the organic development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

the thematic approach allows you to optimally organize the educational process for children with special needs.

You should devote at least one week to one topic. The optimal period is 2-3 weeks.

The theme should be reflected in the selection of materials located in the group and in the development corners.

Comprehensive thematic planning should be considered as approximate. To introduce regional and cultural components, to take into account the characteristics of its preschool institution, a preschool educational institution has the right, at its discretion, to partially or completely change topics or names of topics, content of work, and time period.

However, the tasks that children solve in one type of activity or another should not be radically changed, as this may violate the principle of systematic and consistent learning of the material and development of children.

Planning educational work

According to SanPiN, the number of classes with children in a preschool institution is not regulated; Only the duration of the educational load is regulated:

“11.10. The duration of continuous direct educational activities for children from 6 to 7 years old is no more than 30 minutes.”

The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the preparatory group does not exceed 1.5 hours. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity are at least 10 minutes.

Table 2 provides an example of planning educational activities, which can serve as the basis for planning the work of a preschool educational institution.

The daily routine presented in Table 1 is based on a child’s 12-hour stay in kindergarten. The regime can be adjusted taking into account the work of a specific preschool institution (children, climate in the region, availability of a swimming pool, time of year, length of daylight hours, etc.). When implementing routine moments, it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child (duration of sleep, taste preferences, character, etc.).

The daily routine indicates the total duration of organized educational activities, including breaks between its various types. The teacher independently doses the volume of educational load, without exceeding the maximum load allowed by sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations.

The following types of independent activities for children are distinguished:

  • physical development : independent outdoor games, outdoor games, sports games and activities (sledding, skiing, cycling, etc.);

  • social and communicative development : individual games, joint games, all types of independent activities that involve communication with peers;

  • cognitive development : independent coloring of “smart coloring books”, educational printed board games, games for a walk, autodidactic games (educational puzzles, insert frames, paired pictures);

  • speech development: children’s independent reading of short poems learned earlier, independent games based on works of art, independent work in the book corner, in the theater corner, role-playing games, looking at books and pictures;

  • artistic and aesthetic development : independent drawing, modeling, design (mainly in the afternoon), looking at reproductions of paintings, illustrations, playing music (singing, dancing), playing children's musical instruments (tambourine, drum, bell, etc.), listening to music;

  • reading and looking at books: independent examination of subject and plot pictures, illustrations to familiar works, educational and artistic books, children's illustrated encyclopedias.
Table 3 provides an example of a schedule of organized educational activities by day of the week, which will help the teacher create an appropriate schedule taking into account the specifics of the work of a preschool institution.

Table 4 shows a brief comprehensive thematic planning, which can be considered as an example. The teacher can change it taking into account the peculiarities of the work of a particular preschool institution. The main part of the manual provides detailed comprehensive thematic planning by month.

Approximate daily routine

Table 1

At home

Getting up, morning toilet


In preschool

Arrival of children in kindergarten, free play, independent activity


Preparation for breakfast, breakfast


games, independent activities


Organized children's activities, classes with specialists 1


Second breakfast (recommended) 2




Preparing for lunch, lunch


Getting ready for bed, naps


Gradual rise, independent activity


Afternoon snack 3


games, independent and organized children's activities


Preparing for a walk, walk


Returning from a walk, independent activity


Preparing for dinner, dinner


Independent activities, children going home


At home



Returning from a walk, quiet games, hygiene procedures


Laying down, night sleep

20.40-6.30 (7.30)

Planning educational activities when working a five-day week

table 2

  1. The total duration is indicated, including breaks.

  2. The second breakfast is not a mandatory element of the regime and is carried out at the request of the administration and if there is an appropriate decision. In accordance with SanPiN, second breakfast includes a drink or juice and (or) fresh fruit.

  3. For a 12-hour stay, it is possible to organize both a separate afternoon tea and a compacted afternoon tea with the inclusion of dinner dishes (see SanPiN

Organized educational activities

Basic activity


Physical education on a walk

1 time per week

Getting to know the world around you

1 time per week

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

2 times per week

Speech development

2 times per week


2 times per week


1 time every two weeks


1 time every two weeks


2 times per week

Interaction between adults and children in various activities

Reading fiction


Constructive modeling activities


Communication during routine moments


play activity


Duty roster




Independent activities of children

Standalone game


Cognitive and research activities


Independent activities of children in development centers (corners)


Health work

Morning exercises


Complexes of hardening procedures


Hygiene procedures


Table 3

An example of a schedule of organized educational activities by day of the week

Days of the week

First week

Second week

Third week

Fourth week


  1. Physical Culture.

  1. Getting to know nature.

  2. Physical Culture.

  1. Familiarization with the surrounding world.

  2. Physical Culture.

  1. Getting to know nature.

  2. Physical Culture.

Days of the week

First week

Second week

Third week

Fourth week


1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation













2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.


1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

2. Physical

2. Physical

2. Physical

2. Physical






1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation

1. Formation













2. Modeling.

2. Application.

2. Modeling.

2. Application.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.

3. Music.


1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

1. Speech development.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

2. Drawing.

3. Physical

3. Physical

3. Physical

3. Physical





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1 Comprehensive thematic planning according to the program “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraks. Complex thematic planning in the 2nd early age group Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities 1. Kindergarten Adapt children to the conditions of kindergarten. Introduce the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment. Introduce the children and the teacher. Form positive emotions towards kindergarten, adults, children Filling out documents on children’s adaptation to preschool educational institutions monitoring 2. Autumn 2- vegetables 3- berries, mushrooms 4- pets and birds 5- animals and birds of the forest 3. I am a person in the world 1- parts bodies 2- my family 4. My house 1- furniture, dishes 2- house, street 5. Transport. Professions. 1- transport 2- professions 6. New Year's holiday 7. Winter 2- people's clothing Form basic ideas about autumn. Give initial ideas about harvesting, some vegetables, berries, and mushrooms. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Introduce the behavior of forest animals and birds in autumn. Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person; about the main parts of the human body and their purpose. Consolidate knowledge of your name and the names of family members. Develop the skill of calling the teacher by name and patronymic. House, furniture, dishes. City objects (street, house, hospital, store) Introduce transport, “urban” professions (doctor, salesman, policeman, driver) Organize all types of children’s activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year’s holiday Form basic ideas about winter (seasonal in nature, clothes of people, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about pets and September 14-October 16 October November 2-November 15 November 16-December 4 December 7-December 30 January 11-February 15 Holiday “Autumn”. Tea party with parents. Creation of a photo album “Our group” Role-playing game “Daughters and mothers”, “Building a house”.. New Year's party

2 3-4 domestic animals and birds 5- forest animals in winter birds. Introduce some behavioral features of forest animals and birds in winter. 8. Mother's Day Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother and grandmother. 9. Toys 1 - toys 2 - songs, nursery rhymes 10. Spring 2 - vegetables 3 - fruits 4 - domestic animals and birds 5 - animals and birds of the forest Introduce toys, folk toys. Introduce oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes). Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities. To form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal in nature, people’s clothing, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. To introduce some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds. February 15 - March 7 March 9 - March 25 March 28 - April 30 Mother's Day Exhibition of children's fun games. Festival of folk toys. 11. Summer is coming, plants 2- animals, animals of hot countries Form basic ideas about summer. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds, vegetables, fruits, berries. Introduce some behavioral features of forest animals and birds in summer. Introduce some animals from hot countries May May Exhibition of children's works

3 Complex thematic planning in the younger group. Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities 1. Kindergarten 1- workers in kindergartens 2- rules of behavior in kindergartens 2. Me and my family 1- body parts, care 2- name, surname, gender 3. Autumn 2- harvest 3- professions, behavior in nature 4- domestic animals and birds 5- animals and birds of the forest 4. My home, my city 1- furniture, dishes 2- household appliances 3- house, street Continue acquaintance with the kindergarten as the closest the child’s social environment (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor), subject environment, rules of behavior in kindergarten, relationships with peers. Form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Form an image of yourself. Form basic skills in caring for your face and body. Develop ideas about your appearance. Develop gender perceptions. Develop the ability to say your first and last name, the names of family members, and speak about yourself in the first person. Develop ideas about your family. Expand your understanding of autumn, the time of harvest, the collection of certain vegetables, fruits, berries, and mushrooms. To introduce agricultural professions and the rules of safe behavior in nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of nature and observe the weather. Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds. Introduce the behavior of forest animals and birds in autumn. House, furniture, dishes, household appliances. Introduce your hometown, its name, the main attractions of October November 2 - November 20 Entertainment for children prepared by the teacher (with the participation of parents) Sports entertainment Holiday "Autumn". Role-playing game "Mother's Daughters", "Building a House".. 5.Professions. Transport 1- transport 2- professions 3- traffic rules 6. New Year's holiday 7. Winter 2- people's clothing, sports 3- safe behavior, experimentation 4- pets, forest animals in winter 8. Defender of the Fatherland Day Introduce types of transport , with the rules of conduct in the city, with basic traffic rules. Introduce “urban” professions (policeman, salesman, hairdresser, driver, bus driver). Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday. Expand your understanding of winter. Expand your understanding of seasonality in nature. Introduce winter sports. Form an idea of ​​safe behavior in winter. To develop research and educational interest while experimenting with water and ice. Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, notice the beauty of winter nature. Form initial ideas about places where it is always winter. Carry out patriotic education. Introduce “military” professions. Foster love for the Motherland. Form primary gender ideas. November 23 - December 4 December 7 - December 30 January 11 - February 12 February Role-playing game based on traffic rules. New Year's party Creation of a layout in a group (with the participation of adults)

4 9. Mother's Day Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother and grandmother. Cultivate respect for educators 10. Toys, folk toy 1- toy 2- folk toy, folklore 3- folk crafts, folklore 11. Spring 2- vegetables, fruits 3- domestic animals and birds 4- animals and birds of the forest 5- insects 12. Summer is coming, plants 2 - animals, insects, experimentation Expand the idea of ​​toys, folk toys. Introduce folk crafts. Continue to introduce oral folk art and folk crafts. Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities. Expand your ideas about spring. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of spring nature. Expand your understanding of seasonal events. Expand your understanding of the simplest connections in nature. Expand your understanding of summer and seasonal seasons. To form basic ideas about garden and vegetable plants. To develop research and educational interest while experimenting with water and sand. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of summer nature. February 24-March 7 Mother's holiday March 9-25 Folklore holiday. March 28 - April 30 May May Children's Exhibition. Exhibition of children's works

5 Complex thematic planning in the middle group. Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities 1. Kindergarten Develop cognitive motivation and interest in books in children. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children. Continue to introduce the kindergarten as the child’s closest social environment.. 2. I am a person in the world to expand ideas about kindergarten employees. Expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Form an image of yourself. Form basic skills in caring for your face and body. Develop ideas about your appearance. Develop gender perceptions. Consolidate knowledge about your family: say your first and last name, the names of family members, introduce your parents’ professions. 3. Autumn Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Introduce agricultural professions. Provide knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature. To form generalized ideas about autumn as a time of year, the adaptability of plants and animals to nature, natural phenomena, and learn to conduct seasonal observations. Form elementary environmental 4. My city, my country. 5. Transport. Professions. 6. New Year's party performance. Introduce your hometown. To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for your native land. Introduce you to some outstanding people who glorified Russia (writers, artists) Expand your understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Expand your understanding of traffic rules and rules of behavior in the city. Expand your understanding of professions. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and the New Year holiday October November 2 - November 20 November 23 - December 4 December 7 - December 30 Entertainment for children prepared by the teacher (with the participation of parents) Sports entertainment Health Day Holiday "Autumn". Role-playing game "Mother's Daughters", "Building a House".. Role-playing game according to traffic rules. New Year's party 7. Winter 8. Defender of the Fatherland Day Expand children's ideas about winter. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of nature. Introduce winter sports. Safe behavior of people in winter. To form research and educational interest during experimentation. Expand your understanding of places where it is always winter, of the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic. Introduce children to “military” professions, military equipment, and the Russian Flag. Cultivate love for the homeland. Carry out gender education. Introduce Russian history through familiarity with epics. January 11 - February 12 Creation of a model in a group (with the participation of adults)

6 9. Mother's Day Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Cultivate respect for teachers. Expand gender ideas 10. Toys, folk toys 11. Spring 12. Victory Day Expand ideas about folk toys. Introduce folk crafts. Continue to introduce oral folk art. Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities. Expand children's ideas about spring. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, and conduct seasonal observations. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her. Form elementary ecological ideas. Form ideas about the work carried out in the garden and vegetable garden. Raise children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. To form knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our country in the war 13. Summer is coming To form in children generalized ideas about summer as a time of year; signs of summer. Introduce summer sports. Form an idea of ​​safe behavior in the forest. February 24-March 7 Mother's holiday March 9-25 Folklore holiday. March 28 - April 27 April 28 - May 8 May May Children's exhibition. Exhibition of children's works

7 Complex thematic planning in the senior group. Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities 1. Knowledge Day Kindergarten 2. I will grow up healthy Develop cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children. Continue to introduce the kindergarten as the immediate social environment, expand ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees. Expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Build positive self-esteem. Consolidate knowledge of home address and telephone number, names and patronymics of parents, and their professions. Expand children's knowledge about themselves and their family. 3. Autumn Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions. Reinforce knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature. To form generalized ideas about autumn as a time of year, the adaptability of plants and animals to nature, natural phenomena. Give primary ideas about ecosystems and natural areas. Expand 4. National Unity Day ideas about inanimate nature. Expand your understanding of your home country and public holidays; arouse interest in the history of your country; cultivate a sense of pride in one’s country and love for it. Introduce the history of Russia, the coat of arms, the flag, and the melody of the anthem. Talk about the people who glorified Russia, that Russia is a multinational country, Moscow is the capital of the motherland. Introduce the history of your hometown October November 2 - November 20 Excursion to the library, around the school. entertainment Sports entertainment Holiday “Autumn”, creation of layouts.. 5.Professions. Transport 6. New Year's holiday 7. Winter Introduce types of transport, the rules of conduct in the city, and basic traffic rules. Introduce “urban” professions (policeman, salesman, hairdresser, driver, bus driver and others). Introduce you to the sights of your hometown. Involve active, diverse participation in preparation for the holiday and its implementation. Foster a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday activities. Lay the foundations of holiday culture. Arouse an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Create a desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts made with your own hands. Introduce the traditions of celebrating the New Year in various countries. Continue to introduce children to winter as a time of year, and winter sports. To form primary research and educational interest through experimentation. Enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature, the features of people's activities in the city and countryside; about safe behavior in winter. November 23-December 4 December 7-December 30 January 11-February 12 entertainment according to traffic rules. New Year's party Winter Olympics..

8 8. Defender of the Fatherland Day 9. Mother's Day. 10. Folk culture and traditions 11.Spring 12. Victory Day Continue to expand children’s ideas about the Russian army. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland. To educate in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Introduce different branches of the military and military equipment. Expand gender ideas, instill in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, and become defenders of the Motherland. To instill in girls respect for boys as future defenders of the Motherland. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Cultivate respect for teachers. Expand gender perceptions, instill in boys the idea that men should treat women with care and respect. Involve children in making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, and teachers. Cultivate a caring and sensitive attitude towards those closest to you, the need to please loved ones with good deeds. Continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs, folk arts and crafts. Expand ideas about folk toys. Introduce national arts and crafts. Talk about the Russian hut and other buildings, their interior decoration, household items, and clothing. To form in children generalized ideas about spring as a season, the adaptability of plants and animals to nature. Expand knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring; about the arrival of birds; about the connection between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor; about spring x in nature. Raise children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our country in the war. Introduce monuments to WWII heroes. 13. Summer is coming To form in children generalized ideas about summer as a time of year; signs of summer. Expand and enrich ideas about the influence of heat and sunlight on the lives of people, animals and plants; ideas about edible and inedible mushrooms February February 24-March 7 Sports entertainment, themed Mother's Day March Folklore leisure. March 28 - April 26 April 28 - May 8 May May Children's exhibition. Exhibition of children's works

9 Complex thematic planning in the preparatory school group. Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities 1.Knowledge Day Kindergarten 2. I will grow up healthy Develop cognitive interest, interest in school, in books.. Consolidate children’s knowledge about school, why they need to study, who teaches what at school , about school supplies, etc. Form a positive image of the teacher’s profession and the student’s “profession”. Expand ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Build positive self-esteem. To consolidate knowledge about the human body. Expand children's knowledge about themselves and their family. 3. Autumn Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions. Reinforce knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature. To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the sequence of months in the year. To foster a caring attitude towards nature. To give an idea of ​​ecosystems and natural areas. Expand your understanding of inanimate nature. Expand ideas about the display of autumn in works of art, expand ideas about 4. National Unity Day of creative professions. Expand your understanding of your home country and public holidays; arouse interest in the history of your country; cultivate a sense of pride in one’s country and love for it. Consolidate knowledge about the coat of arms, flag, and anthem of Russia. Talk about the people who glorified Russia, that Russia is a multinational country, Moscow is the capital of the Motherland October 2 November - November 15 entertainment Sports entertainment Holiday "Autumn"., creation of models.. 5. My city, my country 6. New Year's holiday 7 .Winter Expand children's ideas about their native land. Continue to introduce the sights of the region. Cultivate love for the “small” homeland. Continue to introduce the history of your hometown. Professions. Reinforce traffic rules. Tell that there are many different countries on earth, it is necessary to respect the traditions of different peoples. Involve active, diverse participation in preparing for the holiday and its holding. Foster a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday activities. Lay the foundations of holiday culture. Arouse an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation. Create a desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts made with your own hands. Continue to introduce the traditions of celebrating the New Year in various countries. Continue to introduce children to winter as a season, and winter sports. To form primary research and educational interest through experimentation. Enrich children's knowledge about the features of winter nature, the features of people's activities in the city and countryside; about safe behavior in winter. Continue to introduce the nature of the Arctic and Antarctic, animals of hot countries. Give an idea of ​​the characteristics of winter in different latitudes and in different hemispheres of the Earth. November 16-December 4 December 7-December 30 January 11-February 12 New Year's party Winter Olympics..

10 8. Defender of the Fatherland Day Continue to expand children’s ideas about the Russian army. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland. To educate in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Introduce different branches of the military and military equipment. Expand gender ideas, instill in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, and become defenders of the Motherland. To instill in girls respect for boys as future defenders of the Motherland. 9. Mother's Day Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Cultivate respect for teachers. Expand gender perceptions, instill in boys the idea that men should treat women with care and respect. Involve children in making gifts for mothers, grandmothers, and teachers. To cultivate a caring and sensitive attitude towards those closest to you, the need to please loved ones 10. Folk culture and traditions 11. Spring 12. Cosmonautics Day My Planet 13. Victory Day 13. Goodbye kindergarten! Hello school! good deeds. Introduce children to folk traditions and customs. Expand ideas about the art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Continue to introduce children to folk songs and dances. Expand ideas about the diversity of folk art and crafts. Cultivate interest in the art of your native land; instill love and respect for works of art. To form in children generalized ideas about spring, the adaptability of plants and animals to nature. Expand knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring; about the arrival of birds; about the connection between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor; about spring x in nature. The earth is our common home. Give basic ideas about space exploration, planets, stars. Raise children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Expand knowledge about the heroes of World War II, about the victory of our country in the war. Get to know the monuments. Tell children about military awards. Show the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: from epic heroes to heroes of the Second World War. Organize all types of children's activities on the theme of saying goodbye to kindergarten and entering school. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming admission to 1st grade February February 24-March 7 Sports entertainment, themed Mother's Day March Themed leisure. March 28-April 1 and April 13-April 22 April 4-12 April 22-May 8 May May Children's exhibition. entertainment Exhibition of children's works

An approximate version of complex thematic planning in the 1st junior group. 1. Kindergarten Adapt children to the conditions of kindergarten. Introduce the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment.

6. New Year's holiday Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday 7. Winter * seasonal changes * people's clothing * pets and birds * forest animals in winter

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September 4 week 3 week 2 week 1 week “Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten! “Golden Autumn” “Leaf fall, leaf fall, the old garden is falling asleep” “Pets and birds. Animals and birds of the forest» Promotion

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten 9 "Rosinka" Krasnokamensk Trans-Baikal Territory Comprehensive and thematic planning of educational activities

Comprehensive thematic planning Senior group Autumn Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions. Strengthen knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in

Comprehensive thematic planning in the senior group 2016-2017. Topic Detailed content of the work Options for ready-made events “Day of Knowledge” September 1-2 (week 1-2) diagnostics Develop cognitive

Senior group - 5-6 years Topic Contents of the work Period Goodbye, summer! Back to school soon! I will grow up healthy Autumn Develop children's cognitive motivation, interest in school and books. Form friendships

Department of Education of the Anzhero-Sudzhensky Urban District Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 9 "Polyanka" APPROVED BY: Head of the MADOU "DSKV"

Comprehensive thematic planning for 2018-2019 Period Topic Summary of work Note September 2 weeks 3 Goodbye summer Pedagogical diagnostics. Develop ideas about summer, about summer

Comprehensive thematic planning Preparatory group Autumn Develop cognitive interest, interest in school, in books.. Consolidate children’s knowledge about school, why they need to study, who and what

Topic Goal Period Final activities To arouse in children the joy of returning to kindergarten. Entertainment for kindergarten. Continue to get to know the kindergarten as children, the child’s immediate social environment: organized

Topic Contents Date Options for activities Develop cognitive motivation and interest in school in children. Books. Organized Form 1 educational friendly, September friendly adults

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Solnyshko" Gvardeyskoye village" Simferopol district Republic of Crimea Calendar - thematic planning for the 2016/2017 school year

Period September Comprehensive thematic planning for the 2014-2015 academic year General development groups Second junior group Middle group Senior group Theme, options for final events

Agreed with: With the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution, Minutes 1 of 09/03/2013 Approved by: Head of the MKDOU kindergarten 2 in the village of Troitskoye Beldy V.A. Order 35 of 09/03/2014 Comprehensive thematic planning of the Municipal

Topic Contents Date Responsible Day of Knowledge, Open Day, “Journey to the Land of Knowledge.” To develop cognitive motivation and interest in school and books in children. Form friendly, benevolent

Comprehensive thematic planning in the preparatory group 2017-2018 Topic Detailed content of the work Options for ready-made events “Day of Knowledge” September (4th week of August - 1st week “My City” (2

Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten) Calendar-thematic planning of the educational process Junior and middle preschool age Topic Detailed content of the work Temporary

Comprehensive thematic planning of work with children 2 to 7 years old Appendix 6. Early age group (from 1.5 to 3 years), GKP Topic Detailed content of work Options for final activities Kindergarten Autumn

Comprehensive thematic planning in the first junior group Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final activities Kindergarten Daycare workers Rules of conduct in kindergarten Friendly guys 25

Comprehensive thematic planning 1st junior group Autumn Form elementary ideas (seasonal changes in nature, people’s clothing, in the kindergarten area). Give initial ideas

Comprehensive thematic planning of work with children in the 1st junior group Topic Contents of the work Final event Kindergarten (4th week of August 1st week of September) Adapt children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 61" of the Samara city district Samara 114, Kirova Ave., 397a ~ [email protected]~ Tel. 956-67-74. fax 956-44-33

The world in which I live My family is my world Hello, winter Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person: about the main parts of the human body, their purpose. Consolidate knowledge of your name and the names of family members. Shape

Appendix 6 Approximate comprehensive thematic plan of educational activities. General topic, dates KINDERGARTEN 1 September 15 I AM A MAN IN THE WORLD September 18-29 AUTUMN October 2-27 MY HOME, MY CITY October 30

Contents Complex thematic planning (second group of early age)... 3 Complex thematic planning (junior group)... 5 Complex thematic planning (middle group)...

(4th week of August 1st week Complex thematic planning (second group of early age) Topic Detailed content of work Sample options for final activities Kindergarten Adapt

APPROVED BY: Head of MBDOU 69 “Thumbelina” September 01, 2015 Approximate comprehensive thematic planning of work with children 2 7 years old Second group of early age (from 2 to 3 years old) Topic Detailed content

Topic Kindergarten (4th week of August 1st week of September) Autumn (2nd 4th week of September) I am a person in the world (1st 2nd week of October) My home (3rd week of October 2- I am the week of November) New Year's holiday Second

General topic KINDERGARTEN 1 September 16 I AM A MAN IN THE WORLD September 19-30 AUTUMN October 3-28 MY HOME, MY CITY October 31 November 18 Appendix 6 Approximate comprehensive thematic plan for educational activities.

Month 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week September “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” “Rules and road safety” Goal: Assistance Goal: Expanding orientation in the emergence

Approximate comprehensive thematic planning First junior group (from 2 to 3 years old) Topic Expanded content of work Options for final activities Kindergarten (4th week of August 1st week of September)

The educational process is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of construction, which is based on the idea of ​​integrating the content of different educational areas around a single, common theme, which is

Thematic planning in the second group of early age Month Week Topic September October November December January February March April May 1 “Toys” 2 “My friends, teachers, nannies” “Kindergarten”

Appendix to EP DO 7 ADOPTED by the Decision of the Pedagogical Council of the GBDOU kindergarten 8 of the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg, protocol 1 (2018-2019) of 08/30/2018 APPROVED by Order 100 of 08/30/2018

CONSIDERED at the Pedagogical Council Minutes 5 of August 27, 2015 APPROVED by: Head of MBDOU “Kindergarten 125” in Cheboksary T.Yu. Khovanskaya August 27, 2015 Calendar and thematic planning

Topic So we have become more mature Comprehensive - thematic planning for the 2018-2019 academic year (first half of the year) Preparatory group Detailed content of the work Form ideas about yourself, your

COMPREHENSIVE THEMATIC PLANNING OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS In the lesson September Golden Autumn Goodbye, summer! Hello, kindergarten! Autumn as a season (inanimate nature, animal

Appendix 9 Complex thematic planning Early age M-c February January December November October Integrating theme of the period Kindergarten 1. Let's get to know each other 2. Vegetables 3. Fruits 4. Mushrooms, berries

My home (3rd week of October - 2nd week of November) New Year's holiday (3rd week of November - 4th week of December) Winter (1st - 4th week of January Mother's Day (1st week of February - 1st week of March) Folk toy

Comprehensive thematic planning 2nd junior group Autumn Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions. Strengthen knowledge about the rules of safe behavior

Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten! Comprehensive thematic planning in the 2nd junior group Topic Expanded content of work Period Options for final activities Arouse in children the joy of returning

Theme: So we have become more mature. Comprehensive thematic planning for the 2015-2016 academic year (first half of the year) Preparatory group for school Detailed content of the work Form ideas

Comprehensive - thematic planning of work with children 2-7 years old The thematic principle of constructing the educational process allows us to take into account the specifics of the preschool institution. The optimal period for each

Curriculum for the main educational program of MBDOU kindergarten 9 Direct educational activities Number of organized educational activities per week from 3 to 4 years old from 4 to 5

Adopted by the decision of the Pedagogical Council: Minutes 1 of 08/30/2016. I confirm: the head of the MBDOU “Pyatnitsky kindergarten “Semitsvetik” L.V. Maschinova Order 73 of 08/30/2016. THEMATIC PLANNING FOR THE PROGRAM

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten 126 in Lipetsk ACCEPTED APPROVED By the Pedagogical Council of Kommersant OU 126 Minutes 1 of 08/29/2016 zhshch.Belousova l0.08.2016 ANNUAL

Approximate comprehensive thematic planning of work with children MBDOU 6 “Kolobok” 2018-19 academic year * Detailed content of activities COMPREHENSIVE THEMATIC PLAN OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES MBDOU

Topic Period Day of Knowledge. “What is a kindergarten?” 1 September 8 “Child on the street.” (The street of our village.) September 11-22. “The Child and His Health” (Gifts of Autumn). September 25 - October 6. Expanded content

Accepted Approved by the pedagogical council by order 30 of 09/01/2017, protocol 1 of 08/31/2017 Head of MDOU Kindergarten 2 T.V.Ivanova Annual comprehensive thematic planning of educational

I APPROVED by the Head of MBDOU - kindergarten 459 O.V. Belonosova 2013 Comprehensive thematic planning (junior group) Topic Detailed content of the work Period Options for final events Goodbye

Karakoksha, 2013 Comprehensive thematic planning in the 1st junior group for the 2013-2014 school year Month August 3-4 September 1 September 2-3 Week 1 junior group Kindergarten I am a person in the world Expanded

Topic Period Day of Knowledge. “What is a kindergarten?” 1 September 8 “Child on the street.” (The street of our village.) September 11-22. Detailed content of the work Development of cognitive motivation and interest in children

APPROVED by the Head of the Omsk BDOU “Child Development Center Kindergarten 100” N.V. Lisnikova 20 Thematic planning for working with children 2-7 years old according to the basic general education program “Development Center

General topic Topic of the week Implementation period Kindergarten Autumn Toys in kindergarten My teacher friends Autumn harvest What has changed in the fall? Animals and birds in autumn Detailed content of work 1st junior

Comprehensive thematic planning (Appendix 2) Junior group Month Week Topic September Topic: “Autumn” October “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten” “What did autumn give us?” "Forest animals and

Comprehensive thematic planning for 2016-2017 junior mixed-age group “Bell” SEPTEMBER 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week Final Knowledge Day Continue with kindergarten as the nearest

Comprehensive thematic plan of educational activities Group “Teremok” (from up to 6 years old) 06-07 academic year Educator Ushanova I.V. Topic Day of Knowledge (9.08.6 0.09.6) Detailed content of the work Develop

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities with preschoolers is one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of FGT. When developing “Comprehensive Thematic Planning,” we were based on the objectives of the preschool education program “From Birth to School,” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The topics within the framework of complex thematic planning are socially significant for society, family, and state; in addition, they arouse the personal interest of children and a positive emotional mood.

The table lists the main topics of each week and the resulting activities. Teachers use various forms of work and types of children's activities during the week, using all routine moments, for the children to fully master the topic: integrated, complex, thematic educational activities on the topic of the week, including accompanying forms of direct educational activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, musical classes, design, mathematics), reading fiction, theatrical performances, storytelling, conversations, observations, experiments, excursions, entertainment, work in nature, artistic work, didactic and role-playing games, children's projects and research, watching educational films from the “I Want” series know everything,” looking at paintings and illustrations, independent games in a specially prepared educational environment, and more. The listed forms and types of activities are carried out in joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas in direct educational activities, in regime moments, interaction with parents and social partners, and independent activities of children in the developmental environment of the group and in the premises of the kindergarten (theater corner, physical education corner, gym, book corner, play area, experiment corner, educational board games, etc.). The same topic is used for work in different age groups (first junior, second junior, middle, senior, preparatory) groups with greater or lesser content and content of the material. The teacher selects methods that correspond to the age characteristics of the children.

The complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process has a number of advantages:

1) When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives, while the set goals and objectives should be solved, avoiding overloading children, on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”. Building the educational process on a comprehensive thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas, makes it possible to achieve this goal.

2) Building the entire educational process around one central theme provides great opportunities for the development of children. Topics help organize information in an optimal way. Preschoolers have numerous opportunities to practice, experiment, develop basic skills, and conceptual thinking.

3) The introduction of similar topics in different age groups ensures the achievement of unity of educational goals and continuity in child development throughout preschool age, the organic development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

The complex thematic principle allows us to modify and improve the educational process in kindergarten. The thematic calendar was planned in accordance with lexical topics that were repeated from year to year. When choosing topics, we took into account the interests of children, the tasks of development and education, current phenomena and significant events (seasons, holidays). According to this long-term plan, one week is devoted to one topic.

Comprehensive thematic planning


Detailed content of the work


Final events

Goodbye summer

Develop cognitive motivation and interest in the book. To form positive ideas about the profession of a teacher and assistant teacher. Continue to introduce the kindergarten, expand ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees.


Day of Knowledge

Celebration “A Book is Your Best Friend”

Goodbye summer

Evening of mysteries

What summer gave us

Crafts exhibition

Nature's Pantry (Mushrooms, berries)

puppet show

Expand children's ideas about autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and non-living phenomena. Expand ideas about agricultural professions. Expand knowledge about trees, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Form elementary ecological ideas.

Kingdom of Trees


Golden autumn

Autumn holidays according to the music director's plan

Feathered friends

Indoor flowers

Exhibition “Autumn Palette”

This is our homeland

Expand your understanding of your family, family relationships, and parents’ professions. Introduce your hometown, region, its history, culture, modes of transport. Expand your understanding of your native country, public holidays, the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia, the capital Moscow, and the people who glorified Russia. To cultivate love for the “small Motherland” and pride in the achievements of one’s country.



Home, family

Exhibition of drawings “My Family”

My city


My country

Autumn fair “Fedot the cat and Matryoshka the cat”

Russia is my homeland

Celebration according to the music director's plan

"Mothers Day"

Expand children's understanding of winter and winter nature. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. To develop research and educational interest while experimenting with water, snow and ice. Expand your understanding of places where it is always winter, of the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic. Introduce winter sports. To form an idea of ​​safe behavior of people in winter. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday, introduce them to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries. Induce an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday. Lay the foundations of holiday culture.

Organize all children's activities around a theme

Winter landscape

Exhibition of drawings

Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic

Evening of openings

Wild animals and birds in winter

Competition "New Year's toy for our family."

New Year

New Year's holidays according to the music director's plan

Winter fun

Puppet show. Leisure.

Winter sports

Entertainment “Palms-Palms”, “Sweet Tree Surprises”

Winter in the city

Winter poetry competition.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Expand ideas about the Russian army. Introduce the branches of the military and military professions. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland. To foster patriotism and love for the motherland. Carry out gender education (develop in boys the ability to be strong, brave, defenders of the Motherland; instill in girls respect for boys as future defenders of the Motherland).

Dad's professions, tools, household appliances

Folklore entertainment “Maslenitsa”

Military equipment

Exhibition “My Dad is a Soldier”

Our Army

Holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

"Russian Army Day"

International Women's Day

Organize all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother and grandmother. Cultivate respect for teachers. Expand gender perceptions. Involve children in making gifts for mother, grandmother, and teachers. Cultivate the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important

Exhibition of children's creativity "Bouquet for Mom"

Mommy, my love, good deeds

Folk culture, traditions

Introduce children to folk traditions and customs. Expand ideas about folk toys and artistic crafts. Continue to introduce folk songs, dances, and oral folk art. Talk about the Russian hut, its interior decoration, household items, and clothing. Introduce the art of your native land. Cultivate interest and respect for works of art.

Folk toy, arts and crafts

Photo exhibition “My mother is the bride”

Russian life (furniture)

Native land - Ural

City festival "Kamenskaya Rainbow"

To form generalized ideas about spring as a season. Adaptation of plants and animals to changes in nature. Expand knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring, about the arrival of birds, about the connection between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor; about spring changes in nature.

Nature in spring

Entertainment "April Fool's Day"

Holiday “Spring in the Poultry Yard”, “This pink word “Hello””

Fabulous week


Animals in spring

Evening of mysteries

My village

Summer is coming

To foster patriotism and love for the Motherland. Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the victory of our country in the war. Introduce monuments to war heroes. Show the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland.

To form in children generalized ideas about summer, as a time of year, and the signs of summer. To expand generalized ideas about the influence of the warmth of sunlight on the lives of people, animals and plants, nature “blooms” and comes to life.



Victory Day

Holiday "Bright holiday - Victory Day"

Excursion to the obelisk

Insects (Water World)

Spring entertainment "Ladybug, black head"

Summer sports, (safety)

Graduation celebration

Celebration “Race with Summer”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities with preschoolers is one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of FGT. When developing “Comprehensive Thematic Planning,” we were based on the objectives of the preschool education program “From Birth to School,” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The topics within the framework of complex thematic planning are socially significant for society, family, and state; in addition, they arouse the personal interest of children and a positive emotional mood.

The table lists the main topics of each week and the resulting activities. Teachers use various forms of work and types of children's activities during the week, using all routine moments, for the children to fully master the topic: integrated, complex, thematic educational activities on the topic of the week, including accompanying forms of direct educational activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, musical classes, design, mathematics), reading fiction, theatrical performances, storytelling, conversations, observations, experiments, excursions, entertainment, work in nature, artistic work, didactic and role-playing games, children's projects and research, watching educational films from the “I Want” series know everything,” looking at paintings and illustrations, independent games in a specially prepared educational environment, and more. The listed forms and types of activities are carried out in joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas in direct educational activities, in regime moments, interaction with parents and social partners, and independent activities of children in the developmental environment of the group and in the premises of the kindergarten (theater corner, physical education corner, gym, book corner, play area, experiment corner, educational board games, etc.). The same topic is used for work in different age groups (first junior, second junior, middle, senior, preparatory) groups with greater or lesser content and content of the material. The teacher selects methods that correspond to the age characteristics of the children.

The complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process has a number of advantages:

1) When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives, while the set goals and objectives should be solved, avoiding overloading children, on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”. Building the educational process on a comprehensive thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas, makes it possible to achieve this goal.

2) Building the entire educational process around one central theme provides great opportunities for the development of children. Topics help organize information in an optimal way. Preschoolers have numerous opportunities to practice, experiment, develop basic skills, and conceptual thinking.

3) The introduction of similar topics in different age groups ensures the achievement of unity of educational goals and continuity in child development throughout preschool age, the organic development of children in accordance with their individual capabilities.

The complex thematic principle allows us to modify and improve the educational process in kindergarten. The thematic calendar was planned in accordance with lexical topics that were repeated from year to year. When choosing topics, we took into account the interests of children, the tasks of development and education, current phenomena and significant events (seasons, holidays). According to this long-term plan, one week is devoted to one topic.

Comprehensive thematic planning


Detailed content of the work


Final events

Goodbye summer

Develop cognitive motivation and interest in the book. To form positive ideas about the profession of a teacher and assistant teacher. Continue to introduce the kindergarten, expand ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees.


Day of Knowledge

Celebration “A Book is Your Best Friend”

Goodbye summer

Evening of mysteries

What summer gave us

Crafts exhibition

Nature's Pantry (Mushrooms, berries)

puppet show

Expand children's ideas about autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and non-living phenomena. Expand ideas about agricultural professions. Expand knowledge about trees, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Form elementary ecological ideas.

Kingdom of Trees


Golden autumn

Autumn holidays according to the music director's plan

Feathered friends

Indoor flowers

Exhibition “Autumn Palette”

This is our homeland

Expand your understanding of your family, family relationships, and parents’ professions. Introduce your hometown, region, its history, culture, modes of transport. Expand your understanding of your native country, public holidays, the flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia, the capital Moscow, and the people who glorified Russia. To cultivate love for the “small Motherland” and pride in the achievements of one’s country.



Home, family

Exhibition of drawings “My Family”

My city


My country

Autumn fair “Fedot the cat and Matryoshka the cat”

Russia is my homeland

Celebration according to the music director's plan

"Mothers Day"

Expand children's understanding of winter and winter nature. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. To develop research and educational interest while experimenting with water, snow and ice. Expand your understanding of places where it is always winter, of the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic. Introduce winter sports. To form an idea of ​​safe behavior of people in winter. Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday, introduce them to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries. Induce an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday. Lay the foundations of holiday culture.

Organize all children's activities around a theme

Winter landscape

Exhibition of drawings

Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic

Evening of openings

Wild animals and birds in winter

Competition "New Year's toy for our family."

New Year

New Year's holidays according to the music director's plan

Winter fun

Puppet show. Leisure.

Winter sports

Entertainment “Palms-Palms”, “Sweet Tree Surprises”

Winter in the city

Winter poetry competition.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Expand ideas about the Russian army. Introduce the branches of the military and military professions. Talk about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland. To foster patriotism and love for the motherland. Carry out gender education (develop in boys the ability to be strong, brave, defenders of the Motherland; instill in girls respect for boys as future defenders of the Motherland).

Dad's professions, tools, household appliances

Folklore entertainment “Maslenitsa”

Military equipment

Exhibition “My Dad is a Soldier”

Our Army

Holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

"Russian Army Day"

International Women's Day

Organize all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother and grandmother. Cultivate respect for teachers. Expand gender perceptions. Involve children in making gifts for mother, grandmother, and teachers. Cultivate the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important

Exhibition of children's creativity "Bouquet for Mom"

Mommy, my love, good deeds

Folk culture, traditions

Introduce children to folk traditions and customs. Expand ideas about folk toys and artistic crafts. Continue to introduce folk songs, dances, and oral folk art. Talk about the Russian hut, its interior decoration, household items, and clothing. Introduce the art of your native land. Cultivate interest and respect for works of art.

Folk toy, arts and crafts

Photo exhibition “My mother is the bride”

Russian life (furniture)

Native land - Ural

City festival "Kamenskaya Rainbow"

To form generalized ideas about spring as a season. Adaptation of plants and animals to changes in nature. Expand knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring, about the arrival of birds, about the connection between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature and seasonal types of labor; about spring changes in nature.

Nature in spring

Entertainment "April Fool's Day"

Holiday “Spring in the Poultry Yard”, “This pink word “Hello””

Fabulous week


Animals in spring

Evening of mysteries

My village

Summer is coming

To foster patriotism and love for the Motherland. Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the victory of our country in the war. Introduce monuments to war heroes. Show the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland.

To form in children generalized ideas about summer, as a time of year, and the signs of summer. To expand generalized ideas about the influence of the warmth of sunlight on the lives of people, animals and plants, nature “blooms” and comes to life.



Victory Day

Holiday "Bright holiday - Victory Day"

Excursion to the obelisk

Insects (Water World)

Spring entertainment "Ladybug, black head"

Summer sports, (safety)

Graduation celebration

Celebration “Race with Summer”

Planning is a scientifically based organization of the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution, which gives it content, certainty, and controllability.
According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, planning the educational process in a preschool educational institution should be based on a comprehensive thematic principle.
When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.
Complex thematic planning is the most effective when working with preschool children. Since preschool age is a period of active development of cognitive activity. At this time, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization and simple conclusions takes place, the transition from practical to logical thinking, the development of arbitrariness of perception, attention, memory, and imagination. Therefore, one of the pressing problems of preschool pedagogy is the effective development of the intellectual and creative abilities of preschoolers. The basis for methodological planning is the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
This approach imparts systematicity and consistency in the implementation of program tasks in different educational areas of knowledge; a situation is created when the child uses all the senses, and, consequently, the material is better absorbed.
In accordance with the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process, the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education offers, to motivate educational activities, not a set of individual game techniques, but the assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any events that are significant and interesting for preschoolers. Learning through the system of educational activities will be restructured to work with children on an “event-based” basis. Such events will be Russian holidays, Republican holidays, international holidays. Project activities will become a priority.
First of all, thematic planning is planning in accordance with the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education in all educational areas (physical, social-personal, cognitive, speech and artistic-aesthetic). The interconnection of all links and aspects of the pedagogical process is taken into account; building a pedagogical process based on interaction and partnership between an adult and children; real consideration of the characteristics of the region, the situation, the season, and the age of the children.
Comprehensive thematic planning helps teachers formulate the pedagogical goals of the week, the development goals of the child (children); selection of pedagogical content (from different educational areas); highlighting the event of the week, the main form of organizing child-adult activities; formulation of individual educational and developmental tasks for each child and the group as a whole; selection of methods and techniques for working with children and with each child individually; practical planning of teaching activities for every day during the thematic week; thinking and organizing