Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug population. Mineral natural resources

Yamal. Polar region. Center Western Siberia. An outpost of Russia in the harsh Artik… Internal content these words, as if in a lens, were focused in the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Modern and beautiful city Salekhard, which has a 500-year history, is confidently heading towards tomorrow.

Salekhard - the capital of Yamal

According to archaeologists, in the place where the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is now located, people built settlements over two thousand years ago.

Subsequently, not far from the mouth of the Poluy River, which flows into the Ob, the Cossacks, during the development of the Arctic, built the Obdorsky fort, which gradually turned into a fortified city - one of many in northern Siberia.

In 1595, Obdorsk was founded on the site of the fort, which two centuries later became the volost center of the Tobolsk province.

Residents hunted and fished and were engaged in trade: for 30 houses there were one and a half hundred trading shops. At the beginning of winter, the Obdorsk Winter Fair was held here, where furs, mammoth ivory, fish and bird feathers were exchanged for flour, cloth, tobacco and alcohol, which was brought here by hundreds of merchants.

In 1933, when Obdorsk became the capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, it was renamed Salekhard, which from Nenets means “Village (in Nenets language - “sele”) on a cape (in Nenets language - “hard”).”

Geographical location

Geographic coordinates of Salekhard: 66 degrees and 32 minutes north latitude, 66 degrees and 37 minutes east longitude.

Many well-known enterprises and companies operate in the capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug:

  • river port;
  • fish canning plant;
  • bakery;
  • motor transport enterprise;
  • railway and air transport companies;
  • representative offices of gold mining, gas and oil producing companies, including Gazprom and Lukoil - Western Siberia.

The administration of Salekhard also resolves issues of social and economic development cities.

In 2009, an administrative complex was built specifically to house the administration on the banks of the Shaitanka River.

Population of Salekhard

The Russian population began to appear in Obdorsk at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1897, 500 people lived here, who were engaged in fur-bearing animal hunting, fishing and trade.

At the end of the 20th century, when mass development of the Yamal lands began, at a fast pace The population of the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug began to increase. Today Salekhard has a population of 45 thousand people.

People come here to work on gas and oil rigs. Scientists, teachers, doctors are coming. Not only a good “northern” salary, but also the romance of the Arctic Circle attracts many to Salekhard. The population of indigenous origin is the Khanty and Nenets, or Samoyeds. These are surprisingly laconic and modest people with a traditional way of life, an original culture, interesting customs, rituals, and beliefs.

Many tribes continue to live in the tundra and, like their ancestors, engage in fishing, hunting, reindeer herding, and believe in spirits. They roam from pasture to pasture with herds of thousands of deer.

They live in tents, built, as many centuries ago, from long poles and reindeer skins. Boys with four years they know how to use a lasso and drive sledges, girls know how to light a fire in a tent and sew national clothes.

Architectural appearance of the city

The ancient city of Salekhard has changed a lot since the days of the Obdorsky fort. Today it has a modern architectural appearance. Intensive housing development and construction of new social infrastructure buildings are underway. After renovation, old houses were given a look that corresponds to the general architectural style. Multi-storey buildings look like a multi-colored palette against the backdrop of a cloudy day or white snow. They are painted in rich, bright, picturesque colors: cherry and blue roofs, green, blue, orange, yellow walls - the color scheme fills the harsh northern city special warmth, creates comfort.

Many architectural objects are unusual. One of the memorable structures is the “Torch” cable-stayed bridge with a single pylon. There is a restaurant here, right above the water surface of the Shaitanka River.

The capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is peaceful towards all religions. This is evidenced by the fact that on the territory of the city there are adjacent Orthodox churches and a mosque, which is located closest to the Arctic Circle than any other mosque in Russia.

Next to it, the construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral is underway.

The first stone temple of Salekhard - Peter and Paul Cathedral, built in 1894. Snow-white walls, light blue towers, golden domes with crosses - under the low polar sky against the background of endless tundra and the river, the building seems airy, directed upward.

The sculptural world of Salekhard

The sculptural world of Salekhard is unusual. Here large number monuments dedicated to animals that embody the sacred spirits of the indigenous inhabitants of Yamal:

  • Near the ferry crossing there is a 10-meter mammoth. More than 40 extinct mammoths have been found in northern Siberia, among them the Yamal mammoths Masha and Lyuba.
  • On the embankment of the Shaitanka River there is a six-meter-tall monument to the reindeer - the main wealth of the tundra, a symbol of goodness and immortality.
  • The bypass road is crowned with a sculptural composition dedicated to the Siberian Cranes - white Siberian cranes, sacred bird indigenous peoples of the North, bringing happiness to everyone who saw it.
  • Near the Polaris cinema there is a small sculpture perched - a dragonfly immortalized in stainless steel.
  • In the center of the waiting room at Salekhard airport, tundra swans seem to be trying to take off - a symbol of returning to their native land.
  • Near the building of the Arktika Hotel, a bear and a bear cub, carved from granite, represent a 10-ton “Constellation” composition.
  • Near the airport, two bears froze on snow-covered ice floes. They support the shield “Coat of Arms of Yamal in a Crown”. This is a vivid image of the connection between people and nature in the Arctic.
  • The entrance to Salekhard is marked by a stele of the same name, depicting the inhabitants of the aquatic, celestial and terrestrial spaces of the Arctic coast: seagulls, walruses and bears reflect natural world Yamal.

“Tundra, call me from afar...”

The capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a special world.

In winter, these are hundreds of snowflakes fluttering in the light of the lanterns. Snow crunching loudly underfoot. The flashes of the northern lights evoke admiration, the shimmer of the multi-colored canvas fascinates. The shining whiteness of the snow blinds the eyes, on a smooth white blanket sun rays sparks scatter...

In autumn, the tundra stirs the soul, bright, soaked in the short northern summer. It is filled with a subtle bird whistle, a subtle bitter smell of wormwood and the taste of lingonberries, sweet and sour with a slight bitter taste...

Lilac thickets of fireweed. Dwarf birches and touching fir trees. Blue-blue lakes and rivers scattered across the tundra. Leaden sky with low heavy clouds, as if pressed to the ground. The steel-colored surface of the river...

The air is transparent and crystal clear - it is impossible to breathe. The nature of the North is majestic and laconic.

Anyone going to Yamal for the first time may find some brief tips useful:

  • Aerosols and other mosquito repellents and the most closed clothing are protection from rampant mosquitoes and annoying midges.
  • Waterproof shoes are the best footwear for the swampy tundra.
  • The Tundra hospitably opens its arms to everyone, and you need to treat it in such a way as not to hurt it with your presence. Traditional shoes northern peoples since ancient times it has been done so as not to damage soil cover, not to harm northern nature, which generously gifts everyone: reindeer with moss, people with mushrooms and berries, and to restore strength and natural resources sometimes it takes centuries.

Salekhard, Russia, Arctic Circle - a world where nature is strict and majestic, and people are open and hospitable.

The harsh northern region is beautiful and distant. These definitions fully apply to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. On this land, surrounded by pristine nature, indigenous peoples live according to the customs of their ancestors, and the rich mineral resources are developed using modern technologies. Yamal has always attracted travelers with its unique appearance. Here the stinginess of the sun and the originality of nature, the severity of the climate and the hospitality are combined in the most amazing way. local residents, the fantastic palette of autumn and the silent whiteness of winter. Scientists love Yamal for its cultural richness and unique nature. Therefore, be sure to come to Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region(capital Salekhard) in order to enjoy the cleanest air and see closer the beauty of remote corners of our big country.


Russia is beautiful and rich: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the black pearl of the northern part of our country. And it occupies neither more nor less - 770 thousand square kilometers Western Siberian Plain. The district includes: Gydansky and, of course, the Yamal Peninsula. Most The district is located beyond the Arctic Circle. From the north the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is washed from the south and adjoins the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, eastern neighbors- Taimyr and Evenki Autonomous Okrug, bordered on the west by the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic. The relief of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug can be divided into flat and mountainous. All three peninsulas are dotted with small rivers, hollows, ravines and swamps. The mountain range stretches for two hundred kilometers in a narrow strip along the Polar Urals. The climate of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is sharply continental, harsh, and is divided into three zones: the northern zone of the West Siberian Lowland, subarctic and arctic. The population is approximately 500 thousand people with a density of less than one person per square kilometer.


The vegetation cover in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has a pronounced latitudinal zonation. Five landscape zones can be distinguished: northern taiga, forest-tundra, shrub, moss-lichen and arctic tundra. In the northernmost, arctic zone, vegetation is very sparse. Here you can only find mosses, lichens and sedges. Small bushes and herbs are already growing in the moss-lichen tundra. In the next zone (shrub tundra) dwarf birches and willows grow, and berries and mushrooms grow along the rivers. There are many swamps and small rivers in the forest-tundra. Dwarf birches, larches, and small spruce trees grow here. In the most southern zone Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - taiga, many lakes, swamps, rivers. The entire territory is covered with dense light and dark coniferous forests.


If the flora of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is quite scarce, the animal world is rich and diverse. Thirty-eight species of mammals live in the district's five climate zones. The largest number of predators and rodents are found here - fourteen species each. Five names of pinnipeds, three of insectivores, two of ungulates. Twenty species of fur-bearing animals are of great commercial importance.

Mineral natural resources

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (capital Salekhard) is famous for its hydrocarbon reserves. About 78% is concentrated here total reserves Russian oil and gas. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the world's largest resource base hydrocarbons. Developments for the extraction of valuable raw materials are being carried out at the Nakhodkinskoye and Urengoyskoye gas fields, Ety-Purovskoye, Yuzhno-Russkoye, Yamburgskoye oil fields. In the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, about 8% of the total production of “black” and about 80% of “blue gold” is produced annually. The mining of chromium, molybdenum, tin, iron, lead, phosphorites, barites and other minerals is carried out.

Indigenous peoples of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug

Today twenty peoples live in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. But the true indigenous inhabitants are the Khanty, Nenets, Selkup and Komi-Izhemtsy, who have lived in this territory since time immemorial. The rest settled only in the second half of the twentieth century. This is due to the development of the territories of the Far North during the era of the Soviet Union.

Khanty: this people have lived since ancient times in the territories of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The culture, language and customs of this people are very heterogeneous. This is due to the fact that the Khanty settled over a fairly vast territory and therefore became somewhat scattered.

The Nenets inhabit a vast territory of Russia - from the coast of the Northern Arctic Ocean. These people migrated from southern Siberia in the first millennium AD. He belongs to the Samoyed group.

It is known that he has lived in this territory since the 1st millennium BC. This people is divided into northern and southern Komi. From time immemorial, the first people were engaged in reindeer herding, fishing and hunting. The second were hunters and fishermen.

The Selkups are the most numerous people of the North. The Selkups traditionally engaged in fishing and hunting. Those representatives of the people who lived at higher latitudes also bred deer.

Administrative center

The capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the city of Salekhard. It was located on the bank of the Ob (on the right side). The city is located on the Arctic Circle (the only one in the world). The population is about 40 thousand people. The city was founded in 1595. At first it was a small fort called Obdorsky. Half a century after its founding, permanent residents appear here. Since 1923, the village of Obdorsk has become the center of the Obdorsky district of the Ural region. And already in 1930, the village was given the status of the administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Three years later, Obdorsk was renamed Salekhard. Nowadays, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the capital of the Autonomous Okrug in particular, is developing at a fairly rapid pace. There are many enterprises operating in the city: Yamalzoloto, a river port, a fish canning plant, Yamalflot and others. The Yamalo-Nenets District has been opened in the city museum and exhibition complex, where the exhibition center operates, local history museum And scientific library. Also in Salekhard there is the District House of Crafts - a state-owned budgetary institution culture of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. There are many branches of various universities in the capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It should be noted that the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (capital Salekhard) is experiencing big problems with Internet access. The fact is that there is no fiber optic network in the region yet.

Cities and districts of the Yamalo-Nenets District

The Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug consists of seven districts, eight cities, five and forty-one rural administrations. Districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Yamalsky, Shuryshkarsky, Tazovsky, Purovsky, Priuralsky, Nadymsky and Krasnoselkupsky. As mentioned above, the population density is very low. Despite the vast territory, there are very few cities in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Cities: Noyabrsk (97 thousand), Novy Urengoy(89.8 thousand), Nadym (45.2 thousand), Muravlenko (36.4 thousand), Salekhard (32.9 thousand), Labytnangi (26.7 thousand), Gubkinsky (21.1 thousand residents). Some cities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will be described in more detail below.


The city of Gubkinsky (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) became a city of district significance in 1996 and was named after the Soviet geologist. It is located on the left bank of the Pyakupur River, two hundred kilometers from the Arctic Circle. This city was formed as a base center for the development of oil deposits. Therefore, Gubkinsky (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) mainly specializes in the oil and gas production and processing industries. The city does a good job of working with young people: there are sports and cultural centers, a dance school, and a recording studio. Young people have the opportunity to get an education in their hometown.

Muravlenko. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The city was founded in 1984. Received district status in 1990. Named in honor of oil engineer Viktor Ivanovich Muravlenko. The city budget is mainly replenished from oil industry enterprises. Muravlenko (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) has its own radio and television companies. The following newspapers are published: “Our City”, “Kopeyka”, “The Word of the Oilman”.

Noyabrsk. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

After Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk is the second most populous city in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The founding date of the city can be considered 1973, when the first oil well was drilled on the site of present-day Noyabrsk. Two years later, the first settlers arrived here, who mainly consisted of workers. Back in 1976, the village of Noyabrsk could only be found on oil industry maps, and already in 1982 the village was given the status of a district town. Oil and gas industry is very well developed. More than thirty companies operate in this field.

While people in Central Russia suffer from unbearable heat, residents of Yamal enjoy the cold. Despite the harsh weather conditions, they live here very good people, who gave this place its name. They call the Yamal Peninsula “The End of the Earth”, because that is how its name is translated from Nenets.

The history of cold Yamal

The first mention of the Yamal land dates back to the 11th century, but Novgorod merchants managed to get there earlier. Their references to the northern lands were fantastic. Travelers spoke of squirrels and deer that fell to the ground like raindrops from clouds. It was from this moment that the popularity of Yamal began to grow.

To finally conquer the rich northern lands, Tsar Fedor sent a campaign in 1592. A few years later, a Cossack detachment created a fortification, called Obdorsk. Today everyone knows this place as Salekhard - the city that is the capital Yamalo-Nenets District. After the northern lands were conquered and passed to Russia, the rapid growth of the power of this state began.

Russia, Yamal Peninsula. Location

The northernmost and coldest peninsula of Russia is located on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets District. It ranks fourth in size, washed by the Kara Sea on three sides, as well as by the Baydaratskaya and Ob Bays. The last lip separates the main part of the mainland from the peninsula.

The flora here is represented only by tundra and forest-tundra areas. The flora consists of low-growing shrubs, mosses, trees, lichens and herbaceous plants. The flora and fauna here are very poor, but there are a lot of fish.

The peninsula is famous for its unrivaled cold beauty and untrodden lands. Believe me, the spectacle is impressive. Guests come here from all over the country to see this area. The impressions are sometimes so strong that people who come for six months decide to stay here forever.

Yamal is located beyond the Arctic Circle, which greatly influences its climate. Summer on the peninsula can be compared, rather, to a thaw, since the temperature is +6, although in the tundra in July it can reach 30 degrees Celsius.

The land on the peninsula is permafrost, where the tundra is represented as a swampy plain. There are a lot of small lakes in Yamal that are suitable for economic activities. Valuable species of salmon fish live here.

Now you know where the Yamal Peninsula is located.

The local climate greatly affects your health. Of course, the northern people have their own diseases, such as frostbite in the upper part of the lungs.

Scientists have identified one very interesting point that is directly related to the north. All people who have lived on the Yamal Peninsula for more than seven years have dilated heart arteries. This change affects the psychosomatic state of the individual, as a result of which the person becomes more hospitable, kinder, more responsive and affectionate. In such difficult conditions it is impossible to survive by remaining a wolf, so there is nothing surprising in the changes.

Permafrost Treasure

Many people call the Yamal Peninsula a gas cylinder, but residents are not offended by this comic nickname. They only correct it by saying that their autonomous region is the gas heart of Russia. There really is so much gas here that it even comes to the surface.

Photographs of the crater, which has a diameter of 60 meters, were taken here. This natural phenomenon made this place famous, but did not surprise experts at all. Such sinkholes very often appear in permafrost containing large stock natural gas. The Yamal Peninsula is just such a place. A photo of the famous funnel is in front of you.

In the pre-war years, the main sectors of the economy were reindeer husbandry and fishing. Fur harvesting increased rapidly. However, as soon as the district was formed, a completely new branch began to develop - crop production. People began to grow fodder root crops, potatoes and vegetables.

Administrative-territorial structure of the peninsula

The Autonomous Okrug includes:

6 urban settlements;

6 urban districts;

36 rural settlements;

7 municipal districts.

Settlements of the Yamal Peninsula


New Urengoy;






The largest settlements are:

1. New Port;

2. Yar-Sale;

3. Salemal;

4. Cape Kamenny;

5. Panaevsk;

Urban settlements:






Old Nadym.

The Yamal Peninsula is partially populated; complete development is complicated by climatic conditions.

Population of the peninsula

For quite a long time, the district was practically deserted; only Khanty, Nenets and Selkup tribes lived here. They were engaged in hunting and reindeer herding and led nomadic image life.

The situation began to change in the 20th century, at which time the development of the district’s natural resources began and the population gradually began to increase.


1926 - 19,000 people;

1975 - 122,000;

2000 - 495,200 people;

2012 - 539,800;

National structure (percentage):

Selkups - 0.4;

Khanty - 1.9;

Nenets - 5.9;

Tatars - 5.6;

Other nationalities - 17.5;

Ukrainians - 9.7;

Russians - 61.7.

It should be noted that the Yamal Peninsula is the only subject Russian Federation, where natural population growth has still been preserved. This fact occurs in all settlements, cities and regions.

The birth rate here is much higher than the national level, and the mortality rate is much lower. This is a very good indicator. The population is constantly increasing, due to natural growth.

The Yamal Peninsula is a territory permafrost and unsurpassed landscapes. This amazing land, which will not leave anyone indifferent. Everyone who has ever visited Yamal will certainly return here.

Today, Yamal is considered a stable, dynamically developing region. It is a solid foundation for socio-economic development, which is very important for both the northern regions and the country as a whole.

The capital of Yamal, Salekhard, was the final destination of the trip. Our ship arrived here at 12, the plane to Moscow arrived at five and a penny. A total of three and a half hours for a sightseeing tour of the city. The taxi driver was a little surprised by the request for an excursion - tourists are generally rare here, but in the end it turned out to be interesting. The city is small and there was enough time for an overview of it.

Salekhard was founded in 1595 by the Cossacks under the name of the Obdorsk fortress or fortress. Obdorsk - translated from the dialects of the northern peoples means “Ob coast”. The city is located exactly on the Arctic Circle and at that time was the northernmost fort in Russia. TO early XIX century, the fortress lost its defensive significance, and the fortifications were dismantled - Obdorsk became a small provincial village in Berezovsky district. Both in the royal and Soviet era Obdorsk was a popular place of exile. In 1923, Obdorsk became the regional center of the new Ural region, and in 1930 the Yamalo-Nenets National District was formed, and Obdorsk became its capital. In 1933, the village was transformed into the regional settlement of Salekhard (translated from Nenets as “Village on the Cape”), which in 1938 was given the status of a city. Thanks to colossal oil and gas fields, today the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is one of the most economically prosperous regions of our country. In addition to the oil and gas industry, reindeer husbandry, traditional for the northern peoples, has been developed in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - the current number of reindeer in the district reaches 700 thousand, with a lot of nomadic reindeer herding farms.

It is interesting that, like Khanty-Mansiysk in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Salekhard, although the capital, is not the largest and most industrially developed city in the region. Salekhard, with a population of 50 thousand, ranks only third in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in terms of population, far behind the “oil and gas” cities of Novy Urengoy and Noyabrsk (both have more than 100 thousand population). A satellite of Salekhard is the village of Labytnangi, located on the opposite bank of the Ob. Labytnangi is the final station of the Northern Railway line and a major transshipment port on the Ob River. There is a ferry service between Salekhard and Labytnangi.

1. In the place on the cape where the first Russian settlement was founded 420 years ago, today a model of the Obdorsky fort has been recreated - as it was in those distant years.

6. Peter and Paul Cathedral - the first stone temple of Salekhard. It was built in 1894 and has survived to this day almost in its original form.

7. Modern Salekhard is approximately the same as most economically secure northern “oil and gas” cities. Mostly new buildings, modern architecture, there are many cultural, sports and leisure facilities, and old houses have been renovated and brought into line with their general architectural appearance.

13. There is a mosque in Salekhard, one of the northernmost in Russia. Behind the mosque are the buildings of the Yamal Multidisciplinary College.

14. National Library of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

15. Modern urban development.

16. One of the unusual ones architectural objects city ​​- cable-stayed single-pillar bridge "Fakel" across the Shaitanka River, opened in 2004. There is a two-story restaurant on the bridge pylon.

17. “In the fairy tales of ancient Yamal, in the songs of new generations - everywhere people honor deer with a word of gratitude!”

18. Not far from cable-stayed bridge on the far bank of the Shaitanka there are administrative buildings of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. This “government quarter” was built quite recently - the administration of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug moved here in 2009.

20. Construction of a new Cathedral of the Transfiguration is underway next door.

21. Salekhard is located exactly on the Arctic Circle. In the place where the road to the airport crosses latitude 66°33`44``, a memorial sign has been erected. I wrote and thought, how many times have I been to and beyond the Arctic Circle? Now I’ll count - on 6 trips to the North and 1 time to the South in Antarctica.

22. Not far from the Arctic Circle sign, there is a monument to the 501st construction site, which was built by prisoners of the transpolar railway from Salekhard to Igarka. In the forests and tundras far from Salekhard, the remains of prisoner barracks, railway embankments and even old steam locomotives are still preserved. These places can be seen as part of a separate three-day trip. In the future, if I return to Salekhard, I will try to go there...

Meanwhile, the Transpolar Railway project is actually alive - albeit not in the same format as it was during the Gulag. In essence, part of this road from Chum and Vorkuta to Labytnang is operational; on the opposite bank along the route of the former 501st construction site, the current railway from Urengoy to Nadym was built, they are about to start active work on the Northern Latitudinal Railway, which will connect Nadym and Salekhard approximately along the route of the former 501st construction site. IN recent years Projects for the bridge across the Ob River in Salekhard have again intensified. Bold projects are being voiced for the construction of a road east from Urengoy to the banks of the Yenisei in the Igarka region, and even more bold - to Dudinka and Norilsk, in order to connect the Norilsk industrial region by land with the “Big Earth”. Will all this ever be built? I think that they will build it - not soon, not tomorrow, not in the foreseeable future, but I think that they will build it someday - because this direction is strategically promising, modern construction technologies have stepped far ahead compared to Stalin's times, and the presence in these deaf northern places many still undeveloped deposits is a very serious incentive for development transport infrastructure. Of course, this is not tomorrow or in a year... But maybe in a few years ...twenty, in retirement, will you be able to travel from Moscow to Norilsk by train? :)) It would be damn interesting! In the meantime, we peer into the distance at the torn rails and the lives of the 501st construction site...

25. Then the road passes the airport and leads to the ferry crossings Salekhard - Labytnangi and Salekhard - Priobye. The first connects Salekhard with the opposite bank and railway station, and the second - 630 kilometers along the Ob to the Ob region, where the nearest main road connected to the general road network of the country leads to the river. On the high bank near the crossing there is a huge mammoth and a memorial inscription in honor of the 420th anniversary of the city.

28. At the crossing Salekhard - Labytnangi it is very busy - ferries across the Ob go one after another.

Here the Ob, squeezed on both sides by mountains, narrows to two kilometers and turns east. It has been planned for many years to build a huge bridge in this section that will connect Salekhard with the network railways country and along which the road and railway latitudinal northern highway will pass. The issue of the Salekhard Bridge has been floating around for many years, since the time of the 501st construction, and with varying degrees of activity it comes up from time to time in certain circles and authorities. Recently, talk about the bridge has intensified again - in some engineering solutions For example, it is planned to use the experience of the Kerch bridge currently being built. But this is still a question for the future.

33. And now on the banks of the Ob it is quiet and calm - in a wide stream the great Siberian river carries its waters to the Kara Sea among the harsh northern taiga and forest-tundra. From here to the beginning of the river delta it is a little more than a hundred kilometers, and to the mouth of the Ob in the area of ​​the Nadym bar is 280 kilometers. A year ago I had the opportunity to visit Altai, in the very upper reaches of the river, and now we are very close to its mouth...

The journey ends - after standing on the banks of the Ob at the crossing, we go to the airport, where the plane to home is already waiting for us. It was great! Thanks Seryoga kitv for great company as always! And there are probably many other trips ahead, because there are so many interesting places in the world that are worth visiting! :))

    Yamal Nenetsie Autonomous Okrug ... Wikipedia

    In the Russian Federation, Tyumen region. Formed 12/10/1930. 750.3 thousand km², including islands in Kara Cape Bely, Oleniy, Shokalsky, etc. Population 465 thousand people (1993), urban 83%; Russians, Nenets, Khanty, Komi, etc. 6 cities, 9... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- YAMALO NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT, subject of the Russian Federation; within the Tyumen region. Located on Far North Western Siberia, partly beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes the islands of Bely, Oleniy, Shokalsky and others, in the north it is washed by ... Russian history

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- YAMALO NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT, in the Tyumen region, in Russia. Area 750.3 thousand km2. Population 465 thousand people, urban 80%; Russians (59.2%), Ukrainians (17.2%), Nenets (4.2%), Khanty, Komi, etc. Center Salekhard. 7 districts, 6 cities, 9 villages... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- Russian Federation Federal districts: Far Eastern Volga North Western North ... Accounting Encyclopedia

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- as part of the Tyumen region of the RSFSR. Formed on December 10, 1930. Located in the extreme north of the West Siberian Plain; about 50% of the district's territory is beyond the Arctic Circle. Washed by the waters Kara Sea. Includes the islands: Bely, Oleniy, Shokalsky... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Nenets. Women at the tent. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a subject of the Russian Federation within the Tyumen region. Located in the Far North of Western Siberia, partly beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- included in Russia. Federation. Pl. 750.3 thousand km2. Us. 488 thousand people (1996), including Nenets (18 thousand), Khanty (6.6 thousand), Selkups (1.8 thousand), Mansi (0.1 thousand). Salekhard center. First Russian native school in 1850 in Obdorsk (now Salekhard). In con. 19… Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- an equal subject within the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter (Basic Law) of Ya. N. a. o., accepted State Duma Ya.N.a. O. September 19, 1995 The district is part of the Tyumen region. Administrative center the district is the city... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- Yamalo Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug... Russian spelling dictionary


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