Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Zoya Zhuravleva biography. What a strange name

Zhuravleva Zoya Evgenievna

20 VIII 1935 – 26 III 2011

  • Member of the Board of the IOO ZhNO
  • Writer, author of more than 20 novels, stories, film scripts
  • Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Conferences ""
  • Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Lady Luck"

Zoya Zhuravleva was one of the pillars of our scientific and educational community, the foundation of which was laid by the Association “Women in Science and Education”.

She was a great writer and a passionate person, she felt and understood the Word extremely sensitively and subtly. Zoya wrote more than 20 stories and novels, for children and adults, many articles and essays, and was an editor-compiler of books about Potemkin and S.P. Kurdyumov. Most of the things she wrote are presented on the website

Analysis and understanding of what she wrote is still to come, and we will definitely make a book dedicated to her life and work.

Zoya was the organizer of the "" conferences, led the annual round table "Cultural Space of Russia" at the "" conferences, often spoke at various conferences and on the radio, and was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper of the Association "Women in Science and Education."

We have collected articles by Zoya Zhuravleva, which began each issue of the newspaper “Mrs. Luck” and some materials about her work.

A large part of the Association’s life is connected with the newspaper “Mrs. Luck”, 7 published issues of which played a huge role in uniting our community. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper is our beloved writer from St. Petersburg, Zoya Zhuravleva. Perhaps not everyone knows this (she never talks about it), but Zoya is the author of more than 20 novels and stories, among them the intellectual bestseller “A Romance with a Hero is a Congruent Romance with Oneself,” which was sensational in the late 80s of the twentieth century. Entire generations of Soviet children grew up on her children’s books “Somersault,” “Take off your shell, turtle,” “Putka” and others, published in millions of copies.

Unlike most members of our Association - natural scientists and teachers, Zoya is a person of the artistic elite. It is she who organizes the conferences, and brings writers, artists, performers and directors to our conferences. At her invitation, Zoya Zhuravleva’s friend Gennady Abramov, a completely unconventional, world-class and world-famous choreographer, came to the conference several times. His students and actors begin to work where all physical laws end. We opened conferences in Suzdal several times with his performances. Thanks to Zoya Zhuravleva, her friend, academician, one of the legendary creators of Soviet spaceships Boris Viktorovich Rauschenbach spoke at conferences twice. In the last years of B.V.’s life. Rauschenbach headed the department at the Physics and Technology Institute, wrote books such as “Perspective in Painting,” historical and philosophical works, and was chairman of the Russian-German Society. His speeches and communication with him remained an unforgettable experience for many of our participants. Zoya brings to the conference a unique children's group - the Rostok theater studio, headed by Elena Valentinovna Ivanova, who has been running this studio for more than 25 years.

People of artistic culture are grouped around Zoya - directors, artists, philosophers, art critics, as well as teachers of Russian language and literature.

At the winter conferences “Zoya” leads the traditional round table “Cultural Space of Russia”. At many conferences she made presentations on culture, language, and poetry. Her report on Brodsky aroused interest in his work even among people far from such subtle matters as poetry.

People are drawn to Zoya Zhuravleva for human culture. Her personality, manner of speaking, paradoxical judgments, humor, lively interest in everything around her are irresistibly attractive, her interest in people, in turn, attracts people to her. Her grades are very important to others. Her praise, her approval are simply inspiring. And sometimes her uncompromisingness and harsh judgments make you think and re-evaluate many things.

Without a doubt, it is the center of the cultural life of the Association.

We put our skis back on. And Dzakhov immediately began to fall. He falls even on the most level ground. If Putka’s leg didn’t hurt, we would laugh at Dzakhov. But now, of course, there is no time for that.

Why are you falling? - I asked.

“I’ve never skied,” Dzakhov said. - You can’t go skiing here! There is almost no snow.

How is it - no? - Dimka and I asked. - Where is it - at your place?

Dzakhov then told everything about himself.

He used to live in the south. In the city of Ordzhonikidze. His grandfather has his own house there. The whole house! The house is made of stone, but there are no floors at all. Just one floor, like in our house. What a city! And gardens are growing right in the city. If you go out in your underpants, apples please. Or even pears. But there are no lingonberries there. Even in the store. And the trolleybuses don't run. Everyone goes by tram. Dzakhov had never seen a trolleybus.

Are there any lakes? - asked Dimka.

And there are no lakes in Ordzhonikidze. There is one somewhere outside the city, but it is not real. His people made it for swimming. There is also Terek, and he growls.

Is Terek your dog? - I asked.

But Dzakhov said that it was not a dog at all, it was a river. It flows from the mountains. So stormy, terrible. It even growls! That is, it makes a lot of noise. You can’t even wash your feet in it, you just stick your foot in and you can immediately drown. Very fast current.

And in winter? - Dimka and I asked.

Then we understood why Dzakhov came here. They don’t have snow in Ordzhonikidze in winter. It will fall out a little and immediately melt.

But there is snow in the mountains,” said Dzakhov.

I immediately remembered that dog that saved forty people. I thought Dzakhov knew her. But he had never even heard of her. He said there were a lot of mountains and a lot of dogs. She probably lives there, that dog. Only they never met.

What's strange about this? Dzakhov has been living in a two-story house for a long time, and we have never seen him. And he didn't see us. That's why he became friends with Kolya. He thought Kolyai was good. And he hit Putka with a stick. If Dzakhov had known, he would not have even spoken to Kolya.

Now he’ll complain to your mom,” Dimka said.

But Dzakhov, it turns out, does not have a mother. But dad doesn’t listen to any complaints. He says that men must sort things out among themselves. Dzakhov’s dad has no time, he has experiments. There is modern equipment here, that's why they moved here. Grandfather even cried when they left. He has his own house, and they left.

Why is your name like that - Dzakhov? - asked Dimka.

This is not a name, - said Dzakhov, - this is a surname. And the name is Elbrus, Elbrus Dzakhov.

Dimka and I were completely surprised. If only Zhenya. Or Genka. And then Elbrus. There is no such name.

But Dzakhov explained that this is the name of the mountain. Elbrus. High! Above everyone. His grandfather climbed Elbrus. He almost died there. Very cool. You can't even sit down - it's such a mountain. Grandfather was sleeping standing there. And he then said that he would name his grandson Elbrus. If he returns home and doesn’t die. He, of course, returned, and Dzakhov was named Elbrus.

Are you a grandson? - asked Dimka.

“Yeah,” said Dzakhov.

And now our home. I quickly opened the door. Putka walked on three legs. Very tired. We laid him on the sofa. He didn’t allow me to touch that leg, it hurt so much. Dimka said that he would have to give an injection. Anesthetic.

And then mom came. We told her how Putka protected us. Dzakhov showed his mother a felt boot, almost with a hole. That's how true Putka is!

Mom probably felt ashamed. She wanted to exchange Putka for a bulldog. That’s why she didn’t swear that Putka was lying on the sofa. She poured him milk.

But Putka refused milk. He just wagged his tail a little and closed his eyes.

And my nose is dry,” said my mother.

What upset her the most was her nose. If a person's nose is dry, this is, of course, good. But for a dog it’s no good. If his nose is dry and hot, it means Putka is sick.

Mom said that she would treat him herself. She always treats me. Putka groaned a little, but gave his mother his leg, even allowing her to feel it. He just winced a lot. Hurt!

Then mom made a compress for Putka. She said that there was nothing wrong, just a severe bruise. Of course it's a bruise! We saw everything. Kolyai bruised him with a stick.

Kolya is my enemy now,” said Dzakhov.

Dimka and I showed Dzakhov our secret - the wooden boy in the attic. The three of us decided to protect the boy. Dzakhov has muscles, and Dimka has muscles. And I scratch really well, that’s what Dzakhov thinks. I so boldly rushed at Kolya!

Putka fell asleep on the sofa. And we sat next to him, quietly, quietly, watching him breathe. He was breathing calmly and snoring slightly.

“He’ll get better now,” said my mother.

Received a certificate from Harvard University - A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning and Teaching. This course includes a program for identifying and analyzing student errors, developed by Harvard professors, as well as a detailed, step-by-step plan for eliminating these errors.

I conduct classes within a 7-minute walk from the metro station (“Sevastopolskaya”/“Chertanovskaya”).

During classes we work using textbooks only from foreign publishers (Oxford, Cambridge, Macmillan). For each student, depending on his level and goals, an individual work plan is drawn up.

The emphasis in classes is on lively spoken English. When studying English, we watch films in the original with our students, read modern English and American literature in English.

For students at the Pre-Intermediate level and above, classes are conducted in English, with the exception of explanations of complex cases of grammar. With students with a zero level, we are trying to gradually switch to communicating only in English.

Students are highly encouraged to have hobbies and interests, because... this allows us to immediately find interesting topics for discussion in class and helps to “get the student to talk.”

To successfully pass exams, I use proven and effective preparation methods.

I have been studying English for about 20 years and throughout this time I have not ceased to improve my skills, both in English and in teaching. Twice a year I go to language practice with native speakers (UK) to maintain my spoken English at a high level. I also read a lot of books in English dedicated to new, effective methods of learning languages, which I happily share with my students in the future.

An effective method of memorizing words has been developed, which allows you to master at least 3,000 words and expressions in a year.

2011 - Graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of Moscow State Linguistic University with a degree in cultural studies with knowledge of English and Persian languages ​​(honored diploma, 2011).
2017 - online advanced training course: teaching methods, analysis and correction of student errors (GSE3x: Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching), edX platform, Harvard University (USA).
2018 - online advanced training course: methods of preparing students for IELTS (IELTSx: IELTS Academic Test Preparation), edX platform, University of Queensland (Australia).
2018 - online training course “Preparing for IELTS Academic with experts” Inside IELTS: Preparing for the Test with the Experts, FutureLearn platform, University of Cambridge (UK).
2005–present - Tutoring activity since 2005.
2011–2014 - Work experience in international companies from 2011 to 2014.