Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Sound designation of a verb. Animal sound verbs

Words are divided into syllables. Syllable- this is one sound or several sounds pronounced by one exhalation push of air.

Wed: wow, wow.

1. In the Russian language there are sounds of different audibility: vowel sounds are more sonorous compared to consonant sounds.

    Exactly vowel sounds form syllables, are syllabic.

    Consonants are non-syllabic. When pronouncing a word, the consonant sounds “stretch” towards the vowels, forming a syllable together with the vowels.

2. A syllable can consist of one sound (and then it must be a vowel!) or several sounds (in this case, in addition to the vowel, the syllable contains a consonant or a group of consonants).

The rim is o-bo-dok; country - country; night light - night light; miniature - mi-ni-a-tyu-ra.

3. Syllables can be open or closed.

    Open syllable ends with a vowel sound.

    Wow, country.

    Closed syllable ends with a consonant sound.

    Sleep, lay-ner.

    There are more open syllables in Russian. Closed syllables are usually observed at the end of a word.

    Wed: no-chnik(the first syllable is open, the second is closed), oh-bo-doc(the first two syllables are open, the third is closed).

    In the middle of a word, the syllable usually ends in a vowel sound, and the consonant or group of consonants that comes after the vowel usually ends in the following syllable!

    No-chnik, dammit, announcer.

Pay attention!

Sometimes a word can have two consonants written but only one sound, for example: get rid of[izh:yt’]. Therefore, in this case, two syllables stand out: and-live.
Division into parts out-live corresponds to the rules of word hyphenation, and not division into syllables!

The same can be seen in the example of the verb leave, in which the combination of consonants zzh sounds like one sound [zh:]; therefore the division into syllables will be - leave, and division into parts for transfer is leave.

Errors are especially common when highlighting syllables in verb forms ending in -tsya, -tsya.

  • Division twisting, pressing is a division into parts for transfer, and not a division into syllables, since in such forms the combination of letters ts, ts sounds like one sound [ts].

  • When dividing into syllables, combinations of letters tc, tc go entirely to the next syllable: hover, press.

    In the middle of a word, closed syllables can only form unpaired voiced consonants: [j], [р], [р'], [л], [л'], [м], [м'], [н], [н' ].

    May-ka, Sonya-ka, so-lom-ka.

Pay attention!

When combining several consonants in the middle of a word:

1) Two identical consonants necessarily go to the next syllable.

O-t-t, yes-nn-y.

2) Two or more consonants usually extend to the next syllable.

Sha-pk a, equal.

Exception make up combinations of consonants in which the first is an unpaired voiced voice (letters r, r, l, l, m, m, n, n, th).

Mark-ka, dawn-ka, bul-ka, insole-ka, dam-ka, ban-ka, ban-ka, bark-ka.

4. The division into syllables often does not coincide with the division into parts of the word (prefix, root, suffix, ending) and with the division of the word into parts during transfer.

For example, the word calculated is divided into morphemes calculated (races- prefix, counts- root; a, nn- suffixes; th- ending).
The same word, when transferred, is divided as follows: calculated.
The word is divided into syllables as follows: calculated.

Word hyphenation rules Examples
1. As a rule, words are transferred into syllables. The letters ъ, ь, й are not separated from the previous letters. Ride on, go on, go on, go on.
2. You cannot move or leave one letter on a line, even if it represents a syllable. Oh bo-dok; words autumn, name cannot be divided for transfer.
3. When transferring, you cannot tear off the final consonant letter from the prefix. From -to leak, from -to pour.
4. When transferring, the first consonant cannot be removed from the root. To murmur, to murmur.
5. When hyphenating words with double consonants, one letter remains on the line and the other is moved. Ran-n-i, ter-r-or, van-n a.
6. The letter ы after the prefix cannot be torn off from the root, but the part of the word starting with the letter ы should not be transferred. Times - say.

With the beginning of autumn, adults often have to sit down for homework with their children. It is difficult for parents of first-graders, since the primary school curriculum is quickly forgotten, and educational standards often change. Even before reading and writing, when yesterday's preschoolers in 1st grade learn the alphabet, they are given the task of creating a sound diagram of both a word and a whole sentence. In such cases, the Internet comes to the aid of parents with examples and samples.

Sound-letter parsing of words

The branch of the Russian language called phonetics deals with the study of letters and sounds and their analysis. Transcription is used to break down a word into sounds. This type of analysis is called phonetic. Parents will need to remember what vowels and consonants are, what sounds correspond to them, what iotized vowels are, and how the letters of the first and second rows differ.

Table of vowels and consonants of the Russian language

You can find the letter series in books for primary grades or on the Internet. As a rule, the letters are arranged in two lines. Vowels are divided into consonants denoting softness and hardness, the latter - into deaf and voiced, paired and unpaired.

Vowels that determine hardness: a, e, o, u, s. They correspond to the sounds: [a], [e], [o], [u], [s].

Vowels denoting softness: i, e, e, yu, i. They are also called iotated because these letters consist of two sounds when they appear at the beginning, after a vowel, or after a soft and hard sign. These letters soften the consonants that precede them.

Consonants are unvoiced and voiced, they form six pairs:

  • B (voiced) - P (voiceless);
  • V - F;
  • Z - N;
  • D - T;
  • G - K;
  • F - Sh.

The remaining consonants are not paired:

  • voiced: N, R, L, M, J;
  • deaf: Ts, Shch, X, Ch.

In addition, there are consonants that are always soft or always hard, regardless of the vowel that follows them:

  • Ch, Sh, J - always soft.
  • F, W, C - always hard.

The letters b and b do not have their own sounds. A soft sign softens the preceding consonant, a hard sign does not.

The diagram of letters and sounds of the Russian language in the table for first grade is shown in the picture:

In the educational program “School of Russia” it is customary to designate sounds with colors:

  • The vowel is red;
  • Hard consonant - blue;
  • The soft consonant is green.

The fusion of a consonant and a vowel is indicated by a rectangle divided in half. One part is painted blue or green, the second - red. Sometimes in this model, voiceless and voiced consonants, stress and division into syllables are additionally indicated.


To graphically depict the sound composition of a word, you can select colored cards. To make it easier to draw up a diagram at the beginning, it is advisable to use inscriptions on the pictures. In the future, you can independently draw the schematic composition of the word in a notebook, cell by cell, using colored pens or pencils.

To show the algorithm for drawing up a diagram, it is better to start with an audio recording of monosyllabic words using a tablet.

For example, three-letter words: oak, cat, poppy, onion, beetle, cancer. First you need to write a transcription.

For the word “oak” it looks like this: [dup]. Next, describe a scheme where the first two sounds represent the fusion of a hard consonant and a vowel, and the third - a hard consonant. Now we need to graphically display the result:

  • First draw a rectangle.
  • Divide it in half diagonally.
  • Paint the first part blue, the second red.
  • Next, draw a square and color it blue.

The remaining words also fit the resulting scheme.

Options where one or both of the consonants are soft:

Words with 4 sounds, consisting of a single syllable:

Words with 2 syllables:

A few more examples of 2 syllables or more:

  • Cone, pine:

  • Squirrel, cup: there is a soft consonant

  • Skirt: letter Y at the beginning

  • Banana, giraffe:

  • Lemon, rooster:

  • Hedgehog: always hard F and iotized E at the beginning

  • Coat:

  • Bee, plum:

  • Crow, dog:

  • Rocket:

How to outline a proposal

A common option for assignments for first-graders is to create an outline of a sentence. This is a simple task. There is no need to remember the designations for subjects and predicates here. All words in a sentence are indicated by horizontal lines. If a word is written with a capital letter, then a vertical line is drawn at the beginning of the line. At the end there is a period, exclamation or question mark.


Examples of how to decompose several sentences:

Samples of syllabic pattern

When learning to read, first graders are taught how to break a word down into syllables. To do this, it is enough to remember that a syllable is formed by a vowel. For example, the word “leaf” has one syllable, and the word “leaves” has two.

Thus, a syllable can consist of:

  • From one vowel: Stork, Anchor.
  • Begin with a consonant and contain a vowel: Tree.
  • Consonants without a vowel, Y, ь and Ъ go to the previous syllable: Boy, Heron, Seagull, Teapot.
  • Consonants go to a syllable from a vowel: Watermelon, Screen, Astra.
  • At the beginning of a word, all consonants are added to the first vowel: Swift, Dragonfly.

The pictures show examples of words broken down into syllables:

Now you can try to break down the word “Dolphin” into syllables yourself. And solve the next problem.

Olga Gordeeva


Sound analysis of a word is the determination of sounds in a word in order and their characteristics (vowel - consonant, voiced - deaf, soft hard)

Sound pattern of a word- this is a sequence of squares - symbols laid out in the same order as sounds in a word.


Sound analysis performed by sequentially highlighting by voice sounds in a word and their characteristics.

Let's do it sound analysis of the word HOME:

ddd-ohm - first sound D - it is consonant, sonorous, hard - let's denote it with a blue square with a bell.

d – ooo – m - second sound O - he

vowel - let's denote it with a red square.

to –mmm - third the sound M is a consonant, sonorous, hard - let's denote it with a blue square with a bell.

IN the word HOUSE has 3 sounds, 2 consonants and 1 vowel.

Consonants sounds D and M.

Vowel O sound.

Let's call sounds in order: HOUSE.

Let's write word in letters:HOUSE


kkyk - it - first sound Кь – consonant, deaf, soft, denoted by a green square.

IN the word whale has 3 sounds: 2 consonants and 1 vowel. Consonants Кь and Т. Vowel I. Let's call sounds in order K, I, T.


Letters denoting voiced sounds:

M, B, G, D, N, V, F, L, R, Z, J.

Letters representing deaf people sounds:

P, K, X, T, F, Sh, S, Ch, Shch, C.

Voiced or voiceless sound children determine by placing their hand on their throat. If during utterance sound"throat is ringing" - ringing sound. If "doesn't ring"- deaf

Letters denoting always solid sounds: Sh, F, C.

Letters denoting always soft sounds: Shch, Ch, J.

The remaining letters can represent two sound hard and soft: T and T, P and P, K and K, D and D, etc.

Softness and hardness children sounds

determine by ear:

MEL – Is the sound soft?.

CHALK - sound l hard.

CAT - sound K hard.

KIT – soft sound.

Parents can check the following way:

If a letter is written after a consonant A, O, U, Y, E, then it means a hard sound.

If the letters E, E, Yu, I are written after a consonant letter in a letter, then it means soft sound.

Sounds E,Yo,YU,YA – there is no such thing, these are vowels that indicate the softness of a consonant in writing.

Voiced consonants sounds at the end of words in speech they are deafened and replaced by paired deaf: D – T, G – K, B – P, F – W, ​​V – F, G – S.

We write ICE - we say [FLIGHT]

We write KNIFE - we say [NOSH]

We write SNOW - we say [SNACK]

The letters E, E, Yu, I, standing in word after a consonant they denote accordingly E sounds, O, U, A.

All this must be taken into account when performing sound analysis of words.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound system of language and speech sounds in general. Phonetics is the science of combining sounds in speech.

Phonetic analysis, or sound-letter analysis, is an analysis of the structure of syllables and the sound system of a word. This analysis is proposed to be performed as an exercise for educational purposes.

Analysis means:

  • counting the number of letters;
  • determining the number of sounds in a word;
  • placement of stress;
  • distribution of sounds into consonants and vowels;
  • classification of each sound;
  • compiling a transcription (graphic form of a word).

When parsing, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of “letter” and “sound”. After all, the former correspond to spelling rules, and the latter to speech rules (that is, sounds are analyzed from the point of view of pronunciation).

Before you begin sound-letter analysis, you should remember

There are ten vowel sounds in the Russian language:

The first five indicate that the preceding consonant is hard, and the second five indicate that the preceding consonant is soft.

And twenty-one consonants:

voiced unpaired sounds [Y’] [L] [M] [H] [R]
voiceless unpaired [X] [Ts] [H'] [SCH']
voiced doubles [B] [IN] [G] [D] [AND] [Z]
deaf pairs [P] [F] [TO] [T] [SH] [WITH]

Voiced consonants are those that are formed with the participation of sound, and voiceless consonants are formed with the help of noise. Paired consonants are those consonants that form a voiceless/voiced pair. For example, [B]/[P], [V]/[F], [G]/[K]. Unpaired - those that do not form pairs: [L], [M], [P].

When analyzing a word phonetically, it is worth remembering that the consonants [Ч'], [Ш'], [И'] are always soft, regardless of which vowel forms a syllable with them. The consonants [Zh], [Sh] and [C] are always hard.

[Y’], [L], [L’], [M], [M’], [N], [N’], [P], [P’] - sonorous sounds. This means that when pronouncing these consonants, the sound is formed mainly by the voice, but not by noise. All sonorants are voiced sounds.

The Russian alphabet also contains the letters b and b. They don't make sound. b (soft sign) serves to soften the consonants after which it is placed. Ъ (hard sign) has a dividing function.

Rules for parsing sounds

  1. Transcription is written in square brackets: .
  2. The softness of the sound is indicated by the symbol “’”.
  3. Before deaf people, voiced consonants are deafened: nails - [nokt'i].
  4. The sounds [s], [z] in word prefixes are softened: to separate - [raz’y’ed’in’it’].
  5. Some consonants in words are not readable: bone - [inert’].
  6. The combination of the letters “sch”, “zch” is read as “sch”: happiness - [sch’ast’y’e].
  7. A doubled consonant is designated “:”: gradual - [past’ip’en:y’].

Sample sound-letter analysis of a word

  1. Write the word according to spelling rules.
  2. Divide the word into syllables.
  3. Indicate the stressed syllable.
  4. Say the word out loud and perform a transcription based on this.
  5. Describe the vowel sounds in order, indicate which of them are stressed and which are unstressed. Describe the consonants. Describe them: paired/unpaired, voiced/voiceless, hard/soft.
  6. Count the number of sounds and letters in a word.