Биографии Характеристики Анализ

Раздел 3 грамматика. Разбираем ЕГЭ по английскому языку: раздел «Грамматика

A. Safe solutions are still needed.

B. International efforts to stop pollution.

C. Science for nature protection.

D. Set to protect nature.

E. Air pollution in the chain of global destruction.

F. We are all elements of global ecosystem.

1. People have lived on our planet for many years. We may live on different continents and in different countries., but we all depend on our planet., on the sun, on animals and plants around us. We must take care of Earth but not destruct wildlife. Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. We cut down trees to make furniture, but we forget that people can"t live without trees and plants. Every little creature or thing on Earth plays its own part and makes our home unique.

2. One of the biggest eco problems is pollution.The main reason of pollution is rubbish. Most of our rubbish goes to big holes in the ground, called "dumps". But dumps are very dangerous for our life, because they are full of rats, which can carry infections away from dumps. Another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it. But the fires make poisons, which go into the air and pollute it. This is the problem scientists should get interested in. Such researches are worth spending money on.

3. The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (the RSPCA) tries to protect animals from bad use. It operates big nation campaigns aimed at lost pets and circus animals. The World Wildlife Fund (The WWF) rescued several species of animals, mammals as well as birds. These organizations also helped to create more than 250 National parks. Greenpeace began its work 20 years ago from saving whales. And now Greenpeace is a world-famous organization, which saves plants, animals and people.

4. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut down and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result, some rare species of animals, birds. fish and plants disappear forever, a number of lakes and rivers dry up. The pollution of air and the world destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man"s careless interaction with nature, a sign of ecological crises.

5. Numerous conferences have been held to discuss questions of ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatsinsk and Chernobyl. An international environmental research center has been set up on Lake Baikal. Scientists are also doing much to preserve the environment. But these are only the initial steps that must be carries forward to protect not only for the sake of the present but for the future generations.

Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people

live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the bins. It’s easier to

drop a paper than to find a bin for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils

The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a

fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.

Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage attract animals, which sometimes carry disease.

Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work

together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes

people who throw garbage in the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to

Two famous sayings in the United States are: “Don’t be a litterbug!” and “Every litter bit hurts!”


Litter is a problem among people.


There are special bins for different garbage in the streets.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated


Papers are easy to catch.
1) true 2) false 3) not stated

The famous writer ________ his poem in 1947. WRITE
The old man ________ at his garden at 3 o`clock yesterday. WORK
They ________ home by 4 o`clock yesterday. COME
He ________ the text before the film began. TRANSLATE
She ________ computer games the whole evening yesterday. PLAY
Everyone knows how important water is. Life on the planet would be __________ without it. POSSIBLE
Whatever your _________ drink is, you can"t make it without water. FAVOUR
We need water for ________ things: cooking, washing and producing goods. DIFFER
My uncle, who is a _________, says that he waters his vegetables and fruit trees a lot in dry weather. FARM

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend, Alice.

... One of my friends gets ill very often. The doctor says that it"s because he lives in a big city with a poor environment. What ecological problems are the most serious in your country? What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner? Would you like to live a big city or in the country? Why?

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.
Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Пояснительная записка

к контрольно-измерительным материалам для промежуточной аттестации учащихся 8 класса (углубленное изучение)

(УМК “Enjoy English”издательства«Титул», автор Биболетова М. З.)

Цель : осуществить контроль уровня сформированности знаний, умений и навыков учащихся в соответствии с целями и задачами тем, изученных в первом полугодии.

Форма работы : тест в формате ОГЭ.

Тест состоит из 4 разделов, включающих 33 задания.

Тематика, проблематика, речевое и языковое наполнение тестовых заданий полностью соответствует темам и лексико-грамматическому материалу, изученному в 1 полугодии.

Задания 1-2 (задания на соответствия) нацелены на проверку умения учащихся понимать основное содержание прослушанных текстов. Задание 3-8 (задание на множественный выбор) позволяют проверить умение услышать и понять запрашиваемую информацию в звучащем тексте.

В разделе 2 (чтение) даны 9 заданий. Задание 9 проверяет умение читать текст с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного. Задания 10-17 оценивают умение находить в прочитанном тексте запрашиваемую информацию.

Раздел 3 - задания по грамматике и лексике - направлены на оценку сформированности языковых (лексико-грамматических) умений и навыков учащихся. В заданиях 18-26 (задания с кратким ответом) учащимся необходимо заполнить пропуски в предложениях, употребив заданные слова в правильной грамматической форме. Данные задания проверяют знания учащихся таких грамматических явлений, как Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, условные предложения 2 и 3 типа.

Задания 27-32 (задания с кратким ответом) направлены на проверку сформированности навыков словообразования.

В разделе 4 (письмо) учащимся предлагается написать личное письмо объемом 100-120 слов в ответ на письмо-стимул. В задании проверяется умение предоставлять запрашиваемую информацию, выражать и аргументировать свое мнение, используя оптимальные для этой цели языковые (лексические, грамматические и синтаксические) средства, оформлять личное письмо в соответствие с правилами письменного этикета, принятого в англоговорящих странах.

Время выполнения работы: 2 часа (120 минут)

Критерии оценивания :

Разделы Задания Кол-во баллов Примечания
Раздел 1. Аудирование. 3-8 0-4 0-5 0-6 За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа - 0 баллов.
Раздел 2. Чтение. 10-17 0-7 0-8 За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл.
Раздел 3. Лексика и грамматика. 18-26 27-32 0-9 0-6 За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Если в кратком ответе сделана орфографическая ошибка, ответ считается неверным. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Раздел 4. Письмо. 0-10 См. Критерии оценивания выполнения задания 33 "Личное письмо" (приложение)
Итого 35 заданий 70 баллов Минимальный порог - 29 баллов 29-35 баллов - оценка "3" 36-47 баллов - оценка "4" 48 - 70 баллов - оценка "5"

Класс Вариант 1

Раздел 2. Чтение

B2 Установите соответствие между заголовками 1- 8 и текстами А- G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

The secret of successful small talk

1. Pay compliments.

2. Start with the obvious things.

3. Ask about their personal problems.

4. Turn the attention to others.

5. Avoid difficult themes.

6. It’s not so difficult.

7. Pay attention.

8. Use friendly body language.

A. You’re at a cocktail party. There are lots of people there but there’s nobody that you know. What do you do? The good conversationalist would choose to walk up to someone and introduce yourself. We all know people like that - people who can talk to anyone about anything. How do they do it? Well, the good news is that there is no great secret to small talk. There are just some simple techniques that anyone can use to start a conversation and keep it going.

B. In the film Annie Hall Diane Keaton and Woody Allen have just met and they want to impress each other. While they are talking their inner thought appear in sub-title on the screen. ’Listen to me-what a jerk.’ he probably thinks I’m stupid.’ Thoughts like these kill a conversation. So don’t try to impress other people. Just relax and be yourself. When you talk to someone you show that you are interested in them. So you don’t have to talk about deeply important things. Just talk about simple things like the weather or a television programme that you saw.

C. TV journalist Barbara Walters recalls that when she was younger she met the author, Truman Capote. She wanted to tell him that she liked his book. However, she thought that he must be tired of hearing that, so she just mumbled ’How do you do?’ and turned away. She forgot that everybody likes to receive a compliment and it’s an easy way into a conversation, especially if you follow it up with a question: ’I really liked your book. How long did it take you to write it?’ or ’That’s a nice jacket. Where did you buy it?’

D . Your face and your body can communicate much more than your words. If you stand with your arms folded or if you keep looking around the room, the conversation will quickly end because you will look uninterested. Instead, you should make eye contact; keep an open posture and smile. If you send out friendly messages, you will get friendly messages back.

E. A Victorian lady once compared the two British prime ministers, Gladstone and Disraeli. ’When you speak to Mr Gladstone’, she said, ’you think he is the most interesting man in the world. But when you speak to Mr Disraeli, you feel that you are the most interesting woman in the world.’ People like to talk about themselves and they will think you are fascinating if you ask questions that allow them to do so.

E But people often don’t listen properly. They are too busy thinking about the next thing that they themselves want to say. Good conversationalists listen carefully and they show that they are listening, too. They ask questions, nod their head in agreement or say things like ’Oh that sounds exciting’.

F. There are some topics that you should avoid. Don’t ask people about personal problems, money or religion. It’s also a good idea to avoid the kind of statements that say ’I’m right. You’re wrong’. It’s all right to express your opinions but soften your comments with expressions such as ’I’m afraid I have to disagree with you there’. So, there is no secret to successful small talk. Just follow these simple rules and you’ll soon find that you can hold a pleasant conversation with anybody about anything.


В3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски А - G частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 1 - 7. Одна из частей в списке 1 - 7 - лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

August 1997

I will never forget what I was doing when I heard about the death of Princess Diana. It was Sunday morning and A __________ . I got up and made myself a cup of coffee. It was about ten past seven. At that time there is usually some farming news on the radio. On Sundays there are also religious programmes. I don’t usually listen to the radio early on Sunday mornings but I switched it on.

A woman in the studio was asking questions and a man was answering them by telephone. The man said: ’We must think about the children at this tragic time.’ Tragic? What was he thinking about? В __________ and a few seconds later the woman said: ’We have changed this morning’s programmes to bring you news of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.’ I felt a terrible shock and С _________ . That morning I telephoned about 25 people but D_________. . We didn’t know what to do. Eventually my sister and I decided to go to Kensington Palace, where Diana lived.

E __________ , there were about a thousand of people there. Some of them were putting flowers at the palace gates. Others were standing quietly in Kensington Gardens. A lot of people were crying and embracing each other. There were a lot of journalists and photographers. My sister was very angry F __________. ’Go away!’ she shouted at one of them. ’This is all your fault!’

1. when we arrived

2. I listen more careful

3. when she saw them

4. I couldn’t sleep

5. everyone was in deep shock

6. I was doing nothing

7. I couldn’t believe it


Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необ-ходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4 - В10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4 - В10.

В4 ’Cars cause pollution and should _______ from BAN

Centers city centers.’ What do you think? In the past,

people travelled by horse and so city

B5 centers ________for cars. They were built for rid- NOT DESIGN

ers and pedestrians. The question now is: should

we adapt them for cars or should we make city

centres car-free zones? Cars cause lead pollu-

tion and thousands of children have asthma or

suffer brain damages. Cars also cause

B6 noise pollution and can stop people ________. SLEEP

В7 People ________ every day on the roads in car ac- KILL

cidents and also in road rage incidents where

drivers attack other drivers. It’s awful! So why

do we have cars? For getting around, of course,

and to make it easy to get from one place to an-

other. They carry as much luggage as we want

В8 and are ________ than public transport. FAST

B9 If we banned cars from city centres, we ________ NEED

big car parks and then free public transport to

our destination. People might walk more and be

B10 In the future who ________ what will happen? Sci- KNOW

ence may solve the problem. We may have elec-

tric or solar-powered cars that know where they

are going. Things will certainly be different.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11 - В16, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11 - В16 .

B11 The film “Titanic” made in the US in 1997 EXPENSIVE

the _______ film ever made at almost $250

million. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate

Winslet, it was directed by James Cameron

and won 11 Oscars, including the Oscar for the best film.

B12 Why is the film so ________? Miranda, aged 13, SUCCESS

has seen the film three times and now has the

video. ’I almost know the script by heart,’ she

says, ’and I still have tears in my eyes at the end.

B13 It makes a big ________ to me to think that it’s a DIFFER

true story. It really happened.’

B14 Her mother is by the research. ’James PRESS

Cameron spent an enormous amount of time

and money to get everything just right and ex-

actly as it was on the real Titanic. It’s a great

story and there’s never a dull moment in the

film.’ George agrees that the special effects

B15 are ________ , but says, ’I didn’t much like the CREDENT

B16 and some parts were rather _________.It was long PREDICT

too - so I don’t think I’ll see it again.’

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 - А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22 - А28 , в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The price of fame

Charlotte Church looks like a normal teenager but she is far from average. She has an amazing voice. Her fans stand in queues for hours to get tickets for her concerts and she is often on television. Charlotte’s singing A22 _________ began when she performed on a TV show at the age of 11. The head of record company was so impressed by her voice that he A23 _________ her up on the spot. Her first album rose to number one in the charts.

Charlotte still attends school in her home town when she can. A24 _______, she is often away on tour for weeks at a time. She doesn’t miss out on lessons, though, because she takes her own tutor with her! She spends three hours every morning with him. Her exam results in all the |A25 __________ she studies are impressive.

But how does she A26 ___________ with this unusual way of life? SheA27 ________

that she has the same friends as before. That way be true but she can no longer go into town with them because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her autograph. It seems that, like most stars, she must learn to A27 _________ these restrictions and the lack of privacy. It’s the price of fame!

A22 1) profession 2) job 3) labour 4) career
A23 1) signed 2) wrote 3) made 4) picked
A24 1) Although 2) While 3) For 4) However
A25 1) titles 2) materials 3) subjects 4) lessons
A26 1) cope 2) adjust 3)bear 4) tolerate
A27 1) denies 2) refuses 3) insists 4)complains
A28 1) look down on 2) make do with 3) put up with 4) run out of

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Рассмотрим следующий раздел Единого государственного экзамена – Грамматика и Лексика, самый объемный по охватываемому материалу и трудозатратный в подготовке. Сегодня начнем с первой части – заданий 19 – 25, проверяющих знание грамматики.

Общая информация

Раздел “Грамматика и лексика” Единого государственного экзамена отличается от аналогичного раздела только наличием третьего задания на знание лексических единиц и сочетаемости. Первое – на грамматику, второе – на словообразование и третье – на общее знание лексической части изучаемого языка.

Часть “Грамматика” при правильном выполнении даст вам 7 баллов .

После определенной тренировки на весь раздел потребуются не предписанные 30 минут, а 20 минут , на чем можно и сэкономить время для остальных частей экзамена. А на часть “Грамматика” – около 7 минут.

Задания 19 – 25

Первые задания этого раздела тестируют все грамматические знания, полученные или не полученные за 11 лет обучения в школе. Здесь никакой лайфхак не поможет, если ученик туп и ленив мало что знает об этой самой грамматике. Да что там, даже если знает, но забыл под влиянием стресса/ бессонной ночи/ расставания с любовью всей жизни, возможность угадать правильный вариант практически равна нулю, потому что тут этих самых вариантов нет, их нужно вписать самим. И даже если повезло и угадал правильную грамматическую форму, но написал неверно – заветного балла все равно не видать.

Чтобы облегчить непосильную задачу, на этапе тренировки предлагаю следующую схему (она же в форме таблицы ниже):

  • Если перед нами существительное :
    1) Наиболее вероятное - образовать от него форму множественного числа (выучить все исключения, типа foot - feet, а если мн. ч. образуется по общему правилу, то быть внимательным - не меняется ли конечная y на i, не меняется ли f на v, не добавляется ли -es вместо привычного - s).
    Пример: Machu Picchu, often called “The Lost City of the Incas”, is probably the most famous symbol of the Incan Empire. Machu Picchu is situated 7,875 _______FOOT ________ above sea level in Peru. (правильный ответ – FEET)
    2) Менее вероятный - притяжательная форма существительного (вроде world - world’s). Распознать этот случай легко - после пропуска будет стоять еще одно существительное.
    Пример: This was my ____FRIEND_____ worst habit. (правильный ответ – FRIEND”S)
  • Если видите местоимение (например, I), ставьте его в падеж - объектный (me) или притяжательный (my или mine). Еще возможна рефлексивная форма – myself. В предложении ниже после пропуска стоит существительное (здесь и далее примеры-картинки из демоверсии экзамена 2016 года), так что здесь единственный вариант – притяжательный падеж, который ставится перед существительным.

    Указательное местоимение (this, that) нужно ставить во мн. ч. (these, those соответственно). Неопределенные местоимения (some, any, no, every и их производные) в тестах встречаются реже, но кодификатор предупреждает, что они могут попасться.

  • С числительными все волшебно просто - преобразуем количественное в порядковое, помня все тонкости правильнописания (например, one – first).
    Пример: My ___TWO_____ thought was that I had mistaken the number of the house. (Правильный ответ – SECOND)
  • Прилагательное или наречие ставим в какую-то из степеней сравнения. Небольшой лайфхак – если перед пропуском стоит than или конструкция the … the … (например, the better you prepare, the better mark you have), это сравнительная, а если the, то превосходная. Здесь нужно помнить, что the второй раз писать не надо, только саму превосходную форму.
    Пример: The ______BAD _________ moment was when I remembered that I had recently asked staff members to give me their home numbers. (Правильный ответ – WORST)
    Внимание! Ученики то и дело норовят в этом задании сделать из прилагательного наречие или дописать спереди отрицательную приставку. Обращаем внимание, что так можно делать только в следующем задании.
  • А вот с глаголами придется попотеть (поэтому и таблица ниже такая путаная). И сначала понять - перед нами личная форма (та, которая изменяется по временам) или неличная (причастие активное или пассивное, инфинитив или герундий).
    1) Узнать неличную форму легко - в предложении уже есть сказуемое, выраженное личной формой глагола, то есть наш пропуск стоит не на месте сказуемого, а на другом месте в предложении, идеально – если перед ним запятая, которая явно намекает на что-то отличное от сказуемого.
    Рассмотрим пример из демоверсии 2017 года, первые два задания. Перед пропуском в задании 19 стоит запятая, явно намекая на оборот, дополняющий главное предложение “The name Alaska comes from the Aleut word alaxsxaq”. Осталось только понять – активное или пассивное значение у уточняющего оборота. Так как слово само что-то обозначает, делает вывод об активном значении причастия и пишем meaning.
    В задании 20 также запятой отделен уточняющий оборот. При переводе становится понятен его пассивный смысл, слово не само сформировалось, его сформировали, поэтому добавляем к глаголу form пассивное окончание -ed.

    То же самое грамматическое явление и в 22 задании. Но тут все облегчается семантикой слова locate. После прорешивания n-ного количества примеров, становится очевидно, что при виде слова locate нужно ждать пассивного значения – либо это личная пассивная форма глагола, либо причастие с пассивным значением located:

    2) Если в предложении пропуск стоит после подлежащего, и сказуемого недостает, перед нами точно личная форма.
    Как и с причастием, решаем активный это залог или пассивный (переведя предложение) и дальше думаем, в какое время его поставить. В этом же предложении (ну, или в предыдущих) могут стоять слова-подсказки. Если их нет, смотрим на само предложение и что его окружает.
    Снова обратимся к демоверсии 2017 года. Понять, что мы видим личную форму глагола в заданиях 21 и 23 можно, найдя подлежащее – оно стоит прямо перед пропуском, which в задании 21 и structure в задании 22. В первом случае для понимания пассивного характера глагола нам потребуется перевод, во втором случае – стоит предлог by, в большинстве случаев указывающих на пассив.

    Обойдя все подводные камни, не ошибиться бы еще в написании, выучив правила орфографии и неправильные глаголы. В задании 24, например, мы видим личную форму глагола (на месте сказуемого), понимаем, что оно стоит в активном залоге (участники сами выигрывают соревнование), определяем время – прошедшее, потому что все окружающие его предложения стоят в прошедшем времени, и по правилу согласования времен мы знаем, что возле Past, как правило стоит, Past или Future-in-the-Past. Так как в этом предложении нет определенных показателей времени, и оно обозначает просто событие в прошлом, выбираем Past Simple.

    Также нужно уметь распознавать предложения условия (и конструкции с I wish) или согласование времен в косвенной речи, которые также могут тут встретиться.
    Пример: One day I decided to ask him why he always chose this type while driving. “Well, sister,” he reluctantly replied, “to be frank, it’s mainly so you can’t sing along.” He added that he _______LISTEN___________ to anything else if only I promised not to sing along. (Правильный ответ – WOULD LISTEN, согласование времен в косвенной речи)

Понимаю, что вся схема выполнения задания кажется путаной и вызывает сомнения, но после примерно двух месяцев работы по ней ученик все запоминает и начинает самостоятельно рассуждать.

Обратите внимание, как нужно заполнять бланк к этому заданию – все заглавными буквами и без пропусков. Если в ответе есть апостроф , например – didn’t like, то он записывается в отдельную клетку . Вообще, госпожа Вербицкая советует избегать апострофов в пользу полной формы – did not like, потому что “компьютер их может не считать”.

Здесь не будет никаких лайфхаков, потому что если не готовиться к этой части экзамена, угадать и логически что-то вычислить невозможно. Подготовку к заданиям 19 – 25 лучше начинать за год до экзамена, распределив все темы и повторив их за месяц-два перед экзаменом. Этой схемы я придерживаюсь в своем .

Несколько общих советов по выполнению:

  1. Читать ВЕСЬ текст, потому что подсказка о грамматической форме может быть не в этом конкретном предложении, а в предыдущем. Или в следующем.
  2. Если вы правильно определили форму, озаботьтесь еще ее правильным написанием. При корявой орфографии не зачтут.
  3. Проверьте еще раз.
  4. Если не понимаете, напишите хоть что-нибудь, мало ли.

Учебные пособия

Я не могу вас обрадовать и сказать – вот 2-3 книги, все нужное для подготовки – в них.

Для подготовки к заданиям 19-25 придется самим изучать кодификатор и выбирать подходящие грамматические темы для изучения. Я пользуюсь в подготовке следующими пособиями:

Once I was travelling in Italy. It was a lovely day. I wandered along the street until I came upon some
parasol-shaded tables which seemed to very nice. I settled and opened my book. I


It was taking a long time for the waiter to arrive, but I was in no hurry. I was sure that the waiter soon. COME


But finally, becoming impatient, I turned to signal for service and saw the neon sign. That was the
moment... I discovered that I was sitting outside a store selling garden furniture. BAD

The Great Wall of China


The Great Wall of China runs for 6,700 kilometers from east to west of China. It is one of the GREAT
wonders of the world.


The Great Wall the country form different aggressors. BUILD


The construction of the Wall in order to protect in the 6 th century BC and lasted until the 16 th century AD. BEGIN

UK: Conservation and Environment


Going for a walk is the most popular leisure activity in Britain. Despite its high density and POPULATE
widespread urbanization, the UK has many unspoilt rural and coastal areas.


Twelve National Parks are freely accessible to the public and were created to conserve the beauty, NATURE
wildlife and cultural heritage they contain.


Most of the land in National Parks is privately owned, but administered by an independent National Park Authority which
works to balance the expectations of with the need to conserve these open spaces for future generations. VISIT


The UK also works to improve the global environment and has taken global warming ever since SERIOUS
scientists discovered the hole in the ozone layer.


In 1997, the UK subscribed to the Kyoto Protocol binding developed countries to reduce emissions of the six main
greenhouse gases. The Protocol declares environmental PROTECT

It wasn’t unusual for Amos to go to Deravenels on Saturday, even though the offices were closed over the weekend. He A22 to go to tidy up his paperwork and do other small jobs he couldn’t attend to during the week.
But on this Saturday morning he had a specific purpose when he arrived at the grand old building on the Strand. The uniformed doorman A23 Amos close his umbrella and take off his raincoat. Then he touched his cap and said, “Good morning, Mr. Finnister”
Amos had come to the office to A24 a few telephone calls. His first call was to the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, where he quickly discovered the records office was not open on weekends. He then dialed Ravenscar and was put through to Edward Deravenel.
“Good morning, Amos,” Edward said. “I’m assuming you have some news for me.” Amos then relayed all the information he had gathered the night before.
“Well done, Amos!” Edward exclaimed. “Thank you for going into all this you. My wife will be happy as A25 I knew I could depend A26 I am to know everything; it’s been such a mystery all these years. To A27 the truth, I think that Grace Rose should also know what happened to her mother. It will finally put her mind at rest.”
“I agree, sir. I will telephone you on Monday”. Amos walked home, A28 no attention to the heavy rain. He felt happy.


1) held 2) took 3) used 4) kept


1) looked 2) gazed 3) stared 4) watched


1) take 2) do 3) make 4) give


1) worry 2) trouble 3) bother 4) mess


  • I prefer watching films at the cinema.
  • I’m not keen on films with special effects.
  • I have seen several very good films recently.
  • I usually trust my friends’ opinions of films.
  • Watching films at home seems more fun to me.
  • I am not influenced by film reviews in newspapers.
  • Cinemas are too expensive for me these days.


The Friends of Fisher Park is a group of 25 children.


The local council is planning to build some flats where the park is now.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The man thinks local children need a place to play.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The group has just sent a letter to every councillor.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


There are council elections every two years.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The man has decided that he wants to be on the local council.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


The council will make its decision about the park next month.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


You will hear a news report about a fire. What was its probable cause?

  1. a person
  2. lightning
  3. faulty electrical wiring


You will hear a politician talking about her career. When did she become interested in politics?

  1. at school
  2. at university
  3. at work


You will hear a man talking about his house. What is he going to build next?

  1. an extension to the living room
  2. a swimming pool
  3. a garage


You will hear a nurse talking to a patient. What does he want the patient to do?

  1. get out of bed
  2. eat her lunch
  3. take her tablets


You will hear a woman talking about a lot of money. How did she get it?

  1. She won the national lottery.
  2. She entered a competition in a magazine.
  3. She inherited it from a relative.


You will hear a singer talking about his next album. What inspired him to write the songs on the album?

  1. his success
  2. a relationship
  3. his recent tour


You will hear a woman talking about moving to another country. What did she find difficult?

  1. getting a job
  2. learning the language
  3. meeting new people

1. In Britain, most families are "nuclear families". This means that the family consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and grandparents too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the extended family" is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live much closer to the parents and children — sometimes even in the same building — and everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.

2. Most teenagers say at some point: "When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children much more freedom than I have now." When they do actually become parents however, they soon realise that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they were young.

3. What does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the difference between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education. Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the importance of things such as family, religion and society.

4. The English phrases "a chip off the old block" and like father, like son" (or "like mother, like daughter") are used to show the similarities between a parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behaviour or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric becomes interested in cricket too, you might say, "Eric’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?"

5. "Latchkey kids" are a major problem in many countries, including Britain and the USA. These are children whose parents are still at work when they come home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents aren’t there to help them with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their own before their parents return.

6. The idea of"quality time" is based on an understanding that the amount of time a parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of watching a movie together in silence.

7. Families work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is taking exams at school. These are times when all families can find themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counsellor, or a trusted family friend.

The Eden Project, near St Austell in Cornwall, is not just one of the area’s major tourist attractions. Over a million people visit the Eden Project each year. It is now one of the most popular attractions in the whole of the UK, 1 ___.

Tim Smit was the person responsible for turning the Eden Project from a dream into a reality. Built on the site of an old china clay quarry, the Eden Project currently consists of two "biomes" and a Visitor Centre, 2 ___.

Each biome is an enormous greenhouse. And they are enormous! The Humid Tropics biome, which contains plants and trees from tropical countries, is 100 metres wide, 200 metres long and 55 metres high. The second biome, which is called the Warm Temperate biome, is slightly smaller. Visitors walk through the biomes 3 ___.

The biomes also contain sculptures, waterfalls and birds and insects from the same environments that the plants come from. Information is given about each plant 4 ___.

The latest addition to the Eden Project is the Core. This building contains classrooms and exhibition spaces where visitors learn more about the environment. The design of the building matches the philosophy of the Eden Project, 5 ___.

The Eden Project has appeared in films and is used as a venue for other forms of entertainment, 6 ___

  • despite being fairly new
  • using shapes from nature
  • including concerts and plays
  • whereas there are no plans for other biomes
  • so visitors understand the display
  • which includes a cafe and gift shops
  • looking at the thousands of plants and trees

Damian would never have called himself a bully. A victim of bullying himself on occasion, if he’d thought for one second that he was bullying his classmates, he would have been devastated. The idea that he bullied his friends had never even entered his head. But now he was having to face up to the fact that perhaps in certain ways he was a bully.

It had all started in the mid-morning break, when Damian and a couple of his friends were discussing what to do about Frank Rice. Frank Rice was a bully and the whole school knew it. The question was, should they tell a member of staff the next time Frank picked on one of them? Damian thought they should. Chris and Will thought that they shouldn"t. As they were arguing, Damian said: "We’ve got to do something. He’s making people’s lives a misery. It can’t go on like this." There was silence when Chris replied: "Well, he’s not the only one, you know. You should take a look in the mirror, Damian, before accusing other people. You’re not perfect, you know."

Damian was so shocked, he didn’t know how to reply. He didn’t know where to begin. Finally, he managed to ask: "What on earth do you mean? You’re not suggesting I’m a bully, are you? How am I like Frank Rice?"

Will explained. "No, you’re not like Frank Rice at all. Chris didn’t mean that. You don’t hit people, you don’t want to be horrible and nasty. You’re usually just trying to be funny, but sometimes the things you say do hurt people. Quite often, in fact."Give me an example," said Damian.

"Well, take yesterday, for example," said Will, "when we were in the changing room after football. You kept saying how Chris was such a terrible goalie, you seriously wondered if he’d been bribed by the other team."

T was only joking!" protested Damian. "You know that, Chris, don’t you? I was only teasing."

"That’s exactly the point," said Will. "You were teasing Chris. And you do that a lot. It’s not very nice, you know. I could see that Chris was upset, even if you didn’t notice."

"Were you, Chris?"

"Well, I can’t say I enjoyed it, to be honest. And Will’s right. You do seem to do it a lot."

The bell rang, and they went off to class. Damian found it hard to concentrate for the rest of the morning. The conversation he’d had with Will and Chris kept coming back to haunt him. Was he a bully? If he was, he certainly didn’t mean to be. But there was no escaping the fact that two very good friends of his thought that his comments often hurt them.

At lunch, Damian, as usual, sat next to Chris and Will. "Guys, I’ve been thinking about what we were talking about earlier and I think you’re right. I just want to say that I’m really, really sorry. You’re my best friends, and I’d never do anything to hurt you on purpose. I can see that I do sometimes say things that would upset you, and I’m going to make a real effort not to do that from now on. Still friends?"

"Of course we are, Damian," said Chris."But thanks" "No problem," said Will.

In the changing room that afternoon after football practice, Damian, Chris and Will were discussing the game. Will had fallen over the ball at one point, and Damian was just about to make a joke about it when he stopped himself. Am I allowed to say something like that?" he thought to himself. "We are friends. We’ve got to be able to joke with each other. Or is it too nasty?" Damian decided not to say anything on this occasion, but he began to realise that keeping his promise to Chris and Will would not be as easy as he’d thought.


From the first paragraph we learn that Damian has

  1. sometimes been bullied by other people.
  2. never thought about bullying before.
  3. briefly considered bullying his classmates.
  4. only been bullied once in his life.


The boys disagree about whether

  1. Frank will bully them again in the future.
  2. they should have told a teacher about Frank.
  3. Frank is making people feel very miserable.
  4. to tell a teacher if Frank bullies them again.


When Chris tells Damian to "take a look in the mirror", he means Damian should

  1. look at what Frank has done to him.
  2. take more care with his appearance.
  3. think about his own behaviour.
  4. remember that no one is perfect.


Will’s explanation to Damian suggests that Frank Rice

  1. never tries to make people laugh.
  2. sometimes uses physical violence.
  3. doesn’t want to be nasty either.
  4. only uses language to hurt people.


The example from the previous day that Will gives shows that

  1. Will thinks it is extremely funny when Damian teases Chris.
  2. Damian only teases Chris and never makes jokes about Will.
  3. Damian’s jokes about Chris and Will can sometimes be cruel.
  4. Chris gets more upset by Damian’s comments than Will does.


Damian finds it difficult to concentrate in class because he

  1. is angry his friends have accused him of being a bully.
  2. believes he will never be friends with Chris and Will again.
  3. is continually looked at by Will and Chris during the lessons.
  4. can’t stop thinking about what he’s been accused of.


In the changing room, Damian understands that

  1. it is difficult to balance making jokes with being nice.
  2. he has already broken his promise to Chris and Will.
  3. keeping his promise is the most important thing to him.
  4. stopping himself from saying nasty things will be impossible.
A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21

По окончании выполнения заданий В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В2, ВЗ и А15-А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Alexander Fleming

Have you heard of penicillin? It’s a type of medicine that

В4 ___KILL___

bacteria. Bacteria can cause infections.

В5 ___DIE___

in the past because of them.

A doctor from Scotland called Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics. Fleming

В6 ___STUDY___

medicine at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

During the First World War, he worked in a hospital in France,

В7 ___HELP___

the soldiers who had been hurt.

After the war, he

В8 ___MAKE___

an important discovery. He discovered a way to kill bacteria.

At the time, however, other doctors


how important Fleming’s discovery was. Because of this, he stopped doing his experiments.

В10 ___TAKE___

several years for scientists to realise that Fleming had found a way to save millions of lives.

Harry Houdini is said to be the greatest magician of all time.

He started doing his magic show professionally in the USA in 1891. In 1893, he met a fellow

B11 ___PERFORM___

called Bess Rahner. They married three weeks later and, for the rest of Houdini’s career, Bess worked as his

B12 ___ASSIST ___

Houdini mainly concentrated on card tricks at the

В13 ___BEGIN___

of his career. It was his incredible escape acts, though, that brought him fame and great wealth.

In 1904, after a four-year

B14 ___EUROPE___

tour, Houdini returned to the States with cause for


He had become a major star in the entertainment world and audiences couldn’t get enough of his

B16 ___DRAMA___

and exciting act. Houdini carried on thrilling audiences until his death in 1926, at the age of 52.

"Jane, will you marry me?"

It was not the most romantic of settings. Graham and Jane were in the supermarket, and Jane was in the middle of pointing out to Graham that the supermarket"s own

A22 ___

of soup was exactly the same as the more famous, but more expensive, soup next to it.

"don’t be silly, Graham," was Jane"s reply.

I’m not being silly. I’m deadly serious." To

A23 ___

it, Graham got down on one knee.

"Graham, people are looking. Get up!"

"Not until you give me an answer," said Graham, beginning to get annoyed.

"All right. The answer’s no."

Graham paused. "No?" he finally said. "No? Why not? Give me one good

A24 ___

." He began to feel slightly uncomfortable — physically and emotionally.

"I can’t believe we’re having this conversation here," said Jane. "Let’s just finish the shopping and go home." "I’m not going anywhere until you’ve explained to me why we shouldn’t get married. We love each other!"

"Of course we do," said Jane,

A25 ___

if she was talking to a young child, "but that doesn’t mean we should get married, does it? You get married when you want to settle

A26 ___

and make a life together. I only met you three months ago. Ask me again in a year or two, if we’re still going

A27 ___

"If… if," stammered Graham. "You think we might not be?"

"Graham!" said Jane. "You’re being ridiculous! Now, let’s not talk about it again.

A28 ___

me a packet of spaghetti, would you?"

Graham handed Jane the spaghetti. "So, you"ll think about it, then?" he asked eventually. Jane rolled her eyes, let out a deep sigh, and pushed the trolley over to the breakfast cereals.

  1. product
  2. brand
  3. style
  1. present
  2. exhibit
  3. reveal
  4. prove
  1. thought
  2. sense
  3. reason
  4. cause
  1. Deliver
  2. Donate
  3. Forward
A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28

По окончании выполнения заданий В4-В16, А22-А28 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 1

ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания В4-В16, А22-А28 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в задании В4-В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 4. Письмо

Для ответов на задания Cl, С2 используйте БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ № 2. При выполнении заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема текста. Тексты недостаточного объема, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объем — не оцениваются. При заполнении БЛАНКА ОТВЕТОВ № 2 вы указываете сначала номер задания Cl, C2, а потом пишите свой ответ. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать другую сторону бланка


You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Rebecca, who writes:

My parents often get annoyed with me because I spend a lot of time on the phone talking to my friends. How can I explain to my parents that my friends are very important to me? How can I stay in touch with my friends if I don’t use the phone? What can I do about the situation? By the way, a new shopping centre has opened in our town!

Write a letter to Rebecca. In your letter:

  • answer her questions
  • ask 3 questions about the new shopping centre

Write 100—140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement.

Technology is an important part of our lives. We use computers and other electronic equipment at work and in the home. However, some people believe we rely too much on machines, and that the more technology improves, the lazier and weaker humans will become.

What can you say for and against future technological developments?

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

  1. Make an introduction (state the problem).
  2. Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it.
  3. Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it.
  4. Draw a conclusion.

Раздел 5. Говорение

Задания для экзаменуемого


Task 1 (3—3.5 minutes)

Give a 2-minute talk on your best friend.

Remember to say:
  • what your best friend looks like
  • why you like him/her
  • when and how you met
  • what you have in common with him/her

You have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he / she will ask you some questions.


Task 2 (3—4 minutes)

You are on holiday with a friend and it is your final day. You have time to see one more tourist attraction before leaving. You and your friend are discussing what to go and see. You can go:

  • to an art gallery
  • to a funfair
  • to a castle
  • to a beach

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your friend.

Remember to:
  • discuss all the options
  • be polite
  • take an active part in the conversation
  • come up with ideas
  • give good reasons
  • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account
  • invite your friend to come up with suggestions
  • come to an agreement

Тексты к аудированию


Speaker 1: I suppose I watch several films a week, whether that’s at the cinema, on TV or getting a DVD from the local video store. What have I seen in the past few days? The latest Star Wars movie. That was fantastic! The effects were brilliant! A comedy with Hugh Grant. He’s so funny. I just laughed and laughed. Oh, and a movie I’ve wanted to see for a long time, Cinema Paradiso. It was incredible. Really moving. I cried for the last hour!

Speaker 2: I’d much rather watch a romantic comedy, say, something with Hugh Grant in it, or a movie like Cinema Paradiso than a big-budget blockbuster like Star Wars or War of the Worlds. I mean, they just use computers to create the effects, don’t they? I’d much rather see a film with good acting and a good script than loads of explosions or computer-generated aliens.

Speaker 3: I love films. I can watch anything, really. doesn’t matter if it’s just full of special effects or it’s a really simple drama. I go to the cinema quite often, but I’d never decide to see a film on the basis of what it said in the paper. That’s just one person’s opinion, isn’t it? And reviewers look at films differently to the rest of us, anyway. No, if I like the sound of the title, or if I know any of the actors in it, I"ll probably risk it.

Speaker 4: Well, I do like going to the cinema, but it’s not as cheap as it used to be. If we take the kids, by the time we’ve bought some popcorn and had a drink, it’s about £50. That’s a lot of money for a couple of hours of some special effects. It’s a shame, though, because the kids really do enjoy seeing a film in the cinema. Makes it more of an event. It’s just not worth it financially, though.

Speaker 5: Well, we do watch quite a lot of movies at home. We watched the latest Star Wars film only the other night on DVD. Great effects, by the way. But the problem with watching films at home is that there’s too many distractions. People talk and the phone rings. That kind of thing. When you actually see a film on the big screen, you get so much more involved with what’s happening. It’s strange — there’s more people around you, but you can actually concentrate more.

Speaker 6: There are just so many films on these days that it’s not always easy to decide what you want to see. Reviews in magazines or online can be useful, but I usually want to ask people I know what they think of the films. They know what I like, and they usually have a good idea of whether I’d like a film or not. Sometimes they get it wrong, but not often.


Journalist: Hello, I’m looking for John Stapleton.

Journalist: Oh, hi. My name’s Janice Short. I’m a reporter with the Pennington Evening News. I wonder if I could ask you a few questions.

Man: About the council’s plan to close the park?

Journalist: That’s right, yes.

Man: Fantastic. We need all the publicity we can get.

Journalist: So, who exactly is "we"?

Man: Well, we’re just a group of people who live round here, really. Most of us have kids. There’s about twenty-five of us, I’d say, who are actively involved. We’re calling ourselves the Friends of Fisher Park.

Journalist: And what exactly do you hope to achieve, Mr Stapleton?

Man: It’s very simple. We want to stop the council from destroying the park to build a block of flats.

Journalist: You do accept, though, that we really do need some new, cheap accommodation in the town centre?

Man: Oh yes. We do recognise there’s a problem, and that land is in short supply. But to destroy the only green area for miles around. Well, it’s a disgrace. Kids can’t play in the streets anymore, obviously. We’ve got to give them somewhere to be able to run around. The park’s been that place for over fifty years, and we won’t give it up without afight.

Journalist: Do you think you’ve got a chance of winning?

Man: I do, yes. The people are all on our side, you know.

We’ve got a letter which we’re going to send to every councillor next week. It’s got over two thousand signatures on it.

Journalist: But will the council listen to you?

Man: Well, it’s council elections in about six months. If they don"t, I think they"ll find that a lot of people don’t vote for them. They’re supposed to represent us, aren’t they? If they don"t, why should we vote for them?

Journalist: Are you considering standing for a council position in the next election, then?

Man: I haven’t made my mind up yet, to be honest. It’s a possibility, though.

Journalist: So, you’ve got the letter. What happens next?

Man: Well, the council meets on the 24th of this month to make a final decision. We"ll all be at the meeting, of course. And I hope lots of other people will be too. The more people we can get there, the more pressure there"ll be on the council to change its mind.

Journalist: Well, good luck. Thanks for your time.

Man: My pleasure!


Man: And in local news, police have announced today that initial reports that the fire at Johnson’s Hardware Store, on the Dagenham Road, was caused by a lightning strike were unfounded. Investigators have also ruled out faulty electrical wiring and police are now searching for a woman who was seen at the building just minutes before the fire started.

Woman: Well, I did an A level at school in politics and economics, and I actually did very well in the exam, but my heart really wasn’t in the subject at that point. It was when I was working as a reporter for a local newspaper that I finally decided to go into politics as a career, but I suppose my love for politics really began when I got involved with the Student Union while I was doing my law degree.

Man: You can just see the new extension to the living room over there through the trees. We’re going to decorate it next week, so hopefully it"ll be ready for Christmas, as will the garage, of course, which we’re starting work on next Monday. Where we’re standing right now will hopefully be an outdoor swimming pool before too long, but we"ll have to save up a bit first!

Man: Come on, Mrs Jacobs. You know what the doctor said. You have to take these pills as soon as you’ve had lunch. As you’re not going to finish your dessert, that means it’s time. Yes, you can get out of bed in a short while, but just pop these into your mouth first. With some juice, that"s right.

Woman: You hear about people winning millions in the lottery, don’t you? But you always think something like that will never happen to you. Well, it has to me! When my great aunt died a few years ago, she did leave me some money in her will, but it wasn’t much and it certainly wasn’t life-changing. With this, though, I can quit my job and live in luxury for the rest of my life. I’d like to thank all of you at People magazine. I’m just so glad I sent off the answers to those three questions you printed!

Man: Yeah, the new album comes out next week. It’s called Variations, and I think it’s quite different to my last album. A lot of the songs on that were to do with dealing with being successful, as lots of second albums are, I suppose. But while I was on tour recently I, er,fell in love, actually, and I think that’s what’s motivated me to write these twelve tracks.

Woman: Oh yes, I’ve been here a long time. Over ten years. When I first arrived, I couldn’t speak the language at all. Not a word! I picked it up relatively quickly, though. Well, I made a real effort to meet people, you see, and really tried not to speak to them in English. And as it took months and months for me to find work, I had a lot of time on my hands to get to grips with the language.

Карточка экзаменатора-собеседника


  1. How much free time do you have each week?
  2. What do you like doing in your free time?
  3. Do you spend more time with your family or friends?

Interlocutor card C3

Task 1 (3—3.5 minutes)

Let the student talk for 1.5—2 minutes.

Ask only those questions which the student has not covered while giving a talk.

  1. What does your best friend look like?
  2. Why do you like him/her?
  3. When and how did you meet?
  4. What do you have in common with him/her?

All of these ideas must be covered.

Finally, you must ask each student the following questions:

  1. Is it important to have a best friend? Why?
  2. Why do people sometimes argue with their friends?

Interlocutor card C4

Task 2 (3—4 minutes)

You and the student are discussing which tourist attraction to visit on the final day of your holiday together.

These are your ideas about each option:

- +
art gallery
  • I’ve never been very interested in art, so I might get bored.
  • It wouldn’t really tell us anything about the local area.
  • It’s the final day of our holiday, so maybe we should do something outdoors.
  • It’s a great chance to see works that we might never see again.
  • We might be able to buy copies of some of the pictures to take home as souvenirs.
  • I’m rather tired.
  • It will probably be very crowded and noisy.
  • I find the rides at funfairs very frightening.
  • It would be an exciting way to spend the day.
  • It would be nice to be out in the open air.
  • We could take some great photos to show people when we get back home.
  • Castles are usually on top of hills and I don’t feel like doing so much walking.
  • We’ve already seen some castles on this holiday and I don’t really want to see another one.
  • We would probably learn a lot about the history of the local area.
  • There might be lots of places to explore.
  • We don’t have buildings like that at home, so we shouldn’t miss the chance.
  • The weather isn’t so good, and it might get worse.
  • We can lie on a beach any time.
  • We don’t want to get our things wet or full of sand if we’re travelling tomorrow.
  • It would be nice to go for a swim.
  • We haven’t been to the beach much on this holiday, and it might be fun.
  • We could go fishing.

Note: Make sure all the options have been discussed.

When discussing each option, first use the information that is contrary to what the student says. You may choose to make use of some ideas only.

Do not speak first all the time, but ask the student what he / she thinks about the options.

Invite the student to come up with his/her suggestions, especially if he / she readily agrees with the things you say.

If the student says all the time,"What do you think about it?" without expressing his/her own opinion, say: "Sorry, I don’t know." or "I’m not sure. How do you feel about it?"

Skills to be tested

The student is expected to demonstrate her / his ability to:

  • initiate and maintain conversation:
    — explain the situation
    — come up with suggestions
    — give good reasons
    — find out the partner’s attitudes
    — invite the partner to come up with suggestions
    — agree or disagree with her / his partner’s opinion
  • reach an agreement by taking into account the partner’s attitudes.


Задание Ответы
B1 1C 2B 3F 4G 5A 6D
A1-7 A1:2 A2:1 A3:1 A4:2 A5:3 A6:2 A7:2
A8-14 A8:1 A9:2 A10:3 A11:3 A12:2 A13:2 A14:1
B2 1D 2F 3G 4B 5H 6E 7C
B3 1:A 2:F 3:G 4:E 5:B 6:C
A15-21 A15:1 A16:4 A17:3 A18:2 A19:3 A20:4 A21:1
B4-10 B4:kills B5:died / had died B6:studied B7:helping B8:made B9:did not / didn’t understand B10:took
B11-16 B11:performer B12:assistant B13:beginning B14:European B15:celebration B16:dramatic
A22-28 A22:3 A23:4 A24:3 A25:1 A26:1 A27:3 A28:2

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